IMTS PGDCA (Computer fundamental & c programming)

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COMPUTER FUNDAMENTAL & C PROGRAMMING 5.18 CREATING CHARTS A worksheet contains so much numeric data. The facility to represent data in the form of charts (graphs). Excel allows you to view graphs on the screen as well as to point them on a printer or plotter. It supports many types of charts, such as Line, Bar, Stacked – Bar, Pie, XY, Area, 3-D Bar, Radar, Doughnut, etc. In Excel, creating a chart is very simple. To create a chart, all you need to do is to select the range that you want to include in the chart and use a wizard called ChartWizard. ChartWizard asks a series of questions and creates a chart for you.

5.18.1 Using ChartWizard to Create a Chart Create a chart for the Profit and Loss Statement. 1. Select the range that you want to plot in the chart. 2. Click the ChartWizard button on the Standard toolbar and select the area where you want to show the chart. 3. ChartWizard asks a series of question regarding the type of chart that you want to create. Select the options that you want to use with your chart. 4. Finally, click the Finish button and your chart is ready! Later, if required, you can modify the chart very easily. In the chart that we want to create, we want to show the Cost, Overheads and Sales Figures for January, February and March to give a professional look to our chart, we want to show the month names on the X-axis. We also want to show Cost, Overheads and Sales as legend in our chart. 

Click the Next button and ChartWizard displays the second step. Excel displays the various types of charts, such as Area, Bar, Column, Line, Pie, etc. that it can create, all you need to do is to click the chart type that you want to use. By default, Excel has selected the Column type.

Then click the Next button.

In this step, Excel is asking you to select one of the Column charts it can create.

Press the Next button, and Excel displays the next step of ChartWizard.

Excel displays a sample chart based on your selections in the previous steps. Based on the range selected by you for creating the chart, Excel has assumed that the data to be plotted is organized in rows. It is showing the x-axis labels and legend in the sample chart. 

Click the Next button and Excel displays step 5 of ChartWizard.

You select if you want to show a legend in your chart. By default, ChartWizard displays legend in the chart. Accordingly, you find that the Yes radio button in the dialog box is selected. If you do not want to show legend, select the No radio button. 

Click in the Chat Title box and type Budget 1998.



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