Study on landscape of science-policy interfaces

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Figure 3 Quantitative overview of the mapping. Note that the sum of non-mandated and mandated expert groups is not equal to the number of expert groups. This is due to the fact that we were able to classify some SPIs as expert groups bud had no information whether they have a mandate or not.

7.2 Description of the SPI landscape by representatives of different SPI types In this section we describe some of the interfaces in the SPI landscape by using our typology. We describe examples of SPIs for each type at the member states, EU and global level. Most of the information in this section is based on the database and is supplemented with additional information from websites and documents and partners' direct knowledge of some of the SPIs described. 1. SPIs of research projects: a) SPIs of science projects (e.g. funded under EU Framework Programmes) link science and policy-making to in various ways (linking functions see chapter 4.2). Concerning participation, all EU FP7 projects are required to include stakeholders in their advisory boards. Only a few projects include stakeholders in a transdisciplinary manner, i.e. projects that integrate stakeholders into the problem framing and the actual research process (e.g. the EU project HERMIONE). Therefore, EU projects mainly concentrate on disciplinary or interdisciplinary studies. All EU FP projects are also required to have some outreach activities. As such, some projects have dedicated work packages for outreach and stakeholder participation:

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