August 2022 - Maddie Poppe

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TABLE OF CONTENTS In Every Issue Letter from the Editor In Chief


Empowerment I Will Because I Can Encouragement: Much Needed Commodity

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Feature Queen Aftan Williams Stellar Television Launch

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Cover Story Maddie Poppe


Motivational Who Said It Would Be Easy?



Spotlight Stellar Talks Stellar Talks AT&T Gift Recipient The 37th Gospel Music Stellar Awards Celebration


Stellar Awards Red Carpet Affair


Health, Beauty & Fashion Redefine Yourself Pathway To Beautiful Skin

37 40

Food For Thought The Real, The Fake, and The Imaginary Herbertt Dash Haberdashery Boutique

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In Every Issue

Letter from the Editor In Chief


elcome to every new reader of I Ascend Magazine. It is with a hearty welcome we greet you as you step into the contents of this magazine. I Ascend Magazine articles focuses on those who are testaments of Real Life, Real People, and Real Talk. It speaks to those who have leveled up and are yet Ascending. (That being on whatever level they are on) It is not about where you start it is about where you are going and how you finish. I Ascend Magazine is inclined to provide next level stimuli and impact in the lives of our readers on every level. We are elated that you decided to choose this publication. We have given our best efforts in ensuring healthy substanance for our readers to expand their view, and to empower them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I Ascend Magazine selects nourishing and thought provoking articles with you in mind. Our writers strive to motivate, educate and empower you with every written word. We are always seeking to increase our readers walk with God and stregthening that relationship as we believe God to be the Main Source of All Power. This Issue is full of dynamic stories of people who are leveling up daily and are cheering you on to do the same. We also have great articles like Who Said It Would Be Easy?, The Real The Fake And The Imaginary, and I Will Because I Can to name a few of the delectable selections in this months publication. We thank God for every contributor to this magazine and we are eternally grateful to every subscriber now and in the future. Thank you for supporting I Ascend Magazine we look forward to inspiring, motivating, and empowering you in every issue. You do not want to miss a single publication and you won’t if you stay connected through a subscription request at info@ Be elevated in your mind and remember with God All Things Are Possible! You already have within you everything you need to ASCEND! Attention Readers: Never be without the information you need to stay connected to I Ascend Magazine. Visit www.I and subscribe to our email list to stay current on our promotions deals, news, updates and exclusive spotlights and information. You will not miss anything happening at I Ascend Magazine because it will be delivered directly to your inbox!

By Margarét Grant-Maynard, Ph. D. Editor-In-Chief

Margaret Grant Maynard



The words I will is the beginning of a declaration. Immediately following comes the proclamation. When we chose Christ, we are now entitled to everything He has to give. Especially all that is pertaining to life and godliness so victoriously we can live. I will and I can is a positive affirmation that “I aspire too……...? I will and I can are words that involves you. This means that you have to take charge of your own life. Today I choose to live without all the drama and strife Because we live and move and have our being in the Lord. We must recognize that the Lord is the binding cord. The Word says I can do all things through Christ because He gives me strength. The depth of God’s Love supersedes the breadth height and length. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, they are past finding out. We just have to trust God when we are tempted to doubt. My Heavenly Father has given me all………… the authority To courageously take


unchartered territory. To boldly go where no man has gone before. This means that sometimes you have to knock down the door. The word of God said the righteous would suffer violence and the violent would have to take it by force, While still maintaining our focus, and staying on course. We must continue to move forward no matter what our eyes may see. Faith is believing without seeing but knowing that we already have the victory. Positive words like I will and I can also mean I can accomplish my goals & dreams No matter what obstacle is in front of me or no matter how hard It seems. I will and I can fulfill my purpose while I am still here. I walk in full confidence because the Lord has not given me the spirit of fear. We have to show up dressed and ready for work realizing the battle has been won. As one of His faithful servants I will hear Him say Well done! By Cynthia Wilcox


ENCOURAGEMENT: Much Needed Commodity

By: Terry Ann Williams-Richard Terry Ann Williams-Richard is an author, educator, book writing coach and Founder of Personalized Educational Services, LLC. She is also the host of the podcast Tenacity Talks: Dream. Do. Do It Again, now on Spotify.


hen was the last time someone told you GOOD JOB or spoke other words of affirmation to you? When was the last time you gave words of encouragement to someone? “It is hard to believe I had to run a Marathon before I was able to hear – GOOD JOB!” These are the words and sentiments from the lips and heart of my sister Judy’s running partner, Vicki. They’d both just successfully completed running Cincinnati’s Flying Pig Marathon back in 2004. Encouragement is a valued, underutilized, and much needed commodity. I was alarmed when I heard what Vicki said but unfortunately, I knew it rang true. As adults we are not told very often, we are doing a “good job”. School-aged children are more fortunate perhaps they get to hear these uplifting words in classroom settings or on the field or court when participating in organized sports programs. My sister told me about the wonderful support they received along the marathon course from total strangers: signs, shout-outs,

