Trends Winter 2010

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Ed Schaefer: Selfless in His Giving Celebrating Black History Month Lou Holtz Will Address 2010 Graduates

Volume 6, Issue 2 / Winter 2010 The Magazine for Students, Alumni & Friends of Indiana Tech

Administration Center Athletic Center

Tech’s Expansion Continues

Student Housing

Geothermal Wells

Letter from the President

Greetings, Here at Indiana Tech we are very thankful for a successful fall semester and are eagerly looking forward to an exciting spring. One of the most exciting events of fall 2009 was learning that Indiana Tech had been awarded a $1.3 million grant from the Department of Energy for the “green” renovation of the administration building. We told you a bit about this project in the fall issue of Trends, and you’ll learn more about the environmentally friendly, energy efficient nature of the renovation in this issue. Tech also scored big in athletics, with the men’s soccer team and women’s volleyball team participating in NAIA National Championship tournaments. Also, freshman Alex Stoltie competed at the NAIA National Championship for cross country. Learn more about our student-athletes’ accomplishments in competition and in the classroom on Page 11. Academically, we continue to review our program offerings to see how we can build on our strengths. This spring, we will add a master’s degree in police administration to complement our undergraduate offerings in the Center for Criminal Sciences. With the spring semester underway, plans for the annual Commencement ceremony are well under way. We have a truly winning speaker lined up this year: former Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz. As the university continues to grow and thrive, please think about how you can continue to be a part of our success. Contact our alumni office if you’d like to learn about ways to volunteer or give, or just to arrange a tour of all the new facilities on campus. We’d love to have you visit. Sincerely,

Dr. Arthur E. Snyder, President

Contents Departments


Tech Happenings


Warrior Roundup


Richter’s Notes


Alumni News


In Memoriam


Faculty & Staff News



4 Tech’s Commitment to “Going Green” Benefits Students, Alumni and the Community

8 Ed Schaefer: Selfless in His Giving

10 Celebrating Black History Month


12 Master’s in Police Administration Ready for Spring Debut 13 Lou Holtz Will Address 2010 Graduates 14 University Accreditation through Continuous Improvement Trends Volume 6, Issue 2. © 2010 Indiana Institute of Technology Arthur E. Snyder, Ed.D., President

Trends is published quarterly for students, alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of Indiana Tech by the university’s Creative Services Department.

13 Please send comments, news, and feature story ideas to:

Janet Schutte Marketing Director

Indiana Tech attn: Creative Services 1600 E. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Jeffrey Melton Marketing Specialist

(260) 422.5561 or 800.937.2448, extension 2250

Tessa Ward Graphic Designer


Volume 6, Issue 2

For alumni news, please send to the attention of the Alumni Office at the address on the left, or call: (260) 422.5561 or 800.937.2448, extension 2219 e-mail: The editors reserve the right to edit articles for length and clarity. Articles may be reproduced with permission and proper attribution.

Winter 2010


Tech Happenings

Faculty and Staff Give Back

Joel Esslinger attends the faculty/staff fund

One message came through loud and clear during this year’s faculty/staff fund drive: The people at Indiana Tech care about the university and its students.

a high percentage of faculty and staff participate in this type of campaign, but it just reflects what a truly caring, family-oriented place this is to work!”

One hundred percent of Tech’s full-time faculty and 95% of Tech’s full-time staff participated in the fundraising effort through donations and pledges.

The total amount of gifts from faculty and staff was $38,332, an increase of 12.6% over the previous year.

“The theme ‘I Give Because I Care’ truly exemplified the feelings of the faculty and staff of Indiana Tech,” said Mike Peterson, director of advancement opportunities. “It is really quite remarkable to have such

“Everyone who contributed did so not out of obligation but out of a real desire to help students and to continue the success and growth of this great institution of higher learning,” Peterson said.

drive kickoff.

Run for One Promotes Heart Health Ready, set, go! Indiana Tech is on its mark to play host to the Run for One on April 25, 2010. Designed to bring light to heart-healthy issues, the run is intended to be both fun and educational. The event is sponsored by OfficeOne Solutions, Leepoxy Plastics, and Tech’s Warrior Club. Half of the proceeds will go toward funding Warrior Club scholarships while the other half will benefit the Warrior track and cross country teams.

to join as are members of the city’s senior community. An awards ceremony will be held at the campus after the race/walk. Participants in the noncompetitive walk are encouraged to dress in their best or funniest costume for the chance to win great prizes. Top male and female runners in various age groups also will receive awards.

The distance is shorter than the more common 5K or 10K race, starting at the intersection of Barr and Wayne streets and moving through the downtown area eastward to the Fort Wayne campus for a 1-mile run. There will be two types of races: a competitive race and a noncompetitive run or walk. Alumni, students, faculty, staff, and the community are invited to participate in both races. Small children are welcome

Fort Wayne Cardiology will sponsor a Family Health Fair on campus that will focus on heart-healthy issues during the Run for One event. The health fair will include various vendors, heart-healthy food, doctors, the Indiana Tech Wellness Center, and kid-friendly games and activities. During the awards ceremony, there will be a 100-yard Tot Trot for those 3 years and younger and one for those 4 to 6 years old.



