Sanitary Materials Company SMC 2010

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COMPANY PROFILE Project Pre-Qualification Documentation

Contents Section


Company Profile


Abu Dhabi


History / Vision / Mission / Values / ...

03 - 05



Company Facilities







12 - 25


26 - 41

A. O. Smith

42 - 46

Contact Information


Awards & Certifications







Company Profile SANITARY





ABU DHABI The first consultants offered our dear Sheikh Zayed a network to handle 50,000 residents and when questioned they returned with a system for 100,000. And he told them to build for half a million. Abu Dhabi will have the highest concentration of wealth on the planet. Actually there is no need to project into the future. Abu Dhabi is already this rich with a rumored $850bn in its sovereign wealth "The volume of construction activity in Abu Dhabi will outpace neighboring Dubai within four years This building boom will allow the population of the city to double within a decade and the focus is very much on private sector involvement." Reference: Delegates at the MEED conference, Abu Dhabi, November 22nd, 2007.

For real estate investors the upcoming $2.4 trillion worth of active and announced projects in Abu Dhabi presents a conundrum of opportunities. Where, when and how to invest? This is likely to be a constant theme for many years ahead. Abu Dhabi is planning many future projects sharing with (GCC) neighborhood and taking 29% of all the GCC future planning. The United Arab Emirates is a fast-growing economy: in 2006 the per capita income grew by 9%, providing a GDP per capita of $49,700 and ranking third in the world at Purchasing power parity. Abu Dhabi plays a large role in the world economy and sovereign wealth fund, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), currently estimated at US$ 875 billion, is the world's wealthiest sovereign fund, in terms of total asset value. Facts & figures: ? Area: ? Population Total: ? Population Density:

67,340 km² 945,267 293.94/km²




History Established in 1974, during the early stages of Abu Dhabi's urban planning that has started four years back, Sanitary Materials Company (SMC) was one of the early firms that grew up and rose along with the development of a new city. As a fast rising metropolis, Abu Dhabi was dramatically on a never ending demand for all sorts of expertise in planning and building in addition to quality building materials. Both the public sector and the private sector created a strong clamping demand on building materials suppliers. The high demand was a turning point for SMC to meet and to step forward and escalate from a mid sized firm into one of the top suppliers. The second milestone of SMC's growth was the ability to satisfy the local consulting firms all in meeting the strict requirements and high end standards of international consultants.

The Present Backed up by internationally reputable and high quality building materials brands and products such as Roca, Hansgrohe, A.O. Smith, and many others, SMC today is a significant landmark in the industry. Consequently, it is very rare to find a structure in the UAE capital that misses one of SMC's brands. Sheikh's palaces, ministries, government agencies, hospitals, mosques, malls, commercial and residential buildings have all been equipped with our products for the past years.




Vision Sanitary Materials Company is a leader in providing value-added quality sanitary products to our customers by creating a successful partnership with them throughout the construction process. Our pledge is to establish lasting relationships with our customers by exceeding their expectations and gaining their trust through exceptional performance by every member of our team. To ensure the longevity of our company through repeat and referral business achieved by customer satisfaction in all areas including timeliness, attention to detail and service-minded attitudes, and maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, honesty and fairness in our relationships with our suppliers, developers, consultants and potential clients. Additionally, to be the preeminent provider of superior materials and outstanding services by consistently importing the highest quality and state of the art of our product lines; to add value for clients through innovation, foresight, and aggressive performance. We will strive to implement a long term relationship with our clients, based on safety, quality, timely service and an anticipation of their needs.

Mission Statement § Import only high quality products and innovative models that enhance the quality of life and provide a long lasting reliable experience. § Maintain the highest international standards from both products and suppliers. § Keep up with the continuously changing and evolving demand. § Preserve our integrity and the contentment of consultants, developers and end-users. § Maintain our values and leadership in the domain. § Preserve our partnerships with both suppliers and clients by strengthening the gained trust and confidence. § Pursue a high level of communication with international consultants, designers, and developers that have affiliations in Abu Dhabi and the UAE.




Values The corporate values governing SMC are characterized by commitment to core values of integrity, fair business practices and ethical treatment of employees, customers and industry partners. Taking into consideration that our customers are our primary business partners, every day we intentionally tend to achieve their customer's satisfaction by supplying a range of quality products, all in respecting our customer's terms and conditions.

Experience In addition to our expertise in our product lines, the firm enjoys over 35 collective years of technical, advisory and support experience. We now offer our services on a project to project, or a long term contractual basis to both large and small developers throughout the UAE and specifically within Abu Dhabi. Our suppliers share and provide us with a value added experience, where they in turn and on a continuous basis append us with their latest norms, product features and usage. Our suppliers follow up with worldwide product distribution, installation and maintenance and create an infinite network of knowledge among all retailers.

Growth Thanks to our clients and suppliers, SMC, during the past 35 years, becomes a major regional supplier serving a large crowd of retailers, developers and contractors, as well as continuously supplying consultants with fact sheets and product documentation. SMC grew with the growth of the building revolution of Abu Dhabi and the UAE, and enjoyed the continuous support of the major international suppliers. The necessity in every built structure of sanitary ware, quality of products, variety, options, well worth brand reputation and client confidence all played a major role in the growth and expansion of our trade. During the past three years the firm witnessed a hyper sales growth each topping the former year by 25%, 30%, and 40% respectively.

250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0 2005











Company Facilities The firm encompasses all the lineaments and elements of a successful business, in addition to the available facilities to supply all demands regardless of project size and quantity requirements. 2


With over 34 existing staff, the firm occupies 850m of office space and a 600m of showroom in Najda Street, Abu Dhabi.





