3 ways to drive local traffic fast to your business from Facebook...

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The results of Facebook advertising can happen very quickly. It’s not unusual to see sales start after 24 hours of running an ad. As a small business owner, you can use Facebook to your advantage. Here’s how.

1 - USING LOCAL AWARENESS ON FACEBOOK Local awareness is a type of ad that is run specifically on Facebook. It is designed to help local businesses bring in customers. It works by targeting people in your local area within a certain radius. These ads are specifically designed by Facebook to be inexpensive and effective. So take advantage of them. Run one and gauge your results. You may wind up pleasantly surprised.

2 - USING FACEBOOK OFFERS If your page is over 1 month old and you have at least 50 likes, you can use a Facebook offer to increase sales.

OFFERS ARE SIMPLE TO CREATE. You just enter your offer, the expiration date and the claims limit, then submit it. Once someone claims your offer, they will be sent an email from Facebook about how to redeem the offer at your business.

3 - BOOST A POST As a small business owner, page boosts are perfect for you. If you’ve got a massive audience (over 2000 fans) then it’s probably not. But then again, if you use it the way we show you how, it may be good for any business size.

A boosted post is extremely inexpensive. It can cost as little as $20. You can potentially reach hundreds or thousands of people with that money

Facebook is a great advertising platform. Now small and local businesses have the chance to increase their audience with just a small budget. Make sure you implement at least one of these this week. Once you see your first sale, you’ll want to make it a regular part of your advertising.

BROUGHT TO YOU BY: www.deals4menetwork.com

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