Inside IC Fall 2023

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Issue 13 December 2023

IC Ain Aar Unveils State-of-the-Art Auditorium Following Extensive Renovation IC Ain Aar proudly announces the grand opening of its newly renovated auditorium, a significant milestone in the school’s commitment to providing a cutting-edge learning environment for its students and a hub for community events. The event, held on Monday, December 18th, 2023, was attended by esteemed guests including local board members, the school president, vice president, members of the parents’ committee, executive committee, and program coordinators. The renovated auditorium, now equipped to accommodate up to 161 people, promises to be a focal point for various school activities and community gatherings. Key features of the renovated auditorium include a state-of-the-art sound system, as it boasts the latest technology in sound systems, ensuring optimal acoustics for performances, lectures, and presentations. This enhancement elevates the overall audio-visual experience for both students and attendees. A redesigned stage provides

a dynamic platform for student performances and school assemblies. The increased space allows for versatile and engaging presentations, enhancing the overall impact of performances and productions. A comfortable seating with seats for up to 161 individuals, the auditorium is designed for maximum comfort and accessibility. The new seating arrangement ensures an inclusive and inviting atmosphere for all attendees. As part of the project, the school has revitalized the adjacent garden, creating a serene outdoor space for students and community members to enjoy. The greenery and landscaping provide a welcoming backdrop for events and gatherings. The school administration expresses gratitude to all those who contributed to making this renovation project a reality. The support from the local board, parents’ committee, and other stakeholders has played a crucial role in enhancing the overall educational and cultural experience at the Ain Aar campus.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

A Silhouette of Me! – Nursery What makes me, me? Are we the same? Are we different? The Nursery students had many ideas and answers to these questions as they explored the unit of Who We Are. The young inquirers took their creative thinking skills to the next level as they created their own self-portrait silhouettes. To represent themselves, they added their characteristics using different play materials. Legos for the eyes, shape magnets for the ears, a car for the nose, and smiling mouths made of blocks, their creativity was endless. To add a bit more of their

identity, the little learners added their favorite toys, favorite food, and whether they are a boy or a girl to their individual silhouettes. After completing them, they engaged in a gallery walk to discover whether they were all the same or different, taking the time to fully observe and get to know each other. They used their communication skills and took turns presenting their complete self-portrait silhouettes to their classmates, and what makes each one unique!

Hygiene Insights: Mrs. Ibrahim’s Impact on KG2’s “Who We Are” Mrs. Ibrahim, a registered nurse, recently visited the KG2 class during their “Who We Are” unit. Using engaging science experiments, she demonstrated the importance of good hygiene.

The kids learned firsthand how germs spread and discovered the power of proper handwashing. Mrs. Ibrahim’s visit left a lasting impression, inspiring the young learners to prioritize a healthy lifestyle.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Cueillette de pommes à Baskinta Dans le cadre de notre thème transdisciplinaire « Qui Nous Sommes » et afin de promouvoir une alimentation saine et équilibrée, les élèves de GS/ KG2 ont eu l’opportunité de visiter un verger pour participer à la cueillette des pommes. Guidés par les agriculteurs, les élèves ont parcouru les rangées de pommiers, remplissant les paniers de pommes fraîches et colorées. Cette activité leur a permis de développer leurs compétences sensorielles et d’apprendre à distinguer les différentes variétés de pommes. Ils ont montré un grand respect envers les agriculteurs et ont fait preuve de responsabilité envers l’environnement en veillant à ne pas gaspiller les pommes qu’ils ont

cueillies. Chaque enfant a reçu en cadeau un sac généreux de pommes à partager en famille. En plus de la cueillette de pommes, nos explorateurs ont eu une autre opportunité passionnante. La visite d’une sculpture dédiée à l’auteur et philosophe renommé : Mikhayel Neaimé. Avant de quitter les lieux, les enfants ont savouré leur goûter assis dans l’herbe. C’était une journée remplie d’apprentissage, de découverte et, bien sûr, d’amusement ! Un immense merci aux parents qui ont rejoint l’aventure en tant que bénévoles.

Fête de Barbara Aujourd’hui, nos joyeux écoliers ont illuminé notre école de sourires et de créativité en venant déguisés pour célébrer la fête de la Sainte Barbara. Une superbe parade a eu lieu dans le terrain de football, où l’énergie et la bonne humeur étaient à l’honneur. De retour en classe, nos jeunes jardiniers en herbe ont participé à une activité spéciale en plantant du blé, accompagnés du papa d’un élève. Une expérience éducative et amusante qui restera gravée dans leurs mémoires. Ensuite, tous ensemble, nous avons partagé un délicieux goûter composé de blé et d’autres douceurs, offerts généreusement par les parents. Cette tradition festive, en l’honneur de la fête de la Sainte Barbara, a été un moment mémorable de partage et de convivialité.

Un grand merci à tous les parents qui ont contribué à rendre cette journée spéciale. Nous sommes ravis de créer des souvenirs enrichissants avec nos élèves. À bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures éducatives !

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

La magie de la Fête de Sainte Barbe : Semer l’espoir avec nos petits jardiniers En cette période festive, la classe de la PSB a célébré la tradition libanaise de la fête de Sainte Barbe d’une manière unique et significative. Cette année, nos petits jardiniers en herbe ont eu la chance de participer à une expérience spéciale : la plantation de blé et de lentilles, une coutume ancrée dans nos racines culturelles. Les parents ont rejoint nos classes avec des contenants, des graines de blé et de lentilles. Les enfants ont eu l’opportunité d’apprendre de manière ludique et pratique, tout en établissant un lien avec la riche tradition de notre pays. Les

Learning the Importance of Balanced Meals Through Play In the “Who We Are” unit, KG2 learners dived into nutrition, creating vibrant menus and role-playing a lively restaurant scene. The classroom buzzed with energy as young chefs, waiters, and customers explored healthy food choices with creativity and enthusiasm. This playful activity not only taught the importance of balanced meals but also fostered teamwork and social skills, leaving the room filled with laughter and smiles. Learning about nutrition was a delightful adventure for these young learners.

graines ont été plantées avec soin et arrosées avec amour. Cette célébration a également permis de renforcer les liens entre l’école, les parents et la communauté, montrant que l’éducation va audelà des murs de la classe. Nous remercions chaleureusement tous les parents qui ont participé à cette expérience et contribué à faire de la fête de Sainte Barbe une célébration mémorable. Ensemble, continuons à cultiver le savoir, l’amour de la nature et le respect de nos traditions.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar Les machines simples Dans le cadre de notre thème transdisciplinaire “Comment le monde fonctionne”, les élèves de la classe de CPB à Ain Aar ont réfléchi ensemble pour résoudre les défis présentés par leur enseignante. Ils ont cherché des solutions pour abaisser l’arbre de Noël sans avoir besoin de le porter ainsi que pour déposer les livres de la CCC sans avoir besoin de porter le panier qui contient ces livres. Les chercheurs ont consigné leurs idées sur des post-it, et certains ont réussi à identifier la solution

la plus appropriée : ils ont suggéré l’utilisation d’un plan incliné pour faire glisser le sapin, tandis que l’idée de fixer des roues à la base du panier contenant les livres de la CCC a émergé pour faciliter le déplacement du panier jusqu’à la bibliothèque. C’est ainsi que les élèves ont découvert deux machines simples qui facilitent notre vie. Et les voilà lancés dans de profondes et intéressantes recherches à propos des machines simples.

Zeit w Saboon Les CM2 ont eu une séance d’apprentissage passionnante avec des intervenantes invitées, Lea Hatoum et Yasmine Chaaytani de l’équipe “Zeit w Saboon”(école secondaire à Ras Beirut). Au cours de cette session, ils ont exploré l’importance des sources d’énergie renouvelables, en mettant particulièrement l’accent sur la bioénergie. Les élèves ont découvert un fait remarquable : l’huile de cuisson usagée ou l’huile de friture (UCO - Used Cooking Oil) peut être transformée en biocarburant ! Il est fascinant de savoir que le recyclage de l’UCO pour la production de biocarburant peut contribuer à atténuer ses impacts environnementaux négatifs sur les terres et les eaux. Notamment, son utilisation comme carburant pour l’aviation est un pas vers la durabilité environnementale.

En tant qu’élèves responsables, les CM2 se sont engagés dans un projet de collecte d’huile. L’UCO sera donnée à une compagnie libanaise (Poil) qui se chargera de sa purification afin d’être transformée en biocarburant.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Grade 1 Saint Berbara Parade Extravaganza: A Carnival of Creativity and Joy! The Berbara parade at our school was not just an event; it was a spectacle of color, laughter, and pure joy! The lively procession turned our school halls into a canvas of imagination, with students donning creative costumes that brought smiles and festive cheer to everyone. The students, dressed as little superheroes, cheerleaders, and creative enthusiasts, transformed the school into a vibrant carnival of creativity. Each student took pride in parading their unique outfits, turning the event into a mesmerizing display of colors and creativity. Laughter radiated through the halls as the young participants showcased their imaginative costumes, spreading joy to everyone they encountered. The festivities didn’t stop at costumes though! Our wonderful volunteer moms treated everyone to a delectable array of Berbara sweets. The scrumptious treats became a sensory delight, filling the air with the sweet aroma of celebration. Giggles and smiles adorned the faces of students as they savored these delicious goodies, adding an extra sprinkle of sweetness to our Berbara celebrations.

The runway became a stage for our little stars, each taking center stage with confidence and enthusiasm. The applause and cheers echoed through the halls, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared joy. The dance party that followed brought everyone together, showcasing the unity and spirit of our school community. The Berbara Parade Extravaganza was not just an event, it was a celebration of creativity, laughter, and togetherness. As we reflect on the vibrant memories created during this festive day, we carry the spirit of Berbara with us, looking forward to more moments of joy and celebration in the days to come!

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Le bien-être personnel Dans le cadre du thème transdisciplinaire “Qui nous sommes”, les élèves de CE1, sensés et équilibrés ont eu le plaisir d’inviter la classe de CE2 à une présentation de leurs travaux finaux. Ils ont partagé avec leurs camarades une perspective approfondie sur le bien-être personnel, englobant les dimensions physique, mentale et sociale. Au cours de cette rencontre, les élèves ont exposé leurs réflexions sur le choix de modes de vie favorables au développement et au maintien de la santé et du bien-être. Ils ont présenté des habitudes et des routines quotidiennes, mettant

en lumière l’importance de l’hygiène corporelle et soulignant le rôle crucial du sommeil pour notre santé, notamment pour la croissance, la récupération et le maintien d’une forme optimale. De plus, les élèves ont mis en évidence la responsabilité individuelle dans le maintien d’une bonne santé, insistant sur l’impact des choix équilibrés. Cette présentation a donc été l’occasion de mettre en avant l’importance des décisions conscientes pour préserver notre bienêtre général.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

SDGs Grade 2 Teaching students about the Sustainable Development Goals is important because it gives them the opportunity to take responsibility and commit to working together to build a better future for everyone. The second graders acquired a basic knowledge about the SDGs. Guest speakers who work with the “UN Global Compact Network -Lebanon” explained what the SDGs are and how we can support our community. We focused on Goal # 3, which is “Health and Well-being”. The children wrote down ideas about how to take action to be able to support the country.”

Classification des objets de la vie quotidienne Dans le cadre d’une activité éducative stimulante, les élèves de la PSA ont entrepris une exploration fascinante en classant les objets de leur environnement quotidien en fonction de leurs formes. Cette activité pédagogique a ouvert un monde d’apprentissage ludique où les jeunes esprits curieux ont développé leurs compétences de classification tout en découvrant la diversité des formes qui les entourent.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

La sortie à Tarchich Dans le cadre du thème transdisciplinaire « Qui nous sommes », les élèves de CE1 ont participé à une sortie de cueillette de pommes.Au cours de cette expérience, les élèves, sensés, ont démontré leur compréhension du choix de modes de vie favorables au développement et au maintien de la santé et du bien-être, en mettant particulièrement l’accent sur une alimentation saine, telle que la consommation de fruits. Au cours de la sortie, les élèves ont partagé des informations sur leurs habitudes et routines

quotidiennes, mettant en évidence leur importance pour la croissance, la récupération et le maintien d’une forme optimale. Ils ont également souligné la responsabilité individuelle dans le maintien d’une bonne santé, en mettant en avant l’impact positif des choix alimentaires équilibrés. Cette sortie a été à la fois divertissante et éducative, offrant des avantages tant sur le plan environnemental que sur le plan pédagogique.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Explorons le monde fascinant des mélanges en CM1 Explorons l’univers fascinant des mélanges en classe de CM1 ! Les élèves ont eu l’occasion de vivre une expérience captivante pour mieux comprendre les subtilités des mélanges et percer les mystères de la Science. L’une des expériences les plus mémorables a été l’exploration des mélanges de couleurs. Les élèves ont eu la chance de mener des expériences pratiques où ils ont mélangé différentes teintes pour créer de nouvelles couleurs étonnantes. La classe de CM1 a également plongé dans le monde de la cuisine, associant le plaisir de mélanger des ingrédients variés et observant comment ces éléments se combinent pour créer un nouveau produit. Ces expériences ludiques n’étaient pas simplement destinées à les divertir, mais avaient aussi pour objectif de créer des liens concrets et d’introduire le thème de la nouvelle unité de recherche “ Comment le monde fonctionne” . Eliane Abdel Massih - Carole Khoury Titulaires de CM1

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Journée nationale de la pomme réaliser leur recette tout en apprenant des faits intéressants sur ce fruit emblématique. Ils ont également échangé des idées sur l’importance de maintenir une alimentation équilibrée, mettant en avant la consommation de fruits et de légumes pour préserver leur santé. Enfin, une fois leur dessert prêt, les élèves ont pu le déguster et partager ce moment convivial avec leurs camarades.

