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2 ATER 1+ K S O R K’S P



- pg 15

ME A O C E B O HOW T g 19 p R E T A PRO SK



February 2021



CONTENT: pg 06 ---------------------- pg 16 ---------------------------- pg 22



February 2021





February 2021




What’s the secret to Brazilian skaters having such high pop? Is it because Brazilians have bigger butts? I don’t know, you gotta check Tiago [Lemos]’s butt and see if that’s the case. Maybe you can say that about Leticia [Bufoni], she has high pop, but I think it just happened to be that they’re Brazilians. I mean Stevie Williams, right? He had the Brazilian butt.

Yeah, Stevie Williams’ booty was popping out of his jeans. Yeah, he had that style and then look at his pop. So it’s more of the butt than it is Brazilians. If you have a big butt then maybe you have a big pop. Maybe skateboarders should be doing butt lifts and Zumba dancing to get their pop going.

But don’t Brazilians have larger butts? You can stereotype women that way and


say that all the women in Rio are sensual, but you can find women like that everywhere in the world. I guess what you’re getting at are the Latin genes. Because when you go throughout Latin America you’ll see it’s not just Brazil.

São Paulo, where you grew up in Brazil, has a reputation as a dangerous city. Was it dangerous street skating there in the late ’80s/early ’90s? You’re a skater, you’re part of the streets. A lot of time you mix in. I remember being young and going on the bus with a friend and these kids showed up without money. I offered to pay for them and they said no thanks. A few minutes later, one of those guys pulled out a 9 millimeter and another pulled out a big knife. One guy puts the gun to the driver’s head and the guy with the knife pulled everyone’s cell phones and wallets. But when he got to me he was like, “You’re cool.” He didn’t take anything from us. Now it’s at a point where people go to rob me and they’re

like, “Hey, Bob! What’s up?” and then I’m good. That’s happened a couple of times.

What about the police in Brazil? I know some of them carry big rifles. Are they rough when it comes to dealing with skaters? Not necessarily. If people are going to stop you from skating they’re probably security guards. When cops stop you they’re looking for drugs or guns. They’re just ready for heavier situations. Even though we say Brazil is a peaceful country and we’re not at war with anyone, it’s like civil war every day. People die like crazy. It’s just a normal activity, which is scary. There are places in Rio where if you make a right turn off the freeway and go 100 ft further down the road, you’re going to get shot. It’s like going into a militarized zone.

How was Brazil’s skate scene when you were coming up? We didn’t really have the products or anything because of high import taxes from

February 2021 the United States, so we created our own industries. There was a lot of bootleg stuff. You would have Brazilian brands, but they weren’t in the videos we would watch. If you wanted a Plan B shirt you would get the logo and print it. At first it’s innocent, because you just want to wear that brand, then someone down the line takes that innocence away because they make it a product and it goes into the Brazilian market. People would make Brazilian Powell, Brazilian Bones, Brazilian Indys. But most of the guys who skated for them didn’t know what was going on. They would think it was an Independent shirt or Bones stuff, but it was Brazilian and it was fake. So when they skated international events, Brazilian skaters would get hated on because their shit was fake. We got a bad rap, but then the import taxes went down and Brazil got a little bit more globalized.

Nowadays, how famous are you within Brazil? Well, when you’re on TV for that many years in a row, there’s not one place I go down there where I don’t get stopped. When they talk skateboarding, they say my name. Just like Tony [Hawk] here. In Brazil it’s like, “You skate? Right on, we know Bob.”

So like Tony Hawk, do you have school supplies with your face on them? Yeah, I’ve had notebooks for the last ten years. That came with little pencil holders, backpacks, and toys. There are a lot of different products like that that you get to capitalize on. I try to keep some control so I don’t see my name on scooters all of a sudden just because someone locked in a deal.

Do you have Walmart equivalent Bob Burnquist brand skateboards in Brazil? Not to that level of quality, they’re a higher quality, but I do have Bob Burnquist boards released through a company called MultiLaser. I’ve done cruisers and longboards and street completes and things like that. I wanted to make sure it was beyond your first skateboard but below your pro, just so it’s not full pro price.

