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Edition for EUROPE


January 2019 / Edition 780

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Pros and cons of scientific progress




WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia


GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN Rev. José Arturo Soto B. International President of the WMM

“Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the Lord spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the Lord will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the Lord said.” Joshua 14:12.


he spiritual level of many children of God is not

out to the battle with a winning attitude.

enough to lead a victorious life, and that is why we

Dear readers, God calls us to be selfless and to let go

are mostly defeated. When Elijah climbed to the top of

of any burden slowing and weighing us down on our way

Mount Carmel, he conquered new heights and the people

to the top. We cannot be selfish with the Work of God.

of Israel turned the hearts back towards God. When our

When we put everything in His hands (our lives, desires,

Lord Jesus Christ took three disciples and brought them

aspirations, goods, etc.) He gives us back hundredfold.

up on the Mount of Transfiguration, they understood things better as they had caught a glimpse of Jesus’ glory.

Dear pastors, when you get discouraged by the poor results of your work, never lose faith or do not let the spirit

Amid hardship and trial, agony and treason, the Work

of discouragement get the best of your spirit of conquest.

of God has always moved forward. How? By staying hum-

It is the Lord who will push His Work forward, as long as

ble, by depending on God and by giving Him glory for

we are united in one honest and pure heart.

everything He does for us. Brothers and sisters, there is

Remember that the Lord has given us the mount of

still a long way to go, but thanks to God’s grace, we will

media (radio, television and the Internet) so that we can

keep the fighting spirit alive to continue conquering and

keep spreading the Gospel not only to reach lost souls, but

winning over the lurking giants.

also to restore the defeated people of God.

For God’s people, these mounts symbolize continents,

Dear readers, which mountain will you conquer?

countries, cities, villages, our neighbors, our families, our

Which giants and obstacles are you facing? “Now therefore

partners, our children and all those who do not belong to

give me this mountain (…)”, Caleb said to Joshua.

the Lord yet. This is the time to claim these mountains for

God wants this Work to spread throughout America

God. Just like Caleb, God has promised us to give us these

and around the world, conquering thousands of souls for

mounts. Let us hold on to this precious promise and go

the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



evangelistic Founder Director: Rev. Luis M. Ortiz JANUARY 2018 / EDITION N° 780 (USPS 012-850) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT The World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc. is a non-profit church with a vision to plant new churches in the United States of America and its territories, and also with a missionary vision to plant new churches wherever God opens new doors all over the World. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc San Juan, Puerto Rico Washington, D.C. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936

POSTMASTER: send address changes to Impacto Evangelístico P.O. BOX 363644 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-3644 Phone (787) 761-8806; 761-8805; 761-8903

BOARD OFFICERS OF WMM INC. Rev. José Soto President Rev. Humberto Henao Vice president Rev. Rubén Concepción Secretary Rev. Gustavo Martínez Treasurer Rev. Álvaro Garavito Director Rev. Rómulo Vergara Director Rev. Luis Meza Director Rev. Clemente Vergara Director Rev. Carlos Guerra Director CHURCHES ESTABLISHED IN: Germany Argentina Aruba Australia Austria Belgium Belize Bolivia Bonaire Brasil Cameroon Canadá Chile Colombia Congo Ivory Coast Costa Rica Curacao Dinamarca Ecuador El Salvador Spain United States The Philippines Finland

France Gabón Ghana Guatemala Equatorial Guinea French Guiana Guyana Inglesa Haití Holland Honduras India England St. Andres Island (Col.) Saint Martin Island Island of Mauritius Rodrigues Island Canaries Islands (Spain) Hawaiian Islands (U.S.A.) Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Kuwait

Madagascar Malaysa México Myanmar Nicaragua Nigeria Oman Panamá Paraguay Peru Portugal Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Romania Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland South Africa Surinam Trinidad and Tobago Ukranian Uruguay Venezuela

The Worldwide Missionary Movement is a religious nonprofit organization duly registered in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in the federal capital, Washington DC, with headquarters in both cities and in every state of the United States and other countries where we have established missionary Works. Important The offerings and donations in cash, equipment, real estate and bequests by will, in the benefit of the Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc.’s Work, are deductible from the income tax, and receipts issued by the WMM are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the Federal Government of the United States of America and of the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico. n

Visit our website Obtain uplifting information about God’s Work and keep up with the latest news. A customized access from anywhere in the world: www. impactoevangelistico.net n

If you wish Write to us at our postal address: Worldwide Missionary Movement, Inc. PO Box 363644 San Juan, P. R. 00936-3644 n

Copyright © 2009 Impacto Evangelistic Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Inc. (World-Wide Missionary Movement, Inc.) All content of this magazine and each subsequent edition are duly registered at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC USA. All rights reserved. Total or partial reproduction in any form and translation into other languages without prior permission of the Director are prohibited. Under international copyright agreements, they are crimes punishable by law. n

Doctrinal Statement The Worldwide Missionary Movement adheres to the fundamental doctrines of Scripture, such as: n

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WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

• The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:19-21. • The Adorable Godhead in Three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Matthew 3:16-17, 17: 1-5; 28:19, John 17: 5, 24, 26, 16:32, 14:16, 23, 18:5, 6, 2 Peter 1:17,18; Revelation 5. • Salvation by Faith in Christ: Luke 24:47, John 3:16, Romans 10:13, Titus 2:11, 3:5-7. • The New Birth: John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23, 1 John 3:9. • Justification by Faith: Romans 5:1, Titus 3:7. • Water Baptism by Inmersion, as commanded by Christ: Matthew 28:19, Acts 8:36-39. • The Baptism in the Holy Spirit subsequent to salvation, speaking in tongues according to: Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4, 8, 2:4. • Divine Healing: Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16, 17, Mark 16:18, James 5:14, 15. • The Gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. • The Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Galatians 5:22-26. • Sanctification: 1 Thessalonians 4:3, 5:23, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 1:15, 16, 1 John 2:6. • Ministry and Evangelization: Mark 16:15-20, Romans 10:15. • Tithing and Maintenance of the Work: Genesis 14:20, 28:22, Leviticus 27:30, Numbers 18:21-26, Malachi 3:7-10, Matthew 10:10; 23:23. • The Rapture of the Church: Romans 8:23, 1 Corinthians 15:5152, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. • The Second Coming of Christ: Zechariah 14:1-9, Matthew 24:30, 31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Titus 2:13, Jude 14, 15. • The Millennial Kingdom: Isaiah 2:1-4, 11:5-10, Zechariah 9:10, Revelation 19:20, 20:3-10. • New Heavens and New Earth: Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1.

42 SUMMARY Search us on:



OR MAKE US SLAVES? A social phenomenon that is already being studied.


34.- Life story THE SERVANT OF GOD

16.- Motto 2019 SHEKINAH

40.- Devotional

Divine presence of God.


18.- Current news THE FALL OF THE OTHER

42.- Devotional

EVANGELIZATION Internet, a powerful channel to evangelize.

BERLIN WALL The cultural Marxism seems to prevail, but it is advancing towards its demise. 22.- Woman THE ART OF WAITING ON GOD (I)

Immediacy has become a path that everyone wants to walk. 24.- Music WHEREVER HE LEADS I’LL GO

The hymn that invite us to follow in God’s steps. 26.- Literature ANSWERS TO TOUGH

QUESTIONS A book that strengthens our faith in God.

30.- Héroe de la fe UNA VOZ DEL MENSAJE DI­

VINO John Knox was a central character of the Scottish Reformation.

From a life of peace to a life of tragedy, until he found the Lord.

DEFENDING GOD’S WORK 44.- Devotional


GOD” The words of the international vice president of the World Missionary Movement, Reverend Jorge Humberto Henao. 48.- Events


MESSAGES FROM OUR READERS January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico




Theoretically, technology should make people free as it helps bring social and economic progress. Nevertheless, there is alarming evidence that people are becoming slaves to technology (e.g. cellphone addiction), a social phenomenon that is already being studied.


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

January 2018 / Impacto evangelĂ­stico



Technology provides countless possibilities.

For instance, communication is now faster, reaches more people, and allows sharing information in a matter of seconds. But, is it helping us to be better people? In these times of overwhelming technological advances, we should think about the current evolution of the world. We need to deeply analyze the “signs of the time” according to the Gospel. On the one (positive) side, technological development has meant a great step for humankind. One example is communication and the invention of real-time


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

On the one (positive) side, technological development has meant a great step for humankind. One example is communication and the invention of real-time messaging, which is sometimes essential in situations that require immediate action.

Evangelization through social networks

messaging, which is sometimes essential in situations that require immediate action. Some other inventions make everyday life easier (e.g. home automation) or, most importantly, improve healthcare by doing scientific research o discovering and healing new diseases, thus reducing human suffering. On the other (negative) side, it can be said that there is a tendency towards dehumanization. Personal direct relationships are being replaced by long-distance ones, prompting a change in behavior. Similarly, we have extreme consumerism. People

We have reached the point where it is impossible not to use technology. The usefulness of technological advances is undeniable, and the Internet has become a powerful platform for research, education, entertainment, marketing, cultural exchange and instant communication. The Internet and electronic devices are essential at work, at school and even at home. The idea is to make the most of the tools that improve the efficiency of communication and messaging. Social networks have become an interesting option to inform of Christ’s impact on people’s lives, which could be summarized in one word: blessing. E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, etc. are tools that can be used to spread God’s Word and share information about Christian activities. Platforms such as Skype, Facebook, or WhatsApp help reduce distances between brothers who live far away, such as foreign countries or remote lands. We can approach God by using these networks, though many people do not think it is possible. For example, we can see pictures of Christians preaching the Lord’s Word and teaching good values. Christian images are, in fact, very popular on the Internet and one of the most searched topics. This means that a significant number of believers make good use of the Internet. No wonder that there are hundreds of Christian websites and social network accounts. Of course, social networks will never replace the temple or God’s Word, but they can be effective secondary tools that facilitate the spreading of the faith as long as we do not neglect duties as Christians in local churches and worships. These platforms can be used to encourage our brothers in faith and to speak with relatives and friends that are far away and share with them the Sound Doctrine.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico


COVER Social isolation

On the other (negative) side, it can be said that there is a tendency towards dehumanization. Personal direct relationships are being replaced by long-distance ones, prompting a change in behavior.

