InCore Observer Jordan

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First Editon


Think positive for a positive outcome. Think negative for a negative outcome... page 8 To imagine is everything, to know is nothing at all.

Anatole France

NEW PARTNETSHIP Digilock & InCore Technology are working on bringing the smartest locks to...

page 4


nCore Corp has always believed that to stay on top you have to take leaps and risks also being innovative is a must.We also believe that our customers are the reason we are successful and their trust is the most valuable thing we have, maintaining this trust is not an easy task and we work hard to keep that trust. We are pleased to announce the start of a new initiative

“the InCore Observer� which is a monthly newspaper that comes out at the 7th of each month. It will discuss the latest news

the Magic Potion Read about the magic potion and its effects in the office especially using a professional machine... page 2

from InCore Corp and its subsidiaries. It will cover partnership between InCore Corp or any of its subsidiaries, latest news, employee of the month, and most of all it will bring you articles written by our team which will have different subjects. We are happy that you will be able to be with us every step of the way and we hope that you would like what we are working on. For the first issue it will not be easy because we are new to this, but this is what we are good at - starting new journeys. On each month we will leave a poll for our clients to rate - each edition they can rate the articles, news section, each subsidiary individually and provide us with ways to upgrade and enhance the Observer. You will be able to do all that ether by going to our website or by mailing us the dedicated section at the end of each edition. We hope you like this initiative and we see great future for this

W W W. I N C O R E C O R P. C O M

newspaper. We look forword for your reviews and we make sure that you are satisfied with our work that includes all of our services and products. We work hard, so you can be satisfied. We work hard, so you can work less. We work for you.


InCore Corp


The Core IS what Counts


THURSDAY 07.04.2016



he board of InCore Corp announced after the meeting that took place at the company headquarters in Jordan that a new plan was put on place to relaunch the subsidery InCore Games by the end of 2016 but with some changes to the company services and style of bussniss.

“the Board decided that it’s time to bring back InCore Games. We think that the market is ready again for the concept of high end gaming store and we are excited to see the outcome of this decision”

said InCore Corp CEO Mr. Samer Habaibeh.

InCore Games™ was a working subsidiary of InCore Corp for two years from 2011 to 2013 which offered the services of high end gaming to the Middle East through online website The website offered games consoles and figurines along with a lot of interesting services such as game rentals and gaming accessories, also featuring a points program, where gamers for the first time in the Middle East can gain more when they buy from InCore Games™ with partnership, with big game studies such as Ubisoft™ and Electronic Arts™. This should bring new blood to the gaming industry in the Middle East. There is no specific date on when InCore Games™ will be launched but its expected in December. The all new will feature new design and new services. The board meeting did not state any details, but we know that it will have now focus which is gaming events and launching with huge roaster of titles coming out this year such as Fifa 17 and the highly anticipated uncharted 4. This will surely be a huge feature. As always InCore Corp™ works hard to bring top quality products and services.

The effects of office rules on the productivity of the business “An Army is a collection of armed men obliged to obey one man. Every change in the rules which impairs the principle weakens the army.” William Tecumseh Sherman


usiness instead of army can be used in our case, as you can imagine in our competitive world nowadays it already feels like a battle; whether you are promoting a product or a service it’s hard to cut your way through and that’s mainly thanks to competition however nowadays business owners have a huge problem with managing their workforce it used to mean that the Managers are having a problem because of the workforce experience or lack of training, people used to know the value of work, they used to work for pay off-course however not as a sole reason the pay was a reason among many, to say a few… to build their character, evolve their identity, to be a productive part of the community however now all the latter evaporated and now they simply work for money and to fill the time, somehow you can’t blame them because it’s not easy to live a happy life mainly because of inflation and community pressure to constantly spend more, but one might argue that it’s not a good excuse as the harsh conditions are nothing new. Employees principles changed over the years from having loyalty to the institution the hire him to

simply him which really make it very hard to initiate team spirit in the company. This problem is not new and certainly not limited to a region or a country except maybe japan mainly because they have different standards and the population learn the importance of loyalty at a young age, the small company’s large or small have the same problem although large corporations have a more severe case of the problem because of the size of the workforce, after company’s lost faith in common sense and loyalty and principles in general they turned to more aggressive methods which might easily be translated to company manuals or rules for employees conduct . Employees handbooks started as a rule book given to new employees to know their way around the office it was more of an introduction with no real power or effect but eventually it evolved to a stricter approach where employees get reworded for implementing the rules and getting penalized if they didn’t, this approach proved affective than its predecessor obviously. The handbook nowadays has rules that covers almost every part of the employee’s daily activity such as dress code and communication rules and employee hygiene, even with this approach the system is not perfect as the problems grow again but at least its managed, employees break the rules for many reasons that ranges from pure lack of respect for others or by mistake however the statistics have found that the largest factor is employees influence on each other because employees don’t like to break the rules solo they find it easier to be judged as a group than be judged as an individual and taking all the blame for himself.