Was there a specific time in your career when you first started to think hard about

protecting your personal brand and image?

weed when you were learning new tricks. Is that true?

I think I’ve always paid attention to that, like how I would put a video part together, what tricks to choose and what tricks not to choose. If I like a certain trick because it took me a long time but it doesn’t fit with everything else, why am I adding it? So that is, to me, branding without really thinking branding. I’ve always made sure I have some street, pool, vert, mega, bowl. Even though it’s always heavily vert I try to make sure I have all terrain because I wanted to make sure that I was a skateboarder. Even though I don’t put all that stuff in my video parts, people know I could skate it.

Cannabis was part of our lives for a long time. There were times where I did, and it has kept me from other drugs. I’ve had 35-37 broken bones in my life. I would take Vicodin for them and all of a sudden you’re healed but you keep taking it. If anything I should be addicted to opiates. So I’ve always handled it with smoking weed. It was something I liked to do whether it’s medicinal or recreational. Nowadays they have better substances than smoking weed. The CBD stuff is

Do you remember when you first heard people call your Anti Hero tattoo a tramp stamp? I don’t remember. I’ve seen a lot worse ones than mine but it reflects the way I was. It wasn’t about the company, it was about the guys. When I left Anti Hero a lot of people asked me if I was gonna cover the tattoo. I could add a bunch of tats but that’s never going away.

Has a sponsor ever asked you to get their logo tattooed on you? No.

Could you be convinced to get another logo tattoo? Yeah, like if you sold that part? Why not? You can always take it away afterwards. You live with it at that time, you’re just gonna feel pain.

But when you remove a tattoo it leaves a scar behind. There can be, but are you trying to model for that particular area? If someone came to me and said the contract included a tattoo on the side of the leg, well shit, you gotta add a few zeros to this contract, but it’s not a deal breaker. Show me the logo and how much you’re willing to pay.

But you wouldn’t get like a Walmart tattoo, right? If it was, make sure you’re getting paid! And just have a plan. When the contract is up, the tattoo is gone.

I read that you used to smoke

pretty incredible. Nowadays that’s all I take. If I get hurt I don’t even take Tylenol. For a long time I kept quiet on that side because the “smoke weed bro” thing isn’t the direction I wanted to go in, but now people are seeing the effects of opiates. You don’t treat chronic pain with an addictive substance. It makes no sense. So me as a skateboarder and someone that has gotten hurt my whole life, you don’t just shrug off THC because it’s magical as well.

So you’ve smoked weed and skated a halfpipe? If I told you I didn’t it’d be like a Clinton lie, right? But it’s not something that made me a better skater. I have this rule to this day that I don’t drink and skate. They



don’t combine. The day I broke myself at Baldy, I had no drugs, no painkillers, I had nothing on me and I broke my right foot, sprained my left ankle, and broke my right wrist. If you’ve been to Baldy you know it’s not easy to walk out, and I didn’t even have a foot. Jake Piasecki showed up with this big ole’ green bud. We smoked that and it was the best thing ever. It was like when someone shows up with a glass of water after you’ve been walking for hours and you’re so thirsty. I was in so much pain and it saved me until we got out.

I also read that your mega ramp is zoned for agricultural use. 10

Did you ever grow weed there? No. I used it as an excuse to say the mega ramp was a greenhouse and I was skating on the roof. I already had a farm here when I did my restaurant back in ’01-’02, so when the code building people came over to check out what I was building they were like, “What is this?” I said it was all scaffolding. It’s a greenhouse, we just happen to skate on the roof. But I’m sure for the longest time, especially at a place where there’s green hills, it’s mega, it’s Bob, people think he’s growing mad weed.

Have you ever slammed so hard you pooped your pants? No, I haven’t done that.

Ever heard of that happening? Yeah, I’ve heard of it. One of my most painful slams I landed on the coping and hit my coccyx bone, so that would be the time where I guess that could happen but it didn’t go that route.