À l’occasion de la journée nationale de la pomme, célébrée le 5 octobre, les élèves de CM2 ont fait des recherches sur des recettes délicieuses mettant en vedette les pommes. Par la suite, ils ont participé à une activité culinaire spéciale au cours de laquelle certains ont préparé des tartes aux pommes, tandis que d’autres ont opté pour des mini croissants fourrés de pommes ou des pommes caramélisées… Nos cuisiniers ont mis la main à la pâte pour

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Call Us By Our New Names in Grade 5A When learning about the wonders of Language Arts, students understand and apply the concepts better when the content is presented in a fun and engaging way. While exploring nonfiction text features, each student in Grade 5A had to randomly pick a poster that explains one of the text features. Students had to read over it, and then prepare a one-minute presentation explaining the text feature to their classmates. What was interesting was that during the days of these presentations, students were not called by their names, but rather by the nonfiction feature they were responsible for. This was followed by a

memory game of recalling all the features in order during a circle activity. A few days later, while reading an informational text about Earth’s water cycle, students started identifying nonfiction text features on each page, and instead of naming the feature, this time, the feature was replaced by the name of the corresponding student. In other words, when coming across a diagram in the text, students called out ‘we saw X’ instead of ‘diagram.’ Even Ms Petra was being referred to as Ms Cutaway because this was the feature she was responsible for.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Curriculum Sessions We are thrilled to share with you the events that took place during October and November at International College - Ain Aar. Our PYP Coordinator, Alain Gholam, and Early Years Facilitator, Jennifer Khoury, held enlightening sessions about the PYP for parents, aptly titled ‘In Action’. These sessions commenced with an insightful overview of the PYP philosophy and approaches, shedding light on what makes the PYP truly unique and impactful.

for parents to grasp the essence of the PYP approach, so we created interactive stations for parents to engage in. The intent was for them to experience first-hand how their children learn and inquire within the PYP framework. These stations involved various activities such as questioning, experimenting, interpreting, reaching conclusions, and communicating results. The experience was designed to mimic the journey of inquiry that our students embark upon, providing parents with an authentic taste of the PYP approach.

The five elements of the PYP: knowledge, concepts, learner profile, approaches to learning, and action, were explored in detail. It’s fundamental

We are extremely pleased that the sessions were fruitful and that parents could appreciate the impact of the PYP approach on teaching and learning. We hope this has deepened parents’ understanding and appreciation for the PYP, and we are excited to continue our journey of inquiry together.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Nature Cycle Museum The second graders celebrated the end of the unit of inquiry “How the World Works”. They displayed their designed artifacts throughout the learning journey, demonstrating their research and thinking skills. They showed their thinking using a variety of visible thinking routines, describing their investigation and the resources they’ve used to enrich their research skills.

Fall Silhouettes The KG1 students took the learning further as they combined their learning of relationships in the unit of Who We Are, with the Fall season. Students observed the changes that take place in the Fall season, and gathered different leaves, and used them to create silhouettes of their friends. They used their creative thinking skills to correctly represent their friends using the various leaves they collected, and even stated different activities they would like to do with their friends during the Fall.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Marc Beyrouthy Les délégués du CM2 B ont organisé une séance exceptionnelle avec Monsieur Marc Beyrouthy, ingénieur agronome. Ce dernier a partagé son expertise avec nos élèves curieux et réfléchis. La séance s’est révélée extrêmement instructive, Monsieur Beyrouthy captivant l’attention de chacun en expliquant de manière approfondie l’importance cruciale des arbres, en mettant particulièrement en lumière l’héritage exceptionnel des cèdres. La séance a été enrichie par une multitude d’exemples concrets et d’informations approfondies, offrant ainsi aux élèves une compréhension du rôle vital que jouent les arbres dans notre environnement. Les jeunes esprits ont été stimulés par cette exploration éducative, élargissant leurs horizons sur la contribution significative des cèdres et d’autres espèces arboricoles à notre planète. À la fin de cette séance mémorable, les élèves du CM2 B ont eu la chance de mettre en pratique leurs nouvelles connaissances en participant à la plantation d’un cèdre. Cet acte symbolique a renforcé leur engagement envers la préservation de l’environnement et a laissé une empreinte durable dans leur parcours éducatif.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Experiential Learning: Exploring Electric Circuits Experiential learning is important because it involves students actively participating in their learning process rather than simply receiving information passively. Experiential learning often involves real-world tasks, increases students’ interest and motivation, develops their skills, improves problem-solving, and allows students to retain information better since they get the chance to apply it practically. The Grade 5B students embarked on a hands-on exploration of electric circuits, using materials such as conducting wires, a battery, a bulb, a propeller, and a switch. This interactive approach allowed them to grasp the concept of electric circuits in a meaningful way. The students’ excitement was electric! Our Grade 5 students progressed from creating a simple circuit to constructing parallel circuits and adding more than one load to the circuit. The learning experience was characterized by a spirit of inquiry and critical thinking. The students posed thoughtful questions, engaged in problem-solving, and worked collaboratively to manipulate their circuits. These activities fostered the development of key 21st-century

skills such as creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. In addition, our Grade 5 students demonstrated the IB learner profile attributes by being inquirers when they were investigating the properties of electric circuits, thinkers when they were applying their critical thinking skills to construct different circuits, and communicators when they were sharing their findings with their peers. Finally, this activity was directly related to the unit’s central idea, “Energy may be converted, transformed, and used to support human needs.” By manipulating electric circuits, students developed a clear understanding of how energy is transformed and transferred.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Session on “The Importance of a Good Sleep” Sleep plays a crucial role in the development of children’s minds. It affects their happiness, mood, attention, cognitive performance, memory, and learning. In brief, it is an essential element in our students’ success. To raise awareness of this crucial aspect of our students’ lives, Dr.Hady Jerdak, an IC parent, spent a whole week addressing every class of the Lower School about the importance of sleep. He also presented an awareness session to parents. The sessions focused on the importance of sleep on the health of children and adults. Dr. Jerdak talked about the science behind sleep, explaining the different sleep cycles and their importance. On the educational level, sleep is

important because it affects cognitive functions, memory consolidation, and academic performance. Dr. Jerdak also talked about the physical and mental health benefits of sleep. Finally, he gave helpful tips on establishing a good sleep routine by creating an appropriate environment and limiting screen time before bedtime. By addressing both students and parents, Dr. Jerdak created a holistic approach to improving sleep habits within the school community. This not only benefits the students directly but also ensures that parents are equipped with the knowledge and tools to support their children’s sleep needs at home.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

The Power of Provocation Provocations are an essential part of our inquiries at the beginning of each transdisciplinary theme. They are designed to capture students’ attention and spark their interest. They pose open-ended questions, present real-world scenarios, and cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. As a provocation for the “How We Organize Ourselves” transdisciplinary theme in which learners explored the form and function of different governmental systems and our responsibility as citizens, Grade 5B students were engaged in insightful engaging activities. In the provocation, students rotated through various stations, engaging in the following activities: • Station 1: Students brainstormed examples of human-made and natural systems. They thought about the world around them, what systems are human-made, and what systems are natural. • Station 2: Students got creative with popsicle sticks and cardboard to create a system and manipulate it to make it fail. • Station 3: Students identified systems within math, language, the arts, and music. • Station 4: Students reflected on the qualities of a good citizen after reading a scenario

about different children who demonstrated citizenship in various ways. These stations were important because they helped students develop different skills, nurtured the learner profile attributes, and developed their conceptual understanding of systems. In the first station, students were engaged in critical thinking and observational skills. The second station promoted creativity and problem-solving. The third station encouraged interdisciplinarity by having students identify systems within math, language, the arts, and music. Finally, the fourth provocation encouraged reflection, empathy, and ethical reasoning. This sums up the power of provocations!

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Unveiling the Mysteries of Mixtures In the field of science education, fostering an inquisitive mind is essential. To achieve this, a hands-on approach that encourages exploration, analysis, and thoughtful reflection is key. In our Transdisciplinary unit, “How the World Works”, Grade 4B learners engaged in a learning experience that involved prediction, observation, application, and reflection. Through the unit “How the World Works”, 4B learners embarked on a fascinating journey into the world of mixtures that involved the art of analysis. Learners were presented with an array of mixtures, each concealing its blend of components and characteristics. Curious, Grade 4B learners predicted what these mixtures might entail. However, the journey didn’t stop at observation. Students were invited to think beyond the surface, fostering critical thinking skills. What do you notice about these mixtures? What are your interpretations?

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Grade 4A Students Explore Measurement in “Sharing The Planet” In an exciting classroom initiative aligned with the “Sharing The Planet” unit, Grade 4A students delved into the world of measurement by connecting mathematics to the assessment of two crucial natural resources: sand and water. Beginning with a discussion on responsible resource usage, students employed metric units to measure the volume and mass of various sand samples. This hands-on activity not only enhanced their measurement skills but also underscored the practical application of metric units in real-world contexts. Transitioning to water, students utilized graduated cylinders to measure volume with precision, gaining insights into capacity while emphasizing the importance of accurate measurements in dealing with essential resources. Throughout the process, students engaged in reflective discussions, considering the environmental impact of their measurements and fostering a sense of responsibility towards the planet. The integration of mathematics with the “Sharing The Planet” unit enriched the students’ understanding of measurement and instilled environmental consciousness. This holistic approach ensures that Grade 4A students advance their mathematical skills and develop

into informed and responsible global citizens, appreciating the delicate balance between humanity and the planet.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar Le calendrier éternel d’émerveillement Les CM1 créent une ode artistique aux ressources naturelles ! Au sein de la classe de CM1, une activité captivante a vu le jour, offrant aux élèves une opportunité unique d’explorer les mystères des saisons et les richesses des villages libanais. Loin du traditionnel découpage du temps, les élèves ont entrepris de créer un “calendrier éternel” qui célèbre chaque mois comme un chapitre dans le livre vivant de la nature invitant à découvrir la beauté et la diversité de notre pays. Cette initiative ne se contente pas d’être artistique ; elle est éducative. Les enseignants

ont guidé les élèves dans une exploration approfondie des ressources naturelles associées à chaque mois. Ainsi, le calendrier devient un outil pédagogique, éveillant la conscience des élèves sur l’importance de la préservation de notre environnement et la nécessité de vivre en harmonie avec la nature. Chaque mois devient une ode poétique aux ressources naturelles, une déclaration artistique et éducative qui célèbre la richesse et la fragilité du Liban. Carole Khoury et Eliane Abdel Massih Titulaires de CM1

Guest Speaker Professor Habib Malik - Droits et responsabilités Dans le cadre de l’unité de recherche “Qui nous sommes”, les élèves du CE2 A et B ont eu la chance de rencontrer Dr Habib Malik, professeur retraité d’histoire et d’études culturelles à la “Lebanese American University”. Son père, Charles Malik, a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la rédaction et l’adoption de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme de 1948. Cette rencontre a favorisé les compétences de pensée de nos élèves qui se sont montrés chercheurs, communicatifs et réfléchis en posant des questions pertinentes. Ce fut une aventure intéressante et enrichissante pour nos jeunes apprenants qui sont maintenant plus conscients et mieux informés sur les droits et les responsabilités de l’être humain.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Grade 3 Students Take a Stand Against Cyberbullying On Wednesday, November 8th, in a proactive move to address online behavior, Grade 3 students attended a session about cyberbullying conducted by Mrs. Boustany. The event aimed to raise awareness and equip students with essential skills to combat cyberbullying through “Digital World Introduction”. The session began with a discussion about the internet and technology, allowing students to share their favorite online activities and devices. Then they were able to define cyberbullying which involves being mean or unkind to others using the internet or technology. Students could name some examples, such as sending mean messages or spreading rumors. Moreover, they did some engaging activities,

including identifying cyberbullying scenarios, which helped them understand the emotional impact of negative online experiences. They also explored being an “online hero” by standing up against cyberbullying through kindness, reporting incidents, and supporting friends. The session emphasized ongoing discussions about online behavior and the importance of reporting cyberbullying incidents to trusted adults. The aim is to empower these young minds to contribute positively to their digital community. The “Be Kind Online - Understanding Cyberbullying” session was a crucial step in preparing Grade 3 students to navigate the digital world responsibly, fostering a generation that values kindness both online and offline.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Writer’s Workshop in Grade 2 - Nathalie Bannout Our Writing Workshop begins with a mini-lesson that teaches a new strategy or a new genre, such as informational text, personal narrative text, opinion writing text, etc.

Do I remember it well?

In second grade, as a teacher, I start with, “So far we’ve been......Today I want to teach you...” I always start with a mini-lesson and begin with a sample of my writing or a sample of someone else’s writing, specific to the unit or genre being studied or with a shared writing piece that the class is working on together.

Although the main teaching of writing happens during Language Arts and Literacy sessions, I develop students’ writing skills during the UOI sessions by conferring with them as needed (individual or small group).

I display helpful charts in the classroom. These charts are visual reminders that reinforce writing strategies; they may help with dialogue, structure, elaboration, or conventions. Most of the time, ideas are generated and students practice telling their story to a partner. Storytelling is a rehearsal for writing; students develop ideas then they may choose a good seed idea by asking themselves the following:

Is this a moment that taught me something? Am I comfortable sharing it?

I display the new vocabulary words that we call in class “Lingo” and encourage my students to refer to them and use them when writing their texts. My students are knowledgeable about the steps that they need to take to finalize their texts. They draft, edit, and then publish. In the end, they demonstrate their communication skills, presenting their artifacts with the others.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle LowerSchool School- Ras - AinBeirut Aar

Activité À la clôture de notre thème « Qui nous sommes », les enfants ont été encouragés à dessiner le visage d’un membre de leur famille, puis à le présenter devant leurs amis. C’était une opportunité pour chacun d’eux de représenter les caractéristiques uniques d’un membre de leur famille. Chaque enfant a pu exprimer sa créativité en détaillant les caractéristiques spécifiques de ce dernier, telles que des moustaches pour papa ou la couleur des yeux de maman. Ce qui était remarquable, c’était l’engagement des enfants lors de leurs présentations. En

modifiant leurs voix pour correspondre à celles de leurs proches et en adaptant leurs postures pour refléter les traits distinctifs de chaque membre de la famille , comme une voix grave pour imiter les papas, une voix enfantine pour évoquer les bébés, etc. En soulignant les traits uniques de chaque membre de la famille, les enfants ont mieux assimilé la diversité des personnalités au sein de leur famille Chloé Abi Jaoudé MSB


‫ألعب وأتع ّلم‬

‫يجعل اللعب األطفال نشيطين‪ ،‬و ُم َ‬ ‫نخرطين في عمل ّية‬ ‫التعلّم‪ .‬والغرض من التعليم باللعب إ ّنما هو تحفيز‬ ‫األطفال‪ ،‬وح ّثهم‪ ،‬ودعمهم في تنمية مهاراتهم ومفاهيمهم‪،‬‬ ‫وفي اكتسابهم للغة‪ ،‬ومهارات التواصل‪ .‬كما أ ّنه يو ّفر‬ ‫فرصة لألطفال لتنمية السلوك ّيات اإليجاب ّية‪ ،‬وإلظهار‬ ‫وعيهم‪ ،‬وترسيخ ما تعلّموه من مهارات‪.‬‬

‫ّ‬ ‫األساسي األ ّول "أ" و"ب" نمرح‪ ،‬ونُث ّبت‬ ‫الصف‬ ‫في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الحروف الهجائ ّية‪ ،‬واألرقام‪ ،‬ونجري أنشطة حول قصص‬ ‫مقروءة من خالل مجموعة واسعة‪ ،‬ومتن ّوعة من األلعاب‬ ‫التركيب ّية‪ ،‬والتثقيف ّية‪ ،‬وذلك في مجموعات صغيرة من‬ ‫المتعلّمين‪.‬‬