Friday, April 23

Early Registration Fee (by April 16)

5:00–7:00 p.m �����Final Registration and Packet Pickup

►► $10 per runner/walker/racer (without T-shirt)

Sunday, April 25

►► $15 per runner/walker/racer (with T-shirt)

2:00 p.m. ���������������Start of race (from Barr Street to Indiana Tech via Wayne Street) 2:05 p.m. ���������������Start of non-competitive run/walk (same course) 2:45–3:15 p.m. �������Awards celebration and Tot Trot (on campus) 2:00–4:00 p.m. �����Heart-Healthy Family Fair, sponsored by Fort Wayne Cardiology (on campus)



Late Registration (April 17– 23) ►► $12 per runner/walker/racer (without T-shirt) ►► $18 per runner/walker/racer

Board Approves Athletic Expansion The Indiana Tech Board of Trustees has approved a plan to build a new athletic facility on the west side of the Fort Wayne campus. The proposed 18,500-squarefoot facility will provide additional space and amenities for Tech’s growing athletic programs. Construction on the building, which will be west of the soccer and lacrosse field, will begin in the spring and is expected to be completed in late August. The facility will include gym space to be used for team practices and intramural competitions, coaches’ offices, locker rooms, and storage space. It also will have public restrooms and concession

stands for the convenience of fans attending soccer and lacrosse games. The university’s athletic programs have grown quickly with the addition of volleyball, cross country, track and field, tennis, golf, and lacrosse within the past five years. In fall 2010, bowling also will be added to the lineup. The increase in total enrollment also has created a need for more athletic facilities. The influx of 57% more traditional students in the past five years has brought higher demand for intramural programs and recreational activities.

Univ ersit



Washington Blvd.

More Housing Options Coming to Campus As enrollment at the Fort Wayne campus continues to grow, so does the demand for student housing. To meet this demand, the university will build rowhousestyle housing on Washington Boulevard. Construction on the project will begin in the spring and be completed in time for students to move in for fall 2010, making this the third consecutive year that Indiana Tech has opened a new residence facility. Evans-Kimmell Hall opened in 2008, and Frank & Anne Oropeza Hall opened in 2009. The new facility is geared toward juniors and seniors who often crave more independence than a large residence hall like Pierson Center provides but still want the convenience of living on campus. Each rowhouse unit will be three floors; the first floor will have a kitchen, living area, and bathroom while the

second and third floors each have two bedrooms and a bathroom. Some units may have three bedrooms on each of the second and third floors. At least one unit will be designed to be fully accessible for students with disabilities. The new residence complex is expected to add 33 beds to the campus’ total housing capacity, bringing the total to 470. However, this project is just the first phase of a plan to accommodate continued growth. “As we continue to be successful in increasing our enrollment, we also need to be successful in meeting the challenges that come with growth,” said President Arthur Snyder. “That’s why we envision this housing facility as part of a long-term plan to build additional units along Washington Boulevard from University Street to Anthony Boulevard.”

Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


Tech’s Commitment to “Going Green” Benefits Students, Alumni and the Community

With awareness growing about natural resource depletion, Indiana Tech has made sustainable energy a priority. The university has a couple of major new initiatives under way, and it has put in place a number of ongoing processes to be more environmentally responsible. 4


We’re cleaning with environmentally friendly products and using paper products with recycled content. We’re gathering aluminum cans, plastics, and paper for recycling. We’ve installed water-saving faucets and cut down on water usage whenever practical. We’ve joined the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), and we’ve designated a “green champion” to head up activities on campus. Our students are doing their part, and several student organizations have worked on recycling projects. As renovations need to be made in various buildings and equipment needs to be replaced, we’ll update to energy efficient methods and materials. And we’ve developed a bachelor’s degree in energy engineering, which is steadily building enrollment. An exciting aspect of this degree will be the involvement of students in the two new projects that will have huge impacts on lessening energy consumption on campus: the renovation of the Administration Building and a 130-ton geothermal project. Administration Building Renovation: Tradition Meets High Tech

Built in the 1850s, the 9,000-square-foot, three-story Administration Building is in great need of modernization. Renovation will improve its stability, usability, and energy efficiency while

preserving its historic significance. It is Fort Wayne’s oldest non-residential building still used, and continuously used, for its original purpose: education. Initially part of Concordia Theological schools, it was transferred to Indiana Tech in the 1950s. Renovation of the Administration Building will be done with energy saving technology and construction methods, with LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) silver level certification as the goal. The heating and cooling will be accomplished with a geothermal system. The university’s Board of Trustees views the transition as a wise investment. Because of the savings in heating and cooling costs, the green elements of the building are expected to produce a payback in less than 10 years. The long lifespan of the geothermal system is a plus, as well. The renovation will help to preserve natural resources by using energy efficient design, daylight capture, a water garden, and recycled content materials. Reclaimed items from the interior will be repurposed. For example, bricks salvaged from the shoring up of the basement walls will be used to build a fireplace. Wood from the flooring system and walls will be used to create furniture. The use of regionally produced materials will minimize impact on the environment, create sustainability, and support local economies. “We knew we needed to renovate the Administration Building Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


