April issue 2017

Page 60


the ART of … Of a Date

By Sylvia Beckerman


ost new to the world of dating would ing. No generalizations made here for gender say that the ‘Art’ of a date is an oxymo- tendencies, but there is the one note text meets

ron. For most beginning anew, whether it be the 200 word count text. In between is the ‘lost through an introduction, a chance meeting, an in translation’, as therapist’s put it, projecting old friend who comes a ‘knockin, or online sites, the meaning of dinner or a drink. the common sigh is that they are quite inartfully Taking two cars or being picked up, going dutch executed. Reason for this is that many dates or double trouble of double speak. are not balanced. Said differently, one person is typically either more experienced, looking for Après Divorce recently hosted an event where a one trick pony, or often just largely interested the topic of dating was forthright and center. It in something cool, less committed and casual.

seems I’m becoming a guru on the frontier of

Then there is the manner by which the date is these and other topics facing women who are made.

in various stages of preparedness to take on the

There is frequent texting taking place over talk- ‘Art’ of a date.

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