Privatization for the Public Good?: Welfare Effects of Private Intervention in Latin America

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Appendix B

Description of Variables (continued)

Variable Hours without electricity Dimming in electricity service

Description Number of hours without electricity due to cuts or blackouts during the month prior to the survey. Proportion of households reporting frequent dimming in electricity service. Characteristics of town

Access to phone Type of road

Secondary school Quintile of population Region

Information taken from the INEI’s Pre-census 1999–2000. Public telephone available in town. Information taken from the INEI’s Pre-census 1999–2000. Main type of road connecting the town with the capital of the district. Roads are classified in two categories: (1) caminos carrozables, caminos de herradura, trocha, rivers, and others; and (2) paved and afirmada roads Information taken from the INEI’s Pre-census 1999–2000. Secondary school available in town. Towns in the sample were classified in quintiles according to population reported in INEI’s Pre-census 1999–2000. Coast, sierra, and jungle. Characteristics of household

Number of members of household. Proportion of members 0–6, 7–14, 15–60, and 60 years or older. Self-reported ethnicity of household head among seven options: (1) native quechua, (2) native aymara, (3) native amazonico, (4) African-Peruvian; (5) Asian origin; (6) white; (7) mestizo (mixed). Sex of head of household Male or female head of household. Years of education of head of household. Education of head of household Water supply in dwelling Three possibilities for water supply used for drinking and cooking: (1) supply through public network; (2) well, pylon, or others; (3) river, springs, lakes, etc. Household size Composition Ethnicity


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Learning from an Incomplete Electricity Privatization Process in Rural Peru

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