anyway, so to do it in a way that is beneficial to the university, the community and the environment was the appropriate step,” President Arthur Snyder said. “The design provides solutions for several challenges we’re facing due to Indiana Tech’s rapid growth,” he added. Services to students, such as admissions, financial aid and the registrar, need more space and need to be centralized. All these services will be located in Abbott Center. However, to do so means moving the president’s office, the Office of Institutional Advancement, and the office that serves alumni—all currently located in Abbott. The logical place to relocate them is into the historic building that was the Administration Building in past years. Human resources and the business office also will be relocated to the Administration Building. Having these departments all located in this facility at the center of campus will allow coordinated efforts among them. The building also will include a conference room, instructional area and a monitoring gallery with flat screens where students and visitors can view data about energy usage. Thus, Indiana Tech’s renovation project will be a shining example of old meeting new, of a 19th-century building beaming with 21stcentury technology. Through the years, Indiana Tech’s campus has evolved. But one constant at the East Washington Boulevard campus has been this building, and alumni visiting campus will remem6


ber it. Within the building, on the first floor, will be a newly created campus welcome center and university museum.

If you have items of interest from Indiana Tech’s history that you would like to donate to the university museum, please contact Eve Colchin, director of institutional advancement, at 800.937.2448, ext. 2335, or

Display cases will hold items of interest from Tech’s history. Monitors will screen Homecoming video and information about the building’s history and renovation. The campus welcome center, with its fireplace and comfortable furniture, will provide a warm gathering space for alumni to chat and reminisce during Homecoming and other visits. The renovation of the Administration Building is expected to cost about $3.1 million and has been made possible through the generosity of Tech alumnus Wilfred Uytengsu, Sr. (BSCHE ’51). The university will honor Mr. Uytengsu at the dedication of the building during Homecoming 2010. Geothermal Project: Students Involved in Innovative Research

Another way to save energy and resources will be the university’s conversion to a geothermal system. This will begin with Tech’s partnering with Fort Wayne-based WaterFurnace International, a leading manufacturer of ground source heat pumps and geothermal systems, to research an innovative 130-ton geothermal project on the university’s campus.

For further information on the Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering, visit or call 800.937.2448 ext. 2205.

The project is funded with a $1.34 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. It utilizes cost effective variable speed compressor and control technologies that are new and not yet commercially available. These methodologies have been tested in Europe and tried on a limited basis in a few small-scale projects in North America, but the Indiana Tech project will be the first time these ground-breaking technologies will be implemented on a large scale project in the United States. Portions of the system use carbon dioxide as the refrigerant source, rather than Freon or other products that would be detrimental to the environment. “This project essentially makes Indiana Tech a research institution,” Snyder said. He explained that Tech’s energy engineering students and professors will be able to work alongside WaterFurnace’s R & D team to monitor the energy efficiency of the system. The project consists of a closed loop geothermal system that will serve multiple buildings, converting them from a traditional gas-fired boiler system to ground source heat pumps. Initially, the Administration Building and the Zollner Engineering Center will be heated and cooled by the geothermal system. Plans call for other buildings to be added eventually. The project is in the design stage now, and preliminary energy models show that CO2 emissions will be reduced by 57 percent. Installation of the geothermal equipment is expected to begin in spring 2010. As the project progresses, data will be collected and made available publicly online to advance knowledge of the benefits of ground source heat pumps worldwide. The research results will help WaterFurnace further its development of geothermal products and processes. Past energy usage of the Administration Building with its traditional systems can be compared with the new results of the retrofitted sustainable energy delivery. Because the Administration Building and the Zollner Center will be linked electronically, data also can be used in comparing results of associated research projects and tests conducted in the main engineering laboratory in Zollner. “The geothermal field and the green renovation of the Administration Building will offer our engineering students a living laboratory to investigate cutting edge developments in alternative and renewable energy design with leaders in that field,” Dave Aschliman, dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, said.

Mr. Wilfred Uytengsu, Sr. (BSCE 1951) Provides Generous Gift Wilfred Uytengsu, Sr. is chairman of the board and CEO of Alaska Milk Corporation, the largest dairy company in the Philippines. He founded AMC in 1972 and also owns a number of other companies. He graduated from Indiana Tech in 1951 with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering and also earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Stanford University. Born in the Philippines, “Mr. Fred,” as he is affectionately known, and his wife Bonnie reside in Manila. They are the parents of two sons and a daughter. The Uytengsu family is well known for its philanthropy. We at Tech are very grateful for the significant gift from Mr. Uytengsu that made the renovation of the administration center possible. A future issue of Trends will include a feature story about this generous and accomplished alumnus.

In November, Dr. Snyder provided a guest column in the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel, detailing the important energy initiatives for the university. Visit our website to read the entire column. Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


Ed Schaefer: Selfless in His Giving in Schenectady, N.Y. He later transferred to the GE plant in Fort Wayne, earning many accolades for his work there. Among his achievements was earning the Coffin Award, GE’s highest honor, as a result of inventing the fractional electric motor.

