I-Magz Vol.4

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Fueling represents the need of the oil and gas industry in bringing energy in our every day’s life. Emphasizing that we are still pretty much dependent on oil & gas to fuel us.

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Tomorrow represents our hope for the future, every one of us hopes for a cleaner and safer energy, hope for a better future. No exception for the oil & gas industry. Currently, the oil & gas industry is making changes and innovating constantly finding a way to create a sustainable energy industry.

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Editor’s Letter

Energy enthusiasts!

In the age of energy transition, it can’t be helped to ask about the future of the oil & gas industry, especially with the urgency of climate change. While there is a rapid development of renewables as an alternative sustainable source of energy, they still need further development to be as reliable as oil & gas. Recent development on low carbon technologies like CCUS also brings more options on the quest for sustainability. With the emerging low carbon technologies, it can’t be helped for us to wonder about the possibility of a sustainable oil & gas industry.

To answer the big question on the possibility of a sustainable oil & gas industry, we proudly present to you “Fueling Tomorrow” as our main theme for this I-Magz. Journey into the roots of the ongoing energy transition as we learn more on oil & gas sustainability through the perspectives of experts on the energy industry, get updated information from specialists on low carbon technologies, and even take you to look beyond the technology.

Energy transition would not be a simple switch from oil & gas to renewables, both sources are needed to ensure a successful transition. As the most reliable source of energy, oil & gas has the role and capabilities in scaling up low carbon technologies and fulfilling the ever growing energy demand. Together, let’s take the first step on creating a sustainable and reliable energy industry by understanding the whole picture of the ongoing energy transition.

Let’s become the one that fuels tomorrow!

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Greetings People of IATMI!

I am Savia, the President of IATMI SM UI 2023, and I am so honored to present our brand new I-Magz Vol. 4! This magazine will bring the theme of Oil and Gas Industry Attempts and Future in Achieving Sustainability for The Industry. Tomorrow is the hope of the future, and each of us wants cleaner, safer energy, and a brighter future.

As we present this year’s grand theme of Oil and Gas Sustainability, our objective is to provide valuable sustainability in the oil and gas industry insights from experts to students through I-Magz. Thus, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all contributors and readers.

Through the publication of I-Magz, our aim is to enhance the knowledge of energy enthusiasts in Indonesia. As the energy transition advances, the oil and gas industry must embrace greener and more sustainable practices.

Our journalism team has been instrumental in gathering valuable insights from experienced industry practitioners. Thank you, let's keep improving!

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Fueling a Greener Future: On the Talk Unveiling the Oil and Gas Industry's Bold Quest for Sustainability

Oil, known by various names such as crude oil or petroleum, holds a prominent place in the energy world. Similarly, natural gas, scientifically known as fossil gas or methane, plays a crucial role in fueling our modern lives. At the same time, the oil and gas industry is at a critical juncture. Pressure from governments, activists, and society at large is forcing the industry to reassess its practices and make a paradigm shift towards cleaner alternatives. Traditionally, oil and gas companies have been synonymous with carbon emissions and environmental impact. However, the industry is recognizing that embracing clean energy transitions is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic move to ensure long-term profitability and social acceptance.

Companies are investing heavily in research and development, exploring renewable technologies, and actively seeking ways to reduce their carbon footprint. While the path ahead is challenging, there are notable success stories emerging. Oil and gas companies are forging strategic partnerships with renewable energy providers, diversifying their portfolios, and venturing into green sectors such as wind and solar power. This

transition not only allows them to capitalize on the growing demand for clean energy but also demonstrates their commitment to a sustainable future. However, critics argue that these efforts may be mere greenwashing tactics to maintain their dominance in the energy market. Some remain skeptical about the industry's genuine commitment to sustainable practices and question whether it is doing enough to drive meaningful change.

Nevertheless, it is evident that the oil and gas industry's journey towards sustainability is in full swing. The transformation is not only a matter of survival but an opportunity for companies to reinvent themselves as pioneers of a greener future. As governments worldwide tighten regulations and renewable energy gains further traction, the industry must continue to push the boundaries of innovation and demonstrate a genuine commitment to reducing its environmental impact. Ultimately, the fate of the oil and gas industry lies in its ability to adapt, innovate, and embrace sustainability wholeheartedly. Only by doing so can it secure its relevance in a rapidly changing world and contribute to a future where clean energy reigns supreme.

