The Private School Revolution in Bihar: Findings from a survey in Patna Urban

Page 64


Orange dot-Low Cost Recognised Primary; Black dot in orange circle-Low Cost Unrecognised Primary; Orange triangle-Low Cost Recognised Upper Primary; Orange triangle in circleLow Cost Unrecognised Upper Primary; Blue dot-Affordable Recognised Primary; Black dot in blue circle-Affordable Unrecognised Primary; Blue triangle-Affordable Recognised Upper Primary; Blue triangle in circle-Affordable Unrecognised Upper Primary; Black dot in green circle-Higher Cost Unrecognised Primary; Green triangle-Higher Cost Recognised Upper Primary; Green triangle in circle-Higher Cost Unrecognised Upper Primary; Red dot-Government Primary; Red triangle-Government Upper Primary; Red Balloon-Government School uncategorised; Blue Balloon-Private School uncategorised

Figure A4 Distribution of schools by type - GPS map of South West Patna

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