Five adverse effects Social isolation. It is more and more common nowadays to see people living in their own small world, listening to music on their iPods or watching the screen of their latest smartphone, isolating themselves from co-workers, relatives, and even friends. This behavior is known as phubbing. Sexual content within everybody’s reach. Children and adolescents without adult supervision have unregulated access to pornographic content and other types of information they may not be prepared for.

Waste of precious time. Some people who spend hours playing videogames, chatting or watching videos on YouTube, wasting time that they could use to exercise, walk or spend quality time with family and friends. Environmental pollution. Due to the vast number of smartphones, tablets and laptops produced worldwide, pollution has become a big hazard, since many countries do not regulate the recycling of batteries and electronic junk. Loss of privacy. The times when we could have privacy by just being off-line are long gone. Social networks, chats, smartphones, GPS, SMS, e-mails, and other means of communication are but a portion of a large list of resources that any individual can use to “locate” us at any moment.

think that buying the latest technologies is a sign of social prestige, and neglect more important things such as talent, effort or hard work as the basis of personal development. Technology must serve people, and not the other way around. Many people think that technology is essential to solve all social problems. We innovate for the sake of innovating, and we forget the human component. Innovation must be a means to an end, not the goal itself. The world cares more about narrowing the digital gap than fighting against inequality. A concrete example is refugee settlements. Authorities wants refugee camps


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

Sexual content within everybody’s reach

Waste of precious time

Loss of privacy

Environmental pollution

January 2018 / Impacto evangelĂ­stico



WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia


Of course, social networks will never replace the temple or God’s Word, but they can be effective secondary tools that facilitate the spreading of the faith as long as we do not neglect duties as Christians in local churches and worships.

to have access to the Internet and be connected to the world, and they do not stop to think that their main objective is actually to allow for social reinsertion, access to fundamental rights such as education, and active participation in society. Cybercommunities without people. In the cyberworld, people are numbers with lots of data. This could be very dangerous, as those in possession of this information are a select group of people who not only know where we are, what we do, what we like, what we think, among other things, but also have the power to dehumanize, to concentrate power and to build societies where being digitally accepted is more important than socializing. Technology could be as addictive as alcohol. Nowadays, much is said about addiction to alcohol, junk food, work or drugs, but we rarely speak about technology addiction. For instance, technophilia refers to an excessive enthusiasm for technology which sometimes results in dependence. Despite this fact, governments and companies take no action to deal with this situation. Technology must be regulated as any other product, especially because it generates serious social problems such as depression, isolation, anxiety and even suicide. This reality should make us pose the question: What is the role of people in the digital era?

Source: http://blog.es.idealist.org/la-deshumanizacion-tecnologica/ http://filosofiaexplicadaporines.blogspot.com/2013/12/la-tecnologia-nos-esclaviza-onoslibera.html

January 2018 / Impacto evangelĂ­stico


The number of worldwide Internet users surpasses





of its population has access to the Internet.

Statistics dated February 2018

TECHNOLOGY asameansfordeevangelization To see the Internet as harmful is to focus on the negative and overlook the positive. It helps both to have a more productive lifestyle and to get closer to God.

makes no sense. It is a human invention and a very powerful tool created to make some tasks easier, just like a washing machine or a refrigerator.

There is indeed much negative content on the Internet, but why focusing only on the disadvantages? It is important to learn about its advantages to make the most of everything the Internet has to offer.

There is all sort of contents on the Internet, including Christian information or news such as the Impacto Evangelistic magazine or Bethel TV station. With them, it is very simple to find out about Christian reality. Besides, all the information is close at hand thanks to smartphones.

Thinking that the Internet is a “work of the devil”

According to 2018 statistics

There are more Internet users than TV viewers. Is this the end for television? Over the last years, the Internet has swept the board in terms of audience and has gotten more people used to this new way of accessing contents, which has affected the TV format. This change is especially evident among the young population, who are the main promoters of this migration from traditional TV to on-demand contents.

43% 53% 14

39% of Internet audience

of viewers uses another mobile device while watching TV. is abandoning TV for mobile devices and Internet broadcasting.

WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia



Of TV audience

The number of mobile lines surpasses the worldwide population

7.800million SIM Cards

“The Bible” is one of the most downloaded applications worldwide.

“We know that the Internet can have a lot of malicious content, but if used properly, it can be a powerful means for evangelization.”

Pastor Bobby Gruenewald, from Oklahoma, came up with the idea of using technology to make the Bible easily accessible through smartphones and tablets. He said that he was “excited to see the Bible rising in the ranks, because it means God’s Word is becoming more widely known.”


+350.000.000 downloads +800 languages

The Impacto Evangelistic magazine uses technology to spread information and God’s Word on the website and social networks.


followers with a significant annual growth. An average of


70,000 monthly visitors.



active cellphones worldwide.

Technology is not bad in and of itself; it depends on how it is used. It is said that new technologies bring us closer to those who are far away and far away from those who are close. If we go through the history of the media, we observe that newspapers, television, and others change at some point the way people interacted with each other. As technology became cheaper, everyone had a TV in their bedroom and families did not gather anymore to watch it. Now, the Internet, laptops and other mobile devices have prompted communication with people who live far away. A study by Kent State University found that people who can ignore calls and texts are more contented and less anxious than those who cannot resist a ring.

But having a mobile device with Internet connection does not only generate indifference or anxiety. There is a generally ignored aspect: the socialization of digital content, which also happened to newspapers, radio, and television. At some get-togethers, half of the conversation revolves around content seen on the Internet, and people share videos and memes with each other. Even TV channels share viral content from the Internet on their programs. This new socialization of content leads to a different type of digital gap. In addition to the digital gaps of access (people who access digital technologies and those who do not), usage (people who know how to use it and those who do not), and quality of usage (degree of individual knowledge), there is non-socialization: we cannot share or comment on what we do not know.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



THE MOTTO In life, we will always have to make important decisions. The Worldwide Missionary Movement is no exception, and one of such important decisions is the choice of the annual motto.

The motto for 2019 is “Shekhinah” and it refers to the most ancient divine clothing, to the divine

presence of God, who lives among His people. The Shekhinah was decisive for the people of Israel. It was the confirmation that God was among them. This almighty and glorious presence manifested itself since Israel’s departure from Egypt and stayed in the tabernacle during the whole pilgrimage through the desert until the construction and consecration of the Temple in Jerusalem.


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

We need the Shekhinah within the Church. May the glorious Cloud of God linger upon our activities (conventions, fellowships, spiritual retreats, and services in general).

The Hebrew word “Shekhinah” denotes “dwelling” or “settling” of the divine presence of God. This means that God was no momentary presence for a year or two, but He was present throughout the whole pilgrimage of Israel. God visibly lived among His people. This gave them security, guidance, protection from enemies, blessing and a personal communion with the Lord. This brought peace and victory to the children of Israel. God’s manifestation in a pillar of fire is the most ancient divine clothing and receives different names in the Old Testament. God calls it “My glory” in Exodus 29:43, “The cloud” in Exodus 34:5, “Cloudy pillar” in Exodus 33:9 and 33:10, “Cloud of the Lord” in Numbers 10:4, and “My presence” in Exodus 33:14 and 33:15. That is precisely what we need from God. We currently live in a time like no other in the history of Church. Sin today is a true plague. We are surrounded by dangerous ideas of all kind. Therefore, we need more than ever the dwelling of the presence of our Lord to defeat our enemies. Every time “the pillar” would rise from the tabernacle, Moses said, “Rise up, Lord, and let thine enemies be scattered.” That is what we ask for. We want to see all of our spiritual, physical, and material enemies to be scattered by the cloud of God’s presence and the pillar of fire of God’s Spirit. We need the Shekhinah within the Church. May the glorious Cloud of God linger upon our activities (conventions, fellowships, spiritual retreats, and services in general). We yearn for God’s presence surrounding us so that we can achieve all of God’s purposes for His Work. May the fire of the Lord burn all the filth, hindrance and impenetrable weeds in our heart. May it oust all the crawling, slithering and vulturous animals that harm our spirit. May the Lord’s Church walk without obstacles to achieve God’s commands. This is the year of God’s manifestation. This year of Shekhinah 2019 will mean a great victory for the Worldwide Missionary Movement. Our motto is inspired in Numbers 9:16: “So it was alway: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night.” Our slogan is “The dwelling of Divine Presence.” We want, need and yearn for the dwelling of the presence of our God in the form of the Holy Spirit every day of our lives, until Christ comes again.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



THE FALL OF THE OTHER BERLIN WALL Carlos Polo y Carlos Beltramo

Just like no one expected the fall of the Berlin Wall –the pretentious symbol of the soviet power in the second half of the 20th century– cultural Marxism seems to prevail in almost all Europe and America but it is advancing towards its demise.

