ICMA Quarterly Report Fourth Quarter 2019

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(T2S) platforms. The project aims to consolidate and optimise the provision of the related services, replacing T2 with an RTGS system and optimising liquidity management across all TARGET services. The new consolidated platform will be launched in November 2021. The ECB’s latest update to AMI-SeCo provides a detailed view on the current status of the project. All the different ECB managed platforms, including T2, T2S, ECMS as well as the new TARGET Instant Payment Settlement service (TIPS), will be linked through a single access point for users, the Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG). On 8 July, the ECB announced that concessions to develop market infrastructure connectivity services for the ESMIG have been granted to SIACOLT and SWIFT, who will develop the related services by 2021. A more recent addition to the list of the ECB’s infrastructure initiatives is the European Distribution of Debt Instruments (EDDI) proposal. On 28 May, the ECB launched a public consultation on the EDDI initiative, the main aim of which is to create a centralised hub within T2S, operated by the Eurosystem, to issue debt securities. EDDI would sit on top of the domestic CSDs that participate in T2S. The stated objective of EDDI is to create a single pan-European, neutral and harmonised channel for the issuance and initial distribution of debt securities in central bank money. ICMA submitted a response to the consultation which was coordinated across the different stakeholder groups within the Association. A more detailed summary of all the ECB’s market infrastructure initiatives, along with a detailed update on T2S settlement operations and figures is included in the T2S Annual Report 2018, which was published on 31 May 2019.

ECB: Market contact groups The latest meeting of the Bond Market Contact Group (BMCG) was held on

12 June in Frankfurt. The agenda included a review of recent bond market developments, introduced by Mediobanca. Members also discussed developments in sustainable and responsible investing. This included two presentations, an update by Muzinich & Co and a view from an insurance investment perspective delivered by Allianz. A second focus of the meeting was on the ongoing transition of risk-free rates and IBOR reform. The discussion was introduced jointly by Blackrock and Commerzbank. In addition, the ECB also updated members on the next steps in relation to the transition to €STR as new euro risk-free rate. The meeting was closed by ECB Executive Board Member Benoit Coeuré, who reflected on the effects of APP reinvestments on euro area bond markets. The next meeting of the BMCG, in which ICMA is represented through its CEO Martin Scheck, is scheduled for 20 November. The latest meeting of the Money Market Contact Group (MMCG) was held on 24 September. A focus of the meeting was on monetary policy transmission, a topic that ECB VicePresident Luis De Guindos elaborated on during his welcome address to the group. Documents are now also available from the previous MMCG meeting which was held on 25 June. Among those are a number of interesting presentations in support of the different agenda items, including on market expectations for ECB monetary policy measure, the impacts of negative interest rates, as well as a focused discussion on the impacts of prudential regulation on the repo market. The next quarterly meeting of the MMCG is scheduled for 3 December.

ESMA: Post-trading As reported in more detail in the repo and collateral section, ESMA is working on detailed implementation guidance in relation to SFTR, including important Reporting Guidelines which will complement the technical standards published earlier this year. On 27 May,

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a first draft of the Guidelines was published for public consultation. By the deadline on 29 July, ESMA received 41 responses which they are currently reviewing. The final Guidelines are expected to be published in Q4 this year, only a few months ahead of the initial reporting go-live date in April 2020. On 22 July 2019, ESMA published its annual peer review report on EU CCPs’ supervision by National Competent Authorities (NCAs). The report focused on the effectiveness of the NCAs’ supervisory practices to assess CCP compliance with EMIR requirements on collateral and funding arrangements. While the practices were found to be satisfactory, the review also notes the limited use by NCAs of quantitative metrics to assess the liquidity and low market risk of collateral. Following the entry into force of the EMIR review (so-called EMIR Refit), ESMA is reviewing its existing Q&As to align them, where necessary, with the updated requirements. This has led to a number of changes to the document and additional questions. The latest version of the EMIR Q&As was published on 15 July. Equally important is ESMA’s work in relation to CSDR. This includes the important work in relation to settlement discipline and mandatory buy-ins (see secondary markets section for more details), but also covers all the other aspects of the Regulation. Besides technical standards and Guidelines, ESMA maintains a detailed Q&A document on CSDR which continues to evolve. The latest version was published on 2 October, now covering 20 questions.

Contact: Alexander Westphal alexander.westphal@icmagroup.org

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