IFOAM Directory 2013

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T he O rganic M ovement worldwide : D irectory of IFOAM A ffiliates 2013

The Organic Movement Worldwide: Directory of IFOAM Affiliates 2013

We thank all our Advertizers:

Published in Germany by IFOAM. © IFOAM, March 2013 Die Deutsche Bibliothek – CIP Cataloguing-in-Publication-Data A catalogue record for this publication is available from Die Deutsche Bibliothek ISBN 978-3-944 372-03-7 This publication is available for download free from the IFOAM website.

Letter from the Executive Director Who are you, Global Organic Movement? Who are you, Global Organic Movement? Who is behind the IFOAM Action Network? Who is in charge for global advocacy or the global guarantee system? Who can be contacted for specific organic issues? Legitimate questions. This Organic Agriculture Worldwide Directory provides the answers. The statistics tell us that we have 69.7 million ha certified organic land, US$ 63 billion consumer purchase of organic products and 1.8 million certified organic farmers. However, they don’t tell us, who are the people and their institutions behind. Therefore, every year, this IFOAM directory lists the organizations and individuals, all of which share one common characteristic: they participate in the Global Organic Movement. Yet, this directory does not only include the 788 affiliates (members, associates, and supporters) in 117 countries that make up IFOAM’s membership; it also provides an overview of the IFOAM Self Organized Structures, including the IFOAM Regional Bodies, the IFOAM Sector Platforms and the IFOAM Subsidiaries. And it lists the affiliates of IFOAM led Action Networks and all the active committees working for IFOAM. Behind each institution, behind each face, there is uniqueness but there are also the shared values such as the four principles of Organic Agriculture. Altogether, we aspire for a more sustainable, a fairer world and we have a common commitment that impresses the world. Thank you all for being part! Organically yours,

Markus Arbenz IFOAM Executive Director PS: You spotted a mistake or a missing stakeholder? Please, let us know and encourage others to become IFOAM Affiliates (membership@ifoam.org).

IFOAM’S Vision, Mission and Strategy

IFOAM occupies an unchallenged position as the international umbrella organization of the organic world, i.e. all stakeholders contributing to the organic vision, which allows it to unite, lead and assist the organic movement (all affiliates of IFOAM) in its full diversity, while creating a common voice on relevant organic issues. It implements the will of its broad based constituency with affiliates in more than 100 countries and is governed by a world board originating from all the continents. The IFOAM Action Group compromises self-organized IFOAM regional bodies, sector platforms and daughter organizations.

Vision and Objectives of IFOAM Vision: Worldwide adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems, based on the Principles of Organic Agriculture. Objectives: • A common identity of well-informed organic stakeholders; • Organic farming systems are recognized as contributors to the solving of global challenges and sustainable development; • Worldwide harmonization of all organic standards based on equivalence and inclusion in the Family of Standards and the promotion of alternative guarantee systems; • Programs offer institutional solutions to the organic movement; • Well-built capacity of organic leaders around the world.

Mission and Values Mission: Lead, unite and assist the organic movement in its full diversity. Values: IFOAM acts in a fair, inclusive and participatory manner and highly appreciates the diversity of the Organic Agriculture Movement. It works professionally, reliably and transparently and is open to innovative approaches to address challenges and opportunities.

Strategy IFOAM, with its dual identity of umbrella organization and global action network, offers to its clients financially viable services that are relevant to the Organic Movement and for achieving its goals. It has identified five pillars of actions on which it rest its long term strategy: • Organic Umbrella – Uniting the Organic Movement; • Organic Advocacy – Promoting Sustainability in Agriculture; • Organic Value Chain – Facilitating Production and Trade; • Organic Programs – Assisting Organic Development; • IFOAM Academy – Building Organic Leaders’ Capacity.

IFOAM‘s Action Network The IFOAM Network IFOAM‘s Advocacy Targets

IFOAM Regional Bodies

The IFOAM Action Group Global IFOAM Affiliates General Assembly

IFOAM‘s Clients

IFOAM Sector Platforms

World Board

Committees & Task Forces



IFOAM‘s Friends & Allies

Self-organized IFOAM Structures

IFOAM is closely linked to 4 regional bodies (EU, AgriBioMediterraneo, Latin America and Asia) and 2 national bodies (France and Japan). It also has 4 sector platforms (Aquaculture, Amenity Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Farmers), independently governed structures, that operate under the name of IFOAM. IFOAM also has 2 daughter organizations. It is owner of the International Organic Accreditation Service, IOAS, (U.S.A.) and the Organic World Foundation, OWF, (Switzerland). More self-organized structures are under preparation.

IFOAM Daughter Organizations

IFOAM‘s Service Providers

IFOAM Network

IFOAM‘s Advocacy Targets are UN and other intergovernmental agencies. IFOAM has observer status at, or is otherwise accredited by FAO, UNCTAD, IFAD, Codex Alimentarius, UNEP, UNFCCC, ECOSOC, UNCCD, ISO. IFOAM enjoys professional services from Service Providers. These may be consultants and private companies, e.g. the City of Bonn. Clients benefitting from IFOAM services are affiliates, project donors, organic standard setters, operators, certification bodies, fair/ conference organizers and other stakeholders. IFOAM joins forces with its Friends and Allies. They share objectives and jointly implement activities in advocacy, value chain, programs or capacity building. Presently, strategic partners are HIVOS, BioFach, Norad, FAO, UNCTAD and FiBL.

IFOAM - Organizational Chart


Legitimacy Affiliates



General Assembly

World Board Executive Board

OWC Conference Steering Committee

Strategy Elected Persons

World Board Nominations Committee

IFOAM Head Office

Operations Employees

Organic Umbrella

Regional Offices

Organic Advocacy

Organic Value Chain

Organic Programs

IFOAM Academy

Standards Requirements Committee

Advice and Participation Experts

IFOAM Standard Committee Accreditation Requirements Committee PGS Committee

Administration, Finances, HR&IT

The Definition of Organic Agriculture Organic Agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic Agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life for all involved. The Principles of Organic Agriculture Organic Agriculture is based on the principles of health, ecology, fairness and care.

IFOAM - Defining Organic Landmarks since 1972

The Scope of Organic Agriculture IFOAM regards any system that is based on the Principles of Organic Agriculture and uses organic methods, as ‘Organic Agriculture’ and any farmer practicing such a system as an ‘organic farmer’. This includes various forms of certified and non-certified Organic Agriculture. Guarantee Systems may be for instance third party certification, including group certification, as well as participatory guarantee systems.

© IFOAM 2013

Standards & Regulations: That‘s Organic Worldwide The IFOAM Family of Standards draws the line between organic and not organic. It contains all standards and regulations that have passed an equivalence assessment against a normative reference approved by IFOAM’s membership. IFOAM encourages governments and standard users to recognize other standards in the Family as equivalent.

That’s Organic - Worldwide. '½Ê ½








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EnCert Organic Standards, Kenya


ĂƐŝĐ EŽƌŵƐ ŽĨ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ŐƌŝĐƵůƚƵƌĞ ŝŶ Senegal, Senegal



sŝĞƚŶĂŵ W'^ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ͕ sŝĞƚŶĂŵ

Uganda Organic Standard, Uganda ŝŵďĂďǁĞ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ ĨŽƌ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ &ĂƌŵŝŶŐ͕ ŝŵďĂďǁĞ




> d/^ /&K D ĐĐƌĞĚŝƚĞĚ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ͕ ƌŐĞŶƟŶĂ




ŽůŝĐĞƌƚ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ ĨŽƌ WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ and Handling, Bolivia

Bio Suisse Standards, Switzerland

'ƵŝĚĞůŝŶĞƐ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ / YƵĂůŝƚLJ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ Standard, Brazil KƌŐĂŶƐŬĂ <ŽŶƚƌŽůĂ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ ĨŽƌ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ K D KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ͕ ŽŵŝŶŝĐĂ and processing, Bosnia and Herzegovina ZĞĚ DĞdžŝĐĂŶĂ ĚĞ dŝĂŶŐƵŝƐ LJ DĞƌĐĂĚŽƐ Biocyclic Standards, Cyprus KƌŐĄŶŝĐŽƐ͛ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ͕ DĞdžŝĐŽ Nature & Progrès Standards, France K& /ŶƚĞƌŶĂƚŝŽŶĂů ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ͕ h^ Ecoland Standards for Organic Agriculture &Ăƌŵ sĞƌŝĨŝĞĚ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ZĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚƐ DĂŶƵĂů͕ h^ ĂŶĚ &ŽŽĚ WƌŽĚƵĐƟŽŶ͕ 'ĞƌŵĂŶLJ NOFA Standards for Organic Land Care, USA

'ćĂ WƌŝǀĂƚĞ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ͕ 'ĞƌŵĂŶLJ EĂƚƵƌůĂŶĚ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ͕ 'ĞƌŵĂŶLJ W 'ůŽďĂů ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ͕ /ƚĂůLJ /ƚĂůŝĂŶ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ͕ /ƚĂůLJ Krav Standards, Sweden

d« Ã Ù® Ý

ƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂŶ ĞƌƟĮĞĚ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚ͕ Australia


NASAA Organic Standard, Australia


ƐƵƌĞYƵĂůŝƚLJ KƌŐĂŶŝĐ ^ƚĂndard, New Zealand




&ĂŵŝůLJ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ &ƌĂŵĞ͗ &ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ ϭϴ͕ ϮϬϭϯ͘




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Approved in 2013 the basis of an 2011 on Approved basis of compliance an Approvedinin2012 2011 on the theagainst basis of 2012on equivalence Approved in assesment 2011 on the basis the of equivalence assesment against the ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ /&K D ĂƐŝĐ ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚƐ ĂƐ ǀĞƌŝĮĞĚ ŝŶŝƟĂů ĨŽƌ available ƉƵďůŝĐ COROS.ĂĐĐĞƉƚĂŶĐĞ Assesment ĐƌŝƚĞƌŝĂ summary ƵŶĚĞƌ ƚŚĞ /&K D ĐĐƌĞĚŝƚĂƟŽŶ WƌŽŐƌĂŵ͘ on ƌĞŐƵůĂƟŽŶƐ͘ on click. click.




IFOAM Positions IFOAM has developed positions on a range of topics. These include: Use of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials in Organic Agriculture; The use of Organic Seed and Plant Propagation in Organic; The Role of Smallholders in Organic Agriculture; The Full Diversity of Organic Agriculture; The Role of Organic Agriculture in Mitigating Climate Change; Smallholder Group Certification for Organic Production and Processing; Position on Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms; Organic Agriculture and Food Security; Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity. IFOAM Policy Briefs IFOAM has policy briefs on ‘How Governments Can Regulate Imports of Organic Products Based on the Concepts of Harmonization and Equivalence’ and ‘How Governments Can Support Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS)’.

The IFOAM World Board Elected by the General Assembly, October 2011, Gyeonggy Paldang, South Korea.

Andre Leu, President

Roberto Ugas, Vice President

Gabi Soto, Vice President



Costa Rica






agroecologiauna@ gmail.com

Eva Torremocha, Spain

Mathew John, India

Frank Eyhorn, Switzerland

Matthew Holmes, Canada

James Benjamin Cole, Ghana

Volkert Engelsman, Netherlands

evatorremocha@hotmail.com frank.eyhorn@helvetas.org


mathew@keystone-foundation.org mholmes@ota.com


Manjo Smith, Namibia info@noa.org.na

From left to right: (up) Volkert Engelsman (Netherlands), Frank Eyhorn (Switzerland), Mathew John (India), Roberto Ugas, Vice President (Peru), Matthew Holmes (Canada), (down) Manjo Smith (Namibia), Eva Torremocha (Spain), James Benjamin Cole (Ghana), Andre Leu, President (Australia), Gabi Soto, Vice President (Costa Rica).

IFOAM Staff Governance - Managing IFOAM

Markus Arbenz Executive Director


Patricia Flores

Latin America Office Coordinator


Zhou Zejiang

HervĂŠ Bouagnimbeck



China Office Coordinator

Organic for Africa! Coordinator

The Organic Umbrella - Uniting the Organic Movement

Denise Godinho Niamh Holland-Essoh

Membership and Communication Manager


Communications Coordinator


Cristina Andrei

Communications Administration Assistant


Organic Advocacy - Speaking out for Organic

Robert Jordan

Advocacy Manager


Cristina Grandi

Chief Food Security Campaigner


Omkar Gopalakrishnan Catherine Reynolds Communications Assistant




The Organic Value Chain - Facilitating Production and Trade

Diane Bowen

Joelle Katto Andrighetto

Senior Project Manager

Program Manager



David Gould

IFOAM Value Chain Facilitator


Flรกvia Castro

Projects Coordinator


Cornelia Kirchner Value Chain and Program Assistant


Organic Programs - Facilitating Organic Development

Konrad Hauptfleisch

Program Manager


Flรกvia Castro

Projects Coordinator


The IFOAM Academy

Konrad Hauptfleisch

Academy Manager


Administration, Finances, HR & IT

Thomas Cierpka Deputy Director


Monique Fuhrmann



Claudia Meinicke

Nina Polskich



Office Coordinator

Office Assistant

Nagendra Babu Donthi Student Assistant IT


IFOAM Offices IFOAM Rome Office Cristina Grandi, IFOAM Chief Food Security Campaigner, Rome Tel:


Fax :




The IFOAM Rome Office enables direct access to the key UN agricultural agencies FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and IFAD (the International Federation of Agriculture Development). With the Rome Office as her base and using her extensive contacts within the UN, Cristina Grandi heads up IFOAM international food security campaign work. Objectives • Intensifying and strengthening the cooperation of IFOAM with FAO, IFAD and other UN agencies and international NGOs; • Influencing government representatives on food security issues; • Actively working with national and international NGOs to raise the call for change on international food policies; • Supporting FAO in the generation of useful information and tools for Organic Agriculture development; • Implementing IFOAM Advocacy Campaigns as effective tools for the development of Organic Agriculture worldwide.

IFOAM Africa Office Hervé Bouagnimbeck, Organic for Africa! Coordinator, Head Office, Germany Tel:








The IFOAM Africa Office works with partner organizations and the African organic movement to implement IFOAM‘s Organic Alternative for Africa. In addition to its partner organizations, the Africa Office has 14 IFOAM Contact Points in 13 African countries. Each of them represents or is the coordinating office for a national Organic Agriculture movement or national or regional organic network. Objectives • Promoting Organic Agriculture among farmers groups, NGOs, governments and development organizations in Africa; • Accelerating the uptake of organic agriculture in Africa at the local, national and continental level; • Providing reliable data on the development of the organic sector in Africa; • Increasing acknowledgement of Organic Agriculture by competent authorities in the region; • Facilitating knowledge and experience sharing.

IFOAM Asia Office Zhou Zejiang, IFOAM Asia Office Coordinator Tel:







z.zhou@ifoam.org; zejzhou88@yahoo.com

The IFOAM Asia Office liaises between the Asian organic sector and the broader organic movement, promoting Organic Agriculture regionally. In 2010 the IFOAM Asia Office was deeply involved in supporting Korean organizers of the 2011 Organic World Congress (OWC). The Office is also the GOMA (Global Organic Market Access) Project Asian Coordination Office. Objectives • Advocating for IFOAM’s principles of Organic Agriculture at exhibitions, workshops, seminars and conferences; • Encouraging IFOAM membership development in Asia; • Capacity-building: Providing trainings and presentations on developments in the global organic movement to companies, universities, schools and government agencies; • Acting as a bridge between IFOAM and Asian government authorities by: Visiting government agencies, encouraging officials to participate in organic activities, writing reports and consulting.

IFOAM Latin America Office Patricia Flores Escudero, IFOAM Latin American Office Coordinator, Peru Tel: Mobile: E-mail:

+51-1-2750890 +51-9696-54187 p.flores@ifoam.org

In June 2007, IFOAM opened a Regional Office to support the development of Organic Agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean. Presently, the office is based in Lima-Peru. Patricia Flores Escudero represents IFOAM in Latin America and the Caribbean. She works in close cooperation with staff from the IFOAM Head Office in Bonn and regional membership and allies. Objectives • Supporting the development of Organic Agriculture in the region, while being an opportunity to be more closely connected to the regional organic movement; • Increasing regional membership, which includes important organizations of the Organic Agriculture movement with a national outreach; • Capacity building in the organic sector, e.g. by organizing regional events (workshops, regional meetings, etc.); • Increasing recognition for Participatory Guarantee Systems PGS in Organic Agriculture regulations.

IFOAM Committees Participatory Guarantee System Committee According to the PGS Committee Terms of Reference approved by the IFOAM Executive Board in July 2009, the PGS Committee: • Assists the development of PGS; • Provides the World Board with advice on how to develop, facilitate and encourage PGS around the world; • Participates in mid-term and long-term strategic planning for IFOAM’s activities on PGS; and • Identifies and systemizes PGS concepts and tools appropriate for the facilitation and promotion of PGS. Members: Eva Torremocha (Spain), Alice Varon (USA), Chris May (New Zealand), Mathew John (India), Janet Villanueva (Peru) and Marc Lewis (South Africa). Flávia Castro, Project Coordinator at the IFOAM Head Office, acts as secretary of the PGS Committee. Members were nominated for a 3-year term in 2012.

Standards Requirements Committee The Standards Requirements Committee (SRC) works on the development of the IFOAM Standards Requirements (also known as COROS- Common Objectives and Requirements of Organic Standards), which is the international reference for assessing organic standards and serves as a basis for the approval of standards under the IFOAM Family of Standards. Members: Katherine Di Matteo, Roberto Setti, Brendan Hoare, Lara Vivas, Bridget O’Connor and Jorge Casal

Standard Committee The IFOAM Standard Committee (SC) works on the development of the IFOAM Standard, which is the global off-theshelf certification standard maintained by IFOAM for organic production and processing, and also the basis for IFOAM Accreditation. Members: Tali Berner, Sarah Hathway, Stephen Barrow, Chayaporn Wattanasiri (as SRC representative), Daniel Neuhoff, Andrew Monk, Jan Deane and Brian Baker.

Accreditation Requirements Committee The IFOAM Accreditation Requirements Committee works on the development of the IFOAM Accreditation Requirements (formerly called “IFOAM Accreditation Criteria”). Those requirements are the main normative document upon which the IFOAM Accreditation and the IFOAM Global Organic System Accreditation are based. These two IFOAM accreditation programs require certification bodies to demonstrate full compliance with the IFOAM Accreditation Requirements. Members: Raymond Yang, Dilip Dhaker, Amaia Aldana Gondra (as IOAS representative), David Eboku, Carlos Escobar, Arjon Kalter, Mildred Steidle, Roberto Setti.

The Sustainable Organic Agriculture Action Network Launched in early 2012, the Sustaiable Organic Agriculture Action Network (SOAAN) is the organic movement’s organized effort to embrace the complex challenge of global sustainability. Agriculture and its value chains are the basis of human civilization. They form a large part of the global economy and are essential to local communities’ survival. It is increasingly recognized that the dominant global agricultural paradigm is not sustainable; if we keep heading in the direction it is taking us, the problems it has wrought will also increase. Organic agriculture is a viable solution to these problems.


Steering Group: SOAAN member organisation representatives provide directional guidance

Advisory Group: Technical advice to Core Group

Secretariat (IFOAM): Technical coordination, communication

Core Group: Technical content of SOAAN products

IFOAM convened SOAAN to re-assert the organic movement’s leadership in agriculture worldwide, to position organic agriculture as the best mainstream approach to attaining sustainability. SOAAN takes a critical look at all dimensions of sustainability: societal, ecological, economic, and cultural. It describes practices and strategies that all value chain actors and their stakeholders can adopt to turn the tide of human activity toward prosperity and health of all human communities and their environments. SOAAN’s early work has been to create a reference document of Best Practice, which serves as a guideline that can be used by all parties involved with agriculture value chains to evaluate and improve their performance. Defining best practice serves to inspire those who aspire to a better world in concrete ways. This includes the organic sector, which is not immune from needing improvement. SOAAN’s work encourages and guides research, innovation, assessment and communication so that knowledge and achievement can be shared far and wide for the benefit of organic and non-organic producers alike. IFOAM and SOAAN are creating a real and virtual Community of Best Practice that will contain and make easily accessible and useful the different aspects of our collected works, with relevance to all kinds of stakeholders and organizations. Founded on the Principles of Organic Agriculture, SOAAN bases its statements on sound science and continually seeks to build the body of evidence that supports the stated best practices. The results of such studies can be used by individual producers or value chains, and can also be aggregated to show the combined impacts across multiple producers or even whole sectors. These can be used for guiding improvement on the ground, as well as for influencing policy and raising public awareness. IFOAM serves as the Secretariat for SOAAN and will assure that it has a home for the long term. But the benefits SOAAN spreads will come from the broadening community of SOAAN member organizations and their networks. Our task involves reaching as many people as possible at all levels of the value chain and all scales of operations. With the public release of the Best Practice reference draft, SOAAN will take renewed steps to expand its network and reach, extending beyond the core of leading organic organizations that founded it. We welcome inquiries and alliances and invite people to ascribe to and adopt best practices and to contribute their expertise and energy to these efforts. For more information go to www.ifoam.org/growing_organic/Best_Practice_Program/index.php or contact the SOAAN Secretariat: d.gould@ifoam.org.

Regional and National Groups IFOAM EU Group The EU Regional Group represents IFOAM Affiliates in the EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Area) and Candidate countries and is a forum for common interest, information exchange, development and policy work. The EU Group was formally constituted in February 2000 and is responsible to its own Board. The 350 IFOAM Affiliates in the EU are very diverse. They include consumer associations, producer associations, other professional groups, research establishments, certification bodies, consultants, development organizations, commercial companies and retailers. Director: Marco Schlüter Board President: Christopher Stopes Board Members Sabine Eigenschink


Andrea Ferrante


Lieve Vercauteren


Mairita Bluma


Albena Simeonova


Edita Karbauskiene


Savvas Mouzakis


Raymond Aendekerk


Karolina Dytrtova

Czech Republic

John Portelli


Sybille Kyed


Bavo van Idsert


Merit Mikk


Gerald Altena


Aira Sevon


Dorota Metera


David Peyremorte


Jaime Manuel Carvalho Ferreira


Alexander Gerber


Anamarija Slabe


Konstantinos Dritsas


Victor Gonzalvez


Éva Sándorné Ács


Marianne Schonning


Olafur Dyrmundsson


Otto Schmid


Gillian Westbrook


Chris Atkinson

United Kingdom

Objectives • Promoting the principles and practices of Organic Agriculture and food production inside the EU; • Promoting the dissemination of research on Organic Agriculture throughout the EU; • Coordinating and representing IFOAM Affiliates in EU countries and enabling exchange with other bodies worldwide. Contact IFOAM E.U. Regional Group, c/o Marco Schlüter, Rue Du Commerce 124, 1000 Brussels (Belgium) Tel: +32-2-280 12 23; Fax: +32 -2-735-7381; E-mail: info@ifoam-eu.org IFOAM E.U. Regional Group, c/o Christopher Stopes, EcoS Consultancy Ltd, Wood End, Garden Close Lane, Newbury RG14 6PP E-mail: c.stopes@ecoconsultancy.co.uk

IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo (ABM) AgriBioMediterraneo became an official IFOAM Regional Group in 1997, developing from an existing regional initiative. It includes 146 IFOAM Affiliates from three continents and 16 Mediterranean countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Palestine, Portugal, Serbia & Montenegro, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. Objectives • Promoting, developing and disseminating information, knowledge and expertise related to Mediterranean Organic Agriculture and food production • Highlighting the connections between Organic Agriculture and sustainable development Board Members: Charikleia Minotou, President (Greece), Yousri Hashem, Vice President (Egypt); Drazen Lusic, Vice President (Croatia); Karen Hoberg, Training Working Group Coordinator (Spain); Paola Migliorini, Research and Development Working Group Coordinator (Italy); Onn Chen, Market Working Group Coordinator (Israel); Xhevaire Dulja, Standards and Certification Working Group Coordinator (Albania) Contact AGRIBIO Mediterraneo (ABM) Permanent Secretariat c/o Italian Consortium for Biologic C.I.B.I Via Ottavio Serena, 37 70126 Bari (Italy) E-mail: Floriana Di Cintio, abmsecretariat@gmail.com Tel +39 0805582512 Fax +39 0805582512/14 Web: www.ifoam.org/about_ifoam/around_world/agribiomediterraneo/index.html

IFOAM Latin America Since its founding in 2006, GALCI has had an active institutional life, facilitating close cooperation among countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. GALCI collaborates with INOFO, the Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organizations. Currently, the regional agenda is focused on advocating on issues relating Organic Agriculture and Family Agriculture with: Climate Change, Food Security, Biodiversity and Culture. GALCI also encourages regional standards and harmonization / equivalence approaches to facilitate free circulation of organic products within the region. Objectives • to develop influential proposals for the global organic movement based on the Latin American and Caribbean reality, esp. related to smallholder agriculture, participatory guarantee systems (PGS) and group certification; • to deepen the connections between the global organic and agroecological movements; • to promote an equitable global society based on the principles of sustainable development, democracy and solidarity that is respectful of local knowledge and cultural diversity, commmitted to the production and consumption of organic products. President: Patricia Flores Escudero (Peru) Vice-President: Carlos Escobar Fernandez (EcoNexos - Colombia) Board Members: Daniel Vildozo (Agrecol Andes - Bolivia); Miguel Castro (ANAO - Costa Rica); Pedro Jovchelevich (ABD - Brazil); Gabriel Mejía (IDMA - Peru); Francisco Mollo (AOPEB - Bolivia) Contact Patricia Flores Escudero Calle Los Laureles 302 Urb. Valle Hermoso de Monterrico Lima 33, Peru Tel. +51-1-2750890 E-mail: p.flores@ifoam.org Carlos A. Escobar Fernandez E-mail: galci@ifoam.org

IFOAM Asia After the successful conclusion of the 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress in 2011the first-ever to be held in Asia - many organic stakeholders in Asia felt the need for an organic alliance in the region. Discussions began in earnest at the end of May 2012 in South Korea where 18 leaders of the organic movements from 14 countries achieved consensus on the formation of such a body. A second physical meeting in Manila laid the framework of “IFOAM Asia� and after five months of preparations, it was officially approved by the IFOAM World Board on November 24th ,2012. The mission of IFOAM Asia is to nurture and represent the organic movement in Asia in its full cultural context and diversity. IFOAM Asia will also work in synergy alongside Global IFOAM with a common vision to more effectively further the organic movements in Asia. It is a regional self-organized structure and a nonprofit, membership-based organization, open to all IFOAM affiliates and other stakeholders of Organic Agriculture in Asia. The 1st IFOAM Asia General Assembly The inaugural General Assembly of IFOAM Asia is scheduled for May 31st, 2013, in South Korea. The first board election will also be held during the GA. The deadline for the submission of candidature is March 30th, 2013. How to Become an IFOAM Asia Member Membership is open to all affiliates, associates and supporters of Global IFOAM; and organizations and individuals involved in Organic Agriculture that have an institutional address in Asia. Global IFOAM Affiliates in Asia Upon the submission of an application form in writing, Global IFOAM affiliates in Asia automatically become members of IFOAM Asia. Both registration and first year membership fees will be exempted if a member applies for membership prior to the first General Assembly. Non-Global IFOAM Affiliates Membership is open to all non-Global IFOAM affiliates, organizations and individuals involved in Organic Agriculture in Asia. The first year membership fees will be exempted if an application is received prior to the first General Assembly.

For more information please contact the Interim Secretariat in South Korea: Jennifer Chang Interim Executive Director IFOAM Asia Tel: + 82 70 7770 2190 (direct line) E-mail: jchang2011@gmail.com

IFOAM Japan Since 2001 IFOAM Japan has united IFOAM Affiliates from Japan and led the growth of Organic Agriculture regionally. Objectives: • Providing opportunities for members to exchange knowledge, information, experience and skills; • Promoting alternative markets and lines of distribution to support Organic Agriculture; • Representing members’ voices at governmental assemblies and/or policy meetings both within and outside of Japan; • Representing members’ opinions on IFOAM’s standards and policies; • Facilitating the harmonization of standards and policies of Japan and neighboring countries; • Raising awareness of ecological, social, economic benefits of Organic Agriculture. President: Katsushige Murayama Vice-Presidents: Katsumi Noda (Daichi-Wo-Mamoru-Kai), Michiaki Tokue (FTPS Co., Ltd.) Board Members: Kazuaki Goto (Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd.), Yasuo Sakai (Polan Organic Farming Association), Hideo Miura (International Nature Farming Research Center), Shinichi Teto (Shumei Natural Agriculture Network), Shinji Hashimoto (Hyogo Prefectural Organic Agriculture Society), Kenji Matsumoto (Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association), Yoshiaki Watanabe (AFAS Certification Center) Auditor: Sanae Sawanobori, Yutaka Maruyama (Japan Organic Inspectors Association) Contact: IFOAM Japan, 4-30-4 Shimbashi, 5F Fujishiro Building, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014, Japan c/o AFAS Certification Center Tel: + 81-3-6809-0824 Fax: +81-3-5400-2273 E-mail: organic@ifoam-japan.net www.ifoam-japan.net

IFOAM France Membership is open to all French IFOAM Affiliates. Objectives • Providing a platform for exchange concerning organic production and processing at the national and international levels; • Coordinating the efforts of the French IFOAM Affiliates in assorted activities; • Representing French Affiliates inside IFOAM as well as the broader organic movement; • Defending the interests of its members, including in legal procedures. President: Vianney Le Pichon

Vice President: François Le Lagadec

Treasurer: Nathalie Arrojo Other Board Members: Antoine Faure, Anton Pinschof, Cécile Lepers, Jean-Pierre Anglade, Krotoum Konate, Sophie Valleix Contact E-mail: president.france@ifoam.org; asafi@ifoam.org

Sector-Specific Interest Groups Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organizations (INOFO) The sporadic efforts made by Organic farmers organisations, over many years, to set up their own professional network, culminating in the Vignola meeting of 2008, are finally taking root. INOFO is now an autonomous internal body of IFOAM. The first practical step has been to set up a minimal infrastructure belonging specifically to Organic farmers organisations, that can facilitate a direct relationship allowing them to consult and cooperate and, eventually, to speak with a common voice on matters of common concern.

Activities • Establishing the network of Convenors & Deputy Convenors mandated by the existing organizations. Convenors facilitate internal & external consultations, are informed of what is wanted on the agenda, and pass reports & statements to and from the networks. Each Convenorship organises its own translation services where necessary, its own agenda • and all other internal affairs; • The intention is for the organic farmers organisations to be clearly heard within IFOAM and beyond, and to cooperate in pursuing common objectives as they relate to food sovereignty, for example, or adaptation to climate change, production standards, farmers markets, guarantee Systems, exchange visits and all farmers concerns generally.Representing organic farmers organizations within IFOAM and beyond; • The Convenors (with their Deputies, belonging to different farmers organisations) between them facilitate occasional or annual consultations at regional or inter-continental level, as well as an intercontinental assembly every three years. At the last assembly (Korea, Sunday 2 Oct. 2011) delegates from fifty organisations in 27 countries, representing about half a million farming families, elected Convenors & executives and set their organisational & thematic Agenda for the coming 3-year period. Certain reports and other documents will be available via links appearing on the INOFO web page. Farmers organisations are invited to mandate a contact person to keep in touch via their Convenor whose name and e-mail address will appear on the INOFO web page: www.ifoam.org/about_ifoam/professional/farmers_network

Convenorships The following Convenorships have been or are being established: • • • • •

Africa francophone, Africa West+Central anglophone, Africa South-East; Europe West, Europe East; Asia West+Central, Asia South, Asia South-East, Asia East; Australia+NZ, Pacific; America South, America Central+Caribbean, America North.

Contact Enquiries to executive Secretary: Anton Pinschof (FNAB, France)

Tel: +33 296 457 616

E-mail: apinschof@fnab.org

IFOAM Aquaculture Group The IFOAM Aquaculture Group organizes Affiliates interested in organic aquaculture.

Objectives • Representing IFOAM Affiliates working in aquaculture and capture fisheries, within and beyond IFOAM, and to facilitate the exchange of information between Affiliates; • Discussing aquaculture standards, certification and general development in the area; • Helping IFOAM pursue its objectives within the area of aquaculture and capture fisheries.28 Board: Stefan Bergleiter (Germany)

Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (TIPI) On November 25, 2012, IFOAM World Board approved an organic research network, the Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (TIPI). TIPI’s mission is to foster international collaboration in organic agriculture research; engage and involve all stakeholders that benefit from organic agriculture research; facilitating exchange of scientific knowledge of organic food and farming systems; and to help practitioners disseminate, apply and implement innovations and scientific knowledge consistent with the principles of organic agriculture. Objectives: • To be a network for exchange and collaboration between Organic Research Institutions and scientific partners throughout the world. • To develop organic food and farming science, knowledge, and technology innovation within the global organic movement. • To build capacity and mobilize partnerships for organic farming research that assists small-scale producers in developing countries alleviate poverty, establish food sovereignty, and meet food security and nutritional needs through healthy, ecologically sound and socially just farming systems. Contact: Brian Baker, brian.baker@fibl.org

IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance (IAHA) The IFOAM General Assembly in Korea in October 2011 passed a recommendation, that animal husbandry should be given much more emphasis. Therefore in November 2012, the IFOAM World Board approved the creation of the IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance. IAHA aims to become a global informal network of persons/groups interested in support, strengthen and stimulate the development of organic animal husbandry. IAHA builds working forums initiated by core group members or other IAHA participants to address a certain issue. Each working forum defines its terms of reference, its objectives, and its mode of working, the forum participants and its time span. The core group compiles the results of the working group and makes them available to the interested audience. Steering group (in September 2012): Otto Schmid ( Switzerland): otto.schmid@fibl.org; Angela Escosteguy (Brazil): angela@ibembrasil.org; Chris Atkinson (UK): catkinson@soilassociation.org; Mahesh Chander (India): mahesh64@email.com; François Flabelle (Canada): flabelle@valacta.com

IFOAM Amenity Agriculture Alliance (IAAA) On April 17th, 2012, the IFOAM Amenity Agriculture Alliance (IAAA) was created by an initiative supported by IFOAM members from China, Germany, Italy, Spain, United States and Japan. It aims to promote the development of organic agriculture, amenity industry and amenity agriculture, globally. IAAA also plans to: • Set up the IFOAM accredited organic agriculture and amenity agriculture certification body in China, which will seek accreditation by EN, ENOP, JAS and other countries • Establish intercontinental and regional chapters such as the North American Branch, the Middle East Branch, and the Southeast Asia Branch, etc. The IAAA Council comprises Official Agencies, Working Committees, Intercontinental Committees and Special Committees, Project Committees, Establishment Committees and designated individuals. President: Mr. Liu Qingdong; Vice President: Mr. Antonio, Compagnoni; Vice President: Mr. Charles Choy; SecretaryGeneral: Mr. William Vong; Vice Secretary-General: Mr. Deng Wei; Vice Secretary-General: Miss. Edna Leung Contact: Mr. Liu Qingdong E-mail: organicseed@sina.com Ms. Edna Leung E-mail: edna@matchless.com.hk

IFOAM DAUGHTER ORGANIZATIONS IOAS About the IOAS IOAS is an independent nonprofit organisation that works on behalf of organic and sustainable agriculture to ensure trust and fair trade in certified products. Our main activity is to verify the competence of certification bodies active in organic and sustainable agriculture. We work globally, focusing our work solely in this field and apply our unparalleled experience with commitment and enthusiasm. We work with private scheme owners like IFOAM and with regulators to assist in the development of organic agriculture by building trust in the certification worldwide. Our direct clients are the certification or control bodies throughout the world that inspect farms, processors and traders. For more information on the services described in this leaflet and new services available in 2013, please contact info@ioas.org IFOAM Accreditation IFOAM accreditation is the international verification of competence for certification bodies active in organic agriculture. Organic certification bodies are assessed against the IFOAM Norms. The global organic movement developed these norms in consultation with auditors and certificate holders to be particularly suited for organic certification. IFOAM accreditation is for those certification bodies who want to demonstrate their commitment to the global organic movement and who want to show their support for a harmonised, common-sense conformity assessment system. In 2012 the IFOAM Certification Standard became available as an off-the-shelf international certification standard with built-in equivalence to the major regulations. IFOAM accreditation can be used by country authorities as a simple mechanism for equivalence of imports. IFOAM Global Organic System Accreditation (IGOSA) This relatively new service for certification bodies is part of the IFOAM Organic Guarantee System. As part of the IGOSA, any private or regulatory production standard in the IFOAM Family of Standards may be used. The IFOAM Family of Standards includes the production standards of major regulations such as EC 834/2007, USDA National Organic Program and the Japan Agricultural Standard. IGOSA is of particular interest to inspection and control bodies working to national regulations as it offers an added verification against the highly regarded IFOAM Accreditation Requirements. The increased use of these requirements will contribute to simpler and more coherent quality systems between control bodies, and provide greater confidence to supervising authorities. The current Membership of the Board Boudewijn Van Elzakker, President (Holland); Robert Duxbury, Vice President (UK); Michael Sligh, Treasurer (USA); Vitoon Panyakul (Thailand); Rikke Lundsgaard (Denmark); Diana Callear (South Africa); Elke Röder (Germany) The current Membership of the Accreditation Committee Anne Macey (Canada); Jochen Neuendorff (Germany); Vitoon Panyakul (Thailand); Patricio Parra (Chile); Roberto Setti, Italy; Dorota Metera (Poland); Qiao Yuhui (China); Patricia Garcia (Argentina). Personnel Executive Director David Crucefix (Spain); Finance & Development Manager Ken Commins (USA); Executive Director Jan Deane (UK); Assistant Programme Manager Amaia Aldana (Spain), Client Managers: Angela Jackson (USA), Gergana Nentcheva (Germany), Jennifer Karrali (Brazil); Jesús Concepción (Spain); Cristina Comezaña (Argentina); Office Administrator Susan Hepper (USA). Contact

IOAS - 40 1st Ave SW, Suite 104, Dickinson, ND, 58601 USA Tel: +1 701 483 5504 Fax: +1 701 483 5508 Email: info@ioas.org Web: www.ioas.org

Organic World Foundation OWF was set up by IFOAM in 2008 to support it in funding its core functions, activities and increasing the visibility of organic production in the world. Mission The Organic World Foundation is intended to support Organic Agriculture by helping IFOAM in its purpose of leading, uniting and assisting the organic movement in its full diversity.

Our Nature Nature isis Organic Organic Our

IFOAM´s goal is the worldwide adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems that are based on the principles of Organic Agriculture. Objectives The purposes of the foundation are: To protect humankind, nature and the environment by promoting organic agriculture; To lead, unite and assist the organic movement in its full diversity; To encourage the worldwide adoption of ecologically, socially and economically sound systems that are based on the principles of Organic Agriculture; To promote throughout the world the production of high quality food sufficient to feed all people, while protecting the soils and enhancing their fertility, as well as minimizing environmental pollution and the use of non-renewable natural resources; To provide for the exchange of knowledge and ideas related to its purpose, provide information to the public and represent the Principles of Organic Agriculture. Visit our website to see how you can contribute to promote Organic Agriculture! www.organicworldfoundation.org

Visit our website to see how you can contribute to promote Organic Agriculture! www.organicworldfoundation.org

Collaborate with OWF The Organic World Foundation was created and set up by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) in 2008 to support it in funding its core activities and in increasing the visibility of organic food in the world. Organic agriculture offers a real alternative to conventional, chemical-based agriculture. Organic means sustainability over long term and food security. It means respect for the environment and biodiversity. It also means reducing dependence on fossil fuels that contribute to climate change. Supporting organic certainly means opposing genetic engineering in all of agriculture. We firmly believe that organic agriculture can produce sufficient, safe and healthy food for everyone. But organic agriculture still remains a small fraction of the total agricultural and food production of the world. Therefore, IFOAM is constantly working to enable organic trade, protect organic integrity, provide invaluable resources and information, and guarantee that the organic voice is heard at critical policy discussions worldwide. IFOAM wants to enhance the organic community, to help create a vision of the future and actionable steps to take us there. Board of Trustees: Andre Leu, President (Australia), Markus Arbenz, Director (Germany), Angela Caudle, Fundraiser (USA), Goetz Rehn (Germany), Mark Retzloff (USA), Volkert Engelsman (Netherlands), Frank Eyhorn (Switzerland). For more information please visit www.organicworldfoundation.org or contact Angela Caudle.

IFOAM Affiliates by Region Total: 788 Affiliates (Members, Associates and Supporters) Status: March 2013

About this Directory and how it is structured The Organic Agriculture Worldwide IFOAM Directory contains the contact details and other relevant information, such as key fields of activities of all IFOAM Member Organizations and Associates. The Directory reflects the situation as of December 2012 with the most up-to-date information available to us, including many new email and website addresses. This Directory also includes an Index, listing all IFOAM Member Organizations and Associates alphabetically and with page numbers for easy reference. All IFOAM Member and Associate Organizations are listed in alphabetical order by their respective countries and/or territories. Individual Supporters are listed at the end of this Directory, for you to know who is connected as an individual to the global organic movement. Within each country and/or territory, the IFOAM Members (companies, institutions and associations that are predominantly active in Organic Agriculture and thus have the right to vote in the General Assembly) and IFOAM Associates (companies, institutions and associations that are not yet predominately involved in the organic movement) are listed in alphabetical order by their full name. Associates are marked with a * at the end of their name. The contact details of the IFOAM Members and Associates are complemented with their logo, symbol or trademark wherever known and available. A description of the field(s) of activity of the organization is also provided. In order to keep the IFOAM Directory updated, please let us know about any address changes or mistakes that you may notice. If you are unable to reach your desired contact, please get in touch with the IFOAM Head Office to check whether there has been a change in contact information. The next edition of this Directory will be available in early 2014. Please be aware that IFOAM Membership is different from IFOAM Accreditation. The IFOAM Accreditation Program (IAP) evaluates the practices of Certification Bodies. See page 14 for more information. Marketing products that are certified by an IFOAM Accredited Certification Body do not infer IFOAM Membership and, conversely, IFOAM Membership does not imply or constitute IFOAM Accreditation. Certification Bodies accredited by the IOAS according to the IAP (as of December 2012) are marked in this Directory.

MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES - Listed by Country and/or Territory -

Albania Albinspekt

El Rincon Orgánico

Ded Gjon Luli Pall 5, Shk 1 Ap 8

Bulnes 910


1170 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires




+355 682062262

Tel: +54 11 20629515

Fax: +355 4223 8554

Fax: +54 11 20622230



Albinspekt is a control body which provides a complete service in inspection and certification of organic products and food quality systems according to national, private and international regulations; training regarding procedures for inspection and certification; information regarding import regulation of other countries.

El Rincón Orgánico provides different kinds of services such as the exportation, consultation, and delivery of organic products to family homes and restaurants/hotels. It also has an organic bar in Buenos Aires and a catering service and provides organic products in the local and external market.

CONTACT: Sokol Stafa, stafa@albinspekt.com

CONTACT: MaríaCalzada, mariacalza@elrinconorganico.com.ar

ICEA Albania

Fideco S.A.

Themistokli Germenji, Nr. 10

Reconquista 656


C1003ABN Buenos Aires



Tel: +355 692177532

Tel: +54 11 4312 7466

Fax: +355 42256782

Fax: +54 11 4313 5203



Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientale ICEA/Albania is a branch of an Italian control body with its head-office in Bologna, Italy. ICEA is a control and certification body with international activity and reputation with numerous accreditations such as: IFOAM, NOP, JAS, BIOSWISS, Soil Association, IFS, BRC, etc. ICEA/Albania is one of many offices of ICEA in all the world: Greece, Turkey, Syria, Romania etc. ICEA in Albania started its activities in 2004 and, except for inspection activities, has offered its expertise in the field of legislation and technical aspects to the Albanian economy as well as Agriculture and Food Ministry through different projects . The main businesses to be certified by ICEA so far in Albania are:Wild, medicinal and aromatic plants, olive oil, forest fruits and their processed products.

