1 minute read

KTCRFM in ThE C OMMuni T y

Easter weekend saw the first radio broadcast from members of Keynsham and District’s Mencap. DJ Barry and his assistant Suzie have been providing music at Mencap events and other functions for some time, but now they’ve been training with KTCRfm to make radio programmes. They produced their first show in just three studio sessions of learning to use the studio equipment and software. “The best way of learning is to actually do”, said KTCRfm’s Ric Davison, “Almost making a show without realising it! But all the decisions were theirs, and it was a pleasure to see how quickly they progressed.”

There seemed no reason not to broadcast Barry and Suzie’s first hour show as an Easter Special, and some good comments have been sent to the radio station.

Barry and Suzie are aiming to make a regular programme on KTCRfm and it seems it won’t be long before we are hearing them across the area on a regular basis.

To contact KTCRfm, email ktcrfm@gmail.com

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