6 minute read

Growing and Learning this Summer (cont.)

also made it a priority to learn and try new projects. Painting and transforming a space has become a passion of mine as we moved a few towns over a year and a half ago. This summer my main goal was to focus on the outside, primarily the backyard to make it “home” for our family. My son and I planted wildflower seeds on the back property line and we love to see the sprouts begin to show.

My husband and I also purchased raised garden beds in which we have planted a variety of vegetables that the kids and I love to water and patiently watch grow. Although this has taken a lot of time and patience, it has been a great experience for all of us to eat the fruits of our labor.

We also gave a makeover to a swing set that our neighbors were getting rid of. My daughter and I spent a few days chatting and painting the swing set a cozy white and black. Our family will have many more years and memories to come!

Although it has been a busy schedule, we have also made time to enjoy a vacation with friends, and one with family coming up. As a mom of three kids, sometimes it is best to get them out of the house and create new memories and experiences as a family. This summer, my kids have swum, fished, hiked, toasted s’mores, stayed up too late, and caught fireflies. They have had a chance to be bored and use their imagination to grow and learn more about themselves and their interests. We have an abundance of Lego sculptures, box forts, and art creations. After visiting the local library, we all signed up for the summer reading program that has sparked a new love for reading, myself included as I have read 5 books already this summer!

I know summer “break” is supposed to be a time to take a break from it all and regroup for the next school year, but I think it is more than that. It is a time to recharge with hobbies and have fun with friends and family. It is also a time to reflect and get ready to grow and move forward the next school year. Teachers during the summer really aren’t stopping what they know and love, they are cutting, laminating and planning for what we educators all believe will be the best year yet!

Mrs. Molly Kaminski holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education from Eastern Illinois University with a Masters degree in Teaching and Learning from University of St. Francis. Molly was a classroom teacher for 9 years before becoming a technology instructional coach at Morris Elementary School District 54. This is her 6th year in this role. She has had the privilege to work with students and staff for the past 14 years, across all grade levels. Molly has presented to teachers and staff at Raising Student Achievement Conference, the Student Illinois Education Association conference as well as multiple neighboring schools through the Joliet Professional Development Alliance.

Are You Okay?

Summer is the time to ask yourself, “Am I Okay?” It is time to pack your backpack with tools that build a better you. One small item to place in the backpack is an index card with the question on it, “Am I Okay?”. This question is one every educator needs to ask themselves often, especially in the summer. Let’s pretend a colleague came to you and said,

“I can’t continue teaching. I am drained, and unhealthy. Every time I think I have time for myself or my family, some new mandate pops up from the state. Then the administration, parents and students are asking all of us to be these superheroes. I have nothing left for my own family. I am putting in my resignation tomorrow. I don’t know what to do?”

What would you tell this person? Are you this person? How do you handle stress and get balance in your life?


No one can help anyone else if they are worn down, out of shape, unhealthy emotionally and physically. Even machines need to be well-oiled to keep working well.

Being well-oiled takes maintenance. Don’t wait until you break.

Begin with baby steps by adding a mirror to that summer backpack. Get it out and then be still. Look into the mirror and smile at yourself. Be thankful for another day to take care of you. Get the water bottle out and stay hydrated. Open that healthy snack that will give you energy and has a healthy effect on your body. Adjust. Attitude sometimes has to be jump-started. Your worries should only be about what you can control.

Dig through the summer backpack and look at that question on the index card. Look at the word OKAY. Being OKAY means the world around you is calm and easily navigated. Problems might arise, but you can handle them. The word OKAY can help you reconnect to yourself each day. It can be a quick acronym for your check-in. O stands to OPEN your heart and mind. K stands for KINDNESS for yourself and others. A stands for APPRECIATION for your life and your contributions to the world. Y stands for YOU. You are the most important and unique person. Starting or ending the day with OKAY can steady you into the present and get you ready for the future. It can help you answer questions like: What can I contribute today? What will I enjoy today? What am I thankful for today?

During this quick reflection time, find out what triggers stress and that outof-balance feeling. When do you feel peaceful? When do you feel burdened? Who is influencing you? Who is giving you feelings of joy and feelings of woe? What do you really want your life to look like?

One quick, healthy free tip is nose breathing. Your nose is designed to help you breathe efficiently and properly. Your nose filters out dust, allergens, and pollen from entering your lungs. The nose warms and moisturizes the air as you inhale and it is easier for your lungs to use. Nasal breathing releases nitric oxide. It widens the blood vessels to improve oxygen circulation in your body (Nunez, 2021). Your nose is already with you, so you don’t have to pack it, just use it.

Start today by building new habits with attitude and gratitude. Balance is a work in progress. Work, family, physical, and emotional needs are all asking something from you. These needs can be balanced if you realize the purpose of each and are thankful for the ability to work and have others in your life that care. Work is a necessity for most humans. Managing time will help. Bring a calendar in that backpack. Plan for the week. Plan family, physical, and emotional needs throughout the work day. Family should time with people you like and respect. Find a processing buddy that can help with problems and listen to celebrations. Give yourself 15 minutes a day to just BE. Don’t compare yourself to others. You are the only you. Find your passion. be a reminder of why you do the work you do. Social needs are met at your work and play when you ask others for help or share ideas and collaborate. Physical needs can be met in ten-minute intervals throughout the day. Emotional needs are always in play because your life reflects your values and beliefs, even in your nonverbals.

Most people think balance is all or nothing. Even when you take time for yourself, those needs are still inside your brain and heart. Looking at this balance in a different light can be a game changer. If you try and eat right, sleep, and exercise, balance is easier to acquire. Reflecting on your attitude and being grateful for the capacity of your mind can set-up positive results. Use the OKAY acronym. Summer is a perfect time to practice this strategy until it becomes a skill.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Spend

Delegate mundane chores. Say “no” once in a while and say “yes” to yourself. Join a club or group. Be creative and turn mistakes you have made into learning opportunities. Devote time to an activity or a place you enjoy for one hour a week. Nature is always reaching out to you. Listen. If you look up and around, you might get a feeling of AWE, that feeling of something greater than you with beauty and mystery in it.

You might feel like you are juggling 10 plates in the air at once. Let one go and they all fall. Stop juggling and spend the energy on being OKAY. Change your selftalk to, “You are enough.” You make a difference being an educator. Remember that time is on your side and planning that time makes all the difference. Start today with making YOU a priority, even if it is only for a few minutes at a time because only you can answer the question, “Am I okay?”


Nunez, Kristen (2021), What Are the Advantages of Nose Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing? Healthline February 2, 2021, Medically Reviewed by Cynthia Taylor Chavoustie MPAS, PA

Barbara Preston works as school improvement specialist at Macon Piatt Regional Office of Education. She provides K-12 observations, coaching in ELA and contents, and data analysis for student success. She believes that together we can make a world of critical thinkers and decision-makers for the next generation to come.