Fundamatics, Vol. 2, Issue 1

Page 151

to constantly track the currency and make continuous adjustments to his portfolio to maintain optimal health and wealth without running like a mad man for miles and miles. Whether you accept my Prasad or not, my blessings will always follow you like a fatwah.

rem of lunarcy is valid in moonless conditions and less so when people are mooning around. A constipated moonless night is a sad day for investors.

Prof. Guddra,we would be delighted to have you as a speaker at a symposium that I am chairing – Symposium for Gains in Markets over Induced Diets (SYGMOID). At the Be blessed, SYGMOID symposium you might find Gurudeo Persaud welcome company in derivatives theorists, Born Guddra proctologists, and dental hygienists. I urge While the western world argues you from the bottom of my amygdala to whether there was a Big Bang accept this invitation and we look forward to you at the symposium. Feel free to give and whether there will be a Big seeing us a call and our assistant, Bare Bottoms, can Crunch, we know that all these help you find suitable accommodations.

arguments amount to Shunya - because the Universe is an unending cycle.

Prof. Guddra,


I have followed your writings with interest for quite some time now. I stand in awe at your fundamental research that has advanced the frontiers of investment science and puts you in league with financial heavy weights like Merton and Scholes. In particular, I urge reference to your theorem of lunarcy which ties lunar movements to financial fortunes. But if I may, I would like you to consider one other movement that could change your math quite significantly. Perhaps you would like to consider bowel movements as an additional predictor in your calculations. As a defunct Aeronaughty engineer, you might recall that the lift of an object worthy of flight is intricately dependent on the drag queen. To the extent that bowel movements (or lack thereof) can put a drag on a day and to the extent it counters the micro-gravitational lunartic pull of hot blondes in the vicinity of an investor, it appears to me that your theo-

Best Regards, Investor Dear Investor, I am aware of your inventions such as the Levitassan which have shaken the free market of the silent majority and left them speechless on the issues of protecting minority stakeholders. It is really heartening to see you move into the SYGMOID at a time when the land of Aristotle and Plato is so broke that they are Breaking My Window (BMW) down to learn my lunar system to move away from the Aryans. I do value your suggestion of including the bowel movements into my system. As you may have already read in my dictates to the most fanatic followers, when the full moon occurs twice in one month every 2.73 years, my Blue Moon investment option is released to the top Six SYGMOIDs based entirely on the flax in their diets. My system focuses on the metabolic energy dedicated to the bowel movements during such months to ensure that sufficient energy is available to the thermodynamically limited axons in the brain so that the six SYGMOIDs can clearly distinguish


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