Ígló&Indí Holiday Magazine 2014

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Saga wearing Íssól bow dress and Maria ruffle leggings from AW14 Holiday Collection

WHY WE LOVE CHRISTMAS by Guðrún Tinna Ólafsdóttir, CEO of Ígló&Indí

Christmas is a return to one’s childhood. A journey back to the candlelit moments of pure joy. Recreating our own childhood for our children is worth the enormous effort of decorating, baking and shopping. At Ígló&Indí we love Christmas. Our annual Christmas line is meticulously prepared a year in advance with the help of children and parents, each line hopefully surpassing the last in our quest to make the most of this festive season. Ígló&Indí now presents its Holiday Magazine for the third time. This time around we are especially proud of a section where ambitious fashion bloggers from six countries have taken time to pose for holiday pictures and share with us who they are. We also introduce the thirteen Icelandic Santa Clauses (why have only one Santa when you can have thirteen?) and break some exciting news on our new organic line coming up next year. We sincerely hope our magazine puts you in a festive spirit. We’re all set to start our journey back to our childhoods.


The World of Ígló&Indí is about much more than clothes.

It is a magical world of fun, play and uninhibited exploration for vivacious children - a world where fond memories of family life are created and celebrated. Ígló&Indí’s clothing is practical, comfortable and stylish. A part of its signature look are the beautiful graphics featuring characters from the animal kingdom in addition to the iconic siblings Ígló&Indí. Their stories spark the imagination, inviting children to an enchanted world of colours, shapes and prints where the real and the imaginary are equally tangible.

Where children find outlets for their creativity and energy in the comfort of practical yet beautiful clothes. There are no limits to the opportunities awaiting the ever-expanding world of Ígló&Indí. www.igloandindi.com


All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com

All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com



All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com

All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com




Ígló&Indí is proud to introduce its first organic cotton story, launched alongside the Spring/Summer 2015 collection.

“I had always wanted to add a organic collection but it had to feel right,” says Helga Ólafsdóttir, founder and head designer of Ígló&Indí. “I finally found the perfect manufacturer in Porto, Portugal, a beautiful seaside town and a truly inspiring place. The factory specializes in the production of clothing made from locally grown, certified organic cotton. Every stage of the production is eco-friendly, which is very important to us. Developing the collection in collaboration with these wonderful people was an unforgettable experience.” The organic cotton story consists of first layer garments, most of them unisex, intended for newborns and children aged up to 9 years old. The pieces can be mixed and matched allowing for a variety of outfits. “I decided to keep the fabric’s natural color and decorate it with one of our signature prints featuring the panda bear. We saw it fitting to draw attention to the alarming fact that the giant panda is an endangered species. The girls’ pieces are also adorned with yellow ruffles and bows. This cotton story adheres to Ígló&Indí’s brand philosophy: creating playful and practical clothes combining maximum comfort, style and creativity.” According to Helga, Ígló&Indí intend to gradually expand their organic product range. “This is one of the many steps we are taking towards building a sustainable and environmentally friendly business and at the same time raising awareness of environmental concerns. There are so many things we all can do.” The organic collection will arrive in stores worldwide in February 2015.


Ígló&Indí Flagship stores Ígló&Indí operates a flagship store at Kringlan, Reykjavik’s largest shopping mall and on the trendy Skólavörðustígur street, located in the heart of Reykjavík’s old city centre. The flagship stores are designed to be an immersive experience synonymous with creativity, play and exploration; to invite children and parents alike to experience the story of each collection complimented by various trendy accessories and gifts. The collections are beautifully presented as stories of Ígló&Indí’s magical world. Both of the flagship stores include a designated children’s area decorated with the beautiful graphics the brand is renowned for, books, toys, and other things associated with the brand. There, the children immerse themselves in the magical world of Ígló&Indí while the parents browse the collection with ease, thereby creating an enjoyable shopping experience for the entire family.