The average citizen is sick of the corruption

and poverty resulting from state socialism, as well as of the astounding inconsistency of its leaders, who usually see reality through an authoritarian lens and want to impose their ideas on others. The Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989. For three decades, the 155-kilometer-long barrier of concrete, barbed wire and steel girders had held in those who fought to free themselves from the Marxist oppression. The rhetoric of Soviet Empire leaders could not stop the world from realizing that their system did not work and did not make anyone happier. The barbed wire fences, ditches, land mines, dogs, and guards shooting to kill spoke louder. The way out was one-way only, and it did not take


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

to what Marxism preached, but from it, even if it costed one’s life. Nevertheless, the fall of the Berlin Wall was not the end of Marxism, as some mistakenly thought. As it fell, another Marxist-labelled yet more subtle “wall” was being built. It is not made of concrete, but it confines and restrains freedom just the same, and in a more efficient

way. It is the wall of cultural Marxism, which no longer aims to control the means of (material) production, as proposed by Karl Marx, but rather the way societies think. Built by Gramsci, Lukács, Kojève, Adorno, and Marcuse, among others, the wall of cultural Marxism aims to control the means of intellectual production. It restrains

thinking by controlling public speech and the opinion through the “politically correct,” and whoever dares to think differently is severely punished. For years, the architects of cultural Marxism have patiently taken over the media and education institutions to achieve their goal. The discovered something that Marx could have never imagined: they can take

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



control of society in a more efficient way by controlling speech and the public agenda instead of controlling the economy. This blatant wall has penetrated culture, as well as the local and international powers, from the public domain to the private one, such as family and sexuality, in order to control everyone and everything. So far, their efficiency is based on making people think what they want them to think without raising any suspicion on their true intents of control. They play with the illusion of granting “rights” and “freedoms” to citizens, and demand the recognition of absolute power disguised as “normal” in exchange. Those among us who perceive that something is not


WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

right feel that this system is so powerful that it will never fall, but it will only grow stronger and more powerful while confining us to a new ostracism named “irrelevance” with labels such as “extreme” or “phobia.” BEGINNING OF THE FALL

But this wall of cultural Marxism is falling, although many still view it as impassable and indestructible like the first Wall of the 80’s. Facts are adding up: the Brexit, the NO to the treacherous peace agreement between Colombia and the FARC guerrilla movement, Donald Trump’s election in the U.S., Viktor Orban’s victory as Prime Minister of Hungary and the removal of “gender studies” from universities, the rejection

of the pro-abortion bill in Argentina, and the election of Jair Bolsonaro as Brazil’s president. The electoral results in Andalusia in the first week of December are also worth mentioning. Vox, a party that introduces itself without any reservation as against cultural Marxism, attained 12 regional deputies. It went from 18,000 voters to almost 400,000. Because of the parliamentary method of electing regional presidents (equivalent to governors in other countries), the combination of center and right wing parties could mean the end of 36 years of socialism in Andalusia. What is more, it puts national politics in check. “The right is cool again”… also in Spain. The wall is cracked, and not because of the far right, as some journalists say to belittle this phenomenon, but because people is weary of the left’s experiments. There is common ground in all these events: cultural Marxism is the establishment that loses to its challengers despite using all its power, against all the odds of the media and politics guardians of its public speech. The challengers of cultural Marxism face an entire power system and win despite having much less economic resources and having to confront the hostile and activist action of the media. Why? Because cultural Marxism makes many promises and keeps only a few, and the few it keeps turn out to be the exact opposite of what was promised. The politicians that promise to end poverty and come to power become

A few days ago, diplomat Ernesto Araújo, future Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, declared that his mission is to eliminate all ideological forms of cultural Marxism under any name.

extremely rich through corruption and abuse of power. The white knights of sexual freedom become LGTBI dictators and persecutors of dissenters. Feminists end up turning women into the female version of those irresponsible and selfish men that we all loathe. The more powerful cultural Marxism grows and the further it takes its reformations, the more flagrant and less tolerable its contradictions become to citizens. Disillusion turns into rejection, and then into subversion. A few days ago, diplomat Ernesto Araújo, future Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, declared that his mission is to eliminate all ideological forms of cultural Marxism under any name (gender and sexual diversity, environmentalism, feminism, multiculturalism, liberation theology, etc.).

Araújo cleverly exposes the confusion of those who, rejecting “communism,” have been supporting the old monster now mutated. The serpent of the original and orthodox Marxism shed its skin and most people now stare at an empty carcass, thinking that this “fake serpent” must not take power. In the meantime, the true serpent, in another skin, has become their tyrant. It is new left that never abandoned its principles and praxis of class struggle, it only changed its speech and learned to control the public agenda. It is the new left as brilliantly described by Agustín Laje and Nicolás Márquez in their best-seller. 2019, A KEY YEAR

Araújo has it very clear. His lucidity to recognize the true serpent and his determination to fight it are remarkable. Certainly, this war declared to cultural Marxism will result in multiple political scenarios. 2019 will be a particularly important year for international and local politics: it seems that many events will take place in the next 365 days. For instance, Brazil’s position in the UN will make a U-turn with Araújo, a man who has never hidden his admiration for Donald Trump. Let us remember that Bolsonaro announced his intention to withdraw from the UN and that US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley officially announced the U.S. withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council after calling it a “cesspool of political bias.” To those who have walked through the corridors of the UN, it is clear that the currently prevailing cultural Marxism will no longer be able to remain in power with Trump and Bolsonaro as challengers. Things could get much worse for them if Brazil actually leaves the UN, as Bolsonaro stated. We are on the threshold of a dramatic change in the worldwide political and diplomatic scenario. A storm is coming. This will be the first time in many years that a solid bloc of countries faces the wall of cultural Marxism prevailing in core subjects such those related to life and freedoms. 2019 is also an electoral year for many European and American countries, and there will more than one surprise. It will be healthy for humankind, though there will be delicate moments of true crisis. It is up to us if this crisis mean growth or if we keep waiting for better times.

(*) Source: www.actuall.com

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



THE ART OF WAITING ON GOD (I) Carmen Valencia de Martínez

How hard it is to wait patiently in one place, and how easy it is to get impatient, especially now with the current culture of immediacy. Immediacy has become a path that everyone wants to walk. 22

WORLDWIDE MISSIONARY MOVEMENT America • Europe • Oceania • Africa • Asia

Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.” To wait is to stay where we are or delay action until something happens, expecting/hoping that it will. And how hard it is to wait patiently in one place, and how easy it is to get impatient, especially now with the current culture of immediacy. Immediacy has become a path

me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.” (Psalm 138:8). This impatience makes us take matters in our own hands, while patience is necessary to enjoy God’s blessings. What do we need to learn to wait on God? 1. CAST AWAY ANXIETY

God calls us, changes us, transforms us and asks us to cast away anxiety, desperation and desire to take matters in our own hands. He tells us, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7). 2. BE STILL

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). When the Lord asks us to be still, He is actually asking is to wait on Him. We have to learn to be still and wait until He comes. When we wait on God, the Spirit takes over the flesh and our being submits to the control of the Holy Spirit. Waiting on God has to do with the heart, not with the mind or with reason. It does not matter how long it takes God to answer to our prayers or to fulfill His plans for our lives, we must wait on Him and does not allow our soul to get disquieted for not obtaining immediate results (Proverbs 13:12; Psalm 42:5). 3. HAVE FAITH

that everyone wants to walk. This impatience has also pervaded Christian life. We want things to happen immediately and we go to our Lord as if in a hurry. We want everything now! But the Lord’s ways do not work like that. The Lord’s ways are step by step, little by little, with perseverance. Every single plan that God has in store for us will be fulfilled, but in due time! “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth

Faith is a lifestyle. Faith is acting according to God’s direction. Faith is having the certainty that God controls everything and everyone and being convinced that without it we cannot please God (Hebrews 11:6). Believing also has to do with the heart. In the epistle to the Romans 10:9-10, we read: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” King David had so much faith and was so convinced of God’s greatness that he said, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 27:13). For the Lord to act in our favor, we only need a heart that believes that everything is possible to Him. Waiting on God is more important than anything else. Waiting on Him makes God Himself our goal and not our means to get something. If we believe in God and His direction, if we believe in God and believe God, then He will show us the path of life and we will know for sure that in His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Psalm 16:11).

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



WHEREVER HE LEADS I'LL GO This hymn written by Baylus Bejamin McKinney embodies the essence of Christianity. Its verses invite us to follow in God’s steps and give Him our heart and life.

“Wherever He Leads I’ll Go” is a song that reflects the particular spirit of the Gospel: to follow in God’s steps. Written by Christian musician and poet Baylus Benjamin McKinney in January 1936, the hymn also describes the challenge of those who have decided to take the path of truth offered by the Almighty. Gospel music experts claim that the song was written in Clanton, Alabama, when McKinney was at the peak of his career to spread the good news. At the Southern Baptist Convention of 1936, the composer had a special encounter with a missionary that inspired him to write the hymn. Such missionary was Reverend R. S. Jones, who shared with McKinney that his doctor would not let return to Brazil, where he had served the Lord for many years, due to his health condition. Touched by this story, the songwriter asked him about his future plans, and Jones replied: “Wherever He Leads I’ll Go.” This is how he was inspired to write the popular song. DISTINGUISHED SONGWRITER

Baylus Benjamin McKiney was a singer, songwriter,


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teacher and music editor who was born on July 22, 1886, in rural Heflin, Lousiana. He showed his love for God from a very young age. He was an alumnus of Louisiana College in Pineville, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and the Siegel-Myers School of Music and the Bush Conservatory of Music, both in Chicago, Illinois. McKinney wrote the words and music to around 150 hymns and worked between 1918 and 1935 along with Robert Henry Coleman, songbook publisher of Dallas. Both developed a prolific evangelizing work through the production of many compositions of great biblical content. Later, he carried on with his mission in favor of Christ and became music editor for the Baptist Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in Tennessee. This servant of God took part of many 20th century revivals and wrote poems dedicated to Jesus based on the Holy Scriptures. According to experts, the verses of “Wherever He Leads I’ll Go” refer to Matthew 16:24-25, Mark 8:34-35 and Luke 9:23-24, which tell about the Lord’s calling to follow Him. Baylus Benjamin McKinney died on September 7, 1952, at the age of 66. His faith, now embodied in hymns, remains as strong as a rock and is a deep source of inspiration for millions of believers around the world who worship the Almighty and go wherever the Lord leads.

