Futsal Franchise Prospectus

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Contents Welcome to @Futsal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The @Futsal Licence concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 What do you get as a Licencee?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Earning Potential?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The Cost?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The benefits of a @Futsal Licencee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Are you suitable to join the Winning Team?. . . . . . . . . . . .


What we expect from you?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 How do you join the Revolution?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Welcome to @Futsal Thank you for enquiring about an @Futsal licence, this prospectus will explain more about the licence, help you make an informed choice and hopefully have you dreaming of working in football, running your own business and doing something you’ll love. In case you didn’t know about the game itself, Futsal is an exciting, skilful, fast-paced version of five a side, suitable for kids and adults, recognised by FIFA, UEFA and the FA as the international version of the small sided game with national leagues here in the UK, professional leagues overseas in places like Spain and Brazil with familiar names such as Barcelona. There are also major, worldwide events such as the FIFA World Cup and UEFA European championships, it is also scheduled to be an Olympic sport in Brazil in 2016.

In futsal you need to think quick and play quick so it’s easier for you when you move to normal football (outdoor soccer).” - Pele


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Futsal, the game with global appeal It is considered an important factor in why Brazil, many other South American countries and countries like Spain and Portugal are so technically proficient as it’s such a popular game in those countries and is credited by many stars down the years from Pele to Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Robinho, Fabregas and of course Lionel Messi. Because, by the very nature of the game and the ball, it helps develop technique and skill in players it is an excellent learning tool for the 11 side version of the game we all know and love. For more information on @Futsal and reasons why it’s such a great game and so popular all over the world with c. 30 million players across the globe please click the links below:

The FA’s Futsal site FIFA’s Futsal site UEFA’s Futsal site 10 reasons to play Futsal site FIFA’s Futsal World Cup site


“The Premier League is committed to providing our young elite players with a wide variety of football experiences and Futsal delivers real benefits for those that want improve their technique, movement and speed of thought.,” Ged Roddy, Director of Youth, The Premier League.


The @Futsal Group @Futsal are the UK’s leading provider of Futsal, with a vision to make Futsal the centre of football development in the UK and are now offering exciting opportunities for people to join the revolution and become an @ Futsal licencee running leagues and/or coaching in their local area. Football has a unique power to cross all boundaries and unite people from the most diverse and divergent


groups, you have an opportunity to harness this power through Futsal and channel it in your community. As an @Futsal licencee you’ll have a real opportunity to do a power of good for your community as well as earning really good money.

Futsal, its more than just the game... Frank Rodriguez CEO @Futsal Group

“The FA is working with @Futsal to help support the delivery of The FA Futsal Facility strategy. The proposed development will help underpin Futsal delivery from grass roots to excellence, providing a national hub for competition, Futsal workforce development and local competitive opportunities for juniors and adults alike.,” Hannah Buckley – Regional Facilities Manager West Midlands


The @Futsal licence concept What does it involve?

Experience Required?

@Futsal is looking for enthusiastic, passionate people who love football and want to lead the way in their communities providing a range of licensed Futsal activities including:

You don’t have to have experience in running leagues just an ability to work hard and follow the guidelines, training and support structures set out to help you. We can provide all of the training you require including FA certified courses and technical support.

• Futsal Tournaments for adults and juniors • Futsal Leagues for adults and juniors

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the opportunity It’s a fantastic opportunity for someone to get involved at any level whether it is on a small, part-time basis on your own to supplement another income or to prove it works without too much investment before expanding. Alternatively you could start off as a full-time business employing several staff. There are opportunities large and small.


@Futsal has deliberately made the entry costs really low so that the most important factor is someone’s desire and ability to run the programmes. This means someone can get involved in a small parttime capacity with not too much commitment - and stay at this level if they are happy or continue to grow if they wish to.

Futsal will always be my first love - ronaldo

“Futsal is the internationally recognised version of the small sided game and it is a key part of The FA national game strategy, @ Futsal will further help to develop the game and increase participation ” Hannah Buckley – Regional Facilities Manager West Midlands


the MArket Futsal, the world’s premier version of 5-a-side The opportunity is huge; Futsal is the fastest growing indoor sport in the world. It is rapidly expanding and being adopted in the UK from the Barclays Premier league and Football League academies down to grassroots football and you have a limited chance to get in at the start. Around 30 million people worldwide play Futsal and with FIFA, UEFA and the FA pushing Futsal as their chosen small-sided

format, the game is set to get bigger and bigger. It is rapidly catching on here in the UK; when people start to play it, many of them prefer its format as it helps develop better technique, is more similar in nature to the 11-a-side game and is a better coaching and development tool for teams to use in the offseason or as part of their training programme than traditional five-aside.