Ed Schaefer, left, and Walter Williams hold a press conference in June, 1971, on the state of the college and fundraising effort.

Today, as you stroll through the bustling Indiana Tech campus in Fort Wayne, it’s hard to believe that 40 years ago this thriving institution faced a very different reality: the possibility that it would have to permanently close its doors. To fully appreciate the university’s current success, it’s important to know it survived, and learned from, some pretty tough times. The daunting financial challenges of the 1970s quite easily could have meant an immediate end to the school had it not been for a dedicated group of faculty and board members who fought to keep it alive. One of those people was Edward J. Schaefer, the namesake of the campus’ Schaefer Center and a modern-day renaissance man. Schaefer never questioned Indiana Tech’s ability to fulfill academic dreams, and he did everything in his power to make sure the college would survive — and thrive. He believed in Indiana Tech, giving his time and financial gifts so that it could indeed flourish. A Desire to Create and Invent

From the start, Ed Schaefer was the kind of person who simply couldn’t put his curiosity aside. As a child, he spent hours reading about the inventions and scientific ventures of people like Thomas Edison and Charles Kettering. He attended Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, one of the most respected and academically challenging high schools in the country. Later, he attended Johns Hopkins University’s school of engineering, skipping his entire freshman year.

Upon graduating, Mr. Schaefer became an electrical engineer at General Electric Company 8


Still, he yearned to do something more. In 1944, he and colleague Wayne Kehoe decided to combine their talents and create Franklin Electric, setting up shop in nearby Bluffton, Ind. They found hard-working employees there and believed the small-town atmosphere would be beneficial to the company’s success. With the hallmarks of innovation and ethical business practices, Franklin Electric developed a strong customer base. When one of those customers presented a far-fetched idea — a motor that could be connected to a pump and lowered into the shaft of a well — Mr. Schaefer accepted it as a challenge, since it was well known that electrical components were incompatible with water. Subsequently, with experimentation, he proceeded to invent the first submersible motor. Over the years, he invented many things, big and small. In fact, he held more than 100 patents. Investing in the Future As Franklin Electric continued to grow, Mr. Schaefer sought to hire exceptional engineers that could produce top-notch work. He turned to Indiana Tech, home to the area’s strongest engineering programs.

Patricia Schaefer, one of Ed Schaefer’s daughters, said the relationship between Franklin Electric and Indiana Tech was extremely important to her father. “He was hiring engineers from there,” she said. “He got to know faculty and the school’s leaders, and he thought highly of them.” The respect was mutual, and university administrators valued Mr. Schaefer’s expertise in both engineering and business. As his personal relationship with the university deepened, he was asked to join the board of trustees, an invitation he readily accepted.

Patricia’s sister, Diane Humphrey, said, “He was a great example to us of service to others. We could see he was very committed to education and to Indiana Tech.” He knew there was a growing need for young engineers, and he wanted to do what he could to support Indiana Tech’s engineering programs. He also wanted to support the young people who would someday enter the profession. Mr. Schaefer, a very modest man, often gifted the school with large cash donations that frequently amounted to $100,000 or more. Patricia and Diane say their father rarely mentioned these gifts at home. Once, after giving a sizable amount of money to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University, the local newspaper wrote an article about Mr. Schaefer’s contribution. “That’s the only way I knew about that,” Patricia said. Zohrab Tazian, an Indiana Tech alumnus who served alongside Ed Schaefer on the university’s board of trustees, said he was selfless in his desire to help the school through the giving of his time and financial gifts. “Mr. Schaefer was not there for the honor or glory or recognition of himself or his name,” Tazian said. “He was there to make things happen. He was a very unassuming, hard working, focused and humble man.” Saving Tech

In the early 1970s, Indiana Tech found itself in financial turmoil. Money was so tight, in fact, that several board members feared the worst: the permanent closing of the school. Sadly, there didn’t seem to be any other option. Ed Schaefer was not one of the naysayers. As chairman of the finance committee, he personally reviewed the school’s financial condition and then produced a document called “A Plan for Reorganization and a Sound Future.” In this document, he outlined the problems the college faced and presented workable solutions that would enable Indiana Tech to turn the corner on its financial difficulties.

with an education, he said, and to make sure they graduated. Then, he challenged those present to initiate a large-scale fundraising effort that would generate the $500,000 needed to keep the school afloat and position it for fiscal strength. It was a daunting task, but he convinced everyone they had to try. Not surprisingly, Mr. Schaefer contributed a large sum of money himself. Members of the community followed his lead, stepping forward to help. In time, the school once again found itself on more solid financial ground. To this day, many credit Ed Schaefer with saving Indiana Tech. Preserving a Legacy In 1991, Mr. Schaefer passed away, but his selfless efforts to help Indiana Tech live on. Generously remembering the university in his estate planning, he created a fund that spurred the university’s endowment. In total, Ed Schaefer contributed more than $7 million to the university. His spirit of service continues to inspire, as well. Daughters Patricia Schaefer and Diane Humphrey are both current members of Indiana Tech’s Board of Trustees, and they say they are honored to carry on their father’s legacy.