WHEREVER HE LEADS I’LL GO 1 “Take up thy cross and follow Me,” I heard my Master say; “I gave My life to ransom thee, Surrender your all today.” REFRAIN Wherever He leads I’ll go, Wherever He leads I’ll go; I’ll follow my Christ who loves me so, Wherever He leads I’ll go. 2 He drew me closer to His side, I sought His will to know, And in that will I now abide, Wherever He leads I’ll go. 3 It may be through the shadows dim, Or o’er the stormy sea, I take my cross and follow Him, Wherever He leads me. 4 My heart, my life, my all I bring To Christ who loves me so; He is my Master, Lord, and King, Wherever He leads I’ll go.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



ANSWERS TO TOUGH QUESTIONS This book, written by the renowned American ministers Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, contains the resources necessary to strengthen our faith in God, confirming also the validity of the Gospel and the Bible. Christianity believes and teaches that only the Bible is God’s Word revelation. Despite being written by men, the original author remains God Almighty. This statement was not made up by the Church, but it appears on the Bible. “But the word of the Lord endureth for ever” (1 Peter 1:25). “All scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:21). Statements such as “And the Lord spake unto Moses,” “Now the word of the Lord came unto Jonah,” and “Thus saith the Lord, appear in the Old Testament more than 2000 times. How do you know that God exist? Were Bible miracles not mere tricks for primitive people? Does science not question the Bible’s statements? How can you believe in a Bible full of contradictions? Are arguments not just a vicious circle? These are some of the questions tackled by Answers to Tough Questions, by Josh McDowell and Don Stewart. Among the religious leaders who have had lots of converts throughout history, Jesus-Christ is unique because He said to be God incarnate. A common misunderstanding is that some or many of the worldwide religious leaders made similar declarations, but that is not true. Buddha never said he was God, Moses never said he was Jehovah, Muhammad never identified himself with Allah, and there is no evidence that Zoroaster ever said he was Ahuramazda. But Jesus, a carpenter from Nazareth, said that whoever saw him, had seen the Father (John 14:9). The book, published in 1980 by Here’s Life Publishers, thoroughly addresses the essential features of the boundaries between agnosticism and Christianity. It provides key resources to understand the truths found in the Holy Scriptures, as well as irrefutable evidence that strengthens the faith in the Lord. VALUABLE WORK

People constantly ask, “What is it so special about Jesus? Why is He the only way to meet God?” Besides the matter on pagans, these are the most frequently asked questions. We are accused of being narrow-minded because we state that there is no other way to get to God. Our first point is that we never invented that Jesus was the only way. He said it, and we only repeated his statement and what the New Testament’s writers said. Jesus claimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6), and “… For if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins” (John 8:24). Don Stewart, one of the writers of Answers to Tough Questions, graduated cum laude


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LITERATURE from Talbot Theological Seminary and the International Seminar in Theology and Law in Strasbourg, France. As a renowned American Pentecostal ministry, he has devoted his life to spreading God’s Gospel. Born on October 25, 1939 in the state of Arizona, he stands out as a faithful believer in God’s Word. Some people think that the miracles stated in the Bible result in the Scriptures not being taken seriously. They are compared with Greek mythology and other strange, supernatural stories. Instead of researching their foundations, they are immediately classified with legends and old wives’ tales. We must admit that many stories from the times of our Lord among Greeks and Romans are so fantastic and ridiculous that they do not deserve serious consideration, but this greatly contrasts with biblical miracles, which never display senseless supernatural events.

People constantly ask, “What is it so special about Jesus? Why is He the only way to meet God?” Besides the matter on pagans, these are the most frequently asked questions. We are accused of being narrow-minded because we state that there is no other way to get to God.

Josh McDowell, the other author of the book, is a prolific best-seller writer of evangelical books and he has held more than 27,000 Bible-related speeches to near 25 million people in 125 countries. Advocate of the sound doctrine, he was born on August 17, 1939 in Michigan, and he has spent 57 years preaching the Word in the five continents. SAVING FAITH

Many people that have rejected Christianity state to have embraced other lifestyles. Most of them say that the God of the Bible does not exist and, if He exists, He cannot be known. These statements fall apart when confronted to proper research. Agnostics are people who do not know if God exists. They have not made up their mind about God. They doubt. But some agnostics show more enthusiasm than others in their search for God, and we like that. The Bible promises that anyone wanting to know the truth about God will know it. “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself” (John 7:17). McDowell and Stewart explore in their book ten

subjects that strengthen the trust in the Almighty and help those looking for the truth in its pages. In a simple but precise way, they analyze the Bible, JesusChrist, God, past and current miracles, the difficulty of the Scriptures, worldwide religions, Christianity, the believer’s faith, the shroud of Turin and the scripts on Creation. Every time a believer gives a testimony, there is always someone objecting to using such testimony as evidence of what Christianity holds as true. They argue that it seems like everyone has had some kind of religious experience with conversion or testimony. It is true that many people nowadays testify to have had religious experiences by which they assure to have found the ultimate reality. At first sight, Christians seem like any other claiming to have experienced the truth. Both the believer and the casual observer need more than a mere testimony of subjective experience as a criterion to judge who is right, if any. The difference is that Christians have that criterion. Christian conversion is related to Jesus-Christ, so it is based on facts, not desires or thoughts. Based on the doubts of the skeptical concerning the validity of the Gospel and the Bible, Answers to Tough Questions is founded on the vast knowledge of its authors on the Ancient and New Testaments. Supported by archaeology and other sciences, they disarm the accusations that for years have undermined the authenticity of the message spread by the Redeemer during his earthly life. One of the main excuses of people to not embrace Christianity has to do with the hypocrites that hide in the Church, both in the past and present. People like to recall past mistakes and misdeeds done in the name of Christ, such the Spanish Inquisition, witch trials, and other heinous acts. There are also current examples of preachers, deacons, or church leaders who have been found guilty of alcoholism, adulterous relationships, or other acts incompatible with what they say to believe in. Nevertheless, the Church having hypocrites does not mean that all Christians are.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico




John Knox was a central character of the Scottish Reformation. As representative of the Almighty, he contributed to change the future of the most northern nation of the United Kingdom. He was a strong trumpet of the Creator that announced the Gospel. “I love to blow my Master’s Trumpet,” proclaimed John Knox. This little phrase is pregnant with meaning; it succinctly captures the very essence of his ministry. Historians have focused on Knox as the leader of a reformation, the instigator of a rebellion, and an opponent of female rule. While these impressions may be valid, they do not reflect Knox’s selfperception and the way his contemporaries viewed him. He saw himself as a simple preacher proclaiming God’s Word, a watchman warning the people to obey God. His contemporaries —both his supporters and opponents—also regarded him as a preacher. Believing himself to be called as were the Hebrew prophets, Knox’s chief purpose in life was to summon people to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Like John the Baptist, he saw himself as a “voice crying in the wilderness,” an instrument trumpeting the divine message. From the pulpit, Knox could roar with the voice of authority. This great confidence came from his conviction that the Bible was God’s Word and his only job was to proclaim it.

Haddington and, in 1524, his father sent him to the University of St. Andrews, at that time the most distinguished seminary in the kingdom. During his time at university, while passing through the avenues of secular learning, Knox devoted himself to the study of divine truth. He stood out among his classmates as a faithful believer that diligently studied the Bible until exhaustion. As a result, he acquired a vast knowledge on the Scriptures, which helped him to attain a broad understanding of the Christian doctrine and to remember biblical events in an accurate and detailed way. He was ordained a priest some time before 1530. It was not long, however, until his studies received a new direction, which led to a complete revolution in his religious sentiments, and had an important influence on his future life. He discovered in his research that the Catholic Church would endorse beliefs that were incompatible with Jesus’s teaching. Therefore, amidst a society ruled by the corruption of the clergy, he gradually turned his back on Catholicism and held on to the sound doctrine.



According to historian Thomas M’Crie, John Knox was born in 1505 in Gifford, Scotland, within an ancient and respectable family. He was educated from a very young age and learned about the Almighty through the traditional religion. In his youth, he was put to the Grammar School of

Astounded by the Reformation, Christian movement led by theologist Martin Luther in the beginning of the 16th century, he nourished on the knowledge of the first Scottish Evangelical Christians, such as preachers Thomas Guilliame and John Rough, thanks to whom he delighted in the truth of the Redeemer. But it was ultimately minister


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George Wishart, persecuted for his ideas about the faith in the Savior, who triggered his conversion and moved him with his earnest preachings and fierce rejection of Catholic rites. Between 1545 and 1546, Knox followed in Wishart’s steps and became one his disciples. He started to speak about his faithfulness in the original teaching of the Scriptures. Besides, his passion for the Gospel caught the interest of the reformer, who prepared him to serve God. On March 31, 1546, the loyal disciple tried to prevent the detention of his mentor by Archbishop David Beaton, who had been looking for the preacher to kill him. Nevertheless, he could not prevent his death at the stake for serving God. After Wishart’s death, the newly converted John Knox renounced to Catholicism and became a pillar in the


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creation of a new congregation. Harassed for his renovated faith, he sheltered at St. Andrews castle in the beginning of 1547, which had been taken by the opponents of Beaton the previous year. From there he preached to many people who in his messages found God’s voice and the spiritual peace they longed for. At the end of June 1547, a French fleet was sent to St. Andrews to take back the castle. The besieged finally surrendered one month later after a brave resistance. Knox was taken prisoner to France by order of the Pope and the Scottish clergy. Chained and treated as a heretic, he spent nineteen months of endless torment in a galley. Thanks to God’s mercy, he was released in 1549. HARDWORKING PREACHER

After his release, he went to England and joined the local

cal council independent from Rome, established by Queen Elizabeth I, Knox returned to his country in May 1559 to fight the good fight. Ruled by Marie de Guise, his country was on the brink of a civil war that would mean the end of an era. He became the visible leader of the reformers. One of his messages shared six months after his arrival in Stirling marked a turning point in the Scottish Reformation. DISTINGUISHED REFORMER

Upon the abolition of the Catholic jurisdiction in Scotland by the Scottish Parliament in August 1560, Knox performed a prolific work that put him at the head of the Scottish Church. He was one of the authors of “The Scots Confession,” which was the first confession of faith of the new Scottish Reformed Church. John Knox preached the Gospel in Edinburgh until his death on November 24, 1572, after a tireless fight for the true faith imposing over the false doctrines. Because he believed that the plain Scripture, with the aid of Holy Spirit, was understandable to most people, he primarily used the literal method for ascertaining the

