The Overachiever October 2014

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the overachiever international academy central student newspaper

Exero 01, 5555  BLA BLA BLA  1

OCTOBER 2014 Vol. 10 Issue 1 $0.00

Seniors Embrace Nature and Science at Group 4

IA Adopts New Food Policy

Physics, chemistry, biology and ESS students from the Class of 2015 took part in an interdisciplinary science project at Kettenun Center in Tustin and Addison Oaks. by Dylan Dewald (‘15)

Students line up during lunch to pay for their new, healthier meals. (image credit: Emily Nguyen)

New requirements set forth by the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act have transformed IA’s lunch line this fall. by Eleanor Khirallah (‘15) The International Student Center cafeteria has undergone a major makeover this school year by switching to healthier cafeteria lunches. The lunch line now includes a mini salad bar, more fruit options, and healthier snacks, such as baked chips and popcorn. T This change was made by school administration in accordance to a new federal law called the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. Though this law is new to IA as of this year, it was actually first passed in 2010 by the Obama administration. More and more school districts are implementing it each year, according to The Huffington Post. At IA, there has been an increase in the availability of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, a reduction of sodium, trans-fat, and saturated fat levels in meals, and a larger emphasis on meals that meet daily calorie

more inside

recommendations. Once a week, the school caferia must offer dark green, orange, or red vegetables. The daily school lunch must also be limited to 750-850 calories. Snacks in vending machines, which are accessible to students during the entire school day, must be less than 200 calories, have less than 35 percent saturated fat, and have zero grams of trans fat, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Bake sales are not allowed at the school anymore due to the sugar and calorie restrictions placed on food sold during the school day. This presents a problem for many IA clubs, which have previously relied heavily on bake sales as a large source of fundraising revenue. In response, many club leaders and members have to come up with new ideas to fundraise. Aside from affecting the fundraising of IA clubs, the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

Humans of IA [P.5]

(Photo credits (left to right): Sophia Kim,,

has created much controversy among IA students. School lunch prices have been increased in order to afford the new, healthier foods. “I think the idea of being healthier is really good, but the execution is poor,” says Divya Goel (’15). “Being healthy is about food content rather than decreased portion size, increased prices—such as $2.75 for a 10-12 oz carton of juice—and decreased variety.” Other students agree with Goel. “Occasionally there are good days,” says Isaiah Hawkins (’15), “but for the rest I miss just having Jet’s Pizza everyday for lunch like the past few years.” The new requirements have contributed to a very different menu at lunch, and students are still getting adjusted to the changes. As the year goes on, critics and supporters alike will be able to see just how much healthier school lunches affect IA students.

Holograms at NYFW [P.6]

Mid-September marked an important milestone for IA’s senior class: Group 4. Embarking on their journey to either the Kettunen Center or Addison Oaks Park, 147 seniors carried out the Group 4 project. Group 4 is a yearly interdisciplinary science experiment where IB2 students of different sciences work together in order to design, carry out, and analyze the results of their investigation. As yet another requirement of the International Baccalaureate program is fulfilled, the seniors are one step closer to gaining their IB Diplomas. Two thirds of the senior class left on a three-hour bus ride for Kettenun Center » continued, pg. 2

Back-To-School Survival Guide

With school having begun so early in August, most of us are still in summer mode and not exactly ready for school! Here are some general tips to make life at the IA much easier if you’re feeling stress this quarter, whether you are a freshman or a senior. by Richa Shah (‘17) 1. Be confident in yourself and your abilities. Don’t think that just because you have never been good at math, you won’t ever become good at it. You would be surprised how far confidence, positivity, and hard work can take you! 2. Organize your school life because with all kinds of homework, tests, projects, extracurricular activities, and not to mention a social life, planning is a must! Whenever a teacher assigns something and you write it in your planner, write down how much time you think it will » continued, pg.3

Ray Rice and the NFL [P.10]

p.2 | The 2  BLA BLAOverachiever BLA  Exero 01, 5555/ OCTOBER 2014

World news

United States, Allies Retaliate Against ISIS

In response to the Islamic terrorist group ISIS’s recent crimes against the United States and Great Britain, the US and five other countries have launched air strikes. by Rana-Armaghan K. Ahmad (‘16)

and weaponry. During this time, many extremists from around the world joined ISIS, ambitious in establishing a state. Right now, ISIS continues to implement its harsh laws in western Iraq and eastern Syria. Their ultimate goal is to establish a caliphate- a pan Islamic state from Indonesia to Morocco. The persecution of minorities, ethnic cleansings, and oppression of women has left the world in horror. The final straw came late August when the Yazidis, a small ethnic group in Iraq, was threatened with extinction at the hands of ISIS. President Obama vowed action against these extremists and has followed through with a plan. What initially started as relatively light airstrikes in just Iraq has now grown to a full scale attack on ISIS everywhere. The horrific beheadings of James Foley,

