Parallax 2009

Page 64

Parallax 2009

Floral pattern. Silhouettes - one is old, one is younger. Not young but younger, in black and white. In a cozy little house. Silhouettes. Mother and grandmother, sitting on daughter’s mantelshelf. The only thing she took when running away. When running away to marry that boy. A circus boy. A gipsy. To marry him. And have lots of babies. A gipsy. He moved. Babies grew up. Half-gipsy, halfWASP. She stayed, always. Mother and grandmother stayed too. V. Where? In England They may have tricked me.

An Iron Jacket of Habit I always was the baby that destroyed the marriage. You have to eat it all or the left corner monster will eat your fingers one by one. So I chew and chew until the very last crumb is gone. He disappeared and it oddly hurt at first. Don’t cry the scar will be gone before you get married. One day I looked at his baby pictures and recognized all three uncles but not him. Don’t laugh like that. I can see your gums, you’ll ruin the picture. Sweating in the summer with the blanket up to my chin Imagine if we were in Antarctica, always keep your blanket on. I count how many habits he planted in, four but probably many more.


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