All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com

BLOGGERS AROUND THE WORLD We are fascinated about other cultures, other experiences and people capturing moments from their own life and sharing it with the world. That is exactly what our favourite bloggers do everyday. We asked six of them, from Australia, Estonia, France, Iceland, Sweden and the United Kingdom to tell us a little bit about their blog and what it is they like about Ígló&Indí.

Capturing inspiration Minor De:tales is a blog that is inspired by the small universe. It highlights everyday style, photography, art and interior with a focus on organic and fair trade labels. I started the blog in 2011 to compile what I got inspired from when I created illustrations for kids wear. I was originally a classic trained animator, but when my second child was born and I had a break from full time work I used my camera to capture inspiration around me and so the blog was born. We also moved down to Australia from Scandinavia in 2007 so it was a good way of documenting our lives here for our family to follow as well.


Spirited characters

Annica founder of the blog Minor De:tales with her two children Mika (8 yrs), and Dante (5 yrs). Mika is wearing Milly top and Molly shorts from Ígló&Indí. Dante is wearing Jacob top and Robert carrot pants from Ígló&Indí. Photo by Jonathan Derby

The first thing that attracted us to Ígló&Indí was the great illustrations on their garments. Both my kids and myself loved the quirky characters who seem to have so much of the Icelandic spirit in them. I also love the boldness of colours and the details such as ruffles and bows in fun places. After we had tried a couple of garments we were also very impressed with the focus on comfort. The stretchy material in the tops makes it easy for the kids to grow in and it keeps a great fit for a long period of time. www.minordetales.blogspot.com


A sweet kind of poetry Ígló&Indí is an original and unique brand from Iceland. It represents a sweet kind of poetry with a modern touch and has been naturally adopted by Fleur & Lily. Ígló&Indí represents what we love : nature, nordic design & wildlife and we particularly fell in love with their flower dresses, the pattern is just perfect. And I find that the logo is Amazing!

A slice of life Result of a global clothing addiction, a real passion for photography, and the love for my two little girls, the blog Fleur & Lily was born 2 years ago and has grown naturally with the girls. Very far away from any business plan or marketing strategy, this blog simply shows the twin sisters daily in their environment, going to school, at the park, on the beach, picking apples, riding poneys, etc… every moment is a potential blog post, like a slice of life. www.fleurlily.com

Stéphanie founder of the blog Fleur & Lily with her two girls Fleur (4 yrs) and Lily (4 yrs). Fleur and Lily are wearing Didda dress from Ígló&Indí.

Photo by Stéphanie Giacomotto

SAND IN YOUR SHORTS Estonia Cherish the little ones We made a car trip from Estonia to Finland, Sweden and Denmark a few years ago. It was a super nice family vacation with lots of stops and swimming locations. Couldn’t imagine a better way to spend a holiday. But - I was so amazed (or even disappointed) to discover how difficult it was to find something local and original. Everywhere you go there are the same labels, same shops, same stuff. Even when you reach the highest peak of Denmark, you will see the same big brands as everywhere else. Even the shops look identical. This ‘discovery’ made me sad. And this trip was one of the reasons I created my children’s fashion blog Sand in your shorts - because I want to cherish the unique, wonderful, amazing little brands! Like Ígló&Indí, a brand, that is fresh, lovable, one-of-akind and obviously very inspired by and devoted to where it’s created - Iceland. We need those little islands of inspiration, and every little thing you buy from them supports uniqueness and beauty in this world!


Blogger ESTONIA Sand in your shorts


Kirsi Altjõe a children’s fashion stylist and blogger. Founder of Sand in your shorts blog with her two sons Hugo and Hans. Hugo (9 yrs) is wearing David cardigan from Ígló&Indí and Hans (7 yrs) is wearing Baldvin hoodie from Ígló&Indí.