Enough about the bad side of things, the handbook has a great potential on the employees themselves not just the company as employees will be gaining more experience getting more things done in way less time and more accurate too which in turn makes it easier to be noticed and in turn appreciated by the company, company management can expect to have better yield out of their employees as it’s obvious that when following the rules and having less time for work and more time to play the employees can get more things done. It’s also a good idea to get the employees opinion about the plan, not necessarily changing the rules based on their feedback but it might give you an insight of what rules that will be broken first, so if you don’t want to go into the hustle of deduction and penalizing them right away you can just make minor adjustments to the rules to make it easier for them to follow the rules and make it a bit more acceptable, however this is a double edged sword you can opt to involve them in the creation and risk them influencing part of the plan and also this approach lowers the firmness of the idea of rules but this will make it more acceptable for them and less hustle or you can go to the second approach “my personal preference” is just to set the rules how you see fit hence the quote this article started with. Finally, one last word of advice a company with no rules or somewhat of lenient governing system is weak and will never be able to generate as much as expected such as society’s if there is no rules or punishment there will be chaos. Samer Habaibeh

THURSDAY 07.04.2016



In the next OBSERVER

InCore Corp USA: “Egypt was sparkling on the 6th,7th and the 8th with all the eyes on focusing on The Grand Nile Tower which was hosting the Love & Peace Festival 2016. The event is created with long time our client MOE GroupTM . The Group which was dealing with InCore Corp for the past 3 years was happy to hire InCore Events to handle the event and, as expected, everything went just as planned. The client feedback and we quote Mr. Moham-





mad Jarrah "its Perfect ... just PERFECT".


t is hard to imagine a modern office of successful and selfrespecting company without a computer and office equipment, comfortable furniture, and ... of course without the coffee machine. Nothing improves the image of the company as a proposed to honored guest cup of real coffee. Nothing strengthens a team spirit as much as a cup of coffee, drunk in the company of colleagues. And, believe me, a collective drink of coffee does not harm a busy schedule. On the contrary, sometimes in the company over a coffee, brilliant ideas are born, answers to difficult questions are found, the solution of which alone can take a long time. And even just in time drink a cup of strong, invigorating coffee helps tp tune in. Many of us are used to start the day with a fragrant cup of coffee. To grind the grain, to heat up water, to pour the powder into the coffee pot - all of this has turned into some kind of ritual long time ago. However, the modern pace of life does not always leave time, even on such pleasant things: half an hour before going to work are often calculated by the minute; and even if it is not, except the time is always a lot of reasons that can make your morning coffee not so pleasant as you would like. Fortunately, successful managers and manufacturers of coffee makers understand this and offering a choice of many different models of these devices. You can choose the espresso coffee machine for a small office or super automatic for crowded office. Capsule coffee machines - the solution for the modern office. Coffee capsule systems differ from regular coffee machines in the entire process of preparation of grain - grinding, dosing, etc - all of this is made at the factory. You just have to open the lid of the coffee machine, put into a capsule and press the button. And less than a minute, you get a drink, in no way inferior in taste to coffee made by a professional. Due to the factory packaging, the quality of the coffee has been always consistently high. But it is not the only dignity of the capsule systems. Since in the capsule coffee is hermetically sealed, you do not have to deal with the problem of "stale" and the grains and powder, which can occur in a couple of weeks after the opening of the big packs. In air milled coffee loses some of its properties within a few hours, while the inert gas-filled capsules allow you to save all of flavors of freshly ground coffee for a year or two. To prepare good coffee, regular coffee machine needs regular filters replacement and thorough cleaning. Most capsular device is self-cleaning function; as well as the technological process of preparation of the capsule coffee is very simple, it is logical that you will have to clean the device much less. Unlike traditional coffee machines, generally capsule coffee makers are quite compact: you can fit them in the small office. In addition, many capsule systems allow to prepare hot chocolate and tea. Sometimes it's so hard to make a good choice Note that it is difficult to choose not only the coffee maker for the office, but also a household coffee maker. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to choose. What is the actual difference between coffee machines for the office from the usual? Practically nothing, just the design of some models and the productivity, that is, the ability to prepare a certain number of coffees for a certain period of time. The rest of the functions are identical. I want to tell you about our choice - sorting through a variety of options, we settled on a Nespresso coffee machine and this is why.