U.S. jets and drones, along with its allies Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, France, and the United Kingdom hit Islamic State targets in Syria and Iraq on September 27. The targets included ISIS controlled oil refineries, military vehicles, training camps, and strategic locations. The whole attention of the world is united against ISIS, but how has this small group, originally consisting of 1000 fighters, swelled to more than 30,000 and control an area larger than Great Britain? What exactly does ISIS want? The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) originally started as Al Qaeda in Iraq. Most of its fighters were Iraqi Sunnis and fought against the United States in the 2003 Iraq War. They were concentrated in Anbar, Iraq’s only Sunni province. It took the Explosion of a U.S. air strike on the ISIS-controlled Mosul Dam in Iraq might of America and Iraqi tribes ( in 2005 to destroy this group. For many years after 2005, ISIS was very weak and Steven Sotloff, and David Haines prompted more its fighters were all forced to hide from both American world action against these terrorists. Those three soldiers and Iraq civilians. That all changed when the men were innocent civilians serving humanitarian Syrian revolution in 2011 created a chaotic border duties. Foley and Sotloff were journalists while between Syria and Iraq. These extremists saw the chance Haines was an aid worker in Syria. So far, the strikes against ISIS seem to be taking and quickly moved to fight against the Assad regime. The moderate Syrian rebels initially took in members effect. According to Huffington Post, ISIS makes more of ISIS because they shared a common enemy in Bashar than 3 million dollars a day from its oil refineries. If Al Assad. However, the extreme nature of ISIS became coalition strikes can take out these refineries and evident when they started their campaign of cutting other sources of ISIS capital, then they will have no of peoples’ hands, stoning adulterers, and crucifying money to buy weapons and pay their soldiers. This other rebels. The moderate rebels fought back against strategy of destroying their resources can prevent the ISIS, but were ineffective due to ISIS’s superior discipline deaths of any more innocent civilians and hopefully restore stability in those regions of Syria and Iraq.

Ebola Outbreak Shows No Signs of Stopping

staff PRINCIPAL Ms. Lynne Gibson




SCHOOL NEWS EDITOR Eleanor Khirallah

WORLD NEWS EDITOR Rana-Armaghan K. Ahmad

FEATURES EDITORS Sydney Rosen Alayna Wong

ENTERTAINMENT EDITORS Monali Desai Alaina Valente




CONTRIBUTORS Aakash Beesabathuni Deepali Desai Dylan Dewald Rebecca Driker-Ohren Sophia Kapur Sarah Khan Evan Kolin Richa Shah Rajaa Shoukfeh

Interested in writing or reporting for the Overachiever? Email us at iaoverachiever@gmail. com with your pitch or idea, and we’ll make it happen!

current outbreak is the deadliest and Prevention (CDC) labels as an Ebola outbreak in recorded history. endemic. The current death toll has In less than six months from when topped over 3000 as of September the virus was first discovered by the » continued, pg.4 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ebola has spread to Guinea, Liberia, The world’s largest outbreak Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. of the ebola virus to date Towards the end of shows no signs of slowing August the World Health down. Organization (WHO) by Aakash Beesabathuni (‘16) released a claim stating that there is now also an The fastest growing region of outbreak in the Democratic of Congo. the African continent has been hit Republic with a major Ebola outbreak over Though these nations are all located in West Africa the summer. The Ebola virus is a deadly the virus is beginning to disease that can spread rapidly and enter a condition that the vastly in a short period of time. The Center for Disease Control Map detailing the concentration of Ebola in West Africa (The Economist)

The Overachiever / october 2014 Exero 01, 5555  BLA BLA BLA p.33

features IA Takes the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

A brief history of the viral fundraising and summer cool-off trend that overtook social media. by Sydney Rosen (‘16) In the last two months, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has soaked the nation. The original idea was to contribute $100 to ALS or dump ice water on your head, then nominate three other people to keep the challenge moving. Most people opt to both donate and get soaked, posting the videos on social media. The idea behind the challenge is to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. What started out as a simple summer fad has raised over 100 million dollars for ALS research. It wasn’t just a fun way to cool down over the summer, but pouring ice water over yourself was actually all in the name of charity. After posting their ice bucket videos to social media, participants nominate others to take the plunge and keep the cycle going. If those challenged don’t accept within 24 hours, they’re asked to donate to ALS research or to the charity of their choice. The challenge has spread to celebrities, athletes, and even politicians. Barack Obama opted to writing a check after being nominated by Justin Bieber, LeBron James, and Ethel Kennedy. Charlie Sheen created controversy when he dumped 10 thousand dollars on his head saying, “ice will melt, but this money will actually help people.” Many International Academy students participated in the Ice Bucket Challenge themselves. “Even though the ice bucket challenge has died out now, it definitely had an impact.,” said Selin Levi (‘16). “People are more aware of lesser known diseases and how they can they help draw awareness.” “Actually participating in the challenge was not only fun, but it also inspired me to do some research about the disease itself and alowed me to learn

Survival Guide (CONT. P.3)

take, too. Then, when you actually work on that assignment, you will be able to plan your time accordingly. 3. Finish A-day homework on A-days and B-day homework on B-days (or in other words, don’t procrastinate)! Block scheduling is both a blessing and a curse because you know that you will always have that back up day just in case you can’t finish homework on the day it is assigned, but it is easy to become lazy and push things back for no reason.

This causes you to fall into the trap of finishing your homework the night before it is due and you will be stuck in that trap for the entire week! 4. Talk to your teachers! Every teacher is there to help you, so don’t be intimidated by the difficulty of the class. Eliminate the fear of asking questions because during test time, you will be glad that you asked! Even if you aren’t confused, asking for some feedback or constructive criticism never hurts. That way you can rest assured that you actually understand the concepts

something new,” said Richa Shah (‘17). As the popularity of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge grew, people started to question how the Ice Bucket Challenge was really making a difference. The Los Angeles Times wrote, “The sad news is that we seem to need a viral Internet event to stir us up. And there are so many, disappearing just as fast as they arrive. If this one doesn’t work, lots of people have gotten lots of attention and written big checks that they should have written in private.” But, as far as donations go, Forbes wrote, “The group was able to increase donations from the same time period last year by 3,500 percent,” raising a total of more than 100 thousand dollars towards research for ALS. As popular as this challenge has become, many people still do not know what ALS is or even what it stands for. ALS, an acronym for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, “is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord” according to the organization. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages often become totally paralyzed. While there is currently no cure to ALS, there are treatments that can slow the progression of the disease. Although the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has “dried” out, it raised millions of dollars and raised awareness for an important cause. Many high schoolers, including those of International Academy were able to take something away from the challenge and learn about life-altering effects of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Picture credit: ( correctly. 5. Get involved in school activities! IA literally has a club for everything! From the wellknown ones like HOSA and BuildOn to other interesting ones like Anime and Green Group! Find something that you are even slightly interested in and attend some meetings! You never know what you will end up being passionate about. These clubs give you a chance to meet others who have similar interests as you and to have some fun! 6. Just chill! No matter how stressful some weeks