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The current energy transition is not a simple shift from oil & gas to renewables, but rather a case of the oil and gas industry adapting to expand their current energy mix and contribute towards lower emissions. By 2050, energy demand will increase significantly and all energy remains necessary to fulfill the ever growing demand. It is predicted that oil and natural gas will account for 55% of the world’s energy mix in 2050, with renewables mostly displacing coal. Natural gas demand rises, largely to help meet increasing needs for electricity and lower- emission industrial heat.

Oil and gas are essential to our everyday lives. They provide the energy that powers our homes, businesses, and transportation systems. Oil and gas are the lifeblood of our modern world. While we may hope for a cleaner and safer energy future, the reality is that we are still very much dependent on oil and gas. In fact, the oil and gas industry accounts for about 80% of the world's energy supply.

The Energy transition is a complex process that will have a significant impact on energy prices. The effects are not straightforward, and they will depend on a variety of factors, including the policies that are implemented and the pace of technological innovation. Without strong and targeted research & developments in critical technologies, net-zero emissions are not achievable. Recent analysis by IEA shows that the oil & gas industry has the role and capabilities in scaling up low carbon technologies which includes the development of carbon capture storage and utilization (CCUS), low carbon hydrogen, biofuels, and offshore wind.


It is important to remember that oil and gas will continue to play a major role in our energy mix for the foreseeable future. In response to the environmental challenges posed by fossil fuels, the oil & gas industry is making changes every day to try to make its operations more sustainable through its innovations in low carbon technologies and process efficiencies. We all hope for a cleaner and safer energy future. We hope for a future where our energy needs are met without harming the environment. We hope for a future where our children and grandchildren can live in a healthy world.

The oil and gas industry is aware of this hope. The industry is committed to finding ways to meet our energy needs while also protecting the environment. However, there is still much work to be done. We need to continue to demand that the industry make changes. We need to continue to invest in research and development. We need to continue to work together to create a cleaner, more sustainable future.

International Energy Agency. (2022, November 16). Oil and gas industry needs to step up climate efforts now. [Press release]. Retrieved from https://www.iea.org/news/oil-and-gas-industry-needs-to-step-up-climate-efforts-now Exxonmobil Outlook for Energy. (2022)

Council on Foreign Relations. (2022, March 8). How the US oil and gas industry works. [Backgrounder]. Retrieved from https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/how-us-oil-and-gas-industry-works

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Oil & gas industry plays a major role in supporting and accelerating the energy transition
The transformation of the energy sector can happen without the oil and gas industry, but it would be more difficult and more expensive

Talk of the Day

The Energy Evolution:

Will Oil and Gas Face Extinction in the Coming Decades?

To answer the big question we are asking for, IATMI SM UI had the chance to interview Mr. Andika Akbar Hermawan, Consultant and Energy Analyst at International Energy Agency (IEA)

The oil and gas industry is facing an existential crisis. The world is increasingly moving away from fossil fuels, and renewable energy sources are becoming more affordable and accessible. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) Oil 2023 report, the demand for oil and gas is expected to decline from 2.4 million barrels per day in 2022 to 0.4 million barrels per day after 2026 as the expansion of electric vehicles, the growth of biofuels and improving fuel economy reduce consumption. According to the latest IEA data and estimates, global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from energy combustion and industrial processes grew 0.9% or 321 Mt in 2022 to a new all-time high of 36.8 Gt. IEA also reported that oil and gas operations account for around 15% of total energy-related emissions globally, the equivalent of 5.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. With the rising threat of climate change, this fact is an alarming call for the oil & gas industry to make changes to become more sustainable if we want to thrive as humanity.

According to Mr. Andika, the world’s demand for oil is set to slow almost to a halt in the coming years, with the high prices and security of supply concerns highlighted by the global energy crisis hastening the shift towards cleaner energy technologies. With the alarming emission of 5.1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions recently, we need to reconsider our high demand and dependence on fossil fuels. Governments are responding to the issue by implementing programs to transition energy production from fossil fuels towards greener alternatives, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal. Concurrently, the oil and gas industry is also making significant efforts to decarbonize fossil fuels through technologies like CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage) and low-carbon technologies.

Andika Akbar Hermawan

Consultant in Energy at International Energy Agency (IEA)


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The impact of energy transition in oil & gas industry

With its recent development, how feasible is CCUS in supporting sustainability?

