12 Things I’ve Learnt in 12 Freelance Years

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12 THINGS Ian Sanders, 2012

“12 Things I’ve Learnt In 12 Freelance Years”

1) Charge by the project, not by your time. If you’re quick at solving problems, then charging by the hour or day is flawed. Tell the client what the cost is for the project, not what your day rate is.

2) Be able to change fast. However you may try and plan, change happens in the blink of an eye as projects get pulled or the marketplace changes. So be prepared to change tack or reinvent yourself in a flash. It really will happen that fast so don’t be too surprised.

3) Value is *only* in execution. Don’t just come up with the ideas for your client; make them happen too. The value is not in the idea, it’s in the actions and execution; and that’s where you’ll find the measurable results.

4) Invest in relationships. Continually nurture and water your network of contacts: i.e. the bunch of people you know, do business with, and hang out with. You will only get a return if you put something in; so don’t take relationships for granted.

5) Mediocrity is the enemy. Compete on excellence, be the one who goes the extra mile, be uber-professional and do work you’re proud of. That simple.

6) Feed your soul. Invest in your education and selfdevelopment even when times are tough. Go to that conference, visit that museum; remember - inspiration out relies on inspiration in.



7) Develop by-products. You might be more successful if you think plural not singular, so identify your by-products and add more strings to your bow.

8) Don’t act like IBM if you’re a one person business. Contracts, terms and conditions, NDAs? Fine if you’re a big corporation, not if you’re a freelancer. I do business with decent people I want to work with, my relationships are founded on trust not contracts.

9) Know when to press pause. There’ll be ups and downs working for yourself; make sure you have a mechanism for coping with stress and switching off (twelve years in, I’m still working on it...).

10) Have the confidence to do it your way. Don’t be something you’re not. Be confident about your own business style, the way you do things and who you are - and get your clients to love that about you.

11) Be a good storyteller. Storytelling is the new marketing. Be adept at selfpromotion and use all the tools at your disposal to tell your story online.

12) Know Your Differentiator: make sure you know what your differentiator is, whether it’s your backstory or your niche. You’ll have to be different, especially in the abundant market of the freelancer.

doodles by Zoe Sanders

Check out Ian Sanders’ books: Leap! Ditch Your Job, Start Your Own Business & Set Yourself Free Juggle! Rethink Work, Reclaim Your Life Zoom! The Faster Way To Make Your Business Idea Happen http://tinyurl.com/IanonAmazon



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