M Power | Lindsey

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M Power


Designer Identity

Sender Identity

Rose Quartz



20 24 28 30 Soul





Project analysis

Afterword Final Review





Hi, I’m Lindsey Johnson. I was born and raised in

Yellow’s purpose is to promote positivity through

the Land of Enchantment; Albuquerque, New

happy and bright visual communication. As a

Mexico. The desert provided me with an infinite

color, yellow stands for freshness, happiness,

amount of inspirational colors and wildlife.

positivity, clarity, energy and enlightenment.

Whether it was the racing roadrunner or the

Yellow is also known as the color of the sun,

sky-scraping saguaro, the sunshine brought life

likely because it is the brightest color. Yellow’s

to my desolate surroundings. New Mexico is a

goal is to accept projects that emphasize

stranger to snow and rain, and the dry weather

happy thinking and spread empowerment to

is simply an outcome of the state’s consistent

its audience. This book will show the process

sunny days. This background is what inspired

Yellow took to design the brand, identity and

me to create Yellow.

packaging for the company, M Power.



Promote positivity through happy and bright visual communication primary colors

secondary colors

century gothic abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

shorelines script

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9






or thousands of years, ancient civilizations

have utilized the power of crystals to release mental, physical and spiritual blockages, thus facilitating the free flow of energy throughout the body. On a cellular level, our bodies and quartz crystals are both made up of mineral silicon-dioxide. Because of this we are naturally receptive to the vibrations of crystals as they transmit, reflect, store light and receive energy. When crystals are placed directly on your body, they have a powerful vibratory effect that surges from the crystal to you. According to the law of physics, thoughts direct energy and energy follows thought. Each of our crystal energy pieces serve as a tool to help the thoughts of our consciousness connect with our body.



Power’s purpose is to initiate the power of positive

thinking. The “M” stands for mental which is the pathway to creating an optimistic lifestyle.

m-power m-power M-POWER m-power GEM POWER GEMPOWER

Empower M-power ��p���� empower EMPOWER empower

M Power journals are the key to organizing your life

around positive mental thinking. By using each journal,

individuals are able to strengthen the four sections of their life: heart, body, soul and mind. By strengthening each

section, the recipient’s life can become more balanced.

The four corresponding gems are symbols used to remind

you to think optimistically. One of the most important part of the M Power program is the Positive Affirmation Pocket Booklet. The Affirmations booklet is to be used daily to force the mind into thinking positivly. Affirmations are

positive statements that can help you to challenge and

overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.


E M power

M POWE R Initiate the Power of Positive Thinking



Rose Quartz










rose quartz



ose quartz is the stone of unconditional

love, kindness, and compassion. It also helps with forgiveness, especially with oneself. This is a wonderful stone for self-healing. This stone is calm and peaceful. Rose Quartz can help you feel connected to others and strengthens your sensation of joy. Within M Power, this stone is a symbol for loving yourself. The M Power program helps with self-love and increasing one’s confidence. The M Power “Self” section is organized to help you discover your true self, and plan your appropriate future and goals.


The Power of


Learn to value yourself for all that you are. Notice your strengths and your weaknesses and use them both to find value within. Use the reminder of rose quartz to open your mind and heart to the concept of self-love. Find the power within being confident.



eart M Power kit includes natural Rose

Quartz crystal reminders within a pink velvet pouch, natural rose quartz jewelry, a Self-Love Journal and a Positive Affirmation Pocket Book.






he word “amethyst” comes from the

Greek “amethystos,” meaning “not drunken.” Amethyst can purify the body, it’s traditional use was to prevent drunkenness. This stone can also be used for transmuting negativity which is extremely beneficial in sports and other competitions. Amethyst blocks stress and negative environment energies. M Power uses amethyst as symbol for the sober and concentrated focus. Specifically for physical activity, this stone works as a guide to your goals. Encouraging positive thoughts, this symbol encourages physical awareness and complete calm.




Use competition as a resource to drive yourself towards achieving personal aspirations. Strengthen intuition and adapt to all circumstances. Physically empower yourself while also using amethyst as a reminder to calm the mind and facilitate decision making.



ody M Power kit includes natural Amethyst

crystal reminders within a purple velvet pouch, natural amethyst jewelry, a Body Active Journal and a Positive Affirmation Pocket Book.






quamarine is the stone of courage. Its

calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. It harmonizes its surroundings and protects against pollutants. In ancient times it was believed to counteract the forces of darkness and procure favor from the spirits of light. Within M Power aquamarine strengthens the soul, and the soul lies within the center of an individual. Each individual’s center can be traced back to their home. Parents and familycentered individuals would benefit the most from using aquamarine as their M Power symbol. Aquamarine heals relationships and allows for peace at home.


What matters


How can you determine where to go if you do not have a strong foundation? Your priorities are a reflection of who you are as an individual. Improved communication and decreased judgment allow you to push aside the distractions and focus on what matters most. Aquamarine reminds us to make the most of the moment and initiate the act of being true to yourself.



oul M Power kit includes natural Aquamarine

crystal reminders within a blue velvet pouch, natural aquamarine jewelry, a Soul Home Planning Journal and a Positive Affirmation Pocket Book.






merald is a stone of inspiration and

infinite patience. It is a life-affirming stone with great integrity. This stone ensues physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium. It eliminates negativity and brings positive actions. It enhances psychic abilities, opens clairvoyance, and stimulates gathering wisdom from the mental planes. For M Power, the mind is the center of all positivity. Emerald is the capstone gem because it is the ultimate symbol of mental power. By controlling your psych, you can overcome depression, anxiety and all of life’s stresses. Emerald represents the final key to accessing positivity.




A positive mind creates a positive life. You can control your emotions and it all begins within the mind. Positive affirmations help you visualize, and believe in, what you’re affirming to yourself, helping you to make positive changes. Emerald is a reminder that initiates inspiration and strengthens personal articulation. Emerald wards off depression and increases positive energy.



ind M Power kit includes natural Emerald

crystal reminders within a green velvet pouch, natural emerald jewelry, a Mind Psych Journal and a Positive Affirmation Pocket Book.


conclusion project analysis


verall, M Power inspired a personal interest

in the study of crystals, but it also created a vast horizon of positive reminders. Although the science and use of crystals is interesting, it is an ethereal practice that can be hard to relate to. The goal in creating M Power was to take this concept and make it more applicable to the average lifestyle. The four sections of M Power appeared on their own, along with the logo and color scheme. Similar to the vibrations produced by light and crystalline structures combining, this experience created wavelengths of happy coincidences. M Power is a lifestyle organizational system that is used to simulate balance and unity. By looking inward, and thinking positively this balance is achieved and you will find optimism in your everyday surroundings and circumstances.



afterword final review


his comprehensive semester long project

was meant to mimic a real life design assignment. This meant that as I was hard at work on a brand, or a design, other plans would come into play and quickly shift me into a different direction. Probably the most important thing I learned from this class was that time management is crucial. You have to organize your plan appropriately or else the due date will come and you will have nothing to present. Not only should you schedule and plan accordingly, it helps if you are always one step ahead. If you are ahead of the game it is easier to adjust when things don’t go as you planned they would. The last notable thing I observed from this experience was that good design is always in progress. Although I am satisfied enough with this project to turn it in, there are still many things I wouldn’t mind fixing. Perhaps, it will always be that way, if so, I will not complain because that means there is always work to be done!


I think, therefore I am

Lindsey Johnson | Advanced Graphic Design | Fall 2017



Lindsey Johnson | 505 -504-4994 |@ilindseyanne | ilindseyanne.com

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