Do you follow any mental or physical rituals before skating your mega ramp?

February 2021 I believe in reincarnation but I’m also a Christian. It’s more of a moral compass to go through life and when it comes to skating, to me skating is like little prayers. Every trick is hard work. There are tricks I only do once, so I’m just thankful for those happening. Skateboarding’s almost a prayer to me. Like my way to say thank you. I’m alive, I’m healthy, I can skate, and I just landed something I’ve never done. The reason you skate is for the feeling of landing a new trick. You only get that feeling when you learn a new one, so all those are collections of battles you’ve had to manifest. That’s why skateboarding exists for me. Every trick was a battle and every successful thing that I do, it’s not me alone. It’s a collection of your whole life. For me to land that at that moment, it took that much time to learn how to skate then land that particular one at that particular time. You can think about it like surfing too. That wave, it was built for you then it’s gone, but you caught it. Skateboarding is the same thing.

What do you imagine yourself being reincarnated as? Another person. I’m not a Buddhist. I don’t think I’m gonna come up as an animal because we progress, we don’t regress. I’ve already evolved, I’m here, I keep going forward. The universe doesn’t design us that way. So in my belief that’s reincarnating and continuing to evolve as human with different experiences. I don’t believe I come up as a bird or as a dog or as a cockroach. We’re animals but we’re developed into intelligent beings in a sense, or we think we are. At least we’re having a conversation and we’re aware of us, that’s the evolution.

When someone decides they want to build a mega ramp, what kind of investments do they Not really. I just take deep breaths and try It’s energetic. We all have chakras, we need? to not get influenced by people around all have our spiritual connection, so it’s a me. I like visualizing before materializing stuff, so I’ll close my eyes and see my body positioned, see how much I gotta pop, and go through the run. I’ve had times where I’ve closed my eyes and visualized white light around me. This came from my mom and my early days. Kind of gives me some protection. If I’m going down the 70ft ramp or going 20ft plus in the air, I need that.

Is there a religious connection to you envisioning white light before your vert runs?

way to put some harmony into everything that’s going on. Just thinking about it kind of takes you there. Our minds are like that. Confidence gives protection and my protection is spiritual. It’s not religious in the sense of a particular religion, it’s just understanding the energetic realities and trying to work with them to my advantage.

So are you into meditation? I’ve done a little bit of that but when it comes to religion I’m a spiritist Christian.

Well, you need land. Hopefully the geography is good so you spend less on materials because you can use the natural incline. Just the Skatelite and materials for the surface will cost $100K. The whole ramp would probably go for $400K, maybe $500K. I don’t know how much I spent on mine over the years. I used money out of my salary to build ramps so you gotta really want it and then you gotta really use it, so you don’t spend that much money and then get scared to skate it.



Do you own your mega ramp or is it jointly owned by different sponsors/investors? No, I built all my ramps, I own all of it. It’s all on my land. At


the time I was with certain partners so they would put money in for the duration of my contracts with them. So if I rode for éS and I asked for money for the bowl, they gave me like $40K or $50K, then

whenever I was out of éS it’s not like I owed them the $50K or that I had to maintain the sticker there. They’re more like sponsorship deals through the duration of the contract. Usually those stickers come up when

I do this mega ramp event for Globo TV, this Brazilian TV channel. I get companies that sponsor that event so I can I asphalt the area around the ramp or concrete the vert bowl. I use the event as an excuse to bring

February 2021

money in to upkeep everything.

When you have an idea for a ramp do you put together a Powerpoint and have a pitch meeting? Yes. From the floating ramp in Tahoe to the Grand Canyon idea pitch, you have to put together the plans, the exposure, how much it’s gonna cost from every aspect. Usually you put together a piece for content-based delivery. You’re pitching it to investors’ marketing budgets. They just want the views and the alignment for that particular year. Sometimes you can pitch it to a few different non-competitive companies, but the easiest is to go to some kind of content delivery, a TV station or YouTube or whatever, and say you have this project. Then I can say I have this many eyeballs and get a budget approved.