drinks, healthy snacks, high fives, music, and more. This boosted the runners as they continued along this arduous journey. The encouragement made them keep going. My nephew Steven (Judy’s son), my daughter Tamara, and I were on the scene to cheer my sister on at the 6-mile point and at the marathon finish line. The energy on the day of the marathon was exhilarating, despite the rainy weather. The enthusiasm of the marathoners was contagious as the city swelled with the spirit of each runner’s dedication and determination to reach his or her goal of completing the marathon and the significance it held for each of them individually. The spirit was magnetizing, and it made you feel as though you should get in the race next time and recruit others to do the same. Sure, we have heard the analogies of comparing life to a race we are running and a journey we are traveling. As we are training for the marathon or race, we can use the encouragement. As we are warming up, as we are waiting for the gunshot to sound the start of the race, we can use the encouragement. Every step, every stretch, every sprint every mile along the way, we can use the encouragement. We can encourage others in the race because we are in the race ourselves. Life is our race. Life is

our journey. Let us encourage and be encouraged. Encouragement, catch it and spread it! E-Expect the best from life and from others. N-Navigate even when obstacles are in the way. C-Challenge yourself and others to go for the gold. O-Overcome the tendency to be complacent with mediocrity. U-Understand that everyone has a purpose, seek to be instrumental in finding your own and helping others find theirs as well. R-Realize what we think and the energy we put out creates our reality A-Accept that there are lessons to learn and mistakes to make in life. G-Grasp the love, understanding and relationship available through God. E-Elevate your thinking and expectations. M-Master doing mental checkups and mentor others in doing the same. E-Empower and encourage others to do and be their best. N-Notice the desires that may be creeping through the hearts of others and tune in to how you can assist them on their journey. T-Trust God that you will complete your journey while touching many lives along the way, as they touch yours.





I Ascend: Please share with us who are you? Queen Aftan: Queen Aftan Williams, Host/Emcee Royale, Founder of Crown Up International Corp, CEO of Royalist Management, Ms. Georgia Royalty International, God’s Child I Ascend: Please explain to us all that you do? Queen Aftan: As the reigning Ms. Georgia Royalty International, it is my job to stand on the platform of the Royalty International Pageant promoting diversity and inclusion while pushing my cause, CROWN UP, forward. My non-profit, 501c3 organization, Crown Up International Corporation, seeks “to transform the mindset of a girl into the mindset of a Queen and the mindset of a boy into the mindset of a King” through sessions, initiatives, events and outings in the United States of America and beyond. As a host and emcee royale, I move the masses, keeping the event engaging, helping the timing to be upheld, ensuring everyone has a great time and all goals are met. As an entrepreneur, I created Royalist Management where we help manage people’s personal, private and business affairs through the action of organization and administrative execution. As God’s child, I keep my light on and pray that I become invisible enough for them to see God in me and glorify the Father! I Ascend: How many years have you have been in this profession? Queen Aftan: I have actually been in front of crowds since I was seven years old on tour with a play

titled “On A Mission” directed by Jackie Mayfield through Greater St Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church. Administratively, since an 11-yearold, working with my mom behind the scenes at the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International Conference. She had me to pass out the papers in the meetings with the big wigs, pour the waters for the special guests, deliver messages to great individuals who were about to get on stage, organize documents, and still participate in the youth events. I Ascend: What has the process of “Becoming” on this journey been like for you? Queen Aftan: Whew! It has made me pause and LEARN me. I am so glad that I did. This is healthy. I have taken a review of my life and digested it like a book. I learned to be authentically me because people are going to do what they want to do anyway! I begin to embrace my distinctiveness and call it Royal! “Queen Aftan” came to be because I call of the young men and ladies in my nonprofit kings and queens before their first name. Plus, I am a pageant winner twelve times over! It has become more than a nickname, but the embodiment of exactly who I am! I use it professionally because I am also a brand. All things I do and create have a royal name like my live social media podcast, “Queen, You’ve Got MALE”, my nonprofit org “Crown Up International”, my funny tips/hints “Reign Drops” and even my administrative business, “Royalist Management”. I wear crown pins every day on the same size of my heart and pink shoes on my feet! I have learned to be uniquely me, no

matter how many people, brands, events or ideas look a little bit like who I am. I Ascend: Where did it all begin? Queen Aftan: I began as a seed of my mother and father’s legacy. They are tenacious people who pushed me towards excellence.


To start my entrepreneurial journey however, I went in my phone and let people know that I was available to them administratively at a reasonable rate. People I already knew were my first clients! I Ascend: What hardships have you faced in Ascending to where you are? Queen Aftan: Thank goodness there is more room for further ascension. Growth=Ascension! Hardships include, the “no” factor, not knowing how to set my rate, putting myself on the backburner, accepting low pay, procrastination and a little sprinkle of me being a perfectionist. I have overcome many of these items with God, confidence boosts, affirmations, declarations and loads of seeking through prayer. Plus I just made my own events and platforms to craft what I wanted to see and who I needed to be. I Ascend: Who served as your Cushion and Support Team during the hard times? Queen Aftan: I have great friends. Friends, in my opinion, are the family we get to choose. Listening ears are always welcome. Anyone who hired me, sent me random seeds, prayed for me, commented on my post, connected me to someone, told somebody about me, followed my pages, nominated me for awards or any kind thing are fabulous cushions and support! Other great sources are my blood family members and a group of women that will expand soon called the Scepter Circle. I Ascend: What have these experiences taught you? The Highs and Lows if any? Queen Aftan: These experiences have taught me that we all have a purpose on this Earth and that is in the scope of our destiny to make sure we know what it is exactly. This is a personal responsibility. The highs and lows vary but you must take the lessons from the lows and apply them to life so that become highs (Highs=Rewards). I Ascend: How do you juggle your time with home life while pursuing your business? Queen Aftan: To do lists are my life savers. I have them sectioned off into days and I put times for each