(or sometimes months) are, everything will work out in the end. This makes it essential to relax from time to time and do something that will not count as homework or studying in any way! Even if you don’t think that you’re stressed, you probably are, so it might be beneficial to binge watch an entire season of Gossip Girl on Netflix once in a while! Hopefully these quick tips will guide you to success and will allow you to discover yourself better during these bittersweet high school years!

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Group Four (CONT. P.1)

Ebola (CONT. P.2)

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Senior class at Kettunen Center in Tustin, MI (credit: Brad Davies); Reflection on the lake at Kettunen on a foggy Tuesday morning (credit: Jenna Wang); Students getting into canoes and kayaks for an afternoon on the lake (credit: Emily Nguyen) on September 14th. With self-chosen teams, students explored the Kettunen Center and the habitats they would use for their experiments. Students determined the design of their investigation on their first night at Kettenun. “Sometimes it was hard to express ideas for everyone to fully comprehend,” said Anna Hoppe (‘15), a biology and chemistry student. “It took a long time to explain things, but it was fascinating to see how the sciences could all come together to embody one concept.” Students gained a more holistic perspective on how different areas of science can come together in nature. Those who went to Addison Oaks shared similar experiences. As an Oakland County Park, Addison Oaks was a close-to-home option for students to carry out their Group 4 experiments. With over 1,000 acres, the park had limitless options for students to investigate. Some students examined crawfish, while others looked at soil quality and nutrient levels. Each experiment was unique and included at least two sciences, exploring the relationship between subject areas that before may have seemed like polar opposites. After a long day of carrying out their experiments, students prepared their Group 4 presentations. Following the analysis and processing of their data, creation of related graphs and charts, and preparation of a visual presentation, students delivered their Group 4 projects to their science teachers. The presentations were interactive and resembled a discussion between students and teachers. The aim of Group 4 was not for students to create

some wildly complex experiment resulting in the discovery of a radical new theory, but instead for students to explore the scientific method, watch their designs evolve in accordance to unpredicted issues, and learn how other sciences relate to their own. “Things don’t always turn out the way you hoped,” said Alex Kalabat (‘15) and Abby Bass (‘15). “ The real lesson roots from how you go about reflecting on your mistakes.” Both students are glad their experiment turned out the way that it did since the objective of Group 4 is to learn, rather than prove what is already known. The Kettunen Center provided outstanding opportunities for students to enjoy themselves outside of their Group 4 experiments. Many participated in pickup games of basketball, volleyball, and football. Kayaks, canoes, and paddleboats were available to take out onto the lake. Every night, a bonfire was lit down by the beach. Seniors sang together, participated in games, plotted for olympics, ate s’mores, and huddled together to keep warm. Students even begged teachers to lecture about the constellations. “Theairandthestarsweresorefreshing,”saidKaiMason (‘15). “It brought me closer with not just the world but everyone else in this class whom I’ve grown to love.” Most students were stressed about their Group 4 projects before arriving to Kettunen, but then they realized that Kettunen was a place where they could relax and enjoy the serenity of nature and the company of their peers, before returning to the college application process, the Extended Essay, and the reality of being back home.

26, 2014 according to TIME Magazine. To prevent an endemic from occurring, the CDC has taken many actions to contain the virus in Western Africa. Unfortunately the CDC’s efforts have not been producing desired results according to the BBC. Ebola has not only damaged human life but is now on the verge of damaging crop life in West Africa as well. The enormity of the outbreak has caused the food industries of Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia to drastically increase prices of common food such as cassava. The price of this good rose more than 150% in the first week of August. The paranoia that has affected the minds of the public is having a detrimental effect in the economy of West Africa. One of West Africa’s largest sources of revenue is tourism and the recent outbreak has decimated the tourist industry in West Africa. In addition, many nations have previously instated flight restrictions to areas that are affected by Ebola. The restrictions have placed a large detriment on the economy of West Africa. Now nations such as the Ivory Coast are lifting flight restrictions in hopes of spurring economic activity in the West African region. Despite the destruction of life and economy in West Africa, the rest of the world is barely responding. In fact President Obama has recently addressed that “we are not reacting fast enough”. After his address, nations are beginning to call for immediate action to respond to the Ebola outbreak. The United States released an official statement on September 25 asking for all developed nations to join and contribute towards the containment and treatment of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Current US actions include sending extra aid to the West African nations such as medicine and doctors qualified to treat Ebola. The United States may also send up to 3,000 troops to assist the treatment for Ebola. As of September 27, less than 10 doctors have went to the West African region and many more are needed in order to clamp down on this outbreak. The doctors who had went to West Africa had treated vast amounts of patients infected with Ebola and had not displayed any Ebola symptoms in West Africa. However, momentarily after the doctors returned to the United States, the symptoms of Ebola were displayed and diagnosised. The reported three cases of Ebola in the United States have caused a widespread fear amongst American citizens and talks of a worldwide endemic. However, reports from the CDC counter that Ebola outbreak is being contained.


