Icelandic Coupons - Winter edition 2019-2020

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1. Restaurants, Bars & Cafés Following coupons are valid every single day. You can use the Summary (first 4 pages) to see when the discounts are valid (within the day) as well as phone numbers for every company. You can easily book a table at with only few clicks. If you want to try to order in Icelandic you can find your key words from the list below. Enjoy the best – Pay Less – Have A Blast !

FISKUR Bleikja Kræklingur Humar Ýsa Lúða Þorskur Lax Síld Rækja Skötuselur KJÖT Naut Lamb Svín Hreindýr Skinka Beikon Pylsa ANNAÐ Súpa Franskar Grænmeti Sósa Salat Reikninginn Takk fyrir

FISH Arctic Charr Mussel Lobster Haddock Halibut Cod Salmon Herring Shrimp Monkfish MEAT Beef Lamb Pork Reindeer Ham Bacon Sausage OTHER Soup French fries Vegetable Sauce Salad The bill Thank you

FISCH Seesaibling Muschel Hummer Schellfisch Heilbutt Kabeljau Lachs Hering Garnele Angler FLEISCH Rindfleisch Lamm Schwein Rentier Schinken Speck Wurst ANDERE Suppe Pommes frittes Gemüse Soße Salat Konto Danke

POISSON Omble Chevalier Moule Langoustine Aiglefin Flétan Cabillaud Saumon Hareng Crevette rouge Lotte VIANDE Boeuf Mouton Porc Renne Jambon Lard fumé Saucisse AUTRES Soupe Frites Légume Sauce Salade Compte Je vous remercie

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