CONTACT: Cristian Nicolas Princz, fideco@fideco.com

Food Safety S.A. Varela 183 C1406EKC Ciudad De Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Argentina

CONTACT: XhevaireDulja, icea.albania@icea.info

Tel: +54 114 6121257 Fax: +54 114 6121257 www.foodsafety.com.ar Food Safety S.A. is a Certification Body accredited by OAA ( Argentine Accreditation Organims) that carries out certification, inspection and audits. in organic products and cuts of meat as per Law 16.162, of Chile. Certification in Reg.280 of SENASA


CONTACT: Ana Cherasco, calidad@foodsafety.com.ar Argencert S.A. Bernardo de Irigoyen 972 4ºB C1072AAT Buenos Aires


Argentina Tel: +54 1143630033




Fax: +54 1143630202 www.argencert.com Argencert S.A. is engaged in the Certification of Organic Products and Quality Assurance from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Accreditations: NOP, IFOAM, COR, SAG . Equivalency Agreements with EU, Japan. Other programs offered: Biosuisse and JAS UTZ, GLOBALGAP and GMP certification. Argencert has 20 years of experience, certifying fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs, grains and cereals, juices, wines, oils and animal products like wool, beef and honey. CONTACT: Laura Montenegro, lmontenegro@argencert.com.ar

Fundación Rachel & Pamela Schiele Casilla Correo N° 21- Est. Las Dos Hermanas 2624 Arias Cordoba Argentina Tel: +54 346 8440245 Fax: +54 346 8440245 www.estancialasdoshermanas.com.ar CONTACT: Mauricio Piola, 2hermanas@futurnet.com.ar

Movimiento Argentino para la Producción Orgánica


Sarmiento 1562, Piso 6° Oficina „F“ C1042ABD Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: +54 114 3825562

Australian Certified Organic

Fax: +54 114 3825562

18 Eton street PO Box 810


4012 Nundah

CONTACT: Gonzalo A. Roca, info@mapo.org.ar



Australia Organización Internacional Agropecuaria

Tel: +61 7 3350 5706 Fax: +61 7 3350 5996

Av. Santa Fe 830


1640 Acassuso, Buenos Aires


Argentina Tel: +54 11 47934340




Fax: +54 11 47934340




www.oia.com.ar OIA offers Agricultural and Industrial Products high quality Certification: Organic, GLOBALGAP, Fisheries, Food Quality, Textiles, Cosmetics and more. Accredited/Member/Approved: IFOAM, SENASA, MSC, Utz Certified, OTA, JAS, Bio Suisse, GLOBALGAP, OAA, Canada Organic, USDA, GOTS, INMETRO. Working since 1991 and certifying all over the American Continent.

Australian Certified Organic (ACO) is Australia’s largest certifier for organic and biodynamic produce and has over 1,500 operators within its certification system. ACO is a fully-owned subsidiary of Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA). ACO clients, large and small, represent all sectors in the organic industry from primary producers, processors and exporters to retailers and wholesalers. CONTACT: Michael Baker, michael.baker@aco.net.au

CONTACT: Pedro A. Landa, oia@oia.com.ar

BioDynamic Agricultural Association of Australia C/o Post Office

Valle del Medio

3797 Powelltown

Casilla de Correo N° 12


9211 Lago Puelo



Tel: +61 359667333


Fax: +61 359667433

Tel: +54 2944 493781


Fax: +54 2944 493783 www.valledelmedio.com Valle Del Medio produces organic berries, mainly raspberries, blackcurrants and redcurrants for domestic and international markets. Its farm is located in Lago Puelo, Patagonia Argentina, at the foot of Los Andes Mountains, 10 km away from a National Park, surrounded by native forests, in a very natural and unpolluted environment. We have been certified by O.I.A. since 1998, NOP, IFOAM and JAS norms. We also produce high quality organic jams in our factory.

In 1952 the Bio-Dynamic Agricultural Association of Australia (BDAAA) was founded as a training body to aid farmers in developing the skills and techniques to change from conventional to Biodynamic farming. All members of the association are biodynamic owner/operator farmers, who form a purposeful guild, which also mentors newly converting farmers by providing support and advice. CONTACT: Alex Podolinsky, demeterbdri@bigpond.com

CONTACT: Nicolás A. Nuñez, nicolas.nunez@valledelmedio.com


Biological Farmers of Australia Ltd Ground Level, 766 Gympie Road 4032 Chermside

HAM Ltd. Co.


7/3 Komitas Str. Ap 33


375012 Yerevan

Tel: +61 7 3350 5716


Fax: +61 7 3350 5996

Tel: +374 99207957



The Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA), “the voice of Australian Organics”, is Australia’s largest member-based organic body; a not-for-profit organization that represents the interests of more than 3,000 organic industry primary producers, processors and traders. The BFA owns two organic certification companies which guarantee the integrity of organic products both for exports as well as domestic sale. They are Australian Certified Organic (ACO) and Organic Growers of Australia (OGA).

We are a world-renowned developer and supplier of exceptional quality wild crafted herbal teas and spices based on the re-discovered ancient Armenian technologies, recipes, unique herb processing technologies and know-how that contribute to the success of our partner-clients businesses and customers worldwide. CONTACT: ArmenMehrabyan, armen@armeniantea.com

CONTACT: Holly Vyner, holly.vyner@bfa.com.au

National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia

Willing Workers on Organic Farms Pty. Ltd.

P.O. Box 768 Stirling

2166 Gelantipy Road

5152 Adelaide

3885 W Tree ®

SA Australia Tel: +61 883 708455

VIC Australia




Tel: +61 351550218

Fax: +61 883 708381

Fax: +61 351550342



NASAA Organic - History, Heritage and Guarantee NASAA aims to be a leading authority in the organic industry through the delivery of a range of organic services which include the promotion of modern organic lifestyle choices and the provision of education and training across Australia and the Asia-Pacific regions. NASAA Certified Organic – Industry Leading Organic Certification NASAA’s subsidiary, NASAA Certified Organic (NCO), certifies most food industries along the organic produce and supply chain including producers, processors, transportation and storage through to wholesalers, importers, exporters and retailers.

WWOOF is an Australian wide network of Organic WWOOF host properties where WWOOF members volunteer for 4 to 6 hours per day in exchange for all of their meals and accommodation.There are over 2,300 Australian WWOOF hosts to choose from, a great variety of properties and people, practising biodynamics, organics and permaculture. CONTACT: Garry Ainsworth, wwoof@wwoof.com.au


CONTACT: SamPonder, sam.ponder@nasaa.com.au

Organic Federation of Australia


G.P.O. Box 787

Wolfgangstein 23

4001 Brisbane

4550 Kremsmünster




Tel: +43 7583 20654

Tel: +61 7 33965746

Fax: +

Fax: +61 7 33968094


www.ofa.org.au CONTACT: AndreLeu, a.leu@ifoam.org

TM Organics Pty Ltd Po Box 207, Stirling 4/101 Mount Barker Rd

ARGE BIO is an independant association of visionary, creative and keen actors in the field of organic farming. The association envisions the future development of organic farming, defines conditions for organic foods with transparent additional value, points out undesirable developments, demands and fosters respective changes. ARGE BIO wants to make humans and organizations aware of the fascination of organic foods and create organic competencies at all levels. CONTACT: HeidiKottnig, heidi.kottnig@argebio.at

5152 Stirling SA Australia Tel: +61 883 391250 Fax: +61 883 391251 www.tmorganics.com TM Organics offers publishing, training and consulting. Publishing includes books, magazine articles, manuals and websites. Training and consulting cover a broad scope of organic production and distribution, with emphasis on certification compliance and on conversion to organic. Consulting covers the same broad scope as training, but also includes financial advice, due diligence, access to capital and market entry plans. CONTACT: Tim Marshall, tim@tmorganics.com

Austria Bio Garantie Königsbrunner Straße 8 2202 Enzersfeld Austria Tel: +43 2262 672212 Fax: +43 2262 674143 www.abg.at inspection & certification of organic products CONTACT: Sabine Eigenschink, s.eigenschink@abg.at

Bio Austria Theresianumgasse 11/1


1040 Wien Austria

Agro Informasiya Merkezi

Tel: +43 140 37050

Apt. 5, 134 Sharifzade Street

Fax: +43 140 37050191

AZ 1122 Baku



CONTACT: Thomas Fertl, thomas.fertl@bio-austria.at

Tel: +994 12 432 50 25 Fax: +994 12 432 50 25 www.aim-az.com

Biolandwirtschaft Ennstal Stainach 160 8950 Stainach Austria Tel: +43 362 320116 Fax: +43 362 320117 www.bioland-ennstal.at CONTACT: Adolf Trieb, office@bioland-ennstal.at

Agro Information Centre is an NGO established in 1999 with the following activities: - Extension and Information Services - Organic Farming - Social and Farm Forestation - Conservation Agriculture - Monitoring Soil Carbon Sequestration - Increase Access of Small Scale Livestock and Crop Farmers to Markets - Provision of monthly market price reports - Provision of Environmentally Sound Information (“Servet” Farmers’ Magazine) - Soil, Water, and Feed Analyses Lab - Rural Women and Youth Participation Training Services on Agricultural Extension, Monitoring CONTACT: NazakatBayverdiyeva, aim_office@aim-az.com

GABA - Ganja Agribusiness Association

Europäisches Bioobst Forum e.V.

47 Zarrabi Street Ganja

Kopfing 26

AZ 2000 Ganja

8224 Kaindorf



Tel: +994 22 256 94 00

Tel: +43 6644111219 European organization of organic apples producers and distributers. CONTACT: FritzPrem, fritz@prem-at.eu

Fax: +994 22 252 12 61 www.gaba.az


GABA is the primary organization in Azerbaijan promoting organic agriculture. Since its creation in 2000, more than 2000 farmers have been trained in organic agricultural methods and 332 have advanced to the stage of applying for organic certification of their products. GABA intiates multiple organic agriculture projects, including the study of Organic Agriculture Management at the Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, and the establishment of the organic certification body AZEKOSERT and soil laboratory. GABA is Azerbaijan’s first NGO to pursue this quality management system. On August 13, 2010, GABA was notified that the Swiss certification body SGS had certified GABA under ISO 9001-2008 system of certification.

Tel: +43 1 9076313

CONTACT: Vugar Babayev, v.babayev@gaba.az

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Österreich Seidengasse 33-35/13 1070 Wien

Fax: +43 1 9076313 20 www.fibl.org FiBL Austria is a non-profit organization based in Vienna. FiBL Austria regards itself as a service centre and interface between research and practice, coupled with an active role in networking with all stakeholders along the organic food production chain. FiBL Austria cultivates intensive cooperation with both Austrian research partners and partners in education, training and advisory services. CONTACT: Andreas Kranzler, andreas.kranzler@fibl.org

Bangladesh Bangladesh Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge House-50, Road 27 Dhanmondi R/A 1209 Dhaka Bangladesh Tel: +88 02 9132372

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Dept. für Nachhaltige Agrarsysteme, Institut für Ökologischen Landbau Gregor Mendel Straße 33 1180 Wien Austria Tel: +43 147 6543750 Fax: +43 147 6543792 www.nas.boku.ac.at/oekoland.html CONTACT: Sandra Donner, bioland@edv1.boku.ac.at

Fax: +88 02 9132372 www.barcik.org.bd BARCIK (Bangladesh Resource Center for Indigenous Knowledge) is a nongovernmental non-profit development organization established in 1997 by a group of development practitioners, researchers and social workers. It has been working in the fields of environment and development. BARCIK has been involved in exploring and incorporating indigenous knowledge and local practices into contemporary development programme. It facilitates farmers toward organic agriculture bringing back control over agriculture. CONTACT: Sukanta Sen, barcik@barcik-bd.org


Organic Bangladesh Limited Plot #6 (4th Floor), Road #13, Nikunja-2 1229 Dhaka Bangladesh Tel: +88 279 11941

Association Internationale des Organismes de Contrôle et de Certification en Agriculture Biologique

Fax: +88 289 22112 www.bopma.org Our agriculture was purely organic from the very beginning. But some multinational companies seduced and derailed us in the 60’s in the name of the Green Revolution. Organic Bangladesh Limited was founded to resume and re-establish (1) Safe agriculture (2) Safe foods (3) Healthy environment (4) Healthy nation. We hope to convert 1 million hectares of land to organic by 2020. CONTACT: MuhammadAbdus Salam, ufil@bopma.org

S S Enterprise BD H-37, R-8A, Nikunja 1 (South) 1229 Dhaka Bangladesh

Avenue Isidor Geyskens, 50 1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: +32 81 620 480 Fax: +32 816 313 www.certibionet.org CertiBioNet is an international association of inspection and certification bodies in organic farming. Non-profit making, it gathers organic inspection and certification bodies all over the world. CertiBioNet is a platform that aims to facilitate the cooperation between its members and to improve the quality of the inspection and certification systems. The control and certification bodies are the ones that actually carry out the controls. Together its 9 members defend a deontological Code of Ethics. CONTACT: Philippe Ghesquière, info@certibionet.org

Tel: +880 1711 3552 13 Fax: +880 2712 1236 www.ssebd.com Trade, commerce, business. All these terms always concern profit making by individuals, shareholders or partners, profit that is spent for self-interest. SS Enterprise-BD has made a difference with the view to recognize the humanitarian rights, food security & food quality rights of our honorable consumers for enjoying chemical or pollution free and maximum food value content vegetables and fruits including the assurance of their extensive exportation. The priority area of our business is the organic agricultural movement with renewable energy initiation like NEEM (Azadirachta indica) pants and mahogoni-based organic fertilizer, pesticides, bio-pesticides, sustainable green and clean environment, agricultural adaptation including the use of renewable energy devices concerned with solar, wind, bio-mass, bio-gas plant and Bio-diesel. CONTACT: AbulKasem, coo@ssebd.com

BioForum Vlaanderen vzw Quellinstraat 42 2018 Antwerpen Belgium Tel: +32 3286 92 78 Fax: +32 3286 92 79 www.bioforum.be BioForum unites, represents and supports companies working in the organic agricultural and food sector. BioForum also informs the consumer on the surplus value of organic agriculture and food. CONTACT: Lieve Vercauteren, lieve.vercauteren@bioforum.be

WWOOF Bangladesh 4 Embankment Drive Road Uttara Model Town, Sector #10 1230 Dhaka Bangladesh

BioForum Wallonie


Chaussée de Namur 47

+88 0289 63 523

Fax: +88 0289 22 625

5030 Gembloux



WWOOF Bangladesh is sponsored by IUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and Technology emerged on February 25, 2010, the only farmer-based organic farming organization in Bangladesh. The College of Agricultural Sciences of IUBAT has Organic Farming and Permaculture under its Sustainable Agriculture program which influenced the start of WWOOF, with the aim of learning from farmers and sharing practical knowledge and education by volunteering nationally and internationally. CONTACT: Dr Mohammed Ataur Rahman, marahman@wwoofbangladesh. org

Tel: +32 81 390 690 Fax: +32 81 390 691 www.bioforum.be BioForum unites, represents and supports companies working in the organic agricultural and food sector. BioForum also informs the consumer on the surplus value of organic agriculture and food. CONTACT: Sylvie Morcillo, sylvie.morcillo@bioforum.be



TÜV NORD Integra Statiestraat 164 2600 Berchem Belgium


Tel: +32 328 73760 Fax: +32 328 73761 www.tuv-nord-integra.com CONTACT: Annick Cnudde, acnudde@tuv-nord.com






Benin Organisation Béninoise pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture Biologique

Over 30 years of experience.

02 B.P. 8033 Cotonou Benin Tel: +229 95 60 78 68

Leader in organic farming.

Fax: +229 21 36 01 22 www.obepab.org CONTACT: Davo Simplice Vodouhe, dsvodouhe@yahoo.com


International recognition.

Réseau de Développement d‘Agriculture Durable 04 B.P. 0670 Cotonou


Benin Tel: +229 21362491 Fax: +229 21362491 www.redad-benin.org


e anglais ifoam 105x148.indd 1

Avenue de I´Escrime 85 Schermlaan 1150 Brussels


Belgium Tel: +32 81 600 377 Fax: +32 81 600 313 www.certisys.eu Certisys is an independant inspection and certification body having over 30 years of experience. With 95% of its activities dedicated to organic farming, Certisys has always been completely committed to improving the credibility of the organic sector. Leader in this field in Belgium (BE-BIO-01) and Luxemburg (BE-BIO-06) it is internationnally recognized in accordance with the European Norm ISO-65, NOP and is EU-Recognized in five Third Countries (Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Ghana and Vietnam). Certisys also carries out the inspection of two Belgian quality labels: Biogarantie ® and Ecogarantie ® for cosmetics and cleaning products. Moreover, Certisys is a member of IFOAM, CertiBioNet and BioForum.

Promotion of Agro-Ecological techniques of production through field implementation by the REDAD members around all the country ; 16:27 Information, Communication and Education of the members ; - Capacity building of the members; - Scientific research and pre-Extension research of improved agricultural technologies ; - Development of new technologies ; Advocacy and lobbying near the Government for law decisions for sustainable agriculture promotion, and their follow up; - Publication of articles on the best practices. CONTACT: Emile N.Houngbo, redadbenin@yahoo.fr


Asociación de Organizaciones de Productores Ecológicos de Bolivia

CONTACT: Blaise Hommelen, info@certisys.eu

Calle Landaeta # 554 esq. Luis Crespo (Z. San Pedro) Casilla: 1872


La Paz

40 Rue Washington - 2nd Floor


1050 Brussels Belgium


Tel: +32 26 13 29 30

Tel: +591 224 90686

Fax: +32 26 13 29 39

Fax: +591 221 29286



NATRUE is the International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association based in Brussels and promotes authentic Natural and Organic Cosmetics worldwide since May 2008. The NATRUE Label sets a high standard of quality and integrity so people worldwide can enjoy Natural Cosmetics truly worthy of the name. Almost 2,000 products have already been certified under the NATRUE label, ranging from makeup to toothpaste. CONTACT: Julie Tyrrell, jtyrrell@natrue.eu

AOPEB is a basic organization of ecological production, constituted as a civil association, which brings together and represents producers’ organizations, NGOs and small businesses who practice and support organic production in Bolivia. Its aim is “to achieve the production, processing and consumer of organic products of high quality Bolivian and improving the living conditions of producers. CONTACT: Carmen Sotomayor, gerencia@aopeb.org

Bosnia and Herzegovina Associação Brasileira de Agricultura Biodinâmica Rod.Gastão Dal Farra Km 4, CP 1016

BeHaBIOCert - Zadruga za Organsku Kontrolu i Certifikaciju p.o.

18600-971 Botucatu, São Paulo Brazil

Ivanjska 17

Tel: +55 1438157862

71000 Sarajevo

Fax: +55 1438157862

Bosnia and Herzegovina


Tel: +387 61 174 270 www.behabiocert.ba Newly established cooperative with strong ties to the local Association of Organic Producers, intends to promote and develop the Organic Agriculture Movement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This cooperative is the first of its kind in this country. CONTACT: RankoTadic, behabiocert.cert1@gmail.com

Demonstrative area: Currently it keeps a productive area of vegetables, medicinal plants Research. During the last years some research has been carried out including a Master of science thesis and Doctorate in Biodynamic preparations. As a basic tool in biodynamic agriculture, the Association produces biodynamic preparations. It publishes the annual Agricultural Astronomical Calendar and the Magazine Biodynamic Agriculture Demeter standards. The Biodynamic Association is responsible for the elaboration of the production standards of Demeter label. In advisory, we prioritize groups of small holder farmers. We have developed innumerable projects, acting in diverse Brazilian ecosystems and support the commercialization of biodynamic products. In 2011, we were recognized officialy as a PGS. CONTACT: Pedro Jovchelevich, pedro.jov@biodinamica.org.br


ABRABIO - Associação Brasileira da Agricultura Familiar Orgânica, Agroecológica e Agroextrativista

Ecocert Brasil Certificadora Ltda

Sitio Sao Benedito - Jacuba P.O. Box 9

Rua Osni Ortiga 949

17160 Arealva, São Paulo

88062-450 Florianópolis


Santa Catarina State

Tel: +55 14 329 76 243



Tel: +55 483 2328033

CONTACT: MarcosMacedo, marcos@cachacatiquara.com.br

Fax: +55 483 2328033 www.ecocert.com.br CONTACT: João Augusto de Oliveira, ecocert@ecocert.com.br

ANC - Associação de Agricultura Natural de Campinas e Região Rua 1º de Março, 500 - Jd. Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora CEP: 13075-250 Campinas/SP São Paulo Brazil Tel: +55 19 3213 7759

Instituto do Bem-Estar

Fax: +55 19 3213 7759

Av. Dr. Nilo Pecanha, 350 AP 1203


90470 000 Porto Alegre

ANC - Associação de Agricultura Natural de Campinas e Região (Natural Farming Association of Campinas and region) - is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. Concerned about the abuses and attacks on our ecosystem, since 1991, ANC has been promoting and actively participating in environmental events in the region of Campinas - SP, Brazil. The main activity of ANC is organic certification for food produced and processed within the rules that ensure consumers, concerned with quality of life, healthier and more nutritious products, promoting sustainable agriculture and the protection of the environment. In this sense, the ANC has supported and encouraged fairs for organic products whereever possible to find a great variety of seasonable fruits and vegetables, grown without the use of chemical inputs, and also bread, jams and dairy products processed with organic raw materials, straight from the producer to the consumer, guaranteed by ANC.


CONTACT: Romeu Mattos Leite, romeumleite@gmail.com

Tel: +55 51 3273 2360 Fax: +55 51 3273 2360 www.ibembrasil.org The Welfare Institute is an NGO formed by a multidisciplinary group of people. It aims to promote quality of life for humans, animals and the planet, though actions related to ecology, sustainability and social justice. It has partnerships with schools, universities, NGOs and government organizations. It develops actions (1) related to environment education, (2) for the development of organic production, mainly in the animal area, (3) through art therapy for people in physical and mental fragility. CONTACT: Angela Escosteguy, angela@ibembrasil.org

IPD - Instituto de Promoção do Desenvolvimento - Organics Brasil

Bulgarian Organic Products Association

Rua Doutor Correa Coelho 741 Jardim Botanico

13 Rayna Knyaginya Str.

80210-350 Curitiba


4500 Panagyurishte


Tel: +359 878 215 266



Tel: +55 41 3362 0200

CONTACT: Albena Simeonova, agroecobg@gmail.com

Fax: +55 41 3362 0200 www.organicsbrasil.org IPD is a civil society organization of public interest, aimed at identifying and developing innovative initiatives capable of contributing to a sustainable development model. The organization is directly responsible for managing the Organics Brasil project.

EuroOrganics OOD S. Brishlan

CONTACT: Ming Liu, mingliu@organicsbrasil.org

7069 Ruse Bulgaria Tel: +359 86352255


Fax: +

SCLN 116 Bloco D Sala 111


ZIP: 70773-540 Brasilia DF Brazil Tel: +55 61 34781173 Fax: +55 61 34781173 www.rocksil.com.br Producer of plant strenghtener “ROCKSIL” (copper substitute) CONTACT: Ulrike Loewenhaupt, lia@liaagro.com.br

EuroOrganics is a certified grower of fresh, seasonal, organic vegetables and fruits established in 2004. The farm is run in strict accordance with EC regulations on organic farming (EC Reg. No.834/2007 and No.889/2008). euroOrganic is fully certified with Balkan Biocert (BG-02). Our produces are also certified under the GLOBALG.A.P No. 4050373900632 and are available at well-known markets in Bulgaria, Romania and also exported to organic produce distributors throughout Europe. CONTACT: Gokhan Buyuksuda, info@euroorganics.com

Bulgaria Foundation for Organic Agriculture BIOSELENA Agroecological Centre at Agricultural University of Plovdiv

36 Vasil Karaivanov Str. 4300 Karlovo

12, Mendeleev Blvd.


4003 Plovdiv

Tel: +359 335 92038

Bulgaria Tel: +359 32 654254 Fax: +359 32 654345 www.au-plovdiv.bg The Agroecological Centre provides education, training and demonstration of organic agriculture practices to university students, school students, producers and processors, teachers and broad public. It produces and markets fresh fruit and vegetables, grains, etc. and promotes organic farming at national and international events.

Fax: +359 335 91642 www.bioselena.com The Foundation for Organic Agriculture Bioselena is an NGO specialized in training and extensions services in the field of organic agriculture and environment. The Foundation is specialized in developing agroecological plants and supporting farmers in applying for agroecological and organic programs. The Foundation has developed and participated in international projects and programs. CONTACT: Stoilko Apostolov, s.apostolov@bioselena.com

CONTACT: Vladislav Popov, vpopov_bg@yahoo.com

Balkan Biocert Ltd. 47, Knyaginya Maria Luiza Blvd.

Organic Farmers’ Association AGROLINK

4018 Plovdiv

50, Yanko Sakazov Blvd Bulgaria

1504 Sofia

Tel: +359 32 625 888


Fax: +359 32 625 818

Tel: +359 888 359 239


Fax: +359 294 31511

First national organic certification body. Offers inspection and certification services according to EU standards. NOP, JAS and private label certifications are possible together with world acknowledged certifiers like IMO, Ecocert, ICEA, etc. Since 2005, Balkan Biocert Ltd. has a branch office in the Republic of Macedonia. CONTACT: Krasimir Kunchev, kunchev@gmail.com

www.agrolink.org We are involevd in organic farming promotion. We supports the publishing of Organic magazine ORGANICHNO, organize events to support organic farming, and run the web page www.agrolink.org CONTACT: Svetla Nikolova, agrolink@agrolink.org

Organic Farming Department, Institute of Regional Research, University of Agribusiness and Regional Development


78 Dunav Blvd. Plovdid

Cambodian Organic Agricultural Association

Bulgaria Tel: +359 32 960360

#44A, Street 320, Boeung Keng Kang III

Fax: +359 32 960406

12304 Phnom Penh



The University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (former Higher School “Agricultural College”) is well experienced in international project preparation, management and implementation. It embraces successful activities in sustainable, environmental, and economic development, training, consulting, networking and quality assurance in organic agriculture, transfer of innovations, etc. It provides Bachelor and Master degree study programs in agribusiness, rural development, tourism, management and economics.

Tel: +855 23 5002565

CONTACT: Mariyana Ivanova, agricollege.mivanova@gmail.com

www.coraa.org The Cambodian Organic Agriculture Association (COrAA) is a nationwide alliance for the support of organic agriculture. COrAA’s mission is to provide producers as well as consumers in Cambodia with an alternative to conventional agriculture. Besides awareness raising and the promotion of organic products, COrAA conducts inspections and certifies products for the domestic market. In addition, the organization engages in dialogues with the government and other stakeholders. CONTACT: Phallyboth Chhim, phallyboth.chhim@coraa.org

Burkina Faso Cameroon Association pour la Recherche et la Formation en Agroécologie B.P : 15

Groupe d‘Initiative Commune des Producteurs Unis des Produits Agricoles et d´Elevages Biologiques au Cameroun „GIC SONDASON“

Fada N‘Gourma Burkina Faso Tel: +226 40 77 06 70

P.O. Box 31

Fax: +226 49 77 07 14

Bandja Ouest

www.ong-arfa.org The Association pour la Recherche et la Formation en Agro-écologie was founded in 1995 to contribute to the socio-economic development of Burkina Faso. ARFA promotes agro-ecological practices and its strategic intervention is based on the conception and implementation of participatory projects and programs.

Cameroon Tel: +237 33 14 45 93/237 99 20 12 14 www.gicsondason.com CONTACT: Joseph Nounema, info@gicsondason.com

CONTACT: Mathieu Savadogo, arfa@fasonet.bf

Ecocert West Africa 11 BP 203


11 Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Tel: +226 503 60993 Fax: +226 702 44114 ecocert.com

Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network

CONTACT: Stéphane Rossi, stephane.rossi.ici@

P.O. Box 6343 E4L 1G6 Sackville NB Canada Green Cross Burkina Faso Fax: +1 506 536 0221

01 Ouagadougou


Burkina Faso

Since 2000, ACORN has the been the key organization for information on organic agriculture, eating organics, and connecting all parts together. From seed to farmer to consumer, ACORN works to bring the whole picture together–making food choices healthier and more environmentally responsible.

Tel: +226 50 43 31 65 Fax: +226 50 39 50 35 www.greencrossinternational.net burkinafaso@gmail.com

Tel: +1 506 536 2867

01 BP 1043

CONTACT: Ousséni Diallo, greencross.

CONTACT: Theresa Richards, admin@acornorganic.org

Canada Organic Trade Association

Ecocert Canada

P.O. Box 6364

71 St-Onésime

E4L 4K8 Sackville

G6V 5Z4 Lévis





Tel: +1 613 482 1717


Fax: +1 506 536 0221

Fax: +1 418 838 9823

www.ota-canada.ca COTA is a membership-based organization representing the Canadian organic sector to trade, the government and the public. We develop standards, work on regulations, and promote the organic option in the marketplace. CONTACT: Matthew Holmes, mholmes@ota.com

www.ecocertcanada.com Control and certification activities in the organic sector and local food production. Sustainable development related services (ecological products certification, environmental labelling, compensation project certification). Trainings and conferences CONTACT: France Gravel, france.gravel@ecocert.com

Canadian Organic Growers

Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada

39 McArthur Avenue, Level 1-3 K1L 8L7 Ottawa

P.O. Box 550


B2N 5E3 Truro



Tel: +1 613 2160741


Fax: +1 613 2360743 www.cog.ca CONTACT: Beth McMahon, beth@cog.ca

+1 418 838 6941


+1 902 8937256

Fax: +1 902 8967095 www.oacc.info CONTACT: Margaret Savard, margaret.savard@dal.ca

Certified Organic Association of British Columbia

Prime Grains Inc.

202-3002 32nd Ave

Box 32

V1T 2L7 Vernon

S0G 5A0 Wawota





Tel: +1 250 260 4429

Tel: +1 306 7392900

Fax: +1 250 260 4436

Fax: +1 3067392900



The Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia (COABC) is an umbrella association representing organic certifying agencies in the province. COABC is empowered by the British Columbia Organic Agricultural Products Regulation under the British Columbia Food Choice and Disclosure Act to implement an organic certification accreditation province-wide. COABC was incorporated under the Society’s Act in March of 1993. The certification accreditation program is an industry and government partnership program which is industry - driven and industry - regulated, with government providing oversight authority. The main objectives of the program are to provide consumer confidence in organic product certification, to assist producers increase market share, and to support the regional development of organic food production, processing and marketing.

Prime Grains Inc. is a company of producer shareholders formed to grow and develop organic markets for our trademarked Prime Einkorn ancient grain. We are also introducing organically grown Ethiopian Barley, Buckwheat and Sainfoin seed. CONTACT: John Husband, jdhusband@primegrains.com


CONTACT: Kristy Wipperman, office@certifiedorganic.bc.ca

Chinacanada Organics 508-1088 Sunset Dr.

Huertos Orgánicos de Chile S.A.

VIY9WI Kelowna

Avda. Apoquindo 4775 Piso 16 Oficina 1601


Las Condes, Santiago



Tel: +1 250 808 8005

Tel: +56 728 56104

Organic Farm in Canada (Education) and China (Primary). China Farm is attached to a self-sustainable village (Proposed)

Fax: +56 728 56104

CONTACT: Ron Newport, ron@infraredinstitute.com

CONTACT: Miguel Elissalt Herrera, miguel.elissalt@gmail.com



Beijing Lohao City Organic Market Ltd. Vanke Park No 5.22102. Tian Shui Xi Yuan 100026 Chaoyang District, Beijing

Beijing Continental Hengtong Certification Co., Ltd.


Room 303 in F3, Mingliuweilai Mansion Majiapu West Road, Fengtai District

Fax: +86 108 4594825836

100068 Beijing

The name Lohao stands for” Lifestyle of Health and Organic” It embodies, and is synonymous with, a healthy and organic approach to life. LohaoCity is a specialty shop selling a wide range of organic health foods and other natural products. While the majority of China’s farmers still adhere to the belief that chemical fertilizers and pesticides are necessary for crop production, many Chinese have already begun to seek and demand organic healthy foods. LohaoCity was founded with the purpose of responding to this growing need. Established by a group of people who love nature and are advocates of a health-conscious lifestyle, the LohaoCity Organic Health Store aims to connect consumers with finest organics and top-quality health foods. While delivering wholesome and delicious foods, we are also making unremitting efforts to protect and preserve our beautiful planets. Milestones in 2002: The Zhiwan Organic Ranch was established in Beijing’s Miyun County, covering an area of 22,000 acres.

China Tel: +86 10 631 806 81 Fax: +86 10 63012535 www.bjchtc.com CHTC is a professional certification body in food and agricultural product certification. We do our best to work for food safety and the organic cause. CONTACT: Qu Li, lisa722@163.com

Beijing Ecocert Certification Center Co. Ltd. No.10 Tianxiu Road, Administrative Building Beijing Construction University, Room 4015

Tel: +86 108 4590134 ext.837 www.lohaocity.com

CONTACT: Nancy Song, nancysong@lohaocity.com

100091 Haidian District, Beijing China Tel: +86 106 2827070 Fax: +86 106 2827958

Beijing Leaf Bay Technology Co.,Ltd. 1807, Block 1, Jiaye Building , No.21 Shunsantiao Street 100078 Fengtai District, Beijing

www.ecocert.cn CONTACT: Meng Fanqiao, info@ecocert.cn

China Tel: +86 10 6769 5403 Fax: +86 10 67674402 www.green158.com

Beijing Kehuinong Technology Co., Ltd

CONTACT: Alex Chen, achen@green158.com

Build 12, Baicaoyuan, 151 Malianwa north Street 100193 Beijing China

Ceresking Ecology & Technology Co. Ltd.

Tel: +86 10 62828767

Room 1613, Zheshang Mansion No. 1988, Yingbin Avenue

Fax: +86 10 62828767

300452 Binhai New District, Tianjin

ww.kehuinong.com Our company engages in research and development in organic technology for fruit, vegetables, rice and so on. At the same time we produce and market organic fruit, vegetables and so on as well as give local people the experience of organic tea. CONTACT: Nan Nan, bjkhn@vip.sina.com Beijing Nicereal Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. Room 1807, Qingyun Dangdai Building No. 43, the North Three-Ring West Road Haidian District, Beijing

China Tel: +86 226 621 83 97 Fax: +86 226 621 83 22 www.ceresking.com Ceresking Ecology & Technology Co. Ltd. is established in year 2009, all the nature foods are coming from our production base and cooperation company. Following the natural laws of plant growth, the output of food is truly safe, healthy, non-polluting. Selected country organic foods and specialty original and ecological. Launched a series of organic green food. Our organic line includes organic grains, organic dates, organic walnuts, organic raisons, etc. CONTACT: Amanda, huayuetechnology@hotmail.com

beijing China Beijing Organic & Beyond Corporation

Tel: +86 10 5619 8651 Fax: +86 10 5619 8651

Rm 1103, Tower B, Tian Yuan Gang Center C2 East 3rd Ring North Rd

www.nicereal.net Beijing Nicereal Agricultural Technology Corporation is an agricultural company which focuses on the cultivation, production, retail and home delivery of organic products. In addition, we offer consultancy services in both agricultural technology and agricultural company management since we have several professors working in our research institute. We have set 4 Organic farms in Heilongjiang, Shandong, Shanxi and Zhejiang. Our purpose and objective is to provide safe and healthy food. CONTACT: GuojunZhang (Paul), paulzhang78@gmail.com

100027 Chaoyang District, Beijing China Tel: +86 106 4608666 Fax: +86 106 4608999 www.organicandbeyond.cn CONTACT: Sophia Gao, service@organicandbeyond.cn

Changchun Shanghe Organic Food Co. Ltd

China Quality Certification Center

No.165, Pudong Road

Section 9, NansihuanXilu (the South Fourth Ring Road), West Road

Changchun City

100070 Beijing

Jilin Province



Tel: +86 108388 6581

Tel: +86 431 85358066

Fax: +86 108388 6823

Fax: +86 431 85356055


www.shrice.com CONTACT: Yuanhui Bi, deliafood@163.com

Chaoda Modern Agriculture Chaoda Mansion No. 29, Tongpan Road 350003 Gulou District, Fuzhou City Fujian Province China

China Quality Certification Centre (CQC) is a professional certification body under China Certification & Inspection Group (CCIC) approved by State General Administration for Quality Supervision, and Inspection and Quarantine and Certification, and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China. Our business involves product certification, management system certification, and certification training services. The farming product and food certification involves ISO22000 certification, HACCP Certification, Organic Product Certification, GAP certification and Green Market Certification. CONTACT: You Anjun, youaj@263.net

Tel: +86 591 87805220 Fax: +86 591 87805220 www.chaoda.com

China Quality Mark Certification Group

CONTACT: Wen Bifang, tech@chaoda.com

No.33 Zengguang Road 100048 Haidian District, Beijing China

CHC (Beijing WuYue HuaXia Management and Technique Center) Apartment 304, No. 1 Bulding Li Heng Ming Yuan No. 23 South Bin He Road, Guang an Men 100055 Xicheng District, Beijing

Tel: +86 1068473865 Fax: +86 1068437171 www.cqm.com.cn

Fax: +86 10 6326 6276

China Quality Mark Certification Group (CQM) has been a comprehensive certification body for more than 20 years that can provide certification, training and other conformity assessment activities, simultaneously. CQM has set up 29 affiliated centres and 1 office in over 29 provinces, municipalities and some large cities in China, providing efficient and effective services for customers who request certification or training.


CONTACT: Piao Wenfeng, litn@cqm.com.cn

Beijing China Tel: +86 10 6339 7958

CHC was the first established organic food certification body in 2002 in China, and it is managed by the Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People’s Republic of China (CNCA). It is also accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and is a member of China Certification & Accreditation Association (CCAA). CHC is commited to providing high quality service for the certification of organic products.

No. 59, Xueyuan South Road

CONTACT: Bai Yang, bylivelife@gmail.com

100081 Haidian District, Beijing

China Organic Food Certification Center

China Tel: +86 10 62132009 Fax: +86 10 62131330

Chengdu Hygeia Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. 1-401, Building 1, Huigu (Office Building), 11#, 4th East Wuke Road


610045 Wuhou District, Chengdu

CONTACT: Xianjun Li, lxj@ofcc.org.cn

Sichuan Province China Tel: +86 28 85034221

Fangyuan Organic Food Certification Center

Fax: +86 28 85034227 www.hygeiafarm.com Chengdu Hygeia Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. (Hygeia for short) is a modern agricultural enterprise following China organic product standards and working on providing safe and high-quality organic foods to consumers. The industrial chain of Hygeia consists of production, processing, sale, cold-chain transportation and F2F (Farm to Family) online store of agricultural products. The core value in Hygeia is providing more assured and comfortable life for Chinese families, thus Hygeia focuses on not only promoting the enjoyment of fresh and healthy foods, but also increasing the experience of people on the harmonious and close connection between human and nature. CONTACT: Zhu Jianhua, kan329@hygeiafarm.com

Flat A, 11/F LiYang Commercial Building No.106 Huanghe South Street 110031 Huanggu District, Shenyang City Liaoning Province China Tel: +86 248 6808585 Fax: +86 248 6806565 www.fofcc.org.cn CONTACT: Jia Lijie, fofcc@163.com

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he Organic Standard is an international monthly journal that enables individuals and organisations to keep up-to-date on developments concerning worldwide standards and certification issues in the organic sector. Permanent sections of the journal are: Country focus Certification & accreditation Standards & regulation Updates and opinion News shorts New on the job

It is sent out electronically to subscribers as a PDF file or print out version on request. The readership are international and national organisations and businesses concerned with organic standards, certification of organic products and international organic trade.

The THE Organic ORGANIC STandard www.organicstandard.com ISSN No. 1650-6057 Main Office: Grolink AB Torfolk, 684 95 Höje, Sweden Tel: +46-563-72345 e-mail: office@organicstandard.com Editorial Office: United Kingdom e-mail: editor@organicstandard.com Commissioning Office: Spain e-mail: assignment@organicstandard.com

ISO17065 Alnatura in Switzerland replaces ISO65


he German organic retail chain, Alnatura, is already well known to many Swiss consumers living near the Swiss-German border. The opening of the first Swiss Alnatura store has aroused great interest within the organic scene and beyond. Established standard of Swiss organic agriculture In Switzerland, the traditional competition between Coop and Migros also plays a part in the different organic and sustainability strategies. Migros was a leading actor in the development of ‘integrated production’ in Switzerland, but a late runner into the organic market. Coop started its programme ‘Coop Naturaplan’ as far back as 1993, causing Swiss organic production to increase dramatically. Today, all Coop Naturaplan products are certified organic and cobranded with the Bio Suisse label, the ‘bud’.

Organic wine in the US and EU NOP has issued a fact sheet on organic wine, labelling and trade. It clarifies certification of wine production in the US including when the two statements ‘organic wine’ and ‘made with organic grapes’ can be used.


n September 2012 the ISO/IEC Guide 17065 was launched, replacing ISO/IEC Guide 65 from 1996. The revised guide, which was produced after a five-year revision process, covers certification of products, processes and services by third-party certification body. The new guide is likely to come into force in 2015 but the actual date has not yet been confirmed.

An organic sweetener?

The plant Stevia rebaudiana and its extracts, such as steviol glycosides, are becoming very popular throughout the world as a sweetener substitute for sugar in processed food products. Since November 2011 steviol glycosides have been allowed as a natural sweetener in the EU by Regulation (CE) N° 1131/2011. However, steviol glycoside cannot be used in organic food, even if it comes from organically grown plants. This is because the additive steviol glycoside (E940) has not been included in the Annex VIII of Regulation 889/2008 and, therefore, is not permitted in organic food products. Read the full articles in TOS #140 from December 2012.

Find out more … Find more information and subscribe on our website www.organicstandard.com

The Organic STandard © Grolink AB


Ferti-buy Co., Ltd.

Hebei Qimei Agriculture Science and Technology Co. Ltd.

Rm 603, Baixin Sci&Tech Building, No. 12 Zhongguancun South Avenue

No.52 Yongnian Linming guanjian’an dong Street, Hebei Handan,

Haidian District, Beijing China Tel: +86 106 2193702 Fax: +86 106 2193849

China Tel: +86 310 6606296 Fax: +86 310 6606719 CONTACT: Hu Yeling, marie@hebeiqimei.com

www.ferti-buy.com CONTACT: Linda Zhang, admin@ferti-buy.com

Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd. Shengle Economic Development Zone Helingeer County, Huhhot Inner Mongolia

Fujian Xin Ri Xian Group Co., Ltd. No. 22 Boned Zone 350015 Fuzhou Fujian Province China Tel: +86 591 837 90959 Fax: +86 591 837 91972 www.asian-bamboo.com Fujian Xin Ri Xian Group Co., Ltd. is a pioneer and leader in exploring the integrated development and efficient operation model of the bamboo industry in China. It is involved in the production and processing of organic boiled bamboo shoots, fresh bamboo shoots, bamboo trees and bamboo pulp & paper. It is the first listed company in the world involved in bamboo and has initiated the capital operation of this industry. In addition, it has taken advantage of capital in promoting the value of traditional agriculture as the Group owns the largest moso bamboo resources in the industry.

China Tel: +86 471 2524456 Fax: +86 471 7390683 www.mengniu.com.cn Founded in 1999, the company has 30,000 employees with the annual production capacity of 6,5 million metric tons of dairy products and the sales revenue is over 17 billion RMB (over 2 billion Euros). The company started its organic dairy production in 2008. The daily productivity of organic milk exceeds 100 tons. The company’s market share of organic dairy products continuously ranks number one in China with yearly sales value of over 560 million RMB (67 million Euros). CONTACT: Xuan Shiwei, xuanshiwei@mengniu.cn

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co. Ltd. Room 605, Yili Building, No. 55, Huawei Xili 100021 Chaoyang District, Beijing

CONTACT: Yuan Zongsheng, yuanzs@xinrixian.com

China Tel: +86 10 5864 0297 Fax: +86 10 5864 0236 Heyday Food Co. Ltd.