‫‪Issue 13 | December 2023‬‬

‫‪Lower School - Ain Aar‬‬


‫للتنمر‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ّ‬

‫ّ‬ ‫الصـف‬ ‫"ال للتن ّمـر" هـو عنـوان الحملـة التـي أطلقهـا متعلّمـو‬ ‫األساسـي الخامـس‪ ،‬بهـدف العمـل يـ ًدا بيـد مـن أجـل الحـ ّد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وباألخص في‬ ‫مـن آ ّفـة التن ّمـر التـي تؤثـر سـل ًبا فـي األفـراد‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫سـن الدراسـة‪.‬‬ ‫الصغـار الذيـن ُهـم في ّ‬ ‫شـ ّكلت مطالعـة القصـص‪ ،‬ودراسـة شـخص ّياتها‪ ،‬وصفاتهـا‪،‬‬ ‫االنطالقـة ليتم ّكـن المتعلّمـون مـن تمييـز التص ّرفـات‬ ‫الحسـنة مـن التص ّرفـات السـ ّيئة‪ ،‬ومـن تحديـد التن ّمـر‪.‬‬ ‫بعـد ذلـك رسـم ك ّل متعلّـم يـده التـي تطلـب مـن اآلخريـن‬ ‫وكتـب علـى الرسـم ً‬ ‫جملا َش َّـج َع مـن‬ ‫التو ّقـف عـن التن ّمـر‪،‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫خاللهـا النـاس علـى اعتمـاد اللطـف‪ ،‬والمح ّبـة طريقـ ًة‬ ‫إيجاب ّيـة للتصـ ّرف فـي حياتنـا اليوم ّيـة‪.‬‬

‫وض ْمـ َن حملـة التوعيـة ا ّلتـي ّ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫نظمتهـا المدرسـة لمواجهـة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫األساسـي الخامـس‬ ‫الصـف‬ ‫التَن ُّمـر‪ ،‬اسـتقب َل متعلّمـو‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫األساسـي‬ ‫الصـف‬ ‫واإلنكليـزي‪ ،‬متعلّمـي‬ ‫الفرنسـي‬ ‫بفرعيـه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الفرنسـي الذيـ َن أعـ ّدوا لهم مجموعة من‬ ‫الثامـن ‪ -‬المنهـاج‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫األسـئلة المتف ّرقـة حـول التن ّمـر فـي قالـب ُمبـاراة حماسـ ّية‬ ‫منصـة "كاهـوت" اإللكترون ّية‪ .‬ومن خالل هذا النشـاط‬ ‫عبـر ّ‬ ‫التفاعلـي تعـ ّرف المتعلّمـون أنـواع التن ّمـر‪ ،‬وآثـاره السـلب ّية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫والمعنـوي‪.‬‬ ‫الجسـدي‬ ‫علـى المسـتويين‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وتفاعاًل أل ّنـه‪ ،‬ومن جهة‬ ‫لقـد لقـي هـذا النشـاط استحسـا ًنا‬ ‫أولـى‪ ،‬أشـرك المتعلّميـن‬ ‫فـي عمل ّيـة التعلُّـم‪ ،‬وح ّثهم‬ ‫اإليجابـي‬ ‫علـى التعـاون‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مـع أترابهـم فـي المرحلـة‬ ‫االبتدائ ّيـة‪ ،‬كمـا أ ّنـه‬ ‫سـاعد‪ ،‬مـن ٍ‬ ‫جهـة أخـرى‪،‬‬ ‫فـي نشـر ال َوعـي حـول‬ ‫مخاطـر التن ُّمـر‪ ،‬ومـا‬ ‫تتعـ ّرض لـه ضح ّيتـه مـن‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫معنـوي يؤ ّثـر سـل ًبا‬ ‫ضغـط‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫األكاديمـي‪.‬‬ ‫فـي نتاجهـا‬ ‫ّ‬

‫‪Issue 13 | December 2023‬‬

‫‪Lower School - Ain Aar‬‬


‫قدم دون مقابل»‬ ‫«أثمن األشياء تلك التي تُ ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫العالمي للطف‬ ‫األساسي الرابع باليوم‬ ‫الصف‬ ‫اِحتفل متعلّمو‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الذي يقع في الثالث عشر من شهر تشرين الثاني‪ .‬فقد‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫وبعبارات ُمفعمة باللطف وبالطيبة‪.‬‬ ‫بكلمات‪،‬‬ ‫ل ّونوا المدخل‬ ‫وجال مم ّثلون عن الصفوف في المدرسة ليوزّعوا قلو ًبا‬ ‫ُد ّو َن عليها‪" :‬أثم ُن األشياء‪ ،‬تلك التي تُق ّدم دون مقابل"‪.‬‬

‫من خالل هذا النشاط تع ّرف المتعلّمون كيف ّية إظهار‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫بلطف مع اآلخرين‪ .‬أ ّما على‬ ‫ملمح "مهت ّم" عبر التص ّرف‬ ‫اللغوي فقد اكتشفوا قاموس اللطف‪ ،‬وتد ّربوا‬ ‫المستوى‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫على استعماله في التعبير شفو ًّيا وكتاب ًّيا‪.‬‬

‫كيف ّ‬ ‫نحل النزاعات؟‬ ‫ِانْ ِطال ًقا من أهم ّية العالقات في حياتنا االجتماع ّية‪ ،‬ومن‬ ‫ضرورة الحفاظ على جودتها جرى في الروضة الثانية " أ "‬ ‫درس مصغّر َه َدف إلى تدريب المتعلّمين‪ ،‬وبأسلوب صريح‪،‬‬ ‫على مهارة إدارة الغضب‪ ،‬وح ّل الصراعات‪.‬‬ ‫أنموذجا‬ ‫ِست َم َع المتعلّمون إلى قِ َّصة كانت شخص ّياتها‬ ‫ً‬ ‫فقدِ ا ْ‬ ‫لهم في ح ّل الصراعات‪ ،‬ث ّم انخرطوا في محادثة حول أداء‬ ‫الشخص ّية‪ ،‬والطريقة التي اعتمدتها لح ّل الصراع الذي‬ ‫واجهته‪.‬‬ ‫وأخي ًرا‪ ،‬أ ّدى المتعلّمون مشاهِ َد َم ْس َر ِح ّية بَسيطة َج ّسدوا‬ ‫فيها صراعات َم ّروا بها‪ ،‬وطرائ َق لحلّها‪.‬‬

‫‪Issue 13 | December 2023‬‬

‫‪Lower School - Ain Aar‬‬

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Coffee with the Counselor The monthly coffee sessions with the counselor provide a platform for parents to participate actively in discussions on various topics. Those sessions are designed to address various parenting topics and provide support on many levels. During the September coffee session, the counselor and parents engaged in a discussion about separation anxiety. Together, they explored the emotions experienced by parents when separating from their children. Various tips were shared to facilitate a smoother transition during such moments. In November, the counselor hosted a coffee session focusing on children’s soft skills. The discussion emphasized the acquisition of hard skills which follows the development of soft skills, such as negotiating and taking turns.

In December, the counselor hosted the final session for 2023 which focused on the art of discipline and creating stronger bonds with children through the lens of the five love languages.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar The Second Graders’ Adventures in Nature The Grade 4/CM1 end of unit celebration on the human body systems was an incredible showcase of our PYP learners’ research skills, knowledge, and inquisitive minds. With confidence and enthusiasm, our students presented their findings and shared their understanding of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, and muscular systems, leaving the audience in awe of their expertise. With well-prepared presentations, our PYP

learners confidently showcased their knowledge and findings about each body system. Their explanations were articulate and well-reasoned, reflecting their grasp of complex scientific concepts. By presenting their research, our Grade 4/CM1 students not only demonstrated their mastery of the subject matter but also showcased their inquiry and communication skills that will serve them well through their learning journey.

The Third Graders’ Rights and Responsibilities In a captivating exploration of rights and responsibilities, third-grade students immersed themselves in the transformative realm of the “Black Arts Movement”. Delving into the historical and cultural significance of this movement, the young learners gained insights into the powerful intersection of art and activism. Inspired by the ideals of the “Black Arts Movement”, each student embarked on a personal artistic journey, creating unique masterpieces that echoed their understanding of rights and responsibilities. Through this expressive process, the third graders not only honed their artistic skills but also discovered the profound impact art can have in communicating individual perspectives on rights and responsibilities. The classroom transformed into a gallery of diverse expressions, showcasing the students’ awareness and creativity as they found their voices through the lens of the “Black Arts Movement”.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

The Third Graders take on Poster-Making In a thought-provoking exploration of both artistic expression and environmental awareness, thirdgrade students passionately delved into the creation of awareness posters for natural disasters. Armed with vibrant colors and a keen sense of purpose, these budding artists skillfully applied major artistic concepts such as variety, balance, and unity in their poster-making endeavors. Each poster not only served as a visually striking composition but also conveyed a powerful message about the urgency of understanding and addressing natural disasters. Through the lens of creativity, the third graders honed their artistic skills and became ambassadors of awareness, using the elements of art to captivate and educate their audience about the importance of preparedness and environmental responsibility.

The Fourth Graders’ Coffee In a captivating fusion of past and present, fourthgrade students embarked on a unique “Sharing the Planet” unit that intertwined the realms of coffee art and cave art. Exploring the theme of natural resources, the young learners delved into the ancient practice of cave art, drawing inspiration from prehistoric times. Simultaneously, they engaged in a contemporary twist by experimenting with coffee as their artistic medium. With steaming cups and artistic fervor, the students created intricate designs, mirroring the connection between humans and natural resources. This innovative amalgamation not only celebrated the rich history of artistic expression but also underscored the importance of appreciating and preserving our planet’s resources in the modern context. The classroom buzzed with creative energy as fourth graders bridged the gap between ancient

cave dwellers and present-day coffee aficionados, exploring the delicate balance between humanity and the planet we share.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

The Fifth Graders Take Proportion to Another Level In a captivating exploration of the intersection between math and art, fifth-grade students delved into the world of proportions, focusing specifically on the intricacies of facial anatomy. Guided by the renowned Loomis method, the young artists embarked on a journey to master the precise proportions of the human face. This interdisciplinary approach seamlessly combined mathematical principles with the finesse of artistic expression, as students applied geometric

concepts to achieve accurate facial proportions. The classroom became a canvas for learning, where lines and angles converged to bring about a deeper understanding of the visual arts. Through this engaging experience, the fifth graders not only honed their artistic skills but also discovered the harmony between mathematics and the creative process, paving the way for a holistic and enriching learning journey.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Lower School - Ain Aar

Teachers’ Art Therapy Session In a rejuvenating art therapy session tailored for teachers, a serene atmosphere enveloped the room as calming, relaxing music played in the background. Drawing inspiration from the renowned artist Yayoi Kusama, educators immersed themselves in the therapeutic act of painting on canvases. The room became a sanctuary for creative expression, allowing teachers to unwind and recharge through

the rhythmic strokes of their brushes. The vibrant and whimsical spirit of Kusama’s work served as a muse, guiding educators to explore their artistic inclinations while fostering a sense of tranquility. This unique session not only provided a welcome respite from the demands of teaching but also encouraged self-care and creative rejuvenation among the dedicated educators.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ain Aar

Lancement du concours ‘Ambassadeurs en Herbe 2024’: Les élèves de Ain Aar rayonnent lors de la pré-sélection ! Le lundi 27 novembre, sept élèves candidats des classes complémentaires se sont affrontés dans un débat captivant sur les enjeux économiques et politiques des Jeux Olympiques. Cet événement marquait la première étape du prestigieux concours ‘Ambassadeurs en Herbe’ organisé par l’AEFE. Une séance de débat passionnante où les idées ont jailli, les arguments se sont affrontés et les perspectives ont été partagées avec passion. Chaque candidat a brillamment défendu ses points de vue, offrant une diversité d’opinions sur un sujet d’actualité et de réflexion. Cependant, parmi les brillants compétiteurs, deux se sont démarqués par leur éloquence, leur argumentation solide et leur compréhension profonde des enjeux : Paul Tauk (4eA) et Anthony Wadih (4eA), désignés comme les gagnants de Ain Aar ! Leur victoire les propulse vers la prochaine phase, où ils affronteront les élèves de Ras Beyrouth le mercredi 6 décembre prochain. C’est une opportunité pour eux de mettre à profit leurs compétences face à de nouveaux adversaires.

Nous adressons à Paul Tauk et Anthony Wadih nos plus chaleureuses félicitations pour leur succès bien mérité et leur souhaitons tout le courage et la détermination nécessaires pour relever ce nouveau défi. Nous avons confiance qu’ils porteront haut les valeurs d’échange et de réflexion qui font la fierté de notre école !


