RSA Newsletter

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AccESS Newsletter for Accredited Environment and Sustainability Awards Schemes

Inside: European Awards 2016 timetable New website launched Winners of Accredited Awards Schemes announced

ISSUE 1:2016


Accredited Schemes are the Route to Europe Winning an award provides


your business with the

have won

recognition it deserves;

more EBAE

whether it’s for innovative

Awards than

thinking, the development

any other country.

of a new technology or the

To be eligible to

application of novel business

enter, you need to first be


successful in one of the UK’s RSA Accredited Award Schemes.

Taking your success into the

RSA Accreditation guarantees

wider European market can

the level of professionalism,

pay massive dividends; for

quality and transparency of an

your company’s reputation,

award scheme. It also provides

motivation and finances.

entrants with access to a range

Winning a prestigious

of services, guidance and

European Business Award for

support provided by the RSA’s

the Environment (EBAE) is

Awards Forum. The Forum,

something that many

which is managed by IMS

business-people strive for.

Consulting (Europe) Ltd, gives

Over the past decade, UK

awards and scheme organisers

New Website Launched the opportunity to become part of a network of professionals with a common objective; improving the standards of sustainable development in business. For more details about awards schemes, accreditation and the EBAE, contact Vittoria Caselgrandi at IMS Consulting on 0117 325 0612 or email:

A new website is now live to help awards entrants, sponsors, scheme organisers and businesses share information and learn about the awards. This useful resource contains downloadable guides, case studies and regular news updates from accredited schemes. All you need to know about entering, running and sponsoring environment and sustainable development awards can be found at:

Looking for Help? A series of handy guides, written for UK awards entrants, scheme organisers and prospective European Awards entrants are available now for download at



European Business Awards for the Environment EBAE Timetable announced

applying for one of the other four listed categories. The indicative timetable is out and we are expecting the

The EBAE take place

handbook by the end of the

every two years and it’s

year. The UK has until mid-April

time to start thinking

to register submissions so make

about applications for the

sure you’re prepared and on the

2016/17 round. The awards’

path to European recognition.

five categories highlight The 2014/15 winners included


projects that save birds from

2. Product and Services 3. Process 4. International Business Cooperation 5. Business and Biodiversity The winner in the Business and Biodiversity category is selected from companies

EBAE Newsletter

November/December Review of geographical distribution of entries/finalists and potential barriers to entry in key countries

December Distribution of revised EBAE handbook to National Contacts (NCs) in full Registration Platform revision

2016 February NCs to enrol companies, winners, runners-up and special recommendations

February EBAE Newsletter

Mid February - March

high wire collisions, a smart app that helps protect sea-grass beds and the upcycling of waste to fashion on a massive scale.

The Great Recovery The Great Recovery is a project

The current linear model of

and resource managers,

run by the RSA and supported

manufacturing is throwing

brands and retailers,

by Innovate UK. It looks at

up major economic and

consumers, policy makers

the challenges of waste and

environmental challenges.

and government, investors

the opportunities of a circular

Risk to the supply chain is

and academics all working

economy through the

increasing, and the cost of


lens of design.

materials is rising sharply,

On-line registration by companies

Mid April

Closing date for submission

Mid April - Mid May

business innovations,

1. Management


NCs review and validate entries

May EBAE newsletter

July - August Pre-selection of companies by jury

October/November EBAE Awards ceremony at Eco-Innovation Forum

putting pressure on businesses

The RSA Great Recovery

The project questions the

to change. We need to shift

runs and supports a diverse

manufacturing system’s ‘take,

towards more circular systems

programme of activities and

make, waste’ approach and

and good design thinking is

events. The focus is hands

provides practical, design-

pivotal to this transition.

on learning and knowledge building through network

led solutions through events, resources and publications.

In order to make this shift,

insight. Participants from the

The aim is to pursue a more

designers need to consider the

design industry and across

circular economy, and explore

system as a whole rather than

the circular network are

challenges, investigate

focus on individual components

encouraged to get involved.

innovation gaps and incubate

or products. True co-creation is

new partnerships in

crucial from those involved in

Find out more online at

pursuit of this goal.

these life-cycles: designers and material experts, manufacturers


Scottish Business Champions unveiled at 2015 VIBES Awards

News from Accredited Schemes After receiving

View full list here.

a record number

edie's RSA-accredited

of entries from

Awards recognise

organisations large

excellence across

and small, edie

the spectrum of

revealed the winners


of the Sustainable

activity; from the

Leaders Awards (SLA).

best efficiency programmes, leading

The winners for each of design and product the 14 SLA categories

innovation through to

were announced as

the people who are

part of a prestigious

making it happen.

awards ceremony and

The SLA shortlist for

dinner at the Grand

2015 was whittled

Connaught Rooms in

down to 88 entries,

London on Thursday,

with finalists including

19 November.

multi-national corporations, retailers,

Winners included:

manufacturers, luxury

Willmott Dixon, for

brands, SMEs,

Sustainable Business


of the Year


National Grid for

universities and more.

Carbon Management, Heathrow Airport for Energy Management.