item. Because I procrastinate so heavily, I set the times an hour to thirty minutes in advance of the thing and I even include my self-care moments as line items. I Ascend: Congratulations on Ascending and standing in your Truth and Pursuing Destiny. What do you want people to remember about you? Queen Aftan: I want people to remember that I remained royal. The Bible calls us a royal priesthood, so I hope that I have been an example of this while carrying out my destiny and purpose. I hope they have experienced the God in me. I Ascend: What word of advice would you give to readers to have them continue to Ascend in pursuit of their dream no matter where they are currently? Queen Aftan: You have no choice but to be amazing! There is a purpose for your life that will get fulfilled one way or another. Whatever you have going on is adding to the pool of your lessons therefore perfecting sea of your blessings. If you are still dreaming, you are still living. Ascend. Die empty! I Ascend: Please share some of the projects you’re currently working on? Queen Aftan: As your reigning Ms. Georgia Royalty International, I will be doing community service across the United States. I have many hosting and emceeing moments coming soon. I am also bringing back many of the programs I created including my podcast, Instagram Live posts and in person events. I Ascend: How can our readers continue to follow and stay abreast of all that you’re doing? Queen Aftan: Please use the handle @QueenAftan and press the follow button on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Tik Tok. Feel free to also search for Queen Aftan Williams, Ms. Georgia Royalty International, Royalist Management, Queen Cake with Queen Aftan and Crown Up International via the aforementioned social media platforms, YouTube and Google.



STELLAR TELEVISION LAUNCH STELLAR TV TO LAUNCH AS BLACKOWNED AND OPERATED 24/7 ADSUPPORTED BLACK LIFESTYLE NETWORK, AND BECOME THE FIRST ‘HOME OF GOSPEL MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT’ It’s was a whirlwind week for Stellar Gospel Music Awards. The week began with the announcement of the launch of the Stellar TV Network coming before the end of the year to Spectrum XUMO and Stirr. Driven by culture, lifestyle, history, and music, the network will air uplifting programs on linear and streaming television platforms in addition to its current programs in broadcast syndication. Central City Productions announced the launch of the Stellar TV network, set to premiere in fourth quarter of 2022.The Stellar TV network is a wholly owned subsidiary of Central City Productions, Inc., the oldest Black-owned and operated television production company in the country. Central City Productions has been in operation since 1970 and remains dedicated to creating Black excellence in television programming. Central City Productions is the creator of the Stellar Gospel Music Awards, the longestairing Black ad-supported awards show on television featuring the best in Gospel Music, plus a multitude of other uplifting and original

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television programs such as Black Music Honors, Black College Quiz, America’s Black Forum, Mentoring Kings, Mentoring Queens, Family Night, and many others. The network’s owned and operated library of 50 years is primed with more than 5,000 hours of family-friendly entertainment. The Stellar TV launch was hosted by Marc Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, the nation’s largest historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization. Marc Morial is also a leading advocate for the growth of Black-owned television networks and a leading voice on the national stage in the battle for jobs, education, housing, and voting rights equity. The formal announcement took place on July 15, during an invitationonly press announcement event during the Stellar Gospel Music Awards week end of taping in Atlanta, Georgia. “Now more than ever, Black audiences want to see themselves reflected in what they watch on television, including programs that are safe for the entire family. We are excited about our early engagement and commitments with our charter media partners, who include Procter & Gamble, Walmart, Verizon, Toyota, State Farm, AT&T, General Motors, Dentsu/Carat, Publicis Media, Hearts and Science, and Nielsen Audience Measurement; along with our distribution carriage partners Charter Communications, Verizon FIOs, XUMO, and STIRR TV, who are walking the talk as they do business with Blackowned networks to reach Black consumers, ”said Don Jackson, Chairman and CEO of Central City Productions and founder of the Stellar TV network. “With the launch of Stellar TV, Black America and others have another avenue to witness positive, uplifting and multifaceted representation of our culture, our voice and our music.” Upon launch, Stellar TV programming components will include exclusive original content from Stellar TV’s library,

plus its annual and quarterly flagship specials, along with new premiere content. In addition, Stellar TV’s charter partner, Procter &Gamble’s Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard, will be the keynote speaker at Stellar TV network’s press announcement and will highlight P&G’s “Widen The Screen” Black creative producers initiative, which will air on Stellar TV. The Stellar TV network is also committed to building the next generation of television production professionals. Stellar TV is committed to providing Black and Brown students in film and television programs at community colleges in urban cities with hands-on production training, shadowing, mentorship, internships, and employment opportunities in Stellar TV productions. Founded in 1970 by Don Jackson, Chicagobased Central City Productions, Inc. is a national broadcast television production, sales and broadcast syndication company of its exclusively owned African American programming content. Celebrating over 50 years of broadcasting Black excellence with uplifting and entertaining original television content, CCP’s award-winning television programs include the Stellar Awards (, Black Music Honors (www.blackmusichonors. com), Stellar Tribute to the Holidays, Black College Quiz Show Series (www., America’s Black Forum (, Mentoring Queens (www.mentoringqueen. com) and Mentoring Kings (www., among many others. For more information, visit www.stellartv. com