espresso - the oldest coffee capsule system known since 1986. To its obvious advantages include a wide range of flavors and choice of coffee machines directly from at once two manufacturers. Among the shortcomings the high cost and the fact that Nespresso capsules can only be purchased in specialized shop can be noted. For sale there are - 36 kinds of Nespresso capsules, produced by the Swiss company Nestle, including 6 kinds - without caffeine. All this different espresso-based varieties, you can make also with milk, but for this you have to get a special machine for Cappuccino. It is really a lot of varieties, especially if we consider that most buyers are limited to two or three favorite flavors; so there is plenty to choose from. Anticipating questions of skeptics, I note that the amount of coffee in any capsule - 7 grams. This is quite sufficient for the preparation of high-quality beverage (classic espresso fit into the range of seven to nine grams of ground coffee to 30 ml of water). Somewhat less enjoyable price issue, which ranges from 3,60 to 6,38 dinars per ten capsules depending on the variety. If your office has got used to drink large quantities of coffee, it is not excluded that 0.36 fills for each cup will result significant expense. On the other hand, if the high-quality coffee, the minimum amount of time and the ease of use and maintenance -your priority, the choice in favor of the most automated system is quite reasonable. In addition, you can save by buying compatible capsules: such as Dolce Gusto and others, but the taste may disappoint you. Finally, there is an option of empty capsules if you prefer any particular drink variety or, on the contrary, want to experiment, then the coffee is poured into them easily by your own.


“if something needs to be done it must be done perfectly and on time. coffee can help too” Tatyana Yalova

Office Manager InCore Corp

espresso machine system is produced by two firms - brand DeLonghi and Krups. Both offer a very wide range of prices for devices and a wide range of functions. Some devices are also equipped with a special jug for silent preparing hot or cold dairy Aerochino - “Foam”. In addition, there is a heating for cups, the ability to use cocktail glasses, hot water for tea, anti - drip system, automatic shutdown and cleaning, and so on. In general, Nespresso machines are characterized by high build quality and they belong to the premium class of capsule-oriented devices. Capsule coffee machine fully capable of giving employees a portion of good mood. What can I advise choosing a coffee machine for your office. When choosing a coffee maker, pay attention, first of all, to its productivity. For the office with the number of employees up to 5 practically any model can be used based on the principle of the expediency. Is it worth for such a number of employees to buy a professional machine that can make up to 180-portions of coffee? For more employees, about 30 people, is needed more productive coffee maker. Furthermore, you must pay attention to the body material, capacity of water tank, etc. Also important aspect is the ease of use, that each employee could easily make himself a cup of coffee. If the number of employees more than 30 people, boldly purchase an automatic coffee machine, and you not go wrong. Such a device is able to make, working smoothly, more than one hundred servings of coffee, all while avoiding queues for the magic potion. Show off your coffee machine, and .... Look what coffee machine you have in your office, or does it at all there? You don’t have? And you think that your company is doing well? Do you think that your office staff work with pleasure? Do you care about the company’s image? The fact is that people meet on clothes ... Offices also have evaluation criteria for its image. And believe me, a coffee maker is not the last place among them. The choice is yours. Tatyana Yalova

Upgrades Your Life


Read in the next OBSERVER

‫أمهية الوقت‬

THURSDAY 07.04.2016

Traffic Jam & It`s Affect on Sales

Digilock® & InCore Corp new partnership

We are extremely proud to announce the start of our partnership with a leading company in the market of digital locker systems - Digilock®. InCore Technology is now the exclusive distributor for Digilock® in Jordan. We are really happy that InCore Technology can provide the Jordanian customers with this level of quality, safety and security. Digilock® is a global leader in delivering high-performance electronic locks and locker security solutions. Innovative design and technologies as well as reliability are the key factors that contribute to Digilock’s success. Founded in 1981, headquartered in California, with sales offices in the Netherlands, Dubai and Hong Kong, Digilock® continues to innovate since it delivered the first electronic lock for personal storage in 1992. Commitment of Digilock® to providing superior customer support and Digilock® responsiveness to market demands enables Digilock® to be recognized as the industry influencer making Security Simplified. We promote Security Simplified by providing lock and locker solutions. We deliver this through a steadfast commitment to our core values of innovation, design, quality, and enduring relationships. Driven by innovation, our products use the latest technology and highest caliber of materials to ensure flawless performance every time. We look forward to working together with Digilock®, who proved their high quality and VIP status on USA and international market.