Exero 01, 5555  BLA2014 BLA BLA  The Overachiever / June | P.55

IA in Vogue

Robin Williams: The Life and Legacy of a Beloved Entertainer

Fall is a fashion season favorite: it brings trips to the cider mill, golden leaves, and all things pumpkin to mind. Get ready to break out your cozy sweaters, boots, and scarves! See what’s trending this season on the runways and in the hallways of IA.

Whether an alien, nanny, radio show host or genie, Robin Williams was the man who could get anyone to laugh.

by Payge Lindow (‘17)

by Rebecca Driker-Ohren (‘19)

Robin Williams as John Keatings in the 1989 film Dead Poets Society. ( The esteemed actor had been battling depression since early on in his career, and struggled all his life with multiple substance abuse issues. On August 11th, 2014, Robin Williams committed suicide in his home in Tiburon, California. Robin Williams was known for acting, impersonations, and improvising. Born on July 21st, 1951 Chicago, Illinois to former model Laurie McLaurin and Ford Motor Company executive Robert Fitzgerald Williams, he was the youngest child in his family, with one half-brother from each parent. Williams attended school in Lake Forest, Illinois until the age of twelve. His father was transferred to Detroit, and the Williams family moved to Bloomfield Hills, where Robin attended Detroit Country Day Schools until the age of 16. His father then retired, and the family moved to California. Williams didn’t always have his trademark confidence. He was bullied as a child for being overweight, but overcame that when he began to wrestle and run track. After graduating from Redwood High School in California, and being voted “Most Likely Not To Succeed” by his fellow classmates, Williams went on to study political science at Claremont Men’s College, and transferred to the College of Marin to study drama in 1969. Williams later received a full scholarship to The Julliard School in New York City. After leaving Juilliard in 1976, Williams worked in a bar called the Holy City Zoo, where he met his future wife, Valerie Velardi, and performed his first comedy routine was performed. Around this time, Williams first began to abuse various substances. After moving to Los Angeles to pursue his career in comedy, Williams performed at the Comedy Club,

and caught the eye of George Schlatter, a TV producer. Williams began to make a name for himself by perform on several comedy shows. In 1978, Williams played his first large role as Mork, in the TV show Happy Days. He did so well that he then went on to perform in his own spinoff TV show called Mork and Mindy. Williams then went on to play Popeye in the movie Popeye, in 1980. Following Popeye was what many consider Williams’ best movie: Good Morning Vietnam. Williams went on to win won an Academy Award in 1998 for best supporting actor in the movie Good Will Hunting. Williams is also known for his roles in the movies Aladdin, Dead Poets Society, and Mrs. Doubtfire. Two years after marrying his first wife, Valerie Velardi, Robin and Valerie had their first child together, Zachary Pym. After Robin cheated on Velardi, they divorced in 1988. In 1989, Williams married Marsha Garces, who was Zachary’s nanny, and was already pregnant with William’s child, Zelda Rae Williams. Their second child together was Cody Allan Williams, born in 1991. Robin started drinking again in 2006, and as an alcoholic, he checked himself into a rehabilitation center. In 2009, he had his aortic valve replaced. Williams was diagnosed recently with early stage Parkinson’s disease. Soon thereafter in 2010, Williams and Garces divorced. Williams married for the third and final time in 2011, to Susan Schneider. Williams fell victim to a tragic disease that was out of his control at the end of his life, but will be forever remembered by the great contributions he made to film and comedy Robin Williams is described by those close to him as kind, generous, and gentle. Williams was an actor, an improvisor, a comedian, and a father, and he will be dearly missed.

The fall classics are everyone’s favorite: leather jackets, big sweaters, and best of all, layers. Try colored or pattered tights underneath a dress or shorts. Collared shirts under sweaters is a classic way to prep up your outfit. Boots are all the rage as the temperatures drop. Whether it’s knee high boots, ankle booties, or combat boots, you will look boot-iful! Throw on some tall socks accented with lace or buttons to peek above your kicks. Combat boots are perfect to dress down a skirt or dress. Keep warm with fuzzy leg warmers, sky-high boots and leggings. Meanwhile, on

LEXI PLUMAJ (‘15) Lexi’s knit tribal dress (Free People) with leather trim, tights and black combat boots complete the perfect autumn look.

Fernando Gutierrez (’17) Fernando paired trendy khaki-colored joggers (American Eagle) with a classic, light wash chambray shirt (Urban Outfitters) the catwalk, New York Fashion Week introduced trends such as southwestern patterns and shimmery golds. Sweaters with Aztec and far lisle patterns were a staple on the runway. Additionally, the best of the 20th century is being brought back in the fashion world. Look out for bejeweled collars and headbands from the 20s, pastels and A-line dresses from the 60s, high waisted jeans from the 80s, and tops from the 90s. Throw on a pair of high waisted jeans, a graphic tee, and a plaid flannel tied around your waist for a cute and casual look!

p.6 | The 6  BLA BLAOverachiever BLA  Exero 01, 5555/ June 2014

Humans of IA

‘Tis the Season of New Seasons

Inspired by Brandon Stanton’s “Humans of New York” photo blog, “Humans of IAC” aims to share the stories of students and staff at the International Academy Central.

The renewed influx of TV show season premieres is always one of the major highlights of a new school year!

What’s your story?

