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HOW FASHION INDUSTRY IS CHANGING The fashion industry is one of the biggest industries among others. The fashion industry is a consumer-friendly. The change is a rule and everyone knows that. If anyone is not upgrading themself with the change then they have to face many challenges. 10 years ago, if you want to see a show then you have to buy a ticket or you can see the next day in trade papers. But now with Instagram, Snap chat, YouTube the entire team of designers is work on new media. The customer is seeing every detail of fashion clothing. When someone says 'What is my Clothing style'. When a new collection hits the stores, it feels old and then you search for a new fashion. And after that, you think that I like my style.

Also See, FUTURE OF FASHION INDUSTRY The fashion industry sees many changes in coming years in technology or in customer demand. These two factors are taking transformation in the Industry. These are the four change that the fashion industry will see in Upcoming years:

1. DIGITALISATION During Covid, many brands start their online business. They start selling online. Many brands or small enterprises are still working offline. Brands have to adjust how they create their brand online. Fashion brands create a digital experience of Virtual fit or sizing tools. The customer starts doing more shopping during covid. Many brands start virtual fashion shows and start designing a 3D prototype on avatars because it is easy to showcase. Technology is growing. With that designers can design a product and test that also without making a physical product.

2. SIMPLIFICATION The delivery and the fashion both are simplified during Covid-19. Many Fashion houses create 8 collections in a year. The result of these is crowded fashion shows. Customers are ready to buy clothes in the offseasons also. Like winter clothes in July and summer clothes in February.

Simplifying fashion saves your money the Environment also. Instead of doing fashion shows, marketing campaigns every six months. The purpose should be the reducing waste and saves the environment.

3. SUSTAINABILITY The fashion industry was one of the biggest contributors to waste and climate change from many years. But now many brands are moving towards sustainable fabrics. Fast fashion is popular in today's world because it's inexpensive. There is Slow fashion that's pieces are more eco-friendly. Approximately 50% of fast fashion retailers see a decrease in the number of customers. Customers are now more aware and they stand with those brands who take a stand for the environment. A research shows that 88% of people want brands to be helpful towards nature.

4. DATA Many brands collect data from customers before designing new clothes. Now brands understand the preferences of customers, their shopping behaviour, their needs. Collecting data is a future of fashion industry. Brands will create pieces that consumers want or like to buy. Data gives a wider perspective to brands with that they can balance supply and demand. Amazon start working on Machine learning program. Google is also testing user-driven AI fashion design. Very soon the data will be sewn into every field of fashion.

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