Mr. Andika added that carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is a promising technology for reducing carbon emissions. However, one of the biggest challenges facing CCUS is establishing a carbon market and setting up a well-designed carbon tax. There is no pre-existing market for carbon as it is not a naturally occurring commodity. Today, carbon prices are set through a tax or cap-and-trade system. Mr. Andika explains that some regions, such as Europe and America, have successfully implemented carbon taxes. These taxes are one of the enablers for CCUS, as companies will be penalised if they emit more than the allowable level. In the future, as more and more regions implement carbon taxes, CCUS is likely to gain greater appeal as a means to mitigate costs stemming from carbon emissions.

Will the oil and gas industry survive the energy transition?

Our interview with Mr. Andika concluded that the oil and gas industry is not going away anytime soon despite its many challenges. The oil and gas industry will maintain its prominent position for the next few decades before gradually declining. Mr. Andika further explained that oil and gas are still essential for several applications, such as plastics, fertilizers, and pharmaceuticals. Additionally, the rise of renewable energy is not happening as quickly as some people had hoped. These are due to several factors, including the lack of infrastructure and readiness of policies and incentives from the governments. For these reasons, oil and gas will continue to adapt to the changing landscape, though it is clear that countries needs to reduce their oil consumption to reach net-zero.

How will sustainability concerns shape the future of the oil & gas industry?

The oil and gas industry is not expected to change much in the coming decades, especially in Indonesia. The oil and gas sectors are still a crucial part of the country's energy landscape, and renewable energy has not yet made a significant impact. As a result, the oil and gas industry remains a lucrative business sector in Indonesia. Still, the energy transition is happening, and we should expect significant changes in the energy industry in the long run.

Further reference:

Prysmian Group. "Can Renewable Energy Sources Replace Fossil Fuels?" Prysmian Group Insight, Prysmian Group, https://www.prysmiangroup.com/en/ insight/sustainability/can-renewable-energy-sourcesreplace-fossil-fuels.

International Energy Agency (2023). Oil 2023 – Analysis. [online] IEA. Available at: https://www.iea.org/reports/ oil-2023.

International Energy Agency (2023a). Emissions from Oil and Gas Operations in Net Zero Transitions –Analysis. [online] IEA. Available at: https://www.iea.org/ reports/emissions-from-oil-and-gas-operations-innet-zero-transitions.

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Unlocking Hydrogen Potential with Carbon Capture

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. But it is rare for hydrogen to flow around by itself. It’s always making a bond with oxygen to become water. That is why it's regarded as a clean fuel, because it’s only produced water as its byproduct. Furthermore, hydrogen is energy-dense, lightweight, and easily stored. In spite of that, there is a reason why only a small amount is used as fuel cell electric vehicles presently, around 1%. The Global CCS Institute also claimed that annual hydrogen produced in 2021 was mostly used in refining petroleum and fertilizer.

Common ways to acquire pure hydrogen are steam-methane reforming and electrolysis. Even though making hydrogen with electrolysis seems more eco-friendly, it needs a lot of electricity to do so. Thus, presently most of the hydrogen produced, pure or syngas, is made from methane, which came from natural gas. Because of that, hydrogen is not regarded as a choice for an energy source because of how roundabout its production is.

Considering The Paris Agreement and Net Zero Emission Goals by 2050, people started to contemplate and research more about hydrogen. Even when electrification already took place, there are some procedures that can’t be replaced, especially in cement or steel production.

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Picture 1. 2021 Annual H2 Production (120Mt) by Global CCS Institute

At the moment, pure hydrogen is mainly produced industrially from natural gas, which generates significant carbon emissions. This type is known as “grey” hydrogen. There is a cleaner version of the grey hydrogen called the “blue” hydrogen, for which the carbon emissions are reused with the help of Carbon Capture Storage (CCS). The cleanest one of all is “green” hydrogen, which is generated by renewable energy sources without producing carbon emissions in the first place.

Grey Hydrogen and Blue Hydrogen are from the same sources, but how it is handled will influence the outcome. Even when using the same process, steammethane reforming, Blue Hydrogen would use Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) to reduce its carbon footprint, different from Grey Hydrogen with its oldfashioned process. This way, the government can gather funds while waiting for the completed research and the market of hydrogen to be built first before switching completely to green hydrogen with renewable energy as its source.