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Cover Story

MADDIE POPPE I Ascend: Please share with us, who is Ms. Maddie Poppe? Maddie: I am a singer and songwriter originally from Iowa. I have dipped my toes in all kinds of genres and finally landed on an acoustic, R&B kind of pop style. I have recently released new music that I am really excited about. This new project really represents me well as an artist and I am really excited for everybody to hear it. I Ascend: How many years have you been in this profession as a singer and songwriter? Maddie: I grew up in Iowa and my dad was always heavily involved in music. Whether it be at church, or his bluegrass band, country band, or soft rock band, I mean, he kind of did it all. I was always around that growing up. My father always had studio recording equipment in the basement. When I got older, probably around fourteen, or fifteen years old, I started experimenting with my father’s equipment. It was then that I began making my own music in the basement and writing my own songs. I performed locally in Iowa until I was about twenty years old that was my job. I was going to school too at the time and then I tried out for American Idol which literally took my career to the next level. I am performing nationally now, which is really cool. I Ascend: What has the process of “Becoming” on this journey been like for you? Maddie: Well, it has definitely expanded my horizon. It has given me a little taste of everything. I have learned so much along the way, just within the industry that is. Some of it is mind boggling, things that you do not think about until you are in it. I have learned so much about music in general. There are so many styles that I used to shy away from or was not interested in at all. It was not until I felt the pressure, from producers that were challenging me to step outside my comfort zone. It was then that I realized I had gone to a different level by experimenting with and trying new things musically. This has allowed me to finally find what I really love. I Ascend: Where did it all begin for you?


Maddie: The first time I sang solo, was at a local talent show. It was actually kind of traumatizing because I was so nervous. I even brought the words up with me on stage on a piece of paper. I could not play the guitar yet, so my dad played for me. I had on a dress I thought I should wear, but not what I wanted to wear. I got up there and I started singing the song. It was an outdoor stage and a big gust of wind came and took the paper with all the words. I was already so nervous, I was looking at the ground trying not make eye contact with anybody because I was so uncomfortable. I could not remember the words of the song and I started crying on stage. It was very embarrassing it was not a good experience. However, I guess it got me to where I am today. It was a trial that let you know what not to do next time and to always be prepared. I Ascend: What hardships have you faced in Ascending to where you are? Maddie: I know it is not right to compare your situation or your story to other people. I really have been very blessed in my journey. There has been road bumps and hiccups along the way. I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I try to have that kind of optimistic attitude when those road bumps and hiccups come my way. If I had to say what kind of hardships I have been through, I would just say feeling like people have given up on you at times. That is it, plain and simple, those are the times when I felt really discouraged. When people said “You are not good enough,” or “We don’t like this,” or “We do not believe in it,” or they had a real lack of passion about me or about the stuff that I was putting out. It was those moments that were tough. I had to be my own cheerleader. In reflection, it is a time when you are all you have. Your close family and friends can always be there for you, but they cannot really help you in the ways that you need to help yourself. I have learned that I am the only one who can get me out of those ruts. Nobody is going to do it for me and that is kind of how this industry works. There is something very rewarding about being able to do it for yourself and picking yourself up in those situations. When you look back you can say, “I did that.” I am very proud of myself for not giving up. I Ascend: Who served as your Cushion and Support


Team during the hard times? Maddie: My family has seen me at every point, they saw me when I gave up, they saw me at my lowest point, my highest point, and they remained through it all. There is nothing quite like the unconditional love of your family. My dad, especially because we both have music flowing through our veins. We are very passionate about music and we are so much alike. We can almost read each other’s minds without even saying anything. Then Caleb, who is my boyfriend, and also my best friend. He really has been the person who has inspired me to really dig in and keep going. He is that voice that kept saying “I do not care what the popular thing to do is, go with what your heart feels.” For the longest time, I questioned what should I be doing; what do the people want? Caleb finally told me, “You need to not care about what people think but do what you want to do, because at the end of the day, your name is on this.” He is one of my biggest cheerleaders and has been there through it all every step of the way. Caleb helped me get the ball rolling again, there were times when I wanted to give up and say I cannot do this, and I do not want to do this. He was that voice of reason that said “It is going to be okay.” I am thankful for that. I Ascend: How do you juggle your time with home life while pursuing your career? Maddie: I almost feel like in the beginning, I had a little bit too much home life, because I was so close to my family, and I still am. I did not want to leave Iowa. I was so homesick I wanted to be with them all the time I felt like I was missing out. Then the longer I stayed home, I guess the less


