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食品工業 粉末工業 鋼鐵工業 造紙工業 印刷工業 紡織工業 石油工業 水泥工業 機械工業 陶瓷工業 橡膠工業 製鹽製糖 製藥工業 建築工業 電子工業 玻璃工業 化學工業 包裝輸送
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Vibrator 漏斗卸料振動器 應用圖例 瑞士進口Findeva廠牌 氣壓振動器
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Vibrators for

品牌深耕 邁向國際

『PTC Source 動力傳動與控制』


以新品牌改版以來,除了積極配合國內、外 <自動化 工業專業展會>現場發行外,並結合網路行銷,以有 效傳遞廠商資訊至專業買主手中為己任 ; 我們實際參 展發行場次已超過百場之多,包括 : 台北、台中、上 海、北京、青島、廣州、深圳、天津、武漢、瀋陽、 馬來西亞、泰國、越南、印尼、日本、韓國、印度 … 等地。除此,我們與國際知名專業展會密切配合, 在其展會特刊與網站上作廣告宣傳,以增加PTCsource 網站的曝光率和瀏覽率,以增進廣告商的行銷效益。

在網路方面,我們建立『廠商產品資 料庫』,實地面對市場需求,並得到 國外買主熱烈迴響。35年來,產經網 IENET (Industrial Explorer Net) 累積國內外無數機械專 業展會現場宣傳與實務的經驗,將台灣機械廠商的產 品向全球買主推薦,直接面對買家,收集買主名單回 饋廠商,一步一腳印,成效卓著。期許將台灣自動化 工業產品和發展優勢行銷至世界各地,讓『PTC Source 動力傳動與控制』的媒體行銷功能發揮到淋漓盡致


近來由於科技進步帶動行動裝置無線上網的普及化, 第三螢幕的革命正在改變世界,處於此行動時代同時 也將改變緊貼顧客的行銷與消費新模式,這是時代 巨變下的趨勢與必然。

產經網公司秉持創新、服務業界的初衷,於網站中首創 3D線上產品選型展示,擴增網站行銷的幅度及宣傳的 效益。我們提供 Industrial Cloud 工業雲型錄 APP 、 行動網站建置及行動行銷功能之程式工具給業界應 用,並協助企業建置行動版網站。以因應潮流與世界 接軌。

發 行 人:陳秀文 執行總監:顏新輝

出版發行:產經資訊雜誌 網路行銷:動力傳動控制網 http://www.ptcsource.com.tw http://www.ptcsource.com




Add :11F., No.1, Sec. 3, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan

TEL :886-2-2395-1200

E-mail : service@ienet.com.tw

大陸 : 北京翎瑞鴻翔科技有限公司

地址 : 北京市豐台區南三環西路88號

春嵐大廈4019室 郵遞區號:100070


E-mail : marketing@linkable.cn

QQ : 1375651412




JC Hydraulic Valves

The Jun Chung (JC) Industry Company was established by Mr. Hung-Tu Yeh in 1975. Its professional team started by designing and producing various hydraulic control valves and vane pumps. Since 1985, it expanded to include industrial-grade pressure switches and advocated as the worldwide leader in TAIWAN-MADE hydraulic pressure switches. During the expansion, it successfully created directional control valves for both surface and cylindrical grinding machines. The JC Industry Company was re-established as Jun Chung Shing Co., Ltd. in 1997 specializing in Pressure Switches, Modular Hydraulic Valves, and Power Units. It imported and adapted cutting edge equipments and upgraded to a new factory as an effort to provide the most comprehensive products and services to its clients. More importantly, it believed that professionalism, innovation, creativity, and quality services are the essence to client satisfaction and trust. Over 30 years, it strives to broaden scale by insisting on providing quality products, decreasing client costs, and investing in the newest technologies while appreciating your supports and suggestions as it continues to grow and expand.


