1 minute read

THE RoTARY Club Of kE ynshaM

We were pleased to help support Keynsham Town Council in their recent Spring Show at the Scout Headquarters - it went well as an event, and we hope it will be repeated next year.

Looking forward, we have been asked to help with an open day for the Children’s Air Ambulance (CAA) on 20th May at the Bath Racecourse. This will be a large event open to the general public with lots of entertainment on offer.

We have recently supported the CAA with a street collection in Keynsham and we will be at this event to help further promote their valuable work. Look out for the publicity or contact us through our website for more details.

We have just been granted permission to make a

Silk Road Rugs

collection at Tesco Brislington on Saturday 24th June, the proceeds of which will be earmarked to help those members of our community in Keynsham and Saltford who are finding life a struggle just now with the escalating costs of food and fuel. If you see us there, please come and have a chat.

We are pleased to welcome any member of the public who is interested in the welfare of our community to join us in our objectives. Making contact is easy through our website and we will be pleased to have a chat any time. It is pleasing to record that we have just recruited another member to our group, but we still need more members to be able to keep supporting our community.

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