Fax: +86 10 8464 1801

Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co. Ltd. is the largest dairy products manufacturer with the broadest product line in China and also the only dairy company in China that was appointed as dairy products provider to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and World Expo 2010 Shanghai. Yili Group consists of five business units: liquid milk, ice cream, milk powder, yogurt and pure milk. Since 2007, Yili Group has been involved in the organic industry and has gradually expanded its scale.


CONTACT: Fang Zhu, ytnzhufang@yili.com

Room 1609, Bldg. 7, Qianhejiayuan 100029 Chaoyang District, Beijing China Tel: +86 10 8464 1948

CONTACT: Li Fen, organicseed@sina.com JiangSu Tianlandilv Farm Co. Ltd. Zhanggao Village, Luoshe Township Huishan District

Hunan Haobo Organic Agriculture Co., Ltd.

Wuxi City

Yingbin Mansion, Yingbin Road

Jiangsu Province

410329 Changsha


Hunan Province China Tel: +86 731 83205136 Fax: +86 731 83205136 www.haoboyj.com The company is a branch company of Hunan Haobo Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. with registered capital of 30 million Yuan (5 million USD). This is a high tech company that has been awarded as a champion of agricultural enterprise in the Hunan Province. The company is also a base of education, production and research for Hunan Agricultural University. The company has been organically certified by BCS and ISO 22000 by Chinese certifiers. CONTACT: Liu Jiayan, 849164258@qq.com

Tel: +86 510 83279500 Fax: +86 510 83279505 www.tianlandilv.com JiangSu Tianlandilv Farm Co. Ltd. was established according to the Principles of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Sustainable Development. It is focused on ecofarming with the development of agricultural tours and agricultural products, organic products and marketing. It is also the production base of eco vegetables. The activities of the company include eco-vegetable production, eco-tours, horticulture, nursery, leisure activities, as well as education and training. All of our work aims to realize the organic way of life. CONTACT: Li Qiuyan, xitong_1988@126.com

JST Organic - Shanghai (Shanghai Jian Sheng Tang Health Food Co. Ltd.) 23fl / 720 Pudong Ave. Pudong District 200120 Shanghai

Organic Trade Union of China Sun Dynasty Building Renming-Nan Road, 4th Block, #27 Chengdu Sichuan Province



Tel: +86 21 50366768

Tel: +86 1 862 800 1721

Fax: +86 21 50368277

Fax: +86 28 8602 6771

www.jstorganic.com JST Organic is an importer and distributor of certified organic foods, nonGMO foods, natural supplements and natural body care products based in Shanghai, China. We represent reputable Canadian, US, and Japanese brands with IFOAM, USDA, or JAS organic accreditation, and we can arrange for certification to the China national standard. We supply a network of distributors throughout mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

www.otuc.cn CONTACT: William Yao, william@otuc.cn

Orgworlds Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. 31 F Jinmao Tower 88 Century Avenue, Pudong District Shanghai China

CONTACT: Asa Copithorne, jstshanghai@gmail.com

Tel: +86 021 5109 9999 Fax: +86 021 5109 8888 http://www.orgworlds.com

Nanjing Bailong Organic Agricultural Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Tel: +86 25 84624077

Orgworlds Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. is a China nationwide group company with 50millions registered capital. Aim at improving people’s life style, promoting harmony between man and nature, and becoming the leader of realizing organic life. Committed to build the most trustworthy organic brand, provide high quality organic foods, and advocate a healthy and sustainable organic life, so as to promote the whole organic agriculature industry development.

Fax: +86 25 84619489

CONTACT: Yi Jizhang, orgworlds@mail.com

Baima Town, Lishui County 211226 Nanjing Jiangsu Province China

www.njblyjny.cn.alibaba.com CONTACT: Jingjing Gao, xiexin1225@sohu.com Seesang (BJ) Agricultural Development Co. Ltd.

Nanjing Global Organic Food Research and Consulting Center

Room 1909, A Building Free Town No. 58 Dongsanhuan South Road

8 Jiangwangmiao Street

Chaoyang District, Beijing

210042 Nanjing


Jiangsu Province

Tel: +86 10 5867 2666


Fax: +86 10 5867 3032

Tel: +86 258 5287062


Fax: +86 258 5287082

Seesang (BJ) Agricultural Development Co. Ltd. is committed to modern organic agriculture production and trade through joint-stock enterprises. The company, with reference to the international advanced standard of organic agricultural production, uses only environmentally friendly, organic, sustainable production patterns and actively promotes the ecological farming industry.

www.ofrcc.com CONTACT: Xi Yunguan, xygofrcc@126.com

Organic Food Development and Certification Center of China 8 Jiang-Wang-Miao Street


210042 Nanjing Jiangsu Province China




Tel: +86 25 85287108 Fax: +86 25 85419083 www.ofdc.org.cn The Organic Food Development and Certification Center China (OFDC) evolved out of the Rural Ecological Division of the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science (NIES), State Environmental Protection Administration in 1994. As an IFOAM-accredited certifying agency, OFDC operates certification programmes covering crops,wild products, livestock, aquaculture, processing, and input manufacturing. OFDC was also awarded accreditation in line with ISO65 and in scope of the OFDC organic standards, EU organic Regulation, and the China National Standard. OFDC has also been accredited by CFIA since 2009. CONTACT: Weihua Xie, info@ofdc.org.cn

CONTACT: Li Mao-Chang, maocang.li@seesang.com

Shanghai Tongmai Food Co. Ltd. Room 201, No. 518, Bibo Road Pudong New Area, Shanghai China Tel: +86 21 50277011 Fax: +86 21 50277003 www.haikele.com The brand Haike organic food store chain opened its first store in 2007, and now has now a dozen stores. We operate 14 major categories of more than 1,000 kinds of organic food, and organic vegetables. We provide home delivery, ecological tours, health talks and other value-added services. CONTACT: Yun Fang, fangyun@haikele.com

Wuhan YSbio Organic Int L Inc.

Shuyang ITAD Environmental Technology Limited No. 8, Suzhou West Road

501 Luoshi South Road East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone

223600 Shucheng Town, Shuyang County

430070 Wuhan

Jiangsu Province

Hubei Province


China Tel: +86 27 87677771

Tel: +86 527 8393 2900 Fax: +86 527 8393 2920

Fax: +86 27 87677737



Shuyang ITAD Environmental Technology Limited is a subsidiary of Hong Kong-listed company, Xinhua News Media Holding Ltd. The centre for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) treatment operates in Shuyang County, Jiangsu, China and has a designed capacity to treat 500 tons of MSW daily. The centre adopts the world-leading one-stop solution for MSW treatment - the WIT technology platform - that can convert all of MSW into useful resources with commercial value, hence realizes harmless waste treatment without secondary pollution.

CONTACT: Julia Xue, yxxue@ysbio.cn

CONTACT: Dorothy Kong, dorothykong@itadbiotech.com

Y-Shine International Trade (Beijing) Co., Ltd. 2808-1 Dayue Apartment, No. 99 Chaoyang North Road 100123 Chaoyang District, Beijing

Sichuan Runfeng Meat Production Co., Ltd Sumsung Industrial District Yingshan County 637700 Yingshan Sichuan Province China Tel: +86 817 8237068 Fax: +86 817 8229999 www.sc-runfeng.com Our company is a leading company in the Sichuan (Province) agricultural industry. We are engaged in organic livestock, poultry husbandry and vegetable planting. We have 66.7 ha o of organic vegetable base and provide 1000 organic pigs every year.

China Tel: +86 1 38 1199 4415 Fax: +86 10 85569473 www.youjichanpin.cn Although Yue Shang City International Trade (Beijing) Co. Ltd. is a newly established company, its founders have a long history in organics and have been dealing with organic products since 1998. They used to work with Yangzhou Baoying Taiji Organic Faming Co. Ltd. & Beijing Wanxingrongtong Trading Co. Ltd. and are full of passion for organic. CONTACT: Yongning Zhu, yongningzhu@msn.com

CONTACT: Zhongqiu Ma, ysxmer@163.com Yunnan Shuangjiang Mengku Tea Co., Ltd. Sunshine Earth Inc. Renming-Nan Road, 4th Block, #27 Chengdu Sichuan Province China Tel: +86 1 862 800 1721 Fax: +86 28 8602 6771 www.sunshineearth.com

1189 Shahe Shuangjiang 677300 Lincang Yunnan Province China Tel: +86 883 7643088 Fax: +86 883 7643288 www.ynmkrs.com CONTACT: Zheng Wangsheng, fqzyz@yahoo.com.cn

CONTACT: WilliamYao, yaowilliam@sunshineearth.com

TOJOYI (Shanghai) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. 31th Floor, Jinmao Building 88 Shiji Avenue

Youcan Yonder Land Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd

Pudong New District, Shanghai

First Floor, Building 8, 9# Jiuhuan Road Jianggan District Hangzhou



Tel: +86 21 31001888

Tel: +0571 56927198

Fax: +86 21 31001898

Fax: +0571 85427777139



Established in 2010, the company is involved in the production, processing, trading, home delivery of organic food products and provides services for health management and consultation. The company has an ecological and organic farm with an area of more than 50 ha which is located in the drinking water protection area of Huangpu River. The farm is rich in ground water supply and biodiversity. Our mission is to keep clean land for next generations and to increase farmers’ income.

This is a comprehensive company involved in production, processing and trading of ecologically and environmentally sound agricultural products. It is under the Youcan (Group) Investment Control Company. With technical support from the Academy of Agricultural Science of Zhejiang Province, the company is working together with its partners on natural, qualified and healthy food and lifestyle for consumers.

CONTACT: YiJizhang, service@tojoyi.com

CONTACT: Yingying, 573717197@qq.com

Zhangzhou Guangzhaoren Tea Co., Ltd. Room 301, Jinxiu Square, No.255, North Hubin Road 361009 Xiamen Fujian Province China Tel: +86 592 5205201

Colombia BioPlaza SAS Trans 17 # 98-13 Bogotá Colombia Tel: +57 1 257.40.47

Fax: +86 592 5202903

Fax: +57 1 622.86.72

www.3h-sender.com Our company is exclusively involved in organic oolong and black tea without any kind of non-organic production. CONTACT: Ms.Linfang, guangzhaoren@163.com

Zhejiang Camel Transworld (Organic Food) Co. Ltd. 218 Ti Yu Chang Road 310041 Hangzhou

www.bioplaza.org BioPlaza was founded in 2002 as a company active in organic / biodynamic agricultural production. Sensing the huge potential for the development of organic and alternative activities in Colombia, the company expanded its portfolio to include production, marketing and sale of organic and natural food, supplements, medicinal plants and beauty products, following healthy nutritional principles. We currently count three organic shops in Bogotá with one attached restaurant, positioning the company as the most important organic center in Colombia. CONTACT: Alexander von Loebell, alex@bioplaza.org

Zhejiang Province China Tel: +86 57185170059 Fax: +86 57185170056

Daabon Organic


Cra 1C, 22-58 piso 11

Zhejiang Camel Transworld (organic food) Co. Ltd. is involved in the processing, export and import of Organic food.


CONTACT: Zhu Qingqing, zqq@zjtea.com

Tel: +57 542 12582

Santa Maria Magdalena

Fax: +57 542 10945 www.daabonusa.com CONTACT: Alfonso Davila Abondano, adavila@daabon.com.co Zhejiang DEZE Agricultural Development Co. Ltd. 25 f/A The West Lake International Plaza of S&T, 391# Wen‘er Road 310012 Hangzhou Zhejiang Province China Tel: +86 571 88866688 Fax: +86 571 86153960 Zhejiang DEZE Agricultural Development Co. Ltd. was founded in 2011. It is a fully owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Outlook Investment Co. Ltd. The mission of DEZE is to help local government and farmers to get a full understanding of organic agriculture and to create a new model of resource efficient agriculture integrating organic agriculture. The new base farms are 30 ha and are located in Jiande and Tonglu City, Zhejiang Province. CONTACT: Jingsong Shao, kingsongshao@msn.cn

Ecocert Colombia Ltda. c/ 140 no. 28-46/48, Officina 201 Barrio Cedritos Bogota DC Colombia Tel: +57 161 49200 www.ecocert.fr CONTACT: Sir or Madam, office.colombia@ecocert.com

Familia de la Tierra

International Analog Forestry Network

Calle 45 a # 26

Apartado 75

6 Bogotá

6350 Quepos


Costa Rica

Tel: +57 1 2684068

Tel: +011 506 8867 8541

www.familiadelatierra.com.co Familia de la Tierra is a network, a social, agroecological, multicultural, diverse and alternative movement in Bogotá together with other organizations in the country. We work toward the establishment of a PGS for the organizations of Bogotá and Cundinamarca and for the commercialization of fair trade products. CONTACT: Diego Chiguachi, familiadelatierra@gmail.com

Fax: +011 506 2777-7259 www.analogforestrynetwork.org The International Analog Forestry Network was established in 1996. The primary objective of the IAFN network is to restore ecosystems environmental stability and biodiversity, through research, design, and the application of the Analog Forestry system. Promote the adoption of International Certification Standards “Forest Garden Products” to ensure the proper implementation, design, and management of Analog Forestry. CONTACT: Eduardo Aguilar Espinoza, eduardo@analogforestrynetwork.org

Mild Coffee Company Huila S.A.S. C.I. Carrera 5 Nº 11-67 Sur Zona Industrial Neiva

PROAMO - Programa de Apoyo a Mercados Orgánicos

Huila Colombia

Montes de Oca, La Paulina Residencial Guaymi, Casa #6

Tel: +57 8 867 99 59 www.mcch.com.co

San Jose

CONTACT: Javier Murgueito Cortes, cafesostenible@gmail.com

Costa Rica Tel: +506 2225 7901 Fax: +506 2253 2241 www.proamo.org

Costa Rica

Asociación Nacional de Agricultura Orgánica (and Ministry of Agriculture) Apdo. 132-2020 Centro Postal San José San José Costa Rica Tel: +506 8864 7796 www.anao.org

PROAMO is a Central American initiative established and supported by a consortium of the Dutch development organization HIVOS and the Swedish Cooperation Centre. It was founded for the strategic support of small scale producers that are dedicated to certified organic production in the Central American region, to improve and increase their access to national specialized markets; markets like restaurants, the tourism sector, governmental bodies as well as supermarkets. PROAMO works according to the following strategies: 1. The creation of partnerships with the various actors active in organic agriculture and market development in the region to link the supply and demand of organic products 2. Contribute to the development and strengthening of structural needs, like rules and regulations, to develop a national organic market in various Central American countries 3. The development and strengthening of business and management skills of small producer organizations. CONTACT: Carlos Soto, carlos@proamo.org

We are involved in the promotion of organic farming, training in organic certification and organic prodution techniques. CONTACT: Gabriela Soto Munoz, gabisoto@catie.ac.cr

Ivory Coast CEDECO - Corporación Educativa para el Desarrollo Costarricense Apdo 209 - 1009 Fecosa San José Costa Rica Tel: +506 2236 1695 Fax: +506 2236 1694 www.cedeco.or.cr Management of companies of organic producers. CONTACT: Manuel Amador, amadore@racsa.co.cr

INADES Formation Côte d‘Ivoire 28 B.P. 1085 28 Abidjan Cote d‘Ivoire Tel: +225 22 50 40 71 Fax: +225 22 50 40 72 www.inadesfo.net CONTACT: Kone Kadidja, konekadidja@yahoo.fr



COFA - Cyprus Organic Farmers Association

AgriBioCert Veli dvor 11

P.O. Box 25082

51513 Omisalj

1306 Nicosia



Tel: +385 51 842 607 AgriBioCert was authorised by the Coatian Ministry of Agriculture in October 2003 for the inspection and certification of organic production according to national laws. Its founding members are Eko Liburnia, ICEA, DIO and CIBI. They are aslo members of IFOAM. CONTACT: Ranko Tadic, zadruga.agribiocert@ri.t-com.hr

Biotechnicon poduzetnicki centar d.o.o. Hrvatskih Iseljenika 30

Tel: +357 97 77 07 61 Fax: +357 22 32 50 50 www.biocyprus.eu The Cyprus Organic Farmers Association is a pioneer in its field since it is the first Organic Producers Association set-up in Cyprus. The aim of the Association is to facilitate its members in the production, processing, standardization, and packaging of Organic products, to tackle their common problems, to provide technical and scientific guidance to organic farmers and promote their products on the market. We represent 95% (860 of 900) of Cypriot Organic farmers. CONTACT: Lakis Pingouras, biocyprus@hotmail.com

21000 Split Croatia Tel: +385 213 17636

Department of Farming Systems of the Agricultural Research Institute

Fax: +385 213 17638 www.biotechnicon.hr

P.O. Box 22016

CONTACT: Ana Marušić Lisac, marusic@biotechnicon.hr

1516 Nicosia Cyprus Tel: +357 22403208

Eko Liburnia

Fax: +357 22316770

Jelacicev trg 1/lll


51000 Rijeka Croatia Tel: +385 51 842607 www.eko-liburnia.hr Eko Liburnia is non-governmental, nonpartisan and non-for-profit association for the promotion of sustainable development through ecotourism, organic agriculture and environmental protection, founded in 1996. Important aspect of Eko Liburnia’s activities is the revitalization and development of organic agriculture in accordance with IFOAM standards. Eko Liburnia is proud to be a full member of IFOAM since 1996. From 2000-2002 Eko Liburnia hosted the Secretariat of the IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo.

The Agricultural Research Institute constitutes a Department of the Ministry of Agriculture Natural Resources and the Environment of the Republic of Cyprus. The Institute undertakes research within the wider domain of plant and animal production. Its mission is to provide high quality scientific research with the objective of achieving a secure of safe, good quality food produced by methods financially, environmentally and socially sustainable. CONTACT: George Soteriou, soteriou@arinet.ari.com.cy

Pancyprian Association of Organic Farmers

CONTACT: Ranko Tadic, ranko.tadic@ri.t-com.hr

P.O. Box 27429 1645 Nicosia


Cyprus Tel: +

Asociación Cubana de Tecnicos Agrícolos y Forestales

Fax: + CONTACT: Marinela Sofocleous, pasybio@gmail.com

Calle 97 y 7ma Avenida #702 Playa, La Habana Cuba Tel: +53 7 203 3078 www.actaf.co.cu ACTAF is a non-governmental organization with 16 provincial branches, integrating 2000 grass root organizaions that cover agricultural technicians, researchers and professors as well as producers of the sector. Every 2 years we are the organizers of an international meeting on organic and sustainable agriculture. Its mission is to integrate agricultural technicians and professionals for agrarian sustainable development on an agroecology bases. Its vision is to represent technicians and professionals of the agricultural and forestry sector in all spaces promoting sustainable development on an agroecology bases. CONTACT: Fernando Funes Aguilar, funes@actaf.co.cu

Therapeutic Community Filani - Politiko T.T. 2652 Nicosia Cyprus Tel: +357 22634511 Fax: +357 22634888 www.agiaskepi.com Therapeutic community for drug addiction integrating organic farming work therapy. CONTACT: George Pastellas, gpastellas@gmail.com

Czech Republic

Congolese Association of Rural Development 23, Avenue Ngafula, C/Ngaliema- B.P. 14687 1 Kinshasa

Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture

Democratic Republic of Congo

Krizkovskeho 8

Fax: +243 886500222

77147 Olomouc

Tel: +243 851 303105 www.acdrongd.blogspot.com

Czech Republic Tel: +42 0581115181

CONTACT: Sabiti AngabuTheodore, acdr.ongd@gmail.com

Fax: + www.bioinstitut.cz/english/ctpof.html The Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture (CTPOA) was founded with the aim of uniting and linking a wide range of people and companies active in the field of organic farming and organic food production. The platform was founded in accordance with the european initiative of TP Organics. The CTPOA incorporates research institutes, universities, business representatives in the Czech Republic, both primary producers and processors of organic produce. All members have bound themselves to support initiative focused on strengthening competitiveness of organic agriculture and the development of production, distribution, sales and consumption of organic food, to be active in the related areas of scientific research, technology and innovation and to support and actively participate in the creation and implementation of strategic documents. CONTACT: Miloslava Kettnerova, info@ctpez.cz


BIOService Ravnstrupvej 16 4684 Holmegaard Denmark Tel: +45 40915388 www.bioservice.dk

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources

Advice on development of business and trade in organic products: identification of business partners; development of business ideas and cooperation; information on standards, regulations and certification; identification and development of markets. Project application and management.

Kamycká 129

CONTACT: Birthe T. Jacobsen, post@bioservice.dk

165 21 Prague Czech Republic Tel: +420 224 381111 Fax: +420 223 481815 www.czu.cz


http://www.czu.cz/en/ Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (formerly of Agriculture) provides public higher education (in accordance with the Law on Schools of Higher Learning No. 111/1998 Coll.). In 2006, it celebrated its centenary anniversary.

Birkum Bygade 20 5220 Odense SØ Denmark Tel: +45 659 73050

CONTACT: Perla Kuchtová, kuchtova@af.czu.cz

Fax: +45 659 73250 www.demeter.dk

D. R. Congo

Inspection and certification of biodynamic producers, processors, wholesalers and shops in DK CONTACT: Marianne Jung Christensen, biodynamisk@mail.tele.dk

APRODEA - Action pour le Développement Économique et Agricole 96 Avenue Patrice Emery Lumumba 243 Bukavu Sud Kivu Democratic Republic of Congo Tel: +243 85 371 12 33 APRODEA assists 32,720 smallholders and 300 large scale farmers in producing and marketing their products organically. Our activities include: - Action research with farmers based on organic agriculture, environment protection and biodiversity - Facilitate experience and knowledge sharing - Connect farmers to local, national and international markets - Facilitate cooperation between smallholders and large scale farmers, especially in terms of land access. - Provision of agricultural inputs CONTACT: Dismas Biringanine, prodea2007@yahoo.fr

Foreningen for Biodynamisk Jordbrug Silkeborgvej 260 8230 Åbyhøj Denmark Tel: +45 86199445 Fax: +45 87322710 www.biodynamisk.dk Biodynamic Association founded in 1936. Supply members and others with information about the biodynamic method through booklets, talks, courses and exibitions. Publish books about biodynamics. Refers to biodynamic advisory. Member of IBDA (International Biodynamic Ass). Responsble for the Demeter-standards in DK. CONTACT: Klaus Loehr-Petersen, biodynamisk-forening@mail.tele.dk

ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems

Økologisk Landsforening

Blichers Allé 20, P.O. Box 50

Frederiksgade 72

8830 Tjele

8000 Århus



Tel: +45 87 15 77 71

Tel: +45 873 22700

Fax: +45 87 15 47 95

Fax: +45 873 22710 www.okologi.dk

www.icrofs.org ICROFS: International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems The International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) was founded in 2008. The centre is an expansion of the former Danish Agricultural Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF), which the Danish Government gave an international mandate and an international board consisting of research leaders and stakeholders from Asia, Africa, USA, Europe and Denmark. The main purpose of ICROFS is to provide research results that may contribute to the promotion of organic food systems, including agriculture, aquaculture, processing and consumption of organic food. The vision of ICROFS or the ‘Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)’ is that ‘organic principles will become the global norm for sustainability in farming and food systems due to evidence based on research and innovation’.

CONTACT: Paul Holmbeck, info@okologi.dk

Dominica Organic Agriculture Movement Inc.

CONTACT: Niels Halberg, niels.halberg@icrofs.org

P.O. Box 1953 Roseau Dominica

Knowledge Centre for Agriculture - Dep. Organic Farming

Tel: +1 767 265 8570

Agro Food Park 15

Fax: +

8200 Aarhus N


Denmark Tel: +45 8740 5490 Fax: +45 8740 5010 www.vfl.dk/organic The organic department of the Danish Knowledge Centre for Agriculture which is an innovation and information centre for Dansh Agriculture provides service to advisors and agricultural education. A main task is bridging the gap between research and farmers on organic farming issues. CONTACT: Erik Fog, erf@vfl.dk

Landsforeningen Praktisk Økologi

Dominica Organic Agriculture Movement (DOAM) is a grassroots, nonprofit, non-governmental membership organization. DOAM was formed in January, 2006, by a collaboration of primary stakeholders including farmers, consumers, agro-processors and traders who saw the value of uniting into one umbrella organization to coordinate and promote the development of an organic food production industry in Dominica. DOAM provides a collective voice and coordinates programs and activities for the holistic development of the local organic industry. DOAM assists various organic oriented organizations, and promotes the sustainable development of the industry, in Dominica. DOAM sets high quality organic standards to guide its members on the practices and procedures of organic production that meet the international criteria of the Organic Certification process. CONTACT: Greta Green, inquiry@doamdominica.org

Skovvangs Alle 7 3660 Stenløse Denmark Tel: +45 7020 8383 Fax: +45 596 59015


www.praktiskoekologi.dk CONTACT: Trine Krebs, info@praktiskoekologi.dk

Ecocert Ecuador Urtekram International A/S Klostermarken 20 9550 Mariager Denmark Tel: +45 98542288 Fax: +45 98542333 www.urtekram.dk We are involved in the export, import and wholesale of organic food and organic personal care products CONTACT: Dorte Hougaard, dorte@urtekram.dk

Mendiburo 218 y Cordoba Primer Piso A Guayaquil Ecuador Tel: +593 425 61253 Fax: +593 425 61253 CONTACT: Xavier Cevallos Saavedra, office.ecuador@ecocert.com

Fideicomiso Ecuatoriano de Cooperación para el Desarrollo

Gelcy Agro Organic Co. 3, Mohamed El-Ghazaly / Kambeez St.

Prolongación de la Av. Granda Centeno Urbanización El Alcázar, Pasaje 2, No. OE7-02 Casilla: 17-21-1018

12311 Dokki, Giza Egypt


Tel: +20 2 37 61 18 62


Fax: +20 2 37 61 18 61



Tel: +593 2 246 8441

CONTACT: Mohamed Elsayed, elsayed@gelcy-eg.com

Fax: +593 2 246 9765 www.fecd.org.ec FECD aims to sustainably improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups in Ecuador, through comprehensive development proposals, based on a human and creative management model. FECD works in the area of​​ local development with methodologies and tools to effectively execute its development strategy and ensure that the participating groups manage themselves.

SEKEM 3 Cairo-Belbeis Desert Road P.O.Box 2834 El-Horreya 2834 Cairo Egypt

CONTACT: William Hernández P., whernand@fecd.org.ec

Tel: +202 2656 4124 Fax: +202 2656 4123 www.sekem.com

ICEA Ecuador Prolongación de la Av. Granda Centeno Urbanización el Alcázar, Pasaje 2, No. OE7-02 Casilla: 17-21-1018 Quito Pichincha Ecuador Tel: +593 2 243 7249 Fax: +593 2 246 9765 www.icea.com.ec Analysis and research activities of verification and certification of organic products and services CONTACT: William Hernández P., whernand@icea.com.ec

SEKEM is the first initiative to develop biodynamic farming methods in Egypt, building up fertile soil structures, improving agro-biodiversity and promoting organic composting; all products of the system can be sold, used in processing or re-used in cultivation. SEKEM’s commitment to innovative development led to the nationwide application of biodynamic methods to control pests and improve crop yields. For example, in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, SEKEM deployed a new system of plant protection for cotton, reducing total pesticide intake to less than 10% and leading to a ban on crop dusting in the country. SEKEM has grown in the last decade to become a nationally renowned enterprise and market leader in organic consumer goods. Apart from strong and long-lasting export partnerships in Europe and the US, today, more than half of SEKEM’s overall sales are domestic within Egypt, making the country home to one of the largest markets of organic products. CONTACT: Helmy Abouleish, helmy.abouleish@sekem.com



Eesti Biodunaamika Ühing Paiste Str. 10

Egyptian Biodynamic Association

11620 Tallinn

3 Belbes Desert Road, P.O.B. 1535 Alf Maskan


11777 El-Salam City - Cairo

Tel: +372 505 7441


Fax: +372 608 9341

Tel: +20 265 64154 Fax: +20 26564133


CONTACT: Juhan Särgava, saidafarm@

www.ebdaegypt.org We promotie the biodynamic agriculture concept by: • Training courses in biodynamic agriculture for farmers, consumers, engineers and government staff. Courses covers all aspects of the agriculture chain • Providing all the required services, consultancy, farm management, documentation etc. to enable biodynamic farms to be inspected by international auditors. • Applied research projects in the field of biodynamic agriculture. • Cooperation with international authorities and organizations working in similar fields. • Administrating the private trademark DEMETER for biodynamic products in Egypt.

Estonian Organic Farming Foundation Kungla 1a 50403 Tartu Estonia Tel: +372 5225936

CONTACT: Angela Hofmann, angela.hofmann@sekem.com

Fax: +372 742 2746 www.maheklubi.ee CONTACT: Airi Vetemaa, airi.vetemaa@gmail.com



Institute for Sustainable Development

Kurmakka - Organic Food Ltd.

P.O. Box 171

Puolikuu 3 D

1110 Addis Abeba

2210 Espoo



Tel: +251 116 186774

Tel: +358 50 5505225 Fax: +358 508 5505225

Fax: +251 116 186769 www.isd.org.et


We work toward: 1 – Rehabilitating degraded environments, improving natural resource management by and productivity of Ethiopia’s smallholder farmers living in the arid and semi-arid environments of the highlands in northern (Tigray & South Wollo Zone of Amhara), central (Gembichu woreda of Oromiya) and southern (Arba Minch) areas based on ecological principles and low external inputs. 2 – Supporting environment clubs in 22 government schools in all regions to grow vegetables organically, raise and plant out locally important tree seedlings, learn about the rich indigenous knowledge of farmers, and become advocates for improved environmental management in their local communities. 3 ¬ Support groups of out-of-school youth to develop effective organizational and leadership skills, learn skills for income generation through organic vegetable and fruit production, raising chickens, bee-keeping and growing mushrooms.

We offer consulting & marketing services for organic businesses, especially for the export of organic products, communications, and mentoring organic businesses promotion. CONTACT: Erkki Pöytäniemi, erkki@organic-finland.com

Luomuliitto ry - Finnish Organic Association PL 145 00101 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 400534003

CONTACT: Susan Edwards, sustaindeveth@ethionet.et

www.luomuliitto.fi The Finnish Organic Association promotes the organic sector in Finland. We publish the most important magazine in the organic sector (Luomulehti). We have 13 local organizations which carry out local activities. We elect the organic product and entrepreneur of the year and coordinate the Organic Week.

Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union Debrezit Road Close to St. Joseph Church 122641 Addis Abeba

CONTACT: Elisa Niemi, luomuliitto@luomuliitto.fi

Ethiopia Tel: +251 114 4317 74 Fax: +251 114 4025 33 www.yirgacheffecoffeeunion.com

MaBio Oy

Representing 43,794 farmers and more than 300,000 counting their family, the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperatives Ltd. was established in June 2002 and its 23 member cooperative is located in Gedeo zone in Southern Ethiopia, one of the most famous coffee growing region in the country. We are organic and specialty coffee producer, processors and exporter. Our mission is to expand the export market of coffee and other products of our farmers, guaranteeing them an increase of their income. In addition, we ensure that the farmers get stable income that is not negatively affected by the change in coffee prices.

Osuuskunnantie 33 B 14

CONTACT: Messekerem Tessema, yirgacheffe@ethionet.et

660 Helsinki Finland Tel: +358 20 7418 940 www.mabio.fi MaBio is a private company offering consultation on marketing communication of organic products and services in Finland. Mixing the passion of promoting organic food and farming, marketing skills and work in customer service were the basis for setting up the MaBio company. We are few in number working for the company, but through our network and partners, everything is possible! CONTACT: Marika Auersalmi, marika.auersalmi@mabio.fi


Fiji Organic Association P.O. Box 9870 Nadi Airport Nadi Fiji Tel: +679 9963303 Fax: +679 6724569 www.foa-site.com Promoting organic agriculture within Fiji. Facilitating organic certification and education. CONTACT: Saten Reddy, saten_reddy@bat.com


Formabio Bergerie Nationale Parc du Château 78120 Rambouillet

ABioDoc - VetAgro Sup Campus Agronomique 89 avenue de l‘Europe - BP 35 63370 Lempdes France

France Tel: +33 161086901 Fax: +33 161086893 www.educagri.fr CONTACT: Nathalie Arrojo, nathalie.arrojo@educagri.fr

Tel: +33 4 73 98 13 99 Fax: +33 4 73 98 13 98 www.abiodoc.com ABioDoc, the National resource centre on organic farming, is a documentation center, which contains a collection specialized in organic agriculture, with technical, economic and regulation references. ABioDoc offers different services to the general public (edition of a monthly bibliographic review, the Biopresse ; service “Questions-Answers”, manage the most important French data base on organic farming with free access on its website)and an organic stakeholders database, education, research, advisory services and animation in organic farming. CONTACT: Sophie Valleix, abiodoc@educagri.fr

Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique Agroparc 255 Chemin de la Castelette BP 11283 84911 Avignon Cedex 9 France Tel: +33 490 840170 Fax: +33 490 840037 www.grab.fr

Ecocert France B.P. 47 32600 L‘Isle Jourdain France

The Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. (GRAB) has experience in leading research and extension projects in organic farming in France since 1979. GRAB scientists are recognised as experts for organic fruit, vegetable and grapevine crops. CONTACT: Vianney Lepichon, direction.grab@freesbee.fr

Tel: +33 562 073424 Fax: +33 562 071167 www.ecocert.fr CONTACT: Arnaud Guyou, arnaud.guyou@ecocert.com Guayapi Tropical 55, Rue Traversière Ecocert SA

75012 Paris

B.P. 47


32600 L‘Isle-Jourdain



Tel: +33 143 465243 Fax: +33 143 461898

Tel: +33 5 62073424 Fax: +33 5 62071167



CONTACT: Valentin Wolf, info@guayapi.com

CONTACT: Michel Reynaud, michel.reynaud@ecocert.com

Fédération Nationale d‘Agriculture Biologique des Régions de France 40, rue de Malte 75011 Paris

Institut Technique de l‘Agriculture Biologique


149, rue de Bercy

Tel: +33 1 43 38 38 69

75595 PARIS Cedex 12

Fax: +33 1 43 38 38 70

France Tel: +33 1 40 04 50 64

www.fnab.org The National Federation of Organic Agriculture (FNAB) represents over 10, 000 organic farmers in France of the 20, 000 identified in 2010. The FNAB was created in 1978 by 4 organic farmers and gathers nowadays as a network 78 local and 22 regional groups with a total of 250 employees. The FNAB network works with national and local public authorities and numbers of NGO’s to develop organic farming in France. FNAB has contributed to the creation of a private organic brand and label called “Bio cohérence” in 2010. CONTACT: Julien Adda, jadda@fnab.org

Fax: +33 1 40 04 50 66 www.itab.asso.fr We are involved in the following activities: Coordination; research and technical actions carried out in the field of organic farming. Link up; connecting actors in the organic farming network. Assessment; research programmes and experiments. Information; inform farmers and advisers about research results and technical knowledge CONTACT: Krotoum Konate, krotoum.konate@itab.asso.fr

Inter Bio Bretagne

Starting Dot

33 av Winston Churchill BP 71612

3 Bis Blvd de la Saussaye 92200

35016 Rennes Cedex




Tel: +33 2 99540323

Tel: +33 1 82839231

Fax: +33 2 99339806

Fax: +



Inter Bio Bretagne is a regional umbrella organization of the organic sector in Brittany (France). It was created in 1995 and gathers 6 great families of actors : organizations of organic producers, suppliers of goods (animal feeds, inputs, material...), processors, distributors, service providers (training, research, technical advice), associations of consumers. Inter Bio Bretagne is a place of exchange, dialogue and representation in which the professionals of the organic sector become actors in the fields of organic regulations, structuring organic sectors, research, communication, and catering. CONTACT: François Le Lagadec, contact@interbiobretagne.asso.fr

Starting Dot seeks to increase the visibility of the organic farming sector on the internet by launching the new internet extension “Bio”. This BIO extension allows an accredited organic farmer, or small or large coop or company, to set up a website with a name ending in Bio, thereby indicating involvement in the organic farming sector, unlike a website ending in the generic or ORG or COM. Registration will be limited for food and farming organizations, to those certified as organic. CONTACT: Eric Pierson, epierson@startingdot.com

13 Boulevard Louis Blanc

Syndicat National des Transformateurs de l‘Agriculture Biologique

30100 Alès

28 rue de la Chapelle


75018 Paris

Nature et Progrès

Tel: +33 466 91 21 94


Fax: +33 466 91 21 95

Tel: +33 148 04 01 49

www.natureetprogres.org Nature & Progress is an association which brings together stakeholders of organic products, from producers to consumers. Set-up in 1964, we wrote the first specifications of organic agriculture in France before the implementation of EU organic regulation. Nature & Progres is a PGS delivering its label on the basis of its private standards associated with an ethic charter. It also publishes a magazine. Active association of practical ecology it offers a concrete alternative, a vision of society based on relations of friendliness and closeness between people and their environment. CONTACT: Claire Julien, c.julien@natureetprogres.org

Fax: +33 148 04 01 64 www.synabio.com CONTACT: Cécile Frissur, synabio@synabio.com

French Polynesia

OSO R&O, Seafood Gastronomy 1 Avenue des Savoies

EDEN PARC - Bio Strategies BP 43138

94150 Rungis

98713 FT Papeete



Tel: +33 1 45 12 71 71

French Polynesia

Fax: +33 1 45 12 70 04


www.madagascar-gambas.com OSO is an Organic Madagascan Shrimp producer, fully vertical from hatchery, growing farm, and processing. OSO has opened a new era in Seafood Gastronomy in bringing to EU Consumers a true alternative to the wild caught shrimp market. Under the the AB-Organic Regulation in France and EU Regulation 834-2007, OSO became the first farm Worldwide to have been certified under the AB Label , an official organic certfication, as early as 2007. OSO’s contribution to the sustainable seafood industry was recognised by Seaweb/SEAFOOD CHOICES ALLIANCE ngo with the presentation of the SEAFOOD CHAMPION award for the year 2009. Visit OSO, the leading company on organic & sustainable seafood on www.madagascar-gambas. com in french AB-Organic Regulation CONTACT: Mathias Ismail, mathias@madagascar-gambas.com

+689 70 68 62

Fax: +689 83 66 67 www.edenparc.org Eden Parc is an agro-ecological orchard park created in 1986 on Huahine (west island of Tahiti). The founder has been organically farming since 1978 and has travelled and stayed over most of the tropical countries. Eden Parc has become on of the most visited places in French Polynesia. The productive impact of its organic certification in 2002 now sees the founder in external demand for organic development as a consultant on under tropics. He is now active in POET Com, the Pacific Organic organization. CONTACT: Gilles Tehau Parzy, bio@edenparc.org

Agreco R. F. Göderz GmbH


Mündener Straße 19 37218 Witzenhausen Germany

Ecological Farming Association of Georgia „SEMA“

Tel: +49 5542 4044

34-A Kakheti road, Flat # 22


190 Tbilisi

Fax: +49 5542 6540 CONTACT: Richard F. Göderz, info@agrecogmbh.de

Georgia Tel: +995 93 30 5032 Fax: +995 32 227004 www.sema.ge CONTACT: Beso Kalandadze, ecosema@gmail.com

ALNATURA GmbH Darmstädter Straße 63 64404 Bickenbach Germany Tel: +49 6257 93 22 0 Fax: +49 6257 93 22 688


www.alnatura.de ALNATURA GmbH is an organic distributor and retailer, situated in Germany CONTACT: Manon Haccius, manon.haccius@alnatura.de

a‘verdis Nachhaltige Verpflegungslösungen GbR Mendelstraße 11 48149 Münster

artebio GmbH & Co KG


Munstermannskamp 1

Tel: +49 251980 1220

21335 Lüneburg

Fax: +49 251980 1229




We are an internationally operating consulting company. We work together with our clients to develop sustainable foodservice solutions for the catering, restaurant and foodservice sectors. We envision solutions that are attractive and economically sound on a health-promoting and ecologically sustainable basis. We are deeply committed to training and knowledge transfer whereby we seek to empower those with whom we work. We make sure all stakeholders are reached by engaging in professional public relations.

Tel: +49 4131 244 48 0 Fax: +49 4131 244 48 -79 www.artebio.de CONTACT: Alexandra Thöring, artebio@artebio.de

CONTACT: Carola Strassner, carola.strassner@a-verdis.com

Association of Bio-Dynamic Plant Breeders e.V.


Hof Darzau 1

Johannes Acker 6

29490 Neu Darchau

35041 Marburg



Tel: +49 5853 1397

Tel: +49 6420 822870 Fax: +49 6420 822871 www.agrecol.de

Fax: +49 5853 1394 www.abdp.org

AGRECOL-Seminare’s activities include training and advisory services in agrobiodiversity management, rural development, Organic agriculture and sustainable agriculture

ABDP is working on issues of organic and biodynamic plant breeding related to questions of suitable breeding methods, certification of breeding procedures, representing breeders interest in legislation setting and organizing of meetings.

CONTACT: Johannes Kotschi, kotschi@agrecol.de

CONTACT: Karl-Josef Mueller, abdp@abdp.org

Assoziation ökologischer Lebensmittelhersteller e.V. Dr. Gartenhof Str. 4 97769 Bad Brückenau Germany Tel: +49 9741 4834 Fax: +49 974 1932201 www.aoel.org CONTACT: Alexander Beck, alex.beck@bl-q.de

BIOHERB P.O. Box 12 16 37202 Witzenhausen Germany Tel: +49 55426466 Fax: +49 554272891 www.bioherb.de We provide consultancy, development work, supply chain management, and trade promotion. CONTACT: Birgitt Boor, birgitt.boor@bioherb.de

Atriplex GmbH Peter-Wust-Strasse 31 48149 Münster Germany

Biokreis e.V.

Tel: +49 251 2007661

Stelzlhof 1

Fax: +49 251 2007685

94032 Passau



CONTACT: Franz Joseph Witte, info@atriplex.net

Tel: +49 851 756500 Fax: +49 851 7565025 www.biokreis.de

BCS Öko-Garantie GmbH

Biokreis e.V. is a german NGO that supports organic agriculture, and mainly conducts certification and consulting for organic growers and manufacturers.

Cimbernstraße 21

CONTACT: Josef Brunnbauer, info@biokreis.de

90402 Nürnberg Germany Tel: +49 911 424390 Fax: +49 911 492239 www.bcs-oeko.com CONTACT: Peter Grosch, info@bcs-oeko.de

Bioland e.V. Kaiserstr.18 55116 Mainz Germany

BioFach - World Organic Trade Fair NürnbergMesse GmbH

Tel: +49 6131 239790



90471 Nürnberg

Fax: +49 6131 2397927


Bioland is a Farmer’s organization. Its main activities include: Standard setting, certification Advisory services, education, editing books

Tel: +49 911 86060

CONTACT: Eckhard Reiners, eckhard.reiners@bioland.de

Fax: +49 91186068645 www.biofach.de CONTACT: Udo Funke, biofach@nuernbergmesse.de

Biofrisch GmbH


Obertal 5

Rövertannen 13

77654 Offenburg

18273 Güstrow



Tel: +49 781 9368400

Tel: +49 384 3 24 50 30

Fax: +49 781 9368401

Fax: +49 384 3 24 50 32




We are active in certification and lobbying in Organic Agriculture.

CONTACT: Heribert Schramm, h.schramm@biofrisch.net

CONTACT: Delia Micklich, info@biopark.de

Bio Verlag GmbH

Certification of Environmental Standards GmbH

Magnolienweg 23

Vorderhaslach 1

63741 Aschaffenburg

91230 Happurg



Tel: +49 6021 44890

Tel: +49 915 8928290

Fax: +49 6021 4489499 www.naturkost.de Schrot&Korn – the monthly customer magazine for the natural food trade. Over 2,800 organic retailers (organic stores, organic supermarkets, farm shops, organic bakeries and health stores) distribute about 700,000 magazines monthly. Schrot & Korn draws a clear distinction between organic in conventional stores and natural foods, and provides good reasons on why to buy in specialty stores. Attractive recipe series, product information, and product presentations all provide readers information on organic groceries. The section “Well-being” looks, in particular, at health and wellness, offers useful tips and shows the advantages of natural cosmetics. “Meeting Place” provides information on natural foods and natural products with examples from companies and interviews with well-known personalities. Every month the section “Perspectives” offers a variety of information on organic cultivation, health, fashion, politics, environment, travel, building, living and mobility.

