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Seven Books to Read this fall

7Books to Read THIS FALL!

By Aya Aboshady


In all honesty, nothing feels better than staying home as the weather gets chillier by the second in the fall while reading your favorite books by your reading nook. That’s why we made you a list that includes 7 fan-favorite books that will blow your mind and keep you company during the cozy fall nights. From those that contain some Halloween vibes fitting the month of October to the mysterious thrillers and fantasies that will draw you in from the very first page! 2 The Institute by Stephen King 1

Reading a Stephen King novel come Halloween is always a must! That’s why we had to include his latest release “The Institute” on this fall reading list. As always, it’s spooky, mysterious, and full of some really cool “Stranger Things” vibes - you need to pick it up!

Middlegame by Seanan McGuire


This science fiction novel is not to be missed! Following those separated-atbirth twins Roger and Dodger will open your mind to a new world of mysterious fiction, amazingly-written and engaging fantasy.

The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson

This 2020 release is awesome to read in the fall, not only because it has got some Halloween-ish vibes and speaks of dark powers and such, but it’s also a very catchy feminist fantasy that will suck you in and take you to a gothic world full of spirits and magic! 50 October 2020

A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

This book is basically made for those who love to get enchantedly lost in fairytale novels and Disney retellings. This amazing modern retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” is just what you need, especially if you’re trying to get out of a reading slump. Most importantly, it fits 4 the fall season perfectly! The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon Fantasy? Check. Magic and dragons? Check. A queendom to save? Check, check, check! “The Priory of The Orange Tree” has all those elements 6 and more! We promise once you turn the very first page and get sucked into this world, you’ll never want it to end. And honestly speaking, reading this book in the fall might just be the right thing to do!



Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi This fan-favorite novel is about magic, power, monarchy, resistance and so much more! And the main character is just someone you’ll enjoy getting on a journey with. “Children of Blood and Bone” should definitely be on top of your reading list this fall; it will literally take you to another world.

Burn Our Bodies Down by Rory Power Want to read a drama-filled novel about a girl and her dark past? Well, then “Burn Our Bodies Down” is definitely the right pick for you! This book will take you on a trip with Margot, the main character, as she embarks on a journey of her own trying to uncover some secrets from the past. October 2020 51

Travel Guide CZECH REPUBLIC by Nada Abdelkader

Set in Central Europe, the Czech Republic is one dazzling underrated gem. The landlocked country is renowned for its historical castles, medieval villages, and vibrant architectures. With plentiful attractions and historical sites, Czechia (the country’s abbreviated name) is a must-visit spot.


In order to visit the Czech Republic, you’ll need to get a Tourist Schengen Visa to enter the country for up to 90 days. Head to the Czech Embassy in Cairo at least four weeks before your travels with all the required documents listed on the embassy’s website in hand as well as 1509 EGP for visa fees. Your application will be delivered personally during a pre-determined appointment via embassy website.

After this, it will about 15 days for the visa application to get processed. WEATHER

The best time to visit the Czech Republic is spring, mid-March to mid-May to be exact, and fall, September to mid-November, since that’s when there aren’t too many touristic crowds and the weather is just A-Okay.

Czech weather ranges from the 0 °C to even lower in full winter, usually punctuated by snowfalls. Most of the time, when weather is pleasant as in spring and fall, temperature is around 22/24 °C when high and 12/13 °C when low.

FOODS TO TRY A country’s cuisine is, according to popular saying, the key to that country’s essence. In this, Czechia is exceptional with its many dishes, savory and sweet!

Guláš Also known as goulash, this stew (made with beef or other types of meat, depending on your persuasion) is peppered with onions and is served with bread dumplings or slices of traditional dark bread. It’s traditionally served during the winters. SmaženýSýr Made for cheese lovers, this dish is made with deep-fried cheese and is served with fries, bread rolls, or a salad. Usually found in marketplaces and with vendors, SmaženýSýr will give you a crispy, cheesy bite to savor.

Palačinky Though the name might not sound familiar, we’re sure this description does. The famed treat is a type of thin Czech pancakes, not unlike French crepes. However, palačinky is made with a different batter and method. It’s usually rolled up and filled with jam, fruit, cream, or nuts. A treat to the sweet tooth! and the way of life in Middle Ages Czechia. Trdelník Traditionally Slovak, this pastry is made by wrapping the dough around a metal stick so it would roast over open fire and is then coated with a cloud of sugar, cinnamon, or nuts, as well as extra toppings if you’d like.

PLACES TO VISIT Crystal Valley A testament to unique nature, Crystal Valley will show how and where and when the glassmaking tradition and craft where founded.

Gold Lane will learn how people lived back in the past first-hand

In this tiny antique town, you’ll see doll-like small houses in the shadow of the wonderous Prague Castle. You cannot miss it.

Prague Castle Founded around 880, the Prague Castle is the largest castle complex in the world. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the castle complex is a testament to

Treasury of Saint Vitus Cathedral One of the most extensive church treasuries in Europe, the Treasury of St. Vitus Cathedral was first built in the Middle Ages. As years went on and its relics grew, so did the treasury’s cultural and historical importance. Botanicus historical craft village An open door to the medieval times with its atmosphere, the Botanicus historical craft village in Ostra is a place where the modern and traditional meet. There, you’ll be able to learn about artistic crafts

Veselýkopec Open-Air Museum This open-air museum is an experience in itself. It’s not like a typical museum, either. When visiting, you various styles of architecture.

and you will walk through a collection of preserved folk buildings and encounter actors who will show how life truly was. The museum is especially not to be missed during national events.

Charles Bridge Crossing over the river Vltava, Charles Bridge was the vital connection between Prague Castle and the Old Town. It’s made of Bohemian sandstone and is a true architectural joy with the Baroque statues of countless saints adorning it.