Warehouse I

Warehouse II



35,000 Items

25,000 Items

X 34 X 4


Two largely spaced ware houses in Musafah and Meena areas occupy 2500m2 and 1500m2 respectively to store over 1200 product categories over 60,000 items from sinks, mixers, toilet seats, and showers, to all bathroom components and water heaters.

Company Capabilities Our massive storage / warehousing facilities appropriates us to encounter any medium or large sized project with full efficiency to cater the required and deliver punctually. Confidently, the company's capabilities extend beyond supply, along with the collaboration of local and international partners; it has been able in the past and shall continue in the future to fulfill all postulated tasks.







Company Projects

Within the past three and a half decades, SMC has been a key player in the sanitary market and have been supplying and supporting all types of projects, from the delicate to the gigantic, delivering our high quality materials to sovereign's premises, luxury villas, government institutions, elegant residential complexes and high rise busy commercial towers. Below is a brief list of the most recent projects / developers served along with the associated consultants / consulting firms and contractors. P ro je c t N a m e – L o c a tio n 5 0 0 H o u se s R u w a is 2 0 0 V ila s - M in a Z a ye d A d n o c H e a d q u a rte rs 1 2 0 V illa s - A l S h a h a m a A l-M a fra q H o sp ita l H issa B in t Ib ra h im -K h a lifa S t N a d e r A l Q u b e issi - A irp o rt R d . M o h 'd K h a m is A l R u m a ith y - B a n iya s S t. S a le m T a ra b ish A l M a n so u ry- A l N a se r S t.. M o h 'd K h a lifa A l S u w e id y- B a n iya s S t. M o h 'd A l M u h a iry - A l M in a S t. E ssa A l M u re ikh e - A l F a la h S t. H a m a d B in D ib a n - A irp o rt R d . Ja m a a A l M u re ikh i - A l F a la h S t. 5 B ld g s. o f H .H . C ro w n P rin ce - A irp o rt R d . B in H a ya n - K h lid ya H a re b B in S u lta n A l Y o u se f (M a je stic H o te l) - K h a lifa S t. M a ria m A l-O ta ib a - A irp o rt R d . F a ra j B in H a m o d a - A irp o rt R d . K h a lil A l M u re ikh i - A l F a la h S t. K h a lifa H u m a id A l-R u m a ith y - A l S a la m S t. M o h 'd H o fa n A l-M a n so u ry- K h a lifa S t. M a ra im A l-M o h a irb i - C o rn ich e R d . M o h 'd O b e id A l-M a n so u ry - A l M in a S t. M o h 'd H a m a d A l-R u m a ith y - A irp o rt R d . B a lh a tte m A l-A m a ry - A irp o rt R d . H e irs o f M o h 'd B in A b d u lla h A lru m a ith y - A l M in a R o a d M o h 'd S u lta n A l D a rm a ki - E le ctra S tre e t A fra 'a A l R u m a ith y - L u lu S t.

C o n s u lta n t Adnoc Adnoc Adnoc P .W .D . P .W .D . S yrco n su lt A l-R a m a h i A l-M e e d a n P a le stin ia n C o n stru ctio n H o u se A l-M e e d a n A l-S u w e id i A l-M e e d a n T e a m C o n su lt A l-M e e d a n P a le stin ia n S yrco n su lt S a sco C a ssia S ye d K h la f A l-M e e d a n P a le stin ia n A l-S u w e id i A l-M e e d a n A l-M e e d a n S yrco n su lt A l-M e e d a n A rd e n t Al M eedan

C o n tra c to r S o m ito m o D .C .C . C h in e se C o n tra ctin g C o . A l-F a ra ’a A l-F a ra ’a Ja b e r A lh a m e iy A l-W a tta n ie h a K h a lifa A l S u w e id i P ivo t C o n stru ctio n H o u se C ivilco C o n stru ctio n H o u se A l-K h a zn a G3 Al Fadel O m ra n A l K h a le e j S a m i & M a n so u ry A lg e e m i R a p co P ivo t A l-M o a ya d A l-S a lm e in A l-A d id B in B ro o k G3 H a cco A l W a tta n iya A l Q u a n ta ra





Company Projects (Continued) P ro je c t N a m e – L o c a tio n O b ie d A l Ja b e r - T o u rist C lu b 3 9 V illa s - D u b a i A h m e d A l Q u m zi - N a se r S t. S a e e d D a e n - A irp o rt R o a d F a tim a A l O ta ib a - A l F a la h S t. A l M a h a R o ta n a R e n o va tio n o f H ilto n H o te l R e n o va tio n o f M in a H o te l O n e x H o te l A l M a d a 2 R e sid e n tia l C o m p le x F o r S h k. M o h d . B in B u tti G u a rd A d m in istra tio n B u ild in g 1 0 0 L u xu ry V illa s In M a rin a A re a 8 C o m m e rcia l B ld g s a t A l A in L a d ie s B e a ch - A u h R e n o va tio n o f M e rid ie n H o te l - A U H R e n o va tio n o f H ilto n H o te l - A U H 6 B ld g s. fo r P riva te D e p t. o f H .H . S h . Z a ye d B in S u lta n A l N a h ya n

C o n s u lta n t T e e m C o n su lta n t A re n co J. L a m i S a ye d K h a lla f P a le stin a in R o ta n a Adnh. Co. A d n h .C o H e b e rg e r A l D ia r D a r A l H a n d a sa h A .E .B APG SYNA ADNH ADNH B a in o n a

C o n tra c to r Al M aqam Al Tam er A l M u re kh i S e id co Al Fada P&Z In d e se t F o u te h Al W aha A l F a ra 'a A l F a ra 'a In te rm a ss ACC M a n so u ri 3 B F o u te a h IN D E S E T C ivilco