He moved to Geneva in February 1554, where he met John Calvin, renowned French theologian with whom he struck up a strong friendship. Knox increased his knowledge of the Word together with one of the fathers of the Reformation. Before universal literacy and mass communication, preaching was an essential means to share ideas with people, and Knox knew how to do it. church in order to continue his work to spread the good news. He was first sent to the town of Berwick, in the county of Northumberland, where he shared the Gospel for two years. He then moved to Newcastle and resumed his ministry. His stay in England ended on January 28, 1554, while he was in London. He moved to Geneva in February 1554, where he met John Calvin, renowned French theologian with whom he struck up a strong friendship. Knox increased his knowledge of the Word together with one of the fathers of the Reformation. In November that year, however, he was persuaded by Calvin to become pastor of the English refugees in Frankfurt. Between 1555 and 1556, he went to Scotia and preached the Gospel. He later returned to Geneva and remained there until the end of January 1559. Encouraged by the creation in England of an evangeli-

meaning of a particular passage. Thus, his sermons also proclaimed the literal meaning of Scripture. They were direct and clear, and left little doubt as to their meaning. Like Scripture itself, they did not need any sophisticated explanation. He did not see himself as interpreting the Bible, but declaring what was self-evident. He was simply God’s mouthpiece, his voice, proclaiming the truth entrusted to him. Like Joshua, he was but a rude trumpet for God Despite the relevance of other individuals and factors, John Knox must be seen as the main character of the Scottish Reformation. He led the movement and helped to change the future of the United Kingdom’s most northern country. His time was different from ours, and oral evangelization was key. Before universal literacy and mass communication, preaching was an essential means to share ideas with people, and Knox knew how to do it.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



THE SERVANT OF GOD The death of his mother was the breaking point. He went from a life of peace and comfort to a life of tragedy and need. His father became an alcoholic and he became a thief to feed his siblings. He fueled his desire of revenge until he found God.


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On a Friday afternoon in 1992, Gerardo Eribe Borico was coming home from school when he found his relatives and neighbors weeping in an embrace on the door. He immediately knew something terrible was happening inside the house. He rushed in and saw something he would never forget. The corpse of his mother, Regina, lied on the bed surrounded by candles. She had died a few minutes earlier of a long and strange illness. Leonardo, his father, was sobbing by the body and seemed completely devastated. Gerardo was only eight and was motherless. The tragedy changed everyone’s life. The family could never recover and eventually fell apart, especially because the father lost the will to live, turning to alcohol and drugs and neglecting his seven young children. Regina’s long illness had cost a lot of money. Leonardo, who was a mechanical engineer, did everything in his power to heal her and even took out several loans that led him to ruin. In the meantime, Gerardo, who had also been harshly hit by the loss of his mother, would constantly have suicidal thoughts. The void that Regina had left was too difficult to cope with. His life seemed to have no meaning. Gerardo was born in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, within an affectionate and caring family. His parents did everything they could to provide for him and his siblings. They belonged to a middle class family of the Bubi ethnic group, which represents 6.5% of the population. It can be said that they lived happily until misfortune knocked on their door. Regina fell ill and nothing could heal her. People started talking about witchcraft, and when she died, there was a rumor that her older sister had poisoned her. Little Gerardo heard this and, in the midst of his pain, began to fill his heart with hatred and revenge. The little boy would spend his days trying to get food for his siblings and planning how to take revenge on his aunt and her children. He swore that when he reached legal age he would kill all those responsible for the death of his mother, including his aunt and cousins. Gerardo walked the streets of Malabo in order to steal at the first opportunity. As he grew up, he fine-tuned his technique, but one day he was caught while trying to steal fariña (food prepared from cassava) in a store. The owners of the business punished him severely. They burned his back with candles and beat him until several parts of his body were injured. A woman passing by heard his cries of pain, took pity on the child and paid for the stolen goods. Gerardo was thirteen years old when he entered high school. He continued to endure hardships and his desire of revenge had not diminished. Back then, he met a group of boys who introduced him to the world of music and dance. He started a rock & roll band called The Leather Boys, which began to give concerts in different cities of Equatorial Guinea.

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LIFE STORY Drinking and smoking became his solace, and excesses were common in his presentations. However, not for a single day did he forget the death of his mother or the revenge on those responsible. “They have to feel the pain we went through with my mother’s death,” he would think. Years passed and hatred grew more and more in Gerardo’s heart. He studied martial arts to feel superior and received the black belt in taekwondo. He also participated for two years in satanic rituals with his father’s sister and learned the tricks of witchcraft; he was even willing to go to the marabú (some kind of sorcerers) to supposedly gain more power. The practice of martial arts and witchcraft had only one purpose: to take revenge on his cousins, because by then his aunt had already died. SAVING WORDS

Gerardo led a life of debauchery until he was almost of legal age, but a fortuitous encounter would change his life. A Christian brother called Edilberto moved near his house. One day he approached him and told him, “Christ loves you, Gerardo.” When he heard the words, the young man got so upset that his first impulse was to hit the brother. Instead, he asked,

The little boy would spend his days trying to get food for his siblings and planning how to take revenge on his aunt and her children

“Christ loves me? Is he gay?” The man repeated, “It’s true, Christ loves you,” and he left. The words echoed in his mind and he could not sleep all night. The next day, his friends came over to take him to dance. While dancing, the young man kept hearing those words. At the end of the party, everyone went home but he could not stop hearing “Christ loves you.” A few weeks passed and the voice was still in his mind and heart. One day, he met Brother Edilberto again and told him what was happening. He invited him to an evangelical campaign. Although he made up excuses to decline the invitation, the young man ended up going. THE CONVERSION

Upon arriving at the temple, he saw people praising God, crying and praying and felt the urge to laugh at them. When the preaching began, his mockery turned to anger, as it was like listening to the story of his life. Pastor Edelmiro preached about Saul’s conversion in the book of Acts, and Gerardo’s anger was evident. He


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thought someone had told the pastor about the revenge he planned. “When the preaching is through, I’ll go reproach Brother Edilberto for telling the pastor about me,” he said to himself. The answer to his thoughts came by the end of the sermon. The pastor said, “Nobody told me anything, but Christ did, and tonight He wants you to open your heart and let him work in your life.” At the end of the service, the pastor called for those who wanted to give their lives to God. Gerardo did not hesitate for a moment, went to the altar and fell on his knees surrendering at the feet of Christ. When he got home, his life had changed. The hatred and revenge against their cousins had disappeared. An incomparable love flooded all his heart. Upon entering his bedroom, he saw the disgusting things he had: pornographic drawings and satanic objects. It did not take him long to burn everything, including his rapper pants. The next day he got a haircut. When his family found out about his conversion, they kicked him out. They did not want another religion at home. He went to live with his maternal grandmother and uncles, who worked for the government of Equatorial Guinea. Seeing his change, they also threw him into the street. “You Gerardo Eribe Borico’s childhood was hard since the death of his mother until he found the Lord.

At the end of the service, the pastor called for those who wanted to give their lives to God. Gerardo did not hesitate for a moment, went to the altar and fell on his knees surrendering at the feet of Christ.

don’t deserve the name Eribe. You are a shame to the family. Choose, your family or the church,” said his uncle who was Minister of Economy. Gerardo chose Christ and went to church. With Pastor Edelmiro’s permission, Gerardo would preach in the streets in the morning and sleep on the pews of the temple at night. He would also pray for his family at all times. During a national convention in the city of Bata, God baptized Gerardo with the Holy Spirit and in his dreams he was announced the purpose God had for him: “I know what you’re going through, I’m with you and you’ll be a blessing to your family,” He said. Paying for his family paid off. His brothers converted to God, and his uncles, although they do not belong to the church, respect and admire Gerardo’s change. Today, after 16 years, he has a wife and two beautiful daughters and serves God in Ghana. Revenge and hatred left his heart when Christ entered his life.

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Paying for his family paid off. His brothers converted to God, and his uncles, although they do not belong to the church, respect and admire Gerardo’s change.


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DEVOTIONAL “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.” Proverbs 6:2. Rev. Luis M. Ortiz

THE POWER OF CONFESSING GOD’S WORD Many talk about their weakness and become weaker; many speak of their little faith and have less

and less; many tell about their doubts and they increase; many speak of their fears and become increasingly afraid; many talk about their illnesses and get worse by the day; many complain about their bad economy and it never improves. When we speak, sometimes we confess negative things and our situation never gets better; what is worse, we openly contradict the Word of God, and therefore we displease Him. David understood this too well when he said, “Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3). He did not want anything that could hurt him to come out of his mouth. There is no better guard for the door of our lips than the confession of God’s Word. When we confess and speak of the great promises of the Word of God, we are putting ourselves in agreement with God and we are using the powerful and invincible weapon of His Word, which keeps in us and for us all that is promised in it. • Our bondage to sin is a thing of the past, now we are free (Galatians 5:1). • The bondage of disease is a thing of the past, now his stripes have healed us (Isaiah 53:5).


