IASB Journal July August 2018

Page 25


need, or may feel it is not their job to

go without being told. In fact, if

same for the 21st Century as well?

address it. Nevertheless, it is essen-

there is no back door, he will cut

This article attempts to shed light

tial that educators consistently offer

one for his special benefit. His

on these questions.

African American students positive

education makes it necessary.”

Past U.S. Presidents George W.

images. Akua states in his book that,

Woodson contended that if

Bush and Barack Obama passed and

“educators’ intent on meeting the

African-Americans were not giv-

promoted sweeping reforms aimed

needs of African-American chil-

en an education that would lead to

at improving public education for all

dren must make a calculated effort to constantly and consistently show their students images of excellence, achievement, and authentic power that looks like them.” If intentional efforts of charac-

“If intentional efforts of character building do not include images of African-Americans, students will forever adopt their own subliminal choices.”

ter building do not include images of African-Americans, students will forever adopt their own subliminal

their independence, ultimately they

students, but notably for Hispanic,


would never enjoy full rights and

African-American, Native American,

Parallels can be drawn regarding

equality. Other African-American

and Native Alaskan students who

current economic, social, and health

activists have expressed similar

lagged behind their white counter-

conditions of African-Americans and

concerns about the need to reform

parts. This “achievement gap” is the

the education that has been provid-

the mind in order for blacks not

disparity in measures of educational

ed. Therefore, education must be

to be in slavery mentally. Reggae

performance among subgroups of

critically examined to ensure that

singer and activist Bob Marley said,

the U.S. students, especially groups

it supports the continuous advance-

“Emancipate yourselves from men-

defined by socioeconomic status

ment of African-Americans. Dr. Car-

tal slavery, none but ourselves can

(SES), race/ethnicity, and gender.

ter G. Woodson, founder of Negro

free our minds.”

Often, the achievement gap conver-

History week (subsequently adapt-

Abolitionist Harriet Tubman

sation sends a subliminal message

ed to become Black History Month),

said, “I freed a thousand slaves. I

that depicts one race as superior to

published The Mis-Education of the

could have freed more if only they

another educationally.

Negro in 1933. He contended that

knew they were slaves.”

Under Bush’s No Child Left

“the Negro” was being cultural-

In recognizing the truth of the

Behind Act (NCLB, 2002), high-

ly indoctrinated and conditioned,

expression that “those who forget

stakes standardized testing became

rather than appropriately taught,

the past are doomed to repeat it”

the norm. Testing was used not to

to ensure their dependency on oth-

(attributed to philosopher George

guide curriculum, instr uction,

ers for basic and vital needs such as

Santayana), it is fitting that we ask

and assessment as intended, but

food, clothing, and shelter. Woodson

the question: Are African-Amer-

as a tool to decide which schools

summed up this view when he stated,

ican students being provided an

were succeeding and which were

“W hen you control a man’s

education that will lead to their

underachieving. Furthermore, test

thinking you do not have to

advancement? Or, quite the con-

results were also used to categorize,

worry about his actions. You do

trary, is education leading to more

marginalize, and label students of

not have to tell him not to stand



here or go yonder. He will find

W.E.B. DuBois noted in his 1903

Though the intent of the NCLB

his ‘proper place’ and will stay

book, The Souls of Black Folk, that

practice of identifying students

in it. You do not need to send

the color line would be the major

into subgroups was to promote

him to the back door. He will

issue of the 20th Century. Is it the

the closing of the achievement



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