Welcome to InCore family Digilock®!!!


‫التدخني وارضاره‬ ‫ـ� الرجــال‪ ،‬النســاء واملراهقـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ� مــن اســوأ العــادات الـ تـى تنتـ شـر كثـ يـرا بـ ي ن‬ ‫التدخـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ�‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ي ت‬ ‫ف‬ ‫والصغــار‪ ،‬وهل ض‬ ‫ا�ار كثـ يـرة ال تعــد وال �ــى لذلــك ســوف �ــاول ي� مقالنــا هــذا‬ ‫تعــداد شــيئا نم�ــا ونتكلم بوضــوح لــ� يتعــظ جــزء مــن املدخنـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ� بعــد ق ـراءة هــذا‬ ‫ي‬

‫ً‬ ‫ـا ف ي� ان تكــون هــذه الملكــات الســبب ف ي� اقــاع الكثـ يـر ي ن� عــن التدخـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ�‪.‬‬ ‫فاملقــال‪ ،‬امـ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ـه‬ ‫ي� ضالبدايــة ســوف ابــدأ ب�لتحــدث عــن ا�ار التدخـ يـ� الصحيــة والدينيــة وانـ ي‬ ‫ب�ال�ار املاديــة‪.‬‬ ‫ين‬ ‫ين‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫الســجا� بــل يشــمل ايضــا‬ ‫تدخــ�‬ ‫التدخــ� ب�طبــع ال يشــمل فقــط‬ ‫حديثنــا عــن‬ ‫ة‬ ‫وغ�هــا‪...‬‬ ‫االرجيــ� ي‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ـ� يقولــون نا� ال أدخــن وكن الرجيـ ة‬ ‫ـذ� شي� بــون االرجيـ ة‬ ‫بعــض النــاس اللـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ� ليســت‬ ‫مــن انــواع الدخــان‪.‬‬ ‫لأ‬ ‫ة‬ ‫ـ� ولكــن هــذه اراء خاطئــة ن إالثنـ ي ن‬ ‫بر�ــا يظــن ان االرجيــ� اقــل ض�را مــن التدخـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ�‬ ‫ئ لأ‬ ‫ا�ار االرجيـ ة‬ ‫ـ� اشــد مــن ض‬ ‫هلــم نفــس الأ ض�ار بــل وحـ تـى ض‬ ‫ا�ار الســجا� نــه حســب‬ ‫ـ� الأ رجيـ ة‬ ‫اخــر اقــوال خ‬ ‫الـ بـراء‪ :‬ان تدخـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ� يعــادل مئــة ســيجارة‬ ‫ـ� الصحيــة ن‬ ‫واالن ســوف نبــدأ ب�حلديــث عــن ض‬ ‫ا�ار التدخـ ي ن‬ ‫وال�ــا كثـ يـرة جــدا ســوف‬ ‫نتحــدث عــن جــزء نم�ــا‪:‬‬ ‫‪-١‬التدخ� بلك اشاكهل من ث‬ ‫ين‬ ‫أك� اسباب الشيخوخة املبكرة‪.‬‬ ‫ـا�ت وجراثـ يـم املعــدة او االصابــة بقرحــة‬ ‫‪-٢‬يــؤدي اىل ام ـراض املعــدة (االصابــة ب� تل�ـ ب‬ ‫املعــدة)‬ ‫ش‬ ‫‪-٣‬يسبب امراض القلب وتصلب ال� ي ن‬ ‫اي�‪.‬‬ ‫تأ‬ ‫يسبب مرض الذئبة احلمراء‪.‬‬ ‫اذ‬ ‫االنسان‬ ‫جلد‬ ‫عىل‬ ‫كب�‬ ‫ث�‬ ‫�‬ ‫‪-٤‬هل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ف‬ ‫خ‬ ‫‪-٥‬الطــورة االكـ بـر انــه الســبب االول ي� رسطــان الرئــة‪ ،‬تبـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ� ب�لدراســات ب‬ ‫واال�ــاث‬ ‫ـ� رسطــان الرئــة ســببه التدخـ ي ن‬ ‫انــه ‪٪٩٠‬مــن مصابـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ� باكفــة اشــاهل وانواعــه‪.‬‬ ‫ب�لطبــع الســبب بــل هــذه االمــراض ض‬ ‫ت‬ ‫الــى ت� ذكرهــا مســبقا هــو املــواد‬ ‫واال�ار ي‬ ‫ت‬ ‫واغل�ــا مســوم وغــازات‬ ‫الــى يتكــون نم�ــا الدخــان اذ ي�تــوي عــى خ�امسئــة مــادة ب‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ومــواد تب�وليــة مثــل‪ :‬النيكوتـ ي ن‬ ‫ـ�‪ ،‬اول اكســيد الكربــون‪ ،‬القطـران‪ ،‬البـن ز ي ن�‪ ،‬االمونيــا‬ ‫وغ�هــا‪...‬‬ ‫واالســيتون ي‬ ‫البطء‬ ‫ولكها مواد‬ ‫سامة تؤدي اىل املوت ن ي‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ض‬ ‫اال�ار الدينيــة للتدخـ يـ�‪ ،‬اذ هل ايضــا العديــد مــن اال�ار الدينيــة وذلــك‬ ‫لأامــا عــن‬ ‫ف‬ ‫نــه حمــرم ي� االســام الن ديننــا ي�ثنــا عــى عــدم ض‬ ‫ا�ار النفــس وعــدم اســتخدام او‬ ‫تنــاول لك مــا هــو ضــار بصحتنــا‬ ‫ـر نفســك فقــط‪ ،‬بــل وتـ ض‬ ‫وعنــد تدخينــك فأنــت مل تـ ض‬ ‫ـر لك مــن حولــك مــن يستنشــق‬ ‫ث‬ ‫هــذا الدخــان‪ ،‬فأنــت بذلــك حماســب عــى ض�رك لنفســك اوال � ض�رك ملــن حولــك‬