‫نمر‬ ‫ال لل ّت ّ‬ ‫ناس َبةِ َش ْه ِر التّوعية على مساوئ التَّن ُّمر َو ِب َه ِ‬ ‫دف‬ ‫ِب ُم َ‬ ‫ُمكا َف َحته‪ ،‬نَ َّظ َم التَّالمي ُذ في المستويات كاف ًة ِع َّدةَ‬ ‫واج َهة هذه ّ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫الضوء على‬ ‫الظاهرة وتسليط ّ‬ ‫نشاطات ِل ُم َ‬ ‫آثار التّن ّمر النّفس ّية‪:‬‬

‫بناني)‬ ‫●تالميذة المستوى ال ّثامن‬ ‫األساسي (المنهاج اللّ ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حلّلوا آثار التّن ّمرعلى الفرد‪ ،‬منطلقين من شخص ّية‬ ‫"ميال" في رواية "إجاصة ميال"‪ ،‬متو ّقفين عند مظاهر‬ ‫التّن ّمر‪ ،‬وأنواعه وآثاره‪.‬‬

‫األجنبي)‪،‬‬ ‫األساسي(المنهاج‬ ‫●تالمذة المستوى التّاسع‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فيلم عن التّن ّمر ومطالعةِ "مجلّة ك ّل يوم"‪:‬‬ ‫بعد مشاهد ِة ٍ‬ ‫ص ّوروا ْ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫برسمة‬ ‫الفيلم‬ ‫مشه ًدا تمثيل ًّيا‪َ ،‬ج َّسدوا مضمو َن‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫تع ِّب ُر عن التّنمر‪ ،‬واقترحوا مجموع ًة مِ َن الحلول‪ ،‬أع ّدوا‬ ‫منشورات‪ ،‬وعرضوا أبحا ًثا عن نساء رائدات تع ّرضن‬ ‫للتّن ّمرمنطلقين م ّما عالجناه في الوحدة األولى‪ :‬المرأة‬ ‫ض َن‬ ‫بين األمس واليوم‪ .‬د ّونوا سيرة نساء لبنان ّيات تع َّر ْ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وتخطي َن هذه المشكلة‪ ،‬مع كتابة شعارات تدعو‬ ‫للتّن ّمر‬ ‫إلى مكافحة هذه اآلفة في المجتمع‪ .‬بحثوا عن أشهر‬ ‫ال ّرياضيين ا ّلذين تع ّرضوا للتّن ّمر‪ ،‬مستخدمين تطبيق‪.‬‬

‫والسادس األساسيين‪،‬‬ ‫السابع‬ ‫●تالميذ المستويين‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فريقي حول‬ ‫شاهدوا فيل ًما عن التَّن ّمر تبعه عمل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫دراسة شخص ّيات الفيلم محلّلين األسباب ا ّلتي دعت‬ ‫إلى التّن ّمر ث ّم اقترحوا الحلول المناسبة‪ .‬وقد تعلّم‬ ‫التّالميذ عبارات جديدة متعلّقة بالتّن ّمر ُم ْستَخْ َرجة‬ ‫ّص المرئي وقاموا برسم دالالتها (مثال‪ :‬آسف‬ ‫من الن ّ‬ ‫أنت متن ّمر ‪ -‬دعني وشأني…) باإلضافة‬ ‫ تو ّقف ‪َ -‬‬‫إلى تمثيل مشهد فيه تن ّمر‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫موظفين ما اكتسبوه من‬ ‫مفردات وعبارات‪.‬‬

‫‪Issue 13 | December 2023‬‬

‫‪Middle School - Ain Aar‬‬

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ain Aar

Empathy Blooms: A Fruitful Art Project Combating Bullying In a whimsical and thought-provoking art project, fruits took center stage as the subject of an anti-bullying and empathy initiative. This project aimed to shed light on the consequences of bullying through a playful and creative approach. The concept was simple yet powerful: each fruit represented an individual, while worms symbolized the bullies who tried to ruin their vibrant spirit. By using fruits as metaphors, the project successfully highlighted the destructive nature of bullying and its impact on the well-being of others. Through art, this

bullying while encouraging empathy. It reminded us that through compassion and unity, we can combat bullying and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all. This art project left a lasting impact, inspiring both participants and viewers to reflect on their own actions and attitudes towards bullying. project effectively raised awareness about

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ain Aar

A Snapshot of Empathy Drama classes of Grade 6 and 7 Ain Aar participated in projects supporting Anti-Bullying Month. They explored various bullying types, using drama techniques to oppose bullying. Grade 7 students, in groups of 4 to 5, presented impactful dramatic images with a clear point

of focus, denouncing bullying and emphasizing the rejection of bullying in all its forms. Grade 6 students, working in pairs, crafted vivid bullying still images, demonstrating creativity and drama skill.

TOGETHER Towards a Positive Community Interdisciplinary project G9 A and B Bullying is a significant issue that affects students worldwide. In this interdisciplinary project, students analyzed data on the numbers of bullied students in schools worldwide, covering various types of bullying (verbal, cyber, physical, and emotional), in the year 2018 and 2023. They acted according to percentages and percent changes to draw conclusions based on facts and evidence and develop an action plan for raising awareness about bullying. Students used the evidence collected from math and transferred that knowledge to the different subjects in order to raise awareness and be part of the change towards a positive community.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ain Aar

Empowering Student Leaders: The Role of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors at IC Student leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the culture of our school. Recognizing the impact they can have on their peers, we decided to harness this influence for a cause that transcends the academic realm: combating bullying. By empowering our class representatives with the responsibility of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, we believe in creating a school community that stands united against any form of bullying. To ensure the effectiveness of this initiative, each Anti-Bullying Ambassador has been provided with a distinctive badge, symbolizing their commitment to promoting a safe and respectful environment. Alongside this emblem, ambassadors have received a clear set of guidelines and steps to follow in the event of encountering a bullying incident.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ain Aar Projet Techno: Abribus Les élèves de la 4ème (Ain Aar) ont brillamment conçu des maquettes d’abribus, démontrant leur ingéniosité à travers des créations fonctionnelles et esthétiques, reflétant ainsi leur compréhension des besoins de la communauté et du design urbain.

Les différentes sources d’énergie Les élèves de 3e B ont réalisé des maquettes illustrant de manière ingénieuse les diverses sources d’énergie, mettant en lumière leur compréhension approfondie des alternatives énergétiques et leur engagement envers un avenir durable.”

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ain Aar

Le système solaire Les élèves de 3ème B, ont réalisé avec enthousiasme des maquettes représentant les planètes du système solaire, de la brûlante Mercure à la lointaine Neptune, offrant une diversité fascinante, chacune avec ses caractéristiques uniques, des atmosphères tourbillonnantes de Jupiter aux anneaux gracieux de Saturne. Ainsi ils ont dévoilé leur créativité et leur compréhension approfondie sur les caractéristiques uniques de chaque monde céleste.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ain Aar

The Digestive and Respiratory Systems - Grade 9 A and Grade 9 B In the Biology class, the Grade 9 students conducted extensive research to collect data on how different species obtain and process food and oxygen. They showcased their work in creative presentations, and some courageous students explored the way the trachea expands by exhaling into it.

L’anti-harcèlement en atomes Les élèves de 3ème B ont créé des slogans anti-harcèlement en intégrant astucieusement les symboles atomiques, démontrant ainsi leur engagement à promouvoir le respect et l’unité au sein de notre communauté scolaire, avec des messages aussi forts que les liens qui unissent les atomes.

Dissection du poisson au labo ! Dans le cadre de leur programme en Sciences, les élèves de 5ème sont passés au laboratoire pour disséquer et observer les organes du poisson incluant les branchies (organes respiratoires). Ensuite, ils ont observé les branchies au microscope.

Issue 13 | December 2023



A Festive Flourish at IC Ain Aar Aligned with our vision statement to empower learners of today to be global citizen leaders of tomorrow, the class representatives have taken the initiative to infuse the school with the true spirit of Christmas through a series of delightful and meaningful activities. Door Decoration Competition: Recycled Magic Unleashed The competition not only showcased the artistic prowess of our students but also emphasized our commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Secret Santa: Spreading Joy and Creating Bonds The Secret Santa tradition fosters a sense of camaraderie and creates magical moments that will be cherished for years to come. Festive Dress-Up Week: Colorful Celebrations Vibrant Christmas colors and themed attire transformed our school into a lively and festive landscape, creating an atmosphere of joy and togetherness.

Christmas Bake Sale: A Feast for the Senses The sweet aroma of holiday treats filled the air as our students organized a Christmas Bake Sale. Everyone indulged in a variety of homemade delights crafted with love and festive flair. Three different non-governmental organizations benefited from all the proceeds.

Les enfants ont participé à une sortie éducative qui a contribué à leur bien-être La sortie, qui inclut des activités telles que le patin à glace, des acrobaties, de la musique, de la danse et des chansons, a créé un monde féerique pour nos jeunes élèves. Ils ont été émerveillés par le spectacle fabuleux de “Christmas On Ice” et ont emporté avec eux des souvenirs mémorables. Cette expérience enrichissante a non seulement offert aux enfants des moments de joie et d’émerveillement, mais elle a également contribué à leur épanouissement personnel et à leur bien-être global. Nous sommes reconnaissants d’avoir pu offrir à nos élèves cette opportunité unique qui a laissé une empreinte positive dans leur cœur et a contribué à leur développement holistique.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Christmas Heartwarming Christmas Concert Unites Generations The great hall of St Florian and St Vincent at the Bhannes Hospital center resounded with joyful melodies when the GS and KG2 students and the Junior Choir of IC Ain Aar presented a heartwarming Christmas concert to the elderly of this community. The event, which highlighted the spirit of the season, fostered a beautiful connection between the young performers and their grateful audience. The concert featured a delightful mix of traditional carols, festive tunes and encouraging performances from these talented children. The

atmosphere was warm as the children, dressed in festive outfits, sang and played musical instruments, spreading Christmas cheer among the elderly in attendance. One of the highlights of the evening was a joint performance in which the children and the elderly sang a heart-warming classic Christmas carol together. This intergenerational interaction not only brought smiles to the faces of both the young and the young at heart, but also forged bonds that extended beyond the confines of the concert.

Issue 13 | December 2023



The Fourth Graders’ Christmas Ornaments In a festive celebration of creativity and holiday spirit, the fourth-grade students engaged in a delightful Christmas activity. Armed with oil pastels, and an abundance of festive flair, these young artists transformed plain ornaments into personalized masterpieces. With each stroke, the students infused their unique personalities

into the decorations, turning them into cherished keepsakes. The classroom buzzed with joy and the vibrant colors of the season as the Grade 4 students embraced the festive tradition of decorating Christmas ornaments, creating not just decorations, but memories that would adorn our classroom and hearts.

Christmas Cards During the festive season, students from grades 2 to 5 enthusiastically engaged in a delightful Christmas activity that brought joy and creativity to their classrooms. The air was filled with the merry tunes of Christmas songs playing in the background as the young minds embarked on crafting their very own personalized Christmas cards. Armed with colored paper, glitter, and an

abundance of holiday spirit, the students poured their creativity into each card, adding a personal touch to spread cheer and warmth. The joyful atmosphere and the shared enthusiasm for the holiday season created a memorable and festive experience for all, fostering a sense of community and creativity among the students.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Christmas Moments chaleureux, spectacles festifs et souvenirs partagés à l’ESRB Les fêtes de célébration de Noël et du Nouvel An à l’ESRB ont constitué des moments magiques et joyeux, imprégnant l’établissement éducatif d’une atmosphère festive. Ainsi, les salles de classe se sont transformées avec l’éclat des décorations, les guirlandes colorées et les arbres de Noël ornés. Pendant cette période, diverses célébrations ont animé l’école. Les enfants, revêtus de costumes festifs, ont occupé la scène pour chanter et danser, exprimant ainsi leur joie et leur créativité à travers des performances spécialement préparées. Les chorégraphies joyeuses et les chansons festives ont résonné dans la salle, créant une ambiance vivante et énergique. À cet égard, les enfants se sont investis avec enthousiasme, dévoilant les résultats de semaines de répétitions. Les enseignants, les parents et les camarades de classe ont partagé applaudissements et encouragements, créant un soutien collectif qui a renforcé l’esprit de communauté et de célébration. Ces moments sur

scène n’ont pas seulement été divertissants, mais ont également offert aux enfants l’occasion de développer leur confiance en eux, leur expression artistique et leur sens du travail d’équipe. Ainsi, les performances de chant et de danse ont ajouté une dimension spéciale aux festivités de Noël et du Nouvel An à l’école, capturant l’essence magique de la saison et laissant des souvenirs durables pour les enfants, les enseignants et les familles.

Grade 2/CE1

Grade 3/CE2

Grade 4/CM1

Grade 5/CM2

Grade 1/CP

Issue 13 | December 2023


Christmas Fun at the IC Holiday Village

Issue 13 | December 2023


Independence Day

A Message of Hope from IC to Lebanon Independence Day Challenge and Parent Walkthroughs Preparations for Lebanon’s Independence Day took a different spin on the Ain Aar campus this year as students embarked on a learning journey to truly get to know how special and beautiful Lebanon is. The preschool and elementary students were very excited to take part in a week-long Independence Day Challenge, where each class randomly chose a Lebanese city to represent. The highlight of the challenge was to inquire about what makes the chosen city so unique, all while brainstorming ideas together and decorating the classroom doors creatively. After all the doors were decorated, all classes of the Ain Aar Lower School engaged in a gallery walk, where they discovered the beauty of Lebanon through the eyes of the students, ranging from Nursery/PS to Grade 5/CM2. The Pedagogical Leadership Team, also participated in a walkthrough to admire and congratulate students on their research, teamwork, dedication, and patriotism. However, the challenge did not stop there. Parents were invited to come and see the beautiful work put together by the students, revealing not only their collaborative efforts but also the display of IC’s take on Lebanon within the school. Students enjoyed explaining to their parents what they discovered and were proud to show their work. At the main gate, the Lebanese flag was displayed and surrounded by messages of hope from IC students and parents to Lebanon, wishing it a better and brighter tomorrow!

Issue 13 | December 2023


Independence Day

.‫●تجسيد معانيه بال ّرسوم‬ ‫●التّع ّرف إلى ع ّدة قرى ومدن لبنان ّية من خالل صور‬ ‫ اختارها التّالميذ وكتبوا عن زيارتهم لها وما‬،‫عنها‬ .‫لفتهم وأعجبهم فيها‬

‫نشاطات االستقالل‬

،‫المتوسطة في مستوياتها كا ّف ًة‬ ‫أحيا تالمذة المدرسة‬ ّ :‫ بع ّدة نشاطات منها‬،‫ذكرى االستقالل‬ .‫●حفظ النّشيد الوطني‬ .‫●إعادة سرد معانيه‬

La fête de l’indépendance Pour clôturer l’année scolaire, les CM2 A et B ont visité la réserve de Jabal Moussa pour découvrir la beauté et la biodiversité de ce milieu. Ils ont fait une marche dans la réserve avec des guides spécialisés et des activités en équipe. Ils ont

planté deux chênes et ont terminé la journée par un pique-nique dans la nature. Cette sortie a aussi offert une opportunité unique à nos élèves de s’amuser, passer du temps avec leurs amis et découvrir une nouvelle région du Liban.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Independence Day

Fête de l’indépendance chez les MSA Arrivés à destination, les enfants ont exploré Tannourine, découvrant les impressionnantes grottes de “Baloue Balaa” et les majestueux cèdres de Tannourine. Ils ont également appris sur l’histoire locale et les personnalités célèbres nées à Tannourine telles que Boutros Harb, Roula Saad, Maya Raidy, Hyam Youness, et bien d’autres… Cette aventure a été bien plus qu’ une simple excursion, c’était une leçon vivante sur la richesse culturelle et naturelle du Liban. Après avoir tiré au sort pour choisir leur destination pour la fête de l’indépendance, les enfants étaient emballés de découvrir le charmant village de Tannourine. Pleins d’enthousiasme, ils se sont mis à fabriquer leurs propres maisons et à préparer un minibus pour leur voyage. Ils ont peint un chemin inspiré de la chanson de Fairouz “3a hadir l bosta”, qui débute à “Hemlaya” et conduit à Tannourine en passant par leur village, où ils ont collé leurs maisons.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Independence Day