Fax: +49 915 89289862 www.ceres-cert.com CONTACT: Bernhard Schulz, ceres@ceres-cert.com

Certification Services International GmbH Flughafendamm 9A 28816 Bremen Germany

CONTACT: Sabine Kauffmann, info@bioverlag.de

Tel: +49 421 5977322 Fax: +49 421 594771 Bundesfachverband Deutscher Reformhäuser


19246 Zarrentin

CSI operates as a licensed inspection body for the certification of organic products according to EC Organic and equivalent regulations and is accredited to EN 45011. Our staff comprises of food experts, specialised in inspecting organic farms and processing organic products.


CONTACT: Andreas Wallbaum, info@csicert.com

Ernst Litfassstr.16

Tel: +49 38 85151542 Fax: +49 38 8515141 www.reformhaus.de CONTACT: Hans-Jürgen Wedemeyer, h.wedemeyer@neuform.de

COLABORA Alefeld 21 Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren (BNN) e.V. Albrechtstraße 22 10117 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 847122427 Fax: +49 30 847122440 www.n-bnn.de We are involved in food processing and trading as well as pesticide monitoring of organic fruit and vegetables.

53804 Much Germany Tel: +49 2245 61865 2 Fax: +49 2245 61865 3 www.colabora-together.de COLABORA is working on environmental issues, sustainability in all its facets with a focus on organic agri- and food culture. The three main working fields are Communications, Events, and Consultancy. CONTACT: Bernward Geier, b.geier@colabora-together.de

CONTACT: Elke Röder, kontakt@n-bnn.de

Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft e.V. Marienstrasse 19-20 10117 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 302 8482300 Fax: +49 302 8482309 www.boelw.de CONTACT: Alexander Gerber, info@boelw.de

Demeter e.V. Deutschland Brandschneise 1 64295 Darmstadt Germany Tel: +49 6155 846942 Fax: +49 6155 846911 www.demeter.de CONTACT: Jochen Leopold, jochen.leopold@demeter.de

Demeter International e.V.

ECOVIN Bundesverband Ökologischer Weinbau e.V.

Brandschneise 1

Wormser Straße 162

64295 Darmstadt

55276 Oppenheim



Tel: +49 61558469 99

Tel: +49 61331640

Fax: +49 61558469 11

Fax: +49 61331609

www.demeter.net Demeter International is an organisation that is concerned with the worldwide registration and protection of the Demeter trademark, produce production, processing and labelling standards for the use of the Demeter trademark and supports the expansion of Biodynamic agriculture through out the world.

www.ecovin.de CONTACT: Ralph Dejas, r.dejas@ecovin.de

CONTACT: Ian Henderson, ian.henderson@demeter.net

EkoConnect - International Centre for Organic Agriculture of Central and Eastern Europe e. V

Ecocert Deutschland GmbH Güterbahnhofstraße 10 37154 Northeim

Arndtstr. 11


DE-01099 Dresden

Tel: +49 5551 9084310


Fax: +49 5551 9084380

Tel: +49 351 2066172

www.ecocert.com We undertake Organic Food Products Inspection & Certification in Germany acc. EC 834/2007, NOP & JAS Regulations. Inspection & Certification in Germany and neighbouring countries of Organic Food Products acc. NOP & JAS, Cosmetics acc. Ecocert Natural & Organic Cosmetic Standard, Fair Trade practices acc. Ecocert Fair Trade Standard, Inspection and Attestation of Organic Inputs, Inspection of Organic Textiles acc. GOTS.

Fax: +49 351 2066174 www.ekoconnect.org CONTACT: Bernhard Jansen, info@ekoconnect.org

CONTACT: Regina Arnemann, regina.arnemann@ecocert.com Entwicklungsbüro für Ökologischen Landbau Lindenberg

Ecoland e.V. - Verband für Ökologische Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft

Am Holzweg 4

Haller Str. 20

39615 Lindenberg ®

74549 Wolpertshausen Germany Tel: +49 790 497970 Fax: +49 790 4979779 www.ecoland.de CONTACT: christoph.zimmer@besh.de




Germany Tel: +49 39398 302 Fax: +49 39398 40041 www.entwicklungsbuero.com The Entwicklungsbüro für Ökologischen Landbau Lindenberg’s activities include consulting, teaching und training, research, and agriculture CONTACT: Hartmut Wöllner, entwicklungsbuero@web.de

Faculty Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of KasselWitzenhausen

Forschungsring für BiologischDynamische Wirtschaftsweise e.V. Brandschneise 5

Steinstr. 19

64295 Darmstadt

37213 Witzenhausen



Tel: +49 615584210

Tel: +49 554 2981260 Fax: +49 554 2981309

Fax: +49 6155842125 www.forschungsring.de

www.uni-kassel.de/agrar CONTACT: Hans Hemann, dekfb11@wiz.uni-kassel.de

We carry out research on organic agriculture, especially biodynamic, provide quality approvement of organic products and conduct educational activities (Workshops etc.) CONTACT: Uwe Geier, geier@forschungsring.de

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland Kasseler Strasse 1a 60486 Frankfurt am Main Germany Tel: +49 69 71376990

FRUXOTIC International Consultancy

Fax: +49 69 71376999

Wildbachstrasse 67 97896 Freudenberg-Boxtal

www.fibl.org FiBL Deutschland e.V. provides scientific services to organic agriculture, especially at the interface between research and agricultural practice. From this mandate it derives the four pillars of its work for organic agriculture and the organic food industry. These pillars are knowledge transfer, drawing up concepts to strengthen organic agriculture, scientific support for stakeholders in the field and the promotion of stakeholdernetworks.


CONTACT: Klaus-Peter Wilbois, klaus.wilbois@fibl.org

Fachverein Öko-Kontrolle

FRUXOTIC offers specialized services and advice along the entire trade value chain of organic fruits and vegetables to producers, processors, traders, consumers and project developers which includes qualitative improvement of the products taking into account environmental, social and economic aspects; in particular the complementary topics bio-energy and food security, emission reduction, and climate protection, fair trade and sustainable environment sanitation.

Plauerhäger Str. 16

CONTACT: Heinz-Peter Mang, hpmang@t-online.de

Germany Tel: +49 9377 929226 Fax: +49 9377 929227 www.fruxotic.de

19395 Karow Germany Tel: +49 387 3870755 Fax: +49 387 3870756 www.fachverein.de CONTACT: Jens Freitag, info@fachverein.de

Gäa e.V. - Vereinigung ökologischer Landbau Bundesverband Arndstrasse 11


DE-01099 Dresden Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International e.V.


Bonner Talweg 177

Fax: +49 351 4015519

53129 Bonn


Germany Tel: +49 228 949230 Fax: +49 228 2421713 www.fairtrade.net Fairtrade is an internationally recognised, multi-stakeholder, non-profit organization, focusing on the empowerment of people in developing countries through trade. Fairtrade’s mission is to connect disadvantaged producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives. Fairtrade International provides the leadership, tools and services to inspire and empower more people to achieve Fairtrade’s vision and mission. CONTACT: Andreas Kratz, a.kratz@fairtrade.net

Tel: +49 351 4012389




Out of an environmental movement Gäa e.V. - association of organic farming was founded in Dresden in 1988. Gäa became the first East German organic farmers organization . The main objective is to provide information and guidance for farmers, gardeners and processors for the conversion process to organic principles. Lobbying and capacity building in the field of the organic sector are main objectivs. Gäa has developed own standards and started inspection and certification activities in 1991. A delegation of Gäarepresentatives from the former German Democratic Republic attended the first IFOAM meeting for East European countries in Tarnow/Poland in 1989. In 1990 Gäa became a member of IFOAM within the East European group. Gäa has been accredited in the IFOAM accreditation programm since 2004. In 2005, Gäa was approved by Bio Suisse. CONTACT: Christian Pein, christian.pein@gaea.de

Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Bonn

Gesellschaft für Boden, Technik, Qualität Birkenstraße 10

Katzenburgweg 3

74592 Kirchberg/Jagst

53115 Bonn



Tel: +49 7954 216

Tel: +49 228 732883 Fax: +49 228 735617

Fax: +49 7954925995 www.btq-bundesverband.de


The BTQ conducts on farm research in questions of holistic physiology. This means that weeds and other culture-accompanying plants as well as insects depend on inner soil processes which can be influenced such that weed regulation is not necessary. The year programm includes field days, seminars and lectures on these topics.

CONTACT: Daniel Neuhoff, d.neuhoff@uni-bonn.de

Integrated Art I Holding AG

CONTACT: Hartmut Heilmann, hartmut.heilmann@t-online.de

Müggelseedamm 162 12587 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 30 616 74 828

Gesellschaft für Ressourcenschutz mbH Prinzenstr. 4 37073 Göttingen Germany Tel: +49 551 58657 Fax: +49 551 58774 www.gfrs.de CONTACT: Jochen Neuendorff, postmaster@gfrs.de

Fax: +49 30 616 74 829 www.integrated-art.com Our organisation is an an ethical public limited company, founded by interdiciplinary experts who deeply believe, that health in a holistic meaning as an “art of life” is a key value. The integration of organic, sustainable values with economic and healthy principles under the seal and label ECOWELLNESS is one of the most important business units of our organisation. We want to build an international network of farmers, producers and distributors who work together under this” life sience label”. CONTACT: R. Stefan Tomek, rtomek@oekowellness.de

Kamut Enterprises of Europe bvba Ellerstraße 24 53119 Bonn

Hanspeter Schmidt, Attorney-at-law, Germany


Zasiusstraße 35

Tel: +49 228 36024637

79102 Freiburg im Breisgau

Fax: +49 22836024640



Tel: +49 761 702542

We do the marketing as well as protection of the tradename “KAMUT(r)” in the European Union.

Fax: +49 761 702520 www.hpslex.com CONTACT: Hanspeter Schmidt, hps@hpslex.de

CONTACT: Gabriele Holtmann, gabriele.holtmann@kamut.com

Landwirtschaft & Oekologisches Gleichgewicht mit Osteuropa Hochschule RheinMain - University of Applied Sciences - Faculty Geisenheim - Dept. Organic Viticulture

Schwarzer Weg 35 49536 Lienen Germany Tel: +49 5484962222

Von Lade Str. 1

Fax: +49 5484962221

65366 Geisenheim Germany Tel: +49 672 2502727 Fax: +49 672 2502710 www.hs-rm.de CONTACT: Prof. Dr. Randolf Kauer, r.kauer@fbg.fh-wiesbaden.de

www.logoev.de LOGO e.V. offers internships and seminars in Germany for young agrarian specialists from Eastern Europe, the Caucasian States and Central Asia. In its partner states LOGO organizes conferences and carries out projects in organic agriculture. CONTACT: Irmgard Rennemeier, info@logoev.de

Committed to creating value Lebensbaum - Ulrich Walter GmbH Dr.-Jürgen-Ulderup-Strasse 12 49356 Diepholz Germany Tel: +49 54 41 98 56 0 Fax: +49 54 41 98 56 101 www.lebensbaum.de Proceeding and trading 100% certified organic tea, coffee, herbs & spices.

International consultancy

CONTACT: Dr. Achim Mayr, am@lebensbaum.de

Our expertise includes… • Strategy, business and organisational development • Organic food and farming, and aquaculture • Sustainability topics • Market and feasibility studies • Sourcing of ingredients and products • Trade support • Conferences and study tours • Certification and accreditation issues • Software for certification management and traceability


Munich - Germany Bangalore - India Minneapolis - USA Naturkost Schramm Import-Export GmbH

Organic Services GmbH

Ludwig-Winter-Strasse 6

Landsberger Str. 527

77767 Appenweier

81241 München



Tel: +49 780 596680

Tel: +49 89 820 759 08

Fax: +49 780 5966880

Fax: +49 89 820 759 19



CONTACT: Hermann Heldberg, info@schramm-naturkost.com

Kullrichstraße 1

‘Organic Services’ is an international strategy and management consultancy specialized in organic food, sustainability and development matters. With more than 30 years of experience we are passionate about challenges that matter to our clients, and often to the world. Our services include market development and related research, strategy development, communication and promotion, business and project development, capacity building, quality management and related IT tools, and biogas. Organic Services, located in Germany, extends to India and the USA

44141 Dortmund

CONTACT: Gerald A.Herrmann, g.herrmann@organic-services.com

Nak-karitativ e.V.

Germany Tel: +49 231 57700 102 Fax: +49 231 57700 109

Organic-Market.Info / Bio-Markt. Info

www.nak-karitativ.de CONTACT: Martin Petzoldt, m.petzoldt@nak-karitativ.de

Waldstr.4 36341 Lauterbach Germany Tel: +49 6641 644 30 08 Fax: +49 6641 5189 www.organic-market.info

Naturland Association for Organic Agriculture ®

Kleinhaderner Weg 1 82166 Graefelfing Germany




Organic-Market.Info provides regular news and reports in English, German and French in the internet partly free of charge and in other parts only for subscribers. www.Organic-Market.Info / www.Bio-Markt.Info / www.BioMarché.Info CONTACT: Kai Kreuzer, kk@organic-market.info

Tel: +49 8989 8082 0 Fax: +49 8989 8082 90 www.naturland.de Naturland –Association for organic agriculture is a private certification body and a farmer’s association. Naturland promotes organic agriculture throughout the world and is currently active in 50 countries. With its 55,000 farmers and over 500 manufacturers as Naturland partners, it is one a major organic farming associations. Naturland regards organic competence and social responsibility as interdependent. Social standards are an integral part of each Naturland certified product. Naturland certification standards range from organic production, aquaculture, sustainable capture fishery to processing and trade as well as non-food areas like forest management, cosmetics and textiles. Naturland fair trade standards offer a further possibility for added value. CONTACT: Christina Reifenrath, c.reifenrath@naturland.de

otx AG Gelderländerstr.6 29456 Hitzacker Germany Tel: +49 5862 94396 70 Fax: +49 5862 17998 009 www.o-tx.com We are a trading platform for organic raw materials and independent market informations CONTACT: Martin Timmermann, martin.timmermann@o-tx.de


Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau (SÖL)

Tiergartenstraße 32

Weinstraße Sued 51

54595 Prüm

67098 Bad Duerkheim



Tel: +49 6551 147 641

Tel: +49 6322 989700

Fax: +49 6551 147 645

Fax: +49 6322 989701

www.qci.de CONTACT: Anne-Marie Guignard Kessler, qci.koeln@qci.de

Rapunzel Naturkost GMBH Rapunzelstrasse 1

www.soel.de Major activities of the foundation include the further development and support of organic agriculture. SÖL is a platform for information which we prepare and distribute. As an independent foundation we are also engaged in education and thus play an active part in the further development of organic agriculture. CONTACT: MinouYussefi-Menzler, menzler@soel.de

87764 Legau Germany Tel: +49 833 5290

Tea-Nobilis UG

Fax: +49 833 5291188

Stadt-Au 34


94469 Deggendorf

CONTACT: Heike Kirsten, info@rapunzel.de

Germany Tel: +49 99136083040 Fax: +49 99136083049

Ristic AG


90559 Oberferrieden

Tea-nobilis.de is involved in Organic tea trading and is specialized in importing high quality teas from Taiwan and Korea. The distribution channels used are both retail as well as wholesale.


CONTACT: Helmut Artmeier, info@tea-nobilis.de

Am Espen 15

Tel: +49 918 34090 Fax: +49 918 340949 www.ristic.com CONTACT: Michael Struffert, michael.struffert@ristic.com

Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming Trenthorst 32 23847 Westerau Germany

Reitverein Hof HerrenbergBrombachtal e.V.

Tel: +49 4539 88800 Fax: +49 453 98880120

Hof Herrenberg 1 64753 Brombachtal



The Thuene-Institute of Organic Farming is part of the German Federal Research Institute of Rural Areas, Fishery and Forestry. The function of the research institute is the development of the “Organic Farming of Tomorrow” and independend recommendation to the German government in all fields related to organic farming. The experimental focus lies on the development of organic animal husbandry systems.

Tel: +49 60 63 5799 33 Fax: +49 60 63 5799 53 www.reitverein-hofherrenberg.de We are a sustainably run horsefarm, and organic producers of hay, apples, herbs.

CONTACT: Gerold Rahmann, gerold.rahmann@vti.bund.de

CONTACT: Heike-Christiane Neder, heikecneder@aol.com

Thüringer Ökoherz e.V. Seena Consulting GmbH - Organic Division Mörsenbroicher Weg 185 40470 Düsseldorf Germany Tel: +49 211 626978 Fax: +49 211 62 34 86

Schlachthofstr. 8-10 99423 Weimar Germany Tel: +49 3643 49 63 28 Fax: +49 3643 49 64 07 www.oekoherz.de

Seena Consulting GmbH is an importer of organic products such as herbs, spices, seeds, vegetables, fruits and dehydrated products.

We are involved in environmental education and the support of sustainable lifestyles in the German federal state of thuringia. We work in different kinds of projects, education-programs for school teachers and organic agriculture student education in universities.

CONTACT: Jutta Mohr, gen@seena.de

CONTACT: Alexander Seyboth, info@oekoherz.de


WiN=WiN GmbH - Agentur für globale Verantwortung

Tofutown.com GmbH Industrie und Gewerbepark

Schuhstrasse 4

54578 Tofutown Wiesbaum

73230 Kirchheim unter Teck



Tel: +49 659 399670

Tel: +49 70217269894

Fax: +49 659 39967225 www.soyatoo.com CONTACT: Mathias Boller, matthias.boller@tofutown.com

Fax: +49 702 17269896 www.win--win.de We are a consultancy specialized in emerging economies and CSR-activities of European multinationals. We promote all sorts of social and environmental issues and support our clients in getting development funding. CONTACT: Heinecke Werner, h.werner@win--win.de

Zenique Tea Deutschland

University of Kiel - Department of Organic Agriculture

Uhlandstraße 16 66121 Saarbrücken

Hermann-Rodewald-Straße 9


24118 Kiel

Tel: +49 681 687 1264



Tel: +49 431 8802134 Fax: +49 431 8801387 www.grassland-organicfarming.uni-kiel.de CONTACT: Friedhelm Taube, ftaube@email.uni-kiel.de

Organic Tea from Taiwan.

We are a European importer of Zenique

CONTACT: Thilo Nast, nast@zenique.de

Ghana Verbund Ökohöfe e.V. Windmühlenbreite 25d

Agro Eco - LBI (GH)

39164 Wanzleben

Christman House PMB KA 84 Airport



Tel: +49 39 209 53799


Fax: +49 39 209 53797

Tel: +233 302 786 097


Fax: +233 302 786 154

Verbund Ökohöfe e.V. was founded in 2006. The association’s main activity is the continuous development of various organic regulations as well as the corresponding control and certification of companies. Other activities include agricultural and horticultural production, food processing, forestry, beekeeping, fish farming. Regulations are currently under development for plant breeding and animal transportation. CONTACT: Jürgen Hartmann, verbund-oekohoefe@t-online.de

www.louisbolk.org CONTACT: Willem-Albert Toose, w.toose@louisbolk.org

Eloc Farms Company Limited H/N BAE 13/25, North Baatsona, off Spintex Road, Cantonments CT 2031 Accra Ghana Tel: +233 244 388711 Fax: +233 208973397 www.eloc.nl

Wertform GmbH Buschwerder Hauptdeich 10 21107 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49 407 5304412 Fax: +49 407 5304492 www.wertform.de CONTACT: Petra Meisehen, pme@wertform.com

Eloc Farms is an indigenous Ghanaian family farm focused in the production of organic and fairtrade tropical fruits and vegetables for home consumption and for export. Eloc also assists other smallholder farmer(s) who are interested in producing under organic and sustainable conditions, by providing the needed Internal control System(ICS), required practical training and marketing the farm produce on behalf of the small farmers. Organic products currently grown are; pineapples, papaya, mangos, ginger, tumeric,mirracle berry,cocoa,butternut squash,sweet potatoes. Eloc farms is currently considering to place the organic farm management under a biodynamic farming system. CONTACT: James Benjamin Cole, elocfarms@yahoo.com

Ideal Providence Farms

BIO Hellas - Inspection Institute for Organic Products S.A.

POB CT 1225

27 Omorfokklisias str.

1111 Accra

15122 Marousi-Athens



Tel: +233 244664572


Fax: +233 302812736 IDEAL Providence Farms core business is the agro production of organic fruits, vegetables and spices. In addition natural shea butter and organic certified shea butter from wild collection is mainly for export. CONTACT: Georgina Koomson, ipfghana@yahoo.co.uk

Wad African Foods Limited P. O. Box WJ 371 Weija, Accra Ghana Tel: +41 21 6261815 Fax: +41 21 6261817 www.wadco.ch WAD is the acronym of Weija Agricultural Development. The company started in the year 2000 with the aim of participating in the fight against poverty and continuous dependence of the rural poor in Ghana. The company export fresh and dried fruits produced by small scale farmers in Ghana. Products exported are pineapple, coconut, mango, papaya and coconuts. Wad’s products are exported to Switzerland and Europe CONTACT: Patrick Deegbe, wad@wadco.ch

Tel: +30 210 8211940 Fax: +30 210 8211015 www.bio-hellas.gr BIO Hellas is an accredited certification body that provides inspection and certification services for organic products according to: - The Regulation EC 834/2007 & 889/2008 - The NOP/ USDA Regulation. We also provide inspection services for organic products according to: - Naturland standard Biosuisse standard - Demeter standard - KRAV standard. BIO Hellas provides inspection and certification services according to the private standards: - Natrue (for the certification of organic and natural cosmetics - BIO Kouzina (BIO Hellas private standard for the certification of mass catering operations). BIO Hellas is an approved inspection and certfication body by the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food and by the Moldavian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.The activities of BIO Hellas include the research and promotion of Organic Agriculture and the Development of Inspection and Certification Systems. CONTACT: Kostas Diamantopoulos, info@bio-hellas.gr

Ioannis Kourtidis Consulting Services V. Xintara 11-15


19009 Pikermi Greece Tel: +30 697 388 0069

Attiki Association of Organic Farmers Markets 3 Sakellaridi Str.

Fax: +30 210 60 36291 www.gkbioculture.gr


Agronomist dealing in organic production in Greece since 1996. We organize schemes of growers and wholesalers in order to produce organic products mainly for exporting and giving production guidelines.

Tel: +30 6972 213192

CONTACT: Ioannis Kourtidis, info@gkbioculture.gr

11253 Athens

Fax: +30 2108 614659 www.bioagores.org The Attiki Association of Organic Farmers Markets was founded in 2002. Its aim is the establishment and operation of organic farmers markets where producers may sell their products directly to the consumers. We operate markets in twenty two municipalities in Attiki serving more than ten thousand consumers. At the time being the association numbers more than one hundrent and twenty organic farmers from all over Greece. In our markets we only have organic farmers participate, selling their own organic certified produce such as fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, olive oil, wine, processed goods and herbs.

Organic Marketing & Export Network - O.M.E.N. / BIOCYCLIC NETWORK (BNS Biocyclic Network Services Ltd.) Biocyclic Park (Karydia) P.O. Box 12217 24101 Kalamata

CONTACT: Ioanna Theodosiou, info@bioagores.org

Messinia, Greece Tel: +30 6932 669921

DIO Inspection & Certification Organization 38 Aristotelous Str.

Fax: +30 2112 686698 www.biocyclic-network.gr

Our activities include inspection, certification, publications, seminars and other events, and the promotion of organic farming

BNS Biocyclic Network Services is the central administrative unit that represents and coordinates the activities of the members of BIOCYCLIC NETWORK (group of about 100 certified organic producers that work according to Biocyclic Standards) and the ORGANIC MARKETING & EXPORT NETWORK - O.M.E.N. (group of 5 organic pack houses, 1 vinery and 2 institutions involved in organic inputs and research on Biocyclic production methods). BNS grants marketing support to more than 800 organic operations in Greece and Cyprus and has implemented Biocyclic Standards certified by bio.inspecta and Naturland.

CONTACT: Charikleia Minotou, charmini@otenet.gr

CONTACT: Johannes Eisenbach, eisenbach@biocyclic.net

104,33 Athens Greece Tel: +30 210 8224384 Fax: +30 210 8218117 www.dionet.gr

Physiologike Ltd Ethnikis Antistasis 66


59300 Alexandria Greece Tel: +30 2333 024 440 Asociación Guatemalteca de Exportadores

Fax: +30 2333 024 440 www.physiologike.gr

15 Avenida 14-72, Zona 13

CONTACT: Charikleia Zabraka, info@physiologike.gr

1013 Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 242 23419

Psyllakis Family Farm

Fax: +502 242 23434

Zymbragos 73006 Chania Kolymvari

www.ecologicosguate.org.gt CONTACT: María Consuelo Rosales, maria.rosales@agexport.org.gt

Greece Tel: +30 282 4041301 Fax: +30 282 4083200 www.psillakisestate.gr Family farm growing organic since 1992,olive groves mainly for olive oil production,oranges and vegetable gardens. We have 2 female goats and a female horse of a very old Cretan breed. Bottling and selling our own organic olive oil produce. Selling our organic vegetables to the organic local Coop. CONTACT: Psyllakis Emmanovil, virginoil@otenet.gr

Mayacert S.A. 18 Calle 7-25 Zona 11, Colonia Mariscal Guatemala City Guatemala Tel: +502 24633333 Fax: +502 24633333 ext. 102

Qways - Quality Ways s.a.


8, Dimokratias str 151 27 Melissia

•Organic certification services under the regulations: NOP / USDA, JAS of Japan, (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008 of the European Union, Naturland, Bio Suisse. •Certification Service Coffee Bird Friendly. •Service Utz Certified. •Certification Service C.A.F.E. Practices. •Global GAP Certification Service, HACCP, GAP and GMP. •4C Certification Service. •Code “Con Manos de Mujer” (With Women’s Hands). •Global Compact. •Certification and Registration Inputs for organic farming under the regulations: NOP/USDA, (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008 of the European Union.

Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 6130070 Fax: +30 210 6130071 www.qways.gr QWays - Quality Ways S.A. is a Greek Inspection and Certification Body for Products and Systems in the Agricultural and Environmental sector. With trained inspectors and a certification committee of experts in the organic industry, QWays is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) as a Certification Body in the following areas: • Organic Products (Regulation (EC) 834/07 , Organic Products : crop, wild crop, livestock, aquaculture and processing, handling and retail Organic operations ), according to EN 45011 standard. QWays can provides inspection and certification and certification services according to AIAB “No Food” standards • Food Safety Management Systems in compliance with ISO 22000:2005 standard according to ISO / IEC 17021:2006

CONTACT: EduardoCarrillo, eduardo.carrillo@mayacert.com


CONTACT: Panagiotis Papadopoulos, info@qways.gr

FIDE - Investment and Exports Edificio FIDE. Col. La Estancia, costado sur, Final del Boulevard Morazán P.O. Box #2029 Tegucigalpa MDC Honduras Tel: +504 22216304 Fax: +504 22216316 www.hondurassiexporta.hn FIDE - Investment and Exports - is a private non-profit organization created to promote invesments in Honduras, support export development and work closely with the government and other private organizations to promote and design new legislation aimed at improving the country’s business climate. FIDE runs a series of programs and activities to offer investors and business owners, both local and foreign, a wide range of services to develop new exports or expand existing ones, incl. exports of organic products. CONTACT: Liliana Sánchez, lsanchez@fidehonduras.com

Produce Green Foundation

Hong Kong (China)

18, Hok Tau Village, Fanling New Territories Hong Kong Hong Kong

ITAD Biotechnology Limited

Tel: +852 26741190

3/F., Caltex House, 258 Hennessy Road

Fax: +852 26748077



Hong Kong Tel: +852 2838 3747 Fax: +852 2834 3487 www.itadbiotech.com ITAD Biotechnology Limited (ITAD Biotech), founded in 1993, focuses on the research, development and application of environmental biotechnology. ITAD Biotech provides the most advanced ITAD (Innovative Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion) technology to transform organic waste from municipalities, as well as agricultural and commercial waste, into highly effective organic fertilizers, enzymes and other biological products in agricultural, forestry and horticultural applications.

Produce Green Foundation is a Hong Kong based non-profit charitable organization, which set up Hong Kong’s first educational organic farm in a valley. Through activities and trainings organized on site, PGF promotes organic farming and green living to the public while nurturing skilled people for local organic agriculture. In 2002, it set up the Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre with the Hong Kong Baptist University and the Hong Kong Organic Farming Association. The Centre has set up an organic standard and certification system for local organic products to build trust between consumers and producers. CONTACT: Yuen Yee Lau, vickylau@producegreen.org.hk

CONTACT: Dorothy Kong, dorothykong@itadbiotech.com

Sustainable Ecological Ethical Development Foundation P.O. Box No. 175 Kam Tin Post Office

Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre

New Territories

LMC 505, Lui Ming Choi Centre Ho Sin Hang Campus, Hong Kong Baptist University Kowloon Tong

Fax: +852 3411 2373

Tel: +852 248 80602


Hong Kong Tel: +852 3411 2384

Hong Kong




Fax: +852 248 83630 www.seed.org.hk CONTACT: Pui-Kwan Chu, seed@seed.org.hk

www.hkorc.org Hong Kong Organic Resource Centre (HKORC) is the first local certification body of organic products set up to facilitate the development of organic farming. HKORC aims at increasing the awareness of farmers, consumers and the general public about the role of certification in the production and marketing of organic products, promoting the sustainable development of organic farming in Hong Kong as well as ensuring a safe and quality food supply and an ecologically balanced living environment for our future generations

Hungary Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. Oroszvég lejtő 16

CONTACT: Jonathan Wong, jwcwong@hkbu.edu.hk

1112 Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 13361122 Fax: +36 13151123

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden Lam Kam Road Tai Po New Territories Hong Kong

www.biokontroll.hu We are involved in organic inspection and certification CONTACT: Adrienn Sarkozy, sarkozy.adrienn@biokontroll.hu

Tel: +86 224 837161 Fax: +86 224 831877

Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture


Melczer utca 47

CONTACT: Idy Wong, wly@kfbg.org

1174 Budapest Hungary Tel: +36 1 244 8358

OrganiVerde Farms Ltd.

Fax: +36 1 244 8357

808 Wing On Plaza 62 Mody Road East TST



The goal of the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Ökologai Mezögazdasági Kutatóintézet - ÖMKI) is to strengthen Hungarian organic farming research and development. Our principles are authenticity, innovation performed in close cooperation with producers, practice-oriented research, and an effective knowledge transfer. We aim to scientifically ground and put into practice the potentials of organic farming in Hungary.

Hong Kong Tel: +852 27221968 Fax: +852 27233018 www.organiverde.hk CONTACT: Lam Loi Cheung, organiverde@organiverde.hk

CONTACT: Zoltán Dezsény, zoltan.dezseny@biokutatas.hu

Magyar Biokultúra Szövetség

Verndun Og Ræktun

Fõ u. 28. II. em. 6 1011 Budapest

Akur, Laugarási


801 Selfoss

Tel: +36 121 47005


Fax: +36 121 47005

Tel: +354 486 8983


Verndun Og Ræktun is a union of Organic farmers representing more than 30 producers involved in organic horticulture, herbs, cosmetics, dairy products.

CONTACT: Gabor Czeller, czeller@biokultura.org

CONTACT: Þórður Halldórsson, akurbisk@isholf.is

Magyar Ökogazdálkodók Szövetsége Czinege J.u.1 4071 Hortobágy

Vottunarstofan Tún ehf


Bíldshöfði 12

Tel: +36 525 89122

110 Reykjavík

Fax: +36 523 69108



Tel: +354 511 1330 Fax: +354 511 1331

CONTACT: Bodnár Gabriella, mosz@hunorgfarm.hu

www.tun.is Inspection Certification Standards Education Policy CONTACT: Gunnar Á. Gunnarsson, tun@tun.is

Organic Farmers‘ Association in the Carpathian Basin Wesselenyi 4. 10. 2081 Plicscsaba


Hungary Tel: +36 70 639 3326 Our main goals are to develop a harmonious relationship between the people living in the Carpathian basin and their natural environment; to unite organic farming and bio culture organizations in the countries of the Carpathian basin; to represent the common interests of the member organizations of the Association; to provide the Carpathian basin with GMO-free status. Our activites include conferences, publications, and the promotion of organic farming.

ADITI Organic Certifications Pvt. Ltd. No. 531/A, Priya Chambers, Dr. Rajkumar Road, Rajajinagar 1st Block 560010 Bangaluru Karnataka

CONTACT: Csaba Havasi, karpatbio@gmail.com

India Tel: +91 8023373083 Fax: +91 8023373083 www.aditicert.net


We carry out inspections and certifications as per NPOP/EU-834/2007 and NOP, USDA Standards. CONTACT: Narayana Upadhyaya, aditiorganic@gmail.com

The Farmers Association of Iceland Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority

Bændahöllinni við Hagatorg 107 Reykjavík Iceland

NCUI Bldg, 3rd Fl. August Kranti Marg

Tel: +354 563 0300

110016 New Delhi

Fax: +354 562 3058


www.bondi.is Organic advisory services are provided by the Farmers Association of Iceland (Baendasamtok Islands) through active cooperation with the certification body and universities involved in education and research. CONTACT: Olafur R. Dyrmundsson, ord@bondi.is

Tel: +91 112 6513162 Fax: +91 112 6519259 www.apeda.com CONTACT: Asit Tripathy, chairman@apeda.com

Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited Agro Division

Arihant International 202, 2nd Floor, Modi Heights, opp. Akashwani Ratu Road, Ranchi

Cadila Corporate Campus Sarkehj - Dholka Road Bhat

834005 Ranchi Jharkhand



Gujarat State

Tel: +91 651 228 5029


Fax: +91 651 254 4703 We have manufactured in bio-organic agriculture inputs and have worked on the eastern coast of India for the last 12 years. Now, we are entering the field of organic products to market,export and import in different parts of the world.

Tel: +91 271 8245755 Fax: +91 271 8245295 www.cadilapharma.com/Agro CONTACT: Dr. Vikas Chandak, agro@cadilapharma.co.in

CONTACT: Ashok Kumar Shah, arihantinternational129@gmail.com Castor Products Company

Biocare India Pvt Ltd. Shewalker Garden Wing ‚E‘ Block 57-57 A opp VNIT Gate, S.A. Road Gopal Nagar, Nagpur\ Maharastra, Pin -440022 India

Plot 204, Ward 12/C 370201 Gandhidham Kutch Gujarat India

Tel: +0712 222 4344

Tel: +91 2836 229510

Fax: +0712 222 4344


www.biocareindia.biz CONTACT: SuhasBuddhe, biocare.sales@gmail.com

Biocert India Pvt. Ltd. 74, Sarthak Residency, Shivdham Khandawa Road Limbodi ®

452007 Indore Madhya Pradesh India




Castor Products Company (CPC) is a registered partnership company engaged in manufacturing and exporting castor oil cold pressed - certified Organic and Organic Mango Kernel since 2007 to Germany, Canada, Australia, and the UK. CPC is certified by IMO Controls Private Limited for Organic Agriculture Production NOP & NPOP. We are closely associated with NGOs promoting the organic movement in our region. CPC was recognized by WALA Heilmittel GmbH for its Organic Castor Oil Project and efforts to upliftt small farmers in their newsletter, published September 2010. Next year, we will supply other Organic agro products. CONTACT: Nanalal Satra, nanalal@castorproduct.com

Tel: +91 731 4082 381 Fax: +91 731 4080836

Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems

www.biocertindia.com Biocert India Pvt Ltd is an organic certification body that operates in Indian and Asian countries and certifies growers, processors and handlers of organic crops, wild crops, livestock and livestock products. We provide quality & time effective services to the organic farming sector. BIOCERT India is a group of professionals working in organic certification related activities for over 5 years, who form one umbrella to work for the betterment of organic agriculture. Our expertise is accredited as per NPOP,NOP,JAS,FAIR TRADE, GLOBAL GAP, BIO SUISSE and other organic and quality management standards. CONTACT: Dilip Dhaker, info@biocertindia.com

Bombay Burmah Trading Corp. Mudis (Post), P.O. 642117

30, Gandhi Mandapam Road, Kotturpuram 600085 Chennai Tamil Nadu India Tel: +91 44 2447 1087 www.ciks.org Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS) is an NGO working in the areas of organic agriculture and biodiversity conservation providing livelihood security to small and marginal farmers for the last 16 years in Tamil Nadu. Several training programmes for different target groups are being conducted as part of our activities to extend our scope. As a result a variety of educational materials and audio visuals on various aspects of organic agriculture have been brought out for the farming community. CONTACT: K. Vijayalakshmi, info@ciks.org

Coimbatore Tamil Nadu India Tel: +91 4253 234223 Fax: +91 4253 234231

Cultivator Natural Products Sonamukhi Nagar, Sangaria Fanta, Salawas Road Jodhpur – 342 005 (Rajasthan)



Bombay Burmah Trading Corp. is one of the oldest private limited companies owning tea and coffee plantations in South India. It produces Conventional CTC and Orthodox teas, as well as Organic Black, Green, Baimudan and Oolong teas.

Tel: +91 291 274 84 88

CONTACT: K.A Bharath Mandanna, bbtcl@bom2.vsnl.net.in

Fax: +91 291 512 05 09 http://www.cultivator.in CONTACT: Tarun Prajapati, info@cultivator.in

Enfield Agrobase Ltd.

Chhattisgarh Certification Society India for Forestry & Agriculture

No.3, First Cross Street Kasturbha Nagar Adyar

A-25, VIP Estate Khamardih, Shankar Nagar

600020 Chennai

492007 Raipur



Tel: +91 442 4420605


Fax: +91 442 4911396

Tel: +91 771 2283249 Fax: +91 771 2283249

www.enfieldagro.com CONTACT: N.Balasubramanian, eab@md3.vsnl.net.in

www.cgcert.org The Chhattisgarh Certification Society (CGCERT) Raipur, India for certification was registered (Registration no. 405) on 18th of September 2003 as an autonomous and independent society under the Chhattisgarh Society Registration Act, 1973 (serial no. 44 of year 1973). CGCERT provides organic certification services as per the National Standards for Organic Production (NSOP), 2005 of Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, New Delhi. CGCERT is accredited in INDIA by NAB (National Accreditation Board), Ministry of Commerce of GOI, under the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP). Our accreditation number is NPOP/NAB/0018. CGCERT provides an efficient and cost effective certification service that protects the interests of producers, processors, importers and exporters nationally and internationally, by giving their products a clear distinction. CGCERT maintains its credibility throughout the system. Our mission is to render reliable and affordable inspection and certification. CONTACT: Smiti Sahu, cgcert@gmail.com

Genetic Resource Ecology Energy Nutrition Foundation No. 120, First Floor, 7th Cross Bilekhalli Dollars Layout Off Bannerghatta Road 560 076 Bangalore Karnataka India Tel: +91 8026784509 Fax: +91 8026680995 www.greenconserve.com CONTACT: Vanaja Ramprasad, earthbuddy@gmail.com

Ecocert Office India Sector 3, S-6/3&4, Hindustan Awas Ltd Gut No: 102, Walmi - Waluj Road

Indian Organic Certification Agency

431 002 Nakshatrawadi, Aurangabad

Thottumugham P.O.


683105 Aluva, Ernakulam District



Tel: +91 240 23777120


Fax: +91 240 2376866

Tel: +91 484 2630908

www.ecocert.in CONTACT: Selvam Daniel, office.india@ecocert.com

Fax: +91 484 2630908 www.indocert.org CONTACT: Mathew Sebastian, info@indocert.org

EcoPro Aurosarjan Complex Auroshilpam 605101 Auroville

Indian Society for Certification of Organic Products

Tamil Nadu India

Rasi Building

Tel: +91 413 2622469

641002 Coimbatore

www.ecopro.in EcoPro offers technical guidance and training in EM technology, i.e. the use of so-called “Effective Microorganisms” (EM), a mixture of beneficial microbes as developed by Prof. Teruo Higa, Okinawa, Japan. The fields of application of EM technology are agriculture, animal husbandry, aquaculture, solid waste management, sewage treatment, sanitation and hygiene, bio-remedation, and environmental rehabilitation. EcoPro is an authorized dealer of “Maple EM. 1”, the authentic EM developed by T. Higa and licensed by EM Research Organization, Okinawa. EcoPro offers consultancy, training, educational services and programs in organic agriculture, in sanitation, particularly in ecosan i.e. ecological sanitation, in solid waste management, and other aspects of public hygiene and environmental health. CONTACT: Dr. Lucas Dengel, lucasdl@auroville.org.in

Tamil Nadu India Tel: +91 4222544199 Fax: +91 4222476160 www.iscoporganiccertification.org The Indian Society for Certification of Organic Products (ISCOP) is engaged in the inspection and certification of organic farms, organic products, organic inputs, organic processing, wild collections. Training of inspectors, creating awareness about the importance of organic agriculture and safe and healthy production of foods among the farmers and general public. CONTACT: K. K. Krishnamurthi, profdrkkk@yahoo.com

Institute for Integrated Rural Development

M.R. Morarka - GDC Rural Research Foundation

54, Kanchan Nagar, Nakshatrawadi

Vatika Road Off Tonk Road

431002 Aurangabad

303 905 Jaipur





Tel: +91 240 2379038

Tel: +91 141 277110001

Fax: +91 240 6607135

Fax: +91 141 277110001



IIRD was established in 1987 and is based in the Marathwada region of Maharashtra in central India. IIRD is the recipient of the Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) Award. The organization has pioneered several initiatives for the inclusion of small and marginal farmers in accessing guaranteed organic markets. The local or Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) and Organic Bazaars are among the key initiatives that have enabled thousands of small and marginal organic farmers in India to sell their organic produce.

CONTACT: Mukesh Gupta, info@morarkango.com

maxEEma Biotech Pvt. Ltd. 496, Tajpur Road Off. Sarkhej-Bavla Highway, Changodar 382213 Ahmedabad

CONTACT: Joy Daniel, jdaniel@iird.org.in

Gujarat India Tel: +91 2717 652710

International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture 951 C, 15th Cross, 8th Main, Ideal Homes Township Raja Rajeshwari Nagar 560098 Bangalore Karnataka India Tel: +91 80 28601183

www.maxeemabiotech.com maxEEma takes honour in introducing itself as one of the pioneers of “GreenSafe-Effective-Economical” Agricultural inputs (farm-chemicals). All activities at maxEEma are driven by “MISSION GREENEARTH”. maxEEma has been working in this area of research since 1997 and now happens to be the top Indian Organic crop Care group with state of the art production facility as per GML/GMP Standards. CONTACT: Rahul Bakshi, maxeemabiotech@gmail.com

Fax: +91 80 28600935 www.iccoa.org CONTACT: Manoj Kumar Menon, manoj.menon@iccoa.org Mother India Farms Gem Wellington, F-1, 5th Floor Murgeshapalya, Old Airport Road, Kodihalli Kerala Agricultural Development Society

560017 Bengaluru

Kanjiramattom By-pass Road Thodupuzha P.O., Idukki District - 685 584 India


Tel: +91 4862 223717

India Tel: +91 80 252 10 225

www.kadsindia.org Kerala Agricultural Development Society (KADS) is a registered charitable organization (Reg. no: I-668/2001) formed for the integrated development of the farming communities in Kerala. Our trust area is production and marketing of quality organic farm produce at reasonable costs and affordable prices. We provide necessary assistance to the people in the sustainable management of natural resources and practicing eco-friendly farming. CONTACT: KADS Kerala, kadstdpa@yahoo.com.in

Fax: +91 80 416 47 067 www.motherindiafarms.com Mother India Farms, an organically certified farm, is cultivating varieties of mangoes and value adding like mango pulp, bar, chunks, etc. It is also working with many farmers in Tamil Nadu, Andhra for other products like turmeric, ginger, pepper, spices, essential oils, dry fruits and vegetables. CONTACT: R. Durairaj, durairaj@motherindiafarms.com

Keystone Foundation P.O. Box 35, Groves Hill Road 643217 Kotagiri, Nilgiris District

Mukesh Varma Green Network

Tamil Nadu

Green Park Bungalow No: 1, Lodha Heaven, Dombivali (East)


421204 Mumbai

Tel: +91 4266 272277


Fax: +91 4266 272297



Tel: +91-9322112365

The Keystone Foundation works on issues of Natural Resources & Rural Development with Indigenous Communities in mountainous and adjoining regions, addressing the challenges of conservation,livelihoods and enterprise development through appropriate knowledge and action, technologies, socio-economic innovations and institutions.

