Doctor patient relationship '14 tanzania Dr Samadani 2

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Disclosure Ayaz M Samadani MD I have NO actual or potential conflict of interest in relation. I have no relevant financial interest to this program or presentation.

Doctor-patient relationships past, present and future

Ayaz M. Samadani M.D.,DCH,DTM&H,FAAFP August 2014

Objectives 1. To analyze and discuss communication skills between Doctor and Patient (Knowledge and competence). 2. To plan and prepare to improve History and Physical examination methods (performance). 3. To improve Patient Satisfaction (patient outcomes).

Bloodletting Hijama or Cupping



Animal Dung Ointment

Cannibal Cures

Wandering Womb

Babylonian Skull Cure

Health Care Delivery Star of Life Average US Life Expectancy 1900 46 years 1921 53 year 1942 60 years 1963 66 years 1980 70 years 2004 73 years 2012 78.74 years

Abu-Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn-Sina

1900 Certification Trust Knowledge Experience Communication Decision Making Outcome


1900 Medical Registration Law

Present Desire to delay aging Patient Centered Approach Best Practices Informed Consent Professional Ethics Shared Decision Defensive Medicine Social Media Information Nutrition Activity


Doctor’s Bag

Chronic Diseases The Leading Causes of Death and Disability in the United States  Chronic diseases and conditions—such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and arthritis—are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems.  As of 2012, about half of all adults—117 million people—have one or more chronic health conditions. One of four adults has two or more chronic health conditions.1  Seven of the top 10 causes of death in 2010 were chronic diseases. Two of these chronic diseases—heart disease and cancer—together accounted for nearly 48% of all deaths.2  Obesity is a serious health concern. During 2009­–2010, more than one­third of adults, or about 78 million people, were obese (defined as body mass index [BMI] ≥30 kg/m2). Nearly one of five youths aged 2–19 years was obese (BMI ≥95th percentile).3  Arthritis is the most common cause of disability.4 Of the 53 million adults with a doctor diagnosis of arthritis, more than 22 million say arthritis causes them to have trouble with their usual activities.5  Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower limb amputations other than those caused by injury, and new cases of blindness among adults.6

 (CDC Data)

Improving Dr­Pt Relationship  Spend more time with patient  Eye contact when speaking to a patient  Listen – Listen to your patient  Answer all questions  Examine patient systematically  Do not ask irrelevant questions  Reassure patient while doing an examination  Ask for any question patient may have

Future of Medicine  Role of Doctor  Virtual Surgery  Printing Human Organs  Human Genome Service  DNA Sequencing  Matching Tumor to a Drug  Training Immune System to Hunt down Cancer  Wearable and Hand Held Devices  Health Anywhere

Role of Doctor  Technical Assistant Role  Equipped with a mini computer, Iphone, Ipad or an android  Dealing with an informed patient  Shared decision making  Instant gratification demanded by patient  Team approach  Following and complying with rules

Virtual Surgery

Printing Human Organs  Kidneys  Bladder  Heart  Limbs  Made to Order  Organ Transplant

Human Genome Service

DNA Sequencing  The precise sequence of nucleotides in a sample of DNA.

Matching Tumor to a Drug

 Personalized medicine  Treatment of Cancer  Targeted to molecular defect after finger print of tumor cell

Organ Transplant

Wearable and Hand Held Devices  Heart rate monitor  EKG  Pulse Oximeter  EEG  EMG  Glucose monitoring  Pain management  Respiratory management  Concussion

Health Anywhere  Personal training shoe wear  Heart monitor jacket  Wrist bands  Head gear  Glasses

Robot will see you now WATSON  FP in Brazil and India  Teaching in Medical Schools  Training of Nurses

Disclosure Ayaz M Samadani M.D. I have NO actual or potential conflict of interest in relation. I have no relevant financial interest to this program or presentation.

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