With busy schedules and homework filled nights, most students do not always get a chance to watch their favorite shows. But once in a no homework weekend or late start, they may find themselves in front of the TV laughing and clinging on to every word, finding themselves thinking about something other than school. From cartoons to comedies, TV has an endless variety of options for anyone to watch. Popular comedies returning this fall include The Mindy Project, The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family and Saturday Night Live. Contributing to this list is the premiere of the new comedy Red Band Society. Red Band Society follows a group of teenagers who live in a hospital’s pediatric ward. Some of the actors for this show are Octavia Spencer, most famous for her role in The Help, and Dave Annable. Though some have compared this new series to Glee, many believe that this show will be nothing like what anyone has seen before. Its goal is to be uplifting to its viewers, rather than be depressing. The popular reality singing show The Voice will also be returning for it’s seventh season this September. In addition to the remaining judges from last year, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton, two new judges will be introduced this season, Gwen Stefani and Mindy Kahling stars as Doctor Mindy Lahiri in the FOX Pharrell Williams. They will comedy show The Mindy Project, which returns to replace season four and six television screens this fall. ( judges Shakira and Usher. This is both Stefani’s and Williams’s first season on The Voice. They may be new to the show, but Stefani has over fifteen years of experience in the music industry, and Williams is one of the biggest pop influences in today’s music. They will no doubt put up a fierce competition. Also returning for another season this fall is the reality show Shark Tank. This show will entertain its viewers with the brilliant and crazy ideas that are considered for investments on the show. The show is revolves around millionaires who look at many American entrepreneurs products and businesses. They eventually invest in one with the hope that the invention will score them and their inventor big bucks. This season will be kicked off with a two hour season premiere. While many old and new TV shows will be starting up again or have already started, favorite shows from over the summer will be forced to come to an end. The season finale of the popular talent competition show America’s Got Talent was aired on September 17. During the season finale, the fan picked winner of one million dollars and their own headline show in Las Vegas was announced. In the end magician Mat Franco, who beat the fan favorite singer Emily West, won the grand prize. With season premieres galore, TV will no doubt draw in many viewers this fall. Many of these shows have recently premiered and are already underway, so get your popcorn and grace days ready for a good time!

by Sophia Kim (‘17)

“My uncle got these for me, so I decided to use them for dances.” - Ana Sahu [9]

“If I were to give myself a title, it would be ‘Leader’.” “’Leader?’” “Just ‘Leader’.” - Danny Salka [9]

by Deepali Desai (‘16)

Dimensions of Fashion At New York Fashion Week, style and innovation collide at the Ralph Lauren S/S show. by Rajaa Shoukfeh (‘16) “Do you think Five Guys is better than McDonald’s?” “No, no! Big Mac! Big Mac! Big Mac for the win! You can’t beat the Golden Arches. It’s 500 calories of pure day and happiness! Sorry. I just get really passionate. When I was eight years old, I had two Big Macs in a row.” - Seraj Desai [11]

It is that time of year again, when the brisk wind of autumn snaps the warm summer breeze into clear focus, signifying the start of a new season. As summer ends and fall begins, we tuck away our polka dot bathing suits and leather sandals to take out our sweaters and scarves.

Meanwhile, in New York, some of the most influential figures in the fashion world are doing some prepping of their own. The city is filled with the clicks of thin stilettos and swishing fabric. Designers, fashion editors, bloggers and celebrities rush to New York to attend the most esteemed fashion event of the year: New York Fashion Week. Fashion Week is the time when designers can showcase their collections for the upcoming seasons. The fashion calendar is 6 months ahead of our regular calendar. What you see during fall fashion week are the trends and collections of Spring/Summer 2015. A lot happens during the short 7 day span of the event, from charity events, gala dinners, and, most importantly, the runway shows.

» continued, pg. 8


The Desire for a Greater Detroit Whenever you hear news about Detroit, you can almost always assume that it won’t be something positive. That’s why the need for Detroit Soup is important now more than ever.

Exero 01, 5555  BLA2014 BLA BLA  The Overachiever / June | p.77

A Grade Above Are you an underclassman looking for a little peer-to-peer guidance on school, life, and everything in-between? Welcome to The Overachiever’s new advice column, where you will find helpful tips and encouragement from a grade (or two) above. by Zoe Hunter (‘17)

by Sophia Kapur (‘19) DEAR FRESHMEN:

Soup bowls at Detroit Soup. (Model D Media) “5 dollars please,” a smiling lady seated near the door says. As we drop our money in the bucket on the table in front of her, I can’t help but look around in amazement. Laughter and conversation fill the spacious room. I notice low tables with small clusters of people sitting on the surrounding floor. Freshly baked bread is being passed around among old and new friends. Pacing back and forth, someone is perfecting their pitch. Detroit Soup is not your average ‘help-the-city’ project. This place is much more interesting, exciting, and motivating. Once you step foot in the old building; trivial things such as race, ethnicity, and level of income are suddenly unseen. Everyone and anyone is welcome to participate. So what exactly is Detroit Soup? This is a place where the community can come together and hear about creative projects that work hard to turn the city around. These projects are run by people who are slowly but surely erasing Detroit’s negative reputation, one step at a time. Four different organizations pitch their concepts and ideas, proving their reason behind and their plan on how to achieve a change. Some projects include the organization Clean Up Detroit, a local business dedicated to removing debris from abandoned lots, and another project that supplies families in poverty with diapers for their children. After learning about four projects like these, the people of Detroit Soup then decide which one of them is worthy enough to receive donations. Remember those 5 dollars? Everyone pays a suggested donation of 5 dollars to enter the building. As you can imagine, this adds up to be a large amount of money. All of the donations go collectively towards the creative project that wins the vote of the majority. It is a sense of satisfaction to be a part of the voting procedure that will eventually lead to a better Detroit. Here is where the soup part comes in. The people who attend the event regularly usually bring a locally-made soup or salad to share for dinner. The food is set up in another room that can be easily identified by the rapid growing line. People can’t wait to see and taste what was brought. Deciding who deserves your vote can be a difficult decision. Discussion turns in to debate over who is voting for what project. As these conversations fill the room, one by one everyone takes their turn at the makeshift voting booth - on the honor system. All the debates and talking are soon drowned by the growling of empty stomachs. The soup bowls are empty. The salad is gone. All that is left of the bread is just crumbs. Everyone is eagerly anticipating the big reveal. Every month, someone walks away knowing that now they can help even more people with the donation they worked hard to deserve. The need for Detroit Soup is important now, more than ever. When you hear news about Detroit, you can almost always assume that it won’t be something positive. This is because the majority of people only have access to part of the story—negative aspects of Detroit portrayed by the media. They don’t know about the little things that make all the difference. They don’t know about the people working day after day in the community with no other reward than knowing in their heart that they helped someone. They don’t know about the people cleaning up abandoned lots, or caring for children in poverty. These people who are making such positive impact deserve the spotlight. Detroit Soup is a wonderful way for anyone in our area to have their ideas heard, supported, and funded. Just being at a place like this will make you feel inspired to make a change. Hearing people so passionate about what they are doing is so motivating. It is such a special thing to be surrounded by people who truly care about making a difference. You will feel as if you could change the world, with the desire to give back boiling up inside of you—just like a pot of soup.