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• Unbelief is a thing of the past, now we know whom we have believed (2 Timothy 1:12). • Failure is a thing of the past, now in Christ we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). • Darkness is a thing of the past, now we are children of light (Ephesians 5:8). • Our relationship with the devil is a thing of the past, now we are children of God (1 John 3:1). • Hatred and resentment are a thing of the past, now the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5). • Terror and fear are a thing of the past, now we do not fear what the man will do to us (Hebrews 13:6), because if God is for us, no one can be against us (Romans 8:31). • Hardship and death does not take away our peace anymore, now to us to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). God’s Word is almighty, just as God is almighty; God’s Word is invincible, just as God is invincible. The devil cannot resist it because Jesus Christ defeated him with this very Word when he said, “It is written.” • In times of sadness, confess: The joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). • In times of temptation, confess: Because He was tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted (Hebrews 2:18). • In times of sickness, confess: He is the one who heals all my diseases (Psalm 103:3). • When the devil attacks, confess: He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Do not forget, my brother, that His words are truly important and our words can bring us either victory or defeat. When the attack of Satan and his instruments have hurt me deeply, I have put on my lips the Word of God: He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). When I have been overwhelmed by discouragement, I have confessed: The joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10). My victory is in the Word of God, I repeat what He says, and by putting His Word on my lips, the Lord, who always honors His Word, fulfills His promise to me. The Word of God is quick and powerful (Hebrews 4:12). Heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word of God will remain forever (Matthew 24:35). And in these days of confusion, danger, heretical doctrines, modernist ideas, it is necessary for the people of God to live on the infallible and safe foundations of the Holy Word of God (Matthew 7:24; 1 Corinthians 3:11). My friend, if you wish to overcome the devil, sin and flesh, take refuge in the Word of God. Accept Jesus Christ now.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico


DEVOTIONAL “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.” Acts 20:29-30. Rev. Álvaro Garavito

DEFENDING GOD’S WORK? This passage from the book of Acts speaks about the farewell of the apostle Paul, who was

leaving the Church in Miletus, a city of Asia Minor, after three years teaching the Word day and night, in the temple and in every house. Paul said his goodbyes to the city and to the men and women there with these words: “And indeed, now I know that you all… will see my face no more” (Acts 20:25). Not only was he saying goodbye to the city, but also to this world, as he would soon go to eternity. Then he said, “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” (Acts 20: 29-30). The word “savage” (“… savage wolves will come in among you...”) refers to people who are violent and cruel. Paul was saying what the Holy Spirit had warned him about concerning the purposes of Satan: that Satan would infiltrate savage wolves into the Church since the beginning, that is, instruments of evil among the Lord’s people. Unfortunately, history has proved that evil people have indeed risen up from among the people of God and have not spared the flock. The enemies infiltrated into the rising Church in the form of evil leaders and evil members lurk and hide, waiting for the moment to


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make their appearance or to be expelled by the Lord. Among the people of God there have always been false prophets and false teachers. The apostle Peter says in his second epistle, “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber” (2 Peter 2:1-3). Within the people of Israel and Judah, there were thousands of false prophets. History has it that there were schools of so-called prophets that were mostly false prophets, instruments that Satan had infiltrated into the Church to destroy it. Evil men and false teachers with great communication skills and charm are spreading their poison to people and sinners all over the world, on TV and on the radio. For that reason, we need people who will defend the Work that they represent and the inheritance that God has placed in their hands. The Lord says, “But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the

wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep” ( John 10:12-13). Hirelings are in the Church only for the salary; they never felt God’s call in their heart, soul or womb. When that kind of false shepherds and evangelists see the wolves of worldliness, idolatry and corruption coming into the Church, they flee, they crouch, they pretend to be deaf and blind. But true shepherds will rise up to defend and wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. They who have been called by God will defend

the flock and will not allow the savage wolves, the false prophets and the false teachers to get in. They will look after the youngest and will not transfer the pulpits to just anyone. We are living in a time when many will no longer endure sound doctrine. The Word of God says, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Amen.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico


DEVOTIONAL “And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” Revelation 3:1.

Rev. Rodolfo González Cruz

YOU HAVE A NAME THAT YOU LIVE AND ARE DEAD Sardis was the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia and became the most important Persian city in Asia Minor. It was a commercially busy, industrially rich and militarily strategic city. It is said that its wealth and prosperity came from the gold contained in the sand of the Pactolus River. Its fame was also based on its textile industry, and Sardis was (wrongly) credited with the invention of dyeing wool. As for religion, many temples were built for the gods, the one dedicated to Cybele being the most important. However, the imperial cult did not represent a threat to the Christians of Sardis. That is why Christians in this city were arrogant, proud, overconfident. “And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead” (Revelation 3:1). The church in Sardis considered itself holy because it preached the Gospel, did not practice the doctrine of Balaam, Jezebel or the Nicolaitans, and did not suffer persecution as in Smyrna. Nevertheless, God had something to say about it: “I know your life and your works. You seem holy and spiritual, but you are


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stained, dying, highly corrupted, but there is hope.” And so the Lord called this church to repentance. “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God” (Revelation 3:2). God called the church in Sardis to wake up from its bad condition (1 Thessalonians 5:6-9), to be alert against the attacks of the evil one, to beware of the false doctrines (Romans 16:17), and not to fall into temptation (Matthew 26:41). The Lord urged it to pray, to read the Scriptures, to fast and to attend services. In addition, he told to “strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die.” This clearly shows that there were

things that were already dead, but some others were not. What were the remaining things that had to be strengthened? Probably, justice, love, purity, zeal for holiness, and so on. This church was dying. Its works were not well received by God because they were not in accordance with His demands. What little spiritual life it had left would also die if it did not consecrate itself to God. “Remember therefore how thou hast received and

heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee” (Revelation 3:3). God asks us to keep the biblical principles at all times (1 Corinthians 15:1-2), but if we fail, He in His great love calls us to repentance so that we are restored. But God does not wait forever, but gives us a time to turn to Him, “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). “Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy” (Revelation 3:4). In the church of Sardis, there was a remnant faithful to God (Romans 11:5) that did not get contaminated or influenced by the worldliness of those who had been corrupted. To the faithful the Lord promises that they will walk with Him in white raiment, “that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27). “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels” (Revelation 3:5). God reiterates His promise to the faithful and adds that He will keep their names in the book of life, which is the record of all who will be saved (Luke 10:20). For our names to be in this book, we need to repent and be born again. Can we be removed once registered? Of course. In Exodus 32:33, the Lord said to Moses: “Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.” That means that He will erase those who were good and now are evil, those who repented but sinned again (1 John 5:16-18). This clearly shows that salvation can be lost because God “will not at all acquit the wicked” (Nahum 1:3). Jesus is our advocate and defender before the Father, and we have redemption through his blood (Ephesians 1:7). The Lord ends the message to the church in Sardis with these words: “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation 3:6). The Lord tells this and all the churches that will listen to this revelation: “And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch” (Mark 13:37).

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



“A LEADER PREPARES SOULS FOR GOD” Reverend Jorge Humberto Henao, international vice president of the World Missionary Movement, answered important questions about leadership. This is in essence his view on this very important topic. What is leadership in the Church? A leader must have a specific profile, but also must have had encounter with God. Being in communion with Him is like having an antidote for the negative ideologies that spread like a virus. Leaders must share the vision with others, teach the Word as it should be taught, guide the people to a real experience with God. What is the difference between biblical leadership and secular leadership? The difference is quite big. It is based on what the Gospel according to Matthew says: “Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister” (Matthew 20:25-26). Biblical leadership is based on service, humbleness, simplicity, transparency, ethics and morals. If a Christian leader does not have that profile, they would be a bad leader. This is not the case with secular leadership, for example in politics and business. Someone may act inappropriately or even be sexually immoral and still be accepted as leader.


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Christian leaders must guide men to the knowledge of God. In the secular world, leaders are prepared to manage companies and to govern, but in the spiritual world, they prepare souls for the kingdom of heaven. What is the profile of the Christian leader? The profile is what the Bible defines. God, in His wisdom, reserved the right to say who can be a leader and who cannot be one. According to the epistles, Paul tells Timothy that if he who desires the office of a bishop de-

The actions of leaders have led the congregation to great victories, and in other cases, to ruin. How important is it for the Work of the MWM to have good leaders? Somebody once joked that leaders can be wither the key or the lock. For example, Moses and King David raised up the people of God and gave them blessing and excellence; however, the Church has also had negative leaders such as Saul, who damaged the kingdom, or Solomon, who left a kingdom that was falling apart, or Rehoboam, who finished destroying it. For this reason, leadership is critical in the Church. We cannot hold anyone responsible but the leader for the preservation of the spirituality, doctrine, enforcement and compliance with the rules of holiness and purity. By observing these aspects, it is possible to assess the quality of the congregation. We live in an ill society lacking values and the Church is called to be the salt of earth, the light in the midst of darkness. What is the role of a leader in this situation? The lack of values has led society to chaos. It is not only us that say it, but also many experts have come to the same conclusion. This is why we demand a very strict profile from the leader of the WMM; we cannot have a questionable person on the altar. The role of Christian leaders is to guarantee the good moral and spiritual health of the flock. If not, the flock can be easily corrupted. Leaders are called to right what is wrong. If a very flawed person comes to the Church, our duty is to help them to leave the past behind and move towards their new life in Christ through preaching, counselling and teaching.

sires a good work, and then gives a list of moral, ethical, family and even administrative requirements. From the secular point of view, people think that those who study Theology or are enrolled in a seminary can serve, but to God, the leader is more important than the leadership. For Christian leaders, ethics is essential; they are nothing without it. Unfortunately, nowadays we see that in the secular world, ethics has been lost in all aspects.

Christianity is attacked by negative ideologies; how should we prepare future leaders to face this ideological battle? The Church is attacked on many fronts by an evil and wicked generation. Debauchery has become the new normal, and the attack of gender ideology and other policies contrary to Christianity has intensified. In the face of this situation, we must make the world see, through the media, that we have a different way of living and a good culture that reflects in how we dress, how we speak, how we keep Christian values and principles. We have been called to be a different people, but it is not easy to be so within such a corrupt and perverted society. However, we develop a pastoral ministry of great blessing and we must not lose sight of the mission that the Lord has commanded us.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelĂ­stico


A quick report of the work that Worldwide Missionary Movement is making in America and throughout the world. The Holy Bible states: “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple... And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved”. (Acts 2:46,47).

CALLED TO SHARE THE SAME MIND Event: Retreat of Pastors, 15th Anniversary of the church of Entrevías and 5th Anniversary of the Society of Men Date: November 6, 7, 10, 11, 22, 23 and 24, 2018 Place: Valencia, Madrid and Barcelona, Spain.