●Pressure Switch Series

●Mechanically Operated Directional Valves

●Double Way-Throttle Control Valves

●Modular Hydraulic Valves

●For Dresser Mounted on Wheel Head

●Throttle Control Valves


西元1975年由葉鴻圖先生創立-駿全工業 有限公司。並於成立初期專業設計生產各種油 壓控制閥、輪葉幫浦。1985年開始量產壓力開 關,為台灣自製壓力開關之領導品牌-JC奠定基 礎,並成功開發出平面磨床用電磁引導式換向 閥、圓筒磨床用換向閥、並投入量產。於1997 年更名為-駿全興股份有限公司。主要產品為 -壓力開關、疊加閥、及平面磨床用各種油壓 閥、動力組合。因應設備增加,2005年遷入新 廠。駿全興股份有限公司秉持「專業、創新、 突破、服務」之理念,全幅投入各系列產品 的技術讚研。歷經 30 多年,以一步一腳印的 努力過程,公司規模業績在穩定中逐漸成長茁 壯。堅持以品質優先為原則,輔以技術創新, 努力降低成本,並期待您的支持與指教。





●積層 (疊式) 閥

●油壓平整閥 (砂輪修整器)

●流量控制閥 ( 雙軸 )

For more information, please visit our website. >>

Brant Hydraulics,


Brant Hydraulics ,臺灣最好的液壓缸(致動

器)、設備和機械製造商。無論您的液壓需求是 什麼,我們都可以幫助您找到最有效的解決方案 ——適用於從致動器到完整系統的各種應用。

多年來,我們的產品已供應給許多世界知名 公司,如 SMS、MHI(又名普銳特冶金)、寶 馬、舒勒集團和世界知名鋼廠。

今天,邦特液壓公司提供市場上一些最高品質的 液壓缸和最精確的測試設備。根據您需要的液壓 應用,我們將為您的專案定義最佳解決方案。

我們不斷提高專家的知識水準,因此獲得了專 家級的深厚液壓技術知識。我們的目標是為客 戶提供最優質的產品和最低的成本。我們定制 所有產品和系統,以滿足您的每個應用程式的 要求。

在過去的十年裡,邦特通過彙集公認的流體動 力行業重型、精密加工、液壓缸和系統的主要 生產商而發展壯大。 Brant Hydraulics 的每款產

品都代表了最現代技術、徹底執行和數十年經 驗的理想結合。


Brant Hydraulics, the best hydraulics cylinders (actuators), equipment, and machineries manufacturer in Taiwan

Brant Hydraulics, the best hydraulics cylinders (actuators), equipment, and machineries manufacturer in Taiwan. Whatever your hydraulics needs are, we are here to help you find the most effective solution – for every application, from actuators to a complete system.

Over the years, we have supplied our products to many world-recognized companies, such as SMS, MHI (aka Primetals), BMW, Schuler Group, and world renowned steel mills.

Today, Brant Hydraulics Corporation offers some of the highest-quality hydraulics cylinders and most accurate testing equipment on the market. Depending on what hydraulic application of your needs, we are going to define the best solution for your project.

We are constantly enhancing our specialists’ knowledge and have therefore obtained profound hydraulic technology know-how at an expert level. Our goal is to provide our customers with the highest quality products and the lowest cost possible. We customize all the products and systems to meet the requirements of each of your application.

Over the last decade, Brant has grown by bringing together recognition as a major producer of heavy-duty, precision-machined, hydraulic cylinders and systems in the fluid power industries. Each product of the Brant Hydraulics represents the ideal synthesis of most modern technology, thorough execution and decades of experiences.

邦特擁有世界上最先進的 AGC 氣缸測試設備,

是臺灣唯一有能力生產 AGC 氣缸的公司




以為傲的項目之一,我們的客戶一向都 對我們所生產的鋼鐵廠油壓缸品質非常 有信心。



線,從卸煤機 (ship unloader),燒結

機 (sintering machine),煉焦爐 (coke ovens),魚雷車 (torpedo cars),高

爐 (blast furnaces),轉爐 (BOF - basic oxygen furnace),電弧爐 (EAF - electric arc furnace),到各式連鑄設備 (continuous casting machines),

加熱爐 (furnaces),熱軋工場 (hot strip mills),鋼板工場 (plate mills),各式滾軋機 (rolling mills),

粗軋機 (roughing stands),精軋機 (finishing stands),調質線 (temper mills),盤捲工廠 (pouring reel mills),等等任何鋼鐵廠相關設備。

我們對於整個鋼鐵廠油壓缸有相當成熟的經驗及技術。 從最初的原料採集到最後的製鋼過程,只要 是任何鋼鐵廠用的油壓缸,我們都可以為客戶製造。


BRANT HYDRAULICS has extensive experiences and capabilities on building heavyduty cylinders for steel mill applications. Steel mills cylinders have been one of our strength over years and our customers are always satisfy with our cylinders.