Fête de l’Indépendance au sein de l’ESRB : un héritage célébré et préservé La célébration de la fête de l’indépendance du Liban à l’ESRB s’est avérée bien plus qu’une simple commémoration historique ; elle a été le reflet vibrant de la transmission des valeurs profondes qui animent cette nation. Au cœur de cette festivité, les élèves ont non seulement célébré l’indépendance de leur pays, mais ont également pris part à des activités et des manifestations symboliques. Des chansons inspirantes ont évoqué le courage, la résilience et la solidarité, rappelant aux jeunes générations

l’importance de préserver ces valeurs enracinées dans l’histoire du Liban. Les festivités ont ainsi offert une occasion précieuse de renforcer le lien entre le passé et le présent, façonnant l’identité nationale et inculquant aux élèves un profond respect pour les idéaux qui ont jalonné le chemin vers l’indépendance. Cette cérémonie, bien audelà d’une simple fête, a été une leçon vivante sur la force des valeurs qui continuent de guider le Liban vers un avenir empreint de liberté et de fierté.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Independence Day

A Vibrant Independence Day In a burst of national pride, the preschool recently hosted a cheerful Independence Day celebration, transforming the campus into a colorful display of Lebanon’s rich cultural heritage. The air was filled with excitement as students, from Nursery, PS to KG2, GS, arrived dressed in traditional Lebanese attire, adorned in the vibrant colors of the national flag, or proudly carrying the flag itself. Classrooms buzzed with activity as Nursery, PS, KG1, and MS students engaged in various centers that captured Lebanon’s essence. From hands-on pottery making and complex mosaic projects to the creative expression of painting the Lebanese flag, the young learners were immersed in activities that brought them closer to the cultural fabric of their country. The aromatic delight of making labneh and thyme sandwiches in markouk bread added a sensory dimension to their exploration of Lebanese traditions. Meanwhile, constructing Lebanese monuments using blocks and images allowed the students to connect with the nation’s architectural heritage. In parallel, the KG2 and GS classes delved into similar centers while embarking on the artistic

journey of painting Lebanese scenery. The ecoconscious twist of creating a cedar tree from recyclable materials showcased a commitment to environmental awareness. The day’s climax unfolded on the playground, where all students gathered with their classes. A collective spirit resonated as they raised their voices to sing the national anthem, a melody that echoed pride and unity. The culmination came in a spirited parade, allowing the students to showcase their costumes and the cultural richness they had embraced throughout the day. The Independence Day celebration brought joy and festivity to the preschool and served as a meaningful educational experience. Through engaging activities and a hands-on approach, students celebrated their country’s independence and gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for Lebanon’s cultural heritage. The event exemplified the preschool’s commitment to fostering a sense of national pride and cultural identity among its young learners.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Independence Day

Celebrating Independence Day: A Showcase of Heritage and Pride The Social Studies Department at Middle School (throughout all its programs) prepared a series of activities to celebrate Independence Day, infusing the campus with a vibrant spirit of cultural appreciation and national pride. Across different grade levels, these activities allowed students to learn about the events of Lebanon’s Independence and its importance in shaping our collective identity. For Grade 6/6eme: In an exhibition, students recognized the connection between heritage and identity. They were prompted to share the customs and cultural traditions of their hometowns to the administration, their teachers, parents, and friends. For Grade 7/5eme: Students meticulously identified the symbols reflecting Lebanon, offering insights into their meanings and importance. In the exhibition and through interactive activities like “Guess the Symbol” game, the school community had the chance to appreciate the significance of these representations by answering the questions prepared by students about Lebanon. For Grade 8/4eme: Dr. Amine Elias, a specialist in history of ideas in the Arab-Mediterranean

region, addressed students about Lebanon’s independence by highlighting the important role citizens play in securing it. Integrating Dr. Elias’ invaluable perspectives, in addition to other resources, students in the CPP and French programs created an activity book filled with games centered around the theme of independence, fostering engagement and learning. Students in the Lebanese program prepared a Reel that depicted the pivotal role of Lebanon’s independence in shaping our identity. For Grade 9/3eme: Students produced insightful books about Independence Day and then visited the elementary students in Grade 5 to share the information through interactive activities and discussions.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Clubs

A Look into IC’s Clubs Lower Ain Aar Acting

Board Games



Drawing and Painting


Let’s Dance

Team Building

Junior Choir

Hip Hop

Macrame - Shamballa

Stitching Together

Board Game




Drama Production

Middle Ain Aar Board Game

Fashion Design

Lego Robotics


Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Clubs

A Look into IC’s Clubs Elementary School Acting

Artificial Intelligence



Cut and Create


Handmade Beading

Junior Chefs

Junior Chefs

Let’s Dance

Puppets Parade

Sculpture Club

Stitching Together

Team Building

Ted X

Visual Dynamics



Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Clubs

A Look into IC’s Clubs

Middle School Cake Decoration



Hip Hop

Sculpture Club




Creative Arts



VEX Robotics

Secondary School

Issue 13 | December 2023


Preschool - Ras Beirut Building a Community of Learners One of the highlights of September was our community-building activities that revolved around music. We believe in the power of music to bring people together, and this month, our children had the opportunity to sing songs in Arabic to introduce themselves to their peers. These songs allowed them to connect with their classmates on a deeper level, appreciating the diversity of our preschool community. Singing together not only brought joy to their hearts but also helped them develop their language and communication skills.

“Friendship Flowers” Group Art Project: Art has always been a fantastic medium for children to express themselves, and our ”Friendship Flowers” group art project was atestament to that. Each child had a chance to contribute to a beautiful collaborative artwork

that symbolized unity and friendship. This project encouraged teamwork, creativity, and a sense of shared purpose among our little artists. It was heartwarming to see how they each added their unique touch to create something truly special.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Preschool - Ras Beirut

Creating a Peaceful Corner In today’s busy world, it is crucial for children to have a space where they can find peace and comfort when needed. To support this, our preschoolers took part in a heartwarming project to paint the wall for their very own “Peace Corner.” This serene and tranquil space will serveas a

Kind Touch In our quest to ensure a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones, some classe srecently conducted a heartwarming activity focusing on the importance of kind touch versus unkind touch. Through engaging discussions andinteractive exercises, we guided our young learners to understand the significance of personal boundaries and the concept of consent. Hugging, a beautiful expression of affection, was highlighted as a symbol of a kind touch, emphasizing the importance of seeking permission and respecting each other’s feelings. We believe that instilling these values early on not only fosters empathy but also equips our children with the tools they need to establish healthy relationships and navigate the world with confidence.

place where children can go to reflect, relax, and find inner calm when they need it. Painting the wall together not only created a physical change in our environment but also instilled a sense of ownership and responsibility among the children.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Preschool - Ras Beirut

Planting the Seeds of Kindness One of the most heartwarming activities this September was the creation of a “Kindness Tree.” Our preschoolers embraced the concept of kindness by adding leaves to the tree, each onehas an idea of how we can be friends with someone who was not kind with us. This activity reinforced the values of empathy, compassion, and understanding, while also reminding children of the positive impact they can have on others.

Miyawaki Forest

Issue 13 | December 2023


Preschool - Ras Beirut Journey into Nature, Biodiversity, and Sustainability: Nurturing Global Citizen Leaders through Nature At IC Preschool, we recognize and celebrate the inherent curiosity that each child brings into our classrooms. Experiences during the early years are pivotal. Not only do they lay the foundation for positive social and cognitive learning in future years, but they are also crucial for brain development. At this age, the brain is exceptionally receptive to experiences and relationships. As our young ones experience rapid growth across physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains, the richness of their experiences directly impacts their developing minds. Central to our ethos is our image of the child. We view them as active participants intheir learning journey, always eager to explore and connect with the world around them. Building on this perspective, our teaching approach emphasizes hands-on and minds-on learning. We believe that children learn best when actively physically and mentally engaged. Our curriculum goes beyond mere information dissemination; it encourages group activities and collaborative efforts, truly embracing learning as a social act. Last week, our preschoolers embarked on one or two (depending on the grade level) learning experiences that combined hands-on fun as they explored significant and age-appropriate concepts. Training Sessions: The in-class training sessions were an insightful experience. Guestspeakers in Agriculture and Botany shared their knowledge of planting. Those sessions were more than showing the students how to plant seeds. They provided our young learners withan understanding of the benefits of plants and their role in the environment. Our preschoolers actively inquired throughout the sessions as they shared their wondering, made connections to their own experiences, and posed questions.

Composting: The composting learning experience allowed our students to use their sense sactively. Feeling the textures, smelling the organic materials, and observing the change process allowed them to explore various science concepts and develop scientific skills. They tested hypotheses about how multiple materials are used when composting and enhanced their understanding of recycling organic waste and sustainability. These learning experiences supported our students as they developed their skills to ask questions, observe, communicate, wonder, test hypotheses, make connections, and find patterns while making sense of the world around them. The journey continues. The following week, our young learners further applied their skills and knowledge as they participated in planting the Miyawaki Forest. In summary, our pedagogical approach centers around creating opportunities for our young learners to develop lifelong skills as they construct relevant knowledge and significant understandings and develop the disposition of international-minded learners.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut

Adventures in Learning, Empowering Minds: PYP’s Thrilling Expedition The Primary Years Programme fosters engaging and meaningful learning experiences. It transcends rote knowledge by emphasizing conceptual understanding, acquiring new skills, and nurturing positive attitudes. Learning within the PYP framework is dynamic, enjoyable, and purposeful. It involves conducting interviews, collaborating with guest speakers, participating

in STEAM projects, developing IT competencies, and refining essential approaches to learning skills encompassing social, communication, selfmanagement, research, critical thinking, and taking action to effect positive change in the world. Here are some captivating events our learners have experienced while exploring various units of inquiry.

Grade 1/CP: Empowering the Future through Alumni Voices! As part of our unit of inquiry on personal histories and exploring the concept of change past and present, Grade 1 students had the unique opportunity to learn from guest speakers— grandparents who are proud IC alumni. These alumni not only shared captivating personal histories but also delved into the transformation of IC, highlighting its evolution over time. This insightful interaction highlighted the accessibility we have here at IC to a state of the art physical, human resources and the latest in educational theory and technology, helping our students to make a connection to Sustainable Development Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities. Through these engaging conversations, we build bridges of understanding and foster a community that values equity and inclusivity.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut Grade 2/CE1: Grade 2 Cosmic Explorers: Igniting Curiosity, Taking Charge, and Crafting the Stars! Our Grade 2 superstars have been diving into the cosmos as part of their “How The World Works” unit of inquiry, and let us tell you, their enthusiasm is out of this world! These young explorers were so captivated by their learning that they didn’t stop at the classroom door. They took the initiative to continue their research at home, diving deeper into the mysteries of space and the solar system. What amazed us most? They didn’t just stop at studying; they became creators! These brilliant minds crafted their very own models of the solar system, showcasing their understanding in incredibly imaginative ways. This is what true exploration and learning look like - ignited curiosity, self-driven discovery, and boundless creativity!

Grade 3/CE2: Parents’ Support Powers Up Our Natural Disasters Project! Wrapping up our unit on natural disasters for Grade 3/CE2 students was truly thrilling as they dove into hands-on projects, crafting models and simulations of various natural calamities. A special mention to our amazing IC community, especially our dear parents, for their invaluable contribution to this project’s success. Their involvement and support have been instrumental in guiding and encouraging our students. Their active participation has nurtured students’ critical thinking as they planned, enhanced their communication skills during presentations, and fostered self-management abilities while completing this remarkable project.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut Grade 4/CM1: Empowering Students through Debate to Refine Communication Skills is an Unparalleled Experience! In an engaging session exploring renewable and non renewable energy sources, our Grade 4/CM1 students took part in a compelling debate. They prepared arguments and counter arguments, aiming to persuade their audience on the most effective energy source. Witnessing their insightful discussions was inspiring, leading to a consensus that renewable energy serves as the solution in combating pollution and global warming. However, our students concluded that the choice of the best renewable energy source varies and is contingent on multiple factors specific to each country’s needs.

Grade 5/CM2 : Exploring the Future Cityscape! Our Grade 5/CM2 students wrapped up their How the World Works: ENERGY unit with an inspiring project! They envisioned and crafted models of a futuristic city—a sustainable, eco-friendly environment powered by renewable energy. Big thanks to our amazing parents who acted as mentors, guiding and supporting our students through the planning, implementation, and completion of this visionary task.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut

Igniting Energy, One Move at aTime! Closing our unit of inquiry, “How the World Works,” the Grade 5/CM2 students were thrilled to conclude their exploration of energy in an electrifying manner! Coach Samir Badawi joined us, engaging the students in a fitness activity that wasn’t just about exercise—it was a lesson in how our bodies work with energy. Coach Badawi explained the science behind exercising, emphasizing how a healthy body requires nourishing food for energy, and how during exercise, our bodies utilize nutrients to produce the energy needed. This experience connected very well with our unit’s concept— showcasing the fact that stored chemical energy isn’t limited to batteries; it powers our bodies too!

ESRB Assembly # 1 Our first assembly was a powerful showcase against bullying! From 9 am to 12:30 pm, students flooded the auditorium in three sessions, bringing antibullying to life through songs, sketches, dances, and raps. Grade 1 celebrated uniqueness, Grade 2 harmonized on a conflict resolution song, Grade 3 wove a melody and acrostic poem, and Grade 4 dropped some wisdom with a rap titled “It’s Your Choice, Baby.” Grade 5 uplifted with a mantra of 33 positive affirmations, while two groups sparked excitement by launching the chess club and dance club. Our counselors got creative, demonstrating the impact of hurtful words on the heart with a paper model. The librarians added magic by reading the story “Together We Grow” and unveiling a mural with the powerful message, “There is Room for All of Us.” Every student at ESRB will hang their pictures on it, proudly declaring their place in the ESRB family.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut

Avec bienveillance et dévouement, le conseil des étudiants de l’ESRB envoie un message d’espoir à Gaza Les élèves de l’école élémentaire de RB se sont impliqués avec empathie dans la campagne d’aide à Gaza organisée par l’ICPCHOPE. Leur dévouement a été remarquable, rassemblant, triant, pliant et emballant avec amour plus de 50 cartons remplis de vêtements, de chaussures et de couvertures. Cette collaboration émouvante entre le comité des parents et les élèves de l’IC promet d’apporter une véritable bouffée de chaleur et de réconfort à la population de Gaza. Les élèves n’ont pas seulement offert des biens

matériels, mais ils ont également partagé des messages empreints de tendresse et de solidarité avec les enfants de Gaza, qui endurent les affres de la guerre. Leurs paroles sincères et empreintes d’espoir visent à transmettre un sentiment de soutien et d’unité à travers les frontières, permettant ainsi à ces jeunes confrontés à des réalités difficiles de ressentir la compassion et l’amitié qui les entourent. Ces messages reflètent la volonté profonde des élèves de faire une différence positive dans la vie de leurs pairs à travers le monde.