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The Worldwide Missionary Movement in Spain

held its Retreat of Pastors from 22 to 24 November in Valencia, with the theme “Called to Share the Same Feeling.” In the first service, Reverend Alexander Montes, treasurer of the WMM in Spain, preached the Gospel of God. Based on Habakkuk 1:1, 2, 12 and 13 and Habakkuk 2:1-3, the servant shared the message “God’s Desire for His Servants.”


January 2018 / Impacto evangelĂ­stico


EVENT In the morning service of day two, Reverend Carlos Medina, national supervisor of the Work in Spain, announced the good news. Based on 1 Corinthians 1:10 and Philippians 2:1-4, the pastor held the speech “Called to Share the Same Mind.” In the afternoon, Reverend Juan Castaño, vice president of the WMM in Spain, shared the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Based on Matthew 14:13-21, the preacher delivered the message “Called and Trained to Share the Same Mind”. At the end of the retreat, Pastor Medina preached the Word of the Savior for the second time with the message “Basis for Sustainable Growth,” based on Acts 2:41-47. Furthermore, during this service, the team of the Avivamiento website presented its media plan. PAVING THE WAY

On November 10 and 11, the WMM in Spain celebrated the 15th anniversary of the church in the neighborhood of Entrevías, Madrid, with an event of was held with the theme “Paving the Way.” The spiritual gathering, which was attended by brothers from different congregations, began with a service in which Reverend Carlos Medina preached God’s Word through the message “Again,” based on Isaiah 43:16-19. In the second service, Pastor Medina preached the Gospel of Christ once again. The national supervisor of the WMM in Spain held the sermon “Persevere,” based on 2 Timothy 3:10-17. The event ended with the graduation ceremony of students from the missionary school of the temple of Entrevías. THE GOOD WORK

The 5th Anniversary of the Society of Men of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Barcelona was celebrated on November 6 and 7 with the theme “He Who Has Begun a Good Work in You Will Perform It.” The meeting of faith was attended by a large group of faithful and by Reverend Carlos Medina, national supervisor of the WMM in Spain. It began with a service in which Renato Lezama preached God’s Word with the sermon “Be a Man,” based on 1 Kings 2:1-4. On the second day, Pastor Prójimo Florian evangelized the flock of the Almighty. Based on Ephesians 2:15, the minister of God shared the message “Chosen by God to Be a Good Warrior.”


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THE GOSPEL CANNOT BE STOPPED Event: National Fellowship. Date: November 9 - November 11, 2018. Place: Wellington, New Zealand.

In order to strengthen the spiritual life of the members of its growing congregation, the World-

wide Missionary Movement in New Zealand held its National Fellowship in Wellington, capital of New Zealand. The event was attended by Reverend Enoc Ramos, national supervisor of the WMM in Australia, who announced the good news. At the opening of the event, Reverend William García, head of the Work in New Zealand, shared the message of the Lord called “The Last Revival,” based on Isaiah 54:1-4. In his preaching, the servant of God revealed that the Bible says that a great spiritual awakening will


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take place before the second coming of Christ. In the morning service of day two, Pastor Ramos, who spreads the Word in Australia, preached the sound doctrine. His message was entitled “Being Full of Spiritual Intelligence” and was based on Colossians 1:9-10. He claimed that with spiritual intelligence, we can live a life that pleases the Lord.

Then, in the evening worship, Minister Ramos shared the message of the Almighty once again through the message “Consequences of Going Astray,” based on Jeremiah 2:19. The missionary explained that Christians must keep their faith in the Savior and be filled with the Lord every day. In addition, he said that we must be faithful to Christ.

At the closing of the National Fellowship of the WMM in New Zealand, Reverend Enoc Ramos shared the message of God for the third time. Based on Acts 28:30-31, the Peruvian missionary presented the theme “The Gospel Cannot Be Stopped,” and he stressed that the apostle Paul was a precursor of Christianity that carried out a tireless work throughout the Roman Empire.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



CREDIBILITY, THE BASIS FOR CONQUEST Event: 9th National Fellowship. Date: October 26 - October 28, 2018. Place: Geneva, Switzerland.

With the special participation of representatives

of congregations from Italy and Australia, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Switzerland held its 9th National Fellowship in Geneva. The event’s theme was “Credibility, the Basis for Conquest.” In the first worship, Reverend David Echalar, supervisor of Block B in Europe, announced the good news. Based on the theme of the meeting of faith and on 2 Timothy 4:67, the servant analyzed the transformation of the life of the apostle Paul. In the morning service of day two, Reverend Galo Flori, National Officer of the WMM in Italy, was the instrument chosen by God to shared His Word. Based on Joshua 14:10-13, the preacher held a speech in which he stressed that the devil does not like when the Church praises and glorifies the Lord. In the evening service, Pastor Echalar, who is also the national supervisor of the WMM in Italy, preached to the people of the Lord once again. Based on Joshua 1:1-2, the preacher delivered the message “Transition,” in which he analyzed and explained what happened after the death of Moses. In the last service of the Fellowship, Reverend Ramón Ortega, national officer of the Work in Italy, preached the Gospel. Based on Psalm 119:37-42, the missionary delivered the message “Through Death, God Will Give You the Victory,” and said that only Jesus Christ can save us. The event included several special activities that were held in Italian, Spanish and French, and was broadcast by Bethel TV. Reverend Jimmy Ramírez, leader of the Work in Switzerland, stressed that the WMM is taking big steps in Europe.


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Event: National Retreat of Presbyters Date: November 27 - November 30, 2018 Place: Lima, Peru

With the special participation of Reverend Jorge Henao, international vice president of the Work of the

Lord, and more than one hundred and twenty ministers of God, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Peru held its National Retreat of Presbyters in the capital city of Lima.


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Pastor Henao was the one who instructed the servants for four days. At the opening service, he developed the topic “Management and Stewardship,” and said that, “To manage is to have things done correctly with the help of others.” In the morning meeting of day two, the member of the Board of International Officers of the WMM, presented the message “Spiritual Authority.” Based on the Scriptures, he said that, “The problem of the ungodly is that as they do not recognize God as authority, they also break earthly laws.”

In the afternoon, Minister Henao held the conference “Ministerial Ethics,” in which he stressed that, “The Holy Scriptures provide a detailed guide regarding the behavior of believers.” Then, in the first worship of day three, the international vice president of the WMM shared the message “Biblical Leadership.” In his speech, he noted, “Biblical leadership has totally different motivations and projections than secular leadership.”

In the second service, Pastor Henao presented the speech “Biblical and Spiritual Worship.” He said, “Christians getting together is the visible and public expression of the congregation.” The National Retreat of Presbyters of the WMM in Peru ended with a meeting in which Reverend Henao shared his wide biblical knowledge once again. Based on the Bible, he said, “Sometimes, our preaching, our behavior and our message bother others.”

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



WE WILL FIGHT UNTIL WE WIN Event: 12th National Convention Date: November 15 - November 18, 2018 Place: Montevideo, Uruguay

The Worldwide Missionary Movement in Uruguay

held its 12th National Convention in Montevideo, city located on the banks of Rio de La Plata, with a four-day event full of faith and praise. In the first service, Reverend José Arturo Soto, international president of the Work, preached the Word through the message “The Liberation of King Jehoiachin,” based on Jeremiah 52:31-34. In his preaching, the servant said that we should never stop thanking the Lord. In the morning worship of day two, Reverend Luis Meza Bocanegra, international director of the WMM, preached the Gospel with the message “God’s Throne,” based on Isaiah 6:1-5. In his speech, the pastor emphasized that God is the sovereign of all sovereigns. In the evening worship, Reverend Gerardo Martínez, national supervisor of the WMM in Chile and


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the Southern Cone, shared the good news. Based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-18, the pastor presented the message “Things that Hinder Spiritual Progress.” “We have been called to move forward,” he stressed. The following day, in the morning service, Reverend Mariano Smith, member of the WMM in Panama, addressed the faithful who answered to the call of the Lord. In his sermon “We Will Fight until We Win,” based on Exodus 17:8-16, the visiting preacher claimed that Christ created the Church to win. In the evening, Pastor Meza, who leads the WMM in Peru, addressed the Uruguayan faithful once again.

Based on Matthew 4:1-11, the missionary delivered the message “Christ was tempted but conquered in the desert.” Bible in hand, he said that we can resist temptation. At the closing ceremony, Reverend Soto shared the message of the Lord. Based on Matthew 14:13-21, the international leader of the Work emphasized that the Lord honors the faith and provides what we need. On the last day, a Promotion Ceremony was held. Workers Leonardo Cuello, from the temple of Paysandú, Luis Silvera, from the church of Piedras Blancas, and Dina Melo, from the church of Villa Aeroparque, were promoted.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



HOW TO RECEIVE AND MAINTAIN THE ANOINTING OF GOD? Event: 10th National Convention Date: November 8 - November 11, 2018 Place: Santa Tecla, El Salvador

With the presence of reverends Gustavo Martínez and Álvaro Garavito, International Officers of the Work,

and the attendance of faithful from Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in El Salvador held its


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10th National Convention at the Ciudad Merliot Sports Center, located in the city of Santa Tecla. In the first service, Reverend Epifanio Asprilla, national supervisor of the WMM in Panama, preached the Word through the message “Substitutes for True Worship,” based on 1 Kings 12:25-30 and 1 Kings 13:1-6. In his speech, he said, “There is no bigger sin than turning what one has received from God into something shameful.”

In the morning service of day two, Pastor Garavito, missionary supervisor in Central America, shared the sermon “Capacity or Faithfulness,” based on Luke 16:10, The servant said, “The world only cares about appearances. The world focuses on what is visible, fake, and hypocritical.” In the third service, Pastor Martínez, international treasurer of the WMM, shared the message “Credibility Is the Basis of True Leadership,” based on 1 Samuel 12:15. The minister of the Lord said, “He who aspires to be a leader and influence others must be reliable and credible.” The following morning, Pastor Garavito preached the Gospel of the Lord once again. Based on Lamentations 4:1-2, the servant presented the message “Loss of Brightness and Spiritual Value.” In his speech, he claimed, “The true Church has been promised that it will live in a place where the streets will be golden.”