E xte n sio n o f M a rin a V illa g e In M a rin a A re a A l S u w e id h i B u ild in g 7 V illa s F o r Ju m a A l B a w a rd i & R a sh id S a le m T a re f 4 8 V illa s a t A l S h a h a m a P riva te B u ild in g F o r K h a ja F a m ily K h a lifa A a n d B A l R a w d h a P a la ce A b d u l R a h im A l H a h sm i P a la ce A b d u l R a h im A l H a sh m i B u ild in g s A b u D h a b i T ra n sit H o te l T w o C o m m e rcia l B u ild in g s S p a In E m ira te s P a la ce B e tw e e n T h e B rid g e s C a p ita l P la za A l W a h d a C ity 5 T o w e rs - A l R e e m Isla n d - Z o n e C 7 R e sid e n tia l B u ild in g s - M u ssa fa h S h a m s A b u D h a b i D e ve lo p m e n t

AEB Al M eedan S a sco Pwd

N a e l G e n .C o n t. CRC A l O ta ib a NTCC NTCC

Dewan C ivilco Al M eedan A via tio n o f A b u D h a b i H e b e rg e r

CRSSS K h a tib & A la m i / E c H a rris GDP S o ro u h

ACC F o u r D ire ctio n s NEC F o u r D ire ctio n s NTCC D e co visio n A l Ja b e r ACC C ivilco IS Z L Al Ruban ACC



2 0 0 4 /0 5 2 0 0 4 /0 5 2 0 0 4 /0 5 2 0 0 6 /0 7 2 0 0 4 /0 5 2006 2 0 0 6 /0 7 2 0 0 5 /0 6 2 0 0 5 /0 6 2 0 0 5 /0 6 2006 2 0 0 6 /0 7 2006 2 0 0 6 /0 7 2 0 0 5 /0 6 2007 2007 2 0 0 6 /0 7 2007 2007 2007 2 0 0 6 /0 7 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008









Roca: A lifetime spent improving comfort When one looks at how Roca has evolved since its beginnings, one can appreciate how much it contributes to the comfort of an entire country. And one can also see the company's true multinational scope. Compaùía Roca Radiadores, S.A., was set up in 1917 by the Roca brothers to initially manufacture cast iron radiators. The company quickly came to dominate the market and this coupled with its desire to expand, was the incentive to increase the range and research new products. 1925 saw the introduction of the new cast iron bathtubs; 1936 was the year porcelain sanitary ware was launched; 1954 saw the introduction of tapware; and in 1980, the ceramic tiles were brought out. Roca's invasion of the bathroom world was unstoppable. Now, almost a century down the line, Roca is the market leader almost everywhere its products are sold. The company has factories and subsidiaries across the globe. It is one of the most ambitious business projects worldwide.




Brand value The Corporation's consolidation as leader in the bathroom business has contributed even more to a reflection and an awareness of the role the Roca brand plays and the transmitting of values to its different audiences. Roca is present, indeed sometimes the star player, in the daily lives of millions of people all over the world: from Group employees and collaborators to trendsetters, opinion leaders, partners, distributors and end consumers. The Roca brand is a common meeting and reference point for everyone. This means it is also an efficient medium for conveying ideas and values. During this period of extraordinary growth, the Group continues to attend to its responsibilities, administering values that represent it in different social, cultural and economic contexts. Thanks to many years spent attaining knowledge, we have perfected a practical, flexible system for managing the Group's corporate image. Our aim is to facilitate an awareness of our product's tangible benefits and, more and more, to enrich the intangible elements that make Roca the favourite brand in its sector. Millions of families use Roca products because they are products they can trust. In some cases, they offer a window onto a better quality of life and prosperity; in others, they are a symbol of distinction and status. At the same time, the Roca brand means progress, wellbeing, innovation, design and sensitivity.

Roca's commitment Roca's solutions for saving water and energy, commitment to the environment means that the group is constantly researching and improving our contribution to saving water and energy. The design department is particularly concerned with always providing cutting-edge solutions that result in the benefits achieved by saving water and energy.




Innovation and design A place where avant-garde tendencies, technologies and design come together into one single objective: to unite and reveal the comfort and quality of our products. Strength and reliability, technology and elegance; innovation and durability are the major characteristics of success. A team of creative staff and designers have dedicated all their efforts and years of experience to develop original product lines aimed at satisfying the new needs of our ever-demanding clientele. Elements that are made to be different, setting themselves apart from the rest with unique and daring designs, the latest technically advanced materials and components, expressing both exclusivity and modern style. Our lines and volumes display the most innovative tendencies in the market.

Design and quality Firm in its commitment to design and quality, Roca remains market leader in this constantly evolving industry, in both appearance and functionality. All the new features that you will find in this catalogue have been thoroughly tested and have undergone very strict quality and durability filters. Not in vain, Roca was given the prestigious ISO 9001, the highest ISO (International Organization for Standardization) qualification. The design world is currently experiencing something of a revolution, marked by consumer demands for functionality, technology and respect for the environment. Moreover, as far as bathrooms are concerned, there is also a growing trend towards viewing this space as somewhere private, where calm and wellbeing are paramount. As well as our desire to discover and provide solutions to the preferences of our consumers, we at Grupo Roca also strive to offer versatile products that adapt to the habits of the different markets in which the Group operates. The company has risen to this challenge by restructuring the design department and creating the new Roca Design Center, with its headquarters in Gavรก, near Barcelona, which got off the ground in 2005.