Fax: +91-251 2830651

CONTACT: Mathew John, mathew@keystone-foundation.org

CONTACT: Mukesh Varma, mukesh@mukeshvarmagreennetwork.com

www.mukeshvarmagreennetwork.com Organic Agribusiness Advisory Services: Project Develpoment, Training, Marketing, Sourcing, Certification Conformity, Fair Trade, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Accountability (SA 8000)

Organic Farming Association of India

Nanosolutions Anant-Smruti

G-8 St. Britto‘s Apartments, Feira Alta

411046 Pune

403507 Mapusa





Tel: +91 9921014411

Tel: +91 832 2255913

Fax: +91 2024365986 www.nanosolutions.in Nanosolutions is a manufacturer of “Biologically Activated Products from Plant Extracts” (Eco friendly organic drugs), a consultancy & total solution provider in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, veterinary and aquaculture. Its product range includes Natural & Organic Plant Growth Promoters, Plant Growth Regulators, Soil Enhancers, Soil Micro Flora Boosters, Nutritional Supplements to Plants, Animals & Soil. The continual usage of our agro formulations helps farmers stop using chemical fertilizers hence reducing production costs as well as increasing the yield and the quality of the produce. In animal husbandry it helps in fast weight gain as well as a milk booster, fat enhancer and also for animal fertility. Nanosolutions is the pioneer in India and to date the only company for such technologies. CONTACT: Swapnil Waikar, swapnil@nanosolutions.in Natural Organic Certification Association

Fax: +91 832 2263305 www.ofai.org The Organic Farming Association of India or OFAI is a farmer-led, gender mainstreamed organization that mandates its President should always be an organic farmer [of either gender]; that one-third of its Managing Committee should be women and that half of the MC be organic farmers. The remaining members can be scientists, administrators, organic farming promoters and others nominated/elected by the different states of the Indian union @ 3 per state with one of them necessarily being a woman. The main activities of OFAI are advocacy,documentation,networking, capacity building and empowerment of farmers through farmer-to-farmer and scientist-to-farmer transfer of knowledge and skills as well as exchange of innovations and seed materials. OFAI is a leader in the promotion of PGS. It has published PGS manuals in 8 Indian languages and made them freely available to other NGOs and to Federal and State Government agencies for adoption. CONTACT: Nyla Coelso, myofai@gmail.com

Flat No 2, First Floor, Karan Plaza II, Near Rozary School Pune-Bangalore Highway 411048 Warje, Pune Maharashtra India

Parker Biotech Private Limited

Tel: +91 9822006586 Fax: +91 2065218063

No.56-A SMBS Building Ashok Nagar Jafferkhan Pet


600083 Chennai

Natural Organic Certification Association (NOCA) was established with the objective of creating a healthy and trustworthy environment for organic producers (farmers) & organic processors. Our main objective at NOCA is to provide affordable, efficient and timely certification services to serve the growing domestic and international market. NOCA has also entered in International Certification along with BIOAGRICERT ITALY which is leading certification agency in Italy. Its services include: Inspection and Certification Services, Organized Grower Groups, Individual Farmers, Processing & Handling, Trading & Exportation, Wild Collection Projects, Input Approval, Animal Husbandry & Dairy products.

Tamil Nadu

CONTACT: Sanjay Deshmukh, nocaindia@gmail.com

India Tel: +91 44 65730625 Fax: +1 509 352 7261 www.parker-india.com Largest certified organic neem and coconut oil product manufacturer and exporters. Also organic awareness program coordinator in south part of tamil nadu- india CONTACT: C. Sakthivel, sakthi@organicneem.com

Navdanya A-60 Hauz Khas 110016 New Delhi India Tel: +91 116 853772

Peermade Development Society

Fax: +91 116 856795

P.B. No.11, Peermade


685531 Idukki District Kerala

CONTACT: Vandana Shiva, vshiva@vsnl.com

India Tel: +91 486 9233989

OneCert Asia Agri Certification (P) H-08, Mansarovar Industrial Area, Mansarovar 302020 Jaipur Rajasthan India Tel: +91 141 6541882 Fax: +91 141 2395481 www.onecertasia.in CONTACT: Sandeep Bhargava, sandeep@onecertasia.com

Fax: +91 486 9233875 www.pdsorganicspices.com Promotes organic farming among the small farmers and tribal communities with the objective of a greener,healthier and richer world. We also procure and market the organic spices from these communities after processing in a 100% dedicated to organic facility.Recipient of the award for Top Most Exporter of Organic Spices from India. Offers Demeter, Fairtrade and Forest Garden Products certified spices. CONTACT: Dr. Sabu John, pdsorganicspices@gmail.com

Phalada Agro Research Foundations Pvt. Ltd.

Society for Equitable Voluntary Actions

No. 318B, 18th Cross 9th Main, Ideal homes Rajarajeshwarinagar

3C Milan Aptt. 52/3

560 098 Bangalore

West Bengal

700035 Vidyayatan Sarani, Kolkata



India Tel: +91 802 8603214

Tel: +91 3325785590 Fax: +91 3325 776365

Fax: +91 802 8603213


www.phaladaagro.com CONTACT: C. M. N. Shastry, info@phaladaagro.com Priya Chemicals 2, Larissa, 396/B Off. S. Temple Road 400016 Mahim, Mumbai Maharashtra India Tel: +91 222 4449379 Fax: +91 222 4449459 www.priyachem.com CONTACT: R. Y. Angle, angle@vsnl.com

Society for Equitable Voluntary Actions (SEVA) was established in 1985. Currently working in about 35 villages in 3 blocks in the district of 24 Parganas North and 15 Villages in the District of Birbhum. SEVA had a very modest beginning and owes its existance and development mainly to one individual. Society for Equitable Voluntary Actions (SEVA), which is a pellucid, people centred civil society organization based in Eastern India (West Bengal) inducing tenacious social developmental interventions in the areas of Rural Development, Employment Generation, Poverty Alleviation, Education, Health, Water and Sanitation, Agricultural Augmentation, Self Help group, Non conventional Energy and Institutional Capacity Building for women, Farmers, & Future Generation Farmer networks with synergetic alliances with various National and International Developmental Agencies like Japanese Business Community, Tagore Society for Rural Development, Indienhilfe, Germany, HIVOS, Germany, IFOAM, Germany, CONTACT: Asok Ghosh, sevakolkata@gmail.com

Rapid Organic Pvt Ltd. Sunstar Overseas Ltd.

Head Office: B7-8, Godawari Complex New Bus Stand Road

40 KM Stone, GT Karnal Road, Bahalgarh

343041 Sanchore, Jalore

131021 Sonepat





Tel: +91 9549651201

Tel: +91 130 33663355

Fax: +91 2979285734

Fax: +91 130 2381925



Manufacturer and exporter of organic foods, spices, cereals and herbs.

CONTACT: Tarun Sethi, tarunsethi@sunstarmail.com

CONTACT: Yogesh Joshi, rapidorganic@gmail.com

Shakti Biotech

Synergy Systems

Junaid Manzil, 2nd Floor, Flat 2A 7B Ahiripukur Road

G.C.D.A .Complex ,OS49 & OS17 , Marine Drive

700019 Kolkata

682031 Cochin

West Bengal




Tel: +91 33 2287 2400

Tel: +91 484 4026691

www.shaktibiotech.in We are involved in manufacturing and marketing biofertilizers, biopesticides, biofungicides, pesticides of plant origin, enzymebased products, plant growth regulator, etc. for the tea industry, agriculture and horticulture crops. Our aim is to provide ecofriendly, effective and economic solutions to all plant related problems.

Fax: +91 484 2360499 www.synergysys.net CONTACT: B. Jacob, synergee@satyam.net.in

CONTACT: Sandeep Jalan, sandeep@shaktibiotech.in Tansa Organics Pvt. Ltd. Sresta Natural Bioproducts Pvt. Ltd. Sresta House‘, Plot # 7 LIC Colony, Sikh Village 500009 Secunderabad Andhra Pradesh India Tel: +91 4040072526 Fax: +91 4040072527 www.sresta.com CONTACT: Rajashekar Reddy Seelam, rajseelam@sresta.com

2, Gautam, Near TMC Office, Gen. A. K. Vaidya Road, Panchpakhadi 400602 Thane Maharashtra India Tel: +91 22 25391403 Fax: +91 22 25331475 www.indiamart.com/tansaorganics/ Our product brand name is “Tansa Agromeal” an organic manure, it acts as a soil conditioner and helps in attaining a balance of the soil eco-system. CONTACT: Dilip Kand, dilip_kand@yahoo.co.in

The United Nilgiri Tea Estates

Vinayak Fats & Proteins

Chamraj Estate & P.O.

206 Bentinck Chambers 37A Bentinck Street

643204 Nilgiris

700069 Kolkata

Tamil Nadu

West Bengal



Tel: +91 423 2258737

Tel: +91 332 485312

Fax: +91 423 2258837 www.chamrajtea.com

Fax: +91 332 487032 CONTACT: Dalmia Shiv Kishan, infodesk@dalmiagreenfields.com

CONTACT: D. Hegde, chamraj@vsnl.com

Indonesia Indonesia Organic Alliance Jalan Kamper Blok M No. 1, Kompleks Budi Agung

Uttarakhand State Organic Certification Agency

16165 Bogor

House no.12, Vasant Vihar, Phase II

West Java

248006 Dehra Dun


Uttarakhand India Tel: +91 0135 2760734 Fax: +91 0135 2760861 www.usoca.org Uttarakhand State Organic Certification Agency (USOCA) was accredited by the National Accreditation Body (NAB), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India in November 2005 with accreditation No. NPOP/NAB/0011. It is the First Government Body of India accredited for Organic Inspection and Certification as per National and International Standards: ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization as per ISO guide 65 compliance. The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India has authorized USOCA to issue the license for the use of “Agmark India Organic” on certified organic commodities as per the provisions in Organic Agricultural Produce Grading and Marking Rules. USOCA issues Certification as per: NPOP India, NOP United States Department of Agriculture, Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 & Swiss Organic Farming Ordinance, and the Biosuisse Quality Policy: USOCA CONTACT: Himanand Semwal, info@usoca.org

Tel: +62 25181316294 Fax: +62 25181316294 www.organicindonesia.org The Indonesia Organic Alliance’s main programs aims at improving the organizational strength and production quality of small farmers groups therefore enabling them to better access the market, at advancing organic agriculture and fair trade movements in Indonesia and at initiating an independent organization providing special services for organic agriculture & fair trade development. CONTACT: Indro Surono, indro@organicindonesia.org

INOFICE - Indonesian Organic Farming Inspection and Certification JL Tentara Pelajar 1 Koperasi TANTRI 16111 Bogor West Java Indonesia Tel: +62 51 7135644 Fax: +62 51 8381698 www.inofice.com


The Indonesian Organic Farming Certification, abbreviated as INOFICE was founded on April 11, 2005, under the Indonesian Res & Development Inst. for Estate Crops. INOFICE was accredited by the Indonesian National Accreditation Committee in 2008, operates based on IEC Guide 65:1996, CAC/GL 32-2007, and has certified 20 clients that produce more than 50 vegetables, incl. rice, ginger, snake fruit, cashew, cacao, VCO, fungus, and guava. On the process of equivalency program with Phillippines Organic Certification Center & JAS.

Tel: +91 8255 270 254

CONTACT: Achmad Hidayat, mazhid@indo.net.id

Varanashi Research Foundation Adyanadka 574260 Dakshina Kannada District Karnataka

Fax: +91 8255 270 686 www.varanashi.com

Krisnawaty Farm

Varanashi Research Foundation (VRF) is a non-profit motive Charitable Trust. It has set clear, short - as well as long-term goals in the improvement of agriculture and allied fields through research, education and extension with special emphasis on promoting eco-friendly and sustainable organic technologies. VRF has promoted Varanashi Organic Farmers Society (VOFS) with membership of over 900 small and marginal organic farmers. Through ICS these farmers are given technical know-how and also receive organic certification. Necessary arrangements are made to collect and market the organic produce. VAST Centre, sister concern of VRF takes care of supplying necessary organic In-puts and also marketing of organic produce.

c/o Paul ter Weel Kaliaget - Pasirawi - Rawamerta

CONTACT: Varanashi Krishna Moorthy, info@varanashi.com

CONTACT: Paul ter Weel, paulterweel@gmail.com

41382 Karawang West Java Indonesia Tel: +62 819 3224 4243 picasaweb.google.com/paulterweel Organic Farm of 3,5 ha (Rice) and providing seasonlong Farmer/ Children Field School Education during rainy and dry season. Open for internships and research (rice) national and international.

World Food Day Farmers‘Fishermen‘s Movement


Tegalgendu KG II 50/XI Prenggan Kotagede 55172 Yogyakarta Yogyakarta Indonesia

Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association

Tel: +62 274 380776

16A Inis Carrig, Golden Island

Fax: +62 274 380776



Co. Westmeath

Sustainable agriculture and rural development.


CONTACT: Paulus Siskaryanta, sptnhps@yahoo.co.uk

Tel: +353 90 64 33680 www.iofga.org


Ireland’s largest Organic Inspection & Certification company covering all areas of organic production from farming and growing to processing aquaculture retailing and health and beauty products. Publish Ireland’s only organic magazine “Organic Matters” CONTACT: Gillian Westbrook, gillian.westbrook@iofga.org

Biosun Certifier Co. No.19, Gharani St., Arak St. Tehran Iran

Organic Trust Ltd.

Tel: +98 21 88 89 26 28

Vernon House, 2 Vernon Avenue, Clontarf

Fax: +98 21 88 90 80 90

3 Dublin



CONTACT: Mohammad Reza Ardakani, ardakani@biosuncertifier.com

Tel: +353 1 8530271 Fax: +353 1 8530271 www.organictrust.ie

Iran Organic Association

The Organic Trust Ltd is an EU, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (Ireland) and DEFRA (UK) approved organic certification organisation. Established in 1992, the Organic Trust Ltd certifies all enterprises encompassed within organic regulations and also certifies products under the Certified Products Scheme - such products include compost and soil conditioning products as well as Health & Beauty Products. The bulk of Irishproduced organic produce is sold under the Organic Trust logo.

N°254, Taleghani Ave. Tehran Iran Tel: +98 21 887 38 441 www.iranorganic.com

CONTACT: Helen Scully, organic@iol.ie

CONTACT: Mohammad RezaArdakani, info@iranorganic.com



ZSVP – Zakho Small Villages Projects Al-Jamia Jiar 19 19 Dohuk City

Israel Bio-Organic Agriculture Association

Dohuk, Jiar

1 Hayasmin St.


52960 Ramat Efal

Tel: +964 7504508254


Fax: +964 7701876848

Tel: +972 373 61097


Fax: +972 373 61103

ZSVP (Zakho Small Villages Projects) as an local NGO, is interested in community development to promote the ability of vulnerable groups in rural communities and help them achieve a sustainable life. Since 1996, ZSVP has disseminated environmental information and conducted workshops and training courses for diffusing sustainable agriculture methods and environmentally sound technologies, integrated pest management techniques, nutrition methods water and environmental health care to various groups (farmers, rural women, Extension agents, students and NGOs).


CONTACT: Abid Ali Hasan, zsvp@yahoo.com





IBOAA has represented the organic sector and movement in Israel since the early nineties. IBOAA has been the driving force behind organic farmers and has developed the sector in Israel including the establishment of Israeli organic standards CONTACT: Onn Chen, onnc@ranfp.com

Agrior Ltd.

Gat Foods

3 Habosem St 12755 Ashdod Israel

Kibbutz Givat-Haim







Tel: +972 862 12263

Tel: +972 463 68811

Fax: +972 893 17240

Fax: +972 463 68805


www.gatfoods.com CONTACT: Tali Berner, talib@gat.co.il

Stockton Israel Ltd

Natratec International Ltd.

Stockton (Israel) Ltd.

Industrial Area 2, PO Box 3646 , Z.C.

17 Ha Mefalsim St.,

12900 Katzrin

P.O.B. 3517


Petach Tikva 49134, Israel

Tel: +972 46962944

Tel: +972 72 2570000

Fax: +972 46961743

CONTACT: Sheila Zel-Zion, szelzion@natratec.com

The Stockton Group is a global company that develops, supports, and distributes high quality crop protection products and innovative eco-friendly solutions to a diverse group of customers worldwide. Among its products, the Stockton Group distributes its own proprietary line of biopesticides, which it developed in its R&D Innovation Center in Israel. The R&D Center, positioned at the forefront of bio sciences development and innovation, is producing highly effective crop protection solutions that are eco-friendly. The Stockton Group’s global professional team boasts over 45 years of experience. They hold the necessary global know-how and maintain an extensive local presence based on networking and professional contacts in each country we service. CONTACT: Judy Jamuy, judy@stockton-ag.com

The POWER of

e enviro r th n fo

ent m

NATURE at your fingertips

th e


NatraLife TM: One Product, Multiple Applications. NatraLife, Natratec’s globally patented flagship product is ideal for a wide range of applications including: vegetables, stone fruits, citrus fruits, tropical fruits, subtropical fruits, and more. A wholly organic, 100% natural and sustainable product, it is naturally engineered to improve both the quality and safety of each of its applications, providing superior freshness for enhanced performance. NatraLife formula is custom-calibrated to meet every possible requirement for a diverse range of applications, including the fine-tuning of ingredients for products within the same species. With no residue or after taste, completely non-perfumed and fully edible, NatraLife is the ideal, all-natural solution for a wide spectrum of produce applications

Fax: +972 72 2570001 www.stockton-ag.com






Saf e

CONTACT: Isaac Skalsky

n t he co


A Broad Spectrum Natural Fungicide No residues No PHI limitations Zero toxic load Unique Mode of Action Apply, pick and export

www.stockton-ag.com Organic Certified


AMINCO s.r.l. Via Mandilli 14 12071 Bagnasco Italy Tel: +39 0174 716606

Agenzia di Tecnici per il Territorio E l窶連groalimentare Via Giordano Bruno 11

Fax: +39 0174 713963 CONTACT: Roberi Giorgio, aminco@isiline.it

41058 Vignola (MO) Italy Tel: +39 059 73101 Fax: +39 059 779104 www.ateta.it CONTACT: Michele Coladangelo, info@ateta.it

Bioagricert s.r.l. Via dei Macabraccia 8 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO) ツョ

Italy Tel: +39 051 562158 Fax: +39 051 564294




www.bioagricert.org AIAB - Associazione Italiana per L窶連gricoltura Biologica

CONTACT: Riccardo Cozzo, riccardo.cozzo@bioagricert.org

Via Piave 14 IT-00187 Roma Italy Tel: +39 064 5437485 Fax: +39 064 5437469 www.aiab.it The Italian Association for Organic Agriculture (AIAB) was initiated in 1982 and officially established in 1988. It unites several member types (farmers, processors, extension experts, researchers and consumers) in all Italian Regions. AIAB promotes organic farming as a model for rural development through member tutorship, policy orientation at Regional, national and EU level, education, publishing, promotion, extension and research. It is organized by regional chapters (17) coordinated by a federal structure based in Rome. AIAB staff participate in Ministerial committees on organic farming and IFOAM committees. In 2007 AIAB founded the FIRAB (Italian Foundation for the Research in Organic Farming). CONTACT: Andrea Ferrante, aiab@aiab.it

AIAB Campania Via Tasso 169 80127 Napoli Italy Tel: +39 081 7613830 Fax: +39 081 7612734 www.aiabcampania.it CONTACT: Salvatore Basile, basile@aiabcampania.it

BIOCERT Associazione Via Tasso 169 i 80127 Napoli Italy Tel: +39 081 7613830 Fax: +39 081 7612734 www.biocert.it BIOCERT is a scientific and technical non-profit association, involved in initiatives of agro-environmental development. Biocert has participated in the elaboration of 15 innovative European training models for organic farming and has planned and co-organized the development snd realization of training measures (also long distance courses) for operators in the fields of environment and agriculture. CONTACT: Salvatore Basile, biocert@biocert.it

BIOS s.r.l. Via Monte Grappa 37C 36063 Marostica (VI) Italy Tel: +39 0424 471125 Fax: +39 0424 476947 www.certbios.it Bios S.r.l. has been operating since 1999 in Italy and since 2004 in Romania certifying according to EC Reg. 834/2007 and USDA NOP CONTACT: Daniele Dal Molin, info@certbios.it

AIAB Liguria


Via Lomellini 15/8

Via J. Barozzi 8

16124 Genova

40126 Bologna



Tel: +39 010 2465768

Tel: +39 0516089811

Fax: +39 010 2465768

Fax: +39 051254842


www.ccpb.it We provide certification.

CONTACT: Alessandro Triantafyllidis, aiab.liguria@aiab.it

CONTACT: Fabrizio Piva, fpiva@ccpb.it





Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterranテゥennes

Consorzio Italiano per Il Biologico Soc. Coop. AR. L. Via Firenze, 49

Via Ceglie 9

70126 Bari, Andria

70010 Valenzano, Bari



Tel: +39 080 5582512

Tel: +39 080 4606254 Fax: +39 080 4606206

Fax: +39 080 5582514 www.premiobiol.it

www.iamb.it CONTACT: Lina Al-Bitar, albitar@iamb.it

CODEX s.r.l. Via Duca Degli Abruzzi 41 95048 Scordia (CT) Italy Tel: +39 095 650634 Fax: +39 095 650356 www.codexsrl.it CONTACT: Francesco DツエAgosta, codex@codexsrl.it

CONTACT: Gaetano Paparella, info@premiobiol.it

Coordinamento Toscano Produttori Biologici Via Nazionale 17 50123 Firenze Italy Tel: +39 055 476554 Fax: +39 055 476554 www.ctpb.it CONTACT: Samanta Rosi, s.rosi@ctpb.it

Ecocert Italia s.r.l. Via Pietro Mascagni 79 95127 Catania Italy Tel: +39 0957470006 Fax: +39 0957465342 www.ecogruppoitalia.it ECOGRUPPO ITALIA is a Control and Certification Body operating of in the field of ecosustainable productions. The range of certifications concerns: Agrofood production and processing according to regulations EEC 834/2007 and following modifications and integrations; Usda NOP, GlobalGAP, Biosuisse, CAAQ, Delinat, Krav cosmetic packaging accommodation structures. Ecogruppo Italia has its national seat in Catania and it has operational branch offices in various Italian regions and in Romania (Bucharest). CONTACT: Franco D窶連ntoni, francodantoni@ecogruppoitalia.it

Ecologica Association Via Tasso 169 80127 Napoli Italy Tel: +39 081 7613830 Fax: +39 081 7612734 www.ecologica.mobi CONTACT: Salvatore Basile, basile@ecologica.mobi

IRIS Soc. Coop. Agricola a.r.l. Cascina Corte Regona 1 26030 Calvatone (CR) Italy Tel: +39 0375 97115 Fax: +39 0375 977013 www.irisbio.com CONTACT: Giovanni Moretta, commerciale@irisbio.com

ICEA - Istituto per la Certificazione Etica ed Ambientale Via Nazario Sauro 2

58015 Albinia - Orbetello (GR)

40121 Bologna


Italy Tel: +39 051272986




Fax: +39 051232011 ICEA is a stakeholder owned certification organinization, with over 13000 certified firms with strong ethical, environmental amd social values; employing about 300 technical staff and operating 23 operation centres in Italy and abroad, and is one of the top certification bodies in Italy and in Europe. Icea is operating all over the world directly or with local partnerships. Organic agriculture certification (EU, JAS, NOP, COR etc) is the main activity, other certification schemes developed are: sustainable fisheries, textiles, detergents and cosmetics, ecological architecture and building materials, bio wellness, ecotourism, ethical trade, social accauntability. Icea is also active in Climate Change, a founding and participating member of the Round Table of Organic Agriculture and Climate Change. International cooperation for development is another relevant sector of ICEA acivity. CONTACT: Antonio Compagnoni, international@icea.info

Tel: +39 0564 885669 Fax: +39 0564 885722 CONTACT: Karl Egger, bioselva@tin.it

Pinton Organic Consulting Via G. Falloppio 5 35121 Padova Italy Tel: +39 049 87 64 648 Fax: +39 049 65 26 64 Qualified as a “Technical and economic expert for food trade”, Roberto Pinton is serving in the organic sector since 1984, specially in consulting on food laws, trade & marketing issues, public relations, advocacy, teaching and training. The consultancy works for organic associations, companies as well for National & Regional Governments and international Institutions. In 2010 he was called to serve as sherpa for the European Commission’s High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain.

Istituto Mediterraneo di Certificazione S.R.L. Via C. Pisacane, 32


60019 Senigallia (AN) Tel: +39 071 7928725





LaSelva società bioagricola a r.l. S.P. 81 Osa n. 7

CONTACT: Roberto Pinton, r.pinton@organic-consulting.net




Fax: +39 071 7910043 www.imcert.it The Mediterranean Institute of Certification (IMC) is a private company that has public authorisations and international accreditation for the development of certifications activities . IMC started in 1995, in Senigallia (AN), in the Marche region, Italy, where the head offices are. During these years, following a developing partnership focused on the Mediterranean areas, IMC certifications services extended to other Italian regions and also to other countries. Today IMC offers certifications services specialized for companies that work in the agricultural, agro food, ho.re.ca and tourism sectors. IMC services give an experienced and efficient guarantee suitable to the local needs thanks to the efficaciousness of specialized offices and native speaker personnel.

S‘ATRA SARDIGNA Soc. Coop. a.r.l. Via San Benedetto 2/d 09128 Cagliari Italy Tel: +39 070 22275 Fax: +39 070 22430 www.satrasardigna.it CONTACT: Mario Setti, satrasardigna@tiscali.it

CONTACT: Giorgio Pallieri, g.palleri@imcert.it

SOP Srl Land- und Forstwirtschaftliches Versuchszentrum Laimburg, Sachbereich Ökolandbau Pfatten/Vadena 6 VZ-Laimburg 39040 Post-Auer Italy Tel: +39 0471 969662 Fax: +39 0471 969599 www.laimburg.it CONTACT: Markus Kelderer, markus.kelderer@provinz.bz.it

Via Parco Alto Milanese, 1 21052 Busto Arsizio Italy Tel: +39 0331 342508 Fax: +39 0331 353976 www.sopgroup.com SOP Srl produces and distributes natural products for the improvement of the lives and environments of humankind and animals, incl. bio-hygenization products for the environments of animals and fertilizers for organic agriculture. CONTACT: Jennifer Davis, davis@sopgroup.com


Suolo e Salute s.r.l. Via Paolo Borsellino 12/B 61032 Fano Italy

Jamaica Organic Agriculture Movement Limited

Tel: +39 0721 860543

P.O. Box 5728 Kingston 6

Fax: +39 0721 860543

20 Kingston



Certification Body for Organic Farming and Agri-food sector

Tel: +1 8768589342

CONTACT: Carmelo Pinzone, estero@suoloesalute.it www.joamltd.org

We are involved in agriculture, exporting, importing, wholesale.

JOAM was formed in 2001 with the mission to facilitate the development of a sustainable and economically viable organic agriculture sector in Jamaica. We are a non-governmental organisation run by volunteers. Since its inception JOAM has run a number of training programmes for farmers. It has hosted three IOIA basic crop production inspector trainings and has a cadre of inspectors. JOAM operates through grant funding and is currently implementing the organic component of the FAO/EC Global Food Security Facility. Through this project 12 organic demonstration sites are being established islandwide. These will provide farmers with easier access to field learning centres.

CONTACT: Costantino Rivetti, crivetti@wbtorganic.com

CONTACT: Kerri-Ann Bennett, kerriann.bennett@gmail.com

W.B.T. srl Via E. de Nicola 7 Ter 10036 Settimo Torinese Italy Tel: +39 011 8977577 Fax: +39 011 8977575 www.wbtorganic.com

Japan AFAS Certification Center Fujishiro Building 4-30-4 Shimbashi 105-0014 Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 354002272 Fax: +81 354002273 www.afasseq.com AFAS Certification Center is the JAS organic certifier that enhances organic farming and lets farmers and producers be proud themselves. CONTACT: Yoshiaki Watanabe, info@afasseq.com

Bio Club 1-8-1 Meishinguchi 561-0841 Toyonaka-shi Osaka Prefecture Japan Tel: +81 668 641081 Fax: +81 668 641082 CONTACT: Shigehito Kobayashi, kobayashi.s@pofa.jp

Center for Eco-design Certification Co., Ltd. Fukuroku Bldg. 3rd Flr. 2-7 Kandatsukasa-cho 101-0048 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 352 832626 Fax: +81 352 832625 www.eco-de.co.jp CONTACT: Hiroshi Yasuda, inquiry@eco-de.co.jp

International Nature Farming Research Center

Center of Japan Organic Farmers Group Nittou-Bldg. #703 6-15-11 Sotokanda

5632-1 Hata

101-0021 Tiyoda-ku, Tokyo

390-1401 Matsumoto



Tel: +81 358 128055


Fax: +81 358 127370

Tel: +81 263 911011

www.yu-ki.or.jp CONTACT: Osamu Saito, k-kazuo@yu-ki.or.jp

Daichi-Wo-Mamoru-Kai 2 Fl., Daini-Satsuki Bldg. 6-8-15 Roppongi 106-0032 Minato-Ku, Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 3402 8903 Fax: +81 3 3402 5590 www.daichi.or.jp

Fax: +81 263 926880 www.infrc.or.jp/english The International Nature Farming Research Center (INFRC) was established as a foundation approved by the Japanese government. The objectives of INFRC are to promote Nature Farming for the preservation of the natural environment, enhancing the economic stability of farmers and realizing a healthy life with abundant food, following the philosophy and the principles advocated by Mokichi Okada, the founder of Nature Farming. Hence, INFRC is conducting relevant research and disseminating agricultural technologies and utilizing natural ecosystems in Japan and internationally. CONTACT: Hidehiko Okubo, overseas@infrc.or.jp

Distributor of organically grown vegetables, meat, fish, and the products. CONTACT: Hiroshi Toyoshima, toyoshima_hiroshi@daichi.or.jp Japan Agritech 56 Oshimizu Toyota City

Ecocert Japan Ltd.

Aichi Prefecture

KSP West 300-D, 3-2-1 Sakado


213-0012 Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki

Tel: +81 565 450573

Kanagawa Japan Tel: +81 354137330

Fax: +81 565 450575 CONTACT: Tomihiro Hayashi, j-agri2@hm10.aitai.ne.jp

Fax: +81 363694181 www.ecocert.co.jp Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association

Ecocert Japan Ltd. is a subsidiary of Ecocert SA. Our operations are mainly JAS organic certification in Japan, China, Canada, Colombia, France, Turkey, India and the United States. We have JAS clients in 35 countries. In addition, we manage the complete line of organic certification services that Ecocert SA offers including cosmetic, textile, and home fragrance.

Takegashi Bldg 3rd Fl. 3-5-3, Kyobashi 104-0031 Chuo-ku, Tokyo



CONTACT: Hatsue Nakajima, hatsue.nakajima@ecocert.com

Tel: +81 335381851




Fax: +81 335381852 www.jona-japan.org Hyogo Prefectural Organic Agriculture Society 7-28-33 Nakayamatedori Chuoku 650-0004 Kobe City

We are involved in the promotion of organic agriculture through certification and other activities. CONTACT: Toshiaki Takahashi, toshi@jona-japan.org

Japan Tel: +81 783 678567

Japan Organic Agriculture Association

Fax: +81 783 678578

No.501, Mizusima-Mansion, 3-17-12 Hongo


113-0033 Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo

CONTACT: Chizuko Hanakawa, hyoyuken@mb1.kisweb.ne.jp

Japan Tel: +81 3 3818 3078 Fax: +81 3 3818 3417

Isis Gaia Net 34-14 Grande Building 3F Matsuki 192-0362 Hachioji-City, Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 42 679 9671 Fax: +81 42 679 9672 www.isis-gaia.net CONTACT: Yoko Minakami, yoko@isis-gaia.net

www.joaa.net Founded in 1971, we are a non-profit organization advocating and promoting the organic agriculture movement based on volunteer organic farmers, consumers and researchers. The national organic conference, seminers, organic training cources, and various meetings take plac annually. We publish “Soil & Health” monthly as well as books and leaflets on organic agriculture. Our publications include “10 principles of TEIKE(CSA)”in 1978, “10 Aims of organic agriculture” and “JOAA’s Standard Guidline of Organic Agriculture” in 1999. CONTACT: Hiroko Kubota, info@joaa.net

Japan Organic Inspectors Association


Takagi Bldg 5F, 1-14-10 Kyobashi 104-0031 Chuo-Ku, Tokyo

EnCert Limited


P.O. Box 74510

Tel: +81 355246080

200 Nairobi

Fax: +81 355246083


www.joia.jp JOIA is an organization for organic inspectors and members in Japan. We are not certifiers, our purpose is to maintain a high quality for organic insepctors and support the organic industry. We mainly offer seminars for organic inspectors and consumers. CONTACT: Riichiro Suzuki, joia@joia.jp

Tel: +254 724 910240 www.encert.co.ke EnCert Limited is a certification body based in Kenya. It offers organic certification services to individual operators as well as organized groups. Currently, organic products certified by EnCert are sold in the domestic market. CONTACT: Musa Njoka, mn@encert.co.ke

MIE Project Co., Ltd. Shoto 1-3-8-204 150-0046 Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo Japan

Infonet-Biovision/Biovision Farmer Communication Programme

Tel: +81 3 5465-2121

ICIPE office P.O.Box 30772

Fax: +81 3 5465-2123

00100 Nairobi



MIE PROJECT Co., Ltd. is a leading supplier of high quality organic and fair trade food and drink products to the Japanese market.

Tel: +254 208632112/13 and -2007

CONTACT: Duco Delgorge, duco.delgorge@mieproject.com

Infonet-biovision is part of the Biovision Farmer communication program for Africa. We supply new and updated information on organic and sustainable farming technologies to the farming community in East Africa and especially Kenya

Panoco Trading Co. Ltd. CTN Bldg., 3F 2-2-5 Kanda Sudacho


CONTACT: Anne Bruntse, infonet@icipe.org

101-0041 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 352 986633

Kenya Organic Agriculture Network

Fax: +81 332 552202

P.O Box 72461


00200 Nairobi

CONTACT: Takanori Minori, minori@panoco.co.jp

Kenya Tel: +254 20 2610863 Fax: +

Radishbo-ya Co., Ltd. Urban Shibakoen Bldg. 3-1-13 Shibakoen

www.koan.co.ke CONTACT: Eustace Kiarii, koansecretariat@elci.org

105-0011 Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan Tel: +81 3 57778631 Fax: +81 3 57778723 www.radishbo-ya.co.jp


CONTACT: Kazuaki Goto, k-goto@radishbo-ya.co.jp BioService Shumei Natural Agriculture Network Tashiro 316 529-1814 Shigaraki Shiga Prefecture Japan

Abrakhmanov Str. 9 Jalal-Abad Kyrgyzstan Tel: +996 3722 55279 Fax: +996 3722 55279 www.organicfarming.kg


We are a ervice provider founded in 2007. Our services include training/ consultancy, ICS and facilitation of external certification and marketing. BioService is active in promoting organic farming in Kyrgyzstan. It is also active in Central Asian countries in partnership with organic projects.

CONTACT: SNN, snn@snn.or.jp

CONTACT: Saparbek Alymkulov, alymkulov@organicfarming.kg

Tel: +81 748 827855 Fax: +81 748 827857



Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture

Bio-Lëtzebuerg, Vereenegung fir BioLandwirtschaft Lëtzebuerg asbl

Republikas Sq 2

13, rue Gabriel Lippmann

1981 Riga

5365 Munsbach



Tel: +371 20262027

Tel: +352 26152374

Fax: +

Fax: +352 26153381



We inform and educate society about organic agriculture and its perspectives, environmental problems, the role of organically produced food thus securing the health of society in the world and in Latvia. We provide training opportunities for Latvia’s farmers and food producers to strengthen their knowledge of organic food production by collaborating with educational institutions in Latvia. We encourage the elaboration and realization of various projects connected with organic agriculture and submit proposals to institutions for developing legislation with regard to the improvement of organic agriculture.

We are invloved in the representation, support and education of organic farmers in luxemburg CONTACT: Ben Geib, geib@biolabel.lu

Veräin fir biologesch-dynamesch Landwirtschaft asbl. - DemeterBond Letzebuerg

CONTACT: Madara Mezviete, ekoprodukti@ekoprodukti.lv

13, rue Gabriel Lippmann 5365 Munsbach State Ltd „Certifying and Testing Centre“ Darza Street 12

Fax: +352 26153381

4126 Priekuli Parish


Priekuli Region

We are the association of bio-dynamic Farmers and Demeter processors and traders in Luxembourg. We are responsible for the trademark Demeter in Luxembourg. We have Demeter Standards for Luxembourg and do the certification for our contracted partners. We organise events such as seminairies, conferences and farmer meetings. We are one of two representative organsisations for the organic sector in Luxembourg.

Latvia Tel: +371 64130013 Fax: +371 64130010 www.stc.lv CONTACT: Rudolfs Buda, rudolfs.buda@stc.lv

CONTACT: Anja Staudenmayer, demeter@pt.lu


Lithuanian Association of Organic Farms K. Donelaicio 2-210 44213 Kaunas Lithuania Tel: +370 37 400366 Fax: +370 37 400350 www.ekoukiai.lt The Lithuanian Association of Organic Farms was established on February 24, 2010. 110 Organic farmers participate in the activity of the association and cultivate 14,800 hectares of organic farmland. The farms of association members are inspected and certified by the certification body “EKOAGROS”, and comply with national laws of Organic Agriculture and relevant Council Regulations (EC) No. 834/2007 and No. 889/2008. CONTACT: Edita Karbauskiene, gaja@zur.lt

Luxembourg Tel: +352 26153380


Balkan Biocert Skopje 2/9, Frederik Shopen Str. 1000 Skopje Macedonia Tel: +389 23 239 239 Fax: +389 23 239 239 www.balkanbiocert.mk Established in 2005, with the support of SECO, FibL and IMO, Balkan Biocert Skopje is the first accredited and authorized Inspection and Certification Body in the Republic of Macedonia. It operates with well trained and highly professional staff and provides high quality and affordable services to interested organic producers, processors and traders. Accredited by IOAS, and the National Institute for Accreditation. CONTACT: Valentina Kolar-Jovanovska, valentinakolarjovanovska@gmail.com

Macedonian Association for Organic Food

Centre for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia

Skopje Naroden Front 5-53

17, Jalan SS 2 /53

1000 Skopje

47300 Petaling Jaya



Tel: +389 76 484603


Fax: +389 232 27062

Tel: +60 378757767


Fax: +60 378754039

Macedonian Association for Organic Food is a citizens association whose motto is - Macedonians deserve safe and healthy food. MAOF is nongovernmental, non-profitable organization that helps organize the production and distribution of organic food. MAOF’s primary task is to introduce potential producers of organic food to the possibilities of how to produce and sell food labeled as a “product of organic origin”. Macedonia has the need to educate farmers to change to organic food production, without fearing that lower returns mean lower incomes. Younger generations, even today’s students in primary and middle school, should be educated from this moment on to accept farming and the production of food as an honorable and profitable profession, since “organic” is not a trend but the future of the civilization’s development.

www.cetdem.org.my Climate Change:- Renewable Energy, Sustainable Transport,Organic Farming; Policy analysis; Training/Teaching. Public Awareness CONTACT: Tan Siew Luang, of@cetdem.org.my

Country Farms Sdn. Bhd. Lot9,unitC2, Natco Industrial Park, Lorong Keluli 1B, Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Raja Selatan, Selatan 7

CONTACT: Zivko Georgievski, zig2646@gmail.com

40000 Shah Alam Selangor


Malaysia Tel: +60 3 33424401 Fax: +60 3 33424404 www.countryfarmorganics.com

Ecocert Office Madagascar

We act as: Importer/wholesaler, retail outlets, OEM and repacker, exporter

LOT V A 4 J Villa Arimantsoa Ampasanimalo

CONTACT: Joyce Yap, clyap@cosway.com.my

101 Antananarivo Madagascar Tel: +261 202 254864 Fax: +261 202 254864

FMC Greenland Sdn Bhd No 18, Jalan BP 5/11

CONTACT: Sandra Randrianarisoa, office.madagascar@ecocert.com

47100 Bandar Bukit Puchong Selangor Malaysia Tel: +60 3 80608313


Fax: +60 3 80618314 www.greenimage.com.my

1st Floor, Bangunan WSF 42-A, Jalan Sultan Ismail

Our company mission is to create mature and optimistic awareness in society towards leading a healthy organic lifestyle. FMC produces many kinds of crops by practicing organic farming methods in order to provide a great variety of vegetables and fruit. Besides, we are inspired to provide the safest, most nutritious, natural and organically grown food that can be found on earth.

50250 Kuala Lumpur

CONTACT: TC Lee, tclee@greenimage.com.my

Alive Organic Sdn Bhd

Selangor Malaysia Tel: +60 3 2148 3606 Fax: +60 3 2148 3545

MG EcoTech Sdn. Bhd.

www.alive.my Besides organic consumer products, we also import raw materials / ingredients and manufacture / produce finished products in Malaysia. We distribute our products through various channels in Malaysia such as specialty stores, and local chain stores. We are in the midst of applying for the organic certification for our packaging process and handling in Malaysia. The body that will conduct this exercise is the Organic Alliance Malaysia, which is headed by Mr. Ong Kung Wai. Mr. Ong Kung Wai is a board member of IFOAM. We are confident that the implementation of this Organic Quality Management System will greatly enhance our consistent quality assurance and boost consumer confidence. CONTACT: Teh Li Lin, lilin6839@yahoo.com

C-710, Kelana Square, 17 Jalan SS 7/26 47301 Kelana Jaya Selangor Malaysia Tel: +60 374 942666 Fax: +60 374 942555 www.mgecotech.com MicroGreen is a manufacturer and distributor of bio-organic fertilizer and plant health care products. CONTACT: Mazlan bin Duaji, mazlan@mgecotech.com

Organic Alliance Malaysia


7 Jalan Nunn 10350 Georgetown Penang Malaysia

Malta Organic Agriculture Movement

Tel: +60 4 229 4762

34/2 Gulju Cauchi Street

Fax: +60 4 229 5479

BZN 1131 Balzan



Organic Alliance Malaysia (OAM) is a non-profit membership based organization founded to facilitate sector cooperation and the development of organic agriculture in the country. Services include publishing a web and print directory, assistance with export certification and domestic quality assurance, representation and advocacy at national and international levels. Membership is open to organizations and persons who subscribe to the Principles of Organic Agriculture and their development.