In the past 15 to 20 years, they’ve had the unique opportunity to see many of their father’s dreams come to fruition. They are excited about the remarkable growth at Indiana Tech, both in terms of the school’s physical presence and its expanded curriculum. While they are glad to see the continued strong emphasis on the university’s engineering programs, they are excited to see how each of Tech’s newly added disciplines will fill a niche in northeast Indiana. “It’s very important for Fort Wayne to have schools like Indiana Tech that produce wellprepared graduates, ready to engage in successful careers,” Diane Humphrey said. “My father would be very pleased with the way things turned out.”

Ed Schaefer and daughters, Pat (left) and Diane, alongside a portrait of Ed and wife Hildegarde, at the Schaefer Center dedication

At a board meeting where members struggled to come up with a last solution, Mr. Schaefer stood up and gave a rousing speech. First, he said they couldn’t even talk about closing the school because they had, in essence, a contract with the current students. They needed to fulfill their commitment to provide these students Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


The series of Black History Month events started with a visit from story-teller Condra Ridley on February 4. Ridley is known throughout the Fort Wayne area as a champion of culture, literacy, and black history.

Celebrating Black History Month Indiana Tech celebrated Black History Month with a series of four events at

Audience members at the African American Read-In on February 11 were enthralled by students, staff, faculty, and community members reading from authors such as James Weldon Johnson, Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Ella J. Baker.

the Fort Wayne campus in February. The events were organized by senior Nedrena Reese and were funded by a grant from the university’s Committee on Retaining Enrollment (CORE). CORE awards $500 grants on a competitive basis to students, faculty and

Cedric Walker, a local pastor, shared his hopes for the future during a presentation on February 18.

staff who design activities dedicated to student engagement. Reese and Associate Professor Susan McGrade wrote

The Weisser Park Dance Team, including their drum line, performed as part of the Black History Month Grand Finale on February 26. Condra Ridley and vocalist Ronnie Snyder also participated in the event.

complementary proposals for the Black History Month project, both of which were awarded.

Warrior Roundup

Volleyball Returns to NAIA Tournament The Warrior volleyball team was undefeated in conference play and won the WHAC Conference Tournament to earn an automatic bid for the NAIA National championship.

This was the second consecutive year in which the team reached nationals. Indiana Tech was host to the Walsh University in the opening round, and a 3–1 victory put them in the pool play round of nationals in Sioux City, Iowa. A 2–1 record in pool play was enough to propel the Warriors to the single elimination round. Unfortunately, they were then defeated by Azusa Pacific. Sophomore Ashley Hamilton was selected to the NAIA All-America Second Team and the NAIA All-Tournament Team. Junior Erika Stouder was named to the NAIA All-America Honorable Mention list. In addition, Hamilton and Stouder were selected 1st Team AVCA All-Region.

The opening round win sent the team to the NAIA finals site in Fresno, Calif. They were defeated 1–0 by The Master’s College. Freshman Runs at Nationals Alex Stoltie, a freshman, competed in the NAIA National Cross Country Championship in Vancouver, Wash. The highlights of Stoltie’s season were a 25:45 clocking at the Calvin College Invitational as well as his solid 9th place finish at the WHAC Conference Championship, which qualified him for the NAIA meet. Student-Athletes Earn Academic Recognition

In addition to their athletic accomplishments, Warrior soccer and volleyball players are successful in the classroom. Both the volleyball and men’s soccer teams earned NAIA Team Scholar Awards.

The soccer team posted a 3.4 GPA, fourth highest in the nation. Brandon Davis, David Crow, Joseph Ishraidi and Josh Verhulst were named NAIA Soccer Scholar-Athletes.

Alex Stoltie

Men’s Soccer Upsets #2 Seed The men’s soccer team shut out Davenport University The volleyball team GPA was 3.53, 18th in the na2–0 to win the WHAC Conference Tournament and tion. Kayla Hartman and Ashley Jenkins were named advance to the NAIA National Tournament for the NAIA Volleyball Scholar-Athletes. first time since 1983. The team traveled to Fort Kent, Maine, to take on the 2nd-seed University of Maine— For more Warrior news, visit Fort Kent. The Warriors pulled off the upset, beating athletics. Fort Kent 1–0 on an overtime goal by sophomore Elliot Everson.

Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


Master’s in Police Administration Ready for Spring Debut campus in March 2010, with an online option to follow in fall 2010. Online classes also span six weeks but can be accessed anywhere, anytime with broadband Internet access. The master’s degree in police administration consists of 33 credits including a core foundation, concentration core, and a final capstone project. Courses include:

Dr. Steve Hundersmarck, Director of the Center for Criminal Sciences

Indiana Tech will continue to expand its graduate degree programs with the introduction of a Master of Science in Police Administration in spring 2010. The degree is designed to offer professionals in police administration the chance to further understand and develop expertise in the study of administration and leadership. Coursework stresses the application of theory, case studies, and problem-solving activities relevant to contemporary police administration and leadership. The classes will be taught by police practitioners and emphasize real world application in which students will apply what they learn in the field. Like all Indiana Tech master’s degrees, the program uses an accelerated format for courses. Classes meet once a week for six weeks per course. There are eight sessions of graduate courses each year, allowing students to complete the master’s in police administration in about a year and a half. The program will begin at the Fort Wayne



