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VAL TALEGGIO _ Where We Are _ Associazione Amici Artista Franco Normanni _ Ecomuseum Val Taleggio

NAHR PROGRAM _ NAHR Vision _ NAHR_Workshop _ Scientific and Founding Committees

FELLOWS _ Projects 2016 _ Projects 2015

VAL TALEGGIO - where we are Val Brembana






San Giovanni Bianco

San Pellegrino Terme Zogno





Brescia Venezia



VAL TALEGGIO Val Taleggio is an Alpine valley in the Italian region of Lombardy, situated between the provinces of Bergamo and Lecco. Geographically Val Taleggio comprises of three municipalities: Taleggio (villages of: Sottochiesa, Peghera, Olda, Pizzino), Vedeseta and Morterone. Fraggio Church (1300) is the oldest with the typical roof in piode. The river Enna has gouged out a 3 km gorge known as the Orrido della Val Taleggio.

SOTTOCHIESA & SOGGIORNO MAZZOLENI The residency, set in the green Val Taleggio in Northern Italy, offers the residents a lively space for productive interaction. Built in 1912, the Soggiorno is situated in the heart of the village. In addition to private apartments offered to the fellows, it has several communal spaces: a garden, an orchard with fresh produce, and small indoor studio spaces for rainy days.

MILANO Fashion & Design Capital, land of Leonardo da Vinci -the first biomimeticistand of many cultural institutions. Duomo (1932). Triennale Design Museum, 1923. Fondazione Prada (1993).

BERGAMO The walled upper town is a place well worth visiting. The medieval city is surrounded by ramparts. Piazza Vecchia with Palazzo della Ragione is the city center.

SAN PELLEGRINO TERME Home of the world renowned mineral water, QC Terme, and Italian Liberty style architecture: Grand Hotel (1905) and Casinò (1904-1906).

Associazione Amici Artista FRANCO NORMANNI The Artist's family, originally from Val Brembana, lived in Bergamo. The association is the main supporter of NAHR and it is represented by the Artist's house, in Bergamo. Its medieval walled garden inspired Normanni's work.

Civilization of Taleggio, Strachitunt and Rural Huts The Ecomuseo Val Taleggio was recognized in 2008 by the Region Lombardy. The Ecomuseo is part of a network of 44 institutions dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge of this territory. Through social and economic actions, it works to enhance the local heritage by developing visitors centers and restoring historical buildings. It identities and promotes new models of receptivity and community involvement. The Ecomuseum is a territory, a population, a heritage. It is diffuse in the entire area of Val Taleggio with an Info Point Office in Sottochiesa, a Documentation Center in Vedeseta, and a Videoteque in Peghera where "Stagionati" interactive videos showing the process of making Taleggio's cheeses.

NATURE, ART & HABITAT Multidisciplinary International Residency: Art Architecture / Design Anthropology Biology/Natural Sciences Ethno-botany Biomimicry Technology and Computational Sciences Economy

Nature, Art & Habitat is summer Residency program that relates to nature as a source of inspiration and a measure of available resources. It aims to unfold and display a sensitive type of culture to unveil intimate links with all living organisms. By looking at Earth’s ecosystem - climate, geology, soil, water - NAHR intends to develop a more resilient natural coexistence. NAHR investigates each year a different natural component to root residents’ research and projects. NAHR is a one-month multidisciplinary residency, with provided lodging, offered to professionals and university level students. An international jury selects the residents based on their proposals’ relevance.

Gastronomy Sustainability Visual Arts / Film Liberal Studies

RESILIENCY IN NATURE Fellows Nationalities: Argentine Arizona California Canada Colombia Greece India Italy Massachusetts Mexico Switzerland

THE WOODS - RESILIENCY IN NATURE is NAHR summer 2016 theme. “The Woods,” as a primary natural feature, represents a renewable yet depleting resource. They help sustain life on Earth by filtering the air and providing the planet’s oxygen, they stabilize the soil and offer shelter and nutrients to animals; they are widely used as a material for human housing, for building furniture and tools, to provide energy and indoor heating. While becoming globally scarce due to deforestation and mismanagement, the woods represent a thriving habitat of the Taleggio Valley encompassing a mix of biotic and abiotic components, such as flora, fauna, minerals, microorganisms, water, light, atmosphere, and soil.