Congratulations on your 2nd month of IA, and not only that, but on high school! You’ve made it! Middle school is now over and you are finally here…in the mysterious, amazing, and lifechanging place that is supposed to be the “best four years of your life”. I’m not sure about high school being the “best four years of your life” but I can surely testify that high school is a place that will change you. How it changes you is up to you and you only. Will you become a better person here? Will you be known for your artistic talents, your presentation skills (speech! You will learn to enjoy it), your style, or your amazing personality? All of these factors again are the result of your actions and whatever situations you find yourself in in life, not just high school. Let me tell you something, my freshman readers, that you have probably heard before: “These four years will fly by”. Now I don’t mean to say this to scare you or make you think that you won’t be able to enjoy all that high school has to offer. What I mean is, make your time here count. And I say this with the utmost sincerity. Looking back as a junior now, its hard to think that two years ago I was fresh out of junior high. Now, what I have to look forward to are IB Exams, the ACT, and college. What I want you to keep in mind until the next column of “A Grade Above” is this: Participate, keep an open mind, laugh, enjoy things and life, and most importantly, learn how to be balanced. Dear sophomores: Welcome back. You have survived year one of IA--give yourselves a pat on the back! So, sophomore year…with one year down and three left to go, I bet at least some of you are feeling the effects of being caught in the middle. You know, the point where you feel like you’re an upperclassmen because you aren’t a freshman anymore, but you still kind of feel like you are because while you are older, you are still younger than the juniors and seniors above you. It’s okay to feel that way, because I and my fellow peers felt that feeling too, and eventually you will be too caught up with physics and chemistry to even bother to think about that. For now, enjoy your last year of MYP before IB and enjoy being a sophomore, because even though you have already completed freshman year and you are supposed to know the “unwritten rules of high school” by now, you can still make mistakes and sometimes get away with them. It won’t be that easy junior year. Good luck and remember to make sophomore year your year!

8  BLA BLAOverachiever BLA  Exero 01, 5555/ June 2014 p.8 | The

HeForShe: The New Feminist Movement Emma Watson’s speech on the involvement of men in fighting for women’s rights at the United Nations wasn’t perfect, but nonetheless sparked a powerful global intiative for social change. by Sarah Khan (‘16)

British actress Emma Watson, 24, representing HeForShe at the United Nations in New York (The Guardian) Recently, famous Harry Potter actress and newly-appointed U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson delivered an emotional and powerful speech at the United Nations headquarters on Saturday, September 20th, 2014 to launch the HeForShe gender equality campaign. Highlights of her speech are as follows: “I was appointed six months ago and the more I have spoken about feminism the more I have realized that fighting for women’s rights has too often

become synonymous with man-hating. If there is one thing I know for certain, it is that this has to stop. “For the record, feminism by definition is: ‘The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.’” Watson addressed the issue of feminism on a new and inspiring front. Her innovative approach has broken gender barriers in itself.

Fashion (CONT.

Involving both men and women in the fight, she has evened the playing field. The argument of feminism is no longer an issue of men versus women. Watson eloquently dissected stereotypes of feminism to lay out a new vision of a world in which men and women are united. Although I am bothered by how geared her speech was written to persuade men, I believe it was a necessary first step. I commend Watson for taking this risk, but disapprove of her apologetic tone about ‘man-hating.’ Calling on men to participate in the fight for gender equality, her speech has already had

profound effect. Actors, musicians, and politicians from around the world have expressed their support for the movement via social media. Posting pictures and tweeting out the hashtag, #HeforShe, celebrities are using their fame in a very admirable way. Her involvement alone has simulated raging support for the entire movement. Although this aspect of following is pretentious, and lacking in vision, I commend Watson for using her celebrity in such a meaningful way. She reminds me very much of Angelina Jolie. I cannot wait to see what Emma Watson will do next. Following the introduction of the movement, Watson went on to outline her experience of sexism, which started at the age of eight when she was called “bossy” because she wanted to direct school plays, adding that her male classmates weren’t described in the same way. This brings to mind a recent quote from Beyoncé, a self-pronounced, unapologetic feminist: “I’m not bossy. I am the boss.” This made her speech personal, however, I believe that in doing so, she addressed only “firstworld” forms of sexism. I believe Watson could have spoken more generally, as the severity of sexism in third and second world countries far outweigh circumstances we find in Europe and North America. Understanding that hundreds of speeches were read that day, I understand objectivity of Watson’s choice. However, the application of the HeforShe movement around the world has the potential to open more doors for more women in more countries. Perhaps, once successful, the movement will develop to involve everyone. We’ll have to see. For now, let’s continue to spread the word about HeForShe.