CCS role in blue hydrogen is to secure the carbon dioxide from the natural-gasbased production process, steammethane reforming. In this process, methane would be reacted with steam under 3-25 bar pressure (1 bar=1.5 psi) with catalysts to produce a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. Because of that, the hydrogen made in this procedure will have a carbon footprint of around 10-12 kg CO2 per kilogram of hydrogen. Using CCS, the carbon footprint from the process can be decreased significantly.


Global CCS Institute. (n.d.). Blue Hydrogen. [online] Available at: https://www.globalccsinstitute.com/ resources/publications-reports-research/bluehydrogen/

Kim, C., Kim, J., Joo, S., Bu, Y., Liu, M., Cho, J. and Kim, G. (2018). Efficient CO2 Utilization via a Hybrid Na-CO2 System Based on CO2 Dissolution. iScience, [online] 9, pp.278–285. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2018.10.027.

There is also a research on how to use carbon dioxide to make the energy system more efficient. One of the advancement is called Hybrid Na-Co2 System. This system is pretty similar to a common battery, but in liquid. During the tests, the team achieved a CO2 conversion efficiency of 50 percent, and the system demonstrated remarkable stability, running for more than 1,000 hours without harming the electrodes.

With the many features hydrogen has, along with the approaching Net Zero Emission target, we need to consider every single option we have, including hydrogen and carbon capture. Aside from storing it deep inside of the earth, carbon capture can be beneficial inside and outside of the oil and gas industry, including food industry, agriculture, chemical industry, hydrocarbon extraction, and geothermal energy. This also means that carbon capture and add up its utilization. Blue hydrogen is still not commercialized yet, proven by only 1% of the hydrogen produced with CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage). Nevertheless, further development on blue Hydrogen is worth considering because it is needed for dealing with already built hydrogen plants and acting as a bridge from grey hydrogen to green hydrogen. Furthermore, comparing it to the novel Green Hydrogen which needed much more time and research for commercialization. Blue Hydrogen is indeed a better choice, with how cheaper and more feasible it is.

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CCUS as The Key in Achieving Oil & Gas Sustainability

Breakthrough Interview

What is the CCUS technology and how important is its implementation?

Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) is one of the most important recently developed technologies to maintain energy security and sustainability. Oil & gas resources, being the most used of energy right now, is getting pressure from all sides with its reputation of unsustainable emissions. However, oil & gas is also one of the most reliable sources of energy that we have. CCUS comes into play to balance out these needs and concerns. One of its main functions right now is to enhance and support the oil & gas industry with its ability to store CO2 permanently, ensuring that the oil & gas resources would still be a safe and reliable source of energy.

How is the implementation and development of CCUS technology in Indonesia?

CCUS technologies are still in the research and development phase. We have done a pilot project for our recent progress, injecting a small scale of CCUS on oil & gas fields and observed its enhancement on well production. Further research to make it on the commercial phase would be our next goal. One of the major challenges for CCUS developments is regulations, because CCUS is only recently advancing its developments, its regulations also need to be developed.  It has to be noted that CCUS research requires a large amount of cost, regulations would play a major role in creating an environment where utilizations of CCUS is favorable economically.

Can CCS/CCUS solve emission problems in the oil & gas industry?

Certainly, CCS/CCUS is one of the keys in achieving net zero emissions. Not only can it reduce emissions, but we can also utilize the stored CO2 further as a feedstock to create useful and economical chemical products such as methanol, calcium carbonate, and many more products, hence the term utilization in CCUS. We can see CCUS technology as the reverse of oil & gas production. Many of the oil fields right now are depleted and we can utilize those fields again and create new commercial potential with the development of CCUS.

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What are the strategies that are currently applied to achieve the net zero emission targets?

Besides using CCUS to reduce emissions, the oil & gas industry has committed to saving and recovering more energies, one of the examples is utilizing thermal recovery in processes and electrification of possible business units. Reducing other types of emissions such as methane, which is more dangerous than CO2 is also rapidly implemented through conversing methane into hydrogen. Integrating renewable energies such as solar and wind in powering processes in the oil & gas industry have also been initiated to achieve net zero emissions. However, renewable energy is still not as reliable as oil & gas with its intermittent resources. As Indonesia is one of the fastest growing countries economically, we needed energy security more than ever.

With all the technologies that have been applied, is sustainability possible in the oil and gas industry?