Taiwan Turkey UK

The richness of woodland ecosystems, which constitute 50% of the Valley territory, has been selected as topic of NAHR 2016. They are literally and metaphorically fertile ground for exploration and creative design to inspire and encourage residency projects and works at large.

NATURE & CULTURE Arrival : May 31, 2016 Departure: June 5, 2016

The workshop is conceived as a collaborative experience in which learning sessions are supplemented by round table discussions involving direct application of knowledge paired with interdisciplinary brainstorming.

All activities will be in English, and, when in Italian, with a simultaneous translation.

The workshop, Creative Thinking Inspired by the Woods in the Taleggio Valley, emphasizes the continuum nature-culture by integrating human and technological culture into nature’s web, spawned by a multidisciplinary and practical approach. You will learn to: 1. Understand how nature can be both an integrant part of human habitat, and a source of inspiration for the creative process. 2. Translate biological phenomenon into relevant and applicable design principles. 3. Learn about bio-inspired design methodology and biophilia as tool to enhance sustainable life conditions. 4. Discuss Circular Economy strategies and the scalability of small communities, dynamic to more complex, and interdependent societies for sustainable and resilient living. 5. Create and enrich collaboration among people from different backgrounds that supports the coupling of human-nature interaction and a rich eco-systemic coexistence.



Artist, professor UCSD, San Diego


Art Critic and Curator, Bergamo




Head of the Accademia Carrara and GAMEC, Director, Bergamo

NAHR Chairman Architect, Milano



Art Critic and Curator, Milano

Artist, Tirana and Bergamo





Architect, author, educator, and founder of IM Studio Milano/ Los Angeles. Her conceptual work in the fields of sustainable architecture and biomimicry has been published internationally. She has been faculty member at the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) in Los Angeles. Her research focus in biomimicry, where innovation in architecture and design is inspired by the processes and functions of nature. She holds a Bachelor of Architecture from the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, and a Master of Building Science from the University of Southern California's School of Architecture

Graduated in Architecture at Istituto Universitario di Venezia, she holds a Ph.D. in Design for Cultural Heritage at Design Department of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Her research is focused on the enhancement of cultural heritage through the use of digital archives and tools, to foster novel learning models. She has been involved in research projects at academic and institutional level, dedicated to curatorship, coordination and organization of exhibitions, workshops, conferences and cultural events.

Anthropologist, writer, curator. Adjunct professor in urban studies at SFU. He publishes extensively in international journals covering interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches to urbanism, design, material culture and the body. His research has received support from the Center for German and European Studies, UC Berkeley; the Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research; the British Library; the French Institute of Research in Iran; and the Open Society Institute.



ELENA BREBENEL Whispers of the forest

ISABELLE DUVIVIER The Woods at Home : from Biophobia to Biofilia

JENNY RODENHOUSE The Enchanted Forest

ELKE EICHMANN Beauty in Imperfection

JAY YOWELL Tree Bark as Model for Architecture

SABINA MAGLIOCCO Nature and the Spiritual Imagination the woods in the culture of Val Taleggio

Track / Shul Building movement sequences in both rural and urban environments of the Taleggio Valley, Kraker's solo work focused on imprinting the land both with her presence and absence.

Mauriah Kraker created projects on printing presses in Germany, in rivers of the Midwest, under bridges in Taiwan and in Bangkok's zombie buildings. Currently, she is an MFA Candidate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Whispers of the Forest Whispers of the forest, draws inspiration from the symbiotic relationships existent in the woods of Val Taleggio. The focus is on mutually beneficial relationships that lay at the core of the good functioning of the Woods, making it an example of a healthy habitat. In addition, the project also builds upon the beneficial properties of local plants.

Elena Brebenel is a textile design and researcher currently undertaking a PhD at Central Saint Martins in London. Currently, she is investigating how biomimicry can help us develop artifacts for the domestic environment that addresses indoor air pollution.