Tel: +356 99423711

CONTACT: Balan Pillai, office@organicmalaysia.com.my

Zenxin Agri-Organic Food Pte Ltd No.8, Jalan Teknologi 1, Kawasan Perindustrian Mengkibol

Fax: +356 21480301 www.moam.org.mt RSTP is a philipino-owned private company formed by corporate executives and entrepreneurs in 2007 for the purpose of developing and introducing organic products from renewable resources to help in maintaining a clean, healthy environment and contribute to the solution for global warming. Our primary goal is to provide farmers with farming technology that significantly increase farm production while decreasing dependency on the use of synthetic chemical based products which harms the environment, farm workers, and, us the consumers. Equally important, our aim is also to uplift farmers lives by increasing farming profitability. CONTACT: John Portelli, john.portelli@moam.org.mt

86000 Kluang Johor Malaysia


Tel: +60 7 7728199 Fax: +60 7 7766799 www.zenxin.com.my Founded in 2001, Zenxin Agri-Organic Food is now Malaysia’s and Singapore’s leading grower, distributor and retailer of organic produce. Since its establishment, Zenxin Agri-Organic Food has been a trusted source of delicious and healthy organic food and is popular for its downto-earth reputation. Zenxin offers about 60 varieties of fresh produce grown without chemical elements. The whole operations of Zenxin AgriOrganic Food is certified as organic by NASAA, Australia which includes the Organic Input Manufacturer Certificate, Organic Producer Certificate and Organic Wholesaler/ Processor Certificate. Zenxin works closely with various countries for organic agriculture development as well as the import and export of organic food. CONTACT: Tai Seng Yee, taisengyee@zenxin.com.my

Aires de Campo SA de CV Av. San Antonio no. 16 – 2, Col. San Pedro de los Pinos 1180 Mexico D. F. Mexico Tel: +52 55 26140122 Fax: +52 55 26140122 www.airesdecampo.com CONTACT: Guadalupe Latapi Garcia, lupe@airesdecampo.com

Mali Carnes Organicas de Mexico SA. De. C.V. Av. Roble # 701 - 11 Mouvement Biologique Malien

66265 Garza García

Rue 114, Porte N°56 Hèrèmakono, B.P. 30

Nuevo Leon


Mexico Tel: +52 81 83687500

Sikasso Mali

Fax: +52 81 83697831

Tel: +223 21 65 17 29 ou 21 65 18 31


Fax: +223 76 21 30 86 ou 66 31 31 88

We have Cow-Calf operation with Angus and Brangus Cattle, in two Ranches (1,200) (300) with 1,500 cows free in organic grass lands. After milking for 6 to 7 months ( 240 kg) the calf is separated from the cow and goes to the grass land to grow to 300 kilos, whenit is ready for the Organic Feed Lot where the pen, shade and in general the best conditions for animals are 100% Organic Rationing. We are working with high genetic “tenderness” in our cattle.

www.mobiom.org Mobiom is a producer of certified organic and fair cotton, mango, cashew nut, as well as producer of sesame, shea tree nuts and butter, which are certified organic. Mobiom ensures the processing and commercialization of some of its members’ products. Mobiom has 85 member cooperatives. CONTACT: Sidy El Moctar Nguiro, mobiom_mali@yahoo.fr

CONTACT: Amalia María Barrera, mayabgza@gmail.com

Red Mexicana de Tianguís y Mercados Orgánicos


2da Cda de Palmas 519, Fracc. San Lorenzo Texcoco Mexico Tel: +52 5959521506

Organic Food & Lifestyle Academy

Fax: +52 5959521506

12 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte


98000 Monaco

Organización y coordinación de la producción y consumo directo de productos orgánicos; Oferta de alimentos sanos a precios justos, tanto para los productores como para los consumidores, porque excluyen a los intermediarios; Vinculación de la población urbana con el campo; Creación de una conciencia ecológica y social sobre la importancia de producir y consumir de forma responsable; Promoción de la filosofía de la agricultura orgánica; Estimulación y promoción del consumo regional de productos orgánicos locales; Minimización del impacto ecológico a través del ahorro en transporte, empaque y distribución de los productos; Difusión de información técnica y científica entre los productores y la población en general y; Oferta de espacios para la convivencia y el desarrollo de actividades culturales (música, pintura, talleres, etc.)

Monaco Tel: +33 6 20 26 32 45 www.of-la.com We sustain and promote organic farming, encourage the use of products and services respecting its principles, transfer knowledge about organic related issues and award the best organic initiatives all over the euro-mediterranean area. CONTACT: Bruno La Fata, bl@of-la.com

CONTACT: Rita Schwentesius Rindermann, rschwent@prodigy.net.mx

Sociedad Mexicana de Produccion Organica A. C.


Indianapolis 70 Col. Napoles C. P. 0.810 Mexico D. F. Mexico Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Tel: +55 502 544 10 Fax: +55 108 427 90

MNCCI building, Mahatma Gandhi Street. 1 st khoroo Khan-Uul District

www.somexpro.org CONTACT: Homero Blas Bustamante, hblas@somexpro.org

976 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Trees for People S.A. de C.V. Chan Ká Vergel, Apartado Postal 2 97880 Oxkutzcab

Mongolia Tel: +976 11327176 Fax: +976 11324620 www.mongolchamber.mn

Yucatán Tel: +52 1997 979 5027

We undertake business promotion and business advocasy activities in economic policy,business environment,sutainable development including green economy and green business,organic agriculture development


CONTACT: Sambuu Demberel, chamber@mongolchamber.mn


Design and organization of Social Business Development based on resource effective forest management and agro-forestry. CONTACT: Bernd Neugebauer, b.neugebauer@xina.de


Mongolian Organic Farming Association P.O. 51 Box 243 13343 Ulaanbaatar

ICEA Group SRL - Moldova


St. Mihai Eminescu 41/1

Tel: +976 70151638


Fax: +976 70151638



Tel: +373 22 228724

MOFA was set up by small grain producers, nomadic livestock headers, vegetable growers, environmentalists, and social activists in order to promote organic agriculture, create local group initiatives for group certification, and educate its members for successful conversion to organic certified agricultural practices.

Fax: +373 22 228724 www.icea.info We provide cerification in Russia, Ucraina, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Moldova, CONTACT: Aldo Cervi, a.cervi@icea.info

CONTACT: Gurbazar Enkhtuvshin, enkhtuvshin@mofa.mn



Ecocert Marocco BP 3916 Bureau de Poste Talborjit

Namibian Organic Association


P.O. Box 1504



Tel: +212 482 20742


Fax: +212 482 20742

Tel: +264 62 502 410 Fax: +264 62 504 961

CONTACT: M. Moha Daoud, office.morocco@ecocert.com

Myanmar Myanmar Organic Agriculture Group

www.noa.org.na The Namibian Organic Association is the first organic association in Namibia with a memebrship made up of persons and corporate bodies with a common interest in supporting and promoting organic agriculture in Namibia. The association handles aspects concerning production, quality management processes and the marketing of organic products as well as the training of organic farming principles. CONTACT: Manjo Smith, info@noa.org.na

No 29, Min Ye Kyaw Swar Street, UMFCCI Office Tower, 4th Floor, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon Myanmar Tel: +95 1 218367


Fax: +95 1 218367 Myanmar Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Producer and Exporter Association organized the Myanmar Organic Agriculture Group(MOAG) on 28th September 2006. MOAG managed the organic farmers and growers how to maintain the field record for organic inspection. For the purpose of food safety, MOAG is carry out to issue the legal organic certification to organic growers. MOAG is educating to the people all of the stake holders of organic movement with organic training and seminar.

HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Nepal - Coffee Promotion Programme Jhamshikhel, Dhobighat, GPO Box: 688

CONTACT: Hnin Oo, hhninsapphire@gmail.com

Lalitpur Kathmandu Nepal

Shan Maw Myae Co., Ltd.

Tel: +977 1 5543591

365-367, 3rd Floor, Bo Aung Kyaw Street, IHBC Building

Fax: +977 15526890

Kyauktada Township, Yangon



The programme is involved in the promotion of the organic coffee sub sector specifically targeting small holder farmers in the mid hills of Nepal. It facilitates the development of the coffee sub-sector and strengthens stakeholders in production, processing and marketing of quality coffee for domestic as well as international markets. We are also involved in the promotion of the organic sector in partnership with like-minded organizations.

Tel: +95 9 550 1282 Fax: +95 1 392642 www.shanmawmyae.com As the one of the earliest manufacturers of organic foliar fertilizer in Myanmar, the company has shown its commitment to creating not only a marketable product but also one which is environmentally harmless. “A society which is both wealthy and healthy creates prosperity�. This is the belief of Shan Maw Maye Co., Ltd. Both chemical fertilizers and natural fertilizers are important for the production of crops. Shan Maw Myae Co., Ltd organizes and develops the substitution of natural fertilizer for chemical fertilizer in organic farms.

CONTACT: Bhola Kumar Shrestha, bhola.shrestha@helvetas.org.np

CONTACT: Nyan Lin, nl@shanmawmyae.com Local Initiatives for Biodiversity Research and Development

Supreme Bio-Tech

P.O. Box 324

NO. 19 (C), Nawaday Garden, Hlaing Tharyar

Pokhara Gairapatan, Kaski District

11401 Yangon



Tel: +977 615 30497

Myanmar Tel: +95 1689377 www.supreme-companies.com CONTACT: Ye WilliamThein, ye.william@supreme-companies.com

Fax: +977 615 39956 www.libird.org CONTACT: Dr. Shreeram Neopane, sneopane@libird.org

Nepal Permaculture Group


P.O. Box 8132 Radhakrishna Galli Babarmahal, Kathmandu Nepal

Agro Eco - Louis Bolk Institute

Tel: +977 1 4252597

Hoofdstraat 24

Fax: +977 1 4252597

3972 LA Driebergen



CONTACT: Umesh Lama, npg@earthcare.wlink.com.np

Tel: +31 343 523.860 Fax: +31 343 515 611 www.louisbolk.nl The Louis Bolk Institute works in the tropics under the name Agro Eco - Louis Bolk Institute.

One World alc (P. Ltd.)

CONTACT: Boudewijnvan Elzakker, b.vanelzakker@louisbolk.org

Khakhu Buddha Marga, Block No: 70 Tinchuli, Boudha Ward No.6 Kathmandu Nepal

Ariza B.V

Tel: +977 12292050

Korendijk 13


5704 Helmond RD

A Demeter Agriculture & Rural Development, it is a Climate Change related development aid project development for INGO & NGO. It is a producer of organic & Demeter products and markets organic and bio-dynamic products from Nepal to EU & US CONTACT: Peter Effenberger, oneworld@mail.com.np

Netherlands Tel: +31 49 25 28 364 Fax: +31 49 25 45 151 www.ariza.nl CONTACT: Ronald van Marlen, rm@ariza.nl

Avalon Foundation P.O. Box 14

Society for Environment Conservation And Agricultural Research and Development

8730 Wommels

GPO Box 24695 Sundhara



Tel: +31 515 331955


Fax: +31 515 331980

Nepal Tel: +977 14387199



We support rural communities in forming a more sustainable society. With our projects we empower local farmers and their organisations with new knowledge and techniques about organic agriculture and agrienvironment. We achieve our aims by: • Developing agro-environmental policy programmes; • Advising on organic production, market & chain development; • Setting up demonstration farms; • Training local trainers; • Publishing guides and other communication materials. We strongly believe in connecting people and therefore created our informal Avalon Network (www.avalon.nl).

Description of Main Activities; Organic Agriculture promotion through training, workshops, publications on Indigenous Knowledge and Cosmovision for Revival Knowledge. System Plant Health Clinic in collaboration with CABI UK Revival Of Vedic Organic Agriculture. Tradition Non Timber Forest Products, Internal Control System for small Growers. Facilitation for Organic Certification.Different Publications on Organic Agriculture. Training on Participatory Guarantee System for Organic Integrity CONTACT: Maheswar Ghimire, organic@mos.com.np

United Mission to Nepal P.O. Box 126 Thapathali, Kathmandu Nepal Tel: +977 142 28118 Fax: +977 142 25559 www.umn.org.np CONTACT: Luma Nath Adhikari, umn@umn.org.np

CONTACT: Martien Lankester, martien.lankester@avalon.nl

Babylon Eco Development Co BV Centrumlaan 2 6869 Heveadorp VE Netherlands Tel: +31 614 464 225 Development and management of organic projects and trade for the food and beverages produced. CONTACT: Saad Yacoub, yacoub_s@hotmail.com


EOSTA B. V. Organic Fruits & Vegetables

Laan van Vollenhove 3221

P.O. Box 348

3706 Zeist

2740 Waddinxveen





Tel: +31 30 2339970 Fax: +31 30 2304423 www.bionext.nl Bionext is the Dutch umbrella organisation for organic farming and food. The organisation is the follow-up of Biologica that was founded in 1992. It brings together all players in the organic field, including farmers, manufacturers, traders, consumers and researchers. Within Bionext, many parties co-operate to improve standard practice or stimulate the market for organic products.

Tel: +31 180 63 55 00 www.eosta.com CONTACT: Mady Hogenboom, mady@eosta.com

CONTACT: Marian Blom, blom@biologica.nl

Good Food Foundation Harderwijkerweg 38A 3852 Ermelo AD Netherlands Tel: +31 341560210

Centrum Biologische Landbouw Flevoland Bronsweg 22 8222 Lelystad RB Netherlands

Fax: +31 341562913 www.goodfood.nl We are involved in maintaining and improving the quality in the organic projects of the Good Food Foundation in Turkey. We support initiatives for new organic projects CONTACT: Jan Schrijver, janschrijver@goodfood.nl

Tel: +31 320 281222 Fax: +31 320 281757


www.biologischelandbouw.org The Centre for Organic Agriculture (CBL)was initiated by the Association for Organic Agriculture in Flevoland. Its objective is to promote organic agriculture. By stimulating the transfer and exchange of know-how and supporting co-operation on regional, national and international level, the CBL tries to accomplish its goals. The goals of the CBL are to stimulate the application of organic farming methods, and to stimulate the use of organic food. Furthermore, the CBL contributes to the development and improvement of the organic sector. In summary, the CBL promotes organic agriculture, provides education, practical information and stimulates the increase of organic agriculture in society. CONTACT: G.L.H. Schlaman, info@biologischelandbouw.org

Zuster Kortestraat 2 9983 Roodeschool, Groningen SX Netherlands Tel: +31 595455016 www.hotsoup.nl Our areas of business and goals are as follows: 1. Import /export, trade and packing of tea, coffee, herbs, dried fruits nuts. Also web shop (http:// www.hotsoup.nl) 2. Fair trade clothing with eco cotton /alpaca, knitted and crochet, own designs. Also web shop (http://tops.hotsoup.nl) 3. Promoting biodiversity and sustainability (towards my suppliers as well as my customers) CONTACT: Rogier A. van Apeldoorn, rogier@hotsoup.nl

Control Union Certifications B.V. Meeuwenlaan 4-6

ILEIA - Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture

8011 Zwolle

PO Box 90


6700 Wageningen



Tel: +31 384260100


Fax: +31 384237040

Tel: +31 33 4673870


Fax: +31 33 4632410

B.V.’s main activities are the inspection and certification in sustainable agricultural, forestry and textile industry


CONTACT: Gyorgyi Acs Feketene, gacs@controlunion.com

ILEIA, Centre for learning on sustainable agriculture coordinates a global knowledge network for sustainable family farming. ILEIA shares experience in sustainable agriculture through its magazine Farming Matters which has half a million readers, it conducts capacity building on systematization of agro ecological experience, it engages in policy advocacy and supports development of sustainable agriculture curricula. CONTACT: Edith van Walsum, e.van.walsum@ileia.org

Organic Flavour Company B.V. Industrial division

Imkerij de Traay B.V. Platinastraat 50

Turbinestraat 12

8211 Lelystad

3903 Veenendaal





Tel: +31 320 282928 Fax: +31 320 282028 www.detraay.com CONTACT: Wouter Vuijk, info@detraay.com

International Company Exhibition Management BV ‚s-Gravenweg 44 2911 Zuidplas CG

Tel: +31 318 519139 Fax: +31 318 542458 www.ofc.nl With over 30 years of experience in Pure Organic Tastes, OFC offers a comprehensive line of organic herbs, spices and seasoning for use in many applications such as crisps, snacks, meat, sauces/dressings and for chilled food like dairy, salads, potatoes and vegetables. Thanks to its projects and direct sourcing in origin, organic quality, pure taste, integrity and availability is guaranteed. Certifications range from BRC (A-level), EU organic, NOP, Bio Suisse, Demeter, Kosher to Fairtrade. OFC is part of Spize Holding, which comprises a.o. Koninklijke Euroma BV. CONTACT: Oeble Kempenaar, o.kempenaar@ofc.nl

Netherlands Tel: +31 180 314 662 Fax: +31 84 22 91 231 www.biovak.nl ICEM organizes the trade fair BioVak, the only trade fair for organic agriculture.

PuraNatura Foundation Honderdland 259

CONTACT: Mike de Looze, mikedelooze@icem.nl

2672 Maasdijk LV Netherlands Tel: +31 174 625 555

International Research Association for Organic Food, Quality and Health Hoofdstraat 24 3972 Driebergen LA Netherlands Tel: +49 5542 981715

www.stichtingpuranatura.nl PuraNatura Foundation enhances the sustainability of its protected cropping techniques by using natural & organic growth media and biological crop protection methods. Since 2008 Its growers have enjoyed the USDA 100% organic certificate granted by the Control Union. PuraNatura Foundation issues licences for the use of proprietary growing systems to growers of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, under glass, with USDA Organic certification. CONTACT: Peter Jens, peter@stichtingpuranatura.nl

Fax: +49 5542 981713 www.organicfqhresearch.org CONTACT: Johannes Kahl, kahl@uni-kassel.de

Louis Bolk Institute

Soil & More International BV

Hoofdstraat 24

Hoofdstraat 24

3972 Driebergen

3972 Driebergen





Tel: +31 343523860

Tel: +31 880 079 500

Fax: +31 343515611

Fax: +31 180 890 420



The Louis Bolk Institute is an international, independent organization specialized in participatory research and advice in the fields of organic and sustainable agriculture, rural development, nutrition and health care. From its offices in the Netherlands, Ghana and Uganda, 60 staff work with clients such as public authorities, international bodies, development agencies, farmers groups, banks, and small and large businesses. In the tropics, it works under the name Agro Eco-Louis Bolk Institute

The international key objective of Soil & More is to setup and operate smallto large scale combined composting and emission reduction projects together with local Fairtrade and organic producers in development countries, respectively Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, India, Mexico and South Africa. Together with its strategic partners IFOAM and Fairtrade, Soil & More offers CO2 and water footprinting assessments, as well as comprehensive sustainable best practice consultancy related to the guidelines of the Sustainability Flower.

CONTACT: Chris Koopmans, c.koopmans@louisbolk.nl

CONTACT: Miriam Bogatzki, miriam.bogatzki@soilandmore.com

Stichting Skal

Vereniging voor Biologische Producenten en Handel

P.O. Box 384

Laan van Vollenhove 3221

8000 Zwolle

3706 AR Zeist




Tel: +31 30 2339982

Tel: +31 38 426 8181 Fax: +31 38 426 8182 www.skal.nl Skal is the only Dutch organic inspection body, assigned by the Dutch government and accredited by the Dutch Council for Accreditation. More than 3,300 companies are subject to the inspection and certification of Skal. The majority of activities takes place in the public domain and in the EUregulations for organic production. Skal cooperates with other inspection bodies, both nationally and internationally. Over the past years Skal has developed risk based inspections and further developments are taking place to realize efficient and trustworthy inspection and certification.

Fax: +31 30 2304423 www.vbpbiologisch.nl CONTACT: Paulien Veerman, paulien@vbpbiologisch.nl

World Fair Trade Organization Prijssestraat 24 4101 Culemborg CR

CONTACT: Jan Wicher Krol, jwk@skal.nl

Netherlands Tel: +31 345 535914 Fax: +31 847 474401



PO Box 315

CONTACT: Carola Reintjes, ce@wfto.com

6700 Wageningen AH Netherlands

New Caledonia

Tel: +31 652 394708 www.textualhealing.nl CONTACT: Nicholas Parrott, info@textualhealing.nl

Association Bio Caledonia BP 2510 98846 Nouméa Cedex

Trabocca B.V.

New Caledonia

Prins Hendrikkade 14

Tel: +687 26 10 03

1012 Amsterdam

Fax: +687 28 91 84

TL Netherlands Tel: +31 204 74433 Fax: +31 204 972100 www.trabocca.com

www.biocaledonia.nc BIO CALEDONIA is a Participatory Guarantee System for certification in New Caledonia. Standards used are Pacific organic standards. CONTACT: Aurélien Degoy, direction@biocaledonia.nc

CONTACT: Menno Simons, menno@trabocca.com

New Zealand Tradin Organic Agriculture B.V. Prins Hendrikkade 14 1012 Amsterdam TL Netherlands Tel: +31 20 4074499 Fax: +31 20 497 21 00 www.tradinorganic.com

AsureQuality Ltd Private Bag 14946 Panmure 1741 Auckland


New Zealand Tel: +64 9 573 8000 Fax: +64 9 573 8002





Tradin is the world’s leading im/exporter of certified organic food ingredients. We source from independent exporters and own projects throughout the world. Keeping stock of a broad range of raw materials we distribute from out of The Netherlands directly to the food industry and packers in the UK, the USA and the rest of Europe. Please visit our web site for more information on our products, projects and quality control systems, or call us any time for additional information.

AsureQuality is a commercial company 100% owned by the New Zealand Government. We provide food safety and biosecurity services to the food and primary production sectors. This includes supplying independent, impartial, third party auditing, testing, inspection and certification services to organic producers, processors and retailers in the dairy, meat, seafood, horticulture, wine and arable sectors.

CONTACT: Gerard Versteegh, gerard@tradinorganic.com

CONTACT: Mike Smith, organicstechnicalmanager@asurequality.com

BioGro New Zealand Ltd

Fundación La Esperanzita

P.O. Box 9693, Marion Square

Del rastro municipal 2km al Oeste ®

6141 Wellington New Zealand

Nueva Guinea RAAS




Tel: +64 4801 9741


Fax: +64 4801 9742

Tel: +505 8843 5010


Fax: +505 2575 0193

BioGro is New Zealand’s leading organic certifier. BioGro is 100% focussed on organics and has been at the forefront of commercial organics in New Zealand since it was founded in 1983. BioGro continues to be led by its philosophical roots, with Organic Standards that support the organic principles it was founded on and a certification that is trusted the world over. BioGro has the accreditations to provide access to all key markets, backed by a team of passionate and professional staff and auditors who can provide superior technical support and expertise. The BioGro logo gives consumers the guarantee that the highest organic standards have been met every step of the way.

La Esperanzita is the cradle of organic agriculture in Nicaragua. Today it is an organically producing farm, plus Escuela Campesina de Agricultura Ecológica en el Trópico Húmedo, doing training, education, environmental and organic agriculture campaigns, preparing a carbon offset scheme for interested organizations of the zone and interested buyers in Europe. CONTACT: Elba Rivera Urbina, esperanzita84@yahoo.com Sano y Salvo - Safe and Sound, Primera Asociación Campesina e Indígena de Cultura y Producción Ecológicas en la RAAS

CONTACT: Michelle Glogau, info@biogro.co.nz

De la rotonda „Los 4 Evangelios“ 1 3/4 cuadras al Oeste

OrganicNZ - The Soil & Health Association of NZ P.O. Box 36-170 Northcote 1330 Auckland

Nueva Guinea RAAS Nicaragua Tel: +505 25750270


Fax: +505 22684906

New Zealand

web.me.com/gerd.schnepel.2043/Nueva.Guinea.RAAS.Nicaragua/Sano_y_ Salvo_-_Safe_and_Sound.html

Tel: +64 941 94536 Fax: +64 941 94556 www.organicnz.org CONTACT: Sandra Donley, manager@organicnz.org

Nicaragua Centro de Exportaciones e Inverciones de Nicaragua

Sano y Salvo is an association of ecologically farming families in SE Nicaragua, a “biosphere of humankind”. 15% of the families are indigenous families (Rama). We grow the necessary food crops organically; the cash crops (up to 30 different ones) are grown in ecological, succesional agroforestry plots. Hairsheep, pigs and all kind of poultry are the farm animals. Sano y Salvo’s farms are examples of agro-biodiversity. By protecting natural biodiversity, forests, water, climate, we make migration unnecessary. Sano y Salvo is involved in media work and lobbying locally, regionally and nationally. We market our produce ourselves. CONTACT: Gerd Schnepel, gerdschnepel2043@yahoo.com

Planes de Altamira, segunda etapa contigua a Alianya Francesa Managua Nicaragua Tel: +505 2252 5747 Fax: +505 2270 5191


www.cei.org.ni The Export and Investment Center Nicaragua is a private, nonprofit organization that supports micro, small and medium enterprises, farmer organizations and individuals in order to improve the competitiveness of Nicaragua’s export sector and establish a foothold in international markets.

Nigerian Organic Agriculture Network University of Ibadan, Department of Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry

CONTACT: Robert Brenes, rbrenes@cei.org.ni

Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria Tel: +234 8023422759 Fax: +234 8079823397 www.noannigeria.net The Nigerian Organic Agriculture Network (NOAN) is a non-governmental organization created to serve as an umbrella body for all stakeholders involved in organic agriculture in Nigeria. The secretariat of NOAN is located in the city of Ibadan, Nigeria. Membership is drawn from farmers, scientists, processors, exporters, individuals, Institutions, NGOs and organizations that are key players in the organic agriculture sector in Nigeria. NOAN also serves as a link between organic agriculture stakeholders in Nigeria and international bodies interested in organic agriculture. CONTACT: Olugbenga AdeOluwa, noannigeria@gmail.com

Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

Debio Blixrudveien

c/o IFSERAR University of Agriculture PMB 2240

1940 Bjørkelangen Norway


Tel: +47 63862650

Ogun State

Fax: +47 63856985

Nigeria Tel: +234 8062435720 Fax: +234 39 243045 www.unaab.edu.ng Capacity building funded by donors and dissemination of research finding via annual conferences. We have had 7 annual conferences in various universities located in different parts of the country. Our major source of income comes include annual members dues . On average, participants in each conference is 50 and that amount to about 50,000 naira (equivalent of about US$300). However, sale of annual proceeding is normally income to off-set LOC expenditure. The annual conferences take place September to November each year. Although, we have zonal coordinators in each geographical zone of the country and each can organize training independently of the national body, the income generated does not come to the nationa body. Previous conferences and venues 1. The first conference was held 2005 in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, the second annual conference held at University of Ibadan, 2006 and the third in University of Agriculture, Abeokuta CONTACT: Sunday Adigbo, sundayadigbo@yahoo.com

North Korea

Pyongyang International Information Center of New Technology and Economy Ryonhwa 2-dong

www.debio.no Debio’s activities include the certification of organic production and processing according to the EU regulation, the certification of organic forestry according to private Debio standards, Demeter certification, sustainable fishery and wild catch. CONTACT: Gerald Altena, gerald.altena@debio.no Oikos - Organic Norway Engebrets vei 3 NO-0275 Oslo Norway Tel: +47 24124100 Fax: +47 24124101 www.oikos.no Oikos - Organic Norway is the national organic movement in Norway. Policy, advocacy and generic information on organic food and farming directed towards consumers are our main activities. Having both organic farmers and consumers in its membership, Oikos has regional and local branches throughout Norway. It is also publishes the organic magazine Ren Mat (‘Pure Food’) five times a year. CONTACT: Jon Magne Holten, jon.magne@oikos.no

PALEstinian territories Arab Agronomist Association

Central District, Pyongyang

P.O. Box 4504 Al-Bireh

North Korea

970 Ramallah

Tel: +850 21 8222

West Bank

Fax: +850 23 84 644

Palestinian Territories

CONTACT: Jon Il Nam, dmw@star-co.net.kp

Tel: +970 2 2966317 Fax: +970 2 2966317 www.aaa-arc.org


Our main activities are: 1-organic agriculture extension work, 2- training for farmers on organic farming 3- research 4- training for agronomists on sustainable agriculture. We implement ONLY one project on Global GAP. CONTACT: Saad Younis/Dagher, saadd@aaa-arc.org

Bioforsk - Organic Food and Farming Division Gunnars veg 6 6630 Tingvoll Norway Tel: +47 452 30 200 Fax: +47 71 53 44 05 www.bioforsk.no/okologisk Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming Division is a part of the national research institute for agriculture, Bioforsk. We work with research and development in organic farming and are also a national center of competence in organic farming. Nutrient balance, fodder quality, animal welfare, horticulture are among the topics we work with. A demonstration farm, a demonstration garden and dissemination of knowledge are also important parts of our activities. CONTACT: Grete Lene Serikstad, grete.lene.serikstad@bioforsk.no

Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee P.O. Box 25128 Shu‘fat, Jerusalem Palestinian Territories Tel: +970 22963840 Fax: +970 22963850 www.parc.ps The Agricultural Development Association (PARC) is a leading Palestinian nonprofit, non-governmental organization involved in rural development and women’s empowerment. PARC provides advice, awareness support, services, and special consultancies for individuals, groups, and institutions involved in similar domains. PARC relies on the broad and efficient participation of its beneficiaries, and moreover, on developing the qualifications of its experts to better benefit and develop a democratic Palestinian civil society CONTACT: Hasanein Hasanein, hasaneen@pal-arc.org



Alecoconsult Internacional S.A. Edificio Scotia Plaza, No. 18, Ave. Federico Boyd y Calle 51 Pisos 9,10 y 11 Ciudad de Panamá



Av. Alfredo Benavides 330, Ofic. 203 Miraflores

Tel: +57 16359366 ext. 107

18 Lima

Fax: +57 16359366


www.alecoconsult.com Education in organic agriculture, technical support and representation of products for organic and non residual agriculture, manufactured by allied partners. Development of organic production programs. CONTACT: Arno Liebmann, alecoconsult@yahoo.es

Paraguay Centro de Educación, Capacitación y Tecnología Campesina Manuel Domínguez 1048 entre Brasil y EE.UU

Tel: +51 1 2090300 Fax: +51 1 2090300 ext. 20 www.biolatina.com We offer services for organic certification based on field and documentary inspections made by properly qualified and accredited personnel by the company, which has international accreditations in both the U.S. and European Union (based on the fulfillment of ISO 65 for certifying companies). We also make GlobalG.A.P.certification that is based on a verification program on the principles of food safety, environment, health, safety and occupational well-being valid for the European Union. Additionally we work with C.A.F.E. Practices, 4C (Common Code for the Coffee Community Association), Stop Climate Change, Bird Friendly Coffee, UTZ Certified CONTACT: Francisco Cabrera, central@biolatina.com.pe

Asunción Paraguay Tel: +595 21209217 Fax: +595 21490264 www.cectec.org.py La Propuesta del CECTEC, apunta a desarrollar con las/los jóvenes campesinos/as y sus familias, acciones en el ámbito de la educación, capacitación, producción, comercializacion y organización que sean capaces de modificar la práctica social y las alternativas laborales de las /los mismos/as Principales actividades * Fortalecimiento del sistema productivo agroecológico campesino * Apoyo a la innovación tecnológica, uso adecuado de los recursos y producción ecológica * Fortalecimiento del liderazgo de las mujeres * Fortalecimiento de las estructuras organizativas de organizaciones de base * Formación de jóvenes líderes campesinos/as * Fortalecimiento los derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes para su organización y participación ciudadana * Acompañamiento y fortalecimiento de capacidades de comercialización conjunta. CONTACT: Pedro Peralta, cectec@cectec.org.py

ECOANDINO S.A.C Los Tulipanes 188 of 402 33 Surco, Lima Lima Peru Tel: +511 652 7823 Fax: + www.ecoandino.com CONTACT: Carlos G. Samaniego-López, gerencia@ecoandino.com

Grupo Orgánico Nacional S.A.

Programa de Hortalizas Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina

Camino Real 111 - Suite 501 27 Lima

Apartado 12-056 La Molina


Lima 12

Tel: +51 1 422 43 30


Fax: +51 1 422 43 25 www.organicperuviangrains.com We carry out the productions and exporting of organic products such as organic quinoa, white, red, black and tricolor, amaranth, and hulled and unhulled sesame. CONTACT: Magdalena Diez-Canseco, organicgrains@terra.com.pe

Tel: +51 1 348 5796 Fax: +51 1 348 5796 www.lamolina.edu.pe/hortalizas We are a research, education and outreach program for vegetable crops and agroecology, part of a public national university.. CONTACT: Roberto Ugás, rugas@lamolina.edu.pe

Instituto de Desarrollo y Medio Ambiente Av. Boulevard 1048 San Borja


41 Lima Peru Tel: +51 1 2249641 Fax: +51 1 2249641 www.idmaperu.org CONTACT: Gabriel Mejia Duclos, coordinador-rurandes@idma-peru.org

Ahcil Laboratories, Inc. National Association of Ecological Producers of Peru Jr. Lloque Yupanqui Nº. 1392 11 Distrito de Jesús María, Lima

Pert Compound, Tingub 6014 Mandaue City Cebu Philippines


Tel: +63 32 3280939


Fax: +63 63 3280939

Tel: +511 4724828


Fax: +511 4724831

Ahcil Laboratories, Inc. is a company engaged in the manufacture of Alpha Hydroxy Acids for Agri Use. Our product, Antica Organic Fungicide & Bactericide, got its license last March 11, 2010 from the Philippine Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA). It is the first organic fungicide that was able to comply with the stringent government requirements in obtaining a license. So far, it is the only organic pesticide authorized for commercial use in the Philippines. Just this year, the company made another breakthrough by formulating another product, 3SE CONCENTRATE. It’s a seaweed-based Sticker, Spreader, & Emulsifier for agri-use. Field trials and other lab tests are ongoing to comply with the government’s licensing requirements

www.anpeperu.org CONTACT: Moises Quispe, agroecologico2003@yahoo.com

Red de Acción en Agricultura Alternativa Julio Rodavero 682 Urb. Las Brisas 1 Lima

CONTACT: Grecilda Sanchez-Zaballero, ahcil_laboratories@yahoo.com

Peru Tel: +511 715 820 Fax: +511 718 8893 www.raaa.org.pe CONTACT: Hector Velasquez Alcantara, hvelasquez@raaa.org.pe

Alter Trade Corporation Block 6-A, Lily Street, Bata Subdivision 6100 Bacolod City

Red de Agricultura Ecológica del Perú Av. Arenales # 645, 2do piso 1 Lima Peru Tel: +51 133 22020 Fax: +51 143 31073 www.raeperu.com CONTACT: Alejandra Farfan, farba87@yahoo.com

Negros Occidental Philippines Tel: +63 344410051 Fax: +63 344410057 www.altertradegroup.com.ph CONTACT: Norma G. Mugar, gsc@altertrade.net

Center for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development

Natures Glory Industries

No. 22 Matipid Street Sikatuna Village

No. 8 Red Horse St., Horseshoe Hills, Banawa

1101 Quezon City

6000 Cebu City



Tel: +63 2738 2651


Fax: +63 2926 7397

Tel: +63 322380978


Fax: +63 322530531

The Center for Agrarian Reform & Rural Development or CARRD was institutionalized in 1988 with the aim of advancing the cause of agrarian reform and rural development and to be of service to the rural population. As a catalyst for sustainable development, CARRD envisions rural communities organized into socially aware, productive, enterprising and viable partners in development. An integral part in achieving this vision is the promotion and adoption of sustainable agriculture.

www.naturesbiorganic.com Natures Glory Industries is engaged in manufacturing the following products: Microbial Organic Fertilizer Organic Pest Controller Organic Deodorizer and Disinfectant Organic Animal Supplements. CONTACT: Victor G. Cabral, naturesbio@yahoo.com

CONTACT: Edwin P. Nerva, carrdinc@gmail.com

KASAMA KA ORGANIK KOOP - Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farmers‘ Cooperative

Nature Wonders Enterprises

Sage Learning Center Bldg Villegas Organic Farm Complex, San Pero 1

15 Annapolis Street Unit 210 Gold Condominium Brgy. Greenhills

4233 Malvar

1503 San Juan City





Tel: +63 9177929249

Tel: +63 2 72 369 27

Fax: +63 2927 4791

Fax: +63 2 72 574 61



KASAMA KA ORGANIK KOOP is a broad-based farming cooperative with membership coming from organic producers, small farmers, academic and research communities, organic hobbyists and enthusiasts, agribusiness practitioners and advocates in sustainable and organic agriculture, wellness and healthy lifestyle. Membership includes cooperatives, organic farmers organizations and organic business groups. It serves as a catalyst in promoting, demonstrating or showcasing technical, socio-economic, and financial viability of commercializing sustainable, organic, and ecological agriculture in the countryside.

NATURE WONDERS ENTERPRISES is a merger of two corporations that delved into agriculture and natural organic foods and natural skin care products. Profits became secondary as passionate advocacy took the lead for changes needed for a better, healthier society in a clean environment. Over 15 years of hard earned experience equipped us with greater wisdom and understanding. In order to simplify operations, under Nature Wonders Enterprises, 3 divisions were set up to cater for the takeover of the Galactic Resources Development Corporation. The divisions correspond with thier product range e.g. agricultural inputs such as Alpha Bio Organic Fertilizer and Natural Wonders Unlimited Marketing Inc. for its natural and organic food and skin care products.

CONTACT: Isagani G. Catedral, doc_ganicatedral@yahoo.com Mango Queen International Corporation

CONTACT: Rosalina S. Tan, linaseetan@yahoo.com

Ouano Wharf, Plaridel Street Mandaue, Cebu Philippines Tel: +63 32 2562368

Negros Island Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development

Fax: +63 32 2562362

Provincial Capitol Building 3rd Floor


6100 Bacolod City

CONTACT: John Toner, mangoqueencebu@yahoo.com.sg

Philippines Tel: +63 34433 2174

MASIPAG - Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development 2611 Carbern Village 4030 Los Baños Laguna Philippines Tel: +63 495 365549 Fax: +63 495 365549 www.masipag.org MASIPAG is a farmer-led network of people’s organizations, non-government organizations and scientists working towards farmers’ empowerment through farmers’ control and sustainable use of genetic and biological resources, agricultural production and associated knowledge. CONTACT: Charito P. Medina, info@masipag.org

Fax: +63 34707 1434 www.nisard.net NEGROS ISLAND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION, INC (NISARD), is the prime mover in promoting organic agriculture development in the island of Negros, home to more than 4 million Filipinos in the central Philippines. NISARD’s mission is advocating and promoting organic agriculture across the island as a vehicle for rural development, food security and poverty alleviation. It evolved out of serious socio-economic and environmental problems faced by Negrenses. Soil degradation due to monoculture and chemical farming, unabated deforestation that threatens remaining endemic flora and fauna, marginalization of small farmers due to dependency on expensive chemical farm inputs, depletion of marine resources from overfishing and other malpractices—see the Island’s natural resources in dire straits. And it takes its heavy toll on small, marginal farmers who comprise the majority of the island’s population and are highly dependent on agriculture as a source of income. CONTACT: Edgardo Uychiat, boyetuychiat@yahoo.com

Organic Certification Center of the Philippines

Association Forum of Organic Agriculture named Mieczyslaw Górny

Unit 304 Rasver Building Sr. E. Rodriguez Avenue Barangay Immaculate Concepcion

Nowoursynowska Str. 159 c/1105

1111 Cubao, Quezon City



02-787 Warsaw Poland

Tel: +632 6953496

Tel: +48 225937038

Fax: +632 6953496

Fax: +48 225937036

www.occpphils.org CONTACT: Leilani Ramona Katimbang-Limpin, info@occpphils.org

Organic Producers & Trade Association Philippines Inc. Unit M-IX, The Gallery Building, Amorsolo Street Makati City Philippines Tel: +63 2 759 2678

www.forumrolnictwaekologicznego.pl Forum of Organic Agricuture named M. Górny is a non-profit NGO association of Polish scientists and other stakeholders connected closely to organic agriculture. We promote organic farming and form opinions on important matters related to organic agriculture in Poland. We try to consolidate different persons / groups active in the same field. We are very active in actions against GMO in Poland and try to influenece politicians on this matter. We discuss the most important scientific needs of the organic sector in Poland and in Europe. CONTACT: Maria Ewa Rembialkowska, ewa_rembialkowska@sggw.pl

Fax: +63 2 811 1580 www.optaphilippines.blogspot.com OPTA, a non-profit association established in 1995. Members consist of farmers, practitioners/advocates, consumers, academics, students, professionals, pastors, NGO’s, corporations and government officials. OPTA’s mission is to build sustainable communities through Organic Agriculture by providing responsible leadership, setting standards of organic integrity, develop a new breed of farmers that sacredly hold the sense of stewardship, thereby contributing to the higher quality of life of our people.

Bio-Concept-Gardenia Sp. z o.o. Ul. Fabryczna 5 00-446 Warszawa Poland Tel: +48 166 424132 Fax: +48 166 423433

CONTACT: Arestina S. Morados, optaphilippines@gmail.com

Partnership for Development Assistance in the Philippines 78-B Dr. Lazcano Street BLH Quezon City

www.Bioconcept.pl Bio-Concept is one of the biggest organic companies in Poland. The company was established in Kanizuga (south-east part of Poland). Bio-Concept’s Policy is to acquire and maintain a leading market position through profitable growth in the production of our products, recognized and acknowledged by the clients and consumers as being of the best quality. CONTACT: Mariusz Kusmierek, mkusmierek@bioconcept.pl

Philippines Tel: +63 237 48216 Fax: +63 237 48214 www.pdap.net


PDAP advocates Organic Agriculture to the communities we are working with. We provide various interventions within the value chain of the organic commodity that the community is producing. Specific interventions and/or services include value chain financing, training and consulting, and program management.

Boya-Zelenskiego 6 lok.34 00-621 Warszawa Poland Tel: +48 22 825 10 78

CONTACT: Roel Ravanera, rravanera@xu.edu.ph

Fax: +48 22 825 18 12 www.bioekspert.waw.pl


We are a certification body in organic agriculture, offering certification on the basis of the EU regulation 834/2007 and the inspection for private standards in cooperation with international certification bodies: Demeter International, IMO, Soil Association and Naturland. CONTACT: Dorota Metera, bioekspert@bioekspert.waw.pl

AGRO BIO TEST Sp. z o.o. ul. ZWM 5 02-786 Warszawa

Stowarzyszenie Producentów Żywności Motedami Ekologicznymi EKOLAND

Poland Tel: +48 22 847 8739

ul. Jana Pawła II 2

www.agrobiotest.pl AGRO BIO TEST (PL-EKO-07) is the most experienced Polish certification body, founded (1996) for organic control services in view. Accredited to ISO 65, approved for official controls in organic sector in Poland, for conformity with the EU organic regulation. Open for international cooperation in the certification field. CONTACT: Ursula Soltysiak, agro.bio.test@agrobiotest.pl

89-200 Szubin Poland Tel: +48 523848110 www.ekolandpolska.pl CONTACT: Danuta Pilarska, danuta.pilarska@wp.pl

Warsaw Agricultural University Chair of Organic Food

CERTIPLANET - Certificação da Agricultura, Florestas e Pescas, Lda.

Nowoursynowska 159 C

Av.do Porto de Pescas, Lote C-15, 1-° C

02-787 Warszawa

2520-250 Peniche




Tel: +351 262 789 005

Tel: +48 22 59 37 0 38

Fax: +351 262 789 514

Fax: +48 22 59 37 0 36



CERTIPLANET - Certificação da Agricultura, Florestas e Pescas, Lda. is involved in the Inspection and Certification of Organic Products. It is accredited by IPAC (EN 45011 / ISO 65) and member of CERTIBIONET, ASBL (International Association of Certification Organizations of Organic Framing).

The Chair of Organic Foodstuffs is a didactic and scientific unit in Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The main interest is in organic agriculture and food quality. We conduct studies on the quality of organic food and its impact on human and animal health. We are also interested in the development of organic farming in Poland and in Europe, and we are conducting several implementation projects in this area. We also disseminate knowledge of organic food and farming among Polish consumers.