It is not something impossible to achieve with the current rate of technological advancements. We must work in synergy and create the ecosystem for sustainability to be achieved. Regulations need to oblige the use of CCUS and make it favorable economically to do so. If we look at Europe as one the leading regions for CCUS, they have implemented carbon tax and incentives for the utilizations of low carbon technologies as an enabler for the industry to start utilizing CCUS. These enablers are necessary with the high cost of CCUS implementations. Alignment from all the stakeholders is also to truly achieve sustainability in the energy and oil & gas industry.

Message to future researchers and engineers

The world is becoming more dynamic than ever. You must be more than smart, but you also must be sharp in perceiving the trend and potential developing opportunities. Aware of the advancement of current technologies. Improve your competencies and become determined to learn what you're passionate about and specialize on it if possible because that is what will make you unique from others. Furthermore, environmental concerns and problems would grow further in the future, it is good for you to really keep in mind and make it an integral part of yourself that environmental sustainability is a must to ensure the future of the world.

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Unity and AddressingEmpowerment the Energy

What is your thought on the ongoing energy transition and its impact on the oil & gas industry?

The oil & gas industry would need to adapt with the ongoing energy transition, but it would not be as impactful to stop drilling and production altogether.  We all hoped for an optimized energy transition, and the oil & gas industry plays a big role in supporting it. Fossil energy is still needed to fuel our growing energy demands. On the other hand, we should expect the ratio between fossil fuel and renewables utilizations to become smaller. At the same time, energy transition will also be expected to escalate gradually with the research and development to optimize it.

What are the challenges and advantages of the oil & gas industry in facing the energy transition?

As for the challenge, the energy industry surely needed time to adapt and analyze the complex situation in facing the transition. However, if we look at it from another perspective, these challenges might become an advantage for the energy industry, because the transition would initiate companies and industries to innovate and create many technological breakthroughs that are more green and efficient to accelerate the transition. A lot of oil companies have also declared their commitments in diversifying their market of energy, contributing further in achieving an optimized energy transition.

The People of IATMI

As a woman in the oil & gas industry, how is the diversity and inclusivity in the oil and gas industry, now?

I believe diversity and inclusivity is not a big problem in the oil & gas industry and engineering anymore. As more women enter and partake in a bigger role in the industry, a lot of changes have been made to facilitate all kinds of diversity that require different needs. As you can see, as a woman myself I am entrusted as the General Secretary of IATMI and there are many more women out there that have become leaders in the industry. There are no more barriers for women to strive in the oil & gas industries. It is the commitment, skills, and competencies that defines the quality of a person and that is what the industry values the most right now.

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Empowerment in Energy Transition

Is unity important in facing the current energy issues?

Unity is very important. To reach and obtain a greater output collaboration is a must. Unity is as needed as ever in the energy industry with the urgency of climate issues at stakes. IATMI have always collaborated in achieving its goal, we have always involved our stakeholders when possible to reach a greater output. Our stakeholders and other energy associations have the same goal as us in creating a better future for our energy sector. As I said, unity is a must. It is a must for us to develop and accelerate the energy transition.


How important is the participation of youth and the existence of student chapters of IATMI?

The youths have a critical role in solving the future energy issues that are becoming more complex as each passing day. You will be the one that will lead our future energy sector. That is why, through IATMI student chapters, we are supporting and preparing the youths for them to strive forward in solving the future energy issues.  My message to the youths is that you should always be proactive, sharpen not only your technical competencies, but also your soft skills so that you will be ready to face the competition of the global energy industry which will be more competitive in the future.

What is the role of IATMI in Indonesia and the global oil & gas industry? Especially in facing the ongoing challenges?

IATMI is a place for oil & gas industry professionals and everyone who is interested in the industry. For more than 40 years

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Lunch and Talk #1

The Potential of CCS as A Technology to Offset Emissions in Indonesia

Jakarta, February 6th 2023 –Indonesia is committed to continuing to support the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions towards Net Zero Emissions (NZE) in 2060 or sooner. Meanwhile, the government is also targeting oil production of 1 million barrels per day (BOPD) and gas of 12 billion standard cubic feet per day (BSCFD) in 2030. To overcome these two challenges, carbon capture and storage technology or Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) is believed to be one of the solutions to achieve it.

The statement was conveyed by the Director of Oil and Gas Engineering and Environment at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mirza Mahendra, during the Lunch and Talk Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) at the Lemigas Office, Thursday.