Technology at your service The most precise and innovative technology is at your fingertips everyday. Functionality and simplicity in single lever taps that harmonize security and precision inflow control; water temperature without surprises with our thermostatic mixers; advanced electronic control systems... Entering into a bathroom or kitchen that is equipped by Roca is an absolute pleasure to the senses.

Technology, a key factor for competitiveness In 2005, Grupo Roca took a decisive step forward in applying technology at different stages of the production processes. Nowadays, ambitious plans for opening new factories and extending and improving existing ones can only be undertaken when based on innovative excellence. The aim is to develop precise work systems that respond to the immediate nature of the market and uphold the demands for quality that have made the Group market leader in the bathroom business. In recent years, investing 2% of turnover in R+D+i has enabled the Group to maintain maximum autonomy, which is evidenced by the development and perfecting of its own technological solutions. In 2005, this autonomy had two different faces: progressive automation of production chains and identification of better processes, with the collaboration of all of the Group's factories. Investing in state-of-the-art technology has brought the automation of process to heights that were unimaginable just a few years ago. The best examples are the automation of toilet casting in the Group's factories in Spain and Portugal, and the facility in Wilhelmsburg, Austria for pressurised casting of large pieces. Advances of this type have enabled us to increase productivity, guarantee that all pieces are of uniform quality, and improve conditions for our workers. Using the most suitable and most technologically advanced resources has meant that production capacity has doubled in our factories in Gliwice, Poland and Anadia, Portugal. The Group's new factories in Tosno, Russia and Suzhou, China incorporate the very finest in technology, making them two of the world's most advanced production centres for manufacturing porcelain sanitary ware and acrylic and cast iron bathtubs, respectively. We have also initiated a research programme into best practice in the Group's porcelain sanitary ware factories, which has made it possible for us to share knowledge and to discuss the most efficient work systems. The result is the creation of a Technology Department, which aims to continue to perfect the process of integral development and manufacturing of new products, keeping Roca at the forefront of industrial and technological capacity.




Roca & The Environment In the 1960s, Roca pioneered the reduction of toilet cistern water capacity and the presentation of tap ware with lower energy consumption. Those first steps, taken in the light of threatened climate change, have in recent years become vital actions if we are to protect the resources of our environment both for today's society and for future generations. As bathroom sector leader, Grupo Roca is assuming its responsibilities and has made water-saving a concept that is intrinsically linked to its business practice as a whole. The desire to protect the environment is evident in the everyday operation of the production plants, guided by the strictest sustainable development criteria. Furthermore, the demanding global management standards applied by the Group throughout the world go far beyond the requirements set out by the legislation in each country. For example, the Group's factories use energy-saving methods such as converting residual heat into electricity, and using recycled materials in the manufacture of foundry products. However, the Group's commitment goes further yet and seeks to promote responsible consumption by users, in many different ways. One of these is the development of products that save the maximum amount of water and energy in daily use. These are discreet, simple solutions, such as built-in consumption limiting devices, smaller-capacity toilet cisterns and unique applications in the innovative wellness ranges, while at the same time not compromising on the use of long-lasting, recyclable materials. The Group has also taken the water-saving initiative with campaigns directed at consumers, and involvement in events such as Expo Zaragoza 2008. Roca is an exclusive sponsor in its sector and promotes the principles of sustainability which the international exhibition advocates, reminding consumers that, in many countries, good water management and good hygiene practices can save thousands of lives every year. Distinctions such as the European ECOLABEL certification, awarded to Roca Cerรกmica in 2005, recognise the fine work the Group continues to do in the field of environmental protection. Despite the advances already made, the Group's quest for innovation leads it to regularly review its production processes and to carry on working towards making water- and energy-saving part of its customers' daily habits.




Products Baths & Whirlpools Roca has two different whirlpool systems (water message & air-water message). A wide range of acrylic, cast-iron or pressed steel baths with or without whirlpool system. Available in various sizes, shapes and colors. Acrylic baths are made of vacuum cast sanitary acrylic sheets and reinforced with fibre glass and polyester Cast iron bath tubs are made of enamelled cast iron and available in Roca's brilliant and satin colours. Steel baths exist in vitreous enamelled pressed steel and available in Roca's brilliant and satin colours.




Products Sanitary Ware Roca Vitreous China is the ideal material for use in hygiene and personal clenliness. Roca introduces a wide range of colours and finishes to their Vitreous China products, thanks to which it is possible to equip your bathroom with a complete range of fixtures, or combine the toilet and the bidet with one of the vanity, semi-recessed or countertop basins. With the wide range of separate pieces from the Roca Vitreous China ranges and basins, it is always possible to equip your bathroom to your personal taste and liking.





Sanitary Ware

Vitreous China All the Roca sanitary ware ranges and their accessories were born to meet the most varied needs and blend in any style of dĂŠcor, along with their high quality materials, design and finish.





Sanitary Ware

Wash basins Combining the wash basins with any decorator's imagination can give rise to an infinite number of bathroom styles. For their aesthetic appearance and functionality within a bathroom, Roca has come up with a wide variety of vanity basins that meet all tastes.

Special fixtures

Installation systems

Roca provides an innovative range of fixtures to satisfy all the needs thus covering all market requirements. These are the very specific items for those who seek the Roca quality in all what they ask for.

The accessories for Roca wall-hung items permit installing sanitary fixtures, WC and bidet, as well as cisterns and operating plates in a practical fashion. In addition to a lifelong guarantee of a quality product.




Products Kitchen Sinks Roca has a wide range of Sylacryl, fireclay and stainless steel sinks with a multitude of sizes and different combinations for the right balance of functionality and appearance.

Furniture, Mirrors & Spotlights This range accommodates and reclaims lost space in bathrooms to add a majestic touch with an elegant collection of encompassing furniture, mirrors and spot lights.