‫بالمالبس واألحذيةِ وغيرها من اللّوازِ ِم‬ ‫ صندو ًقا ملي ًئا‬50 ‫بجمع وفرزِ وتعبئة أكثر من‬ ‫قام تالمذة المدرسة االبتدائ ّية‬ ِ ِ ّ ‫ هذا التّعاون المؤ ّثر بين لجنة األهل‬.‫األساس ّية‬ ‫والط ّاّلب ل ُمساعدة "غزّة" وأطفالها ا ّلذي َن يُعانون من ويالت الحرب أظه َر‬ .‫إيجابي في حياة النّاس في جميع أنحاء العالم‬ ‫تضامنًا وشعو ًرا بال ّدعم على أملِ إحداث فارق‬ ّ

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut

STEM Integration in the RB Elementary School Library! We are thrilled to share the latest activity from our elementary school library. An immersive integration of STEM activities that is taking learning to new heights! In a recent exploration, students from Grade 1/CP and Grade 2/ CE1 delved into the captivating world of “Augmented Reality” using Merge Cubes. This immersive experience was aligned with their

upcoming unit of inquiry.The integration of STEM activities in the library not only sparks curiosity but also promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. Stay tuned for more STEM activities happening in our Ras Beirut Elementary School Library.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut

Art and inquiry in our PYP curriculum! Our students masterfully intertwine creativity with learning. From paintings that echo history’s whispers to work breathing life into scientific concepts. This seamless fusion crosses between

disciplines, showcasing true transdisciplinarity. Through art, they don’t just create; they explore, connect, and understand our world in ways that words alone cannot express.

Grade 1/CP Grade 1/CP wrapped up an awesome journey! They have created their own special scrapbooks filled with memories, drawings, and stories that make them who they are. During this project, they became artists and storytellers! Exploring how their past shapes their present, they celebrated everything that makes each one of them unique.

Grade 3/CE2 Grade 3/CE2 students, in their unit on rights and responsibilities, created something incredible! They each filled a puzzle piece within a silhouette of a boy or girl, representing children’s rights. Each piece, colored to symbolize a specific right, formed a beautiful reminder: every piece matters in a puzzle, just like our rights!

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut Grade 4/CM1 As part of our “Sharing the Planet” unit exploring natural resources, Grade 4/CM1 students worked magic with old wooden treasures found in a forgotten storage room! They gave these items a fresh life, a new style, and a new role. It’s all about reusing and upcycling instead of tossing aside!

Grade 5/CM2 Grade 5/CM2 students recently explored self-portraits as a way to understand and express their unique identities! It’s amazing to see their self-expression shining through art!

ESRB Coffee Morning Celebrate with us as we reflect on the success of our recent Coffee Morning, held on Friday, November 17th, at 10:30 am. The event featured an engaging session led by Doha Berjawi, Assistant to the Director for Student Affairs, who shared valuable insights into the school’s practices and strategies related to restorative discipline. The morning was not only informative but also fostered open discussions among parents on a myriad of

concerns relevant to our school community. From behavior management to character building, the discussions were diverse and enriching. Thank you to all who participated, making this coffee morning a resounding success and a testament to our shared commitment to the well-being of our students. Stay tuned for more enriching sessions in the future!

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut Empowering Tomorrow’s Minds: Unveiling Our Dynamic ATL Curriculum! Join us in celebrating our new ATL curriculum at the elementary school! We are thrilled to collaborate with both teachers and students, delving deep into the subskills crucial to our units of inquiry and individual subjects. Witnessing our students’ practical grasp of these transdisciplinary skills is inspiring—they are

showcasing application not just in school but also in their daily lives. At our core, we firmly believe that Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills are the cornerstone of education, shaping our students into lifelong learners who understand that learning how to learn is an invaluable skill.

‫ نعتقد أنّ « مهارات وأساليب التّعلّم» هي ركيزة‬.‫أمر ملهم‬ ّ ‫التّعليم الّتي ُته ّيئ‬ ‫طاّلبنا ليصبحوا متع ّلمينَ مدى‬ ‫قدر‬ ّ ‫الحياة ألنّنا نؤمن أنّ اكتساب هذه المهارات ال ُي‬ .‫بثمن‬ ٍ

‫انضموا إلينا في االحتفال بمنهجنا الجديد «مهارات‬ ّ ‫سيتم التّعاون‬ .‫وأساليب التّعلّم» في المدرسة االبتدائ ّية‬ ّ ّ ‫ّعمق أكثر في المهارات‬ َ‫مع المع ّلمين‬ ّ ‫والط ّاّلب والت‬ ّ ‫ استيعاب‬.‫الفرع ّية‬ ‫المتعددة‬ ‫طاّلبنا لهذه المهارات‬ ّ ‫ّخصصات وتطبيقها في المدرسة وفي الحياة اليوم ّية‬ ّ ‫الت‬

ّ ‫ العالقات‬:‫المهارات االجتماع ّية‬ ‫ دعم اآلخرين‬-‫خصية‬ ّ ‫الش‬

‫الص ّف ال ّثاني‬ ‫بشكل ف ّع ٍال أثناء العمل‬ ‫السلوك المه ّذب و ُمشاركة الموارد واألفكار بنشاط والتّناوب‬ ٍ ّ - ‫الجماعي‬ ّ ‫إظهار‬ ّ ‫األساسي‬ ّ

‫ االستماع‬- ‫ تبادل المعلومات‬:‫مهارة ال ّتواصل‬ ‫البدء في إظهار مهارات االستماع النّشطة عندما يُع ّبر‬ ‫الص ّف األ ّول‬ ّ -‫اآلخرو َن عن وجهات نظرهم وأفكارهم‬ ‫األساسي‬ ّ

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut

‫منطقيا‬ ‫ تنظيم المعلومات‬- ‫ الكتابة‬:‫مهارة ال ّتواصل‬ ًّ ‫األساسي بتنظيم المعلومات‬ ‫الص ّف ال ّثالث‬ ّ ‫قام تالمذة‬ ّ ّ ‫حول "الكوارث‬ ،‫جماعي‬ ‫الطبيع ّية" ومن خالل عمل‬ ّ ‫جدول ظهرت فيه أسباب‬ ‫توصلوا إلى تصنيفها في‬ ٍ ّ ّ ‫الكوارث‬ .‫ نتائجها وكيف ّية الوقاية منها‬،‫الطبيع ّية‬

Grade 3/CE1 Our grade 3 and CE1 learners putting their thinking, social skills and communication skills to good use during their work in their units of inquiry.

ESRB Library E-Newsletter The ESRB librarians are continuously looking for ways to reach out to the students and the community. Our PYP learners are the major contributors to this newsletter showcasing their learning journey. Click on the link below and enjoy navigating through the website!

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut

Fabric Aid- Sensibilisation, action et durabilité Le thème transdisciplinaire « Le partage de la planète » a sensibilisé les élèves à l’importance cruciale des ressources naturelles et aux défis qui découlent de leur utilisation. La visualisation sur le planisphère a rendu palpable la répartition mondiale de ces ressources, mettant en lumière l’interconnexion entre nos actions individuelles et les enjeux sociaux et environnementaux d’une portée plus vaste. Pour clôturer ce thème, nos élèves ont eu l’opportunité de participer à une activité avec FabricAID, une entreprise qui travaille à l’établissement d’une chaîne de valeur socialement et écologiquement consciente pour l’industrie de l’habillement, en optimisant la collecte, le tri, l’upcycling et la revente de vêtements de seconde main par le biais de marques socialement conscientes et durables. Cette activité a permis aux élèves de concrétiser leurs connaissances en s’impliquant dans une initiative visant à transformer l’industrie de l’habillement en objets utiles. En contribuant à une chaîne de valeur socialement et écologiquement responsable, ils ont contribué à bâtir un avenir durable. Cette expérience a non seulement enrichi leur compréhension des ressources naturelles,

mais a également cultivé une sensibilité envers les impacts de nos choix quotidiens. En encourageant une réflexion critique et des actions concrètes, elle a inspiré les élèves à envisager un monde où la durabilité et la responsabilité sociale guideront nos interactions avec la planète que nous partageons.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ras Beirut

Visite au musée archéologique de l’AUB le musée par un archéologue. Les professeurs d’histoire ont remis aux élèves un document les encourageant à observer attentivement, à écouter activement, à analyser et à établir des liens entre les leçons étudiées en classe et les éléments observés au musée.

Dans le cadre du premier thème intitulé “La longue histoire de l’humanité et des migrations”, qui aborde les débuts de l’humanité, la révolution néolithique, les premiers États et l’émergence des premières écritures, les élèves des classes de 6e sections A , B et C du programme français ont effectué une visite au musée archéologique de l’AUB. Cette visite avait pour objectif d’explorer la préhistoire, les débuts de l’Antiquité dans la région du Croissant fertile et les éléments relatifs à la civilisation phénicienne afin de mieux contextualiser ces périodes historiques. Au cours de cette visite, les élèves ont été guidés à travers

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ras Beirut Stone Age Art: A Message to the Future Diving deep into the echoes of the past, grade 6 students of Middle School - Ras Beirut embarked on an exhilarating artistic journey that not only delves into the roots of human creativity but also bridges the gap between ancient expression and modern minds. After discovering that the existence of artwork in the Stone Age is an important sign of the increasing complexity of the Paleolithic communities. The early works of art show that Stone Age people were capable of complex thoughts and actions, a significant leap in human complexity. Armed with newfound knowledge, they embraced their roles as modern Stone Age artists. The challenge: to send a message to future generations. Students pondered a pivotal question: “If you could share a piece of your life with future communities, what would it be?” Students reflected their answers onto the group “cave”. Adhering to Stone Age guidelines, their creations took shape with simplicity, using basic shapes and lines to tell a compelling story that connected to their environment and experiences. In the spirit of our school’s vision and mission, this Stone Age Art project not only deepened

the students’ understanding of history but also instilled critical thinking and a sense of global citizenship. By bridging the ancient and the modern, International College once again showcased its commitment to holistic education and the enduring power of human expression. #ICStoneAgeArt #ArtisticOdyssey

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ras Beirut

Sciences au cycle complémentaire Ras Beyrouth À l’école complémentaire de l’IC à RB, les élèves s’engagent dans une variété d’activités scientifiques passionnantes qui transcendent les pages des manuels et les murs des salles de classe. Ces expériences enrichissantes visent à stimuler la curiosité, développer les compétences pratiques et encourager l’esprit critique. Découvrons quelques-unes des activités innovantes qui ont eu lieu ces derniers mois.

L’éducation au développement durable reste une priorité, illustrée par des initiatives telles que la plantation d’arbres dans la forêt Miyawaki de l’école, sensibilisant les élèves à la biodiversité et à la préservation de l’écosystème local. Des conférences sur le réchauffement climatique enrichissent la compréhension des enjeux environnementaux mondiaux, encourageant les élèves à devenir des citoyens responsables.

Les travaux de laboratoire couvrent des expériences variées, de l’extraction d’ADN à l’étude des changements d’états de la matière. L’intégration des STIM, avec l’utilisation de microcontrôleurs et de robots programmables, renforce les compétences en ingénierie et l’application de concepts mathématiques en sciences.

En définitive, ces activités scientifiques vont au-delà du savoir académique, préparant les élèves à relever des défis tout en les dotant des compétences et de la passion nécessaires pour devenir les innovateurs et leaders de demain.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Elementary School - Ras Beirut Unleashing Creativity: A Dive into the World of Design Technology In the fast-evolving landscape of education, Design Technology stands out as a dynamic field that not only nurtures creativity but also cultivates critical thinking and problem-solving skills. During the fall term, students have been involved in various activities in the Ras Beirut Middle School STEAM lab. For grade 9 students, the Automatic Plant Watering System with Micro Bit brought this vision to life. By integrating coding with hardware, students programmed MicroBits to monitor soil moisture levels and trigger a watering mechanism. This project not only teaches technical skills but also instills a sense of responsibility for sustainable practices, as students reflect on the direct impact of their system on global warming.

Grade 8 students used TinkerCAD to design intricate 3D models and witnessed their creations come to life by printing their keychain models with the 3D printer. This hands-on experience bridges the gap between digital design concepts and tangible outcomes. These intricate skills prepare students for a future where their interventions matter. In the world of design technology, robotics takes center stage. With platforms like EV3 and Spike, 4eme and 3eme students became architects of their robotic creations. These projects go beyond the mere assembly of mechanical parts; they

involve programming robots to perform specific tasks, fostering teamwork, creativity, and logical thinking. As students collaborate to troubleshoot and optimize their creations, they gain handson experience in the principles of robotics and automation. All these projects were related to real-life experiences such as health, safety, and weather forecast.

Grade 7/5eme students enthusiastically explored MicroBit devices with pragmatic and sensible projects that merge coding and electronics. With guidance from their teacher, they crafted projects like a temperature sensor to measure the classroom climate or a simple game like rock, paper scissors using the MicroBit’s LED matrix. These young minds collaborated to troubleshoot problems as well as celebrate successes while developing core problem-solving skills. Through these engaging projects, students were not only able to grasp STEM concepts but also discovered the joy of turning their ideas into reality using technology.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Middle School - Ras Beirut As for 6eme students, art and technology were merged and explored to create comics using platforms like Canvas. Students embarked on a journey of visual storytelling, combining graphics, text, and layout to express how sports and sciences are related. Design Technology is a captivating journey that empowers students to unleash their creativity, embrace critical thinking, and develop skills that are essential for their future. From coding MicroBits to constructing robots, engaging in the design process, exploring 3D printing, and creating comics. This all goes to prove that students in DT classes are not just learners; they are architects of tomorrow, equipped with the tools to shape a world where innovation and creativity know no bounds.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Secondary School

CSL Elections 2023 Over a month, the Secondary School conducted the CSL elections to select two class leaders for each class and four Grade 12 Student Program Leaders. The candidates for the class leaders filled out an application form that was approved by the Secondary School Leadership Team, then they were asked to deliver a speech that included their candidacy program for the academic year 20222024. Once the Class Leaders were elected, an application form was sent to the Grade 12 class leaders to identify the candidates for the Student Program Leaders. Once the application was approved, the five candidates, Berj Hadjinian from the Lebanese Baccalaureate Program, Matthew Gholam from the college preparatory program, Omar Alameddine

from the French Baccalaureate Program, Yasmina Baraké and Naya Jomaa from the International Baccalaureate program, launched their campaigns. The democratic festivities were filled with creative videos, thoughtful programs, and most importantly mutual respect and empathy. The four student program leaders who were elected to represent the Secondary School Student Leadership were: Berj Hadjinian – Lebanese Baccalaureate Program Matthew Gholam – College Preparatory Program Omar Alameddine – French Baccalaureate Program Yasmina Baraké – International Baccalaureate Program.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Secondary School

Grade 10 MUN Club Taking Part in the LAUSM Training Session and Mock Conference 32 Grade MUN club members, under the supervision of Mr. Elie Yachouh, Mr. Nicolas Jarrouj, and Mr. Riad Chirazi, took part in two training sessions and one mock conference at LAU Byblos in preparation for the LAU MUN conference which will be held in February 2024. Our delegates were engaged in Model UN simulations and learned the principles of the UN and how it functions. Our delegations will be presenting Lebanon and Poland in the upcoming conference. We wish our global citizens all the best in their mission.

