Denham November 18

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Dear Readers Welcome to the November issue of

Inside this month’s issue

In and Around Denham With the ghoulish goings on of Halloween behind us, we now move on to skies filled with flashes of light from the numerous local fireworks display, oceans of poppies for Remembrance and the start of early Xmas work do’s and parties. We tend to miss out here on that last one, as a works Xmas do for two doesn’t really have quite the same buzz about it, as does a group of colleagues joining up for the annual food and drink binge and hoping to god that the next day they aren’t recollecting the embarrassing moments of the night before. Oh how I miss those days! Or do I? Last month we celebrated little Summer-Hope’s first birthday, and whilst none of us suffered a hangover, the milk and ribena flowed freely and all of us were exhausted at the end of it. Now I’m off to join in the beginning of the Xmas shopping frenzy. I really should have appreciated these last few years of having a teenage daughter and being able to shop last minute. Back to scouring shops and trawling the internet before they sell out of the latest Maca Paca, Iggle Piggle or Teletubby. Someone save me! Until next month... Angela & Sammy

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Publisher: Angela Fisher Phone: 0800 038 5001 / 07759 536494 Email: Information and Details of Rates at 4

Dealing with pothole damage to your car pg.40

Great health, wellbeing & fitness gifts


Denham Parish Council


Pets: Thinking about getting a kitten?


Karen Munro: Careers


Mark My Words


Beauty: Time for some TLC


The magic of fireworks


Coffee Break Puzzles


Interiors: Making an entrance


The history of the remembrance poppy


RSPCA Rehoming Appeal




Citizens Advice Bureau


Useful Telephone Numbers


Puzzle Solutions


Motoring: How to deal with pothole damage


Can you still get a mortgage as an older borrower 50 Children’s Puzzle Page


Gardening: The great cover up Clubs, Groups & Classes

54 56, 58 & 60

DEC COPY DEADLINE 19TH NOV We are grateful for the support of local businesses whose adverts appear in this publication and whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors, omissions, claims made by advertisers or endorse companies, products or services. This publication, its contents and advert designs are © of In and Around Publishing. Any copying or reproduction in part or fully, is strictly forbidden without our prior consent.








Dear Resident,

2018 11

I’m sad to report a bitter sweet moment. A young female Otter was run over outside the DVMH. Whilst very sad it is encouraging to know that this species appears to be thriving locally. Any sightings should be reported to the Otter Trust. Events: Many of you attended the WW1 Centenary event we ran in conjunction with the Denham Village School. It turned out to be a very enjoyable occasion with plenty of interaction. Well done everybody concerned. We also ran the last ‘Jazz on the Green’ event for this year and again, an event enjoyed by many and a very pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Another event taking place towards the end of October is ‘An Afternoon Social with Bingo’. This is an event we hold a few times a year at the New Denham Community Hall for our older residents and we are endeavoring to attract more funding as it is very popular as we would like to hold it more regularly. Our grateful thanks to the Hall committee for providing this venue free of charge. Once again we have the Buckinghamshire Golf Club to thank for their commitment to supply a Christmas tree this year and hopefully the village residents will again rally round and decorate it ready for our annual Christmas Carols and turning on the Tree lights in Denham Village. We hope the Brownies and children from the Denham Infants School and the E-ACT Academy will all be entertaining us with each organisation singing. As usual this will be led by the Church Choir who will be providing some song sheets in order that all attending will be able to participate in the singing! We will also be providing some ‘hot chocolate’ for the children to enjoy. The Denham Green Christmas Fayre was put on hold this year due to a lack of volunteers and support from the area. Review of Electoral arrangements for Denham: We went to some lengths in the last edition to explain what this review was all about, but we were disappointed that there was very little response from our residents to the consulta12

tion. However, we take that to mean that most residents are happy with our proposal and trust that the Committee will approve the change. Budgets: It’s that time of year when we start looking at our priorities for the next year in order that we can agree our budget and set the precept for 2019/2020. To achieve this we look at every item of expenditure made over the last six months and review our spending commitments for the next six months. Many of our financial commitments are repeated costs year on year, i.e. staffing and office costs, utilities such as street lighting, devolved services costs for hedge cutting, tree lopping, grass cutting, weed spraying, maintenance of rights of way, bus shelters, playground equipment, rental costs of land, project outlay, grants for luncheon clubs for the elderly and youth club, etc., etc. As you can appreciate there are many items to factor in besides new projects to account for. There is so much emphasis now being placed on the growing needs of the older generation, and we need to ensure that those needs are met. Subsequently, our Good Neighbour Scheme can no longer wait for the District Council to make a decision on the Scout Hut which we had earmarked as a place where tea and coffee mornings could provide a social hub. These premises had been offered, to us, by the Scouts as they no longer needed them but we have experienced difficulty in getting the lease reassigned by the District Council. We are now trying to identify alternative venues The Parish Council meets on the 2nd Monday of every month (except August) at 19:30 in the Parish Office, Rear of Denham Village Memorial Hall, Village Road, Denham, and residents are always welcome to attend. Marilyn Heath Chairman, Denham Parish Council Our grateful thanks to ‘In and Around Denham’ for providing this Platform for us























THE RSPCA Hillingdon, Slough, Windsor, Kingston and District Branch Registered Charity No: 263515


Looking for loving homes Salsa Sadly, black cats are often overlooked by potential adopters and this has so far been the case for beautiful one year old Salsa, who has been with us quite a while now. Salsa is struggling with life in the cattery and is looking for an adult-only home without other pets, where she will be shown the patience and understanding she will need to settle in to a new environment. Ideally her new family will have experience with nervous cats and be able to help Salsa rebuild her confidence and trust in humans. She so wants to love and be loved, but just needs a little time to adjust. If you could work some magic for lovely Salsa and make all her wishes come true, please get in touch.

Kipper Handsome tabby Kipper, is an eight year old who came into our care when his owners were no longer able to look after him. He is a really affectionate boy who enjoys attention and has so much to give. He is longing for a new loving family, a nice garden to roam and relax in and a comfy lap to come home to. Although pretty easy-going, he would prefer to be the only cat in the household. Do you have a Kipper-shaped space in your home and heart for this lovely lad?

Fireworks Frighten Animals As the darker evenings draw in and firework season approaches, please plan ahead for the safety and wellbeing of your pets. Fireworks are enjoyed by lots of people but many animals are frightened by them. It doesn’t have to be that way though, so if your pet is scared, there are lots of things you can do to help. Follow the RSPCA’s top tips to make fireworks celebrations less frightening for your pet and talk to your vet who will, if necessary, be able to refer you to a professional clinical animal behaviourist. 34

Dogs and cats: Make sure your dog or cat always has somewhere to hide if they want to and has access to this place at all times. For example, this may be under some furniture or in a cupboard. Make sure your cat or dog is always kept in a safe and secure environment and can’t escape if there’s a sudden noise. Have your pets microchipped in case they do escape – by law, your dog should already be microchipped. During fireworks seasons, walk dogs during daylight hours and keep cats and dogs indoors when fireworks are likely to be set off. At nightfall, close windows and curtains and put on music to mask and muffle the sound of fireworks. Never punish your pets when they are scared as this will only make things worse in the long run.

Pets that live outside: Partly cover cages, pens and aviaries with blankets so that one area is well sound-proofed. Make sure that your pets are still able to look out. Provide lots of extra bedding so your pets have something to burrow in. Consider bringing them indoors. This should be done gradually, so you will need to plan ahead. Further information is at


If you can offer a loving home to any of our animals, please call us on 01895 833417 or visit to apply online. Thank you as always for your support!


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