How important is it to you to see skating pushed in the direction of loops and mega ramps? To me, it’s just my progression of ability. My thing was filming video parts and trying to do things I hadn’t seen anyone do and just create, that was my push. As I was creating I started twisting ramps just because that was in my mind. It’s good ’cause then you’re doing things in skateboarding that you wouldn’t do if you didn’t have that drive. Progression by ability and tech is good but progression by design opens doors up. When you come up with an obstacle, like say on the mega ramp I put a rail that pushed me onto the quarter pipe, it gives you opportunity to do things in a different way.

When you get to the point of grinding a rail into the Grand Canyon, does it feel less like skateboarding and more like pure stunts? I don’t call that skateboarding. I call that a mix that combines my skills. I learned how to skydive and base jump, and I can skate mega ramps, so how can I put all those skills together into a manifestation, just like a trick would be? It’s that feeling of a new trick that you tried a bunch of times and landed, it’s the same thing. When you get to a point and a certain set of abilities, it just takes a much bigger thing to give you that feeling. All those things are is a pursuit of that feeling.

Do you compete with Danny Way to try to have the biggest, gnarliest, new ramp?

I think I’ve always been inspired by Danny and when you get to a certain level you have to have someone you balance and compete with. Because there’s no one else out there that I can bounce wild ideas off of. I’ll call Danny and he’ll call me for a lot of different stuff. Like his drop over the guitar. We had conversations and I helped in any which way I could. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or it’s him doing it. It’s better for skateboarding if we collab and do things. When it comes to actual skateboarding progression and the size of ramps, we do it a lot harder nowadays because we don’t make NBA or NFL athlete money. Skateboarders have never been paid like that. But building these ramps is super expensive. If I had more money I’d be able to manifest a lot more of my ideas. Most of the hard part is raising the capital to put out an idea. So if we made more money you would see a lot more progression, period.




February 2021




Game of 16

February 2021

the year. 17


I’m not sure if anyone was really asking for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2. I know I wasn’t. The series’s reputation had never been lower after Activision ran it into the ground, first through over-exposure and finally with the disastrous comeback attempt that was THPS 5. In fact, almost the exact same idea had been tried not so long ago with Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater HD, which blended levels from 1 and 2 into a clunky, unsatisfying whole. Turns out, it isn’t a bad idea if you nail it. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 is an incredible remake that does virtually everything right and more. It might sound odd to call it the best game of 2020, but nothing else this year made me happier. It was certainly the best surprise. THPS 1 + 2 includes all of the stages from the original games, with a unified structure that lets you bounce between progression through each. Developer Vicarious Visions recreated each environment with meticulous attention to detail, sometimes in ways that spark even more nostalgia; the mall level is all boarded up and abandoned, for instance, as if it closed after THPS was released and you’re revisiting it today.The sense of an alternate-timeline THPS is amplified by the cast of skaters, which includes visibly aged pros who were featured in the original alongside younger current stars. I found this unexpectedly poignant. It serves as a tribute to the original pros’ legacies while lending the series’s cultural relevance with a fresh, more diverse roster. You get a sense of how skating’s popularity has grown through the decades since the original games were released and how the skaters have grown up themselves.

Most important, of course, is how the game actually plays. Almost miraculously, it plays great. I don’t know exactly what Vicarious Visions did to the skating model, but THPS 1 + 2 somehow feels both perfectly authentic to the originals and as modern as you’d want it to be. One big mechanical change comes from my personal favorite in the series, THPS 3: the revert mechanic that lets you manual out of tricks and chain together huge combos across the stage. This was a transformative shift in how THPS was played, and revisiting beloved old levels with the ability in your back pocket almost feels like cheating. But it’s not cheating: it’s THPS.Against all odds, THPS 1 + 2 is a thing of beauty. From the creative direction to the nuts and bolts of the engine, it’s one of the most lovingly produced remakes I’ve ever seen — the rare repackaging that not only captures the spirit of the original release but manages to feel emotionally resonant in its own right decades down the line.