Photo by Marjaana Vaher


A personal touch I started my blog in 2009 when I lived in Sweden. At the beginning I blogged because of the business that I was doing at that time. I was helping Icelandic people buying scandinavian clothes from Sweden and I used the blog to show what the stores had in stock each time and what I thought was a “must have”. In 2012 I started a new page with my friend Álfrún, Trendnet, there we have much more fun. On Trendnet we host the most popular and exiting bloggers from Iceland in fashion, lifestyle and design, eleven different bloggers in different positions with a different focus on their blog. On my blog I try to find the right mix of fashion, style and inspiration with a personal touch. It is important for me to stay true to myself and don’t think to much about others opinion. In that way I think I have gained the trust of my readers. The blog has given me lots of big opportunities which I am thankful for.

Proudly wearing Ígló&Indí abroad Ígló&Indí is our favourite. We love the life that is brought to the clothes and how they combine beautiful design with comfort. Me and Alba don’t always share the same idea on which clothes Alba should wear that day, but Ígló&Indí offer a good option that we both are happy about, so the negotiation gets easier in the morning. It’s a special pleasure for Alba to wear the clothes living abroad, the clothes draws people’s attention and we are proud to inform about the Icelandic origin. www.trendnet.is/elisabetgunnars

Elísabet co-founder of the blog Trendnet with her daughter Alba (5 yrs). Alba is wearing Íssól bow dress from Ígló&Indí Holiday collection Photo by Elísabet Gunnars

STYLE ME SUNDAY UK Stylish mums Style Me Sunday is for mums interested in all things stylish, there is a heavy focus on women and children’s fashion, but I will also cover other things that mums will find useful or interesting. I started my blog in July 2012 when I was pregnant with my second child. I’m a trained midwife but I gave it up after my first child to stay at home. When I was pregnant with my second child I knew I had to do something else that would stimulate my mind. I started my blog and discovered that I really loved it, I blog 4-5 times a week now, and it has turned into a really viable business which is great as I love what I do and can work it around my family.

Ígló&Indí ambassadors Ígló&Indí caught my eye because there’s nothing like it available on the market, it’s not just another brand copying what’s already out it. I adore the unique designs and the colour palatte include big and bold colours, which are often missing from children’s clothes. The illustrations/ images on the clothes capture children’s imagination and are great for story inspiration. We are proud to be Ígló&Indí ambassadors and share our love of the brand with the blog readers. www.stylemesunday.com

Natalie founder of the blog Style me Sunday with her two children Alexa (5 yrs) and Autumn (2 yrs). Alexa is wearing Elísa top from Ígló&Indí. Autumn is wearing Júlíteea top and Jacobina pants from Ígló&Indí. Photo by Style me Sunday

HOUSE NR. 31 Sweden Home inspiration House no.31 is a blog about children’s design and home interior design. I live in Sweden with my husband David and our 3 year old daughter Alicia. On the blog I offer inspiration, tips and ideas for the home and the smallest family members.

Blogger ESTONIA Sand in your shorts


Our new favourite brand Ígló&Indí is our new favourite brand. Perfect clothes for preschool and to dress up afterwards. We love the graphics and the comfortable quality. Alicia really likes her Ígló&Indí clothes. www.myliving.se/blogg/houseno31

Karin Boo Wiklander with her daughter Alicia (3 yrs). Alicia is wearing Manda top and Monroe sequin skirt from Ígló&Indí Holiday collection. Photo by House no. 31

DONʼT FORGET TO #igloindi



Photos by Karl P茅tur J贸nsson

ICELAND HOME OF Ígló&Indí www.igloandindi.com

Coco Aroch wearing Bunny top and Eva pants from Ígló&Indí.

Photo by Ágústa Ýr www.agustayr.com

ANNA PALMA Since we are in the childrenʼs clothing business we cannot help but admire the work of photographer Anna Palma. A fellow Icelander living and working in New York City. We love the playful quirkyness she brings to her photographs of children. For us she is an inspiring artist and we were so happy to chat with her about photographing children and living in NYC.