CONTACT: Fernando Serrador, certiplanet@sapo.pt

CONTACT: Maria Ewa Rembialkowska, ewa_rembialkowska@sggw.pl

Ecocert Portugal Unipessoal Lda Rua Alexandre Herculano No.68-1° Esq. 2520-273 Peniche Portugal


Tel: +351 262 785117 Fax: +351 262 787171 www.ecocert.pt CONTACT: Filipe de Avelar, fba.socert@mail.telepac.pt

AGROBIO - Associação Portuguesa de Agricultura Biológica Calçada da Tapada 39 R/C Dto 1300-545 Lisboa Portugal

Edibio Edições

Tel: +351 213 641 354

R. Emidio Navarro, 61

Fax: +351 213 628 133

4550-126 Castelo de Paiva

www.agrobio.pt AGROBIO is a mixed farmers/consumers association, founded in 1985, to promote the development of organic agriculture in Portugal. It develops work with consumers, growers, processors, retailors, municipalities, schools, and policy makers. Its activities include: technical advising to organic farmers, training, environmental education, research, promoting local markets, organising events (national organic exhibition Terra Sã, seminars, etc.), and publishing. CONTACT: Jaime Manuel Carvalho Ferreira, direccao@agrobio.pt

Douro Litoral Portugal Tel: +351 255689812 Fax: +351 255689812 www.edibio.pt Pubication of a organic farming magazine, and other publications on organic farming, environment, rural development. We are an organic advisor and organizer. CONTACT: António Strecht, edibio@sapo.pt

AGRO-SANUS - Assistência Técnica em Agricultura biológica Ltd. Calçada do Moinho de Vento, 4-2° D 1150-236 Lisboa Portugal Tel: +351 218850696 Fax: +351 218824937 www.agrosanus.pt Consulting for Organic farms. We conduct consultative organic farming research projects and teach students at University. We are involved in training farmers on conversion from conventional to organic farming. CONTACT: Jorge Ferreira, jferreira@agrosanus.pt

INTERBIO - Associação Interprofissional para a Agricultura Biológica Edifício INOVISA, Tapada da Ajuda 1349-017 Lisboa Portugal Tel: +351 916576365 www.interbio.pt CONTACT: Catarina Crisóstomo, crisostomo.cg@gmail.com

Laurus - Archiculture & Agritecture

Bio Romania Association

Serra de Santa Maria 3230-055 Espinhal

32 Scolii


Stefan cel Mare

Tel: +351 91 943 49 44



Tel: +40 374058057

Laurus is specialized in the planning and supervising of the establishment of partially to fully self-sustaining health-recovery retreats as well as private estates. Our concepts include whole built infrastructure as well as the provision of organic food production for residents. To strengthen the organic movement for the future, we have been offering summer training courses especially for young people since 2006 to educate them in organic gardening and controlled microbial composting. CONTACT: Jens Giller, jens.giller@laurusnet.eu

Fax: +40 318174072 www.bio-romania.org The Bio – Romania Association is a Romanian non-profit, non governmental, apolitical and independent legal entity. The association was formed in September 2008 by merging 18 founding members: associates, cooperatives, companies, manufacturers, exporters, academics and personalities from the field of organic agriculture. The Association advocates for sustainable development of agriculture and rural space, education, information and consumer awareness of the benefits of organic farming for both human health and natural health by promoting the consumption of certified organic foods. CONTACT: Marian Cioceanu, office@bio-romania.org

SATIVA Desenvolvimento Rural, Lda. R. Robalo Gouveia 1. 1 A

Ecocert Romania

1900-392 Lisboa

Strada Poet Alexandru Sileanu nr 10


Bucuresti sector 3 (Zona Piata Unirii)

Tel: +351 217 991100


Fax: +351 217 991119

Tel: +40 212 106820


Fax: +40 212 106835

Certification body CONTACT: Abdelaziz Messai, office.romania@ecocert.com

CONTACT: António Mantas, am@sativa.pt

ICEA Romania S.R.L Str. Dacia 13 Valu Lui Traina Costanza Romania


Tel: +40 241230015 Fax: +40 241230015 CONTACT: Gabriela Mitrea, icearomania@yahoo.com

Asociata EcoR Partener - Centrul de Resurse pentru Promovarea si Marketingul Produselor Ecologice Certificate

Russia Association for Organic & Biodynamic Agriculture ‚AGROSOPHIE‘

B-Dul Eroilor 118 bl. D sc. 2 Parter ap. 38 77190 Voluntari Bucharest, Ilfov

Krasnaja 20


141506 Solnechnogorsk

Tel: +40 725 521 234

Moscow region

Fax: +40 318 171 136


www.ecor.ro EcoR Partener is a Romanian NGO having as its main objective the promotion of excellence in organic farming - this includes training, consultancy, marketing and networking. Its national network is composed of Organic Farmers, Processors and Traders as well as Teaching Institutions in the specific fields. Internationally, EcoR Partener is a member of ORA, the Avalon Network and IFOAM & IFOAM EU Group. EcoR Partener is managed by a professional team of experts in diverse areas of the organic field. EcoR Partener is part of the EcoQualify III Innovation Transfer Project aimed at improving organic retail standards in the Balkans. Find out more at www.ecor.ro CONTACT: Damian Dragomir, damian@ecor.ro

Tel: +7 901 5190599 Fax: +7 495 9940397 www.biodynamic.ru The Association for Organic & Biodynamic Agriculture ‘AGROSOPHIE’ was founded in 2003. The aim of the association is the development of organic & biodynamic farming. There are numreous Association Work Groups such as “Organic plant production”, “Organic animal husbandry”, “Organic Legislation & Standards”, “BIO-Certification”, “Biodynamic Preparations”, “Education & Practis”, “BIO-Consulting” and many more. CONTACT: Andrey Khodus, info@biodynamic.ru

Bisolbi Inter

OOO “Chistaya Eda”

Shosse Podbelskogo 3

12/1 Frunze street

196608 St.Petersburg-Pushkin

353344 Moldavanskoye, Krasnodar Region


Krymsk Province

Tel: +7 81 24705348


Fax: +7 81 24705348

Tel: +7 861 3169491


Fax: +7 861 3169237

We are invloved in the production of microbial fertilizers for conventional and organic agriculture. We conduct research on agricultural microbiology, environmental biotechnology, and bioremediation of technogenically polluted lands. CONTACT: Vladimir Chebotar, bisolbi-inter@rambler.ru

www.chistayaeda.ru OOO “Chistaya Eda” organic in Russia is growing organic vegetables, cereal crops, grooming cattle and goats, cheese making in the south of Russia. CONTACT: Walter Borio, wborio@chistayaeda.ru

Organic Market LLC 115/5 Novinki, Pavlo-Slobodskoe, Istra Eco-control Ltd.

143581 Moscow Region

Krasnaja 20


141506 Solnechnogorsk

Tel: +7 495 727 0847

Moscow region



Organic Market is a small chain of shops that sell organic products only in Moscow, Russia. We sell products certified by international certification bodies, but our main focus is the promotion of local and regional organic production and trade. Our goal is to promote organic principles in Russia, where awareness of the importance of sustainable production is still very low. We are planning to set up an organic certification program, which will be in strict accordance with IFOAM norms.

Tel: +7 495 9790599 Fax: +7 495 9940397 www.eco-control.ru Organic & Biodynamic Certification according to legal (registred by State Russia) Certification System of Organic & Biodynamic Farming “BIO”. Accreditation.

CONTACT: Anna Bachina, a.bachina@organikmarket.ru

CONTACT: Andrey Khodus, mail@eco-control.ru

Saint Petersburg Ecological Union EcoLife LLC 124482 Zelenograd Savelkinskiy Proezd 4, 1313 Moscow Russia Tel: +7 903 7714431 Fax: + www.ecolifegroup.ru EcoLife LLC is the Russian rapidly growing company. Our mission is to support and develop organic community with fairness and care in accordance with the principles of Organic Agriculture. We are focused on the following activities: local organic farmers support; import/export operations; distribution and retail trade of organic food and goods, agro-tourism support. CONTACT: Sergey Zaichenko, sergey.zaichenko@ecolifegroup.ru

National Association of Organic Producers and Consumers Novoslobodskaya Street 23 127055 Moscow Russia Tel: +7 495 992 1790 Fax: + www.naopp.ru NAOPP is a nonprofit organization that aims to promote organic agriculture in Russia through a reliable guarantee of quality, which is based on trust and peer cooperation. By building a Participatory Guarantee System we hope to provide the local and national market with organic certification while government policy in the sector is being developed. CONTACT: Anna Olgovskaya, a.olgovskaya@naopp.ru

Nekrasova ul. 21 191014 St.Petersburg Russia Tel: +7 812 2309029 Fax: +7 812 2309697 www.ecounion.ru Saint Petersburg Ecological Union is involved in raising public awareness in the organic movement, in organic certification (accredited experts) according to NOP, JAS, EU Organic standards as well as consulting producers on organic related topics CONTACT: Yulia Gracheva, project@ecounion.ru


GIZ Organic Farming Project P.O. Box 2730 11461 Riyadh Ar-Riyadh Saudi Arabia

Women in Business Development Inc 2nd Floor Nia Mall, Fugalei P.O. Box 6591 Apia

Tel: +966 1 401 666 2254 Fax: +966 1 402 2479 www.saudi-organic.org.sa The GIZ Organic Farming Project is assigned by its client (Saudi Ministry of Agriculture) to develop the organic agriculture sector in Saudi Arabia.

Samoa Tel: +685 21959

CONTACT: Marco Hartmann, marco.hartmann@giz.de

Fax: +685 252 46 www.womeninbusiness.ws WIBDI is a NGO focusing on creating income generation opportunities at a grass roots level in Samoa and the Pacific. Certified for over 10 year,s WIBDI manages an ICS with over 400 growers and currently exports under ethical trading principles virgin coconut oil, fresh and dried lady finger banana, cocoa, coffee and vanilla. WIBDI supplies organically certified virgin coconut oil to the cosmetics company The Body Shop under its community trade programme and is active in supporting organisations across the pacific in preparation for entering organic certification.

Saudi Organic Farming Association P.O. Box 204 11321 Riyadh Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 1 4016666

CONTACT: Adimaimalaga Tafuna‘i, adi@womeninbusiness.ws

Fax: +966 1 4066987 www.sofa.org.sa

Saudi Arabia

SOFA was still under development in 2011. The 1st General Assembly was held and the Board of Directors elected (10) including the chairman. Vision, mission, objectives and organizational structure were prepared. The SOFA logo was designed and its website launched. SOFA became involved in the organic movement in Saudi Arabia to provide services to its members. CONTACT: Saad A. Khalil, saadkhal@gmail.com

The First Agricultural Co. for Registration, Inspection & Certification

Al Mahalliah Trading and Agricultural Co. Ltd. P.O. 5650

Wholesale Marketing Build No. 17 - Office No.109 Riyadh, South Ring Road

11432 Riyadh Saudi Arabia

11432 Riyadh

Tel: +966 1 4380940 Fax: +966 1 2132603 www.almahalliah.com Al Mahalliah is considered a specialized company producing, importing, and exporting organic agriculture inputs incl. biocides, fertilizers, bio fertilizers, organic seeds and agricultural machines for compost production line. CONTACT: Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al-Telas, ceo@almahalliah.com

Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 1 4380812 Fax: +966 1 4384979 www.tawthiq.sa TAWTHIQ is the First National Inspection and Certification Body in Saudi Arabia and Arabian Gulf Countries which grants certificates for Organic Agriculture, GLOBAL GAP, and Halal Islamic Food. CONTACT: Eng. Omar Abdul RahmanAl Hussein, info@tawthiq.sa

Dar Sudirah Establishment

Watania Agriculture

P.O.Box 90027

P. O. Box 51764

11613 Riyadh

11553 Riyadh

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia

Tel: +966 1 4040000 Ext:3000

Tel: +966 146 460162

Fax: +966 1 4015145

Fax: +966 146 540164



CONTACT: Abdulaziz M.Al-Babtain, albabtainabdulaziz@yahoo.com

CONTACT: Shafiq Urrahman, quality@watania-agri.com


Poslovni Sistem Global Seed d.o.o. Heroja Pinkija 40 21000 Novi Sad Serbia

Equilibre Production Environnement Sarl

Tel: +381 21 4804 301

Rue 04 Bloc C Ngor Mテゥrifien, B.P. : 5351 Dakar-Fann

Fax: +381 21 4804 301 www.globalseed.info Global Seed Group encompasses seven companies dealing with field crops, vegetables, livestock and raw milk production, fruits and vegetables processing and provision of veterinary services.

Senegal Tel: +221 33 820 51 20 Fax: +221 33 820 51 20

CONTACT: Milosh Danilovich, milos.danilovic@globalseed.info

www.epe.sn We are involved in the control and certification of organic products as well as quality and environment systems (Organic Agriculture, GlobalGap, Fairtrade). CONTACT: Lamine Bara Diao, lamine.diao@epe.sn

Singapore Federation Nationale pour l窶連griculture Biologique s/c AGRECOL, B.P. 347 BP. 347 Thies

The Sukha House Pte Ltd


705 Sims Drive, #06-04B Shun Li Industrial Complex

Tel: +221 951 4206

387384 Singapore

Fax: +221 33 951 53 37


CONTACT: Ibrahima Seck, iseck@yahoo.fr

Tel: +65 6842 6795 Fax: +65 6842 0837 www.sukhahouse.com

Fax: +381 11 2194563

The Sukha House was founded in January 2005 as an importer of organic and natural health products such as organic brown rice, sugar, honey, cereal and snacks from Thailand. Most of our products are certified organic, GAP (good agriculture practice), non-GMO and/or achieved the OTOP premium 5-Star award. As a socially engaging company that believes in giving back to society, we often donate our products for fund-raising purposes at charity events. Our participation in these events is part of our marketing efforts to create greater awareness in our products, generate goodwill as well as promote healthy living. We have been and will continue to collaborate with overseas academic institutions to encourage more farmers to engage in organic cultivation. Our Mission: To become a leading social enterprise, distributing organic & natural health food products in the region- by interweaving corporate social responsibility, business ethics and integrity in our business


CONTACT: Heng Guan Hou, hou@sukhahouse.com

Serbia Fond Organska Srbija Ul. Prilaz 1 11080 Zemun-Beograd Serbia Tel: +381 11 219 4563

CONTACT: Branko Cicic, branko.cicic@gmail.com

National Organisation for Organic Agriculture Molerova 29/a


11000 Belgrade Serbia Tel: +381 65 855 6868 Fax: +381 11 308 7840

Institute for Inspection and Certification in Agriculture and in Silviculture

www.serbiaorganica.org Serbia Organica is an umbrella organization which brings together the entire organic agricultural sector in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. We represent a unique focal point of information on the organic sector in Serbia. Our aim is to provide all the information needed for successful ongoing activities in organic production. Our vision is to have 20% of all agricultural areas in Serbia (1 million hectares), under organic production, in the next 10 years. Serbia Organica with all interested parties in organic food sector, promotes and spreads the values of organic production. CONTACT: Ivana Simic, ivana.simic@serbiaorganica.org

Vinarska Ulica 14 2000 Maribor Slovenia Tel: +386 2 228 4952 Fax: +386 2 251 94 82 www.kon-cert.si CONTACT: Valentina Aleksic, valentina.aleksic@guest.arnes.si

BIODAR – Zveza združenj ekoloških kmetov Slovenije Metelkova 6 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: +386 1 250 12 01 Fax: +386 1 232 14 01 www.zveza-ekokmet.si USOFA is the Union of Slovenian Organic Farmers Association which was found in 1999. It is the largest Slovenian organic producers organization. The individual members of regional associations are farmers, who farm according to USOFA standards on the whole farm. Organic processing which fulfills the standards of the organization may become USOFA licence partners. USOFA standards for production and processing are based on international IFOAM basic standards. They meet the national and European Union requirements for organic production and are in several aspects are even more demanding. CONTACT: Petra Furlan, petra.furlan@biouzitek.si Institute for Sustainable Development - Inštitut za trajnostni razvoj Metelkova 6 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: +386 1 43 97 465 Fax: +386 1 43 97 105 www.itr.si We conduct the following activities: (1) Support the development of national organic farming and food sector by research, advocacy, advisory, education, awareness-raising and training. (2) Implementation of innovative, practiceoriented organic food and farming projects (in education, direct marketing, public procurement, development issues etc.) (3) Policy work and networking (national and EU level)

Biodynamic Agricultural Association of Southern Africa P.O. Box 6196, Uniedal 7612 Stellenbosch South Africa

CONTACT: Anamarija Slabe, anamarija.slabe@itr.si

South Africa Tel: +27 218813628 www.bdaasa.org.za

South Africa Afrisco Certified Organic

CONTACT: Liesl Haasbroek, info@bdaasa.org.za

39A Idol Road 81 Lynnwood Glen


Pretoria South Africa

The Biodynamic Agricultural Associasion of Southern Africa is a non-profit voluntary, membership based association of individuals who are practicing and/or supporting the practice of biodynamic farming or simply interested in learning more about biodynamic farming.




Tel: +27 12 361 5127 Fax: +27 86 511 4114 www.afrisco.net We provide organic inspection and certification in South Africa and nine other countries in southern Africa (most of our work). We also do verfication for the Union for Ethical Biotrade, and some other work in nonorganic agriculture. CONTACT: Diana Callear, dianac@neomail.co.za

Green Growers Association 15 Inyoni Heights, 98 Vause Road 4001 Durban South Africa Tel: +27 31 2018177 Fax: + www.greengrowersassociation.co.za

Fax: +27 86 518 0107

The Green Growers Association is a network of growers, processors, suppliers, distributors and retailers of authentic, locally grown, wholesome food. The main objective of the Green Growers Association is to provide a low cost labeling scheme for marketing wholesome, locally grown food, i.e. a simple, affordable alternative to formal, third party certification. The standard is concerned with local production and consumption.


CONTACT: Jeremy Lister-James, jlj@netactive.co.za

Ecocert Southern Africa P.O. Box 51187 Waterfront Cape Town 8002 South Africa Tel: +27 21 46 11 558

CONTACT: Joachim Schuckmann, joachim.schuckmann@ecocert.com

PGS South Africa


P.O. Box 69432, Bryanston

1F, 87-1 Hangangro 2-ga Yongsan-gu

2021 Johannesburg



South Korea

South Africa

Tel: +82 70 7518 2508

Tel: +27 11 706 3671

Fax: +82 2 790 2508

Fax: +



Rainman Landcare Foundation

CafeDa is a consulting company in organic coffee business. We are the head office for coffee retail shops, barista academy, and roasting factory, supplying 100% organic coffee beans and other coffee ingredients. We have 3 franchaise coffee shops and the number is rapidly expanding. Unlike other coffee retailors, we ONLY use organic coffee beans, which are approved by USDA and BCS, OCIA, MAYACERT, and etc. Also, we ONLY use organic milk, syrups, sauces, flour, eggs, cinnamon, chocolate and sugar. We are proud to introduce 100% organic coffee and waffles. We believe CafeDa is the ONLY organization who provide 100% organic ingredients in coffee business in Korea. We will not change our philosophy in using 100% organic products to any other form of business in the future.

7 Camphersdrift Road

CONTACT: Byung Hoon Kim, kbh@cafeda.co.kr

PGS South Africa is a voluntary organization promoting and supporting the Principles of Organic Agriculture as defined by IFOAM, and serving as a network and support organization for the development of market access for farmers through the PGS system of organic assurance. CONTACT: Glenda Moore, glenda@bryanstonorganicmarket.co.za

6529 George Western Cape

Doalnara Certified Organic Korea, LLC

South Africa Tel: +27 44 8015017

3051 Bukwon-ro, Socho-myeon

Fax: +27 44 8056617


220-833 Wonju-shi



Training and Advocacy for organic farmers in Southern Africa

South Korea

CONTACT: Dr. Raymond Auerbach, raymond.auerbach@nmmu.ac.za




Tel: +82 33 732-4234 Fax: +82 33 732-4239

Siyavuna Abalimi Development Centre NPC PO Box 22910

www.doalnara.or.kr CONTACT: Raymond H. Yang, ray@doalnara.or.kr

4275 Margate South Africa

Green Beauty Lab of Amorepacific Research and Development Center

Tel: +27 39 317 2761 Fax: +27 39 317 2945

314-1 Bora-dong, Giheung-gu

www.siyavuna.org.za Siyavuna Abalimi Development Centre is based in the KwaZulu Natal Province of South Africa. Our vision is to create a network of working local agro-economies via community mobilization and introduction of local organic markets. We set up and develop agri-marketing co-operatives (a type of social enterprise), which trade organic produce from small scale organic farmers on the local markets. They adhere a PGS and service thousands of rural households with a sustainable and rewarding market. CONTACT: Jacques Snyman, jacques@siyavuna.org.za

South Korea

Beaniam in Africa 1F, 450-2, Dogok-dong Gananam-Gu Seoul South Korea Tel: +82 2 572 0998 Fax: +82 2 3461 0998 www.biabean.com CONTACT: Ferede Addisu Alemayehu, alfrd05@yahoo.com

443-729 Yongin-si Gyeonggi-do South Korea Tel: +82 312 805765 Fax: +82 312 848477 www.amorepacific.com As a research team in the Amorepacific R&D Center, Green Beauty Lab is making efforts on researching sustainable natural organic ingredients for cosmetics in order to strengthen the customer’s sense of relief, minimizing environmental impacts, and seeking harmony with local communities. By using organic green tea, grown organically on Amorepacific Jeju Tea Garden, Green Beauty Lab also conducts research to differentiate and innovate the value of organic green tea as in cosmetics. CONTACT: Seok Yun Baek, sybaek@amorepacific.com

Global Organic Agriculturist Association #492-4, Dongho-dong Bukgu Daegu City


Gyeongsangbuk-do South Korea Tel: +82 533 269895 Fax: +82 533 269896 www.goaa.co.kr CONTACT: Jin Chohee, goaa05@naver.com




Gyeonggi Province Agricultural Research & Extension Service 315, Gisan-Dong 445-300 Hwaseong City Gyeonggi-do South Korea Tel: +82 312 295821 Fax: +82 312 295964

Ogawon Co. Ltd 705 Hwajeon-ri Yongmun-myeon 476-842 Yangpyeong-gun Gyeonggi-do South Korea Tel: +82 1577 6244 Fax: +82 31 773 6255 www.ogawon.co.kr

www.nongup.gyeonggi.kr CONTACT: Jung-Soo Park, park5772@gg.go.kr

Heuksalim Soil Research Institute 642-6 Gak-ri, Ochang-eup 363-883 Cheongwon-gun Chungcheongbuk-do South Korea Tel: +82 438 330934 Fax: +82 438 332959 www.heuk.or.kr CONTACT: Jae-Sung Shin, jsshin40@hotmail.com

Korean Federation of Sustainable Agriculture Organizations Rm 201, Leela B/D, Yangjae-dong 347-2 Seocho-gu, Seoul South Korea Tel: +82 2 571 2160 Fax: +82 2 576 2180 www.kfsao.org CONTACT: Jennifer Chang, jchang2011@gmail.com

Korean Society of Organic Agriculture Research 102 2-Yeongudong, KNOU 110791 169 Dongsung-dong, chonguo-gu 110-791 Seoul South Korea Tel: +82 2 3668 46 34 Fax: +82 2 3668 4187 faculty.knou.ac.kr/~hyowon CONTACT: Hyo Won Lee, hyowon@knou.ac.kr

Korea Organic Farming Association Organic B/D, 656-6 Bokjeong-dong Sujeong-gu 461-200 Seongnam-si Gyeonggi-do South Korea Tel: +82 317 564462 Fax: +82 317 574463 www.organic.or.kr CONTACT: Won Ho Kang,kofa@organic.or.kr

CONTACT: Kim Eun Giu, ogawon@naver.com

Organic Agriculture Division, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Rural Development Administration (RDA) 249 Seodundong 441-707 Suwon Gyeonggi-do South Korea Tel: +82 312 900553 Fax: +82 312 900507 www.naas.go.kr CONTACT: Byungmo Lee, leebm@korea.kr

Spain AM Soluciones, S.L.

Consell Català de la Producció Agrària Ecològica

Edificio Torre Este Avda. Emilio Lamos, n°2, 603

Av. Meridiana 38, 4a

41020 Seville

08018 Barcelona



Tel: +34 902 521 555

Tel: +34 93 552 47 90

Fax: +34 955 029 490

Fax: +34 93 552 47 91



AM Soluciones is a private company offering technical assistance to the agrifood sector that belongs to the CAAE Group. The entity provides consultancy solutions for quality, business management, security, environmental protection, rural development, farming or forestry and the agrifood industry.

The CCPAE purpose is to audit and certify organic agricultural food products in Catalonia

CONTACT: José Luis García Melgarejo , dg@ecovalia.org

CONTACT: Laura Martínez, lmartinezm@gencat.cat

Green Point HT S.L. Poligono Industrial La Pena, Oficina 1

Andalucia Agroecologica Sl c/ Marcos de Obregon n. 5 4-4 29016 Malaga Spain Tel: +34 627 40 16 02 Fax: + www.andaluciaagroecologica.es Andalucia Agroecologics Sl provides consultancy services in agroecology and environment.

29750 Algarrobo, Malaga Spain Tel: +34 952 55 21 09 Fax: +34 952 55 27 22 www.green-point.es Green Point HT S.L. is a Spanish company located in the province of Malaga. For 8 years it has devoted itself to selling products for agriculture. Green Point sells and distributes ecological and conventional, fortifying and phytosanitary fertilizers. CONTACT: Susana Fernandez, gerenteadmon@green-point.es

CONTACT: Eva Torremocha, info@andaluciaagroecologica.es Natureco S.L. Avda. del Prat, 20 Asociación Valor Ecológico

8180 Moià

Edificio Torre Este Avenida Emilio Lemos N° 2 Módulo 603

Barcelona Spain

41020 Seville

Tel: +34 938 300166

Spain Tel: +34 902 521 555 Fax: +34 955 029 490 www.caae.es The CAAE Association is a Spanish independent, private and not for profit organization with more than 11,000 members working in Andalusia and Castile-La Mancha for the development and promotion of certified organic farming. Amongst its objectives are also the Protection of the Environment and Rural Development. It is a pioneer in Spain among the agencies for organic agriculture and is currently leader in certified organic activity in Europe.

Fax: +34 938 208404 www.natureco.es We are involved in the trade of organic food, and provide grain mill for flour and semola production as well as local rural development projects related to the food chain. CONTACT: Karen Hoberg, info@natureco.es

SEAE – Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica

CONTACT: José Luis García Melgarejo , dg@ecovalia.org

Cami del Port, s/n Km 1. Edif ECA Pat Int 1° PO Box 397 46470 Catarroja Asociación Mediterranea de Productores y Operadores de Agricultura C/ Aciscio Diaz 5-3 C. 30005 Murcia Spain Tel: +34 968 42 46 21 Fax: +34 968 42 16 12 CONTACT: Jose Luis Hernandez Costa, joseluis.hernandez@coato.com

Valencia Spain Tel: +34 961267122 Fax: +34 961267200 www.agroecologia.net Outreach, advocacy, lobby and networking. We provide training and education services, advisory services, research and technology transfer support. CONTACT: Victor Gonzálvez, directorseae@agroecologia.net

Servicio de Certificación CAAE, S.L.U.

F.G.P. Inspection and Certification (Pvt.) Ltd.

Edificio Torre Este Avda. Emilio Lemos, n°2, 603

No. 12-5/2 Castle Lane

41020 Seville

04 Colombo



Tel: +34 902 521 555

Sri Lanka Tel: +94112552494, 2595050

Fax: +34 955 029 490 Fax: +None

www.caae.es The CAAE Certification Service is a Spanish certification body which started to offer its services in 1991. Its main function is to certify organic farming but its specialization and experience allows it to provide a wide range of advices and services adapted to the needs of farmers, industries, groups, importers, traders, etc. It is at present leading the organic sector in Spain and Europe with nearly 1 million organic certified hectares and around 11.000 producers. CONTACT: José Luis García Melgarejo , dg@ecovalia.org

www.forestproductscertification.com Inspection & Certification of Organic Production Methods as per EEC Reg 834/2007 and 889/2008. Inspection & Certification of Organic and Forest Garden production. Methods as per the standard of the International Analog Forestry Network Standard, Costa Rica Measurement of Base load sequestered Carbon, Incremental Carbon and foot printing for carbon neutral products CONTACT: Deva Vikrantha, dvikrantha@gmail.com

Sociedad Iberamericana de Agroecologia Cami del Port s/n Edif ECA Apdo 397 46470 Catarroja

Lanka Organic Agriculture Movement


546/4 Wata Mawatha Gangodawila, Nugegoda

Tel: +34 961267200

Sri Lanka

Fax: +34 961267122

Tel: +94 112 803 139

www.agroecologia.net CONTACT: Helena Cifre Sapena, helenitacif@hotmail.com

Socieded Cooperativa de Comercializacion Agraria de Totana Ctra. de Mazarron s/n 30850 Totana, Murcia

Fax: +94 112 803 139 http://loamsrilanka.org The interest in organic agriculture led to the formation of the Lanka Organic Agriculture Movement (LOAM) in 1994. LOAM is a professional organization comprised of organic farmers, scientists, professionals, members of the organic corporate sector and interested individuals. Its primary objectives are: 1. To promote organic agriculture in Sri Lanka. 2. To establish, improve and maintain standards for organic agriculture in Sri Lanka 3. To create awareness of organic products among the people of Sri Lanka. CONTACT: M.A. Junaid, ceciloff@stlnet.lk

Spain Tel: +34 968 42 46 21 Fax: +34 968 42 16 12 www.coato.com CONTACT: Mari Carmen Acosta, mc.acosta@coato.com

MA‘S Tropical Food Processing Pvt Ltd. 30 Gothami Road 8 Colombo Western Province Sri Lanka Tel: +94 11 760 2200

Sri Lanka

Fax: +94 11 267 7989 www.masfoods.lk CONTACT: Mario De Alwis, mario@masfoods.lk

Bio Foods Pvt. Ltd. No. 4, Kumudu Mawatha Primrose Gardens 20000 Kandy Sri Lanka Tel: +94 812 2014914 Fax: +94 812 201489 www.biofoodslk.com CONTACT: A. Sarath Ranaweera, info@biofoodslk.com

Neo Synthesis Research Centre 518 A, Thalapatrpitiya Road Madiwela Kotte Sri Lanka Tel: +94 115 548536 Fax: +94 115 548537 CONTACT: Kamal Melvani, fgpcs@sltnet.lk



Torfolk 684 95 Höje Sweden

Agricultural Technology Transfer Society

Tel: +46 563 72345

University of Khartoum Institute of Environmental Studies, P.O. Box 321


1111 Khartoum Sudan

Fax: +46 563 72066 Consultancy and expert services in organic, ranging from production to policy. CONTACT: Kari Örjavik, kari@grolink.se

Tel: +249 912 149 607 Fax: +249 183 268 775 Using EM technology various agricultural activities can be carried out; tomatoes, water melons and sunflowers were planted at different rural areas around Khartoum, sorghum and groundnut were grown in rainfed mechanized farming in central Sudan. Now the NGO has recieved a letter of no objection pertaining to clean development mechanisms and has approached a lot of farmers associationsto encourage them to carry out organic agriculture activity. The NGO has recruited graduate students exposed to organic agriculture studies to join the NGO and to help to mobilize farmers in such activities.

Kooperativa Förbundet Englundavägen 4 171 88 Stockholm Solna Sweden Tel: +46 874 31505 www.coop.se

SAFSO - Sudanese Alternative Farming Systems Organization

KF- Coonsumer Cooperatives is the ownner of Coop retail group. KF is a 115 year old Coop and leading retailer of organic sales. Organic sales started in 1984 in response to demands from Coop members. Coop is a retailer with supermarkets, and Hypemarkets stores in Sweden that holds about 21 % market share.

P.O. Box 1333

CONTACT: Mikael Robertsson, mikael.robertsson@coop.se

CONTACT: Muna Mahjoub, munamm789@yahoo.com

Zip code 13311 Khartoum Khartoum North Sudan

KRAV Ekonomisk Förening

Tel: +249 922 52 96 52

Kungsängsgatan 12

Fax: +249 480 928

751 40 Uppsala



SAFSO was established by the end of 2009 to work with other relevant partners (governmental and non-governmental). We are working to develop new agricultural systems based on agroforestry, bio saline agriculture, urban farming, organic farming through awareness, research and piloting. We are trying to promote organic farming through the national network, incl. civil societies and relevant governmental agencies.

Tel: +46 1815 89 00

CONTACT: Ibrahim AbdallaIsameldin, isamgamaleldin@yahoo.com


Fax: +46 181 38040 www.krav.se KRAV is organised as an incorporated association with, at present, 27 members. They represent farmers, processors, trade and also consumer, environmental and animal welfare interests. Around 3,000 farmers and approximately 450 companies in processing and trade are associated to KRAV. At present there are more than 6,000 KRAV-certified products. Five certification bodies carry out inspections according to KRAV standards. We develop standards for organic and sustainable food production and process and communicate the values of KRAV certified products through our brand. CONTACT: Lars Nellmer, lars.nellmer@krav.se

Center for Sustainable Agriculture EPOK Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences – Centre for Organic Food and Farming Box 7043 75007 Uppsala

Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund Franzéngatan 6


10533 Stockholm

Tel: +46 18 671000


Fax: +46 186 73571

Tel: +46 878 75000

www.slu.se/epok CONTACT: SusanneJohansson, susanne.johansson@cul.slu.se

Fax: +46 824 8119 www.lrf.se CONTACT: Eva Rulf, eva.rulf@lrf.se

Ekologiska Lantbrukarna Gäverstad Gård 614 94 Söderköping Sweden Tel: +46 155 217479 Fax: + www.ekolantbruk.se CONTACT: Maria Dirke, maria.dirke@ekolantbruk.se

Swedeponic Holding AB c/o Santa Maria AB, Box 63 43121 Mölndal Sweden Tel: +46 303 92320 Fax: +46 303 92475 www.swedeponic.com CONTACT: Ulf Jönsson, ulf.jonsson@swedeponic.be


bioRe Stiftung c/o Remei AG Lettenstr. 9 CH-6343 Rotkreuz

Allgemeine Anthroposophische Gesellschaft, Sektion für Landwirtschaft

Switzerland Tel: +41 417 983232

Rüttiweg 45

Fax: +41 417 983200

4143 Dornach



The bioRe Foundation promotes organic, biodynamic farming and related services in cotton growing areas for smallholder farmers. It is the umbrella organisation of bioRe organisations in India and Tansania.

Tel: +41 617064212 Fax: +41 6170 64215 www.sektion-landwirtschaft.org We are involved in the coordination of the worlwide biodynamic agriculture and organize of coferences and courses on this subject. Anthroposophische CONTACT: Allgemeine landwirtschaft@goetheanum.ch


CONTACT: Christa Suter, christa.suter@biorestiftung.ch


Bio Suisse

Biofarm Genossenschaft

Margarethenstrasse 87

Beim Bahnhof

4053 Basel

4936 Kleindietwil



Tel: +41 61 385 96 10

Tel: +41 62 957 80 50

Fax: +41 61 385 96 11

Fax: +41 62 957 80 59 www.biofarm.ch



Bio Suisse is a private-sector organization, and the federation of Swiss organic farmers. This umbrella organization counts 32 organic farmers’ associations among its members, as well as the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL. We develop common and uniform standards for agriculture and processing e.g. the common label, “Bud” (German: Knospe). Organic produce carrying the Bud label has a market share of about 60% in Switzerland. More than 800 processing and trade companies have a licence contract with Bio Suisse to use this label.


CONTACT: Daniel Bärtschi, daniel.baertschi@bio-suisse.ch

- Promoting organic farming in Switzerland - Contracting organic cultures with farmers - Trading with organic food under label “Biofarm” CONTACT: Schuepbach Ruth, schuepbach@biofarm.ch

5070 Frick Switzerland Tel: +41 628 656352 http://www.bio-inspecta.ch Bio.inspecta is Switzerland’s leading provider of inspection and certification services for products that are produced in an ecologically sustainable, ethologically sound and socially acceptable manner. bio.inspecta improves the safety and credibility of organic products and builds trustworthiness for them on the market. It has clients in many different countries such as Turkey, Tanzania, Indonesia and Albania to name only a few and operates with organic farming operations as well as processing companies and dealerships that refine organic products. CONTACT: ursina.dumelin@bio-inspecta.ch

Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development Schaffhausenerstrasse 18 8006 Zürich Switzerland Tel: +41 44 3419718 Fax: +41 44 5004524 www.biovision.ch CONTACT: Andreas Schriber, a.schriber@biovision.ch

bionetz.ch Murbacherstrasse 34 CH-4056 Basel

Europäisches Konsortium für ökologische Pflanzenzucht e. V.

Switzerland Tel: +41 613 220367

Ackerstrasse 21, Postfach 219

www.bionetz.ch www.bionetz.ch - Swiss platform for organic processing and trading firms bionetz.ch is a platform open to all firms and organizations interested in organic processing, trade and gastronomy. There are a variety of specific services exclusively for members beyond the 2 weekly newsletter. http://www.bionetz.ch/cms/ueber-uns.htm http://www. bionetz.ch/cms/ueber-uns/personen.htm http://www.bionetz.ch/cms/ueber-uns/mitgliedschaft.htm CONTACT: Peter Jossi, pjossi@bionetz.ch

5070 Frick Switzerland Tel: +41 62 865 0443 Fax: +41 62 865 7273 www.fibl.org CONTACT: Monica Messmer, monika.messmer@fibl.org

International Trade Centre

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Schweiz

Palais des Nations 1211

Ackerstrasse, Box 219

Geneva 10

5070 Frick



Tel: +41 22 730 0105

Tel: +41 628657272

Fax: +41 22 730 0802

Fax: +41 628 657273 www.fibl.org FiBL is a non-governmental, non-profit institute with research, extension,publishing, training and consultancy activities. It works nationally in Switzerland, Germany and Austria as well as internationally in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. FiBL’s focus is organic food and farming systems and, in more general terms, finding really sustainable solutions for a secure and healthy food supply.

www.intracen.org The International Trade Centre improves small business export sucess in developing countries by providing together with partners, sustainable and inclusive trade development solutions to exporters, trade support institutions and policy makers. CONTACT: Alexander Kasterine, kasterine@intracen.org

CONTACT: Urs Niggli, info.suisse@fibl.org Konsumenten Verband Helvetas Organic & Fair Trade Competence Centre Weinbergstrasse 22a P.O. Box 3130

Geschäftsstelle Postfach 82 8332 Russikon Switzerland

8021 Zürich

Tel: +41 44 955 07 42


Fax: +41 44 955 07 51

Tel: +41 44 368 65 00


Fax: +41 44 368 65 80

CONTACT: Peter-Matthias Born, info@konsumentenverband.ch

www.organicandfair.org Our activities include consultancy services to fair trade and related initiatives; general sustainable agriculture and value chain facilitation in development cooperations.


CONTACT: Frank Eyhorn, frank.eyhorn@helvetas.org

Limmatstrasse 152 8031 Zürich Switzerland

IMO Institut für Marktökologie

Tel: +41 44 2772111

Weststrasse 51

Fax: +41 44 2772407

8570 Weinfelden Switzerland

www.migros.ch CONTACT: Mirjam Sacchelli, mirjam.sacchelli@mgb.ch

Tel: +41 71 626 0 626 Fax: +41 71 626 0 623 www.imo.ch Opdebeeck Consulting SA

The Institute for Marketecology (IMO), Switzerland is one of the first and most experienced international bodies for the inspection, certification and quality assurance of sustainably produced products. IMO has been active in the field of organic certification world-wide for more than 20 years. Today, IMO is also renowned in the sectors of food safety, fair trade/ social accountability monitoring, natural textiles, timber/ forestry, fisheries/ aquaculture and wild collection. We offer inspection/certification according to more than 70 different ecological and social standards. IMO is a department of the Swiss Bio-Foundation and is based at Weinfelden (CH). This is the lead office of the IMOgroup AG that has 9 fully fledged international companies and more than 20 smaller offices, mainly in developing countries. The IMOgroup AG employs more than 400 experts for the certification of operations in more than 90 countries.

Organic Bamboo Industries AG

CONTACT: Ines Hensler, ih@imo.ch

Seitzstrasse 13

Rue de Latigny 3 1955 Chamoson Switzerland Tel: +41 273 68888 Fax: +41 273 68889 CONTACT: Herwig Opdebeeck, h.opdebeeck@opdebeeck.ch

9000 St. Gallen IPOREX SA Avenue de Champel 69 1206 Geneva Switzerland Tel: +41 22 7898989 Fax: +41 22 7898990 www.organic-bio.com CONTACT: Vladimir Masar, info@organic-bio.com

Switzerland Tel: +41 71 844 99 19 Fax: + www.organicbamboo.org Organic Bamboo Industries is a fully integrated provider of organic bamboo raw material. Our products and services are: All year round market for first cut bamboo, organic bamboo extract from different bamboo species, organic bamboo raw fiber. CONTACT: Irene Ziltener, irene.ziltener@xibambam.ch

Penergetic International AG


Romanshornerstr. 24 P.O.Box 73 8592 Uttwil Switzerland Tel: +41 714 666020 Fax: +41 714 667020 www.penergetic.com

East Milling Res Sta Quality Organic Food and Agriculture

CONTACT: Robert Wilhelm, info@penergetic.com

Alkounserwah, Sahin Alnahlawi Building F3 Backdad Str. P.O. Box 387 Damascus Syria Tel: +963 114 449730 Pr辿parations Bioagritechnologiques Naturelles et Pharmaceutiques Ancienne Papeterie, Bat 180, P.O.BOX 285

Fax: +963 114 453294 www.eastmilling.com CONTACT: Nazir Nahlawi, nazir_nahlawi@yahoo.com

1732 Marly Switzerland Tel: +41 264 364241 Fax: +41 264 365885 www.biosuisse-pbn.com


We are producers of food supplements in capsules, drinks and honey as well as producers of skin and hair care. CONTACT: Sophie Huelmo, pbn@biosuisse-pbn.com

Advanced Green Biotechnology Inc. No.9, Nonghuan Rd., Schweizerische Bioberater/innen Vereinigung c/o FiBL

908 Changjhih Township, Pingtung County Taiwan Tel: +886 8 7627111

5070 Frick Switzerland

Fax: +886 8 7627222

Tel: +41 62 865 72 65


Fax: +41 62 865 72 73

Established in 2002, Advanced Green Biotechnology researches, develops and manufactures bio-pesticide and bio-fertilizer products for use in agriculture and gardening industries. Aware that the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides causes a lot of serious nutrient imbalance in soils as well as global rising concern about food safety, the company strives to offer a sustainable agricultural solution that contributes to improving soil health and increasing crop productivity.

www.fibl.ch We are a platform for organic advisors. We do not carry out activities on our own account. We organize study trips and meetings together with other organisations such as AGRIDEA or FiBL. CONTACT: Hansueli Dierauer, hansueli.dierauer@fibl.org

CONTACT: Yanyu Shih, info@agbt.com.tw

W. K端ndig & Cie AG Stampfenbachstrasse 38 8006 Z端rich Switzerland Tel: +41 44 3682525 Fax: +41 44 3682505 www.kuendig.com W. K端ndig & Cie AG is an internationally acting family trading and production company in the food industry. As specialists in high-grade raw produce for the food sector, we attach tremendous importance to quality, sustainability and traceability. CONTACT: Beat W. Kuendig, info@kuendig.com

Association of Taiwan Organic Agriculture Promotion Rm. Han204, No.369, Wen-Hwa Rd. 52345 Peetow, Chang-Hua Taiwan Tel: +886 4 8876668 Fax: +886 4 8876669 atoap.organic.org.tw/supergood/ CONTACT: Chih-Hao Chen, atoap2007@gmail.com

Chinese Organic Agricertification Association

Sheng Chung Industrial Corp.

No. 486-11, Zhongzheng Road Caotun

P.O. Box 32-220

542 Nantou




Tel: +886 49 2568787

Tel: +886 3 3181637-9

Fax: +886 49 256 6660

Fax: +886 3 3181636

www.coaa.tw COAA was established on May 17, 1997 as a non-profit organization with the goal of promoting organic products, establishing a quality management system to ensure quality of organic products, as well as protecting consumers’ interests.

