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Iceni Asks... Money-Saving Tips

What are your favourite money-saving tips?

“It’s always good to shop around when it comes to insurance and utilities. Once a year or so, I use a price comparison website to check I’m getting the best deals for my household. I’ve definitely saved money this way.” Bryony


“Go to “Feed your family for around £20 a week” on Facebook for cheap and cheerful recipes and food tips. Jack Munroe also does really cheap to make recipes free online, and shows price per portion to make up so if you are really pushed it's very easy to compare costs before writing shopping lists.” Helen

“Halifax have a save the change account. So whatever I spend, say £9.89, it puts £0.11 in my savings account.” Alice

“Get a Friends and family railcard. You can get it through Tesco vouchers for 10 pounds. It will save a third off rail trips.” Sarah

“Use a 'laundry ball' to replace Laundry powder/liquid - they are about £8 to buy, but will do 1500 washes.” Helen