Tell us a little bit about yourself? I was raised in Iceland, moved to New York City about 20 years ago to study photography at the School of Visual Arts, never returned back home to Iceland. I live in Soho with my photographer husband Guy Aroch, our 3 daughters Leyla, Sunny and Coco, and a girl dog named Bean. I am a freelance photographer, represented by Ray Brown Pro agency in NYC. I love life! What were you like as a child? I was similar to what I am today except shy and chubby. I always had a curiosity and interest in people of all kinds, therefor NYC makes so much sense to me as the best place. I have always made a point of being kind to other people, because to me giving comes easier than taking. What was your first photoshoot? I used to do little shoots with my best friend in Iceland back in the day, also always took pictures of my amazing nieces and nephews. But my first official shoot was for CHILD magazine, shortly after graduating art school.

“...I love the energy, the history, the crowdedness, the never sleeping, the toughness… all of it.” What artists inspire you and why? All artists inspire me, because they bring life to the fire that burns inside. Drive inspires me. What is your favourite thing about living in New York? I love everything about living in NYC!!! I love the range of people I meet, I love the energy, the history, the crowdedness, the never sleeping, the toughness… all of it. What is the best thing about photographing children? It’s never ever boring and endlessly inspiring

www.annapalma.com www.raybrownpro.com


All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com













FOLLOW US www.igloandindi.com


All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com

Ígló&Indí flagship stores


ENZA initiative Christmas is about giving / Empowering women To Ígló&Indí, Christmas is about giving

them new life in the shape of beautiful

furthermore ensure the continuation of

generously and spreading hope and joy

children’s accessories that are sold in the

their fruitful collaboration with Ígló&Indí.

across the globe. With focus on corporate

Ígló&Indí stores and through wholesale.

responsibility, Ígló&Indí is a proud member

A very exciting innovation project, it is also

Established in 2008, Enza Empowering

of the Enza Women Social Enterprise.

a rewarding one as it will lead the organiza-

Women is a vision born in the heart of an

tion in creating products that are socially

Icelandic woman named Ruth Gylfadottir.

An Icelandic-South African charity, Enza’s

responsible, profitable and environmentally

Its main operation is in Mbkweni, an un-

mission is to provide underprivileged

friendly. Ígló&Indí donates all designs and

derprivileged suburb 50 kilometers north

South African women with the possibility

consulting to Enza.

of Cape Town, South Africa. The name

of starting their own small businesses by

of the organization, Enza has a positive

creating projects that later might develop

Recently, Ígló&Indí received a grant from

connotation; it means to produce or to do

into jobs. Guided by sustainability, the

Aurora, an Icelandic foundation that aims

something in Zulu and Xhose, the native

organization empowers these women

to enhance and strengthen cultural and

language of the population’s majority.

and enables their economical inde-

humanitarian activities in Iceland and


abroad. Aurora focuses on supporting

Enza is an NGO (Non Governmental

projects that can make a difference;

Organization) as well as an NPO (Non-

Ígló&Indí empowers Enza women by

that inject hope and optimism into a

Profit Organization). It has active board

supplying them with designs and train-

community. The grant will be used for

members in Iceland, South Africa and in

ing in repurposing old garments, giving

product development at Enza and will

the UK.

www.enza.is / www.enzaempowering.org / www.facebook.com/enzaempowering

All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com


Manages to make his way down from the mountains, peg legs and all.

Sneaks into the cowshed to steal milk.

Arrives on Dec.13th.




If you’re planning on eating yesterday’s leftovers as today’s lunch, watch out, Pottaskefill may have beaten you to it.


Arrives on Dec.20th.

Make sure to look up when Bjúgnakrækir comes to town. He may be waiting in the rafters ready to steal your sausages!

Don’t be tempted to put your bowl down in between bites, when Askasleikir, aka Bowl Licker, is in town.

Arrives on Dec.24th.


Keep a close eye on your Skyr supply when Skyrgámur the Skyr Gobbler is around.

Arrives on Dec.19th.

Loves slamming the doors.


With his large nose and an acute sense of smell he sniffs out Laufabraud, the Icelandic Christmas bread and steals it.


This ladsteals meat with his hook, so make sure to keep your supper away from windows and doors.