IC Delegates: Rania Hazimeh, Loulia Jaafari, Christy Shwayri, Mahmoud Staitieh, Selena Fattouh, Mia Talih, Chloe Batri, Nour Farhat, Sophia Zeidan, Maria Serena Jundi, Julia Toramanian, Farouk Shahine, Amir El Kadamani, Patrick Moubarak, Alexander Baaklini, Aly Bazzi, Sarah Omar, Léa Mroueh, Sirine Chebaro, Malek El Sharif, Naram Melki, Julia Al Hamoud, Matteo Chirazi, Yasma El Hibri, Fateema Machmouchi, Jad Harb, Saad Hijazi, Joanne Mary Gergi, Yara Zaitoun, Diala Chehimi, Ali Jaber, Reem Ramadan.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Secondary School

PreCAS Experience “First Aid Full-day Training” (G10 CPP) As part of the PRE-CAS Project, a series of full-day training sessions titled “First Aid Fullday Training” (G10 CPP) took place on three consecutive Saturdays (November 25th, December 2nd, and December 9th) at the Secondary School. Grade 10 CPP students actively participated in these sessions, demonstrating a keen interest, dedication, and a serious approach. The training aimed to impart knowledge about the principles of First Aid and Lifesaving Skills, equipping students with the skills necessary to respond effectively in emergencies. Throughout the sessions, students learned how to:

● Protect, examine, and alert. ● Clear airway obstruction. ● Interfere in the case of unconsciousness. ● Stop external bleeding. ● Use CPR and AED. ● Treat soft tissue injuries (Burns, stings, bites, and simple wounds). ● Treat bone and joint injuries (Trauma). ● Simulate real-life situations/emergencies. Mr. Adnan Barada, Head of CPP, and Mr. Riad Chirazi, CAS Coordinator, commended the Grade 10 CPP students for their exemplary behavior and dedication during the training sessions.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Secondary School

Beirut International Marathon-CAS and PreCAS As part of their CAS and PreCAS journey, Grade 10 CPP, IB1, and IB2 students had the opportunity to be involved in an “Activity” and “Service” experience to support the Brave Heart Fund during the Beirut International Marathon. Students took part in the “5KM Fund Run - Run for a Cause”

that was held on Sunday, November 12, 2023, and they contributed to spreading positive vibes and enhancing the culture of empathy. “No child should die of heart disease because of a lack of funds”.

Issue 13 | December 2023


Secondary School

Summer College Tour- USA Over the course of the summer, the Career Guidance and College Admission Department visited the campuses of prominent universities in the US. This tour aimed to strengthen IC’s connections with prestigious U.S. universities and gather valuable insights to enhance the school’s college counseling efforts. Through extensive meetings with admissions representatives, interactions with university officials, and visits to these renowned universities, we aimed to strengthen IC’s presence on the global academic map. In turn, we were enlightened with the latest admissions trends and deeper insight into university expectations. Lebanese Universities on Campus Fair The Career Guidance Department was honored to host over 15 esteemed Lebanese universities at our Lebanese Universities Fair on October 16, 2023. This event was a significant opportunity for our secondary students to interact directly with university representatives for over three hours. Our students capitalized on this chance to gain

valuable insights, clarify their academic queries, and explore various higher education institutions. The representatives provided detailed information about their programs, helping our students make more informed decisions about their future educational journeys. As the College Guidance Department moves ahead, we remain dedicated to providing unparalleled guidance and opportunities for our students, ensuring they continue to shine

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Athletics

Season 23-24’s athletic tryouts are off to a great start, boasting a substantial number of registrations—over 2,150 students from grades 3 to 12 have enthusiastically joined the action on both campuses. Excitingly, we’ve expanded our diverse range of programs to include three new sports: tennis, pickleball, and golf. This addition aims to capture the interest of even more students and inspire them to proudly sport the green and white colors! To ensure a fair and thorough selection process, a grading scale was implemented. This meticulous approach enabled our dedicated coaches to handpick a commendable 1,624 student-athletes who will proudly represent the IC teams. Impressively, this accounts for a 75.5% acceptance rate across a whopping 84 sports teams—a testament to the incredible talent and dedication showcased by our participants.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Athletics Season 1: High School - JV / Varsity Athletes from both campuses had the chance to engage in numerous friendly athletic events, participating in over 60 meets and games. These served as a fantastic warm-up, gearing everyone up for the exciting Season 2 set to kick off in January!

What are we expecting in Season 2? International Meets! NESAC Basketball Tournament: Varsity Level 7-11 February in UAE, Abu Dhabi JV Level 14-18 1 February in Kuwait NESAC Football Tournament: JV Level 7-11 February in Qatar Varsity Level 14-18 1 February in Qatar

Middle-School & Elementary IC took the initiative to host an exhilarating 1-day volleyball friendly tournament that brought together boys and girls from six schools. The RasBeirut Campus served as the dynamic backdrop, with each enthusiastic team engaging in a series of four games, adding a vibrant and competitive spirit to the event.

OASIS Varsity Volleyball Tournament: 24-28 January in Bahrain OASIS JV Soccer Tournament: 24-28 January in Bahrain OASIS Varsity Soccer Tournament: 31 January - 4 February in Bahrain

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Athletics

A thrilling 1-day football girls tournament unfolded at the Ain Aar campus, featuring each team competing in three exhilarating games. The

campus buzzed with energy as these talented teams showcased their skills and sportsmanship on the field.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Athletics ACS Swim Meet for the JJV - JV - Varsity 26 Gold, 15 Silver, 10 Bronze

French Embassy Badminton Meet for MS

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Athletics Alton Reynolds IC Volleyball Tournament The Annual Alton Reynolds IC Volleyball Tournament, hosted by IC, brought together a total of 10 teams for an exciting two-week event that featured a staggering 71 games! The competition reached thrilling heights, with a

captivating display of skill and intensity in both JV & Varsity, Boys and Girls’ categories. The beauty of the competition resonated across all levels, creating an unforgettable and dynamic sporting spectacle.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Talents

Congratulations Coach Mirella Saad Coach Mirella Saad, holder of the International Volleyball Referee certificate, was recognized in Jordan during the celebration that honoured the symbols of tolerance in sports. We are proud of you!

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability Preschool (Ras Beirut )

Rewilding the Ras Beirut Campus International College emphasizes the importance of nature-based experiences for young learners. This is evident through the preschool’s newly unveiled experiential learning playgrounds. Developed in collaboration with “The OtherDada”, renowned for innovative design, the playgrounds are dynamic learning spaces fostering cognitive, social, and emotional development. Beyond physical activity, the spaces encourage research, critical thinking, and literacy skills. The naturecentric design promotes environmental stewardship, offering interactive green classrooms where our youngest learners can explore, question, wonder, observe, and collect data. Children are prompted to inquire about various plants and creatures, instilling a profound love for nature and establishing a foundational understanding of their role as environmentally responsible citizens. This year’s students have already enjoyed partaking in planting these spaces and bringing them to

life with their little hands. They will continue to tend to and care for the seeds and small plants, enhancing their understanding of concepts such as environmental sustainability and responsibility.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability Elementary schools (Ras Beirut & Ain Aar) Sustaining Natural Resources - CM1 / Grade 4 As part of their unit of inquiry “Sharing the Planet”, CM1 and Grade 4 students inquired on how the use of natural resources entails social and environmental consequences. They welcomed Mrs. Rita Hajj, Head of IC’s Sustainability Program, who walked them through the different types of natural resources and their importance in satisfying human needs. They also explored the negative impacts of human activities on these resources (quarrying, deforestation, pollution, water waste...), and recognized their responsibility in the sustainable use and management of these resources. By the end of the unit, it was clear for our CM1/Grade 4 learners in Ras Beirut that upcycling and recycling are important ways of reusing resources. Our caring students decided to take action and created sustainable upcycled objects such as stools and benches out of unused discarded items. This was just a start for our global citizens in taking care of our planet! Students will make their creations available for use within the school premises.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability

From Used Cooking Oil to Biofuel - CM2 / Grade 5 As part of their unit of inquiry “Sharing the Planet”, our grade 5/CM2 students on both Ras Beirut and Ain Aar campuses, inquired into the different forms of energy sources, the transfer and transformation of energy and sustainable energy practices. Our caring learners then decided to take an action to demonstrate their understanding of how energy may be converted, transformed and used to support human needs. They attended a fascinating learning session with guest speakers, Lea Hatoum and Yasmine Chaaytani from the “Zeit w Saboon” team (IC’s secondary school), where they explored the significance of renewable energy sources, specifically bioenergy. They discovered a remarkable fact: Used Cooking Oil (UCO), which is very harmful to our environment, can actually be transformed into biofuel! Repurposing UCO for biofuel production can help mitigate its negative environmental impacts on land and water. Particularly, using it for aviation fuel is a step towards sustainability. After this intervention, our learners decided to implement a UCO collection

campaign throughout the different levels of their elementary school. Students will be collecting UCO in sealed plastic bottles. The collected UCO will be donated to a Lebanese company (Poil), that will purify it to produce biofuel.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability Middle schools (Ras Beirut & Ain Aar) Save the Forest - 6ème/Grade 6 - Ain Aar Interdisciplinary projects offer the opportunity for our students to enhance the interconnectedness of the different disciplines they are learning by addressing one theme from different perspectives through answering a real-life problem thus making learning more authentic. This trimester witnessed the implementation of our 6ème/Grade 6 interdisciplinary project “Save the Forest”. The project’s objective is for students to understand the importance of natural ecosystems, mainly forests, for people’s health and well-being. In social studies, our learners selected Chnaniir Nature Reserve as the target forest as part of their unit related to the five themes of geography. In sciences, students explored concepts related to ecosystems’ goods and services, ecosystems’ dynamics, and the importance of ecosystems’ conservation. In English, 6ème students read the novel “Save the Forest”, in which they understood the vital need for forests’ conservation. Students of Grade 6 on the other hand, worked in English on interpreting information presented in a digital comic format to raise awareness about the negative impacts of deforestation. In Arabic, students read and interpreted the novel “‫يــوم‬ ‫”اختفت األشجار‬. On November 28th, 6ème and grade 6 classes welcomed Mrs. Mireille Merhi, Manager of the “Chnaniir Nature Reserve” (Kesserwan), one of the smallest nature reserves in Lebanon.

Throughout the intervention, our students recognized the importance of forest ecosystem conservation in Lebanon and understood their role as future leaders in alleviating the negative human impacts on natural ecosystems. After this awareness session, our learners reflected on the different learnings acquired throughout the different disciplines and were given the voice and choice to come up with “actions” to save this forest! Students chose to: • Produce bottles of concentrated iced myrtle tea and donate them to the Chnaniir Nature Reserve to support it in sustainable income generation. The region of Chnaniir is known for its richness in myrtle trees. • Create and donate customized bookmarks for Chnaniir Nature reserve, with drawings of the map of Chnaniir and geographical information about the forest on the back of the bookmark. • Create, print and give the nature reserve copies of a treasure hunt game revolving around Chnaniir nature reserve. • Create a memory card game about the nature reserve. • Create an instagram page to further promote the nature reserve. Stay tuned to learn more about their initiatives!

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability

From Myrtle to ICe Tea ! - 6ème - Ain Aar As part of their science curriculum, our 6ème students in Ain Aar inquired into the techniques of food conservation. After learning that the region of Chnaniir is renowned for its richness in myrtle trees, they decided to conserve the myrtle fruits by producing concentrated myrtle iced tea. They welcomed Mr. Alain Chehab, a specialist in food production, to learn the scientific concepts underlying ice tea production as well as the production techniques and steps. Later, our learners picked 17.5 kg of myrtle fruits originating

from Chnaniir and transformed them into iced tea with three different flavors (original myrtle ice tea, orange-ginger-myrtle ice tea and mint-myrtle ice tea). Around 120 bottles were produced! Click here to enjoy a sneak peak of the students’ journey throughout the project. The next step is for our students to brand their product and donate it to the Chnaniir Nature Reserve as an action to Save the Forest! Stay tuned to see the final branded product that could be the beginning of a new student-made IC brand!

Seed-Bombing the Campus! - 6ème - Ras Beirut As part of their biology unit revolving around ecosystems’ conservation, 6ème students in Ras Beirut explored the importance of natural ecosystems to people’s health and well-being. They understood the concepts of ecosystems’ goods and services, ecosystems’ dynamics, and the importance of ecosystems’ conservation. To crown their knowledge, they decided to take action by planting seed-bombs within the campus to improve its biodiversity and contribute to the creation of a diversified ecosystem.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability

“Projet climat” - 5ème - Ras Beirut As part of their science program, 5ème learners in Ras Beirut implemented a project titled “Le climat dans le futur”. Students explored the causes and effects of climate changes on humans and the environment and the ways to mitigate its impacts. They welcomed Ms. Lea Kaii, head of the climate change department at the Ministry of the Environment in Lebanon. Ms. Kaii addressed the causes and consequences of climate change in Lebanon and our country’s commitment to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework to Combat Climate Change). Her intervention coincided with the COP27 that took place in Egypt from November 6 to 18. By the end of their research, it was clear for our 5ème learners that reducing pollution and contributing to reforestation efforts were two solutions to counteract climate change. As global citizen leaders, our caring students decided to take action by planting native trees in the Preschool’s newly created Miyawaki forest, in order to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability

Symbiotic Relationships and Permaculture Grade 7 - Ain Aar As part of Grade 7’s science unit revolving around symbiotic relationships, students explored how interactions between different species contribute to permaculture, and how companion planting, used in permaculture, helps promote biodiversity and preserve the environment. Students inquired into ways to be environmentally responsible, and found a strong link between their learnings about symbiotic relationships and permaculture. The concept of permaculture strongly stresses on the importance of optimizing the choice of plants and of conserving the soil’s characteristics in order to grow sustainable crops in an environmentally responsible way. The sciences unit related to symbiotic relationships

highlighted the importance of these relationships to the environment, mainly in permaculture. The 5E model was applied (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate). Students were engaged through a series of activities and games (ID card game, virtual garden creation, etc.) that enabled them to understand how permaculture fields depend on these relations to sustain themselves. Students will now invest their knowledge as part of their coming interdisciplinary project “Grade 7’s Secret Garden” to create a sustainable ecosystem within the school’s premises. Students will suggest different scenarios and implement a “secret garden” planted with the most adapted species.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability Sustaining the School’s Ecosystems - Grade 7 - Ras Beirut As part of their biology course, grade 7 learners dived into the world of flowering plants and explored plant structures for reproduction. They inquired into the characteristics of plants, the differences between vascular and nonvascular plants, angiosperms and gymnosperms, the reproduction patterns of the different plant types and the steps

of a plant’s growth. After this unit, our students recognized the importance of plants in sustaining the environment and therefore, contributed to the plantation of pine and oak seedlings in the newly created Miyawaki forest within the Ras Beirut campus.

