Lh6a and mandy caterpillar 14 15

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INGREDIENTS • • • • • •


Today there are 5 American women in class. Their names are: Mandy, Jaci, Samantha, Emily and Kadi.

They are reading to us “The very hungry caterpillar�. And we are listening and looking at them.

On the book you can see some fruits: There are 4 strawberries,3 peas, 2 pears and 1 apple.

They are finishing the STORY. We have some cup cakes ready on the table.

Xabi is pouring a cup of powered sugar into the bowl.

Maren is pouring the second cup of powered sugar into the bowl.

Maialen is pouring the third cup of powered sugar in to the same bowl.

Iruani is pouring The forth cup of powered sugar in the bowl. Meanwhile , Samantha and Jaci are looking at her.

Jon is cutting a half of the butter, later, he is going to add it into the bowl.

Nahia is putting the other half and pressing the mixer’s bottom in number 2.

Alexia is putting more butter in to the mixer and push the bottom number 4.

Ainara is pouring some cream into the bowl. Samantha and Jaci are looking at Ainara.

Kepa is pressing the bottom of the mixer. It is number four.

Ander is stirring the cream with the spatula. Later is Going to put some teaspoons in to the mixture.

Jon is pouring more cream in to the bowl.

Gorka is pushing down the mixer and he is going to press the machine’s bottom.

Fredy is preparing the cream with a yellow spatula.

After Fredy , Markel is putting fourteen teaspoons in the mixture.

Jaci is dealing a teaspoon for each one. Gorka has a teaspoon in his right hand. Markel is looking the Gorka’s teaspoon. Fredy is looking Gorka’s back. Jon is looking to another place.

There are 5 children around the table. They are putting some cream on top of each cupcake.

Kadi is pouring some cream on the cupcake and Jon and Iruani are looking at Kadi’s cupcake.

We are three girls and one boy. We are putting some cream on the cupcakes too.

There are six people around the table, all of them are boys. They are pouring some cream on the cupcakes.

They are 5 boys around the table. We are pouring some cream on each cupcake.

We are 6 people around the table, we are putting some cream on the cupcakes.

We are putting the cupcakes in the tray.

They are taking some candies for the caterpillar’s face.

This is the first caterpillar that we have done.

This is the second caterpillar. He has got two pink antennas, 2 blue eyes and one yellow mouth. His name is pink lollypop.

We are 6thA class and we have finished the activity. And we are with our American teachers.

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