Sufism: an inquiry - Vol19.4

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Principles of Sufism

Visible and Invisible Manifestations of Electromagnetic Waves in Nature by Nahid Angha, Ph.D.

The great blue dome of the sky, the majestic cycles of the stars, the miraculous daily rising of the sun, the regular succession of the seasons, and the return of the spring–all of these phenomena give human beings a sense of the universality of the Divine, reminding us of our own place in the Divine plan. When we look at the beautiful world of nature with its magnificent designs, harmonious melodies, colorful reflections, and dimensions of time and space, sometimes we become so mesmerized by such beauty that all we see are dimensions and designs, forgetting the root that is present at the heart of a seed, hidden at the heart of nature, being nourished by the same nature, so it can open its shell, stretch out its arms towards the sunlight, rise above the dust, and bring its potentiality into actuality. It is a good practice to look up towards the sky at night and see yourself in harmony with the same cycles found in distant galaxies and the vastness of space. Nature recognizes her root, and so manifestations must discover their essence; finite needs to discover the infinite within, and it is from this discovery that potentiality is activated. Across history, human beings began to understand the forces of nature not only as a necessary means of survival, but as beautiful representations of the Divine power to be sought, loved, cherished, and respected. Nature does not have many complex laws. It is the human brain and mind that create complexities. Nothing is outside the universal rule. Reality is hidden behind the veil of nature, and nature is the surface of change concealing the essence of Being within itself. If one takes the surface of change for its essence, then one has already fallen into an error.


Sufism: An Inquiry Vol XIX, No. 4

The person seeking spirituality pursues a tranquility that impurities prevent. The same rule exists for a person’s environment, habitation and worship. Parallel to this is the modern subject of ecology. The pure balance which ecology demands has been a practice kept sacred by Sufis and their students. By their teachings you learn to close the door to negative energies around you. Technology has given great comfort to our lives, together with innumerable choices. Certainly, it has brought us a wealth of things, a wealth of having, but what of the wealth of being, our original inheritance of nature from the Divine? In the process of accumulating things, we have lost our identity, our harmony with nature, and the daily experience of our oneness with the Divine. And so our hopes for the future, and our concern for what is right and good, are called into question. We live longer, but we live alone. Our universe is the universe of energies, or the exchange of energies and electromagnetic waves within systems. Energies, according to their laws, manifest in different ways, and the creation of human beings is a creation of these actions and reactions and transformation of energies. Whether we use the term “creation” in the spiritual or scientific sense, both direct us toward the same goal: the essence and manifestations of the universe. The visible and invisible universe is the domain of energies and galaxies, performing their colorful and most harmonious dance towards eternity. They follow the rule of concentration and expansion. They exchange greetings and all contribute to the beings of one another. They show us the way of the universe.

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