Beauty in Imperfection Spending time in nature opens our eyes to the profound beauty of imperfection. The natural cycle of growth, decay and death shows the simple, slow and uncluttered essence of life. It is like in the Japanese concept of Wabi-sabi where simplicity, asymmetry or irregularity lead to a mediation of impermanence and trasience of things. This project is a concentrated visual research on the woods in the Val Taleggio. These trees lead a difficult existence and fight against the topography, water , erosions and weather. She combined the view of a photographer and architect on nature, whereby trying to catch the specific significance of the Taleggio Valley.

Elke Eichmann is an architect and photographer, she lives and works in ZĂźrich.

New shoots from oppiced tree.

The Woods at Home : from Biophobia to Biofilia Inspired by the butterfly's relationship to nature, and by human-managed forests, the project is exploring ways of stirring humans away from Biophobia, - fear of the outdoors particularly of spiders and snakes - towards Biophilia - attractions and connection to nature. By creating a butterfly-human friendly architecture, we will expand the woods/ meadows into the cities, increase bio-diversity within and outside the city and create a wellneeded appreciation of our natural resources.

Isabelle Duvivier is an American-Belgian architect, Principal of DUVIVIER ARCHITECTS, located in Venice Beach , California. She is a fellow of the American Institute of Architects. She received her Masters degree from the University of California at Berkeley, where she also studied math and welding. She is interested in the integration of nature in the built environment.

Tree Bark as Model for Architecture Tree Bark as Model explores how the trees, specifically their bark, found in the woods of the Taleggio Valley can serve as inspiration for improving architectural building envelopes. Outcomes are a series of analytical drawings on the research of tree bark as well as regional architecture of the Taleggio Valley and also proposing concepts for new building envelopes. Additionally, local bark from the region will be collected and displayed.

Jay Yowell an architect in Edmond, Oklahoma and a professor at the University of Oklahoma. He enjoys outdoor activities and this connection to nature has lead to a passion for bio-inspired design. Recent research has been on applying bio-inspiration to building skins.

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The Enchanted Forest : Satellite Canopies and Digital Understories By 2019, remote laser scanning technology (LiDAR) will be installed on the International Space Station. As it orbits the earth, it will collect forest carbon data for each site it passes. Using woodlands located in Sottochiesa Italy, LiDAR mapping, and iPhone ISS locator applications, the project simulates a digital forest that appears and disappears with the passing of the International Space Station. With each fly over, the forest becomes a more and more dense collection of past, current, and future trees. Evolving into a digital data bank, the video imagines the forest as an interface for international climate policies and carbon trading economies. The project investigates how our natural landscapes, seasons, and rituals may be transformed by new observational technologies and artificial celestial forces.

Jenny Rodenhouse a multimedia designer and artist, whose work examines the merging of the interface and the landscape. Appropriating the test site, places of experimentation, she explores the implications of emerging technology, creating hybrid virtual/ physical, artificial/ natural, local/ global environments.

Nature and the Spiritual Imagination: the Woods in the Culture of Val Taleggio The project examines the relationship between spiritual and ontological concepts of nature and sustainable practices by comparing traditional ways of relating to the woods of the Val Taleggio to the "new animism", a form of environmentalism that uses imaginative praxes to create relationships with nature

Sabina Magliocco a Professor of Anthropology at California State University, Northridge. She has published on religion, folklore, foodways, festival and witchcraft in Europe and the United States, and is a leading authority on the modern Pagan movement. Her current research is on nature and spiritual imagination.

1760, a porous wall in Val Taleggio The Spanish Dukedom of Milan and the Republic of Venice divided the Taleggio Valley and marked the agreement with a series of stela known as Termenú. Today, the Termenú are beautiful sculptural pieces worth visiting and understanding. The project presents the experience of getting to know the Termenú through maps and photographs.

Christopher Norman graduated at the Southern California Institute of Architecture in Los Angeles - California, is practicing residential architecture in Los Angeles.

