December 2013

Page 14


December 2013

Grand Ridge Plaza Ribbon Cutting The Plaza, Friday, November 15, 2013

Speech by Larry Norton, Highlands Council, President

Issaquah Highlands Connections

Well, today’s the day we cut the ribbon for the Grand Ridge Plaza. This is truly a long awaited day. As I was thinking about what to say today to all the parties involved in making this happen, there was one word that kept coming to mind - EVER. For the residents of Issaquah Highlands, whether they’ve lived here 14 years or four, the most common question heard around the village has been, “Will we EVER have a grocery store and retail?” “So how long has it been? It seems forEVER!” EVERy time I drove up Highlands Drive, I’d ask myself, “When?” Do we have to wait any longer? – NO! To quote Edgar Allen Poe, “NEVER More!” Let me focus on my word for the day: EVER. With this Grand Opening, I believe that the word EVER stands for the following: The “E” stands for Embarking for Enterprise. The merchants are ready and waiting. I want to particularly thank Regal Cinemas and The RAM who were early in the “E” class for Issaquah Highlands. The “V” stands for Vision. Port Blakely began the vision, seconded by the City of Issaquah, confirmed by the residents and made real by Regency Center. The second “E” stands for a couple of things. First, “it was the Economy, stupid” that made the EVER seem even longer. But when the time was right, “E” stood for Energy. Regency Center and the teams of contractors and workers made this place come alive. They were a literal hive of activity. Lastly we come to the “R”- It might stand for Reactivation, Redevelopment or Rejuvenation. But I believe the most important “R” word is Retail. We thank all of you merchants who have come to join this community and to make Grand Ridge Plaza real. On behalf of Highlands Council of Issaquah Highlands, welcome to our place in the world. And so before you begin asking, will he EVER be done, let’s cut some ribbon.

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