Arrives on Dec.21at.

Close those curtains on December 21st! Gluggagaegir will be peeping through your windows!



Arrives on Dec.18th.

Arrives on Dec.17th.


Arrives on Dec.15th.

Arrives on Dec.14th.

Arrives on Dec.12th.

Arrives on Dec.16th.

Steals wooden spoons for the sole purpose of licking them

The shortest. Known for stealing pans to eat the crust out of them!

Arrives on Dec.23rd.

Arrives on Dec.22nd.



The Icelandic Yule Lads 13 days prior to Christmas the Yule Lads start coming down from the mountain, one at a

Candle stealer can be a scary chap, following children to steal their candles and eat them

time each night. Children in Iceland place their best shoe on their windowsill before going to bed and each night a little gift is left in the shoe from the Yule lad that came to town that night. If the child has been misbehaving, there might be a raw potato left instead. Each Yule


lad has a specific idiosyncrasy and will therefore behave in a particular manner. Christmas just wouldn’t be the same in Iceland without these funny lads.


... is something fun and colourful! www.igloandindi.com


All information about prices and sizes can be found via our website www.igloandindi.com

What is your favourite Ígló&Indí outfit? #igloindi

Click the images to download and print. Then grab your pencils and give the Ígló&Indí characters som colour

Poppy the penguin

Indí wearing a bunny suit

Ígló wearing a bear suit Will the wolfboy with his wolf

Esja the eskimo girl

Ollie the owl

Birdie the parrot


Make your own Chatterbox



Bab y bird










1. Print out this page and cutout the square Chatterbox. Color it in, the large circles should all be in different colours.

6. Now you can play! Hold the Chatterbox and ask your friend or family member to select one of the colours.

2. Fold and unfold the Chatterbox, along all four lines of symmetry.

7. Spell the colour out aloud, opening and shutting the Chatterbox at the same time.

3. Turn the Chatterbox over and fold each corner into the centre.

8. Then ask your friend or family member to select a number from 1-8 from the little shapes.

4. Fold the Chatterbox in half so that, facing outwards, are four square flaps.

9. Repeat the counting process.

5. Insert your thumbs and index fingers under th flaps. As you pinch your fingers together the Chatterbox will take shape.

10. Then you will discover an Ígló&Indí character under the flap. www.igloandindi.com


Waffles are a wonderful way to give your children healthy whole grains. Everybody loves warm bread and that is what a waffle is essentially! And what I love is that it takes only around 5 minutes to make waffle dough and then you can start baking, although you do need a waffle iron.

Ingredients 300g organic wholewheat spelt flour 100g organic fine spelt flour 1⁄2 tsp sea salt 2 tsp ground cardamom powder 2–3 organic eggs (optional, but without them you’ll need to increase the butter or oil to 80g) 600–700ml warm water and organic yoghurt, rice or almond milk or other milk you prefer until you have a medium thick waffle dough. 40g organic cold-pressed coconut oil, olive oil or melted organic butter (around 4-5 tbsp). Instructions Simply mix the dry ingredients and then work in the remaining ingredients, finishing with the oil or butter, to make a dough like a medium thin porridge. Heat your waffle iron until the light goes out. Add a little of the dough – you’ll work out exactly how much after a couple of waffles. Close the waffle iron and the light will come on, then go off when the waffle is cooked.


HOT CHOCOLATE It is a must to be able to make your own warm cacao.. for those lovely Sunday mornings, for outings or simply whenever! This is my version - love it!

400 ml organic milk you prefer 100 ml water 90g dark chocolate (orange chocolate is nice too) 10 drops organic vanilla stevia drops or 1 tbsp organic palm sugar or 1 tbsp organic honey

Instructions Melt the chocolate in the water along with the stevia, palmsugar or honey .. add the milk & warm gently .. serve with whipped cream ... you can add some extra vanilla.