■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Criminological Theory Criminal Justice Statistics Criminal Justice Research Methods Principles of Leadership Ethics of Supervision Police Organizational Behavior Police Management Police Administration Budgeting and Resource Management Legal Issues in Supervision

For the final project in the capstone course, students will be required to design a unique project to diagnose and solve a real-world problem. Successful applicants must have an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.5; a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice or a related study area; and three letters of recommendation. Applicants who have earned bachelor’s degrees in unrelated fields will be considered based on relevant work experience and course work. Indiana Tech’s graduate degree programs are offered through the College of Professional Studies, which focuses on meeting the needs of nontraditional learners. In addition to the main campus in Fort Wayne, the College of Professional Studies has locations in Elkhart, Fishers, Greenwood, Hammond, Huntington, Indianapolis, Kendallville, Merrillville, Mishawaka, Plainfield, and Warsaw. For more information on programs and admission requirements, call 800.288.1766 or visit

Lou Holtz Will Address 2010 Graduates Former University of Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz will deliver the keynote address at Indiana Tech’s 2010 Commencement on May 15. “We are very excited that Lou Holtz has accepted our invitation,” said Indiana Tech President Arthur E. Snyder. “He is an excellent example for our students as we encourage them to set high goals for themselves and take leadership roles in whatever field they pursue.” Holtz is widely regarded as one of the most successful college football coaches of all time. He compiled a 243-127-7 career record, and he was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2008. He is the only coach in the history of college football to: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Take six different teams to a bowl game. Win five bowl games with different teams. Have four different college teams ranked in the final Top 20 poll. During 11 seasons at Notre Dame, Holtz posted a 100-30-2 record that included a national championship in 1988 and a 23-game winning streak, the longest in Notre Dame history.

Holtz currently serves as a college football studio analyst on ESPN. He also is the author of six books, including the bestsellers The Fighting Spirit; Winning Everyday: A Game Plan for Success; and Wins, Losses and Lessons. Holtz is a highly sought-after speaker on the subject of overcoming seemingly impossible challenges by setting your own goals and working to achieve them. He has built a reputation as a motivator, a demanding disciplinarian, and someone who relishes challenges and hard work. The Commencement ceremony will honor more than 550 students from Indiana Tech locations throughout the state who have earned an associate, bachelor’s or master’s degree. Past Commencement speakers have included astronaut Robert “Hoot” Gibson, businessman Steve Forbes, and journalist Helen Thomas.

About Commencement Speaker: Lou Holtz When: 11 a.m. Saturday, May 15, 2010 Where: Allen County War Memorial Coliseum

Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


University Accreditation through Continuous Improvement Institutional accreditation is significant recognitions in many ways, most critical being (1) access to federal financial aid for our students and (2) ability for our students to transfer credits earned at Indiana Tech to other universities and to have degrees earned recognized for entrance to graduate study. Accreditation History

Elaine Pontillo, Ph.D., Vice President of Academic Affairs

Indiana Tech was awarded initial regional accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of the North Central Association in 1962. In 2004, we applied for and were accepted into the Academic Quality Improvement Process (AQIP) system of accreditation review. The AQIP acceptance is predicated on the university’s strong record of meeting accreditation criteria with no pending actions. The AQIP process involves the university in identifying the processes and significant strategies and initiatives it believes are important to its continuation. These are then reported in the context of continuous improvement with documentation of changes and results. In contrast to AQIP, the traditional accreditation system asks the institution to demonstrate how it meets a set of five criteria in a self-study that is typically developed in a ten-year cycle. AQIP is a better system for our university because it allows us to address matters we deem important and are focusing on in our work. Recent Activity Two specific activities are required in the AQIP process. The first is the identification and reporting on a minimum of three Action Projects identified by the university as significant current initiatives. At least one of these must encompass student learning. The projects are expected to be concluded within three years’ time. To date, we have completed three Action Projects and are currently working on three more. The current ones are: (1) improvement of academic advising, (2) improvement of instructional outcomes for students in need of developmental coursework, and (3) continued progress in documenting student learning outcomes. The Commission reviews our progress on these projects annually and includes



suggestions for improvement. To date, our feedback has been affirming and encouraging on all of our projects. The second activity is the submission of our Systems Portfolio, a document addressing nine categories outlining processes used throughout the university. The portfolio was developed by teams of faculty and staff, each charged with writing on one category, coordinated by a faculty member, Tim Allwein. We received feedback from a team of peer reviewers selected by the Commission. In November 2009, two peer reviewers visited campus to discuss the issues raised in the feedback report and to assess the climate of the university concerning continuous improvement. Both the feedback on the portfolio and the input from the visiting reviewers were helpful to us as we move forward. The onsite reviewers affirmed that we have a culture of continuous improvement and that we are moving in the right direction. They made constructive comments which we are heeding. Most significant was the review of our work to document student learning outcomes which supported our direction and encouraged us to continue our work. In summary, AQIP is proving to be a valuable accreditation process for Indiana Tech. It both allows us to focus on the activities we identify as most important to moving the institution forward and provides constructive input on how to improve our processes.

