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Meet Creatif 2. We’ve placed a very quick, unstyled menu using an unordered list. By setting the display property to inline for the <li> elements, the list changes to a horizontal set of elements. 3. Finally because our <div class="container"> element has position:relative, we can now use absolute positioning inside and set right:0px for the menu and it will be aligned to the right. This is great for a WordPress theme because as the person creates new pages the menu will extend, and this way it will stay right aligned.

Step 6 – Fixing Transparency in IE6 Now the one problem with transparent PNGs is that our friend Internet Explorer 6 doesn’t support them! Fortunately that’s relatively easily fixed with a quick hack via the NetTuts+: http://nettuts. com/videos/screencasts/5-easy-ways-to-tackle-ie6s-transparencyissues/. We just download a script and add this line in our CSS: /* Fix up IE6 PNG Support */ img, #logo { behavior: url(scripts/; }

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