The most impressive of the runway shows at this year’s NY Fashion Week was without a doubt the Ralph Lauren fashion show. While Fashion Week is known for its innovativness in terms of fashion, technology isn’t strutting down the runways. The Ralph Lauren fashion show was one of a kind, as it was a mix of fashion and innovation. On an open grassy area in Central Park, a towering fourstory hologram of Lauren’s 2015 collection made its way across the surreal runway. No models, no fabric, no accessories--just holograms. Ralph Lauren used water screen projection to achieve this

Holographic models strolled down a virtual 4D runway at the Ralph Lauren fashion show. ( captivating effect. The show takes you on a visual journey through the world of Ralph Lauren. Viewers were invited to witness a first in the fashion world. Thumping music filled the air as viewers watched the mesmerizing

show come to an end, as a hologram this be the next step in the evolution of Lauren himself appeared to take a of fashion? bow. full footage of the Show Ralph Lauren took Fashion Week can be found online at to the next dimension. The fashion watch?v=6tIZa9Sh444 world is always changing, so could


Exero 01, 5555  BLA2014 BLA BLA  The Overachiever / June | p.99

MLB World Series and Award Predictions The debate will never end until we find out the actual results, but for now, here are some predictions for who will take home Major League Baseball’s biggest prizes and most coveted honors.

Student Athlete of the Month Every month, an exceptional student athlete is chosen to be recognized in this column. October’s Student Athlete of the Month is sophomore track and volleyball star, Karrington Baisden. by Adrienne Joe (‘17)

by Evan Kolin (‘19) The 2014 MLB season was an exciting one, filled with tight playoff races, spectacular seasons, and the retirement of an all-time great. While the biggest baseball story of the year may have been Derek Jeter’s final year after leading the New York Yankees to five World Series championships, he will not be taking home any World Series trophies or MLB awards come this autumn. Here are The Overachiever’s predictions for the recipients of Major League Baseball’s biggest awards. World Series Prediction: Los Angeles Dodgers over Detroit Tigers The most important thing in the playoffs is pitching, something that both the LA Dodgers and Detroit Tigers have . Courtesy of Clayton Kershaw and Zack Greinke, The Dodgers are home to possibly thepg. best » continued, 8 1-2 tandem in baseball. On the other hand, the Tigers have the American League’s last three Cy Young award winners: Max Scherzer, David Price, and Justin Verlander. However, the Tigers’ aces are not pitching at Cy Young level this season, making it fair to assume that the Dodgers are going to break Detroit’s hearts once again.

Name: Karrington Baisden Grade: 10th Sport(s): Track & Field, Volleyball Name of High School/Other Teams: New Breed Training Group, Motor City Track Club, Groves JV Volleyball

What’s something you enjoy about playing a sport for your home high school? It’s an escape from academics. Also, it’s nice to have goals where you can improve each week, and being able to see your results at track meets. What are some extra efforts you give in order to play your sport? I remember last year, I had track meets every Saturday, I would have to get up at 6am and drive to Ohio, and then we would be there all day until 5pm, and then Sunday I would have to study and do homework. Is there another athlete out there (professional or nonprofessional) who inspires you? When I was little, I really looked up to Serena and Venus Williams-- that’s when I played tennis. Right now, it’s probably my older sister. She ran track too. Her work ethic, her effort, and her drive...I’ve seen many really good athletes before, but I’ve never seen anyone like her. What is the latest you’ve stayed up while finishing homework after a game/event? I’m gonna say 3 am, because during the indoor season, we had track meets at U of M and they go until 1 or 2 am!

Chicago White Sox star Jose Abreu bats against the Minnesota Twins (Jonathan Daniel, Getty Images)

AL Rookie of the Year- Jose Abreu, Chicago White Sox Perhaps if Yankees starter Masahiro Tanaka had not gotten injured in July, this may have been one of baseball’s closest award races. Tanaka, with one start to go, went 13-4 with a 2.47 ERA in only 129.1 innings. Although things might go differently on other terms, Jose Abreu of the White Sox has a .317 average, with 36 home runs and 107 RBIs, making him a deserving winner. NL Rookie of the Year- Jacob DeGrom, New York Mets Billy Hamilton (Reds), the preseason favorite for NL Rookie of the Year, placed second in the majors with 56 stolen bases, but his miserable .250 average, .292 on-base percentage, and .355 slugging percentage have nothing on Mets star Zack DeGrom’s terrific 2.63 ERA and 144 strikeouts in 140 innings. AL Cy Young- Felix Hernandez, Seattle Mariners Felix Hernandez has been the American League’s best pitcher all year, though there are many other candidates that make great cases, specifically Corey Kluber (Indians), Jon Lester (Red Sox), and Chris Sale (White Sox). Hernandez, who has a 14-6 record with a 2.34 ERA, was able to lift a lowly Mariners team into playoff contention, something that is not easy to do. » continued, pg. 10

Describe one of the highlights or favorite moments of your athletic career. AAU Junior Olympics 2012, where my team ran the 4x4 and we ended up coming 7th in the nation! Standing on the medal stand, saying our names and receiving medals, I felt really proud that I had worked up to it. Another favorite memory was passing the baton to my sister, during a 4x2 relay. Do you ever feel nervous while competing? Yes. Honestly, right when I wake up, I’m just quiet...I have reruns of previous races and what I was thinking. I’m so nervous that I can’t eat. But then when I’m on the line, and I’m stretching, I guess it turns into energy, as everyone says. As corny as that sounds, it’s true. And when the gun goes off, you just drive out of the block, and then, you’re not nervous anymore. Do you plan on continuing track and volleyball for the rest of high school, or even college? For volleyball, I think this is my last year. But track, that’s what I’ve decided to do, and I’m going to do it through college.

