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Petch on committee - no body told him by Bob


Chevron features editor

Our newest vicepresident is on the university government study committee, but nobody told him. When talking to the Chevron this past week, academicvicepresident Dr. Howard Petch said he was not on the committee. “I may possibly be listed as an ex-officio member. I askednot to be on it, because I had worked on a similar committee at MacMaster .‘* The closed door policy of the committee is the critical point as far as students are concerned. Petch feels that closed doors are justified when administrative reorganization is being considered because it is necessary to discuss personalities. Petch attended the conferenceof the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada in Montreal this week. The conferencefavored student representation on the bodies that affected them. The a c a d em i c vicepresident favours very strong student involvement at the department level. They should also be represented at the faculty council level but in a broader way. Thit is, they should also be represented at the faculty council level but in a broader way. That is, they shouldn’t be fending for their own department. Students should also have representatives on the senate. The senate is primarily an overseeing body which approves decisions from below, although some suggestions do go down.



“I am not opposed to student representatives on the board of governors, but I am not convinced it is worthwhile. Decisions are not made at the board level.” Refering to the open letter sent to the university government study committee by the student members (printed in last week’s Chevron), Dr. Petch objected tothestatement that reorganization in the higher levels of the administration is being undertaken without regard for the existence of this committee. He said that they cannot wait for the committee’s report. Inhave been terim procedures necessary. As far as changes inthegovemmental structure, Petch sees aone tier format combining the tasks of the senate and board. “The board of governors is losing its importance as a fundraiser with increasing proportions of government grants. The senate should not be separate, because financial should not be separate from academic.*’ He sees the single tier forming gradually, with senators being elected to the board and board members being ekcted to the senate. Dr. Petch also said that this committee should not be thoughtof as a one-shot affair. The committee should complete its work, sport and changes be instituted. The university community must not forget that things will still change, and a similar committee be needed again.


Science on spot the frosh address because it implied that Kirton’s views were The chopping block had been prethose of the Science Society as a The sun rose over St. Jerome’s College Sunday morning to reveal a fantasy-like scene clothed pared for Bill Kirton, president whole, that it was an untimely, Chevron photo by Brian Clark in snow. Laurel Creek took on a shine of life in the brisk air. of the Science Society, but Kirton radical stand that could be attripulled the wool over the bleary buted to the council. eyes of the Science Society council. Kirton handed out copies of his and walked away as their rein-‘ offending speech and quoted extensively. In effect he said “in my stated leader. of rural sociology; Leonard FletThe PCs are coming. The PCs The two o’clock panel will disA main issue of the council opinion” was a part of the speed-cher, the deputy chairman of the meeting are coming; cuss the extent to which regionawas president Kirton’s that he had given it as personal department of economics at the address to science frosh which Three progressive conservative lism whould play a part in the views. yom.h organizations have joined University of Waterloo; an ex- stated his views on student power policy-making of the federal Someone said it was getting late to promote a double-headed semicabinet minister in theDiefenbaker government. in university government. A Chevand he had used ,up his time. government, Alvin Hamilton and ron editorial said that Kirton could nar. Kirton agreed and said he would WLU’s acting chairman of the The University of Waterloo and S&OO~ of business and economia, an assistant professor in relieve the society of internal connot bother presenting the motion L u t h e r a n progresWaterloo geography and planning at theUniPd. Glen Carroll Will be tie flict by resigning his position. of confidence he had been building sive conservatives are sponsoring verslty of Waterloo, Roy Officer. Instead, he convinced the council up to. chairman for a panel consisting of the affair on November 18. Further information ‘bn the that this wasn’t Miss Helen Abell, an ex-lecturer necessary and Two significant motions WERE Morning and afternoonseminars at Guelph and Waterloo, and author seminars can be obtained from the issue passed, almost unchalpassed at the meeting. Thecouncil will deal with two aspects of con- of many publications John Hoicks. Renison College. agreed that its stand on the openin the field lenged. Council had objected to temporary politics. ness of university government committees was “seriously hamThe first topic will be held at pering negotiations for student lo:15 and will look at Canada% activities ” and it should reconinternational relations. Chairing Student members of the comsider its position. Also it desired this session will be Dr. Fred When the committee on union the recorder soon turned into mittee have promised a press a “policy of participation in all Speckeen of WLU, while panelists versity government met Monday a talk on open meetings ingeneral. release after each meeting on areas of faculty and departmental examine the questions: Is Canada afternoon, students entered with a The discussion eventually came the important moves which took activities where suchparticipation a middle power ? and What changes three alternative plans. around to a big nothing. The place. This may force other is meaningful and relevant, and should be made in her policy? They carried a tape recorder, students weren’t censured for members of the con-n&tee to do in the best interest of the.faculty On the morning panel will be which they told the committeethey recording and the meeting wasn’t the same to prevent biased points of science.” Heath Macquarrie, one of the intelwould do, They had earlier said opened or closed. Kirton was boisterous athis suclectuals of. the progressive conthey would either tape the meeting The students however think a of view. cess in mending the rift between servative, and author of ‘The conand present the tape to the news, victory is in sight because they his council and himself. servative party’, Dr. Karl Aun, media get open meetings approved, feel a responsibility to their conIn niock bitterness he said, the acting chairman of the departor to leave the committee. stituents to follow a standing order A change in Chevron distribution -_--_-__--_-_-------------“There may be differences of ment of political science at W aterInstead of any of these nothing policy is hereby aMOUnCed. opinion within this council. It is loo Lutheran, who wrote ‘Theprohappened. Talking really starts pages 7U- 7 7 Henceforth and forever theChe= nothing like the Chevron stated. tection of minorities in internaTed Batke opened the meeting A religious question? page 5 vron will be distributed only to And furthermore, its timing tional law,’ and Barry Bartman, a from the chair and called on stuEditorial page 79 the teaching buildings, excepting showed a lack of knowledge of the dents to either substantiate or WLU graduate who attended Lon-__---__--__-----_--------computer science. situation within the Science Sotdon School of Economics and is withdraw the charges that theyhad of council not to participate in Lists have been posted giving iety. ‘Ihe motions passed tonight made last week. now completing his M.A. thesis closed meetings. . exact locations of drop-out points. speak for themselves.” at Western. They substantiated thecharges. Yet Batke continues to claim that. If there are shortages at any Kirton added, “I pulled it off Luncheon with speaker Heath Much later in the meeting the the decision whether meetings are sources please feel free to conquite well, baby, and I thought I Macquarrie will be followed by subject of the tape recorder came open, closed or recorded will be tact the Chevron and vent your was in hot shit 1 But don’t quote the afternoon seminar examining up. The recorder had been running determined by a vote in the comwrathful oaths. that!” Canada’s domestic scene. for some timealready. Discussion mittee. by Dave


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