Products Taps & Fittings Roca have the most complete range of taps and fittings: Thermostatic, S i n g l e - L e v e r, H a l f - t u r n , o r conventional, as well as showerheads and hand showers and special bath spouts. The taps and mixers are distinguished for the quality and robustness of their body, precision of their ceramic or conventional headworks. A wide range of modern and classic designs, styles, finishes and color to adapt every bathroom dash. The ranges extend to complement kitchen sinks and suit specific functions.

Bathroom Accessories Among the extensive range of the Roca series of accessories and compliments, with their great variety of finishes and colours, you will find the most suitable model for achieving that final matching decorative touch.




Awards & acknowledgements for quality & Roca design Y ear 1974

A w ard S pecia l A w ard for Industrial D esig n from the M inistry of H ousing. C eram ic T ile and G lass T rade F air of V alencia.


A w ard for Indus trial D esign from the C atalon ia C ham be r of C om m erce granted to the C E S E u ropean M odel C onsole designe d by B enedito D esig n.


N ationa l A w ard for Q uality. 1993 C E V IS A M A A w ard. Internationa l Industrial D esign and T echnological Innovation C om petition for the C lio W ash basin designed by B ernal / Isern.


D E LT A A D I-F A D S ilve r A w ard for the Laic? B oiler designed by B e nedito D esig n P R IN C E F E LIP E A w a rd for E xcellence in B u siness in the Industrial D esig n S ection.



E P S ILO N A w ard from the B arc elona C ham ber of Industrial, C om m erce and S hipping granted by the A D I-F A D (A sso ciation of Industrial D e sign) B oard of D irectors to the C om pa ny for Q uality in D esig n.


D E LT A A D I-F A D S ilve r A w ard for the K alaha ri W ash -basin desig ne d by B ened ito D esign .


N ationa l A w ard for D esign.




Selections Y ear 1900 – 200 0

S electio n s A D I-F A D S elections


S electio n for T hird International D esig n F orum S ingap ore. 1992 S e lection for C atalan D esig ns for E xpo rt E xhibitio n.


S electio n for D esign A usw ah l, D esign C e nter S tuttgart. 1997 S electio ns for the M useum of D ecorative A rts D esign C ollection, P alace of P edralbes (B arcelona).


S electio n for D esign A usw ah l, D esign C e nter S tuttgart. 1998 S electio n for D esign A usw ah l, D esign C e nter S tuttgart. 1998 S election for the E xhib ition of 100 Y ears of D esign in S pain.

Certifications Roca products are manufactured and certified in conformity with the strictest levels of quality: C o u n try S p ain

C ertificatio n s S pan ish C ertificate of Q uality, aw arded by A E N O R (A sociacion E spano la d e N orm alization y C ertification) certifying that the products com plies w ith the requirem ents laid dow n in the relevant S p anish LIN E and E uropean E N standards.

F ran ce

F rench C ertificate of Q uality aw arded by A F N O R (A ssociation F rancaise de N orm alisation) certifying that the brassw a re com plies w ith the requirem ents laid dow n in the relevant F rench N F and E urop ean E N standards.

G erm an y

G erm an C ertificate of Q uality aw arded by LG A (Landesge w erbeanstalt B ayern) certifying that the brassw are com plies w ith the requirem ents laid dow n in the relevant G erm an D IN standards.

U S A & C a n ad a

C ertificate of Q uality U S A & C a n ada for baths.







Overview Hansgrohe brand with its innovative product range, satisfies all the needs of today's bathroom. The product range extends from showers to bathroom and kitchen fittings and plumbing technology. Hansgrohe products match sanitation ceramics, bathtubs and bathroom fittings worldwide. Hansgrohe is No 1 for showers in many countries.

Hansgrohe As one of the leading international manufacturers of sanitary products, Hansgrohe stands for innovation, design and showering pleasure at the highest level. Hans Grohe founded Hansgrohe in Schiltach in 1901. Maybe it is because of the accuracy, craftsmanship and meticulous working style which is characteristic of the Black Forest, or because of its passion for water the elixir of life - that Hansgrohe developed into an internationally renowned company. Today, Hansgrohe is a global company with 10 manufacturing locations on three continents as well as sales and distribution companies and consultancies. Countless technological innovations and more than 150 design awards have helped make the Hansgrohe Group a pioneering force within the industry.




Where do we come from 1871

Otto Johannes Grohe is born in Luckenwalde near Berlin and moves to Schiltach in 1889.


Hans Grohe sets up his own company to manufacture pressed metal goods.


His son Friedrich leaves Hansgrohe and takes over the company of Berkenhoff & Paschedag in Hemer/Westphalia. This will change its name to „Friedrich Grohe“ in 1948.


The founder of the company Hans Grohe with his son Klaus.


Klaus Grohe joins the company and leads it until 2008. He is now chairman of the super- visory board. His sons are active in responsible positions in the company.

Innovations from Hansgrohe The Hansgrohe Group achieves a large part of its growth through product innovation. More than 250 international design awards and numerous innovation awards confirm the performance and strengths in innovations of the fixture and shower manufacturer. Behind all of this is not just a special culture of innovation, but also the concentrated knowledge and expertise of a cutting-edge development and research division which is one of the largest and most creative in the industry.