productive I felt because they were all going to their jobs and pursuing their careers. I was not working on my music like I should have because I was not in Nashville anymore I was in Los Angeles. It felt like I was really missing out on my career. I realized that there are moments where I need to really dig deep and go hard at my career and moments where I can take a break. I feel I found a pretty good balance of those two things now. I Ascend: Congratulations on Ascending and standing in your Truth and Pursuing Destiny. What do you want people to remember about you? Maddie: Something that is very important to me is not feeling like I have to fit the mold of the industry. Not even the mold the world has created for people and especially young women in the industry. I hope to be a role model for young girls. When I see women who kind of stepped outside the box, and are doing their own thing it is so inspiring. It confirms that it is okay to be different. It is okay to do your own thing and march to the beat of your own drum. I hope to be that inspiration of light for someone.

my face, a lot of people just dropping off like flies. However, through it all I have kept an optimistic attitude. In return, there has been many positive things that have happened, and many unexpected doors that have opened. I would say, optimism is key even in the most horrible situations, because that is what will get you through to your next! You never know what is waiting on the other side. I Ascend: Please share some of the projects you’re currently working on and how to follow and stay abreast of all that you are doing. Maddie: I am really excited about my new project. It has been so long since I have put out new music. It is available now you can get it on all Music Streaming Platforms. You can follow me on social media platforms @ Maddie Poppe. You can also obtain information about contacts, booking and updates on my website at

I Ascend: What word of advice would you give to readers to have them continue to Ascend in pursuit of their dream, no matter where they are currently? Maddie: I would tell them to be “Yourself” I know, that is pretty cliché, but I still stand by that. Something I stand by even more that I tell myself often is to “Keep Going” and try to be optimistic in any situation. That has gotten me a long way. There has been a lot of ups and downs, a lot of unexpected doors being slammed in Cover & Photography Credit: Kelsey Maggart




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ometimes life has a way of throwing us challenges that seem too much to handle. It can be easy to feel like giving up when things get tough. But it’s important to remember that difficulties and trials are a part of life. Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Even the strongest relationships go through tough times. It’s normal for friends or partners to disagree with each other. What matters is how you handle these disagreements. Do you let them tear you apart, or do you use them as an opportunity to grow closer? Relationships require quite a bit of work. We often overlook that maintaining a close relationship with someone requires much effort. Just like anything else worth having in life, relationships take work. If you’re not willing to put in the work, you shouldn’t be surprised when things start to fall apart. You must work on your relationships just like you work on anything else that’s important to you. Otherwise, they will eventually crumble. The reason why difficulties arise in our lives is that life is not easy. It would be pretty boring if everything went smoothly all the time, don’t you think? The challenges we face make us stronger It’s through overcoming difficulties that we realize how strong we really are difficulties build muscles. If we never had any problems to deal with, we would never grow as individuals. We would never learn how to handle adversity. Growth is a vital part of life. It is what allows us to reach our full potential. So instead of getting discouraged when things get tough, use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Sure, life will hand us lemons from time to time. But it’s up to us to decide what to do with them. Instead of seeing

it through sour lenses add some sugar and make lemonade. We can either defeat by the sour times, or we can use them to make something great. If you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that we can maintain close relationships with other people. But, when you think about it, people are pretty complicated creatures. We all have our own problems, insecurities, and baggage. Yet, despite all of our differences, we’re able to connect with each other on a deep level. We’re able to form bonds that are much stronger than anything else in the world. And that, in itself, is a beautiful thing. Always look for solutions to your problems Solutions are always available to us; we just have to be willing to look for them. There’s no such thing as a problem that can’t be solved. If you’re facing a difficult situation, take a step back and try to look at it from a different perspective. There’s always another way to look at things. And often, that’s all it takes to find a solution. But one thing is for sure: giving up is never an option. No matter how difficult things seem, always remember that you have the strength to overcome anything life throws your way. Never give up on yourself or your dreams. And never forget that anything worth having is worth fighting for. So keep your head up and keep moving forward. The challenges you face might seem impossible at times. But if you stay strong and never give up, you’ll eventually find your way through. CMJ

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STELLAR TALKS The Stellar Talks are a fun and informative time provided by the Stellar Awards to its attendees to empower them through some of the industry’s most notable and prominent speakers in their respective fields of expertise. This year there were three sanctioned events held at the Cobb Galleria Centre.

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The Morning Kick off was with the Stellar Master Class hosted by Sonya Blakey, with Arica Mckennon, Heather Beverly, ESQ., Jackie Patillo, Kortez Harris, and Phil Thornton, and Donald Lawrence. This provided in depth lessons on the entertainment business and how to navigate in this digital era. Secondly, The Fashion Game Changers with J.Bolin, Tamara Hus Lee, Joyce Sheffield which was hosted by Jai co-host of Joyce Myers podcast. Where Fashion was served up in Style.

