The iHelp Foundation Current Status and Plan (October 2022)

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Current Status and Future Plan

October 2022
To help strengthen and enable our in-country partners in maintaining sustainable resources to underserved communities in health, education, and water. 1
Mission: The iHelp Foundation strives to… Improve lives through service, education, and empowerment. Vision:

Our Guiding Principles:

The iHelp Foundation adheres to and is guided by the following principles of the Universal Sphere Core Humanitarian standards which are:

● Our humanitarian efforts strengthen and empower local in-country capacities while striving to avoid negative effects such as dependency and overriding local care-givers' potential for livelihood.

● All of our resources, donations and services are managed and used responsibly for their intended purposes.

● The iHelp staff and our partnership staff are supported to do their job effectively, and are treated fairly and equitably.

● Our humanitarian efforts are based upon communication, participation and feedback from our local and in-country partners, our team members, board members and donors.

● iHelp welcomes and addresses complaints.

● iHelp Humanitarian efforts are coordinated in conjunction with and complimentary to our local and in-country partners. Meaning, we strive to address the need that the locals see, we have learned that Ugandans often know what Uganda needs more acutely than do we, this, we strive for their input, guidance and direction.

● iHelp strives to continuously help our partners learn and improve, as such we strive to learn and improve from our partners.



● There are 56 M people in Uganda with 25,000 people per physician.

● In Uganda, 24 M people lack access to clean and safe drinking water.

○ Over 25% of students will drop out of school because of water-related illnesses.

○ Many women and children will spend over 36 hours a week sourcing water.

● Education- Access remains inequitable. 4 out of 10 young children ages 3-5 years attend early childhood education. Only 1 in 4 attend secondary school.

● Child sacrifice rates are increasing in Uganda. The need for rehabilitation (food, shelter, and medical attention) of these children is also increasing.

● 1 in 22 women die from childbirth complications.

● 1 in 45 children die before reaching the age of 5.



● There are 5.1 M people in Liberia with 25,000 people per physician.

● Education in Liberia suffers following a 14 year civil war, and an Ebola outbreak.The conflict destroyed nearly 60 % of educational buildings and many teachers fled the country.( There is currently not one public library in the country.

● Medications are very difficult to get in Liberia. A diabetic patient would have to spend over $2.00 a day for one tablet of Metformin, most people don't make over $2.00 a day.

● Many people still do not have access to sustainable and clean drinking water. Many fill 5 gallon buckets with water from rivers and streams.

● Feminine hygiene is taboo, creating a lack of understanding of female anatomy, how to care for menstrual cycles, and how pregnancy, prenatal, and childbirth work.



● Up to 4 Million people face food insecurity. Many have limited or no access to dental or medical care.


Logan, Utah:

● There are 1,200 refugee families in Logan, Utah. Many of these families have struggled through Covid-19 to be enrolled in government insurance plans like Medicaid. Since coming out of Covid-19, wait times for insurance enrollment is around 1 month.

● Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse (CAPSA) aids over 1,927 men, women and children a year who have saught refuge from mentally and physically abusive individuals. Many of their resources go toward clinical therapy, shelter, and education without expanding into primary health care.

Board: Brent Skinner Breanne Skinner Bill Betz Amy Betz Holli Thomson Doug Fullmer Taylor Mendenhall Erik Andersen Gordon Wood Reagan Shepherd Joel Betz Full-time employees: Doug Fullmer Taylor Mendenhall 7

Current projects:

Medical Missions: iHelp has conducted various medical humanitarian missions in the past 19 years. This past year our focus has been on Uganda, and Guatemala. We have conducted 2 medical clinics with the Kyampisi Childcare Ministries non-profit group in Kyampisi, Uganda in February and September of 2022. We treated over 7,000 patients for acute and chronic illnesses, dental complications, and optometry needs. In May of 2022, we conducted a medical mission to San Lucas, Guatemala in which we worked directly with the Village of Hope non-profit group who provides aftercare to abused youth and single teen mothers.


Current projects:

Refugee Clinic: We have coordinated local physicians, nurses, medical students, and pre-medical students to conduct a monthly refugee clinic in Logan, Utah. This clinic is in conjunction with the Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection (CRIC) group and Living Tree Medical Group both established here in Cache Valley. We have been able to provide health care for many families who have immigrated from Afghanistan, Ukraine, Mexico, Pakistan, Eritrea, Kenya, and other countries. We serve as the middleman in providing treatment for acute infections, prenatal care, prescription refills, and education in helping these families adjust to a westernized culture and way of living.


Current projects:

Education: we have created hybrid classes on an educational platform that allows us to develop content that can be used locally and internationally. We are currently conducting a Basic Emergency Medical Technician course in Logan in which community members without any medical education are participating. This allows us to help develop a more competent and responsive community around us. We will also offer these classes to our partners in Uganda, Guatemala, and Liberia. Currently we are funding 4 small businesses in Uganda, Hondorus, and El Salvador through our micro crediting program. Following an invitation, we continue to work towards meeting requirements and are optimistic to work with the Utah National Guard in Morocco.


Current projects:

Water: to date, nine wells have been established in Uganda under the direction of iHelp board members Brent and Breanne Skinner. Before the establishment of these wells, young Ugandan children traveled hours each day to obtain water. These wells are now allowing them to attend school.


Cost of Funding Our Medical Clinics:

Our hope is within the next three years we have two trips a year to each location listed below. Within the next five years we want to hire physicians, nurses, and administrative staff at each clinic treating and following up with patients throughout the year.