Turnover In 2007, Hansgrohe once again succeeded in maintaining the level of growth of the previous years. Innovations in products and processes as well as greater internationalization in our market development were all contributing factors in achieving new records in all key figures – sales, earnings and employee numbers. Despite the downturn in the global economy, the Hansgrohe Group's total net sales rose by 16 percent year over year (adjusted for currency effects: 17 percent), to €661m (2006: €569m). The main underpinning for growth is the sustained dynamic uptrend of foreign business. With an increase of 20 percent year over year adding €86m to reach €521m – contributions from foreign business climbed to 79 percent (2006: 76 percent). With yet another gain in the domestic market as well, the Hansgrohe Group managed to increase its net sales for the sixth consecutive year. The fact that the German economy has lost momentum in the meantime reflects the reduced growth rate of the Hansgrohe Group in the domestic market. However, with a four percent increase in sales revenues compared to 2006, the Hansgrohe Group extended its share even further in a shrinking domestic market. Germany remains the biggest single market in terms of sales revenue with €140m (2006: €134m). Thanks to this positive trend in the sales figures, earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation for the Hansgrohe Group rose to €131m by December 31, 2007 (2006: €110m). The systematic continuation of the efficiency enhancement program, “Plus 21,” succeeded in boosting the EBITDA margin by 19.9 percent -(2006: 19.3 percent).

Our turnover in million €

Our employees




What distinguishes us? Technology We offer unique functions and details to increase well being, comfort and environmental protection.

The Five Hansgrohe Uniques More pleasure. By adding air to the water.

Size matters. Large-size showerheads for the ultimate showering experience.

Convenient handling. Products which are easy to control.

Anti-scale. Easy cleaning for the perfect spray.

A lot of saving – a lot of pleasure. Mixers and showers which save water and energy.

Hansgrohe- The "Green" Behind the Green Logo Hansgrohe focuses on sustainability worldwide, but not just from an economic standpoint. Long before "Green" became fashionable, Hansgrohe was implementing environmental friendly concepts in manufacturing practices and products. As a matter of fact, the company has employed an Environmental Officer since 1989. Protecting our natural resources and reducing the environmental impact of both products and manufacturing are serious parts of the company's heritage and future. When you choose a Hansgrohe product for your home or project, rest assured that we are dedicated to these principles as a company and will continue to develop products that offer exceptional performance while reducing impact on the environment.




Hansgrohe Employees The number of employees in the Hansgrohe Group reached a new high by December 31, 2007, with a total of 3,253 (2006: 3,094). The bulk of new jobs was again accounted for by the German facilities. Including the 130 new jobs created in Schiltach and Offenburg during the last financial year, the total increase in the workforce in Germany over the last five years was 380 – a gain of more than 22 percent. In particular, the systematic implementation of flexible working-time models in the German plants, ensuring high capacity utilization of the production facilities, enabled the company to steadily increase its workforce in Germany. In contrast, the increase in the workforce outside Germany was more moderate in 2007, with the number of employees on the cut-off date of December 31, 2007 amounting to 1,171 (2006: 1,142). Worldwide, the total workforce of the Hansgrohe Group was 3,180 on average for the last financial year (2006: 2,947), with 64 percent employed by the company in Germany.


Event Centers worldwide Hansgrohe AG has modern visitor and training centers all over the world. We have gathered together all our knowledge and expertise about bathrooms in these centers. Come and be belowed over by our remarkable collection of fittings and revolutionary room concepts, and take advantage of the multitude of training and qualification seminars which throw a new light on the future.

Manufacturing Hansgrohe AG, based in Schiltach in the Black Forest, has brought forward innovations that time and again have set new trends in the bathroom and created new standards in the international bathroom industry. Today, the company employs more than 3,000 people in its 28 branches and subsidiaries across the globe. Production takes place in 10 manufacturing sites on three different continents. The “global player from the Black Forest”, familyrun for more than 100 years now, has been a synonym for modern, designoriented bathroom solutions and innovative technical products for anything to do with the bathroom.




Solar Power Clean Energy for Hansgrohe's Offenburg Plant Since 1993, Hansgrohe has powered its production facility in Offenburg, Germany, using environmentally-friendly solar energy equipment. The photovoltaic power generator produces enough electricity per year to supply 40 single-family homes with power. The electricity from the solar energy is fed in its entirety into the Offenburg plant’s power grid and is utilized in eco-friendly shower manufacturing. The power generator reduces roughly 100 tons of greenhouse gases per year.

Green Company Environmental protection Safety and a long life of our products are just as important to us as compliance with health and environmental standards. On this we gladly spend time and effort – with clear parameters during development, comprehensive functional tests and quality management in all out production sites. Solar energy in use. We have been generating solar energy on the roof of our Offenburg plant since 1993. Environmental award winner. Among other prizes, Hansgrohe was presented with the environmental award of the state of Baden-Württemberg in 1995. Water-saving products. Highlight our responsibility towards the element water. Environmental standards. The environmental standards set by us exceed all the usual specifications for the industry. Hansgrohe Water Symposium 2008. International experts on water discussed innovative approaches to sustainable use. EXPO 2008 Zaragoza. Hansgrohe presents innovative solutions for the sustainable use of the resource of water in the German pavillion.




Made in Germany Share of sales in Germany 20%, share of production 80%

Schiltach – Aue Headquarters, Aquademie, Research & Development, service centre, marketing, sales and distribution.