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Then it rounded up with The Girlfriends Faith In The City Corner Pop Up with Joyce Sheffield, Robin V, Quianna Lashea, Hosted by April Daniels. This quaint Pop Up was so real, the ladies were down to earth and shared life experiences that surely helped somebody in the room.





t is always a surprise to go somewhere and come back with unexpected gifts. This lucky lady attended the Stellar Awards Sanctioned event: The Fashion Game Changers at the Cobb Galleria Centre with J.Bolin, Tamara Hush Lee, Joyce Sheffield which was hosted by Jai cohost of Joyce Myers “Talk It Out” podcast. Tameka Bright found herself with a box of goodies because she was in the right room in the right seat. A ribbon was under her chair and when the room of attendees went into a mad frenzy to check their chairs she rose the victor. Ms. Tameka Bright is an author, speaker and podcast host you can find out more about her by visiting



The 37th Gospel Music Stellar Awards Celebration

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The 37th Stellar Gospel Music Awards show is Executive Produced by Don Jackson, with Jennifer J. Jackson serving as Executive in Charge of Production and Producer. Michael A. Johnson will produce and direct this year’s award show. The Stellar Awards recognizes the year’s best performances in the Gospel music genre, honors Gospel music icons, and acknowledges the accomplishments of individuals instrumental in advocating for the Gospel music industry. (CHICAGO) July 19, 2022 — The Stellar Gospel Music Awards celebrated its 37th year honoring excellence in Gospel music during an uplifting weekend of events, concluding with the live-taped ceremony on Saturday, July 16, at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre in Atlanta, Georgia. Hosted by Stellar Award-winning artists Jekalyn Carr and Kierra Sheard, this year’s celebration will premiere Sunday, August 7 at 8 PM ET/PT on BET, BET Her, and BET International and will be syndicated in various local markets across the country between August 13 and September 11, 2022. Pastor Mike, Jr. leads the list of winners with a total of six Stellar Awards, including Artist of the Year, Male Artist of the Year, Contemporary Male Artist of the Year, Contemporary Album of the Year, and Urban/ Inspirational Single or Performance of the Year, as well as Album of the Year for I Got It: Single’s Ministry Vol. 1. CeCe Winans won three Stellar Awards, including Producer of the Year, Praise and Worship Album of the Year, and Praise and Worship Song of the Year, all tied to the album Believe For It. Jonathan McReynolds and Mali Music received three awards for their collaboration, Jonny x Mali: Live in L.A. EP, including Duo/Chorus Group of the Year, Contemporary Duo/ Chorus Group of the Year, and Special Event Album of the Year. Other notable winners during the 37th Stellar Gospel Music Awards include Ricky Dillard, who received three Stellar Awards, in addition to the James Cleveland Lifetime Achievement Award Presented by Toyota in recognition of his contributions to Gospel music as a renowned choir leader and recording artist. Tamela Mann received two Stellar Awards. Four-time nominee E. Dewey Smith was named Best New Artist for his 2021 album God Period.


The 37th Stellar Gospel Music Awards features showstopping performances by Kirk Franklin, Erica Campbell, Maverick City Music, Marvin Sapp, Tye Tribbett, Le’Andria Johnson, Koryn Hawthorne, Brian Courtney Wilson, Jor’Dan Armstrong, Doe, Rudy Currence, Chrisette Michele, Darrel Walls, James Fortune and more. The Stellar Gospel Music Awards also bestows special honors to industry titans who continue creating a legacy of excellence that reaches and influences the masses, both within and outside of the Gospel genre. Six-time GRAMMY® Award-winning hitmaker and producer Aaron Lindsey received the Aretha Franklin Icon Award Presented by Aflac. Candi Staton also received the Ambassador Dr. Bobby Jones Legends Award, an honor that reflects her career of nearly seven decades as a music pioneer and a captivating Gospel music artist. Top nominees for this year’s ceremony included CeCe Winans, who led the field with nine nominations, followed by Pastor Mike, Jr., who received eight nominations. Tamela Mann, Jonathan McReynolds & Mali Music, and Todd Dulaney all received six nominations. Kelontae Gavin received five nominations. Maverick City Music, Israel Houghton, Ricky Dillard, E. Dewey Smith, and Jason Clayborn received four nominations each. The 37th Stellar Gospel Music Awards is proud to be presented this year by AT&T Dream in Black. This year’s sponsors also include Procter & Gamble (P&G), Walmart, State Farm, Toyota, McDonald’s – Black & Positively Golden, and Aflac. The 37th Stellar Gospel Music Awards is also proud to partner with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. For additional updates, follow The Stellar Awards on social media — @thestellars on Instagram and Twitter, and Stellar Gospel Music Awards on Facebook — and check out the Stellar Awards website. The hashtag for the show is #StellarAwards. WWW.STELLARAWARDS.COM

Stellar Awards Red Carpet Affair

Red carpet Photography Credit: Margarét Grant-Maynard






Photography Credit: Earl Gibson III






Various Artist: Erica Campbell, Kelontae Gavin, Koryn Hawthorne, Jekalyn carr, Kiera Sheard, Leandria Johnson, Maverick City Music, Lamont Sanders, Tamela Mann, James Fortune, Rudy Currence, Byron Cage, Martha Munizzi, The Brown Boyz, Crystal Aikin, Don Jackson-Stellar Awards-CEO, Bobby Jones, Darrel Walls, J. Bolin, Jordyn Armstrong,