KRONOS - "Mountain Moruk" Mountain Moruk , Project Kronos born from the idea of creating a cabinet of curiosities in a form of an open air museum at Taleggio Valley , to piedmont of alpines where Sottochiesa is located . Design of the installation inspired by geomorphological formation of the alpines. Mountain moruk brings together natural elements of Taleggio Valley by creating a path and by layering the elements towards their altitudes.

Idil Kemalogiu graduated in architecture from the Politecnico of Milano, she is currently a Master of Architecture student at École Nationale SupÊrieure d'Architecture de Lyon (E.N.S.A.L.), France.

MIRROR BOX The Mirror Box project is a means of exploring an abstract relationship between the ground and imaginary space. The landscape in Val Taleggio is not a passive character and it engulfs a series of project models comprised largely of mirrors. The result is a mixedup large space hiding within the earth.

Robin Nanney designer currently living and working in Los Angeles. Although she carries a BFA in sculpture from RISD and work experience on large-scale projects from Gehry Partners, Robin’s primary work is as a residential designer grounded in craft, with a passion for material authenticity.

Visions of circular economy through the lens of Taleggio Valley In order to avoid running out of resources on a finite planet, our economy must transition to one in resources are recycled infinitely. The world can learn more about how to accomplish this by studying local, sustainable agricultural communities such as in the Taleggio Valley, where residents have been producing unique local cheeses for tens of generations with the same land, rain and sunshine.

Myck Dalrymple Serves as the Director of University Sustainability Practices and a Senior Sustainability Scientist at Arizona State University, United States.

POSTHUMAN - CENTERED DESIGN The design research project carried out at the NAHR residency is a response to the philosophical provocation that non-humans might have forms of agency. Human-centered design methods dominate industrial design practice today. How would a shift in epistemology from human-centered to more-thanhuman-centered design influence these research methods? What might it mean to ask a honeybee to give informed consent? What does a co-creative activity with a goat or a snail look like? How would one engage cheese cultures in an ethnographic probe?

Eugenia Bertulis is an award-winning industrial designer teaching medical equipment design and digital part design at Emily Carr University in Vancouver, BC, Canada. She is also doing PhD research at Simon Fraser University on plastic and plasticity as a philosophical model for ethical product design.

INSPERIENCE, The labyrinth of the senses through emotions INSPERIENCE is an experience of self-transformation. This biophilic experiential project intends to change the harmful impact on our shared environment through an experience of senses. It takes place in virtual spaces that invite locals and tourists to increase their awareness on the pre-existent system of communication between human beings and nature. INSPERIENCE proposes an emulation of the system of communication between plants, fungi and insects that belong to the natural ecosystem of the Orobie Alps.

Monica Cohen is an Architect and Certified Biomimicry Specialist. Born in Argentina and founder of “Biomimicry Argentina Network,� she works with organizations on special projects to create a new approach with innovations inspired by nature.

WERE HERE Were Here is a multidisciplinary project, an exploration of the habitat of Sottochiesa, Taleggio, through live performance, video art, photography, and street art. WE make visible the presence/absence of the body - be it human, animal, alive or inanimate - in the natural and built environment, and its effects therein: transforming the outer space it is in (or not), however ephemerally, it stimulates an inner impression, a thought, a feeling upon the viewer. Here lies the possibility for communication. stimulates an inner impression, a thought, a feeling upon the viewer. Here lies the possibility for communication.

YuHe (Bonnie) Lin & Mauro Sacchi she is Taiwanese performer, choreographer and video artist; he is an Italian performer and artist, based in Taiwan. Together they are WE Theatre (a Company that Makes Stuff).


Comune di Vedeseta

Comune di Taleggio

Photo Credits: Fellows by Project Authors, all other photos by NAHR NAHR 2016, all rights reserved graphic design IM STUDIO MI/LA - Rachele Tonioni

Nature, Art & Habitat at Soggiorno Mazzoleni -- Taleggio Valley, Bergamo, Italy -is a summer residency program that aims to unfold and display a sensitive type of culture that relates to nature as a source of inspiration and a measure of resilient available resources.

multidisciplinary residency

nature, art & habitat taleggio valley, northern italy Nature,Art, and Habitat

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