Commenting on this year’s shortlist, edie editor Luke Nicholls said: The sustainability sector is one of the main engines of long-term economic recovery and innovation – the quality and sheer number of entries we received for this year’s Sustainability Leaders Awards reflects that. Organisations from across the full spectrum of sectors have shifted from talking about ambitious sustainability initiatives to genuinely delivering

Nine Scottish companies were

The VIBES Awards is Scotland’s

declared champions of business

leading environmental awards

sustainability at the 16th annual

scheme that recognises and

Vision in Business for the

rewards businesses that

Environment of Scotland (VIBES)

contribute to the country’s


sustainable development by taking significant steps to

them, at scale and

City Car Club, Taylor Wimpey West

improve or reduce their impact

at pace. edie’s SLAs

Scotland and C&D Associates

on the environment.

are a great reason to

LLP (joint winners), Better World

celebrate those who

Books, Emtelle UK Ltd., CMS

Following a record number of

are really setting

Window Systems, Aberdeen

entries, 27 Scottish businesses

the standard when

Heat & Power Ltd., Bridge

were shortlisted for the 2015

it comes to doing

Biotechnology and Lobster Pod

awards. A rigorous judging

business better.

each picked up a coveted green

process was undertaken,

award at the ceremony held in

including a programme of

With such an array of

Edinburgh’s Sheraton Hotel. The

site visits, to assess the

high-quality entries

annual event was attended by

environmental practices of each

to analyse, edie hand-

more than 300 people from a wide

of the finalists.

picked the 2015 SLA

range of Scottish businesses. Clyde

judges based on their

Shopping Centre and Tinto Toners

The awards aim to

specialist knowledge

also received commendations.

encourage efficient use of

and experience within

resources, enhance business

their own field. From

Six micro-businesses, Brae Cottage

competitiveness, improve

Forum to the Future

B&B, Castle Enterprise, Uist

environmental performance

to WRAP; the Carbon

Wool, Greenspace Live, Film City

and support wider sustainable

Trust to Waterwise,

Glasgow and Loch Ken Bothies

development goals. Awards were


were presented with certificates

presented for each of the eight

expertise was

of good practice for their

categories: Management (Large

prevalent across

environmental efforts.

and SME), Environmental Product

the board.

or Service, Transport,

follow their example

Co-operation (joint

by recognising

award), Hydro-Nation

the benefits of

and Circular Economy

sustainability in

and Micro Business.


Gillian Bruce,

Each of the 2015

Chair of the VIBES

VIBES winners is

Awards, commented:

now eligible to enter

“We would like to

the 2016 European

congratulate all our

Business Awards for

2015 winners and

the Environment

finalists. The standard

(EBAE). In 2014 six

of entries this year

out of the 12 entries

was very high with

representing the UK

many companies

were chosen from

demonstrating how

previous VIBES Awards

putting sustainability

winners. Edinburgh-

at the heart of their

based Vegware and

business operations

Stonehaven’s Bay

can also benefit the

Fish and Chips were

bottom line.

selected as the only UK finalists in 2014,

“The winners

putting Scotland firmly

impressed the VIBES

on the map in terms of

judges throughout

sustainable business

the process with

practices in Europe.

their commitment


Footprint Awards Footprint Awards

on sustainable sourcing.

Winners expressed the

announced this year’s

Smaller innovators doing

desire to work even harder,

winners at their ceremony

great things were also

with others inspired to do

in London. Now in their

recognised, such as

more to secure their place

fifth year, the awards

micro-greens and

on the podium next year.

recognise those leading

salad grower ‘Growing

the way in sustainability

Underground’, who use

Companies can enter

in the food-service

hydroponics and LEDs to

12 categories covering

industry, whether they’re

grow carbon-neutral food

issues such as efficient

massive multinationals

in disused tunnels below

use of resources,

or small start-ups. This

the streets of Clapham.

packaging innovation,

year, those taking home

Guests came away

waste management and

awards included big names

energised to ramp up

responsible sourcing.

such as Pret, who won

their sustainability efforts, This year’s winners

an award for their work

buzzing with new ideas, contacts and inspiration.

their achievements

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources Award

and hope many

Sponsored by Green 10

more companies

Winner: Wyke Farms

will be inspired to

Runner-up: Smith

Waste Management & Reduction Award

Anderson Group

Sponsored by Green 10

to environmental excellence. We have had a great day celebrating


Environmentally Efficient Logistics Award

Winner: Winnow Runner-up: Simply Cups

Sponsored by Nestle Professional Winner: Kuehne+Nagel Runner-up: Greggs plc Joint Runner-up: Bidvest Foodservice View full list here


The Biffa Award Ceremony

Low Carbon Champions announced In September 2015, the Low

always a pleasure to celebrate

Carbon Vehicle Partnership

success and there were many

(LowCVP) announced their

reasons to commend the

Biffa Award is a multimillion pound fund that

Buildings’ prize, for not only

helps build communities

transforming the hall but

and transform lives

also creating real positive

Finally, the Wildlife Trust of

Champions for 2014-15 at

contribution of this year’s

through awarding grants

change to their community.

