Newsletter Agosto 2009

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Centro de Idiomas Newsletter August - September 2009

Year: 05

Number 24 Coming Soon!

Rules of our 5th Talent Show! TEMAS: Resaltar los siguientes contenidos y valores: Hermandad entre los pueblos y respeto a las diferencias culturales de los mismos, honestidad, amistad, lealtad, justicia, respeto, etc. y amor a la familia PARTICIPANTES: Solistas, dúos, tríos o grupos de hasta 15 personas. El profesor puede participar junto con sus alumnos. CATEGORIAS: A – Proyectos: Colegios Santa María y Santa Mónica y el Proyecto JUNIORS UDEP. B - Cursos regulares:

Desde Elementary hasta Upper II y los cursos de FCE, Portugués y Chino Mandarín. C - Institutos y Centros de Idiomas invitados PARTICIPACIÓN: El tiempo estipulado para cada participación es exactamente de 3 minutos. El número deberá incluir actuación o diálogo y canto. El baile es opcional. No se puede exceder los 3 minutos. Consideren que el objetivo principal es el uso del idioma. ACOMPAÑAMIENTO: a) Con pista grabada (PLAYBACK) b) Con guitarras, cajón, órgano u otro instrumento (Acompañamiento Acústico). NO BANDAS MUSICALES.

Beethoven and the flu! Thanks

to the flu virus that has visited us in Piura, and despite the mass vaccination campaign in which I participated, I had the opportunity to spend sometime listening to the masterful symphonies of Ludwig Van Beethoven, in a small portable CD player. I have these melodies in CDs I once bought in Lima. Since intense work and family duties don´t give us so much free time I really appreciated the medical prescription of staying at home for a couple of weeks. To help the effort

Participants: English, Portuguese, and Chinese Mandarin classes

Guests: Santa María and Santa Mónica Schools, ICPNA, and UCV University Language Center Date: October 29th

By: Luz González Umeres (*)

the city and various institutions are doing to support the Municipal Symphony Orchestra, I find it very useful to share with you the different options technology gives us to interact with firstworld cultural property, created by great composers, firstly, and secondly, a joyous and rewarding way to use leisure time. I must say that the way to become familiar with classical music is within reach of every budget, especially now that the Internet has sites that store thousands of hours of music. This can be used as an educational and free of charge

mean. The way we learn is an spontaneous way, often following our own tastes. I have this conviction from personal experience. Sounds have a special magic, but when they are harmonized by chosen spirits, with such beauty that the Pythagoreans said that music is therapy for the soul, and lifts, consequently, the level of human life also above its basic needs. * Philosopher. Professor, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities. Translated by: Jenny Perez

The Amazing Chinese Mandarin Singapore. There are approximately 870 million Mandarin speakers.


was originally the language spoken by Chinese officials, most of whom came from Beijing. Their language was called guānyŭ (Official Language) in Chinese. The word Mandarin comes, via Portuguese, from the Sanskrit word mandari (commander). The Portuguese used the term to refer both to the Chinese people and their language.

Just over 53% of the population of China or 690 million people are able to speak Mandarin, according to the Xinhua news agency. In China's cities, about 66% speak Mandarin, while only 45% speak it in the countryside. Around 70% of people between the ages of 15 and 29 speak the language, while only 30% of those over 60 can speak it. There are at least 25 million or so Mandarin speakers elsewhere, especially

Today Mandarin is the main language of government, the media and education in China and Taiwan, and one of the four official languages in

in Taiwan (20 million) and Singapore (1.5 million), and also in Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Brunei, Thailand, the Philippines, Russia, the USA, Vietnam, Laos, UK and Mauritius. Written Chinese is based on spoken Mandarin and is known as hànyŭ or zhōngwén. Speakers of other varieties of Chinese have to learn the grammar and vocabulary of Mandarin in order to read and write in Chinese.

Having fun with Garfield

From China To Perú What’s your name? Ma zheng. ♦ When were you born? On Oct 5th, 1976. ♦ Are you married? Yes, I am. ♦ What do you expect from your Peruvian students? To be able to learn Chinese easily and travel to my country one day. It’s very far I know but not impossible. It’s good to know they are interested in learning about my culture too. ♦How long are you staying in Peru? For a year. ♦


By: Graciela Espinoza

What do you think about UDEP? I like it very much. I love its campus the most. It’s completely different from the universities I’ve been to because there are many animals and it’s quiet and peaceful.