The event entitled "CCS Potential as a Technology to Offset Emissions in Indonesia" was attended by the Vice President, Low Carbon Solutions Technology Portfolio, ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company, Prasanna V. Joshi as the speaker, Head of Lemigas Ariana Soemanto, Dadan Damayandri from Lemigas, representatives from the Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) and other stakeholders.

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On the same occasion, Chair of IATMI Raam Krisna said that CCS technology is not new. Injecting CO2 into oil and gas wells is believed to increase oil and gas production. Moreover, Indonesia's geology also supports the application of this technology. "Indonesia's geology is quite unique with many fields which, based on geological traps, can naturally retain the CO2 that is injected later," he said. According to Raam, the results of using CCS to increase production cannot be seen immediately this year, but in the coming years. IATMI hopes that increasing oil production from this technology can reduce the pressure on oil imports.

Simposium IATMI 2022

The 2022 IATMI Symposium was held in Yogyakarta on 7 – 9 November 2022 and was opened by the Regional Secretary of Yogyakarta Drs. Raden Kadarmanta Baskara Aji, The series of events from the symposium included a Plenary Session, Professional Technical Paper, Student Festival Paper Contest, Technology Workshop, One Day Course, IATMI Golf Tournament, IATMI Funbike and City Tour and Inauguration of IATMI Pusat Management for the 2022/2025 period.

The 2022 IATMI symposium was attended by 457 professionals and 129 academics. 13 exhibitors participated; 2 professional associations, 2 universities, 9 companies. The professional category presented 114 papers and 20 e-posters. Academic and student categories from 36 papers and those who passed the Student Festival Paper Contest 6 papers.

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Social Sustainability:

Embracing Sustainability Beyond the Technology

Sustainability has become a crucial topic in today's world, particularly in industries like energy. The oil & gas industry is taking proactive steps towards sustainability to ensure a responsible and environmentally friendly approach to its operations. In a recent interview with Mr. Wijaksana, we gained valuable insights into the daily responsibilities of a professional responsible in maintaining communication and relations with various stakeholders including the public. This article explores and sheds light on the oil & gas industry commitment to sustainability and its initiatives in the energy transition.

Daily Responsibilities as A Communications Manager Understanding Sustainability Beyond theTechnology

As part of the larger Communication and External Affairs department, Mr. Wijaksana is responsible for formulating messages communicated and engaged with external stakeholders such as the government, media, local communities, NGOs, and universities. Highlighting the importance of gathering input and feedback from external stakeholders to shape future strategies and establish responsibilities within the environmental and community spheres.

Sustainability goes beyond technology and its advancement. For sustainability to happen, current initiatives be it technology, policies, and any kind of changes and innovations in the industry should be well delivered to the public and other stakeholders so that they would understand and support the initiatives and further accelerate on achieving sustainability. Maintaining the support of the public through social investment movements is what we called social sustainability. Social sustainability is vital as it enables the industry to demonstrate its responsible practices, engage with local communities, and gain support for its operations. It involves fostering a harmonious relationship between the industry and its stakeholders.


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Bp well placed to play a leading role in energy transition drive

Bp’s largest portfolio in Indonesia is Tangguh, which currently produces about 20% of national gas lifting and will soon increase that national production contribution to 35% by the time Train 3 is operational. As part of Tangguh’s next stage of development, we are also embarking on the UCC project in Tangguh – consisting of Ubadari field development, Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (Vorwata CCUS/EGR) and Onshore Compression. On the Vorwata CCUS/EGR, bp will not only contribute to Indonesia’s energy security by the production increase, but also to the government’s carbon neutral initiative as the project will inject CO2 back into the reservoir.

Social Sustainability Initiatives and Significance

Social sustainability is crucial for our operations. bp has invested over 40 million dollars in various social investment programs in Bintuni, Papua Barat, where our Tangguh LNG operates, including in education (scholarships and establishment of several Sekolah Unggulan), healthcare, and entrepreneurship. These initiatives aim to empower the local communities, help foster self-sufficiency and economic growth. Community empowerment is one of our objectives in social sustainability, through such initiatives as scholarship programs, training opportunities, and support for local businesses. One example is of the development of a business incubation for Papuans under PT SUBITU (Suku Bintuni Bersatu), where first we trained housewives in Bintuni to develop their skills in clothing convection, supported them with basic know-hows in accounting and marketing. Fast forward to