Ígló&Indí flagship Kringlan Mall 103 Reykjavík


Feeën&Ridders Toekomststraat 44 2260 Westerlo

Für Dich No 115 Kanding Tamsui Dist New Taipai City 25172

Ígló&Indí flagship Skólavörðustígur 4 101 Reykjavík Ígló&Indí online store www.igloandindi.com Póley Bárustíg 8 900 Vestmannaeyjar Hafnarbúðin Hafnarhúsið, Suðurgata 400 Ísafjörður Ozone Kirkjubraut 12 300 Akranes Gallerí Ozone Austurvegur 35 800 Selfoss Debenhams Smáralind Mall Hagasmára 1 201 Kópavogur www.debenhams.is Fríhöfnin Duty Free Store Keflavík Airport 235 Reykjanesbær www.dutyfree.is Fjarðasport Hafnarbraut 6 740 Neskaupsstaður Veiðiflugan Hafnargata 2 730 Reyðarfjörður Tákn Garðarsbraut 5 640 Húsavík


Cutiepie Bragegatan 22 33133 Varnamo www.cutipie.se

Circusfabriken Bruksgatan 36 26339 Höganas

Pepatino Sint-Jorisstraat 14 bus 1 9300 Aalst www.pepatino.be



Babyshop Valhallavägen 117 F 115 31 Stockholm

Dinodeluxe www.dinodeluxe.fr





NORWAY Rakkerungene Wesselsgt 2 (inngang fra Ullevålsveien)

0165 Oslo

Lillian Baby 9F, No94 Yongzhen Rd. Yonghe Dist 23449 New Tapei City Tel: 886-915-858-523

AUSTRALIA BabyDino www.babydino.com.au



From Lola with love 10 Edward Street, Wesburn 3799 Victoria www.fromlolawithlove.com.au

Sr. Bow Travesía Peregrina 4 CANADA local 5-1 15220 Bertamiráns, Ames Purr Petite A Coruna 118a 10th St. NW Calcary, T2N 1V3




KoolKidz Markveien 56 0555 Oslo

Oscar and Olivia www.oscarandolivia.co.uk



Reykjavík Outpost 4680 Eagle Rock Blvd. CA 90041 Los Angeles


KoolKidz Ullevålveien 39 0171 Oslo www.koolkidz.no

FINLAND Lasten Taikamaa Terttilante 42 31400 Somero

Smallgarden 1124 Budapest, Vas G. Tel: 6205559383



RUSSIA PinkMouse Vorotynskaya Moscow, Russia www.pink-mouse.ru



Bláa Lónið 240 Grindavík www.bluelagoon.com


Wow-air www.wowair.is


Icelandair Sagashop www.icelandair.is



Scandikids Veerise 22-10 13516 Tallinn www.scandikids.ee

Babyswag www.babyswag.ru

Ígló&Indí Holiday Magazine 2014 / Cover: Saga, wearing Manda top and Monroe sequin skirt. / Layout, design, illustrations: Karitas Pálsdóttir / Editors: Guðrún Tinna Ólafsdóttir and Helga Ólafsdóttir / Assistance: Sandra Vilborg Jónsdóttir, Linnea Ahle, Dominnique Karetsos, Kobe Davis / Photographer: Íris Dögg Einarsdóttir / Ígló&Indí kids: Andreas Halldór, Benjamín Aron, Emilía, Fanney Petra, Fríða, Grímur, Hekla, Indíana Svala, Saga, Salka Ýr and Viggó. A special thank you to Ásta Andrésar, Anna Palma, Ágústa Ýr, Ebba Guðný and our blogger friends, Annica, Stéphanie, Kirsi, Elísabet, Natalie and Karin.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS © 2014 Ígló&Indí

Ígló&Indí Head Office & Showroom Skipholt 33, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland For more information: igloandindi@igloandindi.com For ordering: sales@igloandindi.com Showrooms are available in Reykjavik, Stockholm, Paris, London, Sydney and Antwerpen. www.igloandindi.com // www.facebook.com/igloindi // www.instagram.com/igloindi www.pinterest.com/igloindi // www.twitter.com/igloindi // #igloindi

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