What are you good at? I am good at cooking and singing but only Chinese songs. ♦ What do you like about the city? The parks. They are always crowded.

What did you think about Perú before coming here? I pictured the Inca traditions, historical monuments, the people, etc.

♦ What is surprising about Piura? There are a lot of taxis! ♦ What do you miss from your country? The food

What is your hobby? Reading and traveling.


Travelling in Perú By: Katya Palacios H. I

have visited many cities in Peru. I have been to Lima a lot of times, because my grandmother lives there. I have also been to Trujillo one time. I have eaten food from Trujillo. It is good. Other cities I have been to are Tumbes, for four times. There, I went to the restaurant with my uncle and I went to the beach with my un-

cle and I went to the beach with my father. I bought many things for my mother and for my sister. Also, I have visited Cajamarca one time. I went with my mother and my sister. In Cajamarca we went to Baños Del Inca. It was fantastic. Level: Pre Intermediate Teacher: Jaime Ancajima


is an amazing city. It's a cultural city. The most important thing about it is its people's faith. They are very religious. There's one church in each corner. There are about 33 churches. When visiting Ayacucho, you must go to "Pampa de la Quinua", where the Battle of Junin took place. There you can see the “Obelisco” , a monument that represents this battle.

By: Ana R. Badajoz

If you enjoy traditional food, you must try "cuy chactado", "humitas", "ponche". They are absolutely delicious. You can buy a lot of souvenirs. In summer it's very hot but w h e n you're under a tree you feel really cold. The weather is strange. You definitely must go there! Level: Intermediate II Teacher:César Azcarate

Teachers’ Miscellaneous Our

Director, Mr. Julio Valladares and Mrs. Connie Nalvarte participated as speakers at ADECOPA Conference in Lima last August 14th. Congratulations! ♦ Last July our teachers participated in two training courses in Lima: one at Británico and ♦

Studying to become a teacher By: Emily Masias.


I was studying at school I wanted to study English but my father didn’t agree with me. He said that I only had to concentrate at school. Then, when I started to study History at the Faculty of Education at Universidad de Piura. I began to take English courses at the Language Center of UDEP the summer of 2007. Two years ago the Faculty of Educat -


ion opened the career of Licenciatura en Inglés, so I decided to study that. Now I’m very excited studying courses such as: English Grammar I and II, Phonetics, etc. They are really interesting and the teachers are very good, understanding and patient with us. So I hope to become an excellent teacher in the future. Level: Education Teacher: Jaime Ancajima

the other one at Camelot. Well done! ♦

Confucio Institute has opened its first two

groups of Chinese Mandarin. They are in charge of our new teacher, Miss Ma Zheng. Good luck to the teacher and the students!

Shortening names!

Laughter, the best medicine! • Q. What's a minimum?

A. A very small mother!

.Q: Why can't a bicycle stand on its own? A: Because it's two-tired (too tired) . Q: What's got a wave but no sea? A: My hair. •Q. How many seconds are there in one year? A. Twelve. January second, February second, March second. •Q: How do porcupines kiss each other? A: Very carefully. C ENTRO DE I DIOMAS N EWSLETTER Nº 24 –A UGUST 2009 Dear students, We have just started a new semester and we are all very happy because we continue celebrating the 40th Anniversary of our beloved university. We have just had the REENCUENTRO DE EGRESADOS, and next month we will have our 5th Talent Show. We hope you and your friends participate in all the different activities. Visit our website: The editor

Editor Jaime Ancajima Alama Proofreader Connie Nalvarte Valdez Contributors Luz Gonzáles U. Graciela Espinoza, Jenny Pérez, Ma Zheng Students Katya Palacios, Ana Badajoz, Emily Masías Technical Support Cinthya Villena 4

•Q: Why do people call their

own language their mother tongue? A: Because their fathers seldom get a chance to use it. NOTE: In many cultures women have the image of speaking so much that their husbands seldom have a chance to say anything. •Q: Why is it impossible to starve in the desert? A: Because of all the sandwiches (sand which is) there.

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