Health, Beauty & Fashion

REDEFINE YOURSELF For starters redefining yourself is creating something completely new for you. With that being said, it is never too late to redefine yourself. No matter the age or disbelief that one may think that may prevent them from feeling or looking better. You are in control of your life and can make anything that you want happen. The only person stopping you is YOU and YOU have to want it more than anything in this world. You have to be obsessed and consistent to redefine yourself to be a better you mentally and physically. The first thing that you have to change is your mindset. You have to want to change for the better. So when it comes to fitness and health. You first need to know that it is important to eat healthier. A healthy diet not only helps you maintain good weight and or lose weight but it also lowers the risk of life threatening health risk. When it comes to losing weight, consuming food at a deficit of calories is a major key before exercise due to the fact that being overweight is caused by over eating which is very easy to do. Going to the gym and eating what you want do not mesh well together and will be a waste of time when trying to achieve your personal goals. If I had to choose one way to lose weight out of eating healthy or exercise,


I would chose eating healthy because you will feel better overall internally and externally from eating good healthy food. A healthy diet gives the body the nutrients it needs to thrive. Redefine your mindset to make a healthy diet priority. Benefits of a Healthy Diet • Maintain a healthy weight • Good digestive system • Bone strength • Strong immune system • Life longevity • Supports muscles • Lowers health risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some cancers • Supports healthy pregnancies and breast feeding • Helps keep skin, teeth and eyes healthy • Increase life span Physical Activity is not on most people’s priority list but would love to look apart without actually doing the work to achieve their personal goals. This is where you have to redefine yourself and make it a lifestyle habit to exercise at a minimum of 3 times a week for about 30 minutes to 1 hour because it’s what your body needs for good health PERIOD! Make exercise a part of you. We as people are not supposed to be sedentary. We are supposed to be active and looking fit. A healthy diet with exercise is supposed to be our normal behavior. Redefine yourself and be a better healthier you. Benefits of Physical Activity • Assist with weight management • Improve heart health • Improve quality of sleep • Reduce stress • Lower blood pressure • Improve brain function • Improve stability • Increase strength • Improve stiffness • Lowers health risk • Improve memory


• • • •

Defend against several chronic diseases Improve joint pain Reduce feelings of anxiety Increase life span

Knowing why it’s important to redefine yourself is very important. A big part of redefining yourself and being consistent has to come intrinsically or from within. Otherwise you will only strive to achieve your goals temporarily and your fitness and health journey will always be like a rollercoaster ride if you’re only motivated extrinsically. Tips for redefining yourself • Assess your situation • Ask yourself what you want to change for the better • Set realistic goals • Build positive habits • Self-reflect to understand why you’re at this point of your life for emotional intelligence • Be honest with yourself • Surround yourself with likeminded people that support your goals • Celebrate your positive achievements Always remember to never compare yourself to anyone but yourself. You are in competition with yourself. Also small progress is good progress. Strive for progress and not perfection. Strive to be the best version of you and never let anyone take that away from you. Redefining yourself will help you find out new things about yourself that you probably never knew. Challenging yourself to be great is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you believe, you will achieve. Signing Off, CrumpFit


Health, Beauty & Fashion Esther 2:12



Queen Esther’s story is one that can be read about in the Bible. This Queen has her own book titled Esther. This woman was one of great beauty, above all the other women brought before the King Xerxes. Surely, Esther took care of her skin but there came time to be presented on a new level. That would be Queen level! Ms. Esther had to level up and get a Skin Regimen together that took a full year! She did not just level up she bossed up and became Queen.

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Her skin regimen went from simple to complex with perfumed oils and massages. We know that Myrrh was used for a total of six months, this is particularly good for the skin and contains nutrients as well as properties good for emotional balance and wellness. We can see from history that beauty regimens have been around for centuries. It sounds like a big fancy word, but it simply means you have a systematic plan that you follow accordingly. Here is a list of recommended items we can use in a

Daytime Regimen: • CLEANSER • TONER • EYE CREAM • MOISTURIZER • SUNSCREEN - OR Nighttime Regimen: • Remove Makeup • Cleanser • Toner • Moisturizer • Eye Cream • Masks Here is a highlight about Toners, even though they are not necessary to have in a skin regimen they do remove traces of dirt, and impurities stuck in the pores after you wash your face. Toner is also good at helping your skin’s pH level. However, you really

should add a moisturizer after using any kind of toner, so your skin is not dried out. Toners also help with closing skin pores. Most people love Serums, I have not used them, so I am limited on that subject. You can try it and tell us your experience which may be added to our next beauty spot in I Ascend Magazine. Let us know what regimen you have started that is working well. Tell us about some of the skin products you are using that is worth your hard-earned dollars @ scendMagazineWriters@ GMail.Com