Energy for the Communities

In some of our areas of operation, they are still remote and many areas have not been connected to sources of electricity. For communities surrounding our operations, Tangguh currently supplies excess gas enough to generate 4 MW of electricity to be used by PLN via its electricity transmission network. In other areas not connected to transmission grid, we are developing an initiative to install solar and wind power; we are currently focusing our pilot projects in Taroy in

The industry must effectively communicate its sustainability efforts and progress to the public and stakeholders. We acknowledge the need to go beyond traditional media channels and reach specific audiences that can help spread information through various platforms. Improving public awareness about energy transition and climate change requires collaborative efforts between the government, industry players, and the public. Regarding sustainability issues, public awareness has increased in recent years with the urgency of climate change, but it can still be improved through social sustainability. Raising public awareness about energy transition and climate change is crucial, especially in countries like Indonesia, where the concept is relatively new. Whatever the challenges ahead, collaborative act is a must for us to achieve sustainability and net zero

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Evolution of HSE Systems in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Journey Towards Safety and Sustainability

The oil and gas industry has witnessed significant milestones in the development of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) systems over the years. This article delves into the historical events shaping the industry's HSE practices and highlights the progressive measures undertaken to enhance safety and mitigate environmental impact.

Early Stages: Addressing Pollution and Safety (1900s - 1950s)

At the turn of the 20th century, the detrimental effects of the oil and gas industry on the environment and human health were recognized. Governments responded by introducing regulations and guidelines to limit pollution and emphasize environmental considerations. Simultaneously, efforts were made to enhance worker safety through basic safety protocols, such as the use of personal protective equipment and training programs.

Collaborative Standards and Industry Representation (1960s - 1980s)

Institute (API) in 1919 played a pivotal role in establishing industry wide standards for safety and environmental practices. API, acting as a trade association, united oil and gas companies in the United States and contributed to the development of comprehensive safety guidelines and environmental protocols.

Catalyst for Change: The Torrey Canyon Oil Spill (1967)

The Torrey Canyon oil spill off the coast of the United Kingdom in 1967 marked a significant turning point in acknowledging the environmental impact of oil accidents. The incident, which resulted in the largest oil spill at the time, prompted heightened awareness of the ecological consequences of oil related mishaps. Consequently, efforts to prevent and respond to oil spills were intensified.

Regulatory Occupational Health Administration (OSHA) 1970s Catalyst for Change: The Torrey Canyon Oil Spill 1967 Collaborative Standards and Industry Representation 1960s 1980s Early Stages: Addressing Pollution and Safety 1900s 1950s
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Regulatory Focus: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (1970s)

In 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was established in the United States to ensure workplace safety across various industries, including oil and gas. OSHA played a vital role in developing stringent safety regulations and standards, safeguarding the well-being of workers within the sector.

Collaborative Efforts: International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) (1974)

The establishment of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) in 1974, formerly known as the European Petroleum Industry Association, provided a platform for oil and gas companies in Europe to collaborate on HSE-related issues. IOGP has played a pivotal role in developing guidelines, sharing best practices, and fostering a culture of safety and environmental responsibility within the industry.

Piper Alpha Disaster and Improved Operational Safety (1988)

The Piper Alpha oil rig explosion and fire in the North Sea in 1988 stands as one of the most catastrophic incidents in the oil and gas industry. This disaster claimed the lives of 167 individuals and served as a wake-up call for the industry to prioritize operational safety and enhance risk management practices. The incident led to a significant shift towards stringent safety protocols and improved emergency response procedures.

Embracing Sustainability (Late 20th century - Present)

As the 21st century dawned, the oil and gas industry increasingly recognized the importance of sustainable operations. Many companies adopted policies and practices aimed at reducing environmental impact, enhancing energy efficiency, and prioritizing the health and safety of their workforce. The industry s focus expanded beyond compliance to incorporate sustainable practices and align with global sustainability goals. Technological advancements, such as the adoption of digitalization, data analytics, and automation, have facilitated continuous improvements in HSE systems.

Embracing Sustainability *Late 20th century - Present Present
1970s 04
Piper Alpha Disaster and Improved Operational Safety
Collaborative Efforts: International Association of Oil & Gas Producers 1974 Regulatory Focus: Occupational Safety and Administration (OSHA)
05 06
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Alumni Corner

Navigate Change through

What do you do as a petroleum engineer?