If you would like to nominate the next Student Athlete of the Month (it could be yourself!), contact Adrienne Joe at!

Overachiever / June 2014 10 p.10 BLA| The BLA BLA  Exero 01, 5555

What Ray Rice Shows Us About the NFL It is hard to think about the NFL without acknowledging the shameful public image the League has put itself in with regards to the recent domestic abuse scandal involving Ray Rice. by Max Totsky (‘16) Now that the NFL season is among us, Sundays have a little more the NFL’s decision to suspend Rice for a mere two games. Interestingly flavor to them. There has always been something rather positive enough, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell claims that, to his knowledge, about sitting down and watching your favorite team play with the “no one in the NFL” had seen the tape that was sent to them. The intention of winning a seven-pound, sterling silver trophy. However, truthfulness of this entire statement is extremely questionable, but this season has not been dominated by competition and good vibes either way, the NFL is part of a colossal screw up. If it is true, then the Headlines have centered around domestic abuse and general league’s investigatory and disciplinary network is clearly incompetent. incompetence instead of the game itself. Even if it does not take away If it is not true, then there is something even darker behind all of this. from the fun of watching the sport, there is something harsh and blunt The NFL appears to put its image above anything else, including the about seeing athletes like Ray Rice or Adrian Peterson, who are practically safety of its own players, and does not want to sacrifice the career of one of worshipped by the mammoth football-watching communities in their cities, their big name athletes unless they are forced to. The public’s reaction to the exposing themselves as something much more flawed than touchdown- horrific footage published by TMZ is the pressure they needed. The indirect scoring machines. Separating aftermath of the incident the athlete from the has gotten narcissistically human being is practically bizarre, epitomized by the impossible, but the NFL needs league’s decision to pull a a firmer stance on when Rihanna performance from they intend to draw the line. one of the games because it lacked the “appropriate For those lacking context, tone”. Of course, Rihanna is the world was shocked when the victim of possibly the it was revealed that Ray Rice, highest profile domestic superstar running back from abuse case of the century, the Baltimore Ravens, was so this attempt to clear charged with assault of his up the NFL’s appearance fiancée Janay Palmer after a completely backfired when physical altercation in early it was suggested that they 2014. A whole new grim were punishing Rihanna dimension was added to the for Ray Rice’s actions. It is story when celebrity news gaffes like this that have website TMZ released brutal turned the NFL’s handling of CCTV footage of Rice knocking this event into an incessant Palmer out and dragging cringe-fest, captured by her body out of an elevator. the league’s tendency to Once this video was released blindly do whatever it thinks to the public, what was once will make people like it. a two-game suspension After the Ray Rice fiasco, turned into an indefinite one, news emerged that an even topped off with Rice being bigger star, Adrian Peterson Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice (The Denver Post) released by the Ravens. This of the Minnesota Vikings, was facing seems fair; domestic abusers a long suspension for child abuse. This is not new; athletes have been should not be idolised and paid in eight digits regardless of how athletically talented they are. However, the problem is not the indefinite suspension getting into trouble ever since professional sports began. Nonetheless, in a but the motives behind it. The timing of the NFL’s choice to enforce more modern era where attitudes towards situations like these are getting more serious disciplinary action appears to have a lot more to do with the and more pronounced, it is sad to see such an influential establishment league’s image than punishing criminals, with some doubters going as far cater so sloppily towards the people that make up their payroll: the fans. It as to insist the league must have been involved in some type of cover-up. is natural that the NFL want the highest public opinion possible. However, As tempted as you might be to give the league the benefit of the doubt, even if nothing will ever really take the joy out of watching a football game, the way they chose to deal with the controversy suggests otherwise. things like this make it harder to willfully dish out money to a company that Obviously, one might be asking how the NFL would know the extent of seems to have no idea what it is doing. Although Peterson and Rice need to Ray Rice’s situation without watching the video. They wouldn’t. However, be punished for their actions, it would be much more comfortable if it felt multiple law enforcement officials claim to have submitted video like the penalty was for harming their loved ones, not their employers. footage to the league around the time of the incident, coinciding with

Predictions (CONT. P.9) NL Cy Young- Clayton Kershaw, Los Angeles Dodgers Clayton Kershaw showed no mercy to NL batters from the moment he first stepped onto the field on opening day. There have been numerous other great seasons from pitchers in the NL, such as Johnny Cueto (Reds) and Adam Wainwright (Cardinals), but nobody in the MLB had a season like Kershaw.

NL MVP- Clayton Kershaw, Los Angeles Dodgers This could be the first time since 1968 that a pitcher wins the MVP award. Clayton Kershaw led all of baseball with a microscopic 1.77 ERA and 21 wins, and could win the NL pitching triple crown*. Giancarlo Stanton (Marlins) had a case for a while, but after Stanton’s season ended with a pitch to the face, I think Kershaw has a great chance.

AL MVP- Mike Trout, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim After two years of coming second to Detroit’s Miguel Cabrera, this might be Hopefully, this article helped you figure out what to expect in the Mike Trout’s chance to finally win this award. With Cabrera’s power slumping, coming months as the MLB season wraps up. Now, all we can do is wait things are looking good for Trout. He will have to beat out another Tiger and see what happens. slugger, Victor Martinez, in order to do so. However, Trout’s all around play and 2014 power outburst should make him one of the youngest MVP’s ever.

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The Overachiever 2014BLA  | p.11 Exero 01, 5555 / June BLA BLA 11

by Anna Hoppe (‘15)

Picture of the Month

Seniors cheer on cars at the break of dawn in the parking lot entrance on Olympics Day, October 3rd. Check out our next issue for exclusive Olympics coverage and review! (picture by: Emily Nguyen)

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