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Food For Thought



he world has three things: the real, the fake, and the imaginary. Natural things are things that truly exist many are tangible. Fake things are things that appear to exist but don’t exist or even in their tangible state they are an imitation of an original. Imaginary things are things that do not exist they are things we make up in our minds, figments of our imagination. There is a debate in the scientific society about what is real. Some believe that only what can be observed and measured is real, while others believe that things that cannot be observed, like dark matter, are also real. Then some believe that things that can only be imagined, like Unicorns, are accurate. In our modern world, it is increasingly difficult to tell what is real and what is not. With the advent of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, we are blurring the lines between real and fake. These three concepts are at the heart of many of the world’s most enduring stories and myths.

source of the article. It is likely to be accurate if it is from a reputable news source, well at least it used to be. Second, look for evidence to back up the claims in the article. If there is no evidence, or if the evidence is weak, the article may be fake. It is normally believed that we only have control over our thoughts and that our thoughts are entirely our own. However, recent studies have shown that this may not be the case as well. It turns out that fake views and ideas implanted into our minds by outside forces may be more common than we realize. Apart from the mind set many other fake things are available in the market for daily use. Like, long or short hair wigs which help people to fulfil their hair needs, false lashes, readymade hair style options like bun and braids are available for people. I had to throw that in as long hair and lashes is in. What does the person look like for real with all the additions?

What is real?

Mental health is an important topic that is often overlooked. It is essential to understand that everyone needs to take care of their mental health. The ability to imagine future events is a fundamental human capacity. We can use our imagination to plan for the future, dream about what could be, and even pass the time. But does the act of imagining something make it more likely to happen? Imagination is a world full of beasts and flowers depending on what you prefer. What you think depicts your mental health, and most of the things we imagine don’t even exist and are impossible to happen. Maybe we should focus more on reality and what is real to keep the healthy balance needed for our mental health. Perhaps some are so engulfed in a false reality that their mental health is suffering and causing depression.

When you ask people that question you will get various answers. Some might say that only things that can be seen, heard, or touched are real. Others might say that ideas, emotions, and memories are also fundamental. Yet still, others might say that nature is whatever is significant to that person. There is no easy answer to the question, “what is real?” Is reality the physical world we see with our eyes, or is it something more abstract? Some believe that what we see is just an illusion, while others think there is more to reality than we can see. There is a strange belief that there is a lot more than reality; just a reasonable investigation and optimism are needed to explore that. You know a person who is very sweet and happy, but there can be another side of that story in which that person is not very happy and sweet on the inside. You may discover that person is mean as a rattlesnake and what you first saw was only what they pretend themselves to be. What describes the fake? The proliferation of fake news has been a problem for many years, but it has become especially prevalent in the last few years. Fake news is false or misleading information that is spread intentionally. It can be difficult to distinguish fake news from real news, but there are some things to look for. First, check the

The imaginary

When you visualize yourself in your imagination, you’ll notice that you are a completely different person in that world, the person you want to be but are not. So, control of our mind, thoughts, and optimism is the real power of a person. Believing in reality, utilizing the fake things for comfort and a good imagination can be a creative process for a person but we must be mindful of its limitations. Angela Henchfield

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Food For Thought

James Vaughan, Jr. Founder/CEO Established 2000



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erbertt Dash Haberdashery Boutique is a men’s custom design suit line who prides itself with great customer service, quality, style, attention to detail and simplicity. Our purpose is to reestablish the positive self-image when it comes to our brand. I have always had an eye for style. As a young man I gravitated to the casual look, it started with Blazers and slacks to match and it wasn’t long before I was wearing Suits to school (Named “Best Dressed” my Senior Year). Because I thought it was just a fad and something easy to do, I instead went to Virginia State College to become an English Major. Although college life was great I quickly learned that textiles, fashion, and styling was not only my dream but my Gift. I then enrolled in the Baldwin Tailoring School in Philadelphia, PA.

Herbertt Dash Haberdashery is partnered wiith several local agencies and is co-founder of FOTOKLUB Studio Agency in Philadelphia, PA. Once you have had a Herbertt Dash Haberdashery experience, your style perspectives are sure to expand, As a stylist that’s important to me. Herbertt Dash is very knowledgeable about its craft, and always ready to assist with professionalism at its best. Many doors are opening for this brand, it’s consistency and quality will speak volumes. Remember Herbertt Dash Haberdashery is a Lifestyle, “Are You Herbertt Dash”?

After Tailoring School, my brothers and I began doing our own fashion shows, pop ups and showcases. Also participating in local fashion shows such as John Blassingame, Atlantic City Fashion week, and NY Fashion week, to name a few. Herbertt Dash Haberdashery Boutique continues to establish itself with cliental from blue-collar, white collar, clergy men, proms, weddings and just for the casual man. Its been an uphill journey and some setbacks through the years, but a Wise man told me “When in doubt, be consistent” and that’s what Herbertt Dash has and continues to do, keeping the Dream alive. God has blessed me to move into a new place as I am now currently styling. Also though this blessing Herbertt Dash has been mentioned with some of the best stylist and designers in the business. Note: Currently stylist for Lamont Sanders, Celebrity Gospel Artist who’s single is currently climbing the Top 10 Chart, and DJ Alamo, Celebrity DJ from New Jersey/Miami, FL

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