Richter’s Notes

Three Rivers University Fort Wayne is sometimes referred to as the River City because three major rivers are located here. The St. Joseph River and the St. Marys River converge into the Maumee River in downtown Fort Wayne. Our largest summer festival is aptly named the Three Rivers Festival. More than 400,000 people attend each year. I was thinking about this the other day, and it dawned on me that the convergence of three rivers can also be seen as a representation of the way Indiana Tech delivers its educational offerings. We have three basic ways in which we deliver education. First, we have our traditional campus located in Fort Wayne. Students attend classes on a full-time basis, live in residence halls, eat in the cafeteria, play sports, and enjoy many of the activities associated with a lively college campus. We also have the College of Professional Studies. These students attend courses that are delivered at our Fort Wayne campus and at our satellite campuses throughout Indiana. The average age of these students is 36, and they attend school on either a part-time or full-time basis. They go to class in the evenings, and many have full-time jobs and families.

Finally, we have our online programs that can deliver education via computer to Indiana Tech students literally anywhere in the world at any hour of the day or night. These “educational rivers” are rapidly rising. This year, enrollment in our traditional programs has grown by 17%. The College of Professional Studies enrollment, which includes the accelerated programs for adults and the online programs, has grown by 28%. As we grow, I trust that you will look for ways to participate in the opportunities that lie ahead. There will be many reasons and many ways to contribute. Our students, faculty, and staff are already finding ways to join together in support of our efforts. Last year, our senior class, for the first time ever, became philanthropists and made a significant financial contribution to the school. This year, our faculty and staff set a new record for gifts to the school (see the story on page 2). So, to close with the river analogy where I began… Leonardo DaVinci is quoted as saying “When you put your hand in a flowing stream, you touch the last that has gone before and the first of what is still to come.” It is my hope you will put your hand in our “educational rivers” and touch the lives of students still to come.

Mark Richter, vice president of Institutional Advancement

Mark welcomes your calls and visits. You can reach him at 800.937.2448, ext. 2346, or stop by his office in Abbott Center.

GETTING THE MOST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK Through the support of alumni and friends like you, Indiana Tech is rapidly establishing itself as one of the premier, career-centered universities in the Midwest. Today, your gifts are more important than ever in helping us offer the quality educational experiences that are the hallmark of Indiana Tech. Every gift makes a difference.

►► Ways to give that can literally “give back” to you for a time,

Many of our supporters have found that time spent considering the best ways to structure a gift can help them make meaningful contributions, while meeting personal planning goals as well.

►► How gifts can help you save on income, gift, and estate taxes

For example, we can help you discover ways to make a gift to Indiana Tech that you may not have thought possible. Among these are:

providing extra retirement income ►► How to give assets that you might not have considered as

potential gifts at all (e.g., real estate or works of art)

If you would like to learn more, please contact Mark Richter, Indiana Tech’s vice president of Institutional Advancement, at 260-399-2816 or 800-937-2448, ext. 2346, or via e-mail at

Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


Alumni News ►► Herman Habegger, BSEE 1948, is retired as engineering

manager after 24 years with the Naval Air Warfare Center of Indianapolis. He is now general manager of his company, Graphics Plus, engaged in designing and producing cards, labels and photo memories. The company recently published a promotional scientific presentation of the cosmos titled Discovering the Universe. ►► Ricky Stratton, BSAE 1986, is as a transit electrical engi-

neer for the Detroit Transportation Corporation based in Detroit, Mich.

►► Roxanne Gregg, MBA 2002, was recently named president of

the Indiana TRiO Association. Gregg is currently director of the Upward Bound program at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne. ►► Renee Kelsaw, BSBA 2007, is an employment recruiter for

Bethesda Lutheran Communities in Fort Wayne. ►►Johnnie Bohnert, ASCJ 2008, was recently sworn in as a po-

lice officer in Brazil, Ind. He had been a reserve officer prior to becoming a full-time patrolman.

In Memoriam We have learned of the deaths of the following alumni and friends. If you would like to send a memorial gift to honor someone, please contact Eve Colchin at 800.937.2448, ext. 2335.

Albert R. Britton Tucson, AZ BSRE ‘46

Alfred R. Hawkins, Jr. Gastonia, NC BSME ‘56

Dean S. Robertson Batavia, IL BSME ‘ 49

Richard D. Fullerton Sun City West, AZ BSRE ‘48

Fred W. Henning Pittsburgh, PA BSANE ‘49

Donald E. Wainwright Littleton, CO BSME ‘56

Delmar D. Haines Scio, OH BSCE ‘54

Harold Eugene Lawton Katy, TX BSRE ‘48

Robert T. Wardle Cape Canaveral, FL BSEETGR ‘59

William J. Hampshire Canal Fulton, OH BSANE ‘47

Michael E. Reber Huntington, IN BSME ‘71

Robert A. Wise Cypress, CA BSME ‘61

Eldon E. Wood Nevada City, CA BSRE ‘52

Tech Bids Farewell to Beneficent Friends After an adventure-filled life, where he put aside his physical limitations in order to help others, Don Wainwright passed away shortly before Thanksgiving. Wainwright believed in Indiana Tech, gave generously to his alma mater, and made sure he attended every Homecoming celebration. After fighting back from a crippling automobile accident, he willed himself to walk again, surprising many of his physicians. In his “retirement” Wainwright traveled the world, helping to build houses for those in need and teaching English as a second language. When he was home, he worked with prison inmates, so they could earn their G.E.D. certifications, and knowing they had