‫‪THURSDAY 07.04.2016‬‬

‫مندوب املبيعات وردود أفعال العمالء‬ ‫وظيفة مندوب املبيعات هي وظيفة هامة جدا ً يف هذا الزمن الحايل الذي نعيش فيه‬ ‫وذلك نظرا ً ألن عمل الرشكات واملصانع يعتمد عليه بدرجة كبرية جدا ً‪ ،‬حيث تعترب من‬ ‫إحدى وسائل جلب األرباح إىل الرشكة وتطويرلقسم املبيعات وهنا اود التذكري بأن قسم‬ ‫التسويق هو املظله لقسم املبيعات ومهام القسمني يخلتف عن االخروبنفس الوقت هام‬ ‫قسمني مرتبطني مع بعض بشكل كبري جدا مبثال قسم التسويق هو القسم املسوؤل عن‬ ‫االسرتايجيات والخطط ودراسة السوق واملنافسني واالسعار وجودة املنتج ونقاط الضعف‬ ‫والقوة بالرشكة وتحويل نقاط الضعف لقوة والعالنات وترويج للرشكة بالسوق ونرش اسم‬ ‫الرشكة وطبيعة عملها لتحسني وتسهيل عملية البيع ملوظف املبيعات والسبب يف ذالك يرجع‬ ‫اىل انه من املمكن ان بعض العمالء يكون لديهم معرفه بالرشكة او بطبيعة عملها والتاكد‬ ‫من املصداقيه عن الرشكة ونشاطها ‪.‬‬ ‫ويجب عىل الرشكه أن تهتم برجال املبيعات عن طريق إعطائهم الدورات الالزمة عن طبيعة‬ ‫العمل الذي يعملون فيه وعن طبيعة املنتج باإلضافة إىل التدريب الالزم عن كيفية التعامل‬ ‫مع العمالء ‪.‬‬ ‫واود هنا رشح عن بعض العمالء الذين تم زيارتهم وتروج ملنتج الرشكة وهو عبارة عن ادارة‬ ‫املواقع والتواصل اإلجتامعيه باالضافة اىل الكامريات وانظمة الحامية ‪.‬‬ ‫عميل كثري الكالم ‪ :‬هو شخص يطيل الحديث ويتكلم عن ابداعاته ونجاحه يف العمل وكيف‬ ‫يديرها او مبعني يحاول إضاعة الوقت بالحديث الجانبي وبتجاهل املوضوع االسايس ‪.‬‬ ‫وافضل التعامل مع العميل كثري الكالم باالختصار وعدم تضيع الوقت وهدر الوقت معه ‪.‬‬ ‫العميل املنصت ‪ :‬هو شخص هادئ بطبعه وبفتح الك املجال انك تعرض عليه املنتج او‬ ‫الخدمة ويكون مستمع جيد ويتفاعل معك باسلوب موضوعي ‪.‬‬ ‫وأفضل التعامل مع العميل املنصت باعطائة املعلومات الدقيقه الصحيحه النه من املمكن‬ ‫ان يكون لدية خربه او معرفه عن املوضوع ‪.‬‬ ‫عميل املرتدد ‪ :‬عميل ال يكون عنده القدره باخذ القرار ويعتمد ع االخرين او يكون مقيد‬ ‫بالقوانني وال يستطيع الخروج عنها ويحاول تاجيل املواضيع ‪.‬‬ ‫وليس لدية غري كلمة ان شاء الله قريبا جدا بحيك معك ‪.‬‬ ‫وافضل التعامل مع العميل املرتدد بالصرب ورشح له املزايا والفوائد التي تعود عىل الرشكة‬ ‫باملنفعة ‪.‬‬ ‫عميل ذيك ‪ :‬عميل ينظر ألدق التفاصيل وعنده الخربه الكافيه ليناقش معك املوضوع بشكل‬ ‫دقيق جدا ويوجه اسئله صعبه ‪.‬‬ ‫وافضل التعامل مع العميل الذيك بأن اظهر له نفس الذكاء وترصف الرسيع باالجابة ويعطى‬ ‫االدلة او تجربه سابقة ناجحة واي سؤال ال استطيع الرد عليه بجواب صحيح اطلب منه‬ ‫املهله ليك استفرس عن املوضوع وامنحه الجواب الصحيح ‪.‬‬