Over the years, our steel mill applications has covered the whole steel making production line, from ship un-loader, sintering machine, coke ovens, torpedo cars, blast furnaces, BOF (basic oxygen furnaces), EAF (electric arc furnaces), continuous casting machines, furnaces, hot strip mills, plate mills, rolling mills, roughing stands, finishing stands, temper mills, pouring reel mills to all types of steel mill related machineries.

We have experiences in doing ALL the steel mill cylinders in the whole steel mill process, from the very beginning material to the finished steel, revamping to optimization. We can do it ALL.

For steel mill HAGC (Hydraulic Automatic Gauge Control), Brant has the most advanced test facilities for AGC cylinders in the world. In fact, Brant is the only company in Taiwan who has the abilities to manufacture AGC cylinders a Brant is the only company in Taiwan who has the abilities to manufacture AGC cylinders nd with the complete“AGC Dynamic Test Bench”available to test all types of AGC cylinders. Over the years, we have experiences in manufacturing and export dozens types of AGC cylinders to many worldrecognized top steel mills.

As long as you have any inquiry about steel mill cylinders, whether is for manufacturing, maintaining, upgrading, designing or any other hydraulic related matters, Brant Hydraulics will be your No. 1 manufacturer choice on your hydraulic cylinders. We will deliver as we promised!

BRANT HYDRAULICS is the only company in Taiwan who has the abilities to manufacture AGC cylinders.
Coil 線圈製造

微潤滑冷卻系統 (MQL)

Minimum Quantity Lubrication.

高效率 節能 環保之切削系統 Highly efficient Energy-saving Environmental Cutting sytem


台灣專利:M292421 大陸專利:ZL43085.5 適用於:鑽孔攻牙機、多軸攻牙機、沖床、鋸床、
新北市新莊區瓊林南路108號 No.108, Chyong Lin S. Rd.,Hsin Chuan District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 20

GmbH Taiwan Rep. Office 德國卡迪納斯有限公司 台灣代表處 : 產經網廣告有限公司 台灣台北市重慶南路三段1號11樓

Tel :+ 886-2-23951200

Fax :+886-2-23957839

E-mail: service@ienet.com.tw http://ienet.partcommunity.com



展會特刊 + 網絡營銷 廣告效益

自2005年開始『PTC Source 動力傳動與控制』 展會特刊實地發行於 :

● 台灣 ● 大陸 : 瀋陽、北京、青島、上海、天津、武漢、廣州、東莞、深圳

● 新加坡 ● 越南 ● 泰國 ● 印尼 ● 馬來西亞 ● 日本 ● 韓國 ● 印度…等國家,

所到之處受到熱烈迴響 。

您只要花少許的經費, 我們為您做最大的行銷效益 !

腳踏實地 實實在在的宣傳派送


☆ 實地參與專業展會現場發行,將資訊傳遞給真正需要的買主。

☆ 免費提供國內外專業展會現場型錄展示,派送,有口皆碑。

☆ 搭配PTCsource動力傳動與控制專業網站"提供之"B2B商務平台"、 "產品電子型錄"、"產品數據庫"等宣傳推廣,效益宏大。

☆ 在專業展會之會刊作宣傳及網站互聯,成效卓著。

☆ 瀏覽率及點擊率領先同業網站。


產品分類 : 適合刊載廣告產品項目

☆ 提供廣告商 [工業雲型錄APP] 行動商務平台。

一、液壓零部件 : 油壓泵浦、油壓馬達、油壓缸、油壓閥、緩衝器、冷卻器、油壓夾頭、油壓動力單元…

二、氣壓零部件 : 空壓缸、空壓控制閥、三點組合、空氣壓縮機/ 乾燥裝置、消音器、迴轉缸、伺服閥…

三、其他空油壓零部件: 螺絲、螺帽、油封、迫緊、緊固件、管件、接頭、熱交換器、增壓缸、注油器、壓力錶、 壓力開關、手動開關、電磁閥、集中潤滑給油裝置、空壓調速器、真空產生器、工業用振動器…

