managing for development results: progress and challenges in latin america and the caribbean

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FIGURE 4.13  |  Development of MfDR Pillars in Guatemala and the LAC Region Results-based planning 5 4 3

Monitoring and evaluation


Results-based budgeting

1 0

Program and project management Guatemala’s score

Financial management, auditing and procurement Regional average

Maximum score

national plan is conceptual, setting out government goals but not programs to achieve the objectives or indicators to monitor progress. Coordination between planning and the budget is weak. Results-Based Budgeting Although the country’s budget has programmatic classifications, they are not based on the policies defined in the MTNP. The country has a mediumterm fiscal framework that serves as a reference for annual budget formulation, but there are no performance indicators to evaluate the quality of public expenditures. Financial Management, Auditing and Procurement The legislative branch has failed to approve the budget in two of the past three years. Furthermore, between 2004 and 2006, the average deviation between executed and programmed expenditures was 7 percent. Additionally, no fiscal risk analysis for direct or contingent obligations is conducted, and no mechanisms exist to mitigate the effects of risks. There is, however, a Financial Administration Information System (SIAF), an electronic platform

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