Schiltach – West Axor collections

Offenburg 1 Hansgrohe showers and Logistics centre

Offenburg 3 Hansgrohe fittings and Pharo showering systems

Offenburg 3 Hansgrohe fittings

Plants outside Germany China - Shanghai Hansgrohe fittings for Asia

USA - Atlanta Hansgrohe showers and fittings for North America

France - Wasselonne Hansgrohe showers and fittings

The Netherlands Westknollendam Pharo steam showers and whirlpools




Products for: Washbasins


It takes a lot of effort to make good fittings. At Hansgrohe, we do everything we can to develop andproduce fittings that will provide many years of enjoyment in your bathroom. All products that bear the"Made by Hansgrohe" stamp have to satisfy demanding quality criteria and controls. They have also been tested and certified by numerous international organizations. Hansgrohe fittings shine with a wide variety of unique technical and design features - including ComfortZone, our generous sizing system for

Which shower is moving in to your house? Do you want the water to spray down from above, from the wall or from several directions? Do you want an invigorating jet, a soft flow or a gentle patter of rain? Or do you want the freedom to change your mind from day to day? Do you want to install equipment behind the wall, on the wall or in your ceiling? You can choose from a wide array of shower types to create the bathroom that perfectly suits you and your individual preferences.



It takes a lot of effort to make good fittings. At Hansgrohe, we do everything we can to develop and produce fittings that will provide many years of enjoyment in your bathroom. All products that bear the "Made by Hansgrohe" stamp have to satisfy demanding quality criteria and controls. They have also been tested and certified by numerous international organizations. Hansgrohe fittings shine with a wide variety of unique technical and design features - including ComfortZone, our generous sizing system for greater ease of use.

More than 100 years experience in everything to do with water make Hansgrohe, producer of fittings for bathroom and kitchen, an expert in these two living spaces. The result is fittings of technical and aesthetic perfection. Hansgrohe kitchen mixers set standards in functionality and quality and those of the Axor brand also offer a wealth of design highlights for your individual kitchen, which all adds up to pure pleasure.

Bidets It takes a lot of effort to make good fittings. At Hansgrohe, we do everything we can to develop and produce fittings that will provide many years of enjoyment in your bathroom. All products that bear the "Made by Hansgrohe" stamp have to satisfy demanding quality criteria and controls. They have also been tested and certified by numerous international organizations. Hansgrohe fittings shine with a wide variety of unique technical and design features - including ComfortZone, our generous sizing system for greater ease of use.

[34] [34B]



Products & brands: Hansgrohe develops, manufactures and sells products concerned with sanitation technology under four brand names. Manufacturing locations: six in Germany, four abroad. Sales and distribution companies: 28 all over the world.




Like every other area of life, bathrooms have their very own particular requirements. Apart from the purely functional and hygienic aspects, bathrooms are increasingly places of peace and relaxation, offering personal security and development in times when life is faster and more modern than ever before and thereby representing a projection of our needs, wishes and dreams. We offer innovative design solutions for bathrooms in which users recognise themselves. For this reason, Axor collaborates with international designers and architects with whom it puts design visions into practice. Such a dialogue gives rise to unique design collections and revolutionary room concepts as varied as the people for whom they are made.










Projects Worldwide Landmarks

The international project business plays an increasingly important part in the market success of the Hansgrohe Group. The company's performance and reputations were acknowledged by contracts for prestigious projects to equip the MGM Hotel in Macao, the “Manhattan Hill” residential towers in Hong Kong, the Lufthansa Senator Lounge in Düsseldorf, the luxury cruise ships “Pride of Hawaii” and the “Norwegian Gem”, the Kempinski Dome in Belek (Turkey) and the spectacular residential island “The Palm, Jumeirah” in Dubai. These and many other prestigious projects demonstrate the leadership of the company in the challenging international project business. Here you will find further information about interesting architectural landmarks which were completed in partnership with the Hansgrohe Group.




Ecological Concerns Hansgrohe AG receives two Focus Green awards at the 2008 Baden-Württemberg International Design Awards. "Regardless of flow pressure, EcoSmart technology reduces the water consumption of the Crometta 85 Green by up to 60 per cent compared with conventional shower sprays." Schiltach, November 2008. Environmental protection and sustainability were the two key aspects at the 2008 Baden-Württemberg International Design Awards. Companies and designers from home and abroad were competing for this year's government award from the state of Baden-Württemberg, the “Focus Green”, with a total of 230 products. Hansgrohe AG, headquartered in the nearby Black Forest, came away with two “Focus Green in Silver” awards in the “Bathroom and Sanitation” category. The shower system Raindance Connect Showerpipe EcoSmart and the hand spray Hansgrohe Crometta 85 Green – both styled by Phoenix Design (Stuttgart/Tokyo) impressed the design experts on the jury of six not only with their high design quality but also with their astonishingly low consumption figures, while maintaining a constantly high level of showering comfort. Just 9.5 litres of water per minute flow through the innovative Raindance shower system, whereas the Hansgrohe Crometta 85 Green hand spray manages with only six litres per minute. This is made possible by the novel Hansgrohe EcoSmart technology, developed by the company's own fluid stream research facility. “It has always been important for Hansgrohe to find a common denominator for good design, perfect showering comfort and a responsible level of water consumption,” explains Richard Grohe, deputy chairman and Hansgrohe brand manager. “We are therefore particularly pleased that our efforts to design long lasting products with a low impact on resources have been rewarded with two Focus Green awards.”