四、液氣壓應用機械設備 : 沖床、壓床、折床、油壓成型機械、油壓擠型機械、油壓壓鑄機械、裝卸升降設備 五、工業用工具、刀具

六、傳動裝置 : 齒輪傳動、鏈傳動、帶傳動、電氣傳動、滾珠、軸承、傳動聯結件、齒輪、減速機、直線運動驅動元件/系統… 七、自動化機械設備與控制系統 : 控制器、機器人、控制系統、儀器、檢測、量具、物流、輸送運搬、倉儲、加工、設計… 八、電子類 : 工業控制設備、主動元件/被動元件… 九、電機類 : 馬達、電源器、電表與儀器、連接器…



電話 : 886-2-23951200

E-mail : service@ienet.com.tw


QQ : 1651994558


專為企業打造雲端行動商務 傳統產業升級 APP加值服務

滑世代精準行銷 / 產經網 獨有優勢通路平台

* B 2 B 網路搜尋商務平台

* ISSUU e-Book 企業型錄電子翻書平台 (多種語系搜尋)

* ISSUU E-Magazines 數位電子雜誌 (網路行銷)

** 國際展覽場最佳產品展示行銷工具 **

* 工業雲 (Industrial Cloud APP) –行動版企業電子型錄 + 影音

* 3D 產品線上選型--全球唯一『機電零部件』3D下載網路跨平台

* 於各國展會網站互聯及展會特刊強勢曝光

** 專案企作 **

* 多語系影音拍攝製作

* 企業網站 RWD / 企業專屬APP / 企劃建置

* 企業數位電子型錄規劃製作 (詳洽)


企業網站 RWD / APP / 企劃建置






產經網 為您 網商機 產經網 為您 網商機

ieApp ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕
印 度 馬 來 印 尼


2023 年度相關展會檔期



2023/04/26 ~ 04/28

2023/05/17 ~ 05/20 2023

2023/06/27 ~ 06/29 2023

2023/07/13~ 07/17 2023

2023/08/23 ~ 08/26 2023

CDIIF成都國際工業博覽會 成都中國西部國際博覽城

KIAE高雄自動化工業展/化工儀器展 (經濟日報)


TIAE台中自動化工業大展 (經濟日報)

TPE AUTO台北國際自動化工業展 (機器人與智慧自動化展)

2023/09/19 ~ 09/23 2023

高雄展覽館 (高雄市前鎮區成功二路39號)

深圳國際會展中心 (寶安新館)

台中國際展覽館 (台中烏日中山路)


IAS上海工業自動化展/上海中國國際工業博覽會 上海虹橋國家會展中心

2023/10/24 ~ 10/27 2023 PTC ASIA亞洲國際動力傳動與控制技術展覽會 上海新國際博覽中心

2023/11/03 ~ 11/07 2023 TMTE 台中工具機展 (經濟日報)

2024/03/27 ~ 03/31

2024 TMTS 台灣國際工具機展

台中國際展覽館 (台中烏日中山路)


2024/09/24 ~ 09/28

2025/03/03 ~ 03/08

2024 TaipeiPLAS 台北國際塑橡膠工業展 (+製鞋機展ShoeTech Taipei)

2025 TIMTOS台北國際工具機展

** 詳細內容歡迎上網查詢 www.ptcsource.com.tw




泰 國 印 度 越 南 印 尼 韓 國 廣 州 青 島 深 圳 廣 州 北 京 上 海 PTC 台 北 台 中 瀋 陽
展 會 時 間 展 覽 會 名 稱 展 覽 地 點
2023/03/06 ~ 03/11

文耀興業有限公司 服務項目

◎ 各式儀器&周邊零組件買賣&校正調整檢測&維修保養

溫度、濕度、壓力、差壓、流量、風量、液位、熱量、氣體偵測、差壓開關、水流開 關、水質儀器、PH、導電度、濁度、餘氯、溶氧、COD、SS 、氨氮、重金屬、漏水檢知 器(線)、集合式電表、各式轉換器&顯示器…等相關儀器