Later, in the fifth service, Pastor Martínez preached again to the Lord’s people. Based on Acts 10:38 and Luke 4:18, he shared the message “How to Receive and Maintain the Anointing of God?” With the Bible in his hands, he said, “It is a mistake to intent to serve God, preach the Gospel and act according to the Word without having been filled first with the Holy Spirit.” At the closing ceremony, Reverend Martínez delivered the message of Jesus Christ. Based on 2 Kings 5:2027, he shared the sermon “What Motivates Us to Serve in the Work of God?” In his speech, he stressed, “Do not make provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof.” In the last worship of the event, which was broadcast by the media of the WMM, a Promotion Ceremony of Workers was held. Pastor Martínez and Pastor Garavito recognized a lay worker and three ordained ministers, and prayed for them to be blessed in their ministries.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico



DETERMINED, BRAVE WOMEN Event: 4th National Fellowship of Women Date: November 8 - November 11, 2018 Place: Oruro, Bolivia

During four days of faith, more than a thousand

women gathered in the main temple of the Work of God in Oruro, one of the highest cities in the world, to participate in the 4th National Fellowship of Women of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Bolivia. The event took place under the motto “Determined, Brave Women Fighting for Their Values and Desires,” and began with a service in which Sister Sandra Nova, from the WMM in Chile, shared the Word of God. Based on Joshua 2:1-6, the Colombian servant shared the message “Making Good, Brave Decisions.” In the morning service of the day two, Sister Liliana de Lima, wife of Reverend Mario Lima, National Supervisor of the WMM in Bolivia, presented a message called “Knowing Our True Value,” based on Proverbs 31:10. Then, in the evening service, servant Nova preached the Gospel of the Lord once again. Based on Jeremiah 1:5, she delivered the message “Created, Chosen and Prepared for These Last Days.” In her speech, she stressed, “God has given us all a special task.” The following morning, Pastor Lima announced the good news. Based on Psalm 90:1-17, the pastor presented the message “Today Is the Day of Decision.” “Pastor Luis M. Ortiz left an example that is remembered to this day,” he said. Later, in the evening worship, Sister Nova preached to the women of the Work in this country for the third time. The special guest explained the topic “Chronicles of a Woman of God,” which was based on Exodus 2:1-2. At the closing ceremony, Sister Sandra Nova was chosen by God one more time to spread the truths of the Lord. Based on Genesis 21:17, the preacher shared the message “A Cry in the Desert.”


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On December 1 and December 2, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Ecuador celebrated the 4th Anniversary of the church of Quito Sur, with the theme “Four Years in Victory.” The event was attended by reverends Rodolfo González and Víctor Arrieta, members of the Work in Peru and was led by Reverend Eugenio Masías, national supervisor of the WMM in Ecuador. It began with a worship in which Pastor González, founder of the WMM in Peru, shared a message based on 1 Timothy 4:1-3. Then, in the second service, Reverend González announced the good news of Jesus Christ once again through a sermon based on Revelation 16:1-12. Later, in the last service, Reverend Masías shared the message of God called “Make Sure Your Name Is in the Book of Life,” based on Matthew 7:16-23 and Revelation 20:11-15.

The church of the Work of God in La Concordia, neighborhood located in the city of Bucaramanga, hosted the 8th International Missionary Conference of the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Colombia, held from August 18 to August 20. The meeting was led by pastors Samuel Mejía, missionary supervisor of the WMM in Asia, and Albert Rivera, national supervisor of the WMM in Puerto Rico. The spiritual event was held under the theme “The Minister’s Credibility” and was attended by delegations from the United States, Ecuador, Venezuela and Costa Rica. Faithful from the cities of Barranquilla, Cartagena, Cucuta, Bogotá, Cali, Villavicencio, Medellin and Acacias were also present. In addition, two training sessions were conducted for teachers and advanced students from missionary language schools of the WMM in Colombia. The aim was to explore some key aspects in areas such as interpretation, translation, foreign language teaching and online radio in a foreign language. The 8th International Missionary Conference was held in English and simultaneously interpreted in Spanish.

With the presence of Reverend Rómulo Vergara, international director of the Work of God, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Venezuela celebrated the 2nd Anniversary of the Christian RSD Stereo radio station from October 26 to October 28, in Caracas. The event was held under the theme “Let’s Continue Edifying,” and Minister Vergara preached the Gospel of the Almighty. Thanks to his preaching, the people of God deepened their knowledge about the Holy Scriptures and were nourished by the Word. RSD Stereo, which broadcasts in Caracas at 105.5 FM, is a radio station that evangelizes through daily programs focused on Jesus Christ and his message. In its two-year history, it has reached a large part of Venezuela thanks to the station network of the WMM in the country and has been a source of salvation and restoration of souls.




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From September 7 to September 9, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Brazil held its Women Fellowship in Manaus, capital of the state of Amazonas, under the theme “Women with Credibility.” In the first service of the meeting, Sister Alessandra Lima da Silva shared the message of God entitled “The Altar, Place of Miracles.” Then, in the second service, Sister Sabrina de Freitas shared the preaching “Outstanding Women.” In the third service, Sister Naianne de Santos preached the Word with the message “The Storm Is Necessary.” Later, at the end of the Women Fellowship, Sister Nivia Aguilar presented the message “God Is the Center of the Family.”





From November 23 to November 25, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in the Netherlands celebrated the 11th Anniversary of the Church of Rotterdam. The event was held under the theme “It Is a Terrible Thing that I Will Do with You.” In the event, Pastor Edwar Flores, member of the WMM in Germany, was the instrument chosen by the Lord to share His Word. In the first service, he preached the message “This Is the Time.” In the second worship of the spiritual celebration, which was led by Pastor Abraham Roggeband, Reverend Flores announced the good news of Jesus Christ with the sermon entitled “The Worry of Hell,” based on Exodus 1:7-15. Later, in the third service, Pastor Flores shared the good news with the flock of the Lord. On this occasion, the preacher developed the topic “Do Not Forget Who You Are,” based on 2 Chronicles 16:11-14. In the end, Pastor Edwar Flores delivered his fourth message: “Characteristics of a Soldier,” based on Joshua 5:13-15.

On November 25, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Japan held a Fellowship in the temple of Komaki, city located in the prefecture of Aichi. The event was attended by faithful from the congregations of Oppama, Hamamatsu, Hekinan and Komaki. Reverend David Veramendi, national supervisor of the WMM in Japan, announced the Gospel with the message “Sorrow Will Become Joy,” based on John 16:16-33.





To fulfill Matthew 28:19-20, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Madagascar held a baptism ceremony from October 19 to October 21 in the city of Ambohiboa, in which two followers of Christ accepted the Lord as their redeemer. The event was attended by Carlos Guerra, international officer of the Work of God, and Alberto Ortega, national supervisor of the WMM in Haiti. Pastor Guerra started the ceremony and Minister Ortega baptized the two believers who decided to follow God and gave Him their lives. Afterwards, a Holy Supper worship was held where the new members of the WMM in Madagascar received their certificates of baptism.

On October 6, the Worldwide Missionary Movement in Australia held an evangelistic march. A group of faithful of God walked through Epping, suburb located in Melbourne, and covered it with the Gospel of the Almighty. This march was the first one organized by the WMM in Australia and the Word reached a significant part of the population of Epping. Likewise, the event meant a great blessing for the members of the local congregation, who are now sure that the Lord is protecting them and preparing them for a revival.

January 2018 / Impacto evangelístico




ANGIE TOVAR I love this magazine, its teachings are edifying. Thanks God for this great blessing. The Lord bless and raise this Work. May the sound doctrine continue to be preached throughout the world. God bless you. From Villavicencio, Colombia.

LUIS LÓPEZ I can’t stop thanking God for the blessing and great privilege of being part of the ministry of this Work. I always receive the magazine and enjoy reading its edifying messages. I also feel happy when I see the pictures of the different activities that our brothers hold in Puerto Rico and other faraway places. From Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.

JORGE GUERRERO I thank God for each one of you and for Impacto Evangelistic, which I’ve been reading since 2012. This magazine has been spiritual food to me, mainly because of the teachings of its preachers. Blessings for all. From Holguín, Cuba.

SEBASTIÁN ACEVEDO God bless you. I’m grateful to God and Impacto Evangelistic because we are edified through its devotionals and testimonies, and it also helps us to spread the Gospel in the streets. God continue to support you, so you can encourage many souls to reach the feet of Christ. From Meta, Colombia.

DEIBY RODRÍGUEZ I’ve been blessed and edified by the printed magazine for many years, now I’m really happy because I’ve

MARVELL RODRÍGUEZ Blessings. My name is Marvell Rodríguez González, I am Cuban, and I belong to the Pentecostal Assemblies of God. I live in the city of Holguín, in the east part of the country. I recently knew about your magazine through Sister Claribel, who lives in my city and has some copies. My wife and I work directly with the National President of Chaplaincy in Cuba and Regional Missions. From Holguín, Cuba.

found this quality digital version full of doctrinal and spiritual teachings. From Puerto Limón, Costa Rica.

LEONEL GONZÁLEZ Eternal glory to our God! I thank the pastors and the brothers who have climbed this mountain with me. The paths of God are full of wisdom and teaching. I congratulate the Impacto Evangelistic team for the good work and the perfectly suited topics. God bless you today and always. From Bogotá, Colombia.

ROLANDO DUARTE God bless you greatly for this wonderful work. The Lord continues to bless many people through this magazine. Impacto Evangelistic is essential, it has edified the life of thousands of readers and God has worked many miracles through it. May Jesus Christ continue to help the precious team of this magazine. Many blessings. From Miami, USA.

LAURA PINEDA God bless you. I enjoy reading Impacto Evangelistic. All messages by Reverend Luis M. Ortiz has blessed and edified my life. I look forward to getting the magazine and its powerful messages each month and read it from beginning to end. From Bogotá, Colombia.

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January 2018 / Impacto evangelĂ­stico



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