“THPS skates right back into relevance!” 18

February 2021





February 2021


SkateSesh How to:

Become a Pro Skateboarder

If you want to become a professional skater, it’s very important to define and understand what it means to be one! With so many associations trying to establish a hierarchy, crossing the line between amateur and professional is usually done when you are able to earn a living from skateboarding. This basically means you need to be good enough to attract enough attention for a company sponsor you, meaning they will get a return on their investment in you. This article will introduce you to the basic steps to becoming a pro skateboarder!

1. Skate, Skate Skate!! This first step is no surprise, and there’s no shortcut: you have to become really, really good at skating before you can attract sponsors. The more you skate, the more comfortable you will feel, and the more tricks you will be able to execute. According to Malcolm Gladwell in his book Outliers, it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery of a skill, and that estimate holds true for skateboarding as well. Spending time practicing is the only way to improve your skills. Dedicate a couple of hours each day for intentionally practicing your skateboarding and make it part of your daily routine. Push your self to improve and practice the hard stuff!

2. Take care of your health Being professional means need to achieve consistency in performance. While injuries common in skating, try to avoid


you your are long

layoffs due to potential injuries or illnesses. Many skaters are reaching a dilemma, feeling that in order to be good you need to risk your health and add dangerous tricks. Every professional skater knows and understands that a serious injury can put his/her career in jeopardy. Taking small steps to keep the risk factors under control are smart alternatives not just for professional skaters, but also for everyone wanting to enjoy the sport. Don’t forget your essential safety gear and always wear a helmet. Always look out for vehicles and if you›re skating at night, make sure you’re visible by using a set of Board Blazers!

3. Connect with the community and skate in competitions Get connected with the local skate community, who can encourage you and spread news of your success.

Joining local groups and attending lots of competitions will help you make friends and perform in front of skateboard company representatives. Events of all shapes and sizes are open for amateur skateboarding. Getting experience competing in events is often the determining factor for later skateboarding opportunities. Remember, there is a big gap between skateboarding while practicing and skateboarding inside an event. Being watched and cheered by the crowd is both an exhilarating and nervewracking situation, and sponsors want to make sure their skaters can perform under pressure. Check out your local skateboard shop to learn about competitions in your area!

4. Construct your image and build a following Once your competition results prove

February 2021 your ability, take some time to analyze your online presence. Are you repping brands you believe in? Are you able to take a fall and get on your feet with a smile on your face? Are you establishing any connection with the public watching your performance? Successful pro skateboarders are people bright personalities, capable of driving spectators insane with unbelievable skills.

5. Work It It goes both ways – after you’ve won several competitions and have a few thousand social media followers, brands will begin to approach you with sponsorship offers. However, you can also actively search for sponsorships by introducing yourself to brand reps at competitions and directly emailing skate companies. While money is perhaps the most soughtafter type of sponsorship, remember that sponsorships of free product or exposure can also be valuable to building your career. Oftentimes, emailing a company to ask for free product in exchange for promotion on your social media channels is a great way to get your foot in the door.

Conclusion Just like life, to get where you want in the skateboarding world, you need to put in the work & effort to achieve your goals. There are no 100% foolproof methods or recipes for success. But following these steps can set you in the right direction to becoming a pro skateboarder. Luck can be a real component in determining the path of a skater’s career, so always expect the unexpected! Every skilled skater in the spotlight is a magnet for companies wanting to promote their products or services. It is one of the most organic and convincing forms of advertising. Of course, nobody will sign a sponsorship contract worth millions of dollars from the very beginning and patience should be a virtue for any skater aspiring to become pro. Years of effort can make you tempted to lose hope, but it is crucial to stay positive and hold out for better days! Getting a sponsorship is far from easy and establishing relationships inside your local skating community is essential. Beside skill, technique, and discipline, you will also need show off your pleasant personality and people skills.





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