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The UK Football Market Millions of people play football in this country, with the FA estimating that 2.1 million people play at least once a week and the five a side game is now more popular than 11-a-side among amateurs. The reasons for this include, its shorter nature, no requirement to travel to away games, not having to undertake training twice a week in order to be picked, its use instead of traditional training for teams, along with the ability to play it during lunch or evenings in the week without interrupting precious time at the weekend. The FA also recognises that there is a huge drop off in kids aged 14-17 from traditional football teams due to factors such as: realisation they are not going to make it professional, club football becoming more competitive, the lure of other pursuits and external pressures including school work, travel arrangements and part-time jobs. Five-a-side and especially the urban possibilities of Futsal really suit this age group and help keep teens engaged with the game. The same is also true of children in publicly funded programmes such as pupil-referral units (PRU), N.E.E.T (Not in Education, Employment or Training) programmes from 14-19.



I came out of Futsal and developed my skills in this way of football. I play the same way now (in the outdoor game) as I did on the futsal courts as a kid - Denilson

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Government & Governing body support The urban, cool nature of the game of futsal and its ability to let a player express themselves more freely, more involvement in the game and more touches of the ball, engages these children and helps keep them in funded programmes like this and many similar ones in this sector.

- to get kids more active in and out of school - such as extended schools programmes where over £200m is being invested over the next two years and the change4life scheme.

The FA also estimates over 1.1 million children aged 5 -15 don’t play for a team but would like to and also that there are a further 2m 5-15 year olds who want an informal social arena to play now that there are fewer safe public places to play or that structured team-orientated 11-a-side doesn’t engage. There is also a huge drive by the government, and especially Sport England to increase participation in football to help with healthy lifestyles and the anti-obesity drive

This extends to encourage adults to continue or get back into physical activity as many people who drop out of football find it harder to get back into the traditional formats of the game; 40% of them are doing less activity per week than the recommended levels and again this is where Futsal can used to encourage them back. Local primary care trusts (PCT) invest over £100m a year in tackling obesity, which is a growing problem in our society, and getting people into regular exercise they’ll enjoy - like a high intensity game of Futsal - is one of the ways to help combat this.

FUTSAL is not a game for players who only feel secure in their own few square metres of the pitch. What FUtSAL develops is speed and quality of decision making - Javier Lozano

Manager of Spain FIFA FutSAL World cup Winners 2004


“on behalf of the referees I would like to say a big thank you for last weekend. The support by your staff was excellent and makes things run smoothly” Sean Dipple – Referees Development Manager


The fact that the game has much more room for expansion in terms of participation is evidenced by the ‘Get Into Football’ officers employed by local FA’s to encourage people into or back into the game, along with the FA’s and Mars ‘Just Play’ scheme aiming to get people off the sofa and into a game, whatever their age, gender, background or ability.

Lead the development of football in your community The UK is an ideal market for Futsal, because due to our unpredictable weather, we have lots of indoor facilities ideal for coaching and playing Futsal and the beauty of Futsal is that it can be played on a number of different types of surfaces, indoor and outdoor.


As you can plainly see there’s a great opportunity and a huge untapped market, with the opportunity to coach Futsal or set up kids or adult leagues in all areas including disability Futsal, Women’s Futsal, publicly funded programmes among many other areas and to lead the future development of football in your community.

FUTSAL is an extremely important way for kids to develop their skills and understanding of the game

- RONALDINHO FIFA World Footballer of the Year 2004, 2005

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“Futsal is the only form of indoor football approved by FIFA and is now considered a major area of development for both regional football associations and The FA nationally� West Riding FA: Jo De Tute, Football Development Officer


What do you get as a licencee? The rights to use the @ Futsal and Futsal UK names, models and systems

Initial marketing pack containing marketing materials to get you started

The support of the biggest national brand in UK Futsal where you benefit from all our previous and imminent endeavours, any national marketing we do and the association with such a respected organisation, giving you the look and feel of being part of a much bigger operation.

Operations manuals with everything you need to know and more; a step-by-step guide to everything involved with running the programmes in your area and how to run a successful business in this sector

A proven business model: it just requires you to put in the effort and follow the guidelines to build up your own Futsal business A skilfully crafted marketing model and schedule that’s highly successful in generating leads and guides through what marketing to do, when and how often.