We are the Sole Agent of German organic suppliers and importer of organic products (Including Organic Raw Material, Food, Drink,Wine,Garment,Skin Care and Detergent.....etc.) CONTACT: Tony Chou, gt.overseas@gmail.com

CONTACT: Cheng Feng Hsi, coaatw@gmail.com Tse-Xin Organic Certification Corporation 7F, No.75, Sec.4 Nanjing E. Road 10550 Taipei Taiwan Tel: +886 2 25460654

Green Formosa Front

Fax: +886 2 25461266

11F., No.138, Sec.1, Zhongzheng E. Rd. 10050 Taipei



CONTACT: Chun-YuangChung, toaf007@gmail.com

Tel: +886 233225335 Fax: +886 233225336 www.gff.org.tw CONTACT: Tung-Jye Wu, gffront@gmail.com

Tanzania TanCert - Tanzania Organic Certification Association Sokoine Drive, Old Post Office Building First floor, Room 7, P.O. Box 70089 255 Dar es Salaam

Organic Center, National I-Lan University No. 1, Sec. 1, Sheng-Nung Road 260 I-Lan City Taiwan



Tel: +255 22 212 4441 Fax: +255 22 212 4441 www.tancert.or.tz




CONTACT: Leonard Mtama, lm@tancert.or.tz

Tel: +886 39317862 Fax: +886 39351983 www.organic.org.tw

Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement

The Organic Center of the National I-Lan University is in charge of maintaining an organic agriculture portal in Taiwan. This portal includes an organic information website, e-shops, e-market, GIS and databank of certified organic farmers and processors. The centre also supports local organic development.

Floor No. 8, Mariam Towers Building, Shaurimoyo/Lindi Str, Ilala. PO Box 70089

CONTACT: Chang-Ju Huang-Tzeng, cjhuang@niu.edu.tw

Tel: +255 732 975 797

Dar es Salaam Tanzania Fax: +255 222 771374 www.kilimohai.org CONTACT: Jordan Gama, toam@kilimohai.org

Organic Lifestyle Magazine

Tanzania Organics Ltd

3F, No.55, Sec. 3, Minquan E. Rd.

P.O. Box 115

105 Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City




Tel: +886 225160763

Tel: +255 784 618490

Fax: +886 225161734



Tanzania Organics carrys out assignments that enable farmers to understand sustainable agriculture and access markets.

CONTACT: Tom Hsiao, bsm-tom@umail.hinet.net

CONTACT: Joachim Weber, info@tanzania-organics.com

Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand


801/21 Moo2, Soi Ngamwongwan 27, Ngamwongwan Road 11000 Muang District Thailand

9/89 Moo 34, Trok New - Area Village 10800 Bangsu, Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 913 6571 Fax: +66 2 913 65 75 www.adenshop.com We export organic & fairtrade rice CONTACT: Kitpong Puttarathuranun, kitpong@adenshop.com



Aden International Co. Ltd.

Tel: +66 2 5800934




Fax: +66 2 5800934 www.actorganic-cert.or.th Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand (ACT) is an independent, nonprofit organization that works with inspection and certification in organic agriculture in Thailand and Asian regions. ACT has its own standards that have been accredited by IFOAM, by Canada Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and equivalent with the EU regulation 834/2007 through IOAS assessment. ACT is in the first CB list that was approved by the EU Commission in Oct 2011. In addition ACT provides service in Certification Alliance to support the operators in Thailand and Asian region to market certified organic products worldwide. For more information please visit our website at www. actorganic-cert.or.th. CONTACT: Panjaporn Sitbunloam, panjaporn@actorganic-cert.or.th

Chin-Hu H.A.C Co., Ltd 28 Soi Bangna-Trad 29, Bangna, Bangna 10260 Bangkok Thailand

Silaa Farms Co. LTD

Tel: +66 2396 0392

P.O. Box 456

Fax: +66 2744 0257

50000 Chiang Mai



CONTACT: Liu Chin-Shen, training@chin-hu.com

Tel: +66 843 788380 www.silaafarms.com

Green Net 6 Soi Piboonupatam-Wattana Nivej 7, Suthusarn Road, Huay-Kwang

Silaa Farms provide training to smallholder coffee farmers about organic care of coffee trees. Silaa Farms is also the direct trade channel for these farmers to market their coffee in niche markets in Europe and North America. CONTACT: Rien de Bel, rien@silaafarms.com

10310 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 227 79380 Fax: +66 227 79654 www.greennet.or.th A Thai social enterprise working to bring together sustainable farmers and community enterprises with consumers. We focus on the promotion of organic agriculture and development of fair trade markets. We provides technical and managerial support for small-scale producer groups to convert to organic agriculture, coaching them to prepare for certification, organizing the organic supply chain, and are involved in the domestic market and exports. We also offer consultancy services to public and private sectors in Asia for organic agriculture development and fair trade. CONTACT: Vitoon R. Panyakul, vitoon@greennet.or.th

Thai Green Market Network - Suan Nguen Mee Ma 77-79 Fuang Nakorn Road Opposite Wat Rajabopit 10200 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +66 2 622 0955 Fax: +66 2 622 3228 www.thaigreenmarket.com

Fax: +662 57 537 89

Thai Green Market is a project of Suan Nguen Mee Ma social enterprise. It brings consumers and producers together co-creating ‘mindful markets’. With the School for Wellbeing Studies and Research it operates the ‘Towards Organic Asia’ programme which builds links between producers and consumers in the region and ultimately the continent. The programme name ‘Towards Organic Asia’ indicates two positions: we mainly work with farmers in converesion; and ‘Organic Asia’ is our ulimate goal rather than an achievement.


CONTACT: Hansvan Willenswaard, hans@schoolforwellbeing.org

Health Society Company Limited 104/34 Chaengwattana Road, Tung Song Hong Laksi 10210 Bangkok Thailand Tel: +662 57 537 88

Organic and natural health shop. CONTACT: Suwanna Langnamsank, suwanna@lemonfarm.com

Thai Organic Trade Association 126/106 CM Tower, Krung Thonburi Road Klong Sarn

Trinidad and Tobago

10600 Bangkok Trinidad & Tobago Organic Agricultural Movement

Thailand Tel: +66 2 439 4848 ext 2741

No. 5 St. Lucien Road, Diego Martin, P.O. Box 1229

Fax: +66 2439 4881 www.thaiorganictrade.com

Port of Spain

Founded in October 2005, TOTA’s main goal is to promote organic business and trade in Thailand. TOTA promotes cooperation among Thai organic businesses, raises consumer awareness, and works to expand the organic sector in the country.

Tel: +868 633 2235

CONTACT: Wannisa Pirunkunakorn, admin@thaiorganictrade.com

Fax: +868 6332235

Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago



We are involved in farmer assistance and conversion, political lobbying and outreach,liaising with university students for research and co-operation with various institutions. CONTACT: Everard Nicholas Byer, enbyco@yahoo.com

Centre de Formation Agricole et de Production Écologique du Togo


B.P. 222 - Route de Kpadape Q T Zomayi 05 Kpalime Prefecture de Kloto Togo Tel: +228 929 40 24 Fax: +228 244107 38 www.cfape-togo.de.vu CFAPE-TOGO provides training to farmers in organic agriculture, animal husbandry , vegetable production, and support to rural communities in marketing organic products.

Centre de Conditionnement de Fruits 19 Rue de Naplouse 1001 Tunis Tunisia Tel: +216 75 470 355 Fax: +216 471 104 CONTACT: Slaheddine Chibani, ccf.chibani@planet.tn

CONTACT: Simon A. K. Todzro, cfape_eco@yahoo.fr Centre Technique de l´Agriculture Biologique

Collectif des Groupements pour les Produits Agricoles du Kloto

P.O.Box 54, Chott Mariem

B.P. 222 - Route de Kpadape Q T Zomayi

4042 Sousse




Tel: +216 73 327 279

Tel: +228 982 4647

Fax: +216 73 327 277

Fax: +228 441 738


CONTACT: Afi Dzifa Colette Todzro, cgpaorg@yahoo.fr

CONTACT: Mohamed Ben Khedher, benkheder.mohamed@iresa.agrinet.tn

Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriété Industrielle

Dogan Organik Ürünler Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Burhaniye Mah. Kısıklı Cad. No:65 Üsküdar

8, Rue de l‘Assistance BP 57

34676 İstanbul

1003 Cité El Khadra - TUNIS



Tel: +90 216 556 91 80

Tel: +216 71806758

Fax: +90 216 556 91 14

Fax: +216 718 7071


www.innorpi.tn CONTACT: Hamza Néjib, innorpi.eid@planet.tn

Ecocert Bureau de Tunisie Route de Tunis, km 2 - Av. El Bousten, N°13 Bis 3002 Sfax

Founded in 2002, Dogan Organik Ürünler Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. established an Organic Livestock Breeding Facility in Kelkit, a region designated as a pilot organic agricultural area by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs due to its unpolluted soil. All organic production and processing is done according to the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs´ Organic Regulations. Additionally, the company holds organic production and farming certificate granted by IMO GmbH. CONTACT: Serkan Duman, serkand@organiktarim.com.tr

Tunisia Tel: +216 74 439 012 Fax: +216 74 439 014

Dogu Anadolu Tarimsal Üreticiler Ve Besiciler Birligi


Orhan Serifsoy Caddesi Pancar Kooperatif Binasi Kat 1 No. 2

Ecocert Tunisia certified 260 000 ha and has 152 projects in Tunisia and 6 in Algeria (Stats 2010).

25040 Erzurum

CONTACT: Mouna Fendri, mouna.fendri@ecocert.com


Erzurum Tel: +90 442 213 11 13 Fax: +90 442 213 11 12

Turkey Aegean Exporters Association Atatürk Cad. No.382 35220 Alsancak-Izmir Turkey

www.dogtarbesbir.org.tr The Eastern Anatolian Organic Farm and Livestock Production Association established in 2001 by Mr. Nazmi Illicali, located on Erzurum, Turkey has more than 3,500 small farmers under its umbrella and enrolment numbers are increasing continuously. Dogtarbesbir is working hard on improving the income security of organic agriculture practicing small farmers and uniting them and their nationally and internationally certified products. CONTACT: NazmiI licali, dogtarbesbir@gmail.com

Tel: +90 232 4886000

Ekolojik Tarim Kontrol Organizasyonu Ltd STI

Fax: +90 232 4886100 www.egebirlik.org.tr

160 SK. 13/7 Bornova

CONTACT: Sezmen Alper, s.alper@egebirlik.org.tr

35040 Izmir Turkey Tel: +90 232 3397606

Arslantürk S.A. Ozgen Mahallesi Bayburt Cad. No 130 Arakli 61700 Trabzon Turkey Tel: +90 462 721 7999 Fax: +90 462 721 7345 www.arslanturk.com.tr CONTACT: Dilek Yildiz, dilek@arslanturk.com.tr

Bugday Society for Supporting Ecological Livelihood Asmalımescit Mahallesi Nergis Sok. No:8/8 Kat:2 34430 Istanbul Beyoğlu Turkey Tel: +90 212 252 52 55 Fax: +90 212 252 52 56 www.bugday.org CONTACT: Melike Hemmami, melike@bugday.org

Fax: +90 232 3397607 www.etko.org ETKO is an international private organization performing certification activities for organic production methods since 1996. ETKO’s mission is to promote the proper designation of products which have been cultivated according to sustainable production methods by means of supervising, testing, inspecting, assessing and certifying. ETKO headquarters are in Turkey, and local offices are in Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Korea, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. There are representatives and local inspectors in each country. ETKO is accredited by IOAS as a certifier for Organic production CONTACT: Mustafa Akyüz, ma@etko.org

Ecocert Office Turkiye 184 Sokak. No: 60/3 Hasan Bey Apt. Kat:2 D:3 35040 Bornova - Izmir Turkey Tel: +90 232 3434360 Fax: +90 232 3433959 www.ecocert.com CONTACT: Mustafa Avci, office.turkey@ecocert.com

Ekolojik Tarim Organizasyonu Dernegi (Association of Organic Agriculture) Manavkuyu mah. 288/6 sok. No:2/1 Hasan Efendi Sit. C Blok Da:8 İzmir Bayraklı Turkey Tel: +90 232 4648974 Fax: +90 232 4649461 www.eto.org.tr ETO was founded in 1992 in Izmir/Turkey by farmers, consumers, processors, traders, inspectors, researchers and technical staff as the umbrella organization to promote rapid and healthy development of organic agriculture in Turkey. Nowadays , ETO has 272 members coming from different parts of Turkey. 7 of them are institutional members. To date, the Association has organized many short courses, seminars, conferences and panel discussions, participated in fairs, prepared training material, organized 4 National Symposiums on Organic Agriculture in 1999, 2001, 2006 and 2010, coordinated or took part in national or international projects on the adoption of organic agriculture especially in sensitive areas and on capacity building. ETO also organized meetings ( 3. Mediterranean Conference on Organic Agriculture in 1992 , MOAN meeting in 2007 at international level . ETO partners many national fairs, exhibitions (e.g. Exponatura , Ekoloji, Naturel , Ecology Izmir). CONTACT: Özge Çiçekli, info@eto.org.tr

Mogarg Tarim Arastirma Gelıstırme Kimya Biyoteknoloji San Tic Ltd Sti Beylikdüzü Org. San Bölg. Birlik Sanayi Sitesi 6. Cad. No. 13-14 Beylikdüzü, Istanbul Turkey Tel: +90 212 852 54 02 Fax: +90 212 854 27 33 www.mogorganikgubre.com The company produces multienzym and micro organism based liquid organic fertilizer. All our products are of vegetable origin and we do not use any substance of animal origin. Our fertilizer protects plants of nematodes, fungi, and red insect pests. CONTACT: Alper Yildirim, alper@mogorganikgubre.com

Nimeks Organic Ltd. Co. AOSB 10001 Sk. No.: 25 35620 Cigli Izmir Turkey Tel: +90 232 376 81 11 Fax: +90 232 376 81 18 www.nimeks.com.tr CONTACT: Fatma Dalgic, fatmadalgic@nimeks.com.tr

EKOTAR Inspection and Certification Ltd

Orser Organik Urunler Kontrol Ve Sertifikasyon Ltd. Sti.

A. Menderes Bul. Denis Apt. 36/1, Yenisehir


33130 Mersin

6540 Cankaya-Ankara



Tel: +90 324 3254964

Tel: +90 312 438 1560

Fax: +90 324 3271944 www.eko-tar.com EKOTAR Kontrol ve Sertifikasyon Ltd , inspects and certifies organic and good farming products according to the EN 45011 standards. CONTACT: Mehmet Eryilmaz, mehmeteryilmaz@gmail.com

Fax: +90 312 438 1559 www.orser.com.tr We are an organic control and certification company CONTACT: Faruk Mortas, info@orser.com.tr

ICEA Turkiye

Rapunzel Organik Tarim Urunleri ve Gida Tic. Ltd. Sti.

M. Kemal Cad. Nr. 166/2 D. 13

75. Yil Cumhuriyet Mah. Kocabaglar Sokak No:15 Oren-Kemalpasa

35040 Bornova Izmir Turkey

35730 Izmir

Tel: +90 232 3426068


Fax: +90 232 3428464

Tel: +90 2328808001

www.icea-tr.com CONTACT: Ramazan Ayan, info@icea-tr.com

Isik Tarim Ürünleri San Ve Tic A.S. Vali Kazim Pasa Caddesi No. 4/506 35210 Izmir Turkey Tel: +90 232 4415274 Fax: +90 232 4411931 www.isiktarim.com CONTACT: Can Erim, export@isiktarim.com

Fax: +90 2123102427 www.rapunzel.com.tr Rapunzel Organik Tarim is the leading company of organic agriculture, production and sales in Turkey, which covers a product range of organic dried fruits, vegetables, pulses and also pasteurized food. Rapunzel supplies, Bio Suisse Approved, NOP and as well as Demeter certified organic products. Rapunzel has export activities through most European countries, Far East and also USA. Rapunzel also carries out social responsibility activities like increasing the plantation of new trees concerning environment protection, developing new organic cultivation fields and the consultation of new farmers on organic farming. Rapunzel internalizes the aim and philosophy of enlarging organic ideology in physical and mental fields. CONTACT: Ayse Akuzum, ayse.akuzum@rapunzel.com.tr

Organic Pioneer since 1974


Sustainable products for a livable future All our HAND IN HAND products stand for social justice, fair trade and long-term partnership. This is our pledge to you – and what the HAND IN HAND label stands for.

Organic. Fair. RAPUNZEL Temari Gida Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. Mimarsinan Merkez Mah. Sultan Murat Cad. Aka. Sok. No:2/B Buyukcekmece


Istanbul Turkey

Agro Eco - LBI (UG)

Tel: +90 212 861 21 21

P. O. Box 71982 Kampala

Fax: +90 212 861 23 88


www.temari.com.tr The company was established in 1999 for marketing organic honey produced within the context of an environmental and social responsibility project in and around the Artvin Camili region (also known as MACAHEL),a UNESCO declared Biosphere Reserve. In order to protect the extensive old growth forests in the region,alternative revenue generation projects, other than timbering were undertaken, apiculture being one of the most important ones. Genetically pure Caucasian Bees were discovered in the region and queen bee rearing is also undertaken and distributed to the northern belt of Turkey to increase the honey yield in the hives. Temari, in partnership with the TEMA Foundation Inc.(largest environmental NGO in Turkey)and the AliNihat Gökyiğit Foundation, provides technical training and certification (by IMO) to beekeeping families, providing them with all their requirements and pre-financing,etc, and buys the harvested honey products at Fair Market Values.

Tel: +256 312 296 642 Fax: +256 41 4268461 www.louisbolk.org CONTACT: Joseph Kalema, j.kalema@louisbolk.org

National Organic Agricultural Movement of Uganda Plot 957 Galukande close, Off Tankhill Road, Muyenga P.O.Box 70071 Clock Tower Kampala

CONTACT: Murat Gigin, mgigin@tekfen.com.tr

Uganda Tel:

Tiryaki Agro Foods Industry Co. Abdullah Aga Mah. Semsi Efendi Sok.Yagcılar Kosku No:16 34676 Istanbul, Beylerbeyi Turkey Tel: +90 216 333 2000 www.tiryaki.net CONTACT: Göksal Beyaz, goksal.beyaz@tiryaki.net

+256 414 269415

Fax: +256 312 264040 www.nogamu.org.ug CONTACT: Moses Kiggundu Muwanga, mkmuwanga@nogamu.org.ug

Uganda Martyrs University

Organic Federation of Ukraine

82kms Kampala-Masaka Road

4 Obolonska Str., Office 1

5498 Kampala

4071 Kyiv



Tel: +256 382 410611

Tel: +380 44 425 55 25

Fax: +256 382 410100

Fax: +380 442 70 53 63



Uganda Martyrs University is a faith-based private university started in 1993 and owned by the Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Bishops of Uganda. It is committed to providing quality education and promoting and living by non-negotiable values of service and respect. It stresses the right to academic freedom in its teaching, research and learning processes, and is committed to serving the community through outreach programs and to respectful and sound environment management by implementing practical sustainable development. CONTACT: Julius Mwine, jumwi@umu.ac.ug

Organic Federation of Ukraine (Ukrainian organic umbrella organization) seeks the overall goal of promoting the values and worldview inherent supporters of the global organic movement, improving the efficiency of agricultural production with the simultaneous development of the modern world making it safe for human nature and technology. It promotes the organic movement in Ukraine, including not only production, processing and export of organic products, but also the formation of domestic market consumption, widespread dissemination of values and advantages of organic farming. CONTACT: Eugene Milovanov, ofu@organic.com.ua

Uganda Organic Certification Ltd. P.O.Box 33743


Kampala Uganda Tel: +256 412 69416




United Arab Emirates

Fax: +256 414 269001 www.ugocert.org CONTACT: Martin Majanja, certification@ugocert.org Abu Dhabi Organics P.O. Box 140


Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 43 292222 Fax: +971 43 292999

All-Ukraine Non-Government Organization ‚‘Living Planet‘‘


Melnikova street 81/20

We work wiht retail poultry, livestock, produce, honey and bee products, dairy as well as forages

4050 Kiev

CONTACT: Khalid Al Shamsi, kbalshamsi@gmail.com

Ukraine Tel: +380 44 332 84 08 www.ecolabel.org.ua We provide information, consulting support and implementation of environmental and organic standards and are involevd in the development of technical regulations and standards for environmental protection, rational use of natural resources. we also issue certification and labeling of products based on a study of its life cycle which is guided by international standards in environmental management (ISO 14000). We aslso offer expert assessment of environmental impact, education and publishing. CONTACT: Svitlana Berzina, berzina@ecolabel.org.ua

Emirates Bio Fertilizer Factory Zakher area, Truck road 17786 AL Ain City United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 378 38600 Fax: +971 378 38500 www.ebff.ae

BIOlan Ukraine Association 2, Chervona Ploscha str Illintci Vinnitskaya oblast Ukraine Tel: +380 434 522161 Fax: +380 434 522161 www.biolan.org.ua CONTACT: Vasyl Pyndus, illintsi@biolan.org.ua

The Emirates bio fertilizer factory was established in 1995 and started commercial production in 1997 as a national company tending to the recycling of animal manure (cow and poultry) and plant wastes in order to produce natural organic fertilizers and agricultural potting soil which is free of nematodes and other pathogens and is environmentally friendly. The production capacity of the factory is 500 tons per day of heat-treated organic fertilizers. Certificates and awards include KIDPA (Khalifa international date palm award) distinguished product 2008, ISO certificate 9001/2008, IFOAM membership, DAR membership and the Sheikh Khalifa industry award for 200/2001. CONTACT: Mohamed A. Badawi, info@ebff.ae


Centre for Agroecology and Food Security

P.O. Box 140

Coventry University, George Eliot Building (GE503b), Priory Street

Abu Dhabi

CV1 5FB Coventry

United Arab Emirates

West Midlands

Tel: +971 2 447 9933

United Kingdom

Fax: +971 2 447 9922

Tel: +44 247 6887043


Fax: +44 247 6888679

We are a retailer for processed products.


CONTACT: Khaled Al Shamsi, kbalshamsi@gmail.com

The aim of the Centre for Agroecology and Food Security (CAFS) is to conduct critical, rigorous and relevant research which will contribute to the development of agricultural and food production practices, which are economically sound, socially just and promote the long-term protection of natural resources. CAFS brings together social and natural scientists whose collective research expertise in the fields of agriculture and food spans several decades. Members of the team have a proven track record of securing research funding to examine themes relating to the sustainability of farming and food systems in both the developing and developed world. Our aim is to focus this collective experience into a range of exciting new applied research activities, including the provision of tailored consultancy services, research supervision, and research dissemination through teaching and course development in the realm of sustainable agriculture and food.

SLICES Restaurant and CafĂŠ P.O. Box 36453 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 55 700 7509 Fax: +971 26 666 126 www.slices.ae Coffee shop and food station based in prominent business districts and educational institutes, serving fresh, nutritious, locally-grown & organic food (whenever possible) from sandwiches, salads, soups, smoothies & desserts.

CONTACT: Dr. Liz Trenchard, e.trenchard@coventry.ac.uk

CONTACT: Hamad Al Hammadi, hamad@slices.ae Clearspring Ltd. 19A, Acton Park Estate UltraShield Global c/o Saham Star General Trading LLC

W3 7QE London United Kingdom

Al Quoz-2 (Community 365), Street 16b, WH #23 - PO Box 282385

Tel: +44 20 8749 1781 Fax: +44 20 8746 2259

Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 3807855 Fax: +971 4 3807811 www.ultrashield.biz UltraShield Global specializes in Bio-Active, self-decomposing detergents, sanitizers and water & soil treatment materials. We cover the entire value chain from supplements for agri/horticulture and animal farms, professional cleaners, and sanitizers for housekeeping, stewarding and engineering, through septic tank and sewage treatment boosters, to amenity water smell eliminators. Many of our products are certified for application in organic agriculture and/or food processing.

www.clearspring.co.uk Clearspring’s activities include the import, export and distribution of high quality certified organic and natural health food products. Clearspring offers over 90 great-tasting organic foods from around the world, all made to authentic, traditional and 100% vegetarian recipes. Our distribution network covers the UK and over 30 countries in Europe, Scandinavia, Middle East and Far East. CONTACT: Christopher Dawson, chris@clearspring.co.uk

Diversified Business Communications UK Ltd

CONTACT: Ing. Jan Willem Van Es, jwve@saham-international.com

Blenheim House 119-120 Church St Brighton BN1 1UD United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 127 3645114 Fax: +44 127 3818475 www.naturalproducts.co.uk

Agro-Ecological lnvestment Management 42 Brook Street London W1K 5DB London United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 1838981 Fax: +44 207 1838982 www.agro-ecological.com Agro-Ecological is a specialist asset management firm, focused on investment in agriculture and farmland as an asset class managed ecological/organically. We provide the opportunity for investors to access investment in farmland from an SRI/ESG and Impact Investment perspectives. CONTACT: Alix Burke, alix.burke@agro-ecological.com

CONTACT: Carsten Holm, cholm@divcom.co.uk

EcoS Consultancy Ltd Wood End, Garden Close Lane RG14 6PP Newbury United Kingdom Tel: +44 1635 40998 www.ecosconsultancy.co.uk EcoS Consultancy Ltd provides research, technical and market development services for sustainable production and consumption, with a primary focus on organic food and farming, animal health and welfare, carbon, pesticide, reduction policy and more. CONTACT: Christopher Stopes, c.stopes@ecosconsultancy.co.uk

Garden Organic - Henry Doubleday Research Association

Soil Association South Plaza Marlborough Street

Ryton Organic Gardens

BS1 3NX Bristol

CV8 3LG Coventry

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 117 314 5000

Tel: +44 247 630 3517

Fax: +44 117 314 5001

Fax: +44 247 663 9229 www.gardenorganic.org.uk CONTACT: Margi Lennartsson, mlennartsson@gardenorganic.org.uk Jef & Co. / Jef and Co. Consultants Ltd. / Gafar Gadoura Westgate House, Level 7

www.soilassociation.org We are a membership charity for research, education and promotion of organic food and farming and the benefits for health and the environment that sets its own organic standards. We own Soil Association Certification Ltd which certifies organic producers and processors in the UK and around the World. CONTACT: Chris Atkinson, cakinson@soilassociation.org

W5 1YY Ealing, London United Kingdom Tel: +44 208 9913356

S&D Aroma / Azelis

Fax: +44 208 9913354

Tur Langton

CONTACT: Abasher Mustafa Fageer Mohamed, amfageer@hotmail.com

LE8 0PJ Leicester United Kingdom

Organic Food Federation

Tel: +44 1858 545837

31 Turbine Way Eco Tech Business Park

Fax: +44 1585 545761

PE37 7XD Swaffham, Norfolk United Kingdom Tel: +44 176 720444 Fax: +44 1760 720 790 www.orgfoodfed.com CONTACT: John Weldon, john@orgfoodfed.com

www.sdaroma.com We are producers of organic ingredients for the perfumery, flavour, cosmetic, toiletry, aromatherapy and personal care industries. We do this via a growing number of community trade projects, village co-operatives and similar organizations. CONTACT: John Brebner, john.brebner@azelis.co.uk

Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm Hamstead Marshall RG20 0HR Newbury Berkshire

United States of America

United Kingdom Tel: +44 1488 658298

Accredited Certifiers Association Inc.

Fax: +44 1488 658503

PO Box 472

www.organicresearchcentre.com The Organic Research Centre is a registered charity whose business is to develop and support sustainable land-use, agriculture and food systems, primarily within local economies, which build on organic/agro-ecological principles to ensure the health and well-being of soil, plant, animal, people and our environment. The Centre is the UK’s leading independent research, development and advisory institution for organic agriculture, having played a pivotal role in the development of organic research, policy and standards since 1980. CONTACT: Nicolas Lampkin, nic.l@organicresearchcentre.com PhytoTrade Africa 5 Calvert Avenue

13833 Port Crane NY United States of America Tel: +1 607 6483259 Fax: +1 607 6483259 www.accreditedcertifiers.org Non-profit educational association serving accredited organic certification agencies whose clients’ products are marketed in the US. Activities include on-line discussion forum for certification agencies, newsletters, training programs for certification agency staff. CONTACT: Patricia Kane, patriciakane@accreditedcertifiers.org

E2 7JP London United Kingdom Tel: +44 2077398822

AgriSystems International

Fax: +44 2077397648

125 West Seventh Street


18091 Wind Gap

PhytoTrade Africa is a membership based organisation covering Southern African countries. It is involved in the commercialization of indigenous species in a sustainable manner - regarding environmental, social and fairtrade issues. The ultimate aim is to bring additional income sources to those marginalised people of Southern Africa that have limited means of income other than access to the natural resources within their environment. This is achieved in a financially sustainable manner. CONTACT: Arthur Stevens, arthur@phytotradeafrica.com

PA United States of America Tel: +1 610 8636700 Fax: +1 610 8634622 www.agrisysintl.com CONTACT: Thomas B. Harding, agrisys1@aol.com

CCOF Tilth 2155 Delaware Ave, Suite 150 95060 Santa Cruz CA United States of America Tel: +1 8314232263 Fax: +1 8314234528 www.ccoftilth.org Oregon Tilth is a non-profit research and education membership organization dedicated to biologically sound and socially equitable agriculture. Oregon Tilth offers educational events, and provides organic certification services to organic growers, processors, and handlers internationally. CONTACT: Jim Pierce, jim@tilth.org

Center for Organic and Sustainable Agriculture

East Milling International - Quality Organic Food and Agriculture

Physical and Health Sciences Bldg.

208 Bay St C

14802 Alfred State

95060 Santa Cruz



United States of America

United States of America

Tel: +1 607 587 3621 Fax: +1 607 587 3629

Tel: +1 206 3490652 www.eastmilling.com

www.alfredstate.edu/cosa The State University of New York College of Technology at Alfred has established the Center for Organic and Sustainable Agriculture (COSA) to serve students, faculty, and the community through education, research, and demonstration of organic and sustainable farming practices. CONTACT: Terry Tucker, tuckertw@alfredstate.edu

CONTACT: Nazir Alnahlawi, malnahlawi@yahoo.com

Environmental Care & Share, Inc. P.O. Box 1749 15611 West 6th Avenue 80401-5051 Golden CO United States of America

Certified Naturally Grown 540 President Street, 3rd Floor 11215 Brooklyn NY

Tel: +1 925 2281332 Fax: +1 925 2287885 www.ecands.net CONTACT: Lynn M. De Vaney, lmdevaney@ecands.net

United States of America Tel: +1 845 687 2058

Equal Exchange

Fax: +1 718 596 3010

50 United Drive West


02379 Bridgewater

Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) provides certification for direct-market farmers and beekeepers. CNG is based on the Participatory Guarantee System model using peer inspections and strengthening the farming community by fostering local networks. Certification is streamlined through the use of online application. All participants are listed on the CNG website, and located on a searchable map. Marketing materials are made available to certified farmers and beekeepers. CONTACT: Alice Varon, alice@naturallygrown.org

MA United States of America Tel: +1 774 7767400 Fax: +1 508 5870088 www.equalexchange.com CONTACT: Keith Olcott, kolcott@equalexchange.coop

Frey Vineyard‘s 14000 Tomki Rd

Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc

95470 Redwood Valley

P.O. Box 50045


95077 – 5045 Watsonville

United States of America


Tel: +1 707 4855177

United States of America Tel: +1 831 8405055 Fax: +1 831 7687791 CONTACT: Carmela Beck, carmela.beck@driscolls.com

Fax: +1 707 4857875 www.freywine.com CONTACT: Katrina Frey, katrina@freywine.com

Global Organic Alliance

Kamut International

3185 Township Road 179 P.O. Box 530

P.O. Box 4903

43311 Bellefontaine

59806 Missoula



United States of America

United States of America

Tel: +1 937 593 1232

Tel: +1 4062519418

Fax: +1 9375939507

Fax: +1 4062519420



We are an independently owned and operated company, whose goals are to certify food and fiber as organic through a specific set of standards that comply with what we consider a highly motivated ethically conducted industry without stifling the grower’s pioneering spirit. Our motto is service to our members, quality to the consumers. Established in 1997, Goa brings 70 years of collective certification administration. Goa offers NOP & GOA Organic certification, EU, MAFF/USDA (JAS EQUIVLENCY PROGRAM) & COR ACCREDITATION. GOA has been ISO 65 accredited since 2000. Service to member/client is our top priority. GOA received JAS accreditation on February 23, 2007. We are proud to be the first JAS accredited office on US soil!

Kamut InternationaI partners with growers, manufacturers, and distributors to promote KAMUT brand khorasan wheat products. KAMUT brand khorasan wheat is always organically grown, versatile, high in protein, and minerals, and has a naturally sweet and nutty flavor. CONTACT: Trevor Blyth, trevor.blyth@kamut.com

National Organic Coalition

CONTACT: Betty Kananen, globalorganicalliance@hughes.net

3540 State Route 52 12566-5416 Pine Bush NY United States of America Tel: +1 9144435759

International Certification Services Inc. dba Farm Verified Organic 301 5th Ave SE


58467 Medina ND United States of America




Tel: +1 701 4863578 Fax: +1 701 4863580 www.ics-intl.com CONTACT: Christina Dockter, cdockter@ics-intl.com

Fax: +1 8457445903 www.nationalorganiccoalition.org The National Organic Coalition (NOC) is a (U.S.) national alliance of organizations working to provide a “Washington voice” for farmers, ranchers, environmentalists, consumers and progressive industry members involved in organic agriculture. NOC seeks to work cooperatively with, and add value to, existing organic and sustainable agriculture organizations, networks and coalitions to ensure a united voice for organic integrity. NOC co-produced the National Organic Action Plan which advances organic as the foundation for food and agriculture in the U.S. Members of NOC are: Beyond Pesticides Center for Food Safety Equal Exchange Food & Water Watch Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Services National Cooperative Grocers Association Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance Northeast Organic Farming Association -Interstate Council Organic Seed Alliance Organically Grown Company CONTACT: Liana Hoodes,liana@hvc.rr.com

International Organic Inspectors Association PO Box 6, 117 N. Park Avenue 59317-0006 Broadus MT

Nature‘s International Certification Services

United States of America Tel: +1 406 436 2031

224 East State Hwy 56

Fax: +1 406 436 2031

54665 Viroqua



International membership association of inspectors and supporting members. Sponsors organic inspector training and training for the organic sector in several languages around the world. Publishes organic inspection manuals, maintains website. Advocacy and policy work for organic. Mission is to address issues and concerns of organic inspectors, provide quality inspector training, and to promote integrity and consistency in the organic certification process.

United States of America

CONTACT: Margaret Scoles, ioia@ioia.net

Tel: +1 608 637 7080 Fax: +1 6086377460 www.naturesinternational.com We are an organic certification agency that received accreditation from the NOP in 2007. We currently serve the 48 continental United States. CONTACT: David Engel, dave@naturesinternational.com

Northeast Organic Farming Association Interstate Council

Organic United Nations Friendship Association

P.O. Box 164

4460, Bush Circle

6491 Stevenson

94538 Fremont



United States of America

United States of America

Tel: +1 203 8885146 Fax: +1 203 8889280

Tel: +1 212 2445047 Fax: +1 510 353 1389



NOFA, the Northeast Organic Farming Association is one of the oldest organic organizations in the US. Formed in 1971, it now has seven independent state chapters in the Northeast. The NOFA Interstate Council includes representatives of the state chapters and oversees the annual Summer Conference, The Natural Farmer, other publishing projects and policy work on behalf of all members. Each state chapter sponsors a variety of educational activities for farmers, gardeners and consumers.

CONTACT: Henry Chang, henryorg@aol.com

Organic Valley One Organic Way 54639 La Farge

CONTACT: William Duesing, bduesing@mac.com

WI United States of America

Organic Consumers Association

Tel: +1 608 625 2602

6771 South Silver Hill Drive 55603 Finland MN

Fax: +1 608 625 2600 www.organicvalley.coop

United States of America

CROPP Cooperative is a farmer owned cooperative marketing the brands, Organic Valley and Organic Prairie.

Tel: +1 2182264164

CONTACT: Theresa Marquez, theresa.marquez@organicvalley.coop

Fax: +1 2183537652 www.organicconsumers.org The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is an online and grassroots nonprofit 501(c)3 public interest organization campaigning for health, justice, and sustainability. The OCA deals with the crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. We are the only organization in the US focused exclusively on promoting the views and interests of the nation’s estimated 50 million organic and socially responsible consumers.

Pennsylvania Certified Organic 106 School Street, Suite 201 16875 Spring Mills PA United States of America Tel: +1 814 4220251

CONTACT: Ronnie Cummins, ronnie@organicconsumers.org

Fax: +1 814 4220255 www.paorganic.org CONTACT: Leslie Zuck, penny@paorganic.org

Organic Crop Improvement Association International Inc. 1340 North Cotner Blvd

Rodale Institute

68516 Lincoln

611 Siegfriedale Road


19530 Kutztown

United States of America


Tel: +1 402 4772323

United States of America

Fax: +1 402 4774325

Tel: +1 610 6831400

www.ocia.org CONTACT: Jeff See, jsee@ocia.org

Fax: +1 610 6838548 www.rodaleinstitute.org CONTACT: Mark Smallwood, mark.smallwood@rodaleinstitute.org

Organic Trade Association 28 Vernon Street, Suite 413 05301 Brattleboro VT United States of America Tel: +1 802 275 3800 Fax: +1 802 275 3801 www.ota.com CONTACT: Christine Bushway, cbushway@ota.com

South Dakota OCIA Chapter#1 41996 106th St. 51430 Britton SD United States of America Tel: +1 605 4485116 Fax: +1 605 4482312 CONTACT: Wilford Secker, wsecker@venturecomm.net

Textile Exchange


822 Baldridge Street 79351 O‘Donnell TX United States of America

Organic Producers & Processors Association of Zambia

Tel: +1 806 428 3411 Fax: +1 806 428 3475

Leopards Hill Rd P.O. Box 35317



Textile Exchange (formerly known as Organic Exchange) is a non-profit, member-based organization incorporated in 2003. It operates internationally and is committed to the responsible expansion of sustainable textiles across the global textile value chain, with a special focus on organic cotton.

Zambia Tel: +260 126 3070 Fax: +260 126 5208 www.oppaz.org.zm

CONTACT: LaRhea Pepper, larhea@textileexchange.org

CONTACT: Munshimbwe Chitalu, mchitalu@organic.org.zm Westbridge Agricultural Products 1260 Avenida Chelsea 92081 Vista CA


United States of America Tel: +1 760 5998855 Fax: +1 760 5996965 www.westbridge.com

Zimbabwe Organic Producers & Promoters Association

CONTACT: Tina Koenemann, tinak@westbridge.com

10 Natal Road, Belgravia, P.O. Box CY1198 Causeway, Harare Wolf, DiMatteo + Associates


PO Box 458, 48 Race Street


24127 New Castle

Tel: +263 42918104



United States of America

ZOPPA promotes organic agriculture as an alternative farming system that removes dependency on chemical and seed companies, improves people’s health, balances the ecosystem while giving a livelihood even to the poor who cannot afford the chemicals. In an endeavour to promote organic agriculture ZOPPA does the following; i. Lobby and advocate for a policy that supports organic agriculture in Zimbabwe ii. Establish and monitor an agreed set of organic standards iii. Facilitate market linkages for organic produce iv. Provide relevant information on organic agriculture v. Coordinate organic agriculture activities for the growth of the industry vi. Facilitate support structures, involvement for the growth of the organic sector(research, bioinputs etc) In doing this ZOPPA hopes to make a contribution towards a nation that is committed to using natural means of agriculture to ensure a healthy future for the land and its people.

Tel: +1 413 624 5569 Fax: +1 540 8645161 www.organicspecialists.com Wolf, DiMatteo + Associates delivers strategic expertise to help organic, socially, and environmentally responsible products and projects reach their full potential - and flourish. Founded in 1995, WD+A has provided over 300 clients with straightforward advice in organic and sustainable farming practices, inputs, certification, compliance, management, policy and trade. CONTACT: Katherine DiMatteo, kdimatteo@organicspecialists.com

CONTACT: Fortunate Hofisi Nyakanda, fortunate@zoppa.org.zw

Vietnam Organic PGS Vietnam #1 Pham Ngu Lao Hanoi Vietnam Tel: +84 4 62700184 Fax: +84 4 37623534 www.vietnamorganic.vn The ADDA Organic Project is a project by the Danish NGO ADDA and local Farmer Unions (2005 - 2012). It is implemented in provinces around Hanoi (Vietnam) with the main focus being organic vegetables and fruit production and marketing. To support marketing activities, the project coordinates a PGS involving producers, retailers, consumers and local farmer unions and other organizations. CONTACT: Hoang Truong Minh, hoangtmc@gmail.com

Supporters - Listed by Alphabetical Order -



Abdulaziz A. Sugair Saudi Arabia

Els Wynen Australia

Dr. Charles Merfield New Zealand

Agro Ecologue Consulting France


Albrecht Landt Germany

Friedrich Bläuel & Co. Ltd. Greece

Chenchao Yu Germany

Alejandra Nieto Garibay Mexico

Friedrich Mumm von Mallinckrodt Germany

Christa Buchendorfer Peru

Alexandra Farnos France

Christopher Brock Germany

Andrea Richert Germany

Andreas J. Büchting Germany


Claus Gillich Germany

Geoffrey Scott South Africa

Coen van Beuningen Netherlands

Gerhard Pelzer Germany

Andreas Welte New Zealand

Gernot Langes-Swarovski Austria

Cornelia Kirchner Austria

Grace Marroquin United States of America

Anna Malinowski United States of America Antje Öztürk Germany

D Arnd Zschocke Ecuador

Dag Falck Canada

Hans E. Klink South Africa

Devianee Ramlogun Germany

Hans Gaffke Norway

Diego Luis Sanetti Argentina

Harriet Behar United States of America


Dion Heerkens, Netherlands

Bernardo Murillo Amador Mexico Bertus Buizer, Buizer Advies Netherlands

Hart Feuer Germany

Heike Kuhnert Germany

Doris Pick Germany

Helga Willer Switzerland

Biniam Samuel Fitwi Germany

E Bruno Defelippe Paraguay


Elmar Still Germany

Henry Ignacio Lopez Daza Colombia Henry W. Short Australia

Hosameldeen Sharaf Germany

Marion Buley Germany

Kees Manintveld Netherlands

Mark Measures United Kingdom

Hossein Mahmoudi Iran

L Hubert Müller Portugal


Dr Martin Kunz United Kingdom

Larissa Woltersdorf Germany

Miho Hirai Japan

Lauren R. Gould United States of America

Muhammad Tariq Germany

Lawrence Woodward United Kingdom

Ilse Hoffmann Germany

Lilo Massing Uganda

Iris van Alebeek Netherlands

Lily Agustina Indonesia

I.Y. Saba United Arab Emirates

Prof. Mohammad Reza Ardakani Iran

Lisa Spicka United States of America


Nargess Talaei Iran Dr. Nina Nocon-Shimoguchi Japan

Luciano Rovesti Italy

Jasmin Zenhäusern Switzerland


Nestor Lopez de Arroyabe Spain

Ludwig Kiefer Ghana

Johannes Weber Austria

Nonny Charrière Switzerland

Joost Pierrot Consultancy Netherlands


Julie Duncan United Kingdom

MAL Somilareka G. Dissanayake Germany

Jürg Weber Switzerland

Marcel Thieron Germany

O Olaf Paulsen Germany

Marco Andreozzi Italy

K Karen Mapusua Fiji Dr. Khalid Almalahy Saudi Arabia Khalid S. Al-Haddad Saudi Arabia

Dr. Marco Hartmann Saudi Arabia Margaret C. Merrill United States of America Maria Celia Martins de Souza Brazil

P Pablo Chianale Spain Paul Kristiansen Australia

Peter Ton Netherlands


Polly Castañeda United States of America

Shaikh Tanveer Hossain Bangladesh

Prinz von und zu Lichtenstein’sche Forst- und Gutsverwaltung Austria

Rainer Adam Thailand

Thomas Schneider Germany Tom Václavík Czech Republic

Shreyaskar Chaudhary India

R Rajesh Patel India

Thomas Meier Germany


Shigeru Ooki Japan

Ute Bohnsack Ireland

Steffanie Scott Canada

Ute Lina Kilic Turkey Uwe Hofmann Germany

Steffi Kolarov Germany

Ricardo Esteruelas Tesan Spain Dr. Richard Dietrich Austria


Susan Fowler United Kingdom

Valérie Sturm Germany

Richard Jacobs United Kingdom


Robert Anthony Crowder New Zealand Tadeu Caldas Germany

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