In Search for a Sustainable Ending - Gr9 LB - Ras Beirut As part of their English curriculum, grade 9 LB students read “The pearl”. At the end of this novella, Kino’s hopes and dreams are destroyed when his sick son Coyotito is killed. During the story, the father finds a precious Pearl inspiring desire and envy in everyone who hears of it. He finds out that this pearl caused many more problems than it solved (greed, violence, envy…), and ends up throwing it back into the ocean. This story sensitizes the students about the dangers of greed and symbolizes the destructive nature of materialism. However, what would happen if Kino had a sustainable solution available to him to treat his son? After reading the novel, students attended a session with Mrs. Rita Hajj, Head of IC’s Sustainability Program, who talked to them about sustainable development and its three main pillars (economic, social, and environmental), as well as the roles of NGOs in creating sustainable communities. Following this session, students

were divided into groups, and each group created a “virtual” NGO (with its mission, vision, values, objectives and activities) and rewrote the ending of the novel with a sustainable solution in mind. The “virtual” NGOs aimed to help Kino find a sustainable solution to treat Coyotito instead of him depending on a pearl. Every group rewrote the ending of the novella in which Kino implements a sustainable income generating activity in collaboration with the created NGO and Coyotito does not die.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability

Éco-délégués (Ain Aar)

Protecting Migratory Birds On the occasion of the International Day of Migratory Birds, Ain Aar Middle School’s “écodélégués” (eco-representatives) organized an awareness campaign about the importance of migratory birds in Lebanon and our responsibility in protecting them, to their peers and teachers. 6ème / Grade 6 students and Middle school

teachers engaged in a series of eye-opening activities, thoroughly created by the éco-délégués (kahoot games, presentations, interactions, Google forms, etc.), that highlighted the role of everyone in contributing to the protection of migratory birds in Lebanon.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Enviromental Sustainability International Mountain Day On the occasion of the international mountain day celebrated on December 11th, Ain Aar Middle School’s “éco-délégués” organized an event at the second recess on Tuesday December 12th. Under the shiny sun of the Mullah football court, our éco-délégués installed stands and organized a series of games, carefully conceived and created by them. Students from grade 6 to grade 9 (English and French streams) enjoyed crafts, tailored board games, mountain litter fishing, question pour un champion, quarry rehabilitation challenge, mountain origami and many other games. All students got together and celebrated this international day with the aim of uniting in the protection of our mountains.

In parallel, our éco-délégués decorated the entrance of Ain Aar’s Gate C with Christmas trees decorated with student-made mountain origamis. Students learned and wrote the names of the different Lebanese mountains on the origamis to raise the community’s awareness about our country’s richness in mountain ecosystems.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning Middle schools ( Ras Beirut & Ain Aar) CCSL Halloween Fundraising Event The second annual fundraising Halloween Party was a complete success! The CCSL students & mothers teamed up to create a truly spooky experience. Their collaboration resulted in an incredible event filled with lively competitions such as pumpkin carving, the best Halloween-themed snacks, and a stunning Halloween costume fashion show. The chilling haunted room they conjured stole the show, showcasing the remarkable teamwork between the CCSL mothers and students. It left everyone buzzing with excitement and thoroughly entertained!

CCSL Donation to Marjeyoun Civil Defense In light of the recent challenges faced by our community due to fires sparked by unfortunate bombardment, the CCSL students initiated a compassionate response. A portion of the funds raised from the Halloween Party has been directed towards aiding the heroic efforts of the Marjeyoun Civil Defense. We are immensely proud to stand in solidarity with the Marjeyoun Civil Defense by contributing to their essential work. This donation serves as a token of appreciation for their selfless service and unwavering commitment to our community’s safety and well-being.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning

Outreach to an Orphanage Committed to creating a welcoming and joyous atmosphere during the festive season, the 4ème students at IC Ain Aar enthusiastically hosted the children from Deir Mar Semaan. During their advisory classes, the students collaborated in groups, brainstorming a variety of engaging games and entertainment activities. Additionally, they enthusiastically planned to organize football games, adding an exciting sports element to their interaction with the orphans. Additionally, our talented CCSL students formed a choir, spreading immense joy and cheer through their heartfelt performances. Every student from Deir Mar Semaan departed with a heartfelt gift, meticulously wrapped with love by our students after sharing joyful dances and soulful songs together.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning

Embracing Diversity this Festive Season As part of their Civic Commitment initiatives, the 9th-grade and 3ème students at IC Ain Aar hosted students from Notre Dame De la Tendresse and Message De Paix, both dedicated to nurturing mentally challenged and physically handicapped individuals. Our program includes engaging games and activities, and food made possible by the Halloween Fundraising initiative. With the invaluable guidance of our dear friend, Mr. Charbel Abou Khalil, our CCSL DJs, and selected students devoted their time to curate a vibrant playlist and rehearse lively dances that ignited the dance floor and filled the festive season with joy. Each visitor received a heartfelt token—a take-home gift of gingerbread cookies baked by CCSL parents and beautifully decorated and packaged by CCSL students in collaboration with CISH/Unesco-Jbeil who hosted the baking and generously donated the ingredients. Alongside this heartfelt gesture, our commitment to inclusivity extends with a special gift funded by the

bake sale initiative led by the Middle School class representatives. This thoughtful contribution from our Middle School students adds an extra layer of warmth and generosity. These activities aim to foster a spirit of inclusivity among our communities.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning

A Fundraising Lunch to Remember The CCSL department was established to embody IC’s vision and mission, guiding its students as they achieve significant milestones on their journey toward global citizenship. Among its primary goals, the department plays a pivotal role in funding our students’ initiatives, empowering them to meticulously plan and execute impactful actions within their community. The idea for the Christmas Fundraising lunch at Le Royal was born from this vision. With the dedicated support of CCSL mothers, enthusiastic CCSL students, devoted teachers and staff, and the backing of the administration at IC Ain Aar, this idea evolved into a tangible and successful

reality, accentuated by the generous donations from IC parents who contributed gifts for the tombola.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning

MSRB Participates in the School Wide Humanitarian Campaign Given the dire situation in Gaza, where many children and families are struggling to find safe shelter, food, and medical care, the IC community was determined to help those in need. Boxes were placed to collect clothes, tents, sleeping bags and blankets. Students then helped sort all the donations and boxed them before shipping them.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning 4ème D’s Bake Sale A group of 4eme D students organized a bake sale in order to raise funds for essential cat items. Additional beddings will hopefully soon be placed around campus.

Grade 9/3ème Fundraiser Events In a true IC spirit, Grade 9/3ème students have come together to plan successful fundraising events in reaction to upsetting occurrences that are impacting families in Gaza. First with a bake sale and then with a charity football match against CPF. These initiatives demonstrate a shared commitment to helping people in need and

emphasize the virtues of empathy and citizenship. Beyond just collecting money, these activities teach the school community empathy, cooperation, and accountability. Students showed growth and maturity through the planning, as well as their developing leadership abilities and capacity to positively influence their community.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning MSRB’s Student-Led International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023 A group of Grade 8 and 4ème students are joining efforts and resources with the ICPC, the Learning Support Department, and the CCSL Program to organize an event to raise awareness for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). Our student leaders of tomorrow decided to commemorate this day with interactive activities with students from AUB’s Next Step program. MSRB students participated in an interactive forum where Next Step students shared their experiences and answered questions. Then, after getting the necessary approvals and talking to the relevant parties to organize everything, the first session was a dance/music fusion. Students started the session with a loosening of the body and then created a simple rhythmic pattern and demonstrated it on the rhythmic instruments with the assistance and supervision of the committee members. After that, all students sat in a big circle forming an “Oval Band” and performed the previously acquired rhythmic pattern as a collective work.

The event was followed by a distribution of certificates of participation by IC students to Next Step students. The second event was the collaboration for the tree decoration where students spent a lovely afternoon with the ICPC and students from Next Step preparing for the Holiday Village. The last session will be an art therapy session planned for the beginning of January. This project was fully student-led. Our students were self-directed, and this gave them the agency to achieve IC’s vision of being the global citizen leaders of tomorrow. WDSD Committee: Hassan Dbouk, Sarah Achkar, Yasmina Ghandour, Julia Jubaili, Adam Ghali, Zeid Oweini, Myra Dakroub, Walid Joujou, Nour Soubra, Julia Bitar, Lea Safa, Ali Karnib, Joseph Abboud, Karim Soubra, Lynn Ibrahim, Ava Naoum, Hynd Takieddine, Tia Ibrahim, Lucas Debbane, Celina Maktabi, Nour Hamze Sinno, Patrick Kilzi, Mustafa Ghandour Facilitators: Sanay Hamieh, Bahera Abbas, Lama Dabbous

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning Secondary School

IC Humanitarian Relief Campaign for the Children of Gaza Secondary School students recently participated in the IC Humanitarian Relief Campaign to Support the Children of Gaza. The students actively engaged in sorting and packing of clothes and essential items. The Gaza campaign showcased the students’ dedication to making a difference in the lives of others, reinforcing the values of empathy, responsibility, and solidarity.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning Fundraising Bake Sale Events

Two Grade 12 classes recently organized separate bake sales to raise funds for their respective end-of-year class projects. The first class chose to support local public school sand the second class are dedicating their efforts to refurbishing a designated area within an orphanage.

Christmas Fundraising Event by Grade 10 Students A group of Grade 10 students crafted handmade Christmas ornaments for the Christmas fundraising event. This initiative aims to raise funds for various support projects that the students actively participate in throughout the year. This event is in collaboration with the Steam Lab, the Crochet Club and the Physical Plant.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning

The Mobile Kitchen Initiative, Akle w Bassme, Serves Local Communities for the Third Year In its third academic year, the Mobile Kitchen Initiative, Akle w Bassme, is hitting the road, visiting and serving local communities. As every year, students prepare for each event by attending cooking sessions, assisting in the kitchen on the day of the event, serving hot and nutritious meals and enganging with the community. This year, Akle w Bassme is branching out and

continues collaborating with local restaurants and chefs, and empowering small business by engaging them in the events. In its fifth event this year, Akle w Bassme went festive. Students organzied and hosted a Chrismtas lunch full of good vibes and entertainment. Stay tuned to our upcoming special events!

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

Civic Commitment and Service Learning

Annual NGO Fair and Student Volunteering As part of the Civic Commitment and Service Learning program, the Annual NGO Fair took place on October 10th, 2023. Representatives from different Ngos attended, and grade 11 students had the opportunity to get acquainted

Training with Beirut Fire Brigade As part of the Civic Commitment and Service Learning life skills requirements, Grade 11 students recently participated in a workshop conducted by Beirut fire brigade. The session aimed to equip students with the necessary skills to respond effectively to fire situations and students were educated on the appropriate use of different fire extinguishers for each scenario. The workshop also incorporated hands-on training through a dynamic simulation which allowed students to apply their newfound skills in extinguishing a fire ignited with fuel.

with their field of work and the various activities they provide for the community. On a later stage, all students registered with one Ngo of choice and started their volunteering work.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

The Ali Ghandour Center for Leadership, Diversity and Civic Engagement (AGC) From Vision to Action: AGC’s Inspiring Journey of Social Impact The Ali Ghandour Center for Leadership, Diversity, and Civic Engagement (AGC) kicked off the 20232024 academic year with excitement and optimism. Thirty-seven students joined the AGC for a threeyear journey, recruited from both IC and applicants to the AGC scholarship program. The AGC team was impressed by their understanding of social challenges in Lebanon and their strong commitment to acquiring new skills and acting as agents of change in their communities. Over the past three months, the new cohort delved into essential concepts of civic responsibility, community engagement, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), particularly those linked with present-day social challenges in Lebanon. Engaging in thorough research on the first six UNSDGs, the students formulated small-scale actions, individually and in groups, to be implemented during their Christmas break.

(CSPs), including building partnerships, conducting fieldwork, and executing specific project tasks. An exciting highlight was the presentation of project concepts to the Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service (CCECS) at the American University of Beirut (AUB). Valuable feedback from the CCECS team guided students in refining their project proposals, setting the stage for the implementation phase. Currently, five distinct projects are underway, each addressing unique community challenges with compelling narratives. The Unuthati. Period team collaborated with the Pachamama project and Ms. Ella Lambert, the co-founder, working on making reusable sanitary products for women in refugee camps worldwide. Another collaboration with WingWoman Lebanon, led by Ms. Meelie Pemberton, introduced an alternative method for making reusable pads. The team produced approximately 100 reusable pads to be distributed to underprivileged women.

As for AGC Levels 2 and 3 (Grades 11 and 12), the AGC introduced a dedicated summer course for the first time, spanning from July 3 to July 14, 2023. The program aimed to optimize balance, allowing AGC Level 3/Grade 12 students to focus on academics and college applications. During the summer, students dedicated their efforts to advancing previously designed Community Service Projects

Now equipped with valuable knowledge, the Unuthati. Period team is gearing up to train marginalized women in Lebanon on creating these reusable pads. The aim is to empower women with the skills to produce their own hygiene products, fostering self-sufficiency and upholding their rights to accessible and dignified menstrual care.

Issue 13 | December 2023


IC Responsibility

AGC Level 2/Grade 11 students embarked on building their Community Service Projects (CSPs) during the summer course, initiating the formulation of project concepts. Five project ideas have been kickstarted, setting the stage for a year of dedicated refinement. These projects aim to benefit diverse communities, including hearing-impaired individuals, a Palestinian refugee camp, men’s mental health and well-being, and underprivileged children facing child traumas. Engaging in various workshop sessions, AGC Level 2 students deepened their understanding of crucial aspects such as research methodologies, project proposal writing, and the intricacies of project organizer matrices.

Media Mastery: AGC Students Shine in Communication and Filmmaking Workshops AGC students acquire a comprehensive understanding of various media applications for promoting social interventions and showcasing accomplished projects. They learn to determine the appropriate medium based on the target audience, comprehend key messaging in communication plans, and master filming and editing techniques for impactful narratives.

In particular, Grades 11 and 12 students participated in workshops on Communication and Social Media fundamentals led by Ms. Nayla El Khoury and specialized documentary and filming techniques led by Ms. Hala El Kouch, an award-winning film director, photographer, and IC instructor.

Issue 13 | December 2023


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