Unrivalled initial training in the set up and management of the programmes

When you come to play normal football (outdoor soccer) it’s easier if you’ve come from a futsal background - Rivelino


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Market-leading and out-bound structured support from experts to guide you on an on-going basis and make sure you feel you have everything you need Access to a wide range of expert partners to help you, if you require it, in all areas of running a business in this sector, to help you to grow it to the level you want to Regional @ Futsal hubs in which to train, run regional tournaments and to act as a support centre for the regional licencees. All the branded kit, balls and equipment you need to get started Exclusive areas. Signage to promote your business locally

Essential bookings and customerrelationship management software with which to organise the business. Qualifications in Futsal refereeing and/or coaching (as appropriate). On-going research and development by the licensor into new revenue streams and elements of the programme designed to help make your licence potentially much bigger and better A proven business and marketing model; it just requires you to put in the effort to build up your own Futsal business in no time at all The ability to become much bigger, better and quicker than you could ever possibly achieve on your own.

Your own customisable FutsalUK. net website and email address.

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Earning Potential There can be no guarantees and this varies hugely depending on the size of commitment you make to @ Futsal, but from just a commitment of one pitch for two evenings a week someone could be (running a business) supplementing their income by running a business bringing in approx. ÂŁ30,000 to start with.

This can be multiplied many times if people want to run more pitches per night, operate multiple nights, run programmes during the day and weekends take on a larger area or multiple areas and run coaching alongside the leagues programmes.

Number of teams per week

Approx Annual Earnings(ÂŁ)

20 40 60 80

30,000 60,000 90,000 120,000

* This table is for indicative purposes, turnover is approximated and will vary slightly based

upon several factors and in licensing there is no guarantee of performance but it is usually directly related to how much effort the licencee puts in, how closely they follow the licensor guidelines and how well they run the licence


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No Limits The limit is how much the licencee is able to take on with their human and financial resources and this is why we generally insist that you prove to us that you are capable of running the programmes well in a small capacity and then grow from there


Larger organisations with existing staff and resources should see this as an opportunity to fully utilise their resources to develop a new, powerful and profitable revenue stream that could really drive their business forward.

“I am so excited about offering Futsal to the children of Peterborough. Although many are still unaware of what Futsal is all about, awareness is growing incredibly fast. Futsal is about having fun, learning football skills and develop confidence, in a friendly and welcoming environment� Sara Strid-Coughlan (Peterborough Licencee):


the Cost These will vary hugely between licencees and each licence is tailored to the individual needs of that licencee on an on-going basis. Small charges are made for: Starter pack Annual licence fee based on the size of area you have and to include training for yourself A very small fee per team per game to cover support, use of the CRM system and building of your personalised website

Really low entry costs Since the entry cost is really low, it’s possible to get a business up and running with a low capital cost, so you can start up part-time without the need to quit your existing job until you’ve built up the business

and then you can continue to grow at a rate that is affordable to you or stop where you are happy. Pilot-licences are available for a limited number of highly suitable candidates at no initial cost and no cost for the first year while they build up the business.

At a FUTSAL match, the emphasis is on improvisation, creativity and technique

- Trevor Brooking


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Training & Support You will be in business for yourself, not by yourself! In licensing, your success will be our success so there’s every incentive for us to put in a leading edge level of training and support. We understand that taking on an @ Futsal licence and setting up your own business could be daunting, especially if it’s the first business you’ve run by yourself.

Supporting you every step of the way We guide you on every step and work by the mantra that we put

everything in a manual; we train you on the manual to make it clear and then support you, such as when you actually go live and someone asks you a question you can’t answer as it’s not in the manual.

Quarterly and regional training Intensive Training is undertaken every 3 or 4 months which are held regionally at one of our supercentres around the UK to make it easy for licencees and their staff to attend training.

“No time plus no space equals better skills. Futsal is our international laboratory of improvisation” Emilio Miranda, 
Professor of Soccer,
University of Sao Paolo



Product training aligned with general business guidance The training is on both the practical side of running the elements of the programme applicable to you; also on the business side of getting the scheme up and running and managing it on a daily basis.

Annual conference There is also an annual national conference which is much more in-depth and detailed with support from our partners and where you’ll learn a lot of new things every year to help your business get bigger and better.


Expert, pro-active, outbound support The support is provided by our expert staff via most modern communication methods, utilising the best modern technology has to offer. They all work coaching or running leagues and have been through what you are likely to experience so can guide you first hand. No one is better placed to advise you than us and, where we aren’t experts we have expert partners to assist with things like accountancy and insurance etc.

“It did improve my technique, It makes you more composed on the ball and makes you want the ball more, so you can do something with it” Micah Richards told BBC Sport when asked about Futsal


Quick Return on Investment

learning and it’s good to have the attitude that you can always learn and improve.

The most important thing at the start, from our experience, is to be up and running as soon as possible and to be making a return on your investment, and then to be able to continue to grow and be profitable. That’s what our training and support is there to assist with.

What we can’t teach and improve is your attitude and work ethic, that’s down to you; you have to have the passion and drive to run your own business, combined with our expertise. That’s a winning combination!