‫إعداد ‪ :‬معاذ ي ز‬ ‫من�ل‬

‫إعداد ‪ :‬يد�ة صبح‬

Fun Corner


THURSDAY 07.04.2016

TAKE A BREAK Salary Expectations

Reaching the end of a job interview, a Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of school about his salary expectations. The engineer replies, “In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package.” The interviewer inquires, “Well, what would you say to a package of five weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?” The engineer sits up str aight and says, “Wow! Are you kidding?” The interviewer replies, “Yeah, but you started it.”

Day Off

An employee goes to see his supervisor in the front office. “Boss,” he says, “we’re doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff.” “We’re short-handed,” the boss replies. “I can’t give you the day off.” “Thanks, boss,” says the employee “I knew I could count on you!”

Order of Operations Hiring Cannibals

A large corporation recently hired several cannibals. “You are all part of our team now,” said the HR rep during the welcoming briefing. - “You get all of the usual benefits and you can go to the cafeteria for something to eat, but please don›t eat any of the other employees.” The cannibals promised they would not.

“You fool!” the leader continued. “For four weeks we’ve been eating managers and no one noticed anything. But nooo, you had to go and eat someone who actually does something!!!”


ne day a man goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot. The assistant takes the man to the parrot section and asks him to choose one. The man asks, “How much is the yellow one?” The assistant replies that it costs $2,000. The man is shocked and asks the assistant why it’s so expensive. “This parrot is a very special one. He can type really fast.”

“What about the green one?” the man asks. “He costs $5,000 because he can type, answer incoming phone calls and takes notes.” “What about the red one?” the man asks. The assistant says, “That one’s $10,000.” Curious, the man asks, “What does he do?” The assistant says, “I don’t know, but the other two call him boss.”

The sales chief, the HR chief, and the boss of a company are on their way to lunch when they stumble upon a beat up, but valuable looking brass container. The sales chief picks it up and starts cleaning it with his handkerchief. Suddenly, a genie emerges out of a curtain of purple smoke. The genie is grateful to be set free, and offers them each a wish. The HR chief is wide-eyed and ecstatic. She says, “I want to be living on a beautiful beach in Jamaica with a sailboat and enough money to make me happy for the rest of my life.” Poof! She disappears. The sales chief says, “I want to be happily married to a wealthy supermodel with penthouses in New York, Paris, and Hong Kong Presto! He vanishes. “And how about you?” asks the Genie, looking at the boss. The boss scowls and says, “I want both those idiots back in the office by 2 PM.” Moral of the Story: Always let your boss speak first.