◎ 各式自動化系統和SCADA圖控系統 客製化設計規劃&整合 &維修保養


◎ OPC Server、網頁式圖SCADA、IOT物聯網開發應用、各式軟硬體&系統開發

◎ 各式管閥配件&周邊零組件買賣&加工修改製作&施工安裝&維修保養

◎ 各式水電配管、機電整合、空調、電力、門禁、水處理…等相關系統整合工程

◎ 各式變頻器&控制器&人機介面…等相關周邊零組件買賣&維修保養

◎ 各式機台和製程設備買賣&客製化設計&相關周邊零組件買賣&維修保養

手機 : 0976-482457

T EL : 02-2204-8697

FAX : 02-8192-7098

MAIL : wenyao1015@gmail.com

Web : https://modbus.tw/

地址 : 242新北市新莊區建安街69號3樓

各式控制閥 圖控軟體SCADA OPC Server 協定轉換器 泛用型控制器 風門驅動器 溫度控制器 變頻器 各式感測器 水錶/熱量組

Intelligent Asia

2023 TAIPEI 2023 3D Printing 2023 2023
預先登錄參觀 預登掌握最新資訊 亞洲工業4.0暨智慧製造系列展 8.23-26,2023
智 能 自 動 化 與 機 器 人 專 刊 I n t e l l i g e n c e A u t o m a t i o n & C o n t r o l A
o m a t i o
u t

Who we are?

PTC Source is a professional trade web site maintained by IENET MEDIA


Our services including:

* Publishing and distributing trade media.

* Ad creation, graphic design and production.

* Planning and organizing trade exhibitions.

* Representative for ienet

* Web site design and development.

* World wide web pages graphic design and production.

Why we found PTC Source

To build a bridge between Buyers and Sellers

It's our original design, and also our ultimate goal. We would like to provide a useful solution of trade for all the purchasers and suppliers. The site http://www.ptcsource.com is not only a perfect marketing channel online, but also a window which displays the competitive products to buyers all over the world.

Our web site, http://www.ptcsource.com , provides you a professional gateway to trade with manufacturers. Buyers and suppliers on PTC Source are in two-way communication.

It is expected to be an active web site rather than a passive one for user.

Values on PTC Source ...

* On PTC Source , the powerful and comprehensive database for matching trade opportunities and providing trade information are supported. The database is updated everyday with the most immediate information.

* It's accurate, efficient, and easy to use. You shall find everything here meets your expectations!

* It creates a directly communication between buyers and suppliers to register as free members.

* And you will receive the latest product information by E-mail immediately.

* In addition, PTCNet provides a powerful tool for searching. You can collect your search results in your own trade cart, and keep them at hand for review, or send inquiries later.

* Third, Global Partners will arrange categorized links to other trade resources online around the world for you. In short, to trade with world, PTC Source is your ultimate and most reliable solution.

Others :

We promote in each exhibition with our magazines and websites. Besides the web PTC Net / PTC Source, we’re going to expand on machinery (http://www.machinerytoday.com )


About PTC SOURCE (Magazine)

I. Subject Coverage

1. Power Devices: Hydraulic and Pneumatic Controlled Components, Fasteners, Pipe and Fitting System, Hydraulic / Pneumatic Controlled Machinery.

2. Transmission Devices : Chain Transmission ( Shaft Bearings, Ball Bearings, Steel Chains, and Screws), Gear Transmission System, and Connectors.

3. Tools and Cutters

4. Automatic Controlled Systems: Automatic Machinery and Automatic Controlled System, Electric/ Electronic Industrial Components and Electric/Electronic and Industrial Controlled Components.

II. Publication Way

Magazines , Websites & mMarketing.

III. Advertisers

Related importers, agencies / agents and manufactures

IV. Main Areas

Magazines, websites are co-operated with PTC and machinery exhibitions around the world. Marketing areas in China, Asia.

(Ex. Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, India , China and Taiwan, etc. )

V. To Popularize For…

All kinds of professional industry machines, machinery tools, relative industry, manufactures, buyers, and so on.

VI. A comprehensive guide to the suppliers of “PTC Source” meeting the volume buyers' needs.

** Language of Text: Chinese / English

** Here’s What It Gives You:

Convenient reference guide lists thousands of suppliers with export capabilities. Almost every industrial products and machinery application can be found in this convenient guide.

** The index section is comprehensively cross-referenced so as to assist you in locating any product quickly and easily.

** Featuring catalogs categorized by industry groups, make it easier for you to find and select the suppliers with the products you are looking for.

** Lots of photographs are especially helpful in assessing the specific products in which you are interested.

** All entries have been thoroughly checked and verified.

** All suppliers listed here welcome your inquiries.

** Product's country/area of origin: Chinese Mainland / Taiwan

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