On the job training, shadowing and support

You’ll learn on the job and through various other methods of training that we recommend. The first six months to a year is a really steep learning curve but after that it settles down but you never stop

I played [futsal] from the age of nine until I was 16 when I had to stop to go on with my football career. It improved my speed and dribbling skills - Deco

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The benefits of an @Futsal licence The guidance, training and support to build up your own business in football doing something you’ll love Licences and franchises have a much greater chance of success compared to the rest of businesses set up, where 66% of them fail within the first two years. Licensing and franchising are considered the simplest and easiest way to get into selfemployment and according to the British Franchise Association 90% of franchisees trade profitably. A plan to follow, that if followed, will lead to success To work either full or part-time, depending on your current circumstances


An expandable business: the ability to start off small, with a low capital cost, and grow gradually in line with what’s affordable to you. The business can easily be run from home and capital outlay is really low The support and brand trust of a much larger, well-respected and connected organisation A proven model that enables you to make fewer mistakes, waste less money and become much bigger and better than you are likely to on your own A far enhanced chance of success in running your own business or trying to do something like this yourself

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The ability to raise finance through banks that understand licensing and franchising and are more likely to lend on this basis and we can assist with your ‘perfect’ business plan when you are a licencee. Discounts or exclusive products that come from bulk-purchasing power Flexible hours to suit you A model that suits both the public and private sector so you’ll be able to run private programmes but also chase public funding to work with disadvantaged groups

It is best run in your local area so that your local knowledge combined with our excellent product leads to a much greater chance of success A retail arm too, to generate additional profit Building up a business that, should you choose to sell at some point will be worth a multiple of its profits(subject to contractual condtions of course) Job satisfaction, enjoying every day you work, and a pride in what you are doing! HAVING FUN ...

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Are you suitable to join this winning team? A strong brand The @ Futsal brand is recognised and respected within Futsal and the corridors of power at the FA so it’s important that we select the right people to take our brand and ideas to their local market.

Do you Fit the bill? We are looking for enthusiastic, hard-working people of all ages, either gender and backgrounds who feel they are able to make a commitment, either full-time or part-time to help develop the future of football in their community.


Excellent communication and people skills You should enjoy working with, and being around, people; be able to make the activity as enjoyable as possible for the players and good communication with people should come naturally to you.

Managing the growth In time you may grow to a level where you need to manage staff so we advise growing to that level only if this is comfortable for you and you have experience of

“@Futsal are an innovative and exciting organisation to work with and their passion for hard work and results is a real benefit to our organisation� Gareth Lippiatt, Licencing Partner of @Futsal



Problem solver

At all times, you must present a professional appearance and appear organised as people often make their mind up within two seconds of meeting you and you are representing not only yourself but our brand in your local community.

You will be in charge of a number of people at the venue and will need to make sure everything runs smoothly so you’ll need to be responsible and, if things don’t run smoothly you need to be a quick thinker and a problem solver to think of the best course of action.

Self Starter

By the very nature of licencing, the onus is on the licencee to make it work locally, a licensor can only guide and assist the licencee has to drive the business in their area, to be persistent, hard-working and to push it to its optimum level. The trials are tough to prove that you deserve to be selected and we have high standards but, if you feel you’d like to put yourself up for selection then follow the next steps...

Running a licence is not a get-richquick scheme; it requires a lot of hard work, effort and the ability to be able to follow and implement guidelines. You’ll need to be a good communicator with people at all levels, a self-starter not afraid to pick up the ‘phone or go and meet someone.

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What we expect from you To be a highly motivated, hard-working self-starter To want to make a difference in your community To be an effective communicator and a people person To have good local knowledge of your area and contacts Professional in all your interactions with people Must believe in what you are doing and be passionate about football Offers only the best service and willing to go the extra mile to make things work Innovative and adaptable Confident and assured Trustworthy Will drive the business locally, doing everything they can to make it work

If you think you are all of these and are up for the challenge then give us a call!!


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HOW DO YOU JOIN THE REVOLUTION? 1. Please send a covering email, any supporting information and CV to jointherevolution@futsaluk.net or click on the link below to express your interest and send your details through. 2. Suitable candidates will then be invited to meet with us at one of our regional centres on a ‘Discovery Day’ where they’ll find out all the information they require, will have the opportunity to ask any questions and they’ll be further assessed by one of our team as to their suitability to run an @Futsal licence. 3. If the candidate wishes to be involved and is selected they’ll be invited to complete some further stages to prove they are serious about the licence and capable of running one successfully. These will include (where appropriate) CRB checks, review of existing relevant qualifications, child protection courses, first aid etc. If you think you are up to the challenge, want to lead the way working in football in your community, doing something you’ll love and EARN BIG MONEY then email us on the above address or get in touch via the details below.


0121 554 3296

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