WHO AM I? A Man joined a big Multi National Company as a trainee.

Four weeks later their boss remarked, “You’re all working very hard and I’m satisfied with your work. However, one of our office manager has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to her?” The cannibals all shook their heads - “No” After the boss had left, the leader of the cannibals said to the others, “Which one of you, idiots, ate the office manager?” hand rose hesitantly.

The Boss

On his first day he dialed the pantry and shouted into the phone, "Get me a coffee quickly!" The voice from the other side responded,"You fool you've dialed the wrong extension! Do you know who you're talking to, dumbo?" "No", replied the trainee. "It's the Managing Director of the company, you fool!" The man shouted back, "And do you know who YOU are talking to, you fool?"

Employee motivation

"No.", replied the Managing Director. "Good!", replied the trainee and put down the phone!

The owner of a company tells his employees: “You worked very hard this year, therefore the company’s profits increased dramatically. As a reward, I ‘m giving everyone a check for $ 5,000.” Thrilled, the employees gather round and high five one another. “And if you work with the same zeal next year, I’ll sign those checks!”

This edition of Fun Corner brought to You by THURSDAY 07.04.2016

Across 1. Macaroni & _____ 3. Chips & _____ 6. Table & _____ 8. Anthony & _____ 10. Adam & _____ 11. Rocky & _____ 12. Bacon & _____ 14. Ken & _____ 17. Ozzie & _____ 20. Batman& _____ 22. Bert & _____ 23. Peas & _____ 24. Peanut butter & _____ 25. Laverne& _____ 27. Snoopy & _____ 29. Beans & _____ 31. Chicken & _____ 32. Paper & _____ 33. Hugs & _____

Did you know facts Did you know 11% of people are left handed Did you know August has the highest percentage of births Did you know unless food is mixed with saliva you can›t taste it Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes Did you know a bear has 42 teeth Did you know an ostrich›s eye is bigger than its brain Did you know lemons contain more sugar than strawberries Did you know 8% of people have an extra rib Did you know 85% of plant life is found in the ocean Did you know Ralph Lauren›s original name was Ralph Lifshitz Did you know rabbits like licorice Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has 13 letters Did you know ‹Topolino› is the name for Mickey Mouse Italy Did you know a lobsters blood is colorless but when exposed to oxygen it turns blue Did you know reindeer like bananas Did you know the longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds Did you know birds need gravity to swallow Did you know the most commonly used letter in the alphabet is E Did you know the 3 most common languages in the world are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish and English

It’s kind of fun to do the impossible. Walt Disney


Down 1. Cheese & _____ 2. Gilbert & _____ 4. Laurel & _____ 5. Milk & _____ 7. Cup & _____ 9. Romeo & _____ 13. Simon & _____ 15. Bread & _____ 16. Hansel & _____ 18. Currier & _____ 19. Shoes & _____ 21. Lone & _____ 23. Bonnie & _____ 26. David & _____ 28. Salt & _____ 30. Fish & _____


As you know InCore and its subsidiaries receive a lot of CV. Some of them are…. well… interesting… We would like to share best of them with you…. Enjoy!






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THURSDAY 07.04.2016


time and effort on the solution, rather than the problem. In any walk of life, any business, any organization, you will be faced with challenges, it’s just the way it is. Success is not something you find. Success is something you create, through perHow you cope with those challenges is the determining factor. There are so many sistence and diligence. Success has to be part of your mindset, the absolute belief self-development programs available, and most of them deal with changing your that you will succeed. Study successful people and you will become successful. mindset to adopt a winning attitude. A daily workout for your brain is as good for Listen to motivated people and you will become motivated. Follow mentors and your health as a workout in a gym every day. leaders to become inspired.

You Are the Magic Ingredient

What Makes People Successful

Positive thinking in business is possibly the single biggest factor in becoming successful. It is almost impossible to succeed if your mind is filled with doubt and negative thoughts. Successful people think positively of their success. That does not mean that from time to time some doubt may not creep in, but it is those that cast the doubt aside and persevere on their path to success that ultimately become successful. Successful people learn from other successful people. They all have role models, teachers, mentors and advisors that help them to use their talents to achieve great things. Successful people overcome adversity. They have failed before they succeeded, but persisted. Successful people have vision. They know what they want and keep working towards it. Successful people maintain their motivation and drive with positive thinking. Successful people study success. Positive thinking can help you to be a better business owner, manager, salesperson or individual. In almost every situation that you face, you can decide on how to respond to it. A crisis can be turned into an opportunity; an obstacle can become a challenge to improve. You can look at the negative aspects, and focus on those, or you can take a positive attitude and focus on ways around obstacles to follow your dream. When you are confronted with a ‘problem’ or an obstacle, spend more


