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Northern Hemisphere experience shows importance of flu jab

While flu is not normally on our minds at this time of year with summer around the corner, the facts are that the Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (Human Swine Influenza) continues to circulate in Australia, and we still have people in hospital being treated for complications.

The Northern Hemisphere experience of Pandemic H1N1 continuing to spread during their summer, shows how important it is to be vaccinated.

As the Northern Hemisphere heads into winter, a second wave is becoming apparent with the United States declaring an emergency in its response and Canada, Mexico and some European countries reporting increasing cases.

As of 17 October 2009, worldwide there have been more than 414,000 laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009 and nearly 5000 deaths reported to WHO.

As many countries have stopped counting individual cases, particularly of milder illness, the case count is significantly lower than the actually number of cases that have occurred. WHO is actively monitoring the progress of the pandemic.

In Australia, the total number of deaths related to Pandemic H1N1 2009 (Human Swine Influenza) notified nationally has been 187. 4904 cases of hospitalization have been reported since the flu first became known. The peak was in July, and there has been a decline in notifications since.

A second wave in Australia cannot be ruled out, particularly with the Christmas-New Year holiday season approaching and people travelling to and from the Northern Hemisphere.

Everyone is being urged to consider a Pandemic H1N1 flu vaccination. Talk to your doctor about it whether or not you had a seasonal flu shot this year.

While initially specific groups were targeted for vaccination such as those vulnerable to severe complications including Indigenous people and pregnant women, there is now capacity for everyone over the age of ten to become vaccinated, government sources have said.

Children under 10 years are not being offered the vacccine yet until data from the trials on younger children is finalised and evaluated, which is expected soon.

Everyone aged 10 and over, but those who are most strongly recommended for vaccination are people most vulnerable to severe outcomes from the virus and the people close to them, that is:

• Pregnant women

• Indigenous people

• Parents and guardians of infants up to six months of age

• Children in special schools

• People with underlying medical conditions which could include: heart disease, asthma and other lung diseases, cancer, obesity (BMI > 35), diabetes, kidney and liver disease, neurological disease.

• Healthcare workers

Family, carers and friends of vulnerable people should also be vaccinated.

The vaccine is provided free, but a consultation fee may be charged by a healthcare provider.

Information on Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 (Human Swine Influenza) is available from 13 HEALTH (13 432 584), or the Commonwealth Swine Influenza Hotline on 1802007.


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