Country: Partner: Trip: Monthly Cost:

El Salvador n/a $10,000 $2,750/ month

Guatemala Village of Hope $10,000 $2,750/ month

Haiti n/a $10,000 $2,750/ month

Honduras n/a $10,000 $2,750/ month

Liberia CARE INC/Rivercess $20,000 $2,750/ month

Palau n/a $20,000 $2,750/ month

Uganda Kyampisi Childcare Min. $20,000 $2,750/ month $200,000 $231,000

Total: $431,000 Monthly Salary: Physician: $1,500 Registered Nurse:$750 Administrator: $500 Total:$2,750 12

Long-term goals: 1 year:

Global Health: by September of 2023 we hope to have completed more successful medical humanitarian missions in Uganda and Guatemala while also conducting our first medical mission to Monrovia, Liberia. By this time we will have completed a total of 6 missions (Uganda: 3, Guatemala: 2, Liberia: 1). We also hope to facilitate the completion of a construction project at the Kyampisi Childcare Ministries complex in which we would provide an onsite rehabilitation center for rescued children from child trafficking and sacrifice.

Community Health Clinic: in the coming year we hope to continue our relationship with the Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection team in providing resources to displaced families. We will strive to extend our reach by adding dental services and specialty services to these families. We are also currently working on a partnership with CAPSA here in Logan, Utah to help their clients receive adequate health after their traumatic events. If the demand between these two organizations is there, we would hold the community health clinic twice a month.

Education: in this coming year we hope to complete our online educational platform and release it to our contacts in Uganda and Liberia. We will also start creating a Spanish version of our courses (Emergency Medical Technician Basic, Emergency Medical Technician Advanced) for our contacts in Guatemala and future partnerships in our Spanish speaking countries.

Water: TBD


Long-term goals:

1 year: International MissionsCurrent: Antigua Guatemala Kyampisi / Jinja Uganda Monrovia / Rivercess Liberia

Highest Potential: El Salvador Morocco Honduras Peru Haiti Palau Islands Dominican Republic China Congo Philippines

● Within a year, iHelp forecasts being able to have one mission per month.

● Rotating equally between the six locations every 6 months. iHelp is currently partnered with nonprofits in 3 countries.

● We focus on improving health issues through primary, secondary and tertiary efforts.

● We will build upon our efforts in these three countries and expand into the potential locations listed above.

● We also look to build on our current efforts and increase Education by helping to- provide locations, materials, retention, educators and performance.


Long-term goals: 5 year:

Global Health: As our missions expand into countries including Peru, Dominican Republic, Morocco, El Salvador, Honduras and Palau with our already established sites in Uganda, Guatemala, and Liberia. We hope to help each of our partner clinics expand their capabilities by hiring a General practitioner, 2 Nurses and coordinating infrastructure in which pharmacies, surgical procedures and emergency medicine can be offered. We hope to have expanded these clinics to a “gold standard” to fulfill the need in their community be it an Operating Room, Emergency Room, or EMS response.

Community Health Clinic: in five years we hope to have continued our meaningful partnerships with CRIC and CAPSA. We will continually expand our capabilities to treat their clients through including more specialty physicians. We will also increase our reach by partnering with organizations in the Ogden area such as Ogden Rescue Mission and Family Promise of Ogden.

Education: locally we hope to have two EMT classes a year in Logan. We plan to expand our classes to include Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Basic Life Support (BLS), Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS), Medical Terminology, First Responder, and Stop the Bleed amongst other courses. We hope to be fully credentialed in Uganda, Guatemala, and Liberia in order to produce nationally certified EMS responders.

Additional Educational projects will include but not be limited to, construction of buildings including classrooms, for the purpose of basic English courses and public libraries, securing and donating English reading/educational books where needed.

Water: TBD


Long-term goals: 20 year:

Global Health: increase and strengthen the iHelp partnership network and reach. iHelp will continue to foster and develop a relationship with the USU SEED program and look for opportunities to mentor, teach and fund entrepreneurs in our project locations. iHelp will continue to review the potential possibilities to fund and employee General Practitioners in project locations.

Community Health Clinic: TBD

Education: iHelp will maintain our efforts to educate, provide opportunities and long term support for local providers. These efforts will include but not be limited to, web based education via iHelp programs, and shoulder to shoulder hands on opportunities in invasive procedures and

Water: TBD


Sustainability Model:

Medical: we believe in working directly with our partners, allowing them ownership over the services rendered, physicians to follow up with patients seen at the medical camps conducted by iHelp, and enhanced communication and cultural connection while treating patients at our medical camps. For every one of our volunteers, iHelp subsidizes the assistance of in-country medical and support staff. Moving forward as we look to establish brick and mortar clinics in the rural villages of Uganda, Guatemala, Liberia, and our future partner countries, we plan to hire physicians to staff our clinics full-time to perform pre-screenings and manage chronic illnesses like diabetes and hypertension while we are not present. Thus, building the local physicians, nurses and staff to meet their own needs with our continued support and education.

Water: TBD

Education: TBD

In each of the spectrums of reach be it medical, water, micro crediting and education, the iHelp Foundation champions the principles of sustainability outlined by The Sphere Handbook. Those principles are;

● We promote and support the fundamental importance of human dignity and the right of people to participate fully in decisions that affect them.

● We work with and consult different parts of the community, including at-risk groups and organizations they trust, to understand the best way to provide assistance.

● We recognize that our development and support must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.

The iHelp Foundation 169 N Gateway Drive Suite 227 Providence, Utah 84332 P: 435-799-3862 E: W:
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