Bo-Gron Award:

First prize for Pontos AquaCycle Environmentally friendly building and living is becoming increasingly important in many countries. The Danish living and design magazine “Bo Bedre” (Better Living) too is promoting a greater awareness of ecological and sustainable products. Within the framework of its annual award presentation for good design and innovative products in October, the magazine also awarded a Grøn-Pris (green prize) for ecological products. AquaCycle, the grey water recycling system of Pontos, a subsidiary of Hansgrohe AG, won first prize. The award money of €10,000 will benefit an environmental project which will be nominated by Hansgrohe Denmark and Pontos together with the magazine Bo Bedre. The idea behind water recycling ( is simple in concept: After a shower, the purified and reprocessed water is used to flush the toilet, do the laundry, or water the garden. In this vein, AquaCycle systems purify shower and bathing water according to a patented process in a purely mechanical and biological manner without added chemicals. The treated water generated this way is hygienically clean and can be used for any purpose that doesn't require drinking-water quality. The quality of the water meets the requirements of the EU directive for bathing water, and even laundry can be washed without any loss in quality. Dealing thriftily with water as a resource is not the only result of this. Utilities costs are also reduced thanks to the decreased consumption of potable water and the smaller amount of wastewater. The standard version of the AquaCycle is designed for single-family homes or duplexes and consists of three pre-assembled modules. These can be expanded in larger properties in almost any way desired. Today the range of products includes systems with a reprocessing capacity of between 600 and 30,000 liters a day. For large projects whose requirements are not covered by the product range offered, Pontos develops special custom-tailored solutions in collaboration with technical planners and architects.




Certification Made in Germany‌ German production, German engineering, worldwide same standards according to Hansgrohe quality criteria and processes.

Design Awards

Ref: Hansgrohe Website







Overview For millions of consumers, business owners, property managers, and specifying engineers worldwide, A. O. Smith has meant quality and innovation in hot water solutions for nearly 70 years. Today, A. O. Smith manufactures and markets a comprehensive line of residential and commercial water heaters as well as high-efficiency copper tube boilers, hot water storage tanks, and pump tanks. In addition, we offer some of the best-known water heater brands in the industry. A. O. Smith patented the process for glass lining a water heater tank in 1936, and the glass-lined water heater remains the standard of the industry today. Our modern manufacturing operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, China, and the Netherlands serve millions of customers all over the world every year.


It's no surprise that A. O. Smith has built a global reputation for water heating innovation and efficiency. What might come as a surprise is the fact that we view this accomplishment as a mere beginning—an indication of even greater things still to come. With more bathrooms, higher-demand appliances, radiant floor heating and more, today's home market demands advanced water heating performance. Now, A. O. Smith brings plumbing contractors a better way to meet growing demand.

Products A.O. Smith is the innovation leader in both commercial and residential water heating. And we back every product with the industry's finest customer service and warranties. Through an inspired blend of innovation, teamwork, technology and industry expertise, A.O. Smith has created a full line of state-of-the-art water heaters and boilers that combine incredible performance with higher-than-ever energy efficiency.




Residential Electric Water Heaters ProMax Electric Water Heaters Our ProMax® electric water heaters offer exceptional energy savings and durability. The DynaClean™ dip tube reduces lime and sediment buildup for years of dependable operation. And ProMax® gives you plenty of installation choices including tall, short and lowboy models.

Residential Electric Water Heaters Energy Saver Manufactured Housing Energy Saver electric water heater meets all regulatory requirements for manufactured housing installation. The Energy Saver features side-mounted cold water inlet and hot water outlet. And there are two rugged heating elements on all 30, 40 and 50 gallon models.




Residential Electric Water Heaters Conservationist Electric Water Heaters If you're looking for maximum energy savings and excellent output in an electric water heater, the Conservationist® is for you! Every model features 4500-watt Phoenix™ heating elements designed to last up to three times longer than standard copper elements.

Commercial Electric Water Heaters Dura-Power commercial electric water heaters Dura-Power® commercial electric water heaters run the gamut from 6 to 10,000 gallon capacities including models that can be customized to virtually any commercial need. Dura-Power® electric water heaters feature Goldenrod® 24-carat gold-plated heating elements that resist scale build-up and sheath temperatures up to 1500° F.




Commercial Electric Water Heaters DVE-125 THRU 10,000 / DHE-200 THRU 10,000 GLASS-LINED TANK - Tank interior is coated with glass specially developed for use in water heaters. Tanks rated at 125 psi working pressure; 150 psi or 160 psi working pressure is optional. Vermin proof fiber glass insulation reduces costly heat loss. Constructed to Section IV of ASME code and UL standards. Tanks have channel skid base. A 4" x 6" handhole is furnished on 500, 600 and 700 gallon models; 11" x 15" manhole is furnished on 800 gallon and larger sizes. INCOLOY IMMERSION HEATERS- Heavy-duty medium watt density elements (three/immersion heater) have incoloy sheathing: provide excellent protection against oxidation and scaling. The input ranges from 15KW to 3000KW (see accompanying chart). AVAILABLE WITH OPTIONAL GOLDENROD ELEMENTS - All models are available with the Goldenrod 24K gold plated elements (patent pending). Goldenrod Elements provide longlife and five times the scaling resistance of standard incoloy elements. Goldenrod Elements carry a threeyear warranty against failure due to scale. FUSING - Control and power circuit fusing to meet N.E.C. PILOT SWITCH AND LIGHT - Provided on front of heater; permits manual starting and stopping of heater by interrupting power to control circuit. ? Color coded circuitry for easier servicing ? Anode rods for maximum corrosion protection ? Standard voltages include 208, 240, 480, 600 volt single or three-phase. For other voltages consult factory. ? Factory installed terminal block(s) ? Cabinet has baked enamel finish ? Prewired element terminal leads Temperature and pressure relief valve ? 2" dial temperature gauge • Immersion type thermostat and high limit for faster response.



Provides emergency back up energy source or winter/summer boiler operation. Can be specified with optional water to water or steam to water heat exchangers. Both single and double wall heat exchangers are available. Complete control packages can be factory installed for hookup and run capability.


Contact Information SANITARY





Contact Information Address: Tel: Fax:

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Email: Website: w w w. s a n i t a r y - u a e . c o m


N 24째 29' 2.04" E 54째 22' 30.08"

N 24째 29' 2.04" E 54째 22' 30.08"











Attachments SANITARY





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