There is no magic wand. There is no device that you can flip a switch and become successful. If there is a magic ingredient, it is you. The more you work on your success mindset, and persevere, the more successful you will become. Feed your mind with positive, uplifting stories and ideas that keep you focused on your goals and ambitions. Positive thinking in business takes practice. You need to train your brain to think positively at all times, especially when the going gets tough.

Make it a daily ritual, to work on yourself, before you work in your business.

You can seek specific information on how to make your business better, more profitable or grow to extraordinary heights, but in the end, it’s up to you. This site is dedicated to helping to make a better YOU. Learn from successful people; find role models that you follow, find good coaches, mentors and positive people that will propel you to achieve great things. Inspiration is not constant. It come in flashes, and when it does, grab hold of it. Then make it work for you. So if you are looking for the “key” to success, you’ve found it. Right here. It’s about YOU, your mindset and your success plan. All the programs, books and other resources found here are to guide and help you grow. As you grow, your business will grow. The importance of positive thinking in business is critical to your success.



31 Positive Thinking Quotes from Famous Entrepreneurs 1. “I intend to be, the richest man in the world.” – Howard Hughes 2. “To be successful, you must act big, think big and talk big.” – Aristotle Onassis 3. “It is my utmost desire to become a billionaire in my life time and also give away billions of dollars. I don’t think any paid employment on earth can help me achieve that dream. If I become a billionaire in my life time, I will just be another self made entrepreneur on the list. But if I don’t; I will die knowing I gave that dream my best shot.” – Ajaero Tony Martins 4. “Like success, failure is many things to many people. With positive mental attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, and a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order to prepare to try again.” – W. Clement Stone 5. “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” – Luke 6:45, Matthew 12:34 6. “Be careful of your thought, for they may break into words”. – Anonymous. 7. “I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.” – Donald Trump

8. “We are self made or never made.” – Dr Sidney Newton 9. “I am looking for a lot of men who have the infinite capacity to not know what can’t be done.” – Henry Ford 10. “I’m not afraid of turning 80 and I have lots of things to do. I don’t have time for dying.” – Ingvar Kamprad 11. “What’s the worst that could happen? Everyone turned me down; big deal.” – J. K. Rowling 12. “Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember you can achieve.” – Mary Kay Ash 13. “Every tomorrow has two handles. You can take hold of the handle of anxiety or the handle of enthusiasm. Upon your choice so will be the day.” – Brian Tracy 14. “I always knew I was destined for greatness.” – Oprah Winfrey 15. “There are no mistakes in life, just learning opportunities.” – Rich Dad 16. “As a man think in his heart; so he is.” – The Holy Bible 17. “I have never run into a guy who could win at the top level in anything today and didn’t have the right attitude, didn’t give it everything he had, at least while he was doing it; wasn’t prepared and didn’t have the whole program worked out.” – Ted Turner 18. “I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute.” – Warren Buffett 19. “Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always, America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward.” – Thomas Edison 20. “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison 21. “Getting rich begins with the right mindset, the right

words and the right plan.” – Rich Dad 22. “I am black, I don’t feel burdened by it and I don’t think it’s a huge responsibility. It’s part of who I am. It does not define me.” – Oprah Winfrey 23. “We have a problem, ‘congratulations.’ But it’s a tough problem. Then double congratulations.” – W. Clement Stone 24. “Life and death are in the power of the tongue” – Proverbs 18:21 25. “The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey 26. “Do you know that within your power lies every step you ever dreamed of stepping and within your power lies every joy you ever dreamed of seeing? Within yourself lies everything you ever dreamed of being. Become everything that God wants you to be. It is within your reach. Dare to grow into your dreams and claim this as your motto: Let it be me.” – Mary Kay Ash 27. “Self suggestion makes you master of yourself.” – W. Clement Stone 28. “I don’t think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good.” – Oprah Winfrey 29. “A man is what he thinks all day long.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson 30. “Nothing can stop a man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goals; and nothing on earth can help a man with the wrong mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson 31 “There is little difference in people but that little difference makes big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” – W. Clement Stone

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