As a Petroleum Engineer, I am involved in the upstream sector of the oil & gas industry. My line of work consists of estimating and developing the potential of crude oil that can be produced in an area. Applying technologies to increase production, turning estimated reserves into actual production.

With the ongoing energy transition, why do you still choose to pursue a career path in the oil & gas industry?

Before deciding to pursue a career path of Petroleum Engineer, I actually have tried different jobs from consulting to process safety engineering. Regarding pursuing a career path and the changes around the industry, I try to keep an open mind. We have to acknowledge that the trend right now is heading towards energy transition, but it doesn’t mean conventional resources like oil & gas will be gone entirely. It is expected that energy will become more mixed gradually, however oil & gas resources would still have a dominant demand. Oil & gas industry would still play a major role in supporting the energy transition.

Source: Exxonmobil Energy Outlook 2019

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through Adaptability

What changes would happen for the energy and oil & gas industry with the energy transition?

A lot of oil & gas companies are shifting to become energy companies in recent years. With the spirit of energy transition, renewable energy is becoming more developed and starting to be commercialized. The major problem for renewable energy right now is that the sources are still intermittent for it to be a reliable source of energy. With its current development, renewable energy is utilized to reduce emission in the industry and balance out the oil & gas industry as conventional resources.

Digitalization is also becoming a rising trend

The oil & gas industry is currently accompanied with the massive development of digitalization technologies. Utilizing digital technologies, the industry is becoming more agile in making decisions. Oil & gas reserves and production can be estimated more accurately with significantly less time required. Digital technologies right now can even help us predict when oil & gas wells severely decline. It can also help us decide whether a new well should be drilled and require stimulation.

How important is problem solving skills as an engineer?

Problem-solving skills are essential for engineers, in the case of Petroleum Engineering roles implementation of problem-solving skill set is required to analyze the reservoir characteristics, evaluate the most suitable EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) method and design effective implementation plans. Overall, problemsolving skills are the backbone of engineering, allowing engineers to excel in their work.

What sets of skills do we need to have to face energy problems that are becoming more complex?

Engineers need to have both the hard skills and soft skills. One of the most important hard skills to have is the ability to analyze data besides the fundamental knowledge on drilling and production for the oil & gas industry. Ability to visualize and interpret the data using recent software and technologies is no less important. As for the soft skills, teamwork, communication, and leadership skills are the things that you would always use in solving problems and challenges in the industry.

Do you have a message for future engineers who will face a more complex and more diverse energy industry?

To future engineers, your journey will be both challenging and rewarding, as you'll be at the forefront of shaping the future of energy and sustainability. Here are some words of advice (1) Embrace Lifelong Learning: The energy industry is rapidly evolving with new technologies, renewable energy solutions, and innovative practices.

(2) Collaborate and Network: Collaborate with experts from various disciplines. (3) Embrace Renewable Energy: Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly vital in the energy mix. Best wishes on your journey as future engineers in the dynamic energy industry!

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In total, There is 7 species of ocean bacteria, such as Ps. Aeruginosa, that can survive by eating oil and nothing else, these bacteria often used to clean the oil spill.

Many years ago, petroleum was used as a medicine in Ancient Egyptians to cure a lot of symptoms and diseases, like eye disease, reptile bites, respiratory problems, hysteria, epilepsy, and many other diseases.

Liquified natural gas is reduced by 600-fold before transport

Around the world, the energy industry relies on pipeline. The US 65% of this figure, with Canada also key contributors. Through these pipelines, CO2 can be transported. In the UK alone there are around 171,000 miles of gas pipes, enough to encircle the Earth more than four times.

The word 'energy' is derived from ancient Greece

Crude oil is 02 03 05 06 07

World energy demands is expected to increase up to 50% by 2050

Used to generate heat, power vehicles and create electricity, liquified natural gas (LNG) is favored as a resource that’s easy to transport and store. To transform the gas into a liquid state, it's chilled to a temperature of -161°C which increases its density by 600-fold.

'Energy' may be a staple in 21st century dictionaries but the term is derived from the Greek word 'energeia' which was created by Aristotle in 384 BC. The word 'energeia' describes a state of being at work.

Energy can be derived from trash and sewage

When waste breaks down, it can release methane, a natural gas. We can trap that gas and use it to make electricity. This is also helpful because methane is a powerful greenhouse gas.

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