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Le ss ons pla n a nd te a c hi ng m a te ri a ls

pictures. The SD and Ukrainian guards raced Jewish men , women, and children. We could hear rifle shots mingled with groans and terrible screams of children and their mothers. (…) On the first day of action I was told that my father was driven to the square. (…) So, there was nobody to move the sideboard and they could die of starvation and thirst. For three days we were seeking a way how to get out of the camp, move the sideboard and save ny family from certain death. In the end, I managed to convince a Jewish policeman to let us through the gate. In the middle of the night, wiping the walls and gates, we reached Moshe Mandels’ house. Inside, on the steps we came upon a dead body. It turned out that was a naxt-door shoemaker. There was a deathly silence in the apartment. We were in a sweat completely. I leaned forward and said in a muffled voiceI to be not afraid. We managed to move the sideboard on our last legs. (…) Barely going they left the cellar. They looked horribly. They had not eaten and drunk for three days. (…) We got through the gate alltogether. Fortunately, the policeman was there and he let us into the camp. In the middle of the night we experienced a second event. My grandfather Szaja Czerwonogóra ran up. He got away when he was conducted to the square. (…) He managed to hide at goy’s place for two days and nights. Then he went to Falkenberg who ushered grandpa into the camp by hand. (…) During this operation the Judenrat together wihh their families left Wlodawa. They were not Germans did not need them any more. On Tuesday, the action was ended. Hidden Jews started to leave their dens. Germany did not bothered them but they fenced a ghetto by barbed wire so as to collect there remaining Jews .


(…) The first of May , after Passover we went to work. The feeling that something was happening or was preparing was in the air. My uncle Awrumele Czerwonogóra said that the action was started.There was not any hideout at our place. I had an agreement with Jechezkiel Huberman that he would build a shelter at his sister Lederman houseand we could go there. I was also promised that I would be able to use another shelter. I was running the streets. While I was running a branch of Wyrykowska street I found it already backed by the Ukrainian guards. One of them shot in my direction. I managed to get to the streets, where I had the second shelter but there all this shelter was buried under a mountain of wood. I walked away quickly and on the way I met Jechezkiel. He said to go to his shelter. I could see people standing in the call-roll square. Together with my mother and two sisters ( grandfather and uncle came to seek shelter and they were not with us) we ran to Chaskiel. They shot in our direction. (…) I had no idea how we managed to escape and go into the shelter together with Chaskiel, boys and sister Lederman. The shelter was closed behid us. The entrance to the shelter was located in the kitchen. Close to the stove on the floor was laid a piece of metal sheet to protect the floor from glowing coals. There was a door under the metal sheet. You had to pick it up and open the door. There were shelves installed and there was a place for water downstairs. (…) The bunker was estimated for ten people but when we came here there were already fourty people. The food was prepared for ten people for a few days. There were also two kuge kettles with water. Because of the crowd there was stuffy and hot. We were completely wet so we stripped down to our underwear but it did not help. No one touched the food but we wer thirsty. We saved the water soaking only lips because we knew that we was not given guickly new water. (…) We were sitting stuffed in the cellar and we could hear some footsteps upstairs. It seemed to us they were going to find us. The cellar was camouflaged well and had a double celling. (…) We were there for three days and three nights. (…)On the third day , in the middle of the night when we could not hear any steps, some boys came out. They went to the attic to see what was going on in the camp. (…) The boys

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