Parent Survival Guide 2022

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Leaders welcome you to the IU family Here are some welcoming words from people who help shape your student’s experience at IU.

Pamela Whitten

Denise Hayes

Rahul Shrivastav

Hannah Buxbaum

IU President

Assistant Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services


Vice President for International Affairs

I am delighted to welcome our incoming freshmen and their families to the Indiana University community. As a leading public research university with a global reputation for excellence, IU offers many opportunities for our students to get involved in campus organizations, build strong relationships with faculty and strengthen skills and talents that will lead them to success in their careers and prepare them to make an impact on the world. With the support parents and families provide, alongside the many advising, counseling, financial aid and other IU resources available, we are dedicated to ensuring our students’ success. I hope you’ll join us at campus events and activities, and I’m looking forward to celebrating the achievements of our students with you. Welcome to the IU family.


Congratulations! Here are a few suggestions: reflect on how your student typically responds to change, as you are likely to see similar changes as they adjust to this new environment. Acquaint yourself with campus resources, and when your student seeks advice from you, encourage them to use the resources on campus. Learn the names of their roommates and friends they mention often, and pay attention to new activities. By asking about their friends and activities, you are signaling that you care about their new world. Finally, resist the urge to solve problems for them. I hope you find these helpful!

Welcome to the IU Bloomington community! I hope you will encourage your students to experience all our vibrant campus offers, from strong academic and research opportunities to a dazzling array of events and activities. These combined experiences produce graduates with excellent academic credentials, a better understanding of the world and lifelong friends. As your students begin their college journey, our guidance counselors, Freshman Orientation Guides, mentors, tutors, student advocates and mental health professionals are here to help them be successful. I appreciate all you have done and will continue to do as partners in their success.

We are excited to welcome international students from more than 140 countries to our campus. Your students will be cared for by our dedicated and devoted faculty members and school administrators, and by the expert team at our international student services office. My advice is to encourage your student to talk to us about any concerns they may be experiencing. We value the contributions our international students make to IU academics, to the campus and to the Bloomington community, and I know that they will have a safe and successful year with us.


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