achieved that goal brought Wainwright some of his proudest moments. One of the most positive people to grace Tech’s campus, Wainwright was able to come back for our Commencement ceremony last year and marveled at how supportive the families of our students were. We will miss him. Virginia J. Yergens Rogers, Fort Wayne, died December 11 at the age of 96. She was president and treasurer of HuserPaul Company, having assumed the responsibilities of the company upon her husband’s death. She was well known in the Fort Wayne


community for her involvement and leadership in many charitable, civic and industry related organizations. At the time of her passing, she was serving her fourth term as regional director of the National Candy Wholesalers Association. As a business owner, she was a great role model for women in the business world. She was a wonderful supporter of Indiana Tech’s mission and was instrumental in helping the university build our apartment-style residence hall that bears her name. Actively working and supporting her community even though she was in her 90s, Virginia Yergens Rogers, remains an inspiration to us all.

Faculty & Staff News Ph.D. Director Reaches International Audience Dr. Lillian Schumacher, director of the Ph.D. program, was a presenter at the International Leadership Association (ILA) annual Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, in November. Her presentation was made in a session entitled “Transforming Leadership Education: Emerging Paradigms.” The session was about building Ph.D. programs in leadership that are fitting for the times today, i.e., global, online, etc.

Criminal Science Director Shares Expertise Dr. Steve Hundersmarck director of the Center for Criminal Sciences, was quoted in Cosmopolitan magazine three times in 2009 (May, August, and October), and his article “Police Recruit Training” was published in FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin in August 2009. In October, Hundersmarck participated in training with the Fort Wayne Police Department in a mock barricaded gunman exercise. Students Ashli Follrod and Morris Gydesen were involved in the scenario. Hundersmarck also co-authored an article with adjunct professor of psychology Dr. Ronald Delong that has been accepted for publication in an international journal, Journal of Sexual Aggression. The article is “An Exploratory Analysis of the Cognitive Distortions of a Sample of Men Arrested in Internet Sex Stings.”

Career Center, Library Leaders Collaborate Connie Scott, director of the McMillen Library, and Cindy Verduce, director of the Career Planning and Development Center, presented at the Indiana Library Federation’s Annual Conference held in Fort Wayne’s Grand Wayne Center in October. Their topic was “Building Our Workforce: Career Information Literacy and Libraries.”

Herendeen Becomes VP With the retirement of Perry Collins, Steve Herendeen has been promoted to vice president for the College of Professional Studies. Herendeen has been with the university since fall 2007 in roles focused on enrollment growth in CPS.

Solberg, Moxter Add Responsibility Kirsta Solberg has been named assistant athletic director at Indiana Tech. Solberg will add her new duties to her role as head volleyball coach and director of the Wellness Center. She also will serve as the athletic department’s senior women’s administrator. Rhonda Moxter, enrollment data analyst, will add to her responsibilities by taking on the Tech LEADS assessment coordinator duties for the Title III program. She will coordinate internal program assessment as well as work with data compilation and reporting for the program.

Additional Promotions Several staff members have earned promotions, including: ►► Nicole Baker, growth and development manager, College of

Professional Studies ►► Kris Byndom, associate registrar ►► Zeb Johnston, admissions representative, College of

Professional Studies—Fort Wayne ►► Sharon Lokuta, director of operations, College of Professional

Studies ►►Ashley Skinner, transfer credit specialist

University Welcomes New Staff Indiana Tech is pleased to announce several additions to the university staff: ►►Andrea Crilly, administrative assistant, admissions office ►► Monica Trump, administrative assistant, Career Planning & Development Center ►► Tina Brannon, administrative assistant, College of Professional Studies—Plainfield ►► Barbara Daniel, grant administrator ►► Sarah Donaldson, information specialist, Institutional Advancement ►► Michelle Heck, admissions representative, College of Professional Studies—Fort Wayne ►► Larry Secrist, head bowling coach ►► Michelle Washington, administrative assistant, College of Professional Studies—Hammond ►► Heather Burgette, CPDC internship coordinator/career advisor

University Going Smoke Free As of July 1, all Indiana Tech campuses will adopt a tobacco-free policy. The new policy states “the use or sale of any tobacco products is prohibited on college-owned, operated, or leased property or vehicles at any time.” Announcement of the new policy was greeted with hearty applause during a presentation to faculty and staff by President Arthur Snyder. “This is an important step in providing a healthy and safe environment for learning and working on our campuses,” Snyder said. The new policy will be promoted through e-mails, posters, flyers, Web site information, social media, and university publications. The university will provide resources and information for those who wish to quit smoking.

Volume 6, Issue 2

Winter 2010


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