Inform Magazine Issue 28 - Spring 2019

Page 23


hay Bell attended a free workshop held by Bus Stop Films when they launched their western Sydney program last year and the rest, as they say in the movies, is history. The year 12 student, who cites musicals Mamma Mia and Grease as his favourite films, joined the organisation’s Parramatta program this year and has fast become a valued member of the class. Tracey describes Shay as a ‘brilliant student, very switched on and knowledgeable about filmmaking, especially the technology’. Sport is also on Shay’s agenda. The nineteen-year-old plays basketball and soccer and regularly attends rugby and soccer games. But it’s theatre he sees his future in. How did you become involved with Bus Stop Films? I became involved in Bus Stop Films by going to a trial class last year and attending the red carpet event at Event Cinemas George Street put on by Bus Stop Films.

What sort of work do you do with Bus Stop Films? At Bus Stop Films this year we are making a virtual reality film. We recently learned about mise en scène, analysing different films like Presto, The Lion King, The Wizard of Oz, Toy Story 2, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and The Hobbit. We have also been learning about different types of shots like extreme wide shot, wide shot, extreme close up, a two-shot, over-the-shoulder-shot, point-of-view-shot, medium close up, close up and a mid shot. We have been analysing the shots in films like Star Wars I. We have also been learning about camera angles and the different types. For example, eye level, high angle, low angle and dutch tilt. We watched Batman Forever to analyse the shots and camera angles. We have recently started learning about what happens in preproduction, production and post-production. What do you enjoy about working with film? I enjoy learning how to use the camera and editing. What do you hope to do after you finish high school? After completing my Year 12, I hope to work as a backstage crew member doing sound and lighting at live theatre productions. What would be your advice to anyone thinking about studying or working in the film industry? I would recommend to anyone thinking about studying or working in the film industry to expect to have a lot of fun but also be prepared for quite a lot of theory work that you have to do. It’s not all practical work.


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