Why Does My Eliquid Taste Burnt?

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Why does my eLiquid taste burnt? This is a question that’s asked quite often amongst those in the eCigarette and vaping industry, particularly by those who use advanced eCigarettes, or sub-ohm & MOD kits. 

So why is this a common issue amongst advanced vapers?

To begin, it’s important to note that advanced eCigarette kits operate at a much higher wattage & temperature than smaller, pen-like starter eCigarettes.

Starter eCigarettes typically operate at wattages of 7 – 14 watts.

Sub-ohm/MOD eCigarettes typically operate at anything in the region of 35 – 50

watts, although some of the high-end devices can output excess of 100 watts.

As you can imagine, the difference in temperature between the operating wattages is significant. Before we cover why your eLiquid might taste burnt, we must assume that you’re using a sub-ohm eCigarette with Cloud Liquid that contains at least 50% vegetable glycerol. And whilst there are many factors that can affect the taste of your eLiquid, they are beyond the scope of this article, which is why we will cover the two most common causes.

Wattage is too high This is perhaps the issue that is easiest to fix. Simply keep on reducing the wattage until you are happy with the flavour. Note that if you reduce the wattage too much, there might not be enough heat to vaporise the eLiquid and you risk drawing just air. Pauses in-between draws are too short Every time you take a draw from your eCigarette, eLiquid stored in the atomiser’s cotton is extracted, causing the cotton to become drier. After taking a draw, particularly a long and fast draw, allow your device to stand for a minute or two before taking your next draw. This will allow adequate time for the cotton to become saturated with eLiquid again. If you are too quick to take another draw, you run the risk of applying heat to the cotton whilst it’s dry, which will of course generate a smoky flavour.

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