South and West Wales won in

a networking event held at

entries to cutting emissions,

to community and

the ‘Rebuilding Biodiversity’

Double Tree by Hilton MK

both of greenhouse gases and

environmental projects

Birmingham Open Media, a

category for bringing the

Dons Stadium. The Champions

local pollutants.

across the UK.

creative arts centre, won in

community and nature

Awards celebrate achievement

the ‘Small Grants’ category.

together in their Parc Slip

and innovation in low carbon

“The winning entries – and

The Coventry Transport

redevelopment project.

road transport.

those recognised as runners-up

museum was the setting

The David Clarke Railway

and short-listed – are exciting

for this year’s Biffa Award

Trust claimed the ‘Cultural

Birmingham Open

Optare won the ‘Grand

examples of a vibrant and

ceremony. All Biffa Award

Facilities’ prize for their

Media (BOM) were lucky

Prix’ award for Outstanding

innovative low carbon road

funded projects completed

Quorn and Woodhouse

enough to win the coveted

Achievement in Low Carbon

transport sector in the UK

in 2014-15 were eligible to

station redevelopment

title of ‘Overall Winner

Transport (winner of winners)

that is going from strength to

apply, of the 240 projects,


2015’. They impressed

and Mitsubishi took home the


19 were short-listed across

the judges with their

award in the prestigious Low

five categories, as well as an

The Pool Piece Working

transformation of a derelict

Carbon Car/Van Manufacturer

The Low Carbon Vehicle

overall winner.

Group, Community

building into a thriving

of the Year category.

Partnership (LowCVP) is a

Voluntary Action, Ledbury

community arts centre.

Harmston Memorial

and District took home the

Hall in Lincolnshire was

Recreation short-list trophy

awarded the ‘Community

for restoring the green in the heart of their village.

public/private partnership View the full list of

funded to accelerate the shift

winners here.

to low carbon vehicles and fuels and create opportunities

Andy Eastlake, LowCVP’s Managing Director, said: “It’s

for UK business.


Marks & Spencer - Plan A In 2012, after winning in an

What is the business

accredited award scheme at

case of entering awards?

issue for businesses looking to enter one. RSA accreditation

national level, Marks & Spencer won the Management Award

No matter where your business

Even for established

at the European Business

is along the sustainability

businesses such as

Awards for the Environment

journey, there are several

M&S, winning an award brings a

(EBAE) with their ethical and

reasons to enter an award

number of benefits. The most

environmental roadmap, Plan

scheme. Entering a well-known

A. We caught up with Adam

scheme and winning an award

important being employee

Elman, Global Director of Plan

can help establish your

motivation; our employees

A, to discuss the business case

place a high value on winning

for entering an RSA accredited

awards and this improves team engagement and motivation.

award scheme as well as some

reputation as a responsible

very useful tips on how to

business and gives credibility

maximise your chances

to your claims in the eyes

What is the role of

to win them.

of key stakeholders. This can

environmental awards?

be a door-opener for smaller innovative businesses and can

Award schemes are primarily a

help establish their brand.

way of rewarding companies for their efforts to become more

award schemes become

guarantees quality as

a means of increasing

all accredited schemes

standards and an

have to reach minimum

opportunity for sharing

standards of organisation


and operation to be eligible. In addition,

Why RSA accredited

RSA accredited schemes


are the only awards

responsible. M&S has

schemes in the UK that

won a large number of

In the past few years we

can feed entrants into

awards and recognition

have seen a proliferation

the prestigious European

in the past, now we

of environmental

Business Awards for the

hope to see more and

awards. The number of

Environment, giving

more businesses enter

environmental award

businesses that succeed

and win awards so

schemes available

at the national level a

that the industry can

can be daunting, and

chance to compete with

move forward. In this

assessing their quality

other sustainability

sense, environmental

and value becomes an

leaders in Europe.


About the Sectretariat What makes a good entry? Here are some tips I can give to business wanting to improve their entry. First of all make sure you keep it concise and clearly communicate your key messages in the beginning. This will make it easier for the judges to immediately understand the value of your entry and maximise your chances to win. Ensure you explain what the impact of your initiative was and how

The RSA (Royal Society for

We help to simplify the process

the encouragement of Arts,

by providing a mark of quality

you measured success;

Manufactures and Commerce)

to award schemes, making

outline the targets set and

Accreditation scheme helps

sure they meet a robust set

the results you achieved.

to simplify the process of

of criteria, and by doing so

Highlight what makes

selecting the right awards

demonstrate high quality and

your initiative unique,

scheme for you.


what sets your entry

With over 400 schemes now

The RSA Accreditation scheme

apart from competitors.

operating in the UK based

is managed in the UK by IMS

Finally, whenever possible,

environmental and sustainable

Consulting (Europe) Ltd, IMS

include visuals to help

development area alone, it can

also represent the UK on the

bring your initiative to

be difficult to know which to

European Business Awards

life and make your


for the Environment (EBAE)

how it is innovative and

entry stands out.

Steering Group.

Contact the RSA Accreditation secretariat: IMS Consulting (Europe) Ltd

+44 (0)117 325 0612

Royal London Building, 42-46 Baldwin St,


Bristol, BS1 1PN, UK.

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