The Advocate - April 2018

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APRIL 2018

Spiritual carers for the elderly Baptistcare plans to offer the training to all volunteers or those interested in becoming a spiritual care volunteer at its residential care facilities. If there is availability, people seeking to explore whether God is calling them to a ministry in aged care are also invited attend. Baptistcare CEO Russell Bricknell said providing quality spiritual care to aged care residents was a priority. “It’s very important for us to all work together to support older people at critical times in their lives,” Russell said. “We hope these workshops equip our volunteers and community members with the skills and knowledge to engage with people in a way that is empathetic and meaningful.” Como Baptist Church Pastor Phil Smoker, who attended the workshops, said he was keen to grow in his understanding of aged care. “These sessions have equipped me with a deeper understanding of emotional needs, practical love and spiritual insights,” Phil said. “We’re already using what we’ve learned in our church ministry.” Two seminars by Meaningful Ageing Australia were hosted at Baptistcare William Carey Court residential care facility in Busselton as part of a national training series catering to people in regional Australia.

Vose alumni gathering Vose Seminary is seeking photos, memories, stories and snippets of wisdom from past Vose students. Vose is activating its alumni in fresh ways, offering special alumni rates for ongoing professional development events and conferences, and developing strategies for supporting recent graduates in new ministry posts. Director of Business Development and Online Learning Cate Vose said Vose was bursting with new life and initiatives. “We are always looking for people who would like to come

alongside us in serving the mission of the local church in unique and interesting ways,” Cate said. “Whether you live in Perth or in one of our regional centres, and are interested in fostering intentional community where you are and being part of this vital work, Monica O’Neil, Director of Vose Leadership, would love to hear from you.” Alumni can also connect with other past students via the Vose Alumni Facebook group. To join the Vose alumni and receive alumni communications, email

Pastor Phil Smoker and volunteer Glen Beal from Como Baptist Church participate in a spiritual care training activity.

The sessions, attended by Baptistcare employees, volunteers, training and care providers, and members of the South West community, covered topics on supporting older people in the transition to aged

care and conversations about end of life. “We hope these initiatives provide more opportunities for our chaplains to engage with local Baptist churches in providing much needed spiritual

care to elderly people in our communities,” Wade said. For more information, visit Author – Linda Lee

Women’s Leadership Pastor appointed Baptist Churches Western Australia (BCWA) recently appointed Yvette Cherry to the newly created position of Women’s Leadership Pastor. The role supports BCWA’s vision to be an empowering movement helping pastors, ministries, churches and their communities say ‘yes’ to Jesus. “This is not only about an initial ‘yes’ to respond to the gospel, but an ongoing ‘yes’ to step into all that God has created us to be,” Yvette said. Yvette’s role is to support and equip women for ministry and leadership roles in Baptist churches in Western Australia, walk alongside them as they embrace their giftedness and take on opportunities to lead God’s people. The role includes meeting with women in leadership positions in churches; networking among Baptist women, helping them to connect with colleagues

and peers; preaching in Baptist churches when invited; and overseeing events run by the Baptist Ministry Centre that equip, support and encourage women. Yvette has a background in secondary education and is currently completing a Master of Ministry at Vose Seminary. Prior to her new role, she was the Worship Ministry Coordinator at Riverton Baptist Community Church.

A significant opportunity for Baptist women to come together will be the Fresh Conference, to be held at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church on 21 July. “I am so excited about the great line-up of speakers, including five inspirational West Australian Baptist women who are leading with wisdom and courage,” Yvette said.

Photo: Nicole Fenwick

The training aims to provide quality spiritual care, addressing people’s need for meaning, purpose and connectedness as they age and experience major life changes. These may include a decline in health, potential disconnection from the community or the passing of friends and family. The Spiritual Care Series course has been developed specifically for Christian care providers by Aged Care Channel in collaboration with aged care experts and organisations, including Meaningful Ageing Australia, Baptcare Victoria, BaptistCare NSW and ACT, and theologian Professor John Swinton. Drawing heavily on Scripture, the interactive course uses videos and activities to delve into commonly-faced issues of the elderly, such as spirituality in ageing, living with dementia, and loss, grief and death. Baptistcare Manager of Chaplains Wade Sinclair said it was important for chaplains to engage with volunteers who could provide support for the elderly in the hopeful and compassionate context of the Baptist faith. “Our volunteers will be equipped with practical knowledge and techniques to enable them to work with older people in our residential care facilities and also use their new skills in their local church community.”

Photo: Baptistcare

A series of spiritual care workshops are being offered by aged care provider Baptistcare for its volunteers and members of the local community.

Yvette Cherry